Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 2900 SERIES XL van de fabrikant Cisco Systems
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Corporate Headquarters Cisco S yste ms, Inc . 170 W est Tasma n Drive San Jose , CA 95134 -1706 USA http://ww com Tel: 408 526-400 0 800 55 3-N ETS ( 6 387 ) Fax: 408 526- 4100 Catalyst 290 0.
Enterpr ise/Solv er, Ether Channel, Eth erSwit ch, FastHub, Fa stSwit ch, IOS, IP/TV , LightStre am, MICA, Netw ork Registr ar, Post-R outing, Pre- Routin g, Re gistr ar, St rata V iew Plus, St ra tm, Swi tchPro be, Te leRo uter, and VCO a re re gistere d tra dema rks of Ci sco Sy stems , Inc.
v Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 CONTENTS Preface xi Audienc e xi Pur pose xi Organi zati on xii Convent ions xii Rela te d Publi cati ons xvi Obtain ing Docu mentat .
Contents vi Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Expansi on S lots 1-8 LEDs 1- 9 System LED 1-11 RPS LED 1-12 Port LEDs and Modes 1-13 Expansion Slo t LE Ds 1-17 Rear-P anel.
vii Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Conte nts Insta lling th e Switc h on a Wal l 2-22 Attachi ng the Bracke ts to th e Switch 2-22 Mountin g the Swit ch to a Wall 2-2.
Contents viii Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Identi fyi ng a Roll ov er Cabl e B-6 Conne cting to a PC B-6 Conne cting to a Ter min al B-7 APPENDI X C Transla ted Safe.
ix Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Conte nts No On/ Off S witch Wa rning C-27 Chassi s Warn ing—R ack-Mou nt ing and Servi cing C-29 INDEX.
Contents x Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03.
xi Cataly st 2900 Series XL Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6461-03 Preface Audience This guide is fo r the network ing or computer tec hnician respo nsible for installin g and con fi gurin g a Catal yst 2900 serie s XL switch. W e assum e that yo u are fam iliar with the concept s and terminology o f Ethernet and loca l area networ king.
Preface Organiza tion xii Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Organization This guide is org anized in to the follo wing c hapters : Chapter 1, “ Produc t Overvie w , ” summarizes the switch features, and describe s the ports, the standa rds they supp ort, and t he LEDs.
xiii Cataly st 2900 Series XL Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6461-03 Preface Conv enti ons Notes, caut ions, and warnin gs use the following con ventions and sym bols: Note Means r eader tak e note . Notes co ntain help ful sugg est ions or ref erence s to mater ials not co ntained in th is manual.
Preface Conve ntions xiv Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Atten tion Ce symbole d’avertissement indique un danger . V ous vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant entraîner des blessures.
xv Cataly st 2900 Series XL Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6461-03 Preface Conv enti ons Avi s o Este símbolo de aviso indica perigo. Encontra-se numa situação que lhe poderá causar danos fisicos.
Preface Relate d Publ icati ons xvi Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Related Publications Y ou can ord er pri nted cop ies of docume nts with a DOC- xxxxxx = number .
xvii Cataly st 2900 Series XL Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6461-03 Preface Obtai ni n g Do cum e nt at io n – Cisco 575 LRE C PE Har dwar e Installati on Guide (ord er nu mber DOC-78 11469=) • .
Preface Obtaining Documentation xviii Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Ordering Docume ntation Cisco docume ntation is av ailable in the foll o wing ways: • Registered Cisco Dir ect Custome rs can order Cisco P roduct doc umentati on from t he Ne tworking P roduct s Marke tPlace: http://www .
xix Cataly st 2900 Series XL Hardware Installat ion Guide 78-6461-03 Preface Ob taining Techni cal As sistan ce Obtaining Tech nical Ass istanc e Cisco pro vides m as a startin g point for al l technical as sist ance. Customers and p artners c an obta in docume ntation, trouble shooting ti ps, and sample conf igurati ons from online tools.
Preface Obtainin g Techn ical Assist ance xx Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Contacting TAC by Using the Cisco TAC Website If you have a priority level 3 (P3) or priorit y lev el 4 (P4) problem , contac t T A C by going to the T A C website: http://www .
C HAPTER 1-1 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 1 Product Overview This chap ter pro vides th e follo w ing topics th at describ e the Catalyst 2900 series XL switch es, he reafter ref erred to as th e switches .
Chapt er 1 Product Overvie w Feature s 1-2 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 • On the Catal yst 2924M XL an d Catalyst 2 912MF XL sw itches, two expansion s lots for 10.
1-3 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chapter 1 Product Overv i ew Fea tures Figur e 1 -1 Catalyst 29 00 Ser ies XL S witche s R E S E T C isco R PS 300 IN P U T P W R O.
Chapt er 1 Product Overvie w Feature s 1-4 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Manageme nt Interface Optio ns The Catalyst 290 0 XL and Catalys t 3500 XL switche s are desi.
1-5 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chapter 1 Product Overv i ew Front-Panel Description Front-Panel Descript ion Dependi ng on the model, th e switch front pa nels ca.
Chapt er 1 Product Overvie w Front-Pa nel Desc ription 1-6 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Figur e 1 -4 Catalyst 29 00 LRE XL 1 0/1 00 and LRE P orts 10/100 P orts The .
1-7 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chapter 1 Product Overv i ew 100BASE-FX Ports The 10/1 00 ports on t he Cataly st 2900 X L switches provide proto col support f or Cisco I P Phones and pe r-port priority override.
Chapt er 1 Product Overvie w 100BA SE- FX Por t s 1-8 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 If tele phone ser vices, suc h as voice or in tegrated se rvices di gital ne twork.
1-9 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chapter 1 Product Overv i ew 100BASE-FX Ports These module s automatically c onf igure the mselv es when you insert them in expa nsion slots and tighten t he thumb scre ws.
Chapt er 1 Product Overvie w 100BA SE- FX Por t s 1-10 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Figur e 1 -5 Catalyst 2912 XL , 2924 X L, and 292 4C XL LEDs Figur e 1 -6 Catalys.
1-11 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chapter 1 Product Overv i ew 100BASE-FX Ports Figur e 1 -7 Catalys t 2912 LRE XL and 2924 LR E XL LEDs System LED The system LED sh ow s whether the sy stem is rece i ving po wer and f unctioning properly.
Chapt er 1 Product Overvie w 100BA SE- FX Por t s 1-12 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 RPS LED The Cat al yst 291 2 LRE XL , Cata lyst 2 924 LRE X L, an d Catal yst 3 524 -PWR XL switches us e the Cisco RPS 3 00 (mode l PWR300-AC-RPS-N1).
1-13 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chapter 1 Product Overv i ew 100BASE-FX Ports Port LEDs and Modes Each of th e 10/100, 1 00B ASE-FX, and LRE por ts and mo dule slots have a port LED. T hese port LED s, as a gr oup or ind i vidua lly , dis play infor mation abou t the switch an d about th e individual ports.
Chapt er 1 Product Overvie w 100BA SE- FX Por t s 1-14 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 T able 1 -6 Meanings of P ort Statu s LED Colors f or Diff er ent Modes on Cata l.
1-15 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chapter 1 Product Overv i ew 100BASE-FX Ports T able 1 -7 Mean ings of P ort Stat us LED Co lors f or Di ff erent Mode s on Ca talyst 29 12 XL, 2924 C XL, 2924 XL , 29 24 MF XL , and 29 24M X L Swi tches Port Mo de Po rt L E D Colo r Meanin g ST A T (port status) Of f No link.
Chapt er 1 Product Overvie w 100BA SE- FX Por t s 1-16 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Figure 1-7 shows bandwi dth utiliza tion percen tages displ ayed by t he right -most LEDs .
1-17 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chapter 1 Product Overv i ew 100BASE-FX Ports Figur e 1 -8 Bandwidth Ut ilization Expansion Slot LEDs Expansion s lot LEDs (shown in Figur e 1-6 ) show the status of insta lled module s.
Chapt er 1 Product Overvie w Rear-Panel Descr ipt i on 1-18 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Rear-Panel Descrip tion The swi tch rea r panel s ha v e an A C po wer conn .
1-19 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chapter 1 Product Overv i ew Rear-P anel Desc ription Figur e 1 -1 1 Catalys t 2912 LRE XL and 2924 L RE XL Rear P anel Power Con nectors Y ou can pro vide po wer to the switch eith er thro ugh the inter nal po wer supply or through the Ci sco RPS.
Chapt er 1 Product Overvie w Rear-Panel Descr ipt i on 1-20 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 RPS Connect or on the Cat alyst 2912 XL, 2924C XL, 2924 XL, 2924MF XL, and 2.
1-21 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chapter 1 Product Overv i ew Rear-P anel Desc ription Note The RPS can only power one switch a t a time. If more than one switch fails at the same time, any subsequ ent switch is not suppor ted by the RPS until the fi rst switch failure is resolv ed.
Chapt er 1 Product Overvie w Rear-Panel Descr ipt i on 1-22 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03.
C HAPTER 2-1 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 2 Installation This chap ter describes how t o install your Catalyst 2900 XL switch and interp ret the po wer -o n self-test (POST ) that ensu res prop er operatio n.
Chapt er 2 Installat ion Prepari n g fo r Inst al la t ion 2-2 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 War ni ng Only trained and qualified personnel should be allowed to install or replace this equipment. War ni ng Read the installation instructi ons before you connect the sy stem to its power source.
2-3 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chap ter 2 Instal la t ion Preparing for Installation War ni ng This product relies on the building ’ s inst allation for short-circuit (overcurrent) protection. Ensure that a f use or circuit breaker no larger than 120 VAC, 15A U.
Chapt er 2 Installat ion Prepari n g fo r Inst al la t ion 2-4 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 War ni ng Invisible laser radiation may be emitted from the aperture ports of the 100BASE-FX single-mode supervisor engine module.
2-5 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chap ter 2 Instal la t ion Preparing for Installation Hungary This equipmen t is a class A product and sh ould be used and inst alled prope rly according to the Hungarian EMC Class A requirements (MSZEN55022).
Chapt er 2 Installat ion Prepari n g fo r Inst al la t ion 2-6 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 • For LRE ports, c able len gths from t he switch to the conn ected E therne t device are up to 4921 fee t (1500 mete rs).
2-7 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chap ter 2 Instal la t ion Install ing th e Swit ch on a Tabl e or Shel f • Mounting kit containi ng these items: – Four rubber.
Chapt er 2 Installat ion Insta ll in g th e Swit ch in a Rack 2-8 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Installing the Switch in a Rack War ni ng T o prevent bodily injury when mounting or servicing this unit in a rack, you must take special precautions to ensure t hat the sy stem remains stable.
2-9 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chap ter 2 Instal la t ion Installing the Switch in a Rack Figur e 2-1 Mounting Br ac k et P oints for Cataly st 2912 XL, 2924C XL,.
Chapt er 2 Installat ion Insta ll in g th e Swit ch in a Rack 2-10 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 T o install the switch in a 19-, 23- or 24-inch standard rack, follo .
2-11 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chap ter 2 Instal la t ion Installing the Switch in a Rack Attaching the Brackets to a Catalyst 2912 XL, 2924C XL, 2924 XL, 2912MF.
Chapt er 2 Installat ion Insta ll in g th e Swit ch in a Rack 2-12 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Figur e 2-4 At tac hing Br ac k ets on Catalyst 2 912 XL, 2924C XL , .
2-13 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chap ter 2 Instal la t ion Installing the Switch in a Rack Figur e 2-5 Attac hing Br ack ets on Cataly st 2 912 MF XL an d 29 24 M.
Chapt er 2 Installat ion Insta ll in g th e Swit ch in a Rack 2-14 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Figur e 2-6 At tac hing Br ack ets on Cataly st 2912 XL, 292 4C XL, 2.
2-15 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chap ter 2 Instal la t ion Installing the Switch in a Rack Figur e 2-7 Attac hing Br ack ets on Cataly st 2 912 MF XL an d 29 24 M XL M odu lar S witc hes (Rear -P an el F or w a r d) DC INPUT R A T I N G 1 0 0 - 1 2 0 / 2 0 0 - 2 4 0 V 2 .
Chapt er 2 Installat ion Insta ll in g th e Swit ch in a Rack 2-16 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Figur e 2-8 Attaching Bra ck ets for T elco Racks Note Ca talyst 2912 LRE XL an d 2924 LRE XL sw itches c annot be m ount ed in telco racks.
2-17 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chap ter 2 Instal la t ion Installing the Switch in a Rack Attaching the Brackets to a Catalyst 2912 LRE XL or 2924 LRE XL Switch .
Chapt er 2 Installat ion Insta ll in g th e Swit ch in a Rack 2-18 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Figur e 2-9 Attac hing Br ack ets on Catalyst 2912 LRE XL a nd 2924 L.
2-19 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chap ter 2 Instal la t ion Installing the Switch in a Rack Figur e 2-1 0 At tac hing Br ack ets on Catalyst 2 912 LRE XL and 2 924.
Chapt er 2 Installat ion Insta ll in g th e Swit ch in a Rack 2-20 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Figur e 2-1 1 Mounting the Sw itc h in a Rac k After the switc h is mounted in the rack, power the switch as descr ibed in “ Pow ering On the Switc h and Running POST ” s e c t i o no np a g e2 - 2 5 .
2-21 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chap ter 2 Instal la t ion Installing the Switch in a Rack Note The cable guide is not applicab le for the Catalyst 2912 LRE XL and 2924 LRE XL switches.
Chapt er 2 Installat ion Installing the Swi tc h on a Wa ll 2-22 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Installing the Switch on a Wall T o attach the switch to a wa ll, follo.
2-23 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chap ter 2 Instal la t ion Installing the Switch on a Wall Figur e 2-13 At taching Br ac k ets f or P arallel an d V ert ical W al.
Chapt er 2 Installat ion Installing the Swi tc h on a Wa ll 2-24 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Figur e 2-15 Mo unting a Fix ed-Por t S w itch to a W all User-supplied.
2-25 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chap ter 2 Instal la t ion Powering On the Switch and Running POST Figur e 2-16 M ounting a Modul ar S witc h t o a W all After th.
Chapt er 2 Installat ion Connecting t o a 10/100 Port 2-26 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 The Syste m LED flash es green, and th e RPS LED tur ns off. As each test r uns, the port LED s, starting with num ber 1, tur n off.
2-27 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chap ter 2 Instal la t ion Connecti ng to a 10/100 Por t Follow these steps to connec t to 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX devices: Step 1.
Chapt er 2 Installat ion Connecting t o a 100BASE -FX Po rt 2-28 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 The port L ED is ambe r while Spanni ng Tr ee Prot ocol (STP) dis covers the topology and se arche s for loops. This takes ab out 30 seco nds, and then th e port LED tur ns green.
2-29 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chap ter 2 Instal la t ion Connec ting to a 100BASE- FX Port • If the swi tch port and th e port on the a ttache d device are co nfigured fo r half-d uplex ope ration, the conn ecti on can be up t o 412 m eters .
Chapt er 2 Installat ion Connecting t o an LRE Port 2-30 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Step 5 Reconfigure an d reboot t he connec ted device if necessa ry . Step 6 Repeat Steps 1 thro ugh 3 to connect each 1 00BASE-FX port.
2-31 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chap ter 2 Instal la t ion Connect ing to an LRE Por t Figur e 2-19 Con necting to a n LRE P ort 54560 MODE SYSTEM RPS LRE S TAT DUPLX SPEED 1X 2X 3X 4X MODE SYSTEM RPS LRE S TAT DUPLX SPEED 1X 2X 3X 4X RJ-21 connector Screw 0.
Chapt er 2 Installat ion Connecting t o an LRE Port 2-32 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Step 2 Referring to the follo wing f igur e, secure the cab le to the switch : • For a 90-degree conn ector, see the top of Figure 2- 19 .
2-33 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chap ter 2 Instal la t ion Conne cting t o a Modu le Por t Connecting to a Mod ule Port For in formation a bout installin g and co.
Chapt er 2 Installat ion Where to Go Ne xt 2-34 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Step 3 Using the supplied rol lov er cable, connect one en d of the rollov er ca ble into the console p ort, as sh own in Figure 2 -20 .
C HAPTER 3-1 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 3 Troubleshooting The LED s on the fro nt panel of t he Catalyst 29 00 series XL sw itch provide troublesh ooting info rmation a bout the switch. Th ey sho w failures i n the power-on self-te st (PO ST), po rt-con nectivity p robl ems, an d overall switc h per formanc e.
Chapter 3 Troubl eshoot ing Unders tan di ng PO ST Results 3-2 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Understandin g POST Results Each time the switc h is po wered on, eight POSTs run automatically to ch eck the most important system components before the switch begins forwarding pack ets.
3-3 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chapter 3 Troubleshoo ti ng Diagnosi ng Prob lems Correcting Module POST Failures If you inst all modules WS-X 2914-X L or WS-X2922 -XL in a Catalyst 2924M XL or Catalyst 2912MF XL switc h, the module fails POST .
Chapter 3 Troubl eshoot ing Diagno sing Probl em s 3-4 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 T able 3-2 Co mmon Pr oblems and Their Solu tions Symp tom Possib le Cause Resol uti o n Poor P er for mance or Excessive E rrors. Duple x autone gotiatio n mismatch.
3-5 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Chapter 3 Troubleshoo ti ng Diagnosi ng Prob lems No Connect ivity. I ncorrec t or b ad ca ble. The following are ind icated by no li nk at both ends: • A c ros s over c a bl e was u se d w he n a straight-t hrough was requ ired or vice- versa.
Chapter 3 Troubl eshoot ing Diagno sing Probl em s 3-6 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 LRE status LED not turned on. RJ-21 cable lo ose or not connected properly . Reseat RJ-2 1 connec tor and fasten with scre w or cable ti e.
A-1 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 APPENDIX A Technical Specifications Ta b l e A - 1 , Ta b l e A - 2 , Ta b l e A - 3 ,a n d Ta b l e A - 4 lis t the tec hnical s pecificati ons for the Catalyst 29 00 series switches.
Appendi x A Technic al Specificat ions A-2 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 T able A -1 T echn ical Specifi cations fo r the Cat alyst 29 12 XL an d Catalys t 2912M F XL.
A-3 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix A Technical Spe ci fications T able A -2 T echnica l Specifica tions f or the Ca talyst 29 24 XL and Cata lyst 29 24C XL S.
Appendi x A Technic al Specificat ions A-4 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 T able A -3 T echnica l Specificati ons f or the Ca talyst 29 24M XL S witches Envi r on ment.
A-5 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix A Technical Spe ci fications T able A -4 T echnica l Specifi cations f o r the Catalys t 2912 LRE XL and 2924 LRE XL Switc.
Appendi x A Technic al Specificat ions A-6 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03.
B-1 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 APPENDIX B Connecto rs and Cab le Sp ecifica tions This append ix describe s the Catalyst 290 0 XL switch ports an d the cables and adapters th at you use to c onnect the switc h to other d ev ices.
Appendix B Connectors an d Cab le Specificat ions Connecto r Spec ifications B-2 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Figur e B-1 1 0/1 0 0 P ort Pinouts When connecti ng th.
B-3 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix B Connectors an d Cab le Specificat ions Connector Specifications Figur e B-2 1 00BASE-FX SC Connect or LRE Ports The LRE por ts use a singl e RJ-21 conn ector , as shown in Figure B-3 .
Appendix B Connectors an d Cab le Specificat ions Cable and Ada pter Specific ations B-4 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 port to a termina l. Y ou ca n order a kit (pa rt number ACS-DSBU ASY N=) conta ining th at adap ter from C isco.
B-5 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix B Connectors an d Cab le Specificat ions Cable and Adapter Specifications RJ-21 C able Pin outs Note Ta b l e B - 1 shows the pinout s for t he RJ-2 1 connector on a Catalyst 2924 LRE XL switc h.
Appendix B Connectors an d Cab le Specificat ions Identifyin g a Rollover Cabl e B-6 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Identifying a Rollover Cable Y ou can identify a rollo ver cable by comp aring the two modular ends of the cable.
B-7 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix B Connectors an d Cab le Specificat ions Connec ting to a Term inal Connecting to a Te rminal Use the thin, flat, RJ-45-to-RJ-45 roll ov er cable and RJ-45-to-DB-25 female DTE adap ter to conne ct the conso le port t o a termina l.
Appendix B Connectors an d Cab le Specificat ions Connecti ng t o a Te rminal B-8 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 T able B-3 Console P ort Sig naling a nd Cabling U sin.
C-1 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 APPENDIX C Translated Safety Warnings This append ix repeat s in multiple langu ages the warn ings in this guide. T hese translat ed warnin gs can be used with other documents relat ed to thi s guide.
Append ix C Translated Safety War nings Attaching the Cisco RPS (mod el PWR 600-AC-RPS) C-2 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Attaching the Cisco RPS (model PWR600-AC-RPS) This war ning appl ies to the Ca talyst 2912 XL, 2924 XL, 2924 C XL, 2924M XL, an d 2924C X L switches .
C-3 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix C Transl ate d Safety Warni ngs Attaching the Cisco RPS (model PWR300-AC-R PS-N1) Attaching the Cisco RPS (mod el PWR300 -AC-RPS- N1) This war ning appli es to the Catal yst 2912 L RE XL and 2924 LRE XL s witches.
Append ix C Translated Safety War nings Qualified Per sonnel Warn ing C-4 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Qualified Personnel Warning War ni ng Only trained and qualifi.
C-5 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix C Transl ate d Safety Warni ngs Installation Warning Installation Warning War ni ng Read the installation instructi ons before you connect the sy stem to its power source. Waarschuwing Raadpleeg de installatie-aanwijzingen voordat u het sy steem met de voeding verbindt.
Append ix C Translated Safety War nings Jew elr y Remo val W arnin g C-6 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Jewelry Removal Warning War ni ng Before working on equipment that is connected to power lines, remove jewelry (including rings, necklaces, and watches).
C-7 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix C Transl ate d Safety Warni ngs Jewelry R emoval War ning Avvertenza Prima di intervenire su apparecchiature collegate alle linee di alimentazione, togliersi qualsiasi monile (inclusi anelli, collane, braccialetti ed orologi ).
Append ix C Translated Safety War nings Stackin g the Chassis W arni ng C-8 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Stacking the Cha ssis Warning War ni ng Do not stack the chassis o n an y other eq uipment. If the chassis falls, it can cause severe bodily i njury and equipment damage.
C-9 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix C Transl ate d Safety Warni ngs Main Dis connect ing Device Main Disconnecti ng Device ¡ Atenci ó n! No apilar los chasis sobre ning ú n otro equipo. S i el chasis se cae al suelo puede causar graves lesiones f í si cas y da ñ os al equipo.
Append ix C Translated Safety War nings Overtempe rature Warni ng C-10 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Overtemperature Warning Avi s o A combina çã o ficha-tomada dever á ser sempre acess í vel, porque funciona como interruptor principal.
C-11 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix C Transl ate d Safety Warni ngs Overtemper ature W arning Attention Pour é viter une surchauffe du commutateur , ne pas le faire fonctionner dans un local dont la temp é rature am biante d é passe le maximum recomm and é de 40 ° C (104 F).
Append ix C Translated Safety War nings Overtempe rature Warni ng C-12 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 ¡ Advertenci a! Para evitar que el interruptor se recaliente, no se debe usar en á reas cuya temperatura ambiente exceda la m á xima recomendada, esto es, 40 ° C (104 ° F) .
C-13 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix C Transl ate d Safety Warni ngs TN Power Warnin g TN Power Warn ing War ni ng The device is designed to work w ith TN power sy s tems. Waarschuwing Het apparaat is ontworpen om te functioneren met TN energiesy st emen.
Append ix C Translated Safety War nings Ground Con nection Warni ng C-14 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Ground Connectio n Warning War ni ng When installing the unit, the ground connection must alway s be made first and disconnected last.
C-15 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix C Transl ate d Safety Warni ngs Circuit Breaker (15A) Warning Circuit Breaker (15A) Warning War ni ng This product relies on the building ’ s inst allation for short-circuit (overcurrent) protection.
Append ix C Translated Safety War nings Circuit Bre ake r (15A) Warni ng C-16 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Avvertenza Questo prodotto dipende dall ’ installazione dell ’ edifici o per quanto riguarda la protezione contro cortocircuiti (sovracorrente).
C-17 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix C Transl ate d Safety Warni ngs Grounded Equ ipment War ning Grounded Equipment Wa rning War ni ng This equipment is intended to be grounded. Ensure that the host is connected to earth ground du ring normal use.
Append ix C Translated Safety War nings Supply Ci rcui t W arning C-18 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Supply Circuit Wa rning War ni ng Care must be given to connecting units to the supply circuit so that wiring is not overloaded.
C-19 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix C Transl ate d Safety Warni ngs Voltage Warning Voltage Warning ¡ Atenci ó n! Poner mucho cuidado al cone ctar los equipos al circuito de alimentaci ó n a fin de no sobrecargar el c ableado.
Append ix C Translated Safety War nings Voltage W arning C-20 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Avvert enza Una tensione inadeguata pu ò causare danni all'apparecchio e rischio di incendio.
C-21 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix C Transl ate d Safety Warni ngs Power Supply Warning Power Supply Warning War ni ng Do not touch the power supply when the power cord is connected.
Append ix C Translated Safety War nings Power Supp ly Warn ing C-22 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Avvertenza Non toccare l ’ alimentatore se il cavo dell ’ alimentazione è collegato.
C-23 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix C Transl ate d Safety Warni ngs Lightning Activity Warning Lightning Activity Warning War ni ng Do not work on the sy stem or connect or di sconnect cables during periods of lightning activit y .
Append ix C Translated Safety War nings Product D ispos al Warnin g C-24 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Product Disposal Wa rning ¡ Advertenci a! No operar el sistema ni conectar o desconectar cables durante el transcurso de descargas el é ctricas en la atm ó sfera.
C-25 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix C Transl ate d Safety Warni ngs Class 1 Laser Product War ning Class 1 Laser Product Warning Avi so Deitar fora este produto em conformi dade com todas as leis e regulamentos nacionais.
Append ix C Translated Safety War nings Laser Beam Ex posure Warn ing C-26 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Laser Beam Exp osure Warning Avvertenza. Delle aperture delle porte del modulo apparato supervisore monomodale 100BASE-FX possono essere emesse radiazioni laser invisibi li.
C-27 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix C Transl ate d Safety Warni ngs No On/Off Switch Warning No On/Off Switch Warning Warnung Sch ü tzen Sie sich vor Strahlung. Avvertenza Evitare l ’ esposizione al raggio.
Append ix C Translated Safety War nings No On /Off Swit ch Wa rnin g C-28 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Advars el F ø r det skal utf ø res arbeid p å et sy stem som ikke har en av/p å -bryter , skal str ø mledningen trekkes ut.
C-29 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix C Transl ate d Safety Warni ngs Chassis Warning — Rack- Mountin g and S ervici ng Chassis Warning — Rack-Moun ting an.
Append ix C Translated Safety War nings Chassi s War ning — Rack-Mo unting and Servicing C-30 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Va r o i t u s Kun laite asetetaan telin.
C-31 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix C Transl ate d Safety Warni ngs Chassis Warning — Rack- Mountin g and S ervici ng Warnung Zur V ermeidung von K ö rper.
Append ix C Translated Safety War nings Chassi s War ning — Rack-Mo unting and Servicing C-32 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 Advarse l Unng å fy siske skader under montering eller reparasjonsarbeid p å denne enheten n å r den befinner seg i et kabinett.
C-33 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Appendix C Transl ate d Safety Warni ngs Chassis Warning — Rack- Mountin g and S ervici ng ¡ Advertenci a! Para evitar lesiones.
Append ix C Translated Safety War nings Chassi s War ning — Rack-Mo unting and Servicing C-34 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03.
IN- 1 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 INDEX Numerics 10/100BAS E-T ports cable s and c onnect ors B-1 connect ing to 2-26 connect ion dist ances, maxim um 1-6 full dup.
Index IN-2 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 CiscoWorks 200 0 1-4 Clas s 1 lase r produ ct wa rni ng C-25 Cluster M anagem ent Suit e 1-4 comm and-li ne inte rface ( CLI).
IN- 3 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Index F feedba ck to Cis co Syst ems, web xvii i fiber- optic cabl e 50/125- or 6 2.
Index IN-4 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 J jewel ry remova l warning C-6 L LAN-to- phone j ack 2-27 Laser beam expo sure warn ing C-26 LEDs 100 port mod e 1-13, 1-15 .
IN- 5 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Index O overtemp eratu re warning C- 10 P packin g list 2-6 PC, connecting to switc h 2-33 perform ance prob lems, solvi ng 3-3 p.
Index IN-6 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03 RPS LED 1-12 to 1-13 RPS 300 conn ector 1-20 LED 1-13 supported s witches 1-19 warnin g C-3 RPS 600 conn ector 1-20 LED 1-12 .
IN- 7 Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Insta llation Gu ide 78-6461-03 Index voltage war ning C-19 W warnings transla ted C-1 to C -33.
Index IN-8 Catalyst 2900 S eries XL Hardware Installation Guide 78-6461-03.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Cisco Systems 2900 SERIES XL (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Cisco Systems 2900 SERIES XL heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Cisco Systems 2900 SERIES XL vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Cisco Systems 2900 SERIES XL leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Cisco Systems 2900 SERIES XL krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Cisco Systems 2900 SERIES XL bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Cisco Systems 2900 SERIES XL kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Cisco Systems 2900 SERIES XL . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.