Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product CIVS-IPC-2600 van de fabrikant Cisco Systems
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Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, In c. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 951 34-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco V ideo Sur v eill anc.
v Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guide OL-24127-02 Preface Overview This document, Cisco V i deo Surveillance IP Camera User Guide pro vides information about installing, confi guring, u.
vi Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Preface.
iii Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guide OL-24127-02 CONTENTS Preface v Overview v Organization v Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guid elines v CHAPTER 1 Overvie.
Contents iv Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Audio/Video Windows 3-16 Video Window 3-16 Audio Window 3-23 Privacy Region Window 3-24 Security Windows 3-25 Product Proces.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 1 Overview This chapter pr ovides a n ov ervie w of the Cisco V ideo Surv eillance IP C ameras and its featu res.
1-2 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 1 Overvi ew IP Camera Overview • Motion detection— The IP camera can detect motion in up to four designated f ields of view b y analyzing changes in p ixels and genera te an alert if motion is detected.
1-3 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 1 Overview IP Camera Overview Figur e 1 -1 Fr ont of IP Camer a 1 Lens opening The IP camera support s a v ariety of C and CS mo unt lenses, which att ach here. For best performance, Cisco recommends th at you use a DC auto iris lens.
1-4 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 1 Overvi ew IP Camera Overview Figure 1-2 and the table that follows describe th e items on the rear of the IP camera.
1-5 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 1 Overview IP Camera Overview Figure 1-3 and the table that foll ows descri be the items on the side of the IP camera.
1-6 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 1 Overvi ew IP Camera Overview DC Auto Iris Lens Connector Pinouts Figure 1-4 and the table that follows descri be the pinouts of t he DC auto iris lens connector on the IP camera.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 2 Getting Started This chapter pro vides instructions for installing and performing the initial setu p of the Cisco V ideo Surveillance IP Camera.
2-2 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 2 Getting Started Installing the Cisco Vide o Surveillance IP Camera War ni ng The power supply must be placed indoors. Statement 331 Note If you use the IP camera outdoo rs, place the camera and the po wer supply in a suitable NEMA enclosure.
2-3 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 2 Getting Started Installing the Ci sco Video Surveillance IP Camera Step 3 Optional. If you are going to connect a speaker and/or a microphone to the IP camera , attach a Snap-on ferrite core to the speake r and microphone cables.
2-4 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 2 Getting Started Performing the Initial Setup of the IP Camera After you install the IP camera, follo w the instructions in the “Performing the In itial Setup of the IP Camera” sectio n on page 2-4 to access and configure the camera.
2-5 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 2 Getting Started Performing the Initial Se tup of the IP Camera T o make these conf iguration set tings, you connect to the IP camera from an y PC that is on the same network as the IP camera.
2-6 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 2 Getting Started Accessing the IP Came ra Windows • Click the Setup link to access conf iguration menus for the cam era. For detailed informatio n about these menus, see Chapter 3, “Conf iguring and Managing the IP Camera.
2-7 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 2 Getting Started Adjusting Back Focus on the IP Camera • Enter the follo wing for a secure connectio n if the IP ad dress is and the HTTPS port number is 1024: https://203 .
2-8 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 2 Getting Started Powering the IP Camera On or Off Powering the IP Camera On or Off The IP camera does not include an on/ off switch . Y ou power i t on or of f by conn ecting it to or disconnectin g it from a power source.
2-9 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 2 Getting Started Cleaning the IP Camera Cleaning the IP Camera T o clean and IP camera, follow these guidelines: • T o cl.
2-10 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 2 Getting Started Cleaning the IP Camera.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 3 Configuring and Managing the IP Camera The Cisco V ideo Surveillance IP Camera pr ovides conf iguration windo ws that you us e to conf igure and manage the IP camera.
3-2 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Configuration Overview Ta b l e 3-1 Guidelines f or Configur ing the IP Camera Configuration Item Explanation Guidelines for Use Reference IP camera name and description Identifies the IP camera.
3-3 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Configuration Overview Audio options Includes options for audi o streams that are received or sent by the IP camera. Required if you use the internal or an external microphone, or an external speaker .
3-4 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Navigating the Configuration Windows Navigating the Configuration Windows After y.
3-5 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Setup Windows • Security – Product Process – Initialization – Complexi ty .
3-6 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Setup Window s Ta b l e 3-2 describes the options in the Basic Setup windo w . Ta b l e 3-2 Basic Setup Window Options Option Description Device Settings De vice ID Display only .
3-7 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Setup Windows Advanced Setup Window The Adv anced Setup w indow provides options for conf iguring v arious networ k and protocol settings for the IP camera.
3-8 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Setup Window s Ta b l e 3-3 describes the options in the Adv anced Setup windo w .
3-9 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Setup Windows Max R TP V ideo P acket Length Maximum number of bytes per vide o packet that are sent in each R TP request. Conf igure a lo wer number if you are streaming vi deo to a cell phone that requires smaller data packets.
3-10 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Setup Window s IP Filter Window The IP Filter wi ndow p rovides optio ns for con.
3-11 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Setup Windows EAPOL Window The EAPOL windo w provides options for conf iguring Extensible Authentication Pr otocol Over LANs (EAPOL).
3-12 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Administration W indows Administration Windows The Administration win dows let you conf igure IP came ra users, reset or rest art th e IP camera, and upgrade f irmware on the IP camera .
3-13 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Administration Windows Ta b l e 3-6 describes the options in the Users windo w . Ta b l e 3-6 Users Windo w Options Option Description Administrator User ID Display only .
3-14 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Administration W indows Maintenance Window The Maintenance windo w prov ides opt.
3-15 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Administration Windows Firmware Window The Firmware win dow lets y ou view i nformation about the fi rmware that is inst alled on the IP camera and upgrade the firmw are.
3-16 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Audio/Video Windows Audio/Video Windows The Audio/V ideo windo ws provide opti ons for conf iguring audio and video from the IP camera.
3-17 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Audio/Video Window s Ta b l e 3-9 V ideo Wind ow Opti ons Option Description Streaming Mode Choose the m ode that the I P ca mera uses for video streaming: • Single H.
3-18 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Audio/Video Windows Max. Frame R ate Choose the desired maxi mum frame rate per second for the pr imary video stream from the IP camera.
3-19 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Audio/Video Window s V ideo Quality Control Choose an option for the video qualit.
3-20 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Audio/Video Windows Fixed V ideo Quality Specif ies that video is output at a f ixed quality , which ranges from V ery High to V ery Lo w .
3-21 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Audio/Video Window s Frame Repeat Count Designates ho w video output from the IP camera displays.
3-22 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Audio/Video Windows V alida tion Time If the Switch Mode optio n is set to Auto, specify the time that the camera waits before swit ching Day/Night modes.
3-23 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Audio/Video Window s Audio Window The Audio windo w provides op tions for enabling and co nf iguring audio that is transmitted to and from the IP camera.
3-24 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Audio/Video Windows Privacy Region Window The Pri vac y Re gion windo w provides opt ions for creating up to four user -defined masking zones that can be used to pro vide regions of pri vac y in the camera f ield of vie w .
3-25 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Securit y Windows Security Windows The Security windo w s prov ide options for st.
3-26 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Security Windows Ta b l e 3-13 describes the options in the Initializat ion windo w . Complexity Window The Complexi ty windo w provides o ptions for conf iguring requirem ents for the IP camera administrator and user passwords.
3-27 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Applications Windows Applications Windows The Applications windo ws provide options for conf iguring and managing a va riety of applications and IP camera acti vities.
3-28 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Applications W indows T o display the Mail & FTP windo w , access the config.
3-29 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Applications Windows Motion Detection Window The Motion Detection windo w allo ws you to conf igure up to four re gions in a video f ield.
3-30 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Applications W indows If you change an y options in the Motion Detection windo w , you must click Ap pl y to save the changes.
3-31 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Applications Windows When an ev ent occurs, it triggers the IP camera to take certain config ured actions.
3-32 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Applications W indows Actions Choose the desired options to designate acti ons that the camera takes when e vents occur: • E-Mail —Causes an e-mail message to be deli vered to the SMTP serv er .
3-33 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Applications Windows SNMP Window The SNMP windo w allows you to configure S imple Network Management Protoc ol (SNMP) settings for the IP camera.
3-34 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Applications W indows Alarm I/O Ports Window The Alarm I/O Ports windo w allows you to confi gure v arious options for th e two input and t wo output ports on the IP camera.
3-35 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Applications Windows PTZ (RS-485) Window The PTZ (RS-485) windo w allo ws you to enable pan, tilt, zoom (PTZ) functions for the IP camera.
3-36 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Applications W indows Preset Positions Window If you click the Set Pr es et P osition butto n in the PTZ (RS-485) w indow , as described in the Set Preset Position ro w in Ta b l e 3-20 , the Preset window appears.
3-37 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Applications Windows Navigation Keys Set th e pan and tilt posi tions as follo ws.
3-38 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Status Windows Status Windows The Status windo ws provide options for v iewi ng and managing a v a riety of system info rmation.
3-39 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Status Windows Audio/Video Window The Audio/V ide o window displays information abou t the audio and video str eams from the IP camera.
3-40 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Status Windows Network Window The Network windo w displays information about v arious IP camera network settings and operations. Y ou conf igure the settings as described in the “Basic Setup Windo w” section on page 3-5 .
3-41 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Status Windows Ta b l e 3-25 describes the options in the Syslog & Lo g windo w .
3-42 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Status Windows Ta b l e 3-26 describes the messages that can appear in the IP camera log file. When you vi ew the lo g file, each message includes t he date and time that it wa s logged.
3-43 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Status Windows Audio: Disable micropho ne. Captures information when audio devices are enabled or disab led in the Audio w indow . Audio: Disable speaker .
3-44 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Status Windows output: F ailed to set output port P ort_Number . Provides information wh en you conf igure the output ports on the I P camera.
3-45 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Status Windows Stream: R TSP stream started.
3-46 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Status Windows Video Log Window The V ie w V ideo Log windo w lets you manage video file s. If the T rigger Event option is enabled in the Event windo w , the IP camera creates a vide o file for each e vent that it detects.
3-47 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Configuring and Ma naging the IP Camera Status Windows Ta b l e 3-27 describes the option in the V iew V ideo Log windo w . Ta b l e 3-27 Video Log W indow Options Option Description V ideo Log Displays a list of v ideo logs.
3-48 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 3 Config uring and Managin g the IP Camera Status Windows.
CH A P T E R 4-1 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 4 Viewing Live Video After you install and set up the Cisco V ideo Surveillance IP Camera as described in Chapter 2, �.
4-2 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 4 Viewing Live Video Viewing Video thr ough the Home W indow Overview Figur e 4-1 H ome Window 1 Digital z oom controls. For deta iled informa tion, see the “Home W indo w Controls” section on page 4-3 .
4-3 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 4 Viewing Live Video Viewing Video throug h the Home Window Overview Home Window Controls The Home windo w provides controls for se veral IP camera features. Ta b l e 4-1 describes the control s in th e Ho m e w i n dow .
4-4 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 4 Viewing Live Video Viewing Video thr ough the Home W indow Overview Microphon e Of f toggle b utton Click the Microphone Off butto n to mute the audio stream that is captured and sent to the IP camera from the internal or e xternal microphone of the PC that you are using.
4-5 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 4 Viewing Live Video Viewing Video throug h the Home Window Overview Preset Camera V ie w drop-do wn list When you choose a preset p osition from this list, the camera immedi ately goes to that preset position .
4-6 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 4 Viewing Live Video Viewing Video through Third- Party Devices or Software Viewing Video through Third-Party Devices or Sof.
4-7 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 Chapter 4 Viewing Live Video Viewing Video through Th ird-Party Devices or Software Accessing the Primary H.264 Stream In the follo w ing commands, the ip_addr ess argument represents the IP address of the IP camera.
4-8 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 4 Viewing Live Video Viewing Video through Third- Party Devices or Software Accessing the MJPEG Stream In the follo w ing commands, the ip_addr ess argument represents the IP address of the IP camera.
CH A P T E R 5-1 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 5 Troubleshooting This chapter describes some common probl ems that may be encountered while usin g the IP camera and provid es possible solutions. Symptom Cannot connect to an IP camera through a web browser .
5-2 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Chapter 5 Tro ubleshooting Symptom The motion detection feature d oes not send e-mail alerts.
A-1 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guide OL-24127-02 APPENDIX A Using the IP Camera with Cisco VSM Cisco V ideo Survei llance Manager (VSM) is a suite of p ower ful and flexi ble video s.
A-2 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User G uide OL-24127-02 Appendix A Using the IP Camera with Cisco VSM.
IN-1 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guide OL-24127-02 INDEX A action configuring 3-32 overview 3-31 triggered by eve nt 3-31 ActiveX contro ls 3-29 activity indication 1-3 Activity LED 1.
Index IN-2 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 cleaning, IP camera 2-9 C mount lens 1-3, 2-2 codec, for audio 3-24 Complexity window options 3-26 overview 3-26 configuratio.
Index IN-3 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guide OL-24127-02 night schedule mode described 3-21 end time 3-22 start time 3-22 Day button 4-5 daylight saving time, adjustment for 3-6 day m.
Index IN-4 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 G gateway, for IP camera 3-7, 3-40 General purpose input /output (GPIO) port 1-5 H H.
Index IN-5 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guide OL-24127-02 LAN port on 1-4 lens 1-3, 2-2 locking do wn 2-4 mounting 2-4 name 3-6 overview 1-1 package contents 1-6 panning 4-5 power conn.
Index IN-6 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 M MAC address, of IP camera 3-38 Mail & FTP window options 3-28 overview 3-27 Maintenanc e window options 3-14 overview 3.
Index IN-7 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guide OL-24127-02 P package contents 1-6 pan, tilt, zoom See PTZ panning 4-5 pan speed 3-37 parity, for PTZ 3-35 password complexity 3-26 config.
Index IN-8 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 reset factory default va lues 2-8 IP address 2-8 Reset button 1-4 resetting the IP camera 1-4 restarting, IP camera 3-14 rest.
Index IN-9 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guide OL-24127-02 administrator password recovery 5-1 alerts 5-2 cannot access IP camera through browser 5-1 motion detection 5-2 U Unique Devic.
Index IN-10 Cisco Video Surveillance 2600 IP Camera User Guid e OL-24127-02 of audio from camera 4-3 of PC microphone 4-4 of PC speaker 4-3 W white bala nce, preset modes 3-20 Z zoom digital 4-3 optic.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Cisco Systems CIVS-IPC-2600 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Cisco Systems CIVS-IPC-2600 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Cisco Systems CIVS-IPC-2600 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Cisco Systems CIVS-IPC-2600 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Cisco Systems CIVS-IPC-2600 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Cisco Systems CIVS-IPC-2600 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Cisco Systems CIVS-IPC-2600 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Cisco Systems CIVS-IPC-2600 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.