Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SE-S800 van de fabrikant Casio
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User's Manual PCR-T500 PCR-T520 SE-S400 SE-S800 Electronic Cash Register ( S size draw er) SE-S800*ES 1 SES800_INC-e.indb E-1 SES800_INC-e.indb E-1 2013/10/01 13:04:20 2013/10/01 13:04:20.
E-2 Introduction Thank you v er y much for purchasing this CASIO el ectronic c ash register . ST ART -UP is QUICK and EA S Y ! For the basic se ttings of your cash register , please see “Quick Star t G uide ” . IMPOR T ANT F or programmi ng assis tance please visi t htt p :// casio 4business.
E- 3 T o use the cash register safely .............................................................................................. E -4 T o use the cash register ’ s basic function ..................................................................
E- 4 T o use the c ash register safely • Congratula tions upon your selection of this CASIO product. Be sure t o read the following safe ty prec au- tions before using it for the fi rst time . Af ter reading this guide , keep it close at hand for easy reference.
E- 5 T o use the c ash register safely * War n in g Po wer plug and AC outlet + + + - • Use only a proper AC electric outlet. Use of an outle t with a different voltage from the rating creates the danger of malfunction, fi re, and electric shock. Overloading an electr ic outlet creates the danger o f ov erheating and fi re.
E- 6 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function * Caut ion Only use th e speci fi ed bat teries. - • Do not disassemble, modify or shor t- circuit them. • Do not put them in fi re or wat er or heat them. • Do not mix new and old batteries or dif ferent types of batteries.
E-7 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function When the cash drawer does not open! In case of power failure or the machine is in malfunction, the cash drawer does not open a utomatically . E ven in these cases, you can open the cash drawer by pull ing drawer release le ver ( see below ).
E- 8 Manufacturer:CASIO COMPUTER CO. , L TD. 6 -2, Ho n- mac hi 1- cho me, Shib uya- ku, T ok yo 15 1- 85 43 , Japan Resp onsib le wit hin th e Europ ean Uni on:CASIO EU ROPE G mbH CASI O -P latz 1, 228 48 N orde rste dt, Ge rmany Pleas e keep all in for matio n for fu ture refe renc e.
E- 9 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Get ting star ted ........................................................................................................... E- 1 0 Loading memor y protection bat teries ............
E-1 0 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Get ting star t ed This chapter shows ho w to setup the cash register and ge t it ready to operate .
E-1 1 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Installing p aper roll Y ou can use the paper roll as rec eipts or journals (for business records ). By default, your cash register is set as receipt printing. Please see page E- 1 4 if you wish to use the paper roll for journals.
E-1 2 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function T o inst all journal paper 1 Repeat st eps 1 through 5 of “T o install rec eipt paper ” . 2 Using f k ey , feed the paper about 20 cm 3 Remo ve the paper guide o f the take-up reel.
E-1 3 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Sett ing date, time, and tax ta ble 1 Plug in the pow er soc k et int o a wall outlet. Be sure to check the rating plat e on the side of the cash register to mak e sure that its v oltage matches that of the pow er supply in your area .
E-1 4 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Sett ing paper roll as journal records By default, the print er of your cash register issues receipts . If you wish to use the printouts for sales jour - nals, please follow the procedures described below .
E-1 5 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Get ting to know y our cash register General guide 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Drawer 6 Main display 2 SD card slot c ov er 7 Mode switch 3.
E-1 6 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Mode ke ys There are t wo types of mode ke ys: the program k ey ( mar k ed “ PGM”) and the operator ke y (mark ed “OP ”). The program k ey can be used to set the mode switch to an y position, while the operator k ey can select the REG and OFF position .
E-1 7 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Displa y Main dis play During a registr ation CLERK001 REG 000011 1 PLU001 $1.00 3 DEPT001 $6.00 SUBTOTAL $7.00 QT 4 6.00 1 2 3 4 Af ter fi nali z ation CLERK001 REG 000011 1 PLU001 $1.
E-1 8 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Ke yb oard 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 0 00 . OPEN T/S 1 PLU/ S.DEPT RF #/ NS C PRICE — % – RECEIPT ON/OFF POST RECEIPT Ļ HELP SUBTOT AL CA/AMT TEND RA PO CR ENTER CHK CH SIGN OFF TA X PGM DEPT SHIFT/ DEPT# ERR.
E-1 9 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function 17 DEPT SHIFT/ DEPT# Depar tment no. Use this k ey to input depart ment numbers. Depar tment shif t: Use this ke y to shif t the depar tment number from 1 through 25 to 26 through 50.
E-20 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function How to read the printouts • The journal /receipts are records of all transactions and operations. • The contents printed on receipts and journal are almost identical. • Y ou c an choose the journal skip function.
E-21 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function How to use y our cash register The following describes the general proc edure y ou should use in order to get the most out o f your cash register .
E-22 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Before opening your store Checking the time and date Y ou can chec k the time or date on the d isplay whene ver there is no registration being made. Step Operation Dis play 1 Pres s x ke y to show the date and time on the displa y .
E-23 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Registering items in d epar tment s The following ex amples show how yo u can use the depar tment ke ys in various types of registrations.
E-24 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Rep eat r egi str at ion Sample Operat ion Item Unit Price $ 1 . 50 Same pr iced multiple items are s old. Quantit y 3 Dept. 1 Payme nt Cash $1 0. 0 0 Step Operation Print ou t 1 En ter the unit price.
E-25 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Split sales of packaged items Sample Operat ion Item Unit Pric e 4 for $ 10 .00 Three piec es of an item thats p ric e is $ 10.00 for four piece s are sold. Quantit y 3 Dept. 1 Payme nt Cash $1 0.
E-26 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Depar tment number entr y Without using Depar tment ke y , you can register depar tments manually . Sample Operat ion Item Unit Price $1 3.00 Registering an item in D ept. 3 1 without using Department k ey .
E-27 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Basic setups and registrations T o program basic se tt ings Y ou can program basic set tings in the PGM mode of the Mode switch. Step Display 1 By turning the Mo de switch to PGM position, the displa y indicates the programming top menu .
E-28 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function T op me nu Sub me nu Wha t is to b e set [Me ssage Set ting] 01 Logo 1 Sets lo go, commerc ial, and bot tom mes - sages on re ceipts.
E-29 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Pr ogramming depar tment s This section explains how y ou can set unit prices, t axable statuses, and item groups.
E- 30 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function The disp lay retur ns to t he previou s scree n by pressin g o key . Registering depar t ments’ pres et data The following ex amples explain the operations using prese t depar tment data programmed in the previous section.
E- 3 1 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Pr ogramming P LUs Lik e depar tments, you can program unit price, ta xable status , and linking item group in a PL U (Pric e Look Up ). Using PL Us allow you to register items q uickly and accurately .
E- 32 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function The disp lay retur ns to t he previou s scree n by pressin g o key . Registering P LU s’ pres et data The following ex amples explain the opera tions using preset PL U data pro - grammed in the previous section.
E- 33 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function PL U regist ration with mul tiplication key Sample Operat ion Item Unit Price $2.00 T en pi eces of PLU number 7 item (preset unit p ric e $2.0 0 ) are sold. Quantit y 1 0 PLU No.
E- 34 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Open P LU Although unit pric e is preset in a PL U, y ou can enter price manually if the PLU is programmed as “Open PL U” . T o program open PLU , see page E-2 7 . Sample Operat ion Item 1 Unit Price $32.
E- 35 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Other regist rations Discount The following ex ample shows how y ou can use the p ke y for disc ount registra- tions. Discounts on items and subtotals Sample Operat ion Item 1 Dept.
E- 36 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Reduction Using the reduction feature, y ou c an subtract a cer tain amount from an item’ s unit price or f rom a subt otal amount. Sample Operat ion Item 1 Dept. 01 $5.0 0 • Reducing $ 0.25 (manual input ) fro m item 1 unit price.
E- 37 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Registering various pa yment methods Other than c ash pa yments, y ou can register transactions made by checks, charges, credits, or ev en mixed tendering. Che ck sa le Sample Operat ion Item Unit Price $ 1 1.
E- 38 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Cre dit sal e Sample Operat ion Item Dept. 03 $ 1 0.00 A purchased item is paid by a credit c ard. Quantit y 1 Payment Credit $ 10 .00 Step Operation Print ou t 1 Regist er the item purchased and press o key .
E- 39 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function T a x shift By using t or T k eys , you can change the ta xable status . The t ke y switches on and of f of programmed taxable status 1 and T k ey c hanges the taxable status 2. The following table explains how tax statuses chan ge b y t or T key.
E- 40 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Registering returned goods Registering returned goods in th e RE G mode The following ex ample shows how to opera te for registering goods returned b y customer in the RE G mode. Sample Operat ion Item 1 Dept.
E- 4 1 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Registering returned goods in t he RF mode When a customer returns goods after the transaction has been c ompleted , use RF mode for the refund operation . Sample Operat ion Refunded Item 1 Dept.
E- 42 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Registrations wit hout transact ions The followings are the operations other than normal sales transactions.
E- 43 Basic funct ion T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Cor rec ti ons There are three wa ys to correc t erroneous operations that are ; • Cor recting erroneous item not registered • .
E- 44 T o use the c ash register’ s basic function Correcting i tems immediately af ter the regist ration Step Operation Print ou t 1 Registering an item. 1 ' ! 1 DEPT001 $1.00 1 DEPT002 $2.00 1 DEPT002 $2.00 &255 1 PLU0002 $2.
E- 45 Basic funct ion V oiding an item which has b een already registered Step Display 1 During a registration. 2 Using ? or > k eys , select the item you ha ve mis- registered.
E- 46 Daily sales repor ts At the end of the business da y , you can print categorized and summarized results of the da y . Reset report (Z) c lears all th e sales data whereas the data remains in memor y by R ead repor t (X). Please d o not per form th e Reset rep or t (Z ) print ing whil e your store i s open.
E- 4 7 Basic funct ion Print out of daily sales repor t = �.
E- 48 TA1 $2,369.69 TX1 $128.86 TA2 $2,172.96 TX2 $217.33 GT $00000000125478.96 Z TRANS 0001 0001012 CASH No 362 $1,638.
E- 49 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Enabling clerk assignment ............................................................................................... E- 50 Adva nc ed re gi st ra t io ns .............................
E- 50 Adv anced programmings and registrations Adva nc ed re gi st ra t io ns Enabling clerk assignment By assigning a clerk, c lerk number or name will be printed on receipts. The fol- lowing operation enables the regist er to use the clerk assignment.
E- 51 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Registrations with cler k assignment By signing a clerk on, the cler k name will be printed on receipts and sales re- por ts. Step Operation Print ou t 1 En ter the clerk number and press o key .
E- 52 Adv anced programmings and registrations Single item cas h sales A depar tment k ey or a PL U programmed as single item sale status fi nalizes the transaction as soon as it is registered. This f eature can be used only in cash sales. T o program single item sales status see pages E- 75 and E - 76.
E- 53 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Sample oper ation 3: Single item sale with anot her item Item 1 Dept. 0 3 $2 .00 Dept. 03 i s a normal depar t ment while dept. 01 is programm ed as unit pric e $ 1 .0 0 and single item sale status.
E- 5 4 Adv anced programmings and registrations Cha ra c te r s et t in gs This chapter e xplains how you can program depar tment or PL U desc riptions, store messages , ke y de - scriptions, repor t title, total descriptions ( such as gross total, net to tal etc.
E- 55 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Using ten k ey pad T o set characters by using t en ke y , you need to press one of the ten k ey repeated ly until desired charac- ter appears on the display . Multi t yping keyboard 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 0 00 .
E- 56 Adv anced programmings and registrations 2 Double size letter ke y Assigns the next input character to be double sized. After setting a double sized character , press this ke y again for normal size. 3 Space key Sets a space. 4 Clear key Clears all the characters.
E- 57 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Sett ing characters The following explana tion shows how you can set a name in a P LU . Y ou c an also set names to departments, func tion k ey s ( p , m ), and clerks by the same method .
E- 58 Adv anced programmings and registrations Sett ing pop messages on receipt s Y ou can set pop messages printed on receipts. New Year Sale 1st Anniversary 10% OFF 5 4 3 2 1 1 Pop mes sage 1st. line 2 Pop mes sage 2nd. lin e 3 Pop mes sage 3 rd. line 4 Pop mes sage 4th.
E- 59 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations T o set pop illust ration Step Display 1 T urn the Mode switch to PGM position and selec t [POP Set- ting] then press F key . 2 Select [All Graphic] and press F ke y . The pr inter prints preset pop illustrations .
E- 6 0 Adv anced programmings and registrations Sett ing sy mbol character s Y ou can change the symbols or titles of sales repor ts for example , pr inting “CASH IN DRW ” on the sales repor ts instead of “CAID” for cash amount in dra wer .
E- 61 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Sales repor t symbols Memor y N o. Program c ode Contents Default charac ter Memo for your set tings 01 01 Gross t otal GROSS 02 Net tota.
E- 62 Adv anced programmings and registrations Other symbols Numbers in ( ) are digits to be used. Memo r y No. Progr am code Contents Default char acter 01 23 main curr ency symbol (2 ), @ ( 2 ), No. (2 ), split pric ing (2 ), not used ( 4), sub cur rency symbol (2) • @No/ ** 02 No.
E- 6 3 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Adv anced programmings This section explains how yo u can program detail settings of the register such as setting register ’ s spe - c.
E- 6 4 Adv anced programmings and registrations Programming detail set t ings T o program the detail settings of the register , please follow the operations shown below . Step Operation 1 T urn the Mode switch to PGM position and selec t [Syst em Setting] then press F key .
E- 6 5 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Set cod e 04 (T a x sy stem) Descr iption Selec tion Program co de Default value Canadian rounding system Roundings Last digit: 0 to 2 �.
E- 6 6 Adv anced programmings and registrations Set code 0 6 ( Calculat ion and operation m ethods) Descr iption Selection Program c ode Default value Succ eeds the ta xable status an d commis sion status of previ - ous item when +/ - operati on is per for med.
E- 67 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Set cod e 08 ( Fix ed total print control) Descr iption Selection Program c ode Default value Print gro ss sales tot al (GROSS) on fi xed total repor t . a Y e s = 0 No = 1 B ( a+b+c ) D1 0 º ( a+b+c ) D1 0 Pr int net sa les total (N ET) o n fi xed total repor t .
E- 6 8 Adv anced programmings and registrations Exa mpl e : • On the fi x ed total repor t, not printing gross sales total ( a = 1 ), not printing ne t sales total (b = 2 ), not printing cash in drawer . ( c = 4 ): D 10 = 7 ( 1 + 2 +4 ). • Not printing amount in draw er on fi xed to tal repor t: D9 = 1 .
E- 6 9 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Set cod e 1 5 (Printing metho ds of sales repo r ts ) Descr iption Selection Program c ode Default value Depar tme nt zero skip (Depar tm ents of sales am ount zero are not printe d on sales rep or ts.
E-70 Adv anced programmings and registrations Set code 1 7 (Date/ time pr inting on journals/receipt s ) Descr iption Selection Program c ode Default value Print date on j ournal. a Y e s = 0 No = 2 B (a+ b) D 4 º (a+ b) D 4 Pr int c onsecuti ve number on receipt / jour nal.
E-7 1 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Set code 27 (Clerk operation sel ections) Descr iption Selec tion Prog ram code Default value Allow c lerk f unctio ns.
E-72 Adv anced programmings and registrations Programming functions of depar tment s and PL Us in a lump There are t wo methods t o set functions of depar tme nts or PL Us whic h are programming at once and programming individual func tions. Pr ogramming depar t ment functions in a lump This method programs function of a depar tment at one time .
E-73 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Depar t ment and PLU lump set code Descr iption Selec tion Program co de Default value Single item sales : Nor mal item = 0, Single item =.
E-7 4 Pr ogramming PL U func tions in a lump This method programs functions of a PL U at one time. Step Operation 1 T urn the Mode switch to PGM position and selec t [Syst em Setting] then press F key . > ▪▪▪▪▪ >F 2 Enter 3 and press o ke y to set the regist er in the programming mode.
E-7 5 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Programming functions of depar t ments and PL Us individually Pr ogramming functions of d epar tment s individually This par t explains progra mming me thods of each function of depar tments indi- vidually .
E-7 6 Adv anced programmings and registrations Set cod e tabl e Set code D escr iption Selec tion Prog ram code 03 T a xable status T a xable status for USA Alw a ys “0” 0 º D2 T a xable status 1.
E-77 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Pr ogramming funct ions of P LU s individually This par t explains programm ing me thods of each function of PLUs ind ividually . Step Operation 1 T urn the Mode switch to PGM position and selec t [Syst em Setting] then press F key .
E-78 Adv anced programmings and registrations Pr ogramming functions of t ransact ion k ey s This section explains how y ou can program functions in each transaction keys such as F , h or m k eys . For e xample, programming F ke y to force en try of tendered amount.
E-79 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Program code for RA and ] keys Description Selection Program code Ma ximum amount. e.g. ) $10,000; D 4 = 1 , D3 = 4. Ma ximum value (0 ~ 9 ) BB D4 D 3 N umber of zero s (0 ~ 9 ) Must be “0 0” 00 ºº D2 D1 Exa mpl e : T o set ] ke y not allowing to en ter more than $90 0.
E- 8 0 Adv anced programmings and registrations Program code for p key Description Selection Progra m code T a xable status T a xable status for USA Alw a ys “0” 0 º D8 T a xable status 1 a No = .
E- 81 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Program code for x key Description Selection Program code Multiplication procedure ! Quantit y × Am ount, @ Am ount × Quantit y ! = 0 @.
E- 82 Adv anced programmings and registrations Pr ogramming fur ther cler k functions This section explains how yo u can set fur ther programming for cler ks such as setting the register in training mode or se tting commission rates given to clerks.
E- 83 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Printing pr ogrammed data Af ter programs ha ve been set, you can print the programmed data. T o print programmed unit pr ice or percentage ( other than PL U) Step 1 T urn the Mode switch to PGM position and selec t [Syst em Setting] then press F key .
E- 8 4 Adv anced programmings and registrations T o print programmed character s ( ex c ept P LUs ) Step 1 T urn the Mode switch to PGM position and selec t [Syst em Setting] then press F key . 2 Enter 2 and press o key. 3 Pres s o ke y again. The printer star ts to print preset data.
E- 85 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations T o print g eneral programming ( ex cept PL Us ) Step 1 T urn the Mode switch to PGM position and selec t [Syst em Setting] then press F key . 2 Enter 3 and press o key. 3 Pres s o ke y again.
E- 86 Adv anced programmings and registrations Pri nt out 30 NET 0001 01 0020 01 0001 38 000001 REG1 204 000 1 001 000 2 002 000 DEPT001 026 051 CASH 013 �.
E- 87 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations T o print preset charac ters of PL U Step Pr int ou t 1 T urn the Mode switch to PGM position and selec t [Syst em Setting] then press F key .
E- 8 8 Adv anced programmings and registrations Printing various sales repor ts Y ou can pr int categorized sales report s such as PL U sales repor t, item group sales repor t, hour ly sales repor t etc. • Please do not per form the re set (Z) repor t during the busine ss hour as it clears sto red sales data f rom the memor y .
E- 8 9 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations PL U sales repor t X PLU 0000014 PLU0001 17 0.53% $17.00 #0001 PLU0100 42 4.03% $69.
E- 90 Adv anced programmings and registrations Monthly sales repor t X MONTHLY 0000020 1...... GROSS 1236.76 $12,202.57 NET No 214 $12,202.57 31...... GROSS 2132 $14,187.57 NET No 205 $13,398.76 TL GROSS 9746.
E- 91 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Elect ronic journal ;(-2851$/ 0000058 5(* C �.
E- 92 Adv anced programmings and registrations Periodic sales repor t Apar t from daily repor t, you can obtain peri odic sales report. The register prints total sales data from the last periodic repor t. Namely , if you do this operation monthly , you can obtain monthly sales repor ts.
E- 93 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations ZZ1 PERIODIC 1Z ZZ1 DEPT 0001 0001115 DEPT001 38 8.
E- 94 Adv anced programmings and registrations ZZ1 TRANS 0001 0001112 CASH No 362 $1,638.
E- 95 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Using an SD card Y ou can store sales data or program data to an SD card or you can restore the data from SD card to your cash register . The following table explains what y ou c an do with an SD card.
E- 96 Adv anced programmings and registrations Step Display 4 Select [ YES] and press F key . The register starts to for mat the SD card. 5 Now the SD card is format ted and you can use it for st oring cash register data in it.
E- 97 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Step Display 4 Select [ YES] and press F key . 5 After for a while, the display ind icates “ Backup complete ” .
E- 98 Adv anced programmings and registrations Before y ou consider it as a problem Error code table Error code Me ssage Meaning Action E001 Wrong mode M ode switch p osition c hanged before fi nalization. Return the mo de switch to its original sett ing and fi nalize th e operation.
E- 99 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations Error code Me ssage Meaning Action E050 DET A IL memo r y full Che ck trac king detail mem or y full.
E-1 0 0 Adv anced programmings and registrations When “EJ FU LL ” sign appears on t he displa y When the register shows this sign, iss ue electronic journal read repor t (if necessar y ) and reset the memor y immediat ely .
E-1 01 Useful features Adv anced programmings and registrations About the low batter y indicator If this indicator appears when you switch the cash register on, it can mean one of three things: • No memor y backup batter ies are loaded in the cash regis- ter .
E-1 02 Adv anced programmings and registrations Speci fi catio ns Entr y 10- ke y system, buffe r memor y 8 keys ( 2- ke y roll over) Depar tme nt Full ke y system Main display 26 charac ters x 10 lines, Dept. name, PLU name, T ot al, T rans action nam es, Change Customer display 20 character s x 1 line.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Casio SE-S800 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Casio SE-S800 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Casio SE-S800 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Casio SE-S800 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Casio SE-S800 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Casio SE-S800 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Casio SE-S800 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Casio SE-S800 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.