Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product MW1660WA/BA van de fabrikant Samsung
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Code No.: DE68-000 64C-02 3 2 1 6 5 4 9 8 7 0 Micr owave Oven Owner ’ s Manual ME1060WB/BB/SB ME1260WB/BB/SB ME1460WB/BB/SB MW1030W A/BA/SB MW1060W A/BA MW1 150W A/BA MW1230W A/BA MW1235W A/BA MW125.
2 S AVE T HESE I NSTRUCTIONS Safety P RECAUTIONS TO A VOID P OSSIBLE E XPOS URE TO E XCESSIV E M ICROWA VE E NERGY : (a) Do not att empt to operate this ov en with the door open since open-door op eration can r esult in harmful exposure t o micr owave energy.
3 S AVE T HESE I NSTRUCTIONS Safety Important Safety I nst ructions, continued • Do n ot store th is ap pliance outdoors . Do no t use near water – fo r exam ple, near a kitchen s ink, in a wet basem ent, or near a s wimm ing pool, etc. • Kee p the inside of the oven c lean.
4 S AVE T HESE I NSTRUCTIONS Safety I MPORTANT G ROUNDING I NSTRUCTIONS This appli ance must be grounded. In the event of an elec trical short ci rcuit, gr ounding reduc es the risk of el ectric sho ck by providi ng an escape wire for the el ec trical cur rent.
5 Y our New Microwave oven Table of Contents Safety .......... ...... ... ....... ... ...... .... ...... ... ....... ... ....... ... ...... ... ....... ... .... 2 Your New Microwave oven..... ......... .......... ....... ......... .......... ...... . 5 Table of Contents .
6 Y our New Microwave oven Warranty and Service Info rmation To h elp us be tter serve you, p lease co mplet e the encl osed regi stratio n card and prom ptly return it by mail . If the re gistration card is m issing, you can ca ll Samsu ng Electron ics Amer ica, Inc.
7 Y our New Microwave oven Control Panel Buttons ME106 0WB/B B/SB ME126 0WB/B B/SB, ME 1460WB /BB/SB MW10 60WA/B A, MW12 60WA/B A MW14 60WA/B A, MW16 60WA/B A 1. One Minute+ p.16 Press o nce fo r every mi nute of co oking at High Pow er 2. Clock p.12 Sets cu rrent time.
8 Y our New Microwave oven Control Panel Buttons MW12 55WA/B A, MW14 55WA/B A 1. One Minute+ p.16 Press o nce fo r every mi nute of co oking at High Pow er 2. Auto Defros t p.17 Sets weig ht of food to be defro sted. 3. Instant Cook Butto ns p.13 Instant settin gs to coo k popula r foods .
9 Y our New Microwave oven Control Panel Buttons MW11 50WA/B A, MW12 50WA/B A 1. One Minute+ p.16 Press o nce fo r every mi nute of co oking at High Pow er 2. Auto Defros t p.17 Sets weig ht of food to be defro sted. 3. Instant Cook Butto ns p.13 Instant settin gs to coo k popula r foods .
10 Y our New Microwave oven Control Panel Buttons MW10 30WA/B A/SB 1. One Minute+ p.16 Press o nce fo r every mi nute of co oking at High Pow er 2. Auto Defros t p.17 Sets weig ht of food to be defro sted. 3. Instant Cook Butto ns p.13 Instant settin gs to coo k popula r foods .
11 Y our New Microwave oven Control Panel Buttons MW12 30WA/B A, MW12 35WA/B A MW14 30WA/B A 1. One Minute+ p.16 Press o nce fo r every mi nute of co oking at High Pow er 2. Instant Cook Butto ns p.13 Instant settin gs to coo k popula r foods . 3. Number Buttons Sets co oking tim es or am ounts and power le vels oth er than hig h.
12 Operation Turning on the Power and S electing a Weight The firs t time yo u plug the power c ord into an outlet, o r after th ere has been an interrupti on in power, the disp lay shows “ ” At this p oint, you ca n sel ect the w eight sy stem for the dis play.
13 Operation Using the Instant Cook Butto ns 1 Pres s the Instant Cook butt on corresp ondin g to the foo d you are cookin g ( Popcorn , for examp le). The di splay s hows the fi rst serving si ze. (“ENTER” and “QTY.” wi ll flash): 2 Press the button rep eatedl y to sele ct the se rving siz e you w ant.
14 Operation Instant Cook Chart Using the Handy Help er Button 1. Press the Handy Helper bu tton corres pondi ng to the fo od you ar e cooking . The disp lay show “A-1”.(cod e of item) Press the Handy Helper button repea tedly to s elect the item you want.
15 Operation Using the Kids Meals Button 1. Press the Kids Meal s button c orrespondi ng to t he food yo u are cooking. The displ ay shows “A-1”(Code of i tem). Press the Kids Meal s butt on repe atedly to selec t the item you want.(Refer t o the Kids M eals Cha rt below) 2.
16 Operation Using the One Minute + But ton This b utton of fers a con venient wa y to h eat food in one-minu te increm ents a t the High p ower lev el. 1 Pres s the One Minute + but ton once f or each minute you wish to cook th e food. For e xample, pres s it twice for two minute s.
17 Operation Defrosting Automatically To thaw fro zen food , set the wei ght of the food and t he microwa ve automa ticall y sets t he defro sting tim e, power le vel an d standin g time. 1 Pres s the Auto Defrost button. Th e display shows “0.5 lbs.
18 Operation Setting Cooking T imes & Power Levels, continued Some rec ipes req uire differe nt stages of cook ing at diff erent tempera tures. You can s et multipl e stages of cooki ng with your micro wave. Multi-stage Cooking 1 Follow steps 1 and 2 in th e “One-Stag e Cook ing” se ction on the previ ous page .
19 Operation Using the Kitchen Timer 1 Pres s the Kit chen Ti mer button. 2 Use th e Number buttons to set the lengt h of time you want the timer to run. 3 Press Start to be gin Kitch en Timer. 4 The dis play cou nts do wn and beep s when the time h as el apsed.
20 Cooking Inst ructions Cooking Utensils Recommended Use • Glass a nd glass-ce ramic bo wls an d dishes — U se for heati ng or cooki ng. • Microwa vab le browni ng dish — Us e to brow n the e xt erio r of s mall items such as steak s, chops , or pan cakes.
21 Cooking Inst ructions Cooking Techniques Stirring Stir foo ds such as casser oles and ve geta bles whi le cook ing to dis tribut e heat ev enly. Food at th e outside of the dish absorbs more ene rgy and heats m ore quic kly, so stir from the outs ide to the center.
22 Cooking Inst ructions Cooking Guide Guide for Cooking Meat i n Your Microwave • Place m eat on a m icrowave-s afe roast ing rack in a micr owave-safe dish. • Start meat fat-side do wn. Use n arrow strips o f aluminum fo il to shie ld any bon e tips or thin meat areas.
23 Cooking Inst ructions Guide for Cooking Seafood in Your Microwave • Cook fis h until i t flakes eas ily with a fork. • Place fi sh on a m icrowav e-safe roa sting rack in a mic rowave-safe dish. • Use a tight cover to s team fish. A lighte r co ver of wax pap er or paper towel provides less st eamin g.
24 Cooking Inst ructions Auto Defrosting Guide • Follow the instruc tions b elow when d efrosti ng dif ferent t ypes of foo d. Notes Check foo ds when the ov en si gna ls . Afte r th e final st age , s ma ll s ec tio ns may sti ll be i cy; let t hem stand to conti nue tha wing.
25 Cooking Inst ructions Recipes Beef an d Barl ey Stew 1½ lbs . beef ste w cubes , cut into ½-inch p ieces ½ cup chopp ed onion 2 Tbs. all-pu rpose flo ur 1 Tbs W orcesters hire sauc e 1 can (1 3.75-14.5 oz.) be ef broth 2 medi um carrots , cut into ½-inch s lices (abou t 1 cu p) ½ cup barley 1 bay le af ¼ tsp.
26 Cooking Inst ructions Warm Potato Salad 2 lbs. small red potato es, cut i nto ½-inc h pieces 4 slic es baco n (uncook ed), cu t into ½-in ch pi eces ¼ cup chopp ed onion 2 tsp. sugar 1 tsp. s alt 1 tsp. f lour ½ tsp. celery s eed 1 / 8 tsp. pepper 2½ Tbs .
27 Appendix Troubleshooting Guide Before y ou call a repair pers on for you r oven , check this list of possi ble prob lem s and solu tion s. Neither the oven’ s display nor the oven operate. • Prope rly insert the plug i nto a grou nded ou tlet. • If the ou tlet is controll ed by a wal l switc h, make sure the wa ll switc h is tu rned on.
28 Appendix Specifications Model Nu mber ME1060WB/ BB/SB Oven Cavi ty 1.0c uft Controls 10 po wer leve ls, incl uding defr ost Timer 99 minutes, 99 seco nds Power Source 120 VAC, 60 Hz Power Out put 1.
29 Appendix Specifications Model Nu mber MW1230W A/BA, MW1250 WA/BA MW1260W A/BA Oven Cavi ty 1.2c uft Controls 10 po wer leve ls, incl uding defr ost Timer 99 minutes, 99 seco nds Power Source 120 VA.
30 Appendix Specifications Model Nu mber MW1460W A/BA Oven Cavi ty 1.4c uft Controls 10 po wer leve ls, incl uding defr ost Timer 99 minutes, 99 seco nds Power Source 120 VAC, 60 Hz Power Out put 1100.
31 W arranty Warranty Information SAMSUNG MICROW A VE OVEN This SAMSU NG brand product , as supplied and distributed by SAMSUN G ELECTRONI CS AMERIC A, INC.
32 W arranty SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS Subject to the requi rements, c ondition s, exclu sions and li mitations of the Origin al Limite d Warranty supplie d with Sam sung Ele ctronics (SAMSUNG ) products , .
33 Note.
34 Note.
35 Guía Rápida( Spanish) Función Operac ión Ajuste de Reloj 1. Presione CLOCK. 2. Use bo tones nu mérico s para se lecc ionar hora. 3. Presione s CLOCK d e nuev o. Cocinado F ase simpl e 1. Us e boton es numé ricos para sele ccionar tiempo. 2. Selecci one nive l de po der o deje alto.
Quick Reference( English) Feature Operati on Set Clock 1. Press CLOCK. 2. Use numb er butto ns to ent er the curre nt time. 3. Press CLOCK again . One Stag e Cooking 1. Us e number b uttons to set co oking ti me. 2. Set pow er level o r leave at high.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Samsung MW1660WA/BA (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Samsung MW1660WA/BA heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Samsung MW1660WA/BA vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Samsung MW1660WA/BA leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Samsung MW1660WA/BA krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Samsung MW1660WA/BA bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Samsung MW1660WA/BA kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Samsung MW1660WA/BA . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.