Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DX4104 Series van de fabrikant Pelco
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OPERA TION/CONFIGURA TION C4632M (11/09) Client Software Application DX4104 Series Digital V ideo Recorder.
2 C4632M (11/09).
C4632M (11/09) 3 Contents Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 C4632M (11/09) Export Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Exporting Standard Data .
C4632M (11/09) 5 Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Appendix A: Hardwar e and Software Upgrad e Policy .
C4632M (11/09) 6 List of Illustrations 1 Client Application Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2 View Panes and View Panel .
C4632M (11/09) 7 60 Security Warning Dialog Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 61 Web Client Application Window .
8 C4632M (11/09) List of T ables A File Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 B View Menu .
C4632M (11/0 9) 9 Description The DX4104 Series digital video recor der (DVR) is designed for the entry- level market. The unit provid es one to four camera inp uts, powerful video storage manage ment with efficient H.
10 C4632M (11/09) Important Notice V IDEO QUALITY CAUTION FRAME RA TE NOTICE REGARDING USER-SELECTED OPTIONS Pelco systems are capable of providing high quality vid eo for both live viewing an d playback.
C4632M (11/0 9) 11 Product Overview CLIENT APPLICATION WINDOW Figure 1. Client Application Window ì Site T ree: Displays top-down, hierar chical management of DX4104 re sources, such as servers, cameras, alarms, and re lays.
12 C4632M (11/09) MENU BAR The DX4104 M enu bar allows you to access the File, View , and Help men u features. T he following ta bles describe t he menu command s. FILE MENU VI EW M E N U HELP MENU T able A. File Menu Command Description Connect Establish co nnection be tween the Cli ent applicatio n and DX4104 server .
C4632M (11/0 9) 13 GUI T OOLBAR T able D. GUI T oolbar Features and Functions Live: Displays the main application window . Search: Opens the Search window . Setup: Opens the Se tup window . Export: Opens the Export dialog box. Print: Opens the Print dialog box.
14 C4632M (11/09) V IEW PANES AND PANELS The DX4104 Client view pan el is organized into panes. Vi deo from each camera appears in its own view pane. Figure 2. View Panes and V iew Panel ì View Panel: Displays video in 1 to 16 panes. î View Pane: Di splays video from a single camera.
C4632M (11/0 9) 15 SITE T REE The Site T ree provides access to remote site resources (camer as and alarm inputs). T o select a camera fr om the site tree, drag a camera to a pane. The Site T ree information reflects the curren t remote server configuration.
16 C4632M (11/09) PTZ CONTROL The PTZ cont rol can be used to operate and configure cameras that ha ve been configured for PTZ op eration, including those th at support Pelco P and Pelco D p rotocols an d third-part y dome camera s. Figure 4. PTZ Control ZOOM: Zooms the camera in and out.
C4632M (11/0 9) 17 Figure 5. PTZ OSD Menu Control ì Enter: ( Third-party camera s only ) Pro vides the following act ions: • Displays the selected remote ca mera OSD menu for PTZ cameras. • Accepts the selecte d remote camera OSD menu choice. • Accesses menu opti on paramete rs.
18 C4632M (11/09) LIVE ON-SCREEN DISPLAY The live on-screen display (OSD) con sists of superimposed camera and site inform ation. Each item in the OSD can be displayed or hidden . The OSD settings apply for all channe ls. Figure 6. Live OSD Pane ì PTZ : Indicates t hat the PTZ control is ena bled.
C4632M (11/0 9) 19 PLAYBACK CONTROLS The playback controls start playback, con trol direction, and adjust s peed. Click Stop at any time to r eturn to th e Live mode. PLAYBACK Figure 7. Playback Controls ì Frame-By-Frame Reverse: Each frame is displaye d in the reverse direction by continually clicking the bu tton.
20 C4632M (11/09) PLAYBACK SPEED AND V OLUME Figure 8. Playback Speed and V olume Controls ì Normal: Plays back video at normal sp eed. î Faster: Plays back video at a faster ra te than normal speed. ï Slower: Plays back video at a slower rate than normal speed.
C4632M (11/0 9) 21 PLAYBACK T IMELINE Use the timeline t o select the date and time to begin playback. T ime periods containing recorded video are represented as color -c oded segment s of the timel ine. The timelin e includes a h orizontal poin ter that s hows the time in 1-hour segme nts.
22 C4632M (11/09) Operation STARTING AND LOGGING ON TO A SITE T o start and log on to the Client application, pe rform one of the following opt ions: • Site T ree is not configured with DX4104 servers: When t he Client appli cation star ts for the fi rst time, DX 4104 server sit es are not configured t o appear in the Site T ree.
C4632M (11/0 9) 23 3. T o create a site: a. In the Conne ction List di alog box, click Ad d. The Conne ction Setup di alog box appe ars. b. In the Site Name bo x, type a site name. NOTE: Using special char acters in the site name other than th ose listed below will cause the export pr ocess to fail.
24 C4632M (11/09) LOGGING OFF T o lo g off from a D X4104 remote site: 1. In the Site T ree, right-click a remote site. The sh ortcut menu appears. 2. Click User Log-Out. The system logs you off and Guest is displayed in the status bar . END A SERVER CONNECTION T o end a server connection: 1.
C4632M (11/0 9) 25 CLIENT OPERATING MODES The DX4104 Ser ies DVR has f our primary oper ating modes: Liv e, Playback, Se arch, and Expo rt. Refer to Product Ov erview on page 11 for more information . LIVE VIDEO By default, the unit comes ready to view and record live video.
26 C4632M (11/09) ASSIGNING CAMERAS TO VIEW PANES In the Site T ree, click and drag individual cameras to a view pane. Repe at the process for up to 16 cameras. In the Site T ree, click and drag Cameras to a pa ne. All camera s in the Site T ree are assign ed sequential ly to the pane s.
C4632M (11/0 9) 27 Selecting the Sequence Dwell T ime 1. On the V iew menu, point to Cycle View (Dwell T i me), and th en click a setting. Figure 14. Setting Sequence Dwell T ime 2. On the toolbar , click display option. Starting and stopping th e Sequence View On the toolbar , click the Cycle V iew icon .
28 C4632M (11/09) SELECTING A LANGUAGE The Client application allows you to choose the dis play languag e for menus and dialog b oxes. By default , the display la nguage is En glish. Y ou must restar t the Client ap plication fo r the new sett ing to take e ffect.
C4632M (11/0 9) 29 V IEWING THE SYSTEM LOG The DX4104 se rver monitors specific syste m-related eve nts and stor es that information in a log f ile, which can be viewed from the Client application. T able F describes the system-rela ted events. 1. On the Vi ew menu, click Log View .
30 C4632M (11/09) PTZ MODE All user leve ls have acces s to the PT Z controls to operate and program camera s. PTZ funct ions can be controlled on the screen i n live mode using the mouse.
C4632M (11/0 9) 31 7. T o adjust the zoom, focus, and brightness, on th e PTZ control: • Zoom in or out: Click ZOOM PLUS (+) or ZO OM MINUS (–). • Focus: Click FOCUS PLUS (+) or FO CUS MINUS (–). • Increase or decrease brightn ess: Click IRIS PLUS (+) or IRIS MINU S (–).
32 C4632M (11/09) 6. On the PTZ control: a. Click the keypad and enter a number for the new preset. b. Click Preset . The preset location and came ra settings are stored in the camera’ s memory . 7. Repeat st eps 5 and 6 f or each prese t you want to configure.
C4632M (11/0 9) 33 PTZ PATTERNS A pattern is a user-defined, viewable camera path with a spe cific beginn ing and end. Pa tterns are ma de up of a seq uence of stan dard pan, tilt, and lens comma nds. Patterns are stored in the internal memory of th e PTZ device, su ch as a Spect ra dome, connect ed to the DX41 0 4.
34 C4632M (11/09) CONFIGURING A REMOTE CAMERA Y ou can access a camera’ s conf iguration menu using the PTZ OSD Menu c ontrols or th e PTZ control . Remote Camera Menu T o access the camera menu: 1. On the toolbar , click the Live icon . 2. In the Client window , click the PTZ-enab led pane.
C4632M (11/0 9) 35 PLAYBACK VIDEO Only users wit h administrat or - an d power-level permission can play ba ck video. Video i s played bac k one chann el at a time. Refe r to View Panes and Panels on page 14 for mo re informatio n. RECORDED VIDEO AND AUDIO The Client application al lows you to pl ay back record ed video and au dio.
36 C4632M (11/09) T o play back video: 1. On the toolbar , click the Live icon . 2. In the Client window , click a pane. 3. T o select the playback date and time: a. In the timeline D ate box, select a date. The DX4104 displays (in blue ) the days on which data was recorded.
C4632M (11/0 9) 37 SAVING A SCREEN CAPTURE TO JPEG FORMAT The “Save to JPEG ” menu command allows you to capt ure video. The menu comma nd is available when video playba ck is paused in the Playback or Search modes . The screen ca pture is saved in JPEG form at to a locati on on the remote client PC hard drive.
38 C4632M (11/09) 7. T o save the scr een capture, perform one o f the follo wing options: • Accept the default entries: Click Save. The screen captu re is stored in JPEG format a t the defaul t location. • Specify the path and file name: (1) In the Saved Path box, click Browse .
C4632M (11/0 9) 39 SEARCH WINDOW The DX4104 su pports the date/t ime, bookmark, an d event search modes. Users mu st have administr ator - or power -leve l permissions to search recorded vi deo. . Figure 30. Client Search Window ì Date/T ime: Allows you to se arch recorded video by date an d time.
40 C4632M (11/09) DATE / T IME SEARCH The Date/Time search featur e has the foll owing guidelin es: • Playback timeline: Use the timeline calendar and t ime controls to specify the se arch criteria .
C4632M (11/0 9) 41 T o perform a DST Date/T ime search: 1. On the toolbar , click the Search icon . 2. In the Client window , click a pane. 3. (Optional) V erify that the Select Al l check box is selected. 4. T o start play back: a. (Optional) T o listen to recorded audio during playback, on the Playback contr ol, click the Audio icon .
42 C4632M (11/09) BOOKMARK SEARCH Bookmark Search allows you to se arch video for a previously b ookmarked camer a on the DX4104 server . Refer to the DX4 104 Server Op eration/ Configurat ion manual for more informa tion. 1. On the toolbar , click the Search icon .
C4632M (11/0 9) 43 BACKUP SEARCH Backup search allows you t o locate an d playback v ideo that wa s backed up to a USB dr ive or to CD/DVD media. You can also copy t he ba cked up data from the me dia to the Clien t PC’ s hard driv e.
44 C4632M (11/09) 5. Click OK. The location appears in th e Backup Search dialog box. 6. In the Backup Search tabl e, select th e backup location, and then click Update. 7. Click OK. Th e backup media a ppears in Site T ree and th e term "Backup " is displayed in each panes.
C4632M (11/0 9) 45 EXPORT MODE Users must ha ve administrato r - or p ower -level permissions to export data. T he export fea ture has the following guide lines: • Export data types: Data is expor ted in either A VI or native format. A VI is the defaul t format.
46 C4632M (11/09) EXPORTING STANDARD DATA T o export standard dat a: 1. In the Site T ree, click a site. 2. On the to olbar , click the Ex port icon . 3. T o enter the export sett ings. a. In the Server box, verify th at the correct site appears. The Server box is unava ilable, but the site name is visible.
C4632M (11/0 9) 47 EXPORTING DATA RECORDED DURING DST T o export data recorded during DST : 1. In the Site T ree, click a site. 2. On the to olbar , click the Ex port icon . 3. T o enter the export settin gs, in the Export Setting section: a. In the Server box, verify th at the correct site appears.
48 C4632M (11/09) EXPORTING DATA RECORDED BEFORE AND DURING DST T o e xport data re corded befor e and durin g DST : 1. In the Site T ree, click a site. 2. On the to olbar , click the Ex port icon . 3. T o enter the export settin gs, in the Export Setting section: a.
C4632M (11/0 9) 49 EXPORTING DATA RECORDED DURING AND AFTER DST T o export data recorded during DST and after DST : 1. In the Site T ree, click a site. 2. On the to olbar , click the Ex port icon . 3. T o enter the export settin gs, in the Export Setting section: a.
50 C4632M (11/09) EXPORTING DATA RECORDED BEFORE AND AFTER DST T o e xport data re corded bef ore and afte r DST : 1. In the Site T ree, click a site. 2. On the to olbar , click the Ex port icon . 3. T o enter the export settin gs, in the Export Setting section: a.
C4632M (11/0 9) 51 PRINTING The print fe ature is ava ilable when playb ack is paused. T he Client appli cation allows y ou to select a pane and then p rint the d isplayed image. Printers must be configu red before using the DX41 04 client print feature.
52 C4632M (11/09) Configuration The Client application Set up window allo ws you to config ure the DX4104 server from a remote locatio n. Only one user at a time w ith administrator -level permissions can access the Setup window .
C4632M (11/0 9) 53 • Motion: Allows you to preview the motion scene in a window , to configure the motion settings at the server an d client for each camera. Refer to Motion Detectio n Setup on page 54 f or more infor mation. – Sensitivity: Allows you to adjust mo tion sensitivity .
54 C4632M (11/09) CAMERA CHANNEL T o set up each camera: 1. On the to olbar , click the Setup ic on . The Setup window opens to the Ca mera page. 2. In Camera se ction, perfor m one of the fol lowing option s: a. In the Channe l box, select a camera. b.
C4632M (11/0 9) 55 3. T o enter the motion sensitivity setting, perf orm one of the following options: • Decrease sensitivity: Move the slider to the left. • Increase sensitivity: Move the slider to the right. 4. In the Relay Out box, sele ct a setting.
56 C4632M (11/09) SCHEDULE PAGE The scheduli ng feature al lows you to creat e daily , weekly, and holiday schedules. The unit sup ports single- or multi-event reco rding. Each came ra is easily configured to record at a specific resolutio n, quality , and image rate when an event is trig gered.
C4632M (11/0 9) 57 DAILY RECORDING SCHEDULE T o crea te a daily rec ording schedul e: 1. On the toolbar , click the Setup icon . 2. Click the Sch edule icon . The Schedule page appears. By default, all daily schedules are configur ed for motion/alar m recordin g.
58 C4632M (11/09) 5. Repeat st ep 4 to config ure the recor ding modes for the remaining cameras. 6. T o select the recording mode video settings (reso lution, quality , and image rate): a. Click Recording. The Recording d ialog box appears. Figure 43.
C4632M (11/0 9) 59 HOLIDAY SCHEDULES T o crea te a holiday sc hedule: 1. On the toolbar , click the Setup icon . 2. Click the Schedule icon . 3. In the Ho liday section , select the Ho liday check box. T he Holiday sc hedule appear s. The Holiday Sc hedule grid and scheduling controls are displayed.
60 C4632M (11/09) 6. T o configure a re cording sche dule. a. In the Name list, click a schedule. b. In the Schedule section, sele ct a recording mode check box. c. Click a time cell , and then dr ag the poin ter to the r ight to se lect the ti me range (1 to 24 hours).
C4632M (11/0 9) 61 LINKING PAGE The linking s etting allows you to config ure the ala rm relay for e ach camera. • Alarm 01 to 04: Represents the alar m input. • Input type: Alarms are co nfigured for normally open ( N.O.) or normally closed (N. C) inputs.
62 C4632M (11/09) NETWORK PAGE The Client application allows you to co nfigure cert ain network s ettings. Y ou can view all of the network settin gs, but thos e se ttings that are unavailable must be configured on the DX4104 se rver . Refer to DX4104 Server Operation/Configurat ion manual for more information .
C4632M (11/0 9) 63 NOTIFICATION SETUP The notific ation feat ure has the f ollowing guidelin es: • Alarm: Sends a text-bas ed alarm notification in response to an alarm event. • Motion: Sends a text-based motion notificat ion in response to a motion event.
64 C4632M (11/09) MAIL SETUP The DX4104 mai l feature s ends an e-mail t ext notifi cation to al l designated u sers if an e vent is detect ed. The not ification fea ture must also be configured . Refer to Notification Setup on page 63 for more informatio n.
C4632M (11/0 9) 65 EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SETUP The DX4104 E mergency Not ification fe ature sends a n emergency re port to the designated computer on wh ich the Emer gency Agent ap p licatio n is installed. The E mergency Notification fe ature is configur ed an d operates independently of th e mail feature.
66 C4632M (11/09) SYSTEM PAGE The System p age has the f ollowing guid elines: • NTP: Selects that the unit’ s t ime be synchroni zed with the N etwork T ime Pr otocol (NTP) server . • Date/T ime: Allows you to select date a nd time format. • Server: Allows you select the NTP server .
C4632M (11/0 9) 67 DATE AND T I ME SETUP The date a nd time featur e has the foll owing guidelin es: • NTP: Synchronizes the unit's time with th e Network T ime Protocol (NTP) server .
68 C4632M (11/09) SOUND SETUP T o conf igure the sound fea ture: 1. On the toolbar , click the Setup icon . 2. Click the System icon . 3. In the Sound section: a. T o se lect the butt on sound fe ature, select the Button check box. b. Repeat step 3a to enter the setting s for the re maining sou nd check boxe s.
C4632M (11/0 9) 69 USER ACCOUNT SETUP User accounts can be ad ded, changed, or deleted. By default, both the user name and password is admin, admin. • User ID: Allows you to create user accounts.
70 C4632M (11/09) Changing the Administrator User Password T o change the administrator password : 1. On the toolbar , click the Setup icon . 2. Click the System icon . 3. In the User section: a. In the User ID list, select admin, and th en c lick Edit.
C4632M (11/0 9) 71 Changing a User Accoun t T o ch ange an accoun t: 1. On the toolbar , click the Setup icon . 2. Click the System icon . 3. In the User ID list, select a user ID , and then click Edit. The User Setting dialog box appears. 4. In the User Settin gs dialog box: a.
72 C4632M (11/09) Emergency Agent The Emerge ncy Agent wor ks with network ed DVRs to alert you when an eve nt has occurre d. The Emerge ncy Agent has the follo wing gu idelines: • Emergency events detected: Alarm, motion, disk full, administrator password chan ge, video loss, and power on/off.
C4632M (11/0 9) 73 STARTING AND STOPPING STARTING THE EMERGENCY AGENT T o star t the Emergency Agent, click t he Start butto n, and then po int to All Pro grams, Pelco, PE LCO DX4100 Client, a nd then clic k DX4100 Emergency Agent. The Emergency Agen t application starts and the Pelco lo go appears in the Windows task bar .
74 C4632M (11/09) V IEWING MESSAGE DETAILS T o view details about an even t: 1. Do one of the following: • Message: Within 5 sec onds, click th e message. The Received Mes sage window ap pears. The eve nt appears in the event re port list. • Emergency Agent menu: (1) On the Windows task bar , click Pelco .
C4632M (11/0 9) 75 4. T o select the search method (refer to Fig ure 55), do one or both of the follo wing: • Search by event: (1) Select E vent Search che ck box. The Even t check boxe s become availab le. (2) In the Ev ent section, select the event’ s check b ox.
76 C4632M (11/09) DX4104 Export V iewer The Export V iewer allows you to play back video that is exporte d from the DX4104 server . Y ou can verify the digit al watermark e mbedded in DX4104 native v ideo. Watermarking is used to aut henticate th e originality o f a video file and to aler t users to po ssible image tampering.
C4632M (11/0 9) 77 STARTING AND STOPPING STARTING THE EXPORT VIEWER T o star t the Export Viewer , click the Start butt on, point to All P rograms, Pelc o, PELCO DX4100 Cli ent, and then click DX4100 Ex port Viewer . STOPPING THE EXPORT VIEWER T o exit the Export Viewer app licati on, on the Fil e menu, click Exit.
78 C4632M (11/09) V ERIFYING THE W ATERMARK Watermarking is used to au thenticate th e originality of a vid eo file and to alert users to possib le image tampering. The Export Viewer will display a message i f the vide o image has b een altered. Figure 58.
C4632M (11/0 9) 79 W eb Client The DX4104 Web Client allows you to vie w live video, operate the PTZ features of came ras attached to DX4104 Serie s DVRs, and ca ptur e video displayed in the view pane l. Using a sta ndard Web browser , you can remot ely monitor up to 16 cameras for up to 16 DX4104 s erver s simultaneously.
80 C4632M (11/09) W eb Client Window Figure 61. W eb Client Application Window ì Site T ree: Displa ys top-down, hi erarchical mana gement of DX4104 resources, such as servers, cameras, alarms, and relays. î Display Option s: Displays vide o in one or four panes.
C4632M (11/0 9) 81 STARTING AND LOGGING ON T o start the DX4104 W eb Client, cookies must not be blocked by your browser . Refer to the Int ernet Explorer Help for instru ctio ns on enabling cookies. User names a nd passwords are case sensitive; type them exactly as shown.
82 C4632M (11/09) Appendix HARDW ARE AND SOFTWARE UPGRADE POLICY Pelco’ s representation s regarding product features an d performanc e are limited to th ose made in the specification sheet and ins tallation/ operation manuals at the time the pro duct was manufa ctured.
PRODUCT W ARRANTY AND RETURN INFORMA TION WARRANTY Pelco will repair or replace, without c harge, any merchandise proved defective in material or workmanship for a pe riod of one year after the date of shipment.
Pelco, Inc. Worldwide Headquarters 3500 Pelco W ay Clovis, California 93612 USA USA & Canada T el (800) 289-9100 Fax (800) 289-9150 International T el +1 (559) 292-1981 Fax +1 (559) 348-1120 www .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Pelco DX4104 Series (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Pelco DX4104 Series heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Pelco DX4104 Series vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Pelco DX4104 Series leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Pelco DX4104 Series krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Pelco DX4104 Series bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Pelco DX4104 Series kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Pelco DX4104 Series . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.