Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Swing GATE van de fabrikant Chamberlain
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Doc 6001242 (01 Doc 6001242 (01 Doc 6001242 (01 Doc 6001242 (01 - - - -2 0 2 7 3) 20273) 20273) 20273) Rev C Rev C Rev C Rev C INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRU.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 1 of 53 TA BLE OF CONTENTS SA FETY SUM MA RY ....................................................................................................... 3 BA SIC INSTA LLA TION HINTS A ND RULES ................................
2 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C The LiftMaster Model SW 2000-B1 The Lif tMaster model SW 2000-B1 Swing Gat e Operator is a f ull feat ured commercial g ate operator with a master/slave wiring capability. T he SW 2000-B1 contains the f ollowing featur es: • Dynamic motor braking limits gat e overtravel.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 3 of 53 SA FETY SUMMA R Y It is impor tant for every one involved in the installation and operation of the Lif tMaster model SW 2000-B1 Swing Gate O perator reads the f ollowing warnings. WA RNING! • A vehicle gate i s a large, heavy object that is moved by an electric motor.
4 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C BA SIC INST A LLA TION HINTS A ND RULES PLE ASE REA D THIS SEC TION CA REFU LLY BEF ORE B EGINN ING YOU R INS TALLA TION. The sections t hat follow contain detailed procedures f or installation of a model SW 2000-B1 system.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 5 of 53 PA R T 1 SITE PREP A RA TION A . LOCA TION AND LA YOUT Figure 1. Gat e Operator Lay out Opti ons. NOTES • Left Gate and Right G ate are determined by looking from inside the complex toward the street. • Figure 1 shows a typical Bi-Parting gate in standard and com pact installations.
6 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C B. PA D A ND M OUNT Figure 2. Pad and Mount . 1. T he concrete pad must be suf ficient to suppor t the gate operat or and the dynamic forces created by the moving g ate. LiftMaster r ecommends a pad 24” wide by 27” long by 30” deep.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 7 of 53 C. POW ER WIRI NG 1. Pr ovide a separate conduit stub f or the AC power. 2. Each g ate operator r equires a 115 VAC 20 AMP single phase circuit. NOTE: Master and Slave units each requir e separate circuits to prevent false overcurrent f aults .
8 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C P A RT 2 SYSTEM INST A LLA TION A . MOUNT ING GA TE OP ERA TOR WA RNING For saf ety reasons, the Power Fail Operation Option is shipped with the batt ery unconnnected to the system. Do not connect t he battery until all other inst allation and ali gnment procedures have been completed.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 9 of 53 C. RUNNING I NPUT WIRING 1. Rem ove the plastic control box cover. 2. Run wires f rom input components and Master/ Slav e conduits into cont rol box. 3. For M aster/Slave wiring, ref er to Part 3, M aster/ Slav e Operat ion.
10 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C F. USING M A NUA L CONTROLS Figure 5. Manual Controls, Location and Use. Use the manual contr ols on M anual Input T erminal TB2 (OPEN, CLOSE, and STOP, as show n in Figure 5) , to move the gat e for arm inst allation and making the limit cam adjust ments.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 11 of 53 G. GA TE A RM INST A LLA TION Figure 6. Gate A rm Installatio n. 1. At tach gate anchor t o gate by welding or using hardware (not supplied). 2. Using manual controls, m ove the sw ing arm cap assembly until it points roug hly to the anchor as shown in Figure 6.
12 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C H. SETTING LIMI T CA MS • The limit cams are adjusted by loosening the lock ing screws and rotating the cams. The cam s rotate with the swing arm shaft, so sm all adjustments are m agnified by the lengt h of the g ate.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 13 of 53 2. SE TT ING LE FT GA TE LIMIT CA MS Figure 8. Sett ing Left Gate Limi t Cam. 1. Make sur e that switch S2 is set to the " Right" position. 2. T urn on gate operat or power sw itch. 3. Using manual OPEN and STO P, move the gate t o its proper open limit position.
14 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C I. GA TE SENSITIVITY A DJUSTMENTS The gat e operator monitor s both average and peak mot or current. W hen the gate encounters an obstruction, t he gate operator senses t he change in motor curr ent and stops or reverses the g ate.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 15 of 53 2. RIGH T GA TE (C OUNT ERCLOC KWISE OP EN) A DJU ST MENT S "Left Reverse" A djustment (R81) 1. I nitiate opening t he gate. 2. W ait 4 to 5 seconds, then lig htly "tug"ag ainst the edge of the gate t o simulate an obstacle.
16 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C J. SETTING GA TE CONTROL SWITCH S1 A ND RECLOSE TIMER PO T R94 NOTE : For complet e details on controls, indicato rs adjustments and input s, see Appendix A. 1. GAT E CONTROL SWI T CH (S1) Figure 10. Gat e Control Sw itch S1 Location.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 17 of 53 2. RECLOSE TIMER ENABLE (S1) A ND SET (R94) Figure 11. Reclose Timer Enable and Adjustmment Location. The Reclose Tim er pot (R94) is adjustable f rom 0 to 250 seconds. Turning the pot clockwise increases the reclose t ime.
18 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C K. POWER F A IL OPE RA TION OP TION CONN ECT ION a) Pow er Fail Operation O ption Connection CA UTION Perf orm the next step (batt ery hookup) with care. Inter changing batt ery w ires temporar ily opens the the reset tabale fuse on g ate operator board, disabling the power fail option.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 19 of 53 L. CONNECTING I NPUT WIRING Figure 12. Control Board Wiring. 1. Rem ove the plastic control box cover. See NOTES, nex t pag e, before proceeding . 2. W ire all external control devices to their connect ions on the control board as shown.
20 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C NOTES 1. Disconnect ing the STOP t erminal from the COMM ON term inal stops the gate and pr ev ents all commands f rom having any eff ect. 2. I nside and Outside Inter rupt Loops: • For saf ety and proper gate operat ion, gate(s) m ust open toward the Inside Inter rupt loop.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 21 of 53 5. Maximum Ret ry Count 1. I f you want the gate to r esume operation automat ically up to 2 times, 30 seconds after a Faul t, set RETR Y on sw itch S1 to ON. 2. I f you do not want the gat e to resume automat ically after a Fault, set RETRY on switch S1 to OFF.
22 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C 10. Shadow Loop 1. Ensur e the gate is f ully closed (the close limit switch and Maglock LED’s will be ON). 2. Par k a car, while it is running , on the Shadow Loop but clear of t he Interrupt Loop.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 23 of 53 N. FINA L A SSEMBLY OF G A TE OPERA TOR Figure 13. Gat e Operator Final A ssembly. IMPO RTA NT SA FETY PROCEDURE ⇒ If sw itch S3 (Power Fail Open Direct ion sw itch) is set to OPEN the gat e, cycle the gate to its fully open position bef ore perf orming step 1.
24 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C P A RT 3 MA STER/SLA VE OPERA TION A . WHA T IS MA STER /SLA VE OP ERA TION? The easy way to understand master/slave operat ion is by the comput er terms "sm art" and "dumb.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 25 of 53 C. MA STER/SLA VE WIRI NG Connecting Master and Slave units is f ast and easy: • Master/Sl ave connections are made through the SLAVE I/O terminal bl ock (T B1), located at the top rig ht corner of the gate operat or controller board (s ee Figure 15, below).
26 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C D. MA STER/SLA VE SETUP PROCEDURE 1. Be sure to turn o ff bo th gate oper ator units. 2. Connect M aster and Slave units as described and shown in parag raph C and Figure 15, above. 3. Set Sw itch S1 on Master and Slave units to your g ate config uration according t o the table, below.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 27 of 53 E. MA STER/SLA VE INSTA LLAT ION DETAILS 1. BI-P A RTING GA TE DET A ILS The simple Bi- Parting Gate is t ypically used in low traff ic residential sites due to it s ease of use.
28 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C 2. BI- PA RTING LAT CH GAT E DETA I LS The Bi-Part ing Latch Gate is t ypically used in low traff ic residential sites due to it s ease of use and added security of m agnetic locking .
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 29 of 53 3. T RA P GA TE DE TA ILS The Tr ap gate is typically used in secured sites f or screening incoming and/or outgoing traff ic. In the Trap conf iguration, only one gate opens at a time, " trapping" t he vehicle betw een gates.
30 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C There ar e 2 differ ent way s to close the g ate (entering or exiting): 1. Reclose T imer: W hen t he Reclose Timer expires, g ate closes automatically (Master or Slave). 2. I nterrupt Loop; clear ing the Inside Int errupt Loops cause the gat es to close (Master or Slave).
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 31 of 53 4. T A NDEM GA TE D ETA ILS The Tandem gate is typically used in high traf fic situat ions w here some cont rol of incoming and/or outgoing traff ic is required.
32 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C • A continuous FIRE input in eit her gate opens both g ates and holds them open. • A continuous Manual STOP in either g ate stops both g ates. There ar e 2 differ ent way s to close the g ate after entering or exiting : 1.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 33 of 53 P A RT 4 MODEL SW 2000-B1 OPTIONS A . LIFTMA STER LOOP DETECTOR BOA RDS The model SW 2000-B1 has connectors for four Lif tMaster-supplied loop detector add- on boards. These boards int erface with Interr upt, Shadow and Exit loop sensors, which simply plug into the contr ol board.
34 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C P A RT 5 TROUBLESHOOTING A ND MA INTENA NCE A . TROUB LES HOOT ING This section is desig ned to help you troubleshoot your unit(s) w ith a minimum of eff ort. Dir ectly below are some hints t o help y ou test, then a list of pr oblems in order of m ost severe to least.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 35 of 53 3. MO TOR DOES NOT RUN Motor is d ead: 1. T he resettable mot or thermal overload switch has popped. 2. T he interconnecting cable bet w een the mot or and the control board is disconnect ed. 3. Bad cont rol board.
36 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C 10. GA TE D OESN 'T ST OP A T T HE L IMIT 1. Lim it cams are out of f adjustm ents. 2. Lim it switch cable is disconnected either f rom the control boar d or the limit switches.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 37 of 53 19. GA TE D OES N OT MOVE A FTER POWER OU TA GE 1. Bad Power Fail O ption battery. 2. Miswired DC motor input s. 3. Bad connect ion between the Pow er Fail Option har ness connector and the Control Boar d. 4. Power Fail Opt ion Open direction (switch S3) is not set to the correct posit ion.
38 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C 26. SH A DOW LOOP IS IN EFFE CT IVE 1. T he gate is not at either the open or close limit . 2. Bad loop sensor or loop detector. 3. Bad connect ion between the loop sensor, loop detector and t he Control Board. 4.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 39 of 53 C. FA ULTS A ND THEIR CAUSES 1. IF FAULT A ND OVERLOAD LED’S A RE TURNED ON 1. O VERLOAD adjustment is set too low (factor y setting is at 3:00 o’clock posit ion). 2. Bad Cont rol board. 3. Bad motor. 2. IF FAULT A ND REVERSE LED’S A RE TURNED ON 1.
40 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C D. MAINTENA NCE WA RNING To av oid injury, alw ay s turn off t he unit pow er swit ch before worki ng on gate. Regularly perf ormance of pr eventive maintenance is essential for r eliable system operation because it correct s small problems befor e they turn into emerg encies.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 41 of 53 PREVENTIVE MA INTENA NCE INSTRUCTIONS Figure 20. Gat e Operator Disassembly and A ssembly. Gate Operator Serial Number: Pow er Fail Op tion: Yes N o One minute af.
42 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C The f ollow ing table was provided to help you keep a recor d of the maint enance schedule. W rite the inspect ion date in the lef t-hand box and check ( ✓ ) t he boxes across as y ou perf orm your maintenance procedures.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 43 of 53 A PPENDIX A SYSTEM OPERA TION REFERENCE CONTROLS, I NDICA TORS, INPUTS A ND A DJUSTMENTS For control and indicat or locations, ref er to the f igure below. For detailed explanations of the Gate Operator 's various, controls, indicator s, inputs and adjustment s, refer to the pages that follow.
44 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C CONTROLS SWIT CH S 1 (OFF/ON DIP S WITC H) SLID E A CTION W hen used with ATG, this switch controls several gate operat or featur es: (S1-1) Insi de Interrupt Loop: f our diff erent modes are selectable: SLIDE and ATG O FF: Loop activation prevents the gate f rom opening or closing.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 45 of 53 TIMER Indicates the Reclose T imer is running. Timer is set at pot R94. FAULT Indicates a f ault in the system. See Fault List in Part 5, T roubleshooting and Maintenance. MAX RUN TIME Indicates the m otor ran f or more than 75 seconds without reaching a limit switch, and was stopped.
46 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C SHADOW LOO P Activ ation prevents the g ate from opening or closing so t he gate won't hit a vehicle. If the gate is already moving, or if the g ate is not f ully opened or closed, this input has no ef fect.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 47 of 53 INS./OU TS . INT. S ENS E / SH A DOW SENS E / EXIT SENSE (T B12/TB 13/T B14 /TB1 5) INP UTS INSIDE Input f rom an Inside Int errupt loop provides the sig nal for an optional Lift M aster INT ERRUPT loop detector add- on board.
48 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C CONNECTORS LIMIT SW I TCH (J4) Connector for t he left/ right limit sw itch cable. BATTERY I/O (J11) Connector for use by the P ower Fai l Operation unit. PW R INPUT (J1) Connector f or AC input power. MOTOR POW ER (J3) Connector f or the mot or cable.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 49 of 53 A PPENDIX B P A RA LLEL GA TE WIRING W hile it is st rongly recommended that the M aster/ Slave function be used in any dual-unit installation, two LiftMaster m odel SW 2000-B1's may be parallel-wired as Bi- Parting gates only .
50 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C A PPENDIX C MODEL SW 2000-B1 P A RTS LI ST ITE M # PA RT NA ME WH A T IT DOE S 1 Control Box/Clear Cover Contains control boar d, input connections 2 Control Boar.
Rev C Doc 6001242 (01-20273) 51 of 53 GLOSSA R Y AC : Alternating Current. An elect ric current or voltag e that reverses direct ion at regular int ervals. A l ternate A ction: Ability to open and close a f ully open gate by using the sam e open command.
52 of 53 Doc 6001242 (01-20273) Rev C NOTICE T O CA NA DIA N USERS NOTICE: The Indust ry Canada label identifies cert ified equipment . This certif ication means that the equipment meets t elecommunic.
COPYRIG HT 2001 ALL RIGHT S RESERVED This document is protected by copyright and may not be copied or adapted without t he prior written consent of LiftMaster. T his documentation contains inf ormation proprietar y to LiftMaster and such infor mation may not be distributed without the prior w ritt en consent of Lif tMaster.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Chamberlain Swing GATE (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Chamberlain Swing GATE heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Chamberlain Swing GATE vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Chamberlain Swing GATE leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Chamberlain Swing GATE krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Chamberlain Swing GATE bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Chamberlain Swing GATE kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Chamberlain Swing GATE . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.