Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DS3 (2014) van de fabrikant Citroën
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DS3_EN_Chap00_couv-debut_ed01-2014 HANDBOOK.
DS3_EN_Chap00_couv-debut_ed01-2014 On-line handbook If the "MyCITROËN" function is not available on the CITROËN public website for your country , youcanndyourhandbookatthefollowingaddress: http://service.citroen.
DS3 _en _Chap0 0a _sommaire _ed01-20 1 4 CITROËN has a pre sence on ever y c ontinent, acom pleteproductra nge, bringi ngtogethertec hnologyan daperman entspiritofinnovation, foramode rnandc reativeapproachtomo bilit y .
DS3 _en _Chap0 0a _sommaire _ed01-20 1 4 C o nte nt s OV ER VI E W 6 MONIT ORING 18 Instrumentpanels 22 Ind ic atora ndwa rni ngla mps 35 Indicato rs 40 Adjustmentbuttons 42.
DS3 _en _Chap0 0a _sommaire _ed01-20 1 4 MUL TIF UNCTION SCREE NS CO M FO R T ACC ES S 48 Mon oc hro mes cre enA 51 M ono ch rom esc ree nC 55 16/9c ol ours cr een (e .
DS3 _en _Chap0 0a _sommaire _ed01-20 1 4 SA FET Y DRI VING CHI LD SAFET Y 174 Child seats 17 7 Deactivatingthe passenger's fr ontai rb ag 18 4 IS OFI X chi ld se ats 14 8 Directio.
DS3 _en _Chap0 0a _sommaire _ed01-20 1 4 CHECKS PR AC T I CA L INF ORMA TION TEC HNI C AL D A T A AUDIO AN D TELEMA TICS 19 0 Fuelta nk 192 Misfuel pre vention (Diesel) 193 Runni ngou t.
DS3 _en _Chap0 0b_vue- ensemble _ed01-20 14 O ve r v i e w Thi sse cti ong ivesyo uanover vie wofyou rvehic le' sinst r ume ntsan d co ntr olsa ndit smai nsyste ms.
DS3 _en _Chap0 0b_vue- ensemble _ed01-20 14.
DS3 _en _Chap0 0b_vue- ensemble _ed01-20 14 E x ter io r Customising kits The seex pre ssi vesti cker sfo rm par to faran geofk it s,ver y dif f ere nton efro mano the r ,w hi ch all ow you to c re ate a un iqu e andat t rac ti veext er iorf oryo ur vehicle.
9 Ove r vi ew DS3 _en _Chap0 0b_vue- ensemble _ed01-20 14 Under-ination det ection Thi ssyste mauto mat ic all ych eck sthet y re pre ss ure swhe ndr ivi ngan dale r tsyo uinth e eventofa nunde r-in fl ati on.
DS3 _en _Chap0 0b_vue- ensemble _ed01-20 14 Inte r i o r Interior mood lighting Thi ssub due dpas sen gerc o mpar tm entli ght ing imp rovesv isi bil it yins idet heveh ic leinl ow lig hti ngc ond iti ons .
11 Ove r vi ew DS3 _en _Chap0 0b_vue- ensemble _ed01-20 14 In strume n tsan dcont rol s 1. Cru isec on tro l/spe edli mit erc ont rol s. 2. He adla mphe igh tadju stm ent . 3. S tee ri ngwh ee ladju stm ent .
DS3 _en _Chap0 0b_vue- ensemble _ed01-20 14 In strume n tsan dcont rol s 1. Stee ri nglo cka ndig nit ion . 2. Audi oeq uip ments teer in gwh eelc on tro ls. 3. W ip er/sc re enwas h/tr ipc om pute rsta lk.
13 Ove r vi ew DS3 _en _Chap0 0b_vue- ensemble _ed01-20 14.
DS3_en_Ch ap00c _eco- cond uit e_ed01 -20 14 Bef orem ovin gof f,ift hepa sse nge rco mpa r tm enti stoowa rm ,venti latei t byope nin gthew ind owsa ndai rventsb efo reus ingt heai rco ndi tio nin g.
15 Eco - dr iv in g DS3_en_Ch ap00c _eco- cond uit e_ed01 -20 14 Limit the causes of ex ce ss consumption Spr eadl oad sthr oug hou ttheve hic le;p lac eth eheav ies titem sinth e bot to mofth ebo ot,asc lo seasp os sib letot here arse ats .
DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 In st r um e nt s an d c o nt r o ls T ohe lpyouu nde rst an dthei nfo rm ati onpr es ente dinth einst r ume nt.
DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4.
DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 P etr ol-Dies elins trumen tpa nel s,ma nu al,e lectron ic ora ut oma ticgea r bo x Prov ide dwit hpe rm ane ntba.
19 Monitoring DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Screen E. Ser vice indicator (mile sork m ),t he n T otal mileage recorder Th ese t w o fun ct ion s are d isp layed suc c ess ivel ywh enswi tch ingo nth eign iti on F.
DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 R A CINGpe troli nstru men tpa nel ,man ualg earbo x Prov ide dwit hpe rm ane ntbac k-l ight ing ,thei nst ru mentp ane lgro upst oge the rtheve hic le' sdial sandi ndi ca toran dwar nin glam ps.
21 Monitoring DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Screen C. Ser vice indicator (mile sork m ),t he n T otal mileage recorder The se t wo f unc ti on s are di spl ayed suc c ess ivel ywh ensw itch ingo nth e ignition.
DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Vi suali ndi ca tor sinf or min gthed ri ver tha tasyste misino per ati on(ope rat ion orde ac tiva tio nind ic ato rlamp s )oroft he oc cu rr enc eofafa ult(war ni ngla mp).
23 Monitoring DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Operation indicator lamps Ifon eofth efol low ingi ndi cat orla mpsc om eso n,thi sc onf ir mst hatt hec or re spo ndi ngsyste mhasc om eintoo pe rat ion .
DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Warning lamp is o n Cause Action / Observations Diesel engine pre- heating f ixe d. Thekeyisa tpos it ion2( ign iti onon)in thei gni ti onsw itc h. Waitunt ilt hewar ni ngla mpgo esof fbefo rest ar t in g.
25 Monitoring DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Foot o n th e brake pedal f ixe d. Theb ra kepeda lmustb epr ess ed. Wit hane lec tr oni cge arb ox,p res stheb ra kepeda lto sta r tth eeng ine( leverinp os iti on N ).
DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Deactivation indicator lamps Ifon eofth efol low ingi ndi cat orla mpsc om eso n,thi sc onf ir mst hatt hec or re spo ndi ngsyste mhasb eens wit che dof fin tent ion all y .
27 Monitoring DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Warning lamp s Wh enth eeng inei sru nnin gort heveh icl eis bei ngdr ive n,th eillu min ati ono.
DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Braking f ixed,a ss oc iate dwit h theS TOPwar ni ng lamp. Theb ra kin gsyste mfl uidl evelist oo l o w. Y oum ustst opass oona sitiss afetod oso.
29 Monitoring DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Warning lamp is o n Cause Action / Observations En gin e autodiagnosis syst em flashing. Thee ngi nema nag eme ntsyste mhas afau lt. Ri skofde str uc ti onoft hec at aly t icc onver ter.
DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Warning lamp is o n Cause Action / Observations En gin e oi l pressure f ixe d. The reisaf aul twit hthee ngi ne lub ri cat io nsyste m. Y oum ustst opass ooni tiss afetodos o.
31 Monitoring DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Airbags temporarily. Thisla mpc ome sonf orafews ec on ds whe nyout urno nth eign iti on,t hen go esof f. Thi slam psho uldg oof fw hent heen gin eisst ar te d.
DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Warning lamp is o n Cause Action / Observations Under-inflat ion f i xed,ac c om pani edby anau dibl esi gnala nd ames sa ge. Thep re ssu reino neorm orew he els isto olow.
33 Monitoring DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Warning lamp is o n Cause Action / Observations AdBlue ® additive (BlueHDi Diesel) f ixed,o nswi tch ing ont heig nit ion , ac co mpa nie dbyan audi bles ig nalan da mes sa gein dic at ingt he remaining dr iving range.
DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Warning lamp is o n Cause Action / Observations + + SCR e mi ss ion s control sy stem (BlueHDi Diesel) f ixed,o nswi tch ingo nth e ig.
35 Monitoring DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Wi thth eeng iner un ning ,whe nth enee dlei s: - in zo ne A ,thet emp erat urei sco r rec t, - in zo .
DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Sys temwh ic hinfo r msth edr iverw hent he nex tser vic eisd ue,ina cc or dan cew itht he manufacturer'sservicingschedule.
37 Monitoring DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Les s tha n 60 0 mil es ( 1 00 0 km) rem ain b efor e the n ext se r vi ce i s due E xa mp l e: 5 60m ile s(9 0 0km)remai nbef ore then exts er v ic eisdu e.
DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Ser vice indicator zero reset Af te reac hser vi ce,t hese r vi cei ndi ca tormu st bere settoz ero.
39 Monitoring DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 On ve hic le s f it ted w ith a n ele ct ri c oi l level ind ic ator,info rm ati onont heoi lleveli s dis playe d.
DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 The t ota l and t ri p dis tan ce s are d isp layed f or thi r t ysec o ndsw hent heig nit io nissw itc hedof f, when the driver's door is opened and when the vehi cl eislo cke dorun loc ked.
41 Monitoring DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Black panel Sys temal low ingc er tai ndis playst obesw itc hed of ffo rnig htdr ivi ng.
DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 T ripcomp ut er Monochrome screen A Information displays F Pre ss t he but to n, lo c ated at t he e nd of t he wiper stalk ,todi spl aytheva ri ousi temso f tr ipc om pute rinfo rm ati oni nsuc ce ss ion .
43 Monitoring DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 Monochrome screen C Information displays F Pre ss t he but to n, lo c ated at t he e nd of the w iper stalk , to dis play t he var io us t ri p co mpu tert absi nsuc c ess io n.
DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4 A few definit ions… Range (mile sorkm) Current fuel cons umption (mpgorl /100k morkm / l) Stop & S tar t ti me counter (mi.
45 Monitoring DS3 _en _Chap01_controle -de - marche_ ed01- 201 4.
DS3 _en _Chap 02_ ecrans -multif onction _e d01-20 14 Mul tifun c tion screen s Ide nti f yyourm ult if unc ti onsc re enint hiss ec tio n,toad justo rvi ewvehi cl e set ti ngsa ndin for mat io n,bymea nsoft heus er-fr ie ndl ymen us.
DS3 _en _Chap 02_ ecrans -multif onction _e d01-20 14.
DS3 _en _Chap 02_ ecrans -multif onction _e d01-20 14 Mono chrome screenA Thi sdis playst hef oll owi nginf or mat io n: - tim e, - date, - amb ientt emp era ture(t hisf la she sift her eis ari skofi ce), - sta tus of t he d oor s an d bo ot, - cur re ntaud ios ourc e(radi o,CD.
49 Multifunc tion screens DS3 _en _Chap 02_ ecrans -multif onction _e d01-20 14 Rad io - CD Wi thth eAud iosyst emsw itc hedo n,onc et he " Radi o - C D"m enuh .
DS3 _en _Chap 02_ ecrans -multif onction _e d01-20 14 Languages On cet he" L ang uag es"me nuha sbee nsel ec ted, youc anc han geth elan gua geus edbyth e sc ree nbycho os ingo nefr omad ef ine dlist .
51 Multifunc tion screens DS3 _en _Chap 02_ ecrans -multif onction _e d01-20 14 Mono chrome screenC Thi sdis playst hef oll owi nginf or mat io n: - tim e, - date, - amb ient.
DS3 _en _Chap 02_ ecrans -multif onction _e d01-20 14 Wi thth eAud iosyst emsw itc hedo n,onc et his men uhasb eens ele ct edyouc ana ct ivate orde ac t.
53 Multifunc tion screens DS3 _en _Chap 02_ ecrans -multif onction _e d01-20 14 "Personalisation- Configurat ion " menu On cet hism enuh asbe ense lec te d,youc an ga.
DS3 _en _Chap 02_ ecrans -multif onction _e d01-20 14 Display conguration On cet hism enuh asbe ense lec te d,youc an gai nacc e sstot hefo llo win gset ti ngs: - brightness-video setting, - datea ndti meset t ing , - sel ec ti onofun its .
55 Multifunc tion screens DS3 _en _Chap 02_ ecrans -multif onction _e d01-20 14 1 6/9colou rscree n( eMyW a y ) Itdi spl aysthef oll owi ngin for mat io n auto mat ic all ya.
DS3 _en _Chap 02_ ecrans -multif onction _e d01-20 14 Display conguration Thi smen uall owsyo utoch oo seac olo ur sc hem efort hesc re en,ad jus ttheb ri .
57 Multifunc tion screens DS3 _en _Chap 02_ ecrans -multif onction _e d01-20 14 V ehicl e paramet ers Thi smen uall owsyo utoac tiva teorde ac tiva te ce r t aindr iv ing.
DS3 _en _Chap03 _ ouvertures _ ed01- 201 4 Ac c es s Thi sse cti ond esc r ibe sthef un ct ion softh erem otec ont rolkey,elec tr ic win dow s,c entr all oc kin gofdo or sandb oota ndac c esst othef ue lf ill er .
DS3 _en _Chap03 _ ouvertures _ ed01- 201 4.
DS3 _en _Chap03 _ ouvertures _ ed01- 201 4 R emo tecon trolk e y Sys temwh ic hper mi tsc ent ralu nlo ck ingo rlo ck ingo ftheve hic leu sin gthel oc korf romad ist anc e.
61 Acc e ss DS3 _en _Chap03 _ ouvertures _ ed01- 201 4 Locking the veh icle Locking using the remote control Loc ki ngisc on f ir medbyf i xedli ghti ngof thed ire ct ioni ndi ca tor sfo rapp roxi mate ly t wose co nds .
DS3 _en _Chap03 _ ouvertures _ ed01- 201 4 Thi sisin dic ate dbylig hti ngoft hec our t esy lam psan df lash ingoft hedi rec ti oni ndi cat or s foraf ewse co nds.
63 Acc e ss DS3 _en _Chap03 _ ouvertures _ ed01- 201 4 Star t ing the vehicle F Ins er tt hekeyinth eign iti onsw itc h. Th esyste mrec og nis est hest ar t ingc od e. F T ur nth ekeyfull ytowa rdst heda shb oar dto position 3 (Starting ) .
DS3 _en _Chap03 _ ouvertures _ ed01- 201 4 Foll owi ngdi sc onn ec tio nofth evehi cl ebat ter y , rep lac em entoft here motec o ntro lbat te r yor inth eeventofar emo teco ntr olm alf unc ti on, youc ann olon geru nlo ck ,lo ckorl oc ate yourve hic le.
65 Acc e ss DS3 _en _Chap03 _ ouvertures _ ed01- 201 4 Don otthr owth erem otec ont ro l bat ter i esaway,theyco nta inme tal s whi cha reha rmf ultot hee nvir onm ent. T aketh emtoa napp rovedc o lle ct ion point.
DS3 _en _Chap03 _ ouvertures _ ed01- 201 4 1. Driver's electric windo w switch. 2. Passenger's electric window s witch. Window c ontrols Sys temwh ic hope nsorc lo se sawin dowm anua llyo rauto mat ic all y .I tisf it te dwit hant i- p inc hpro tec ti onont hedr ive r 'ssi de.
67 Acc e ss DS3 _en _Chap03 _ ouvertures _ ed01- 201 4 Inth eeventofu nwante dop eni ngoft he win dowo ncl osi ng(fo rexamp leint he pre sen ceo ffr.
DS3 _en _Chap03 _ ouvertures _ ed01- 201 4 Doors Op ening F rom out sid e F Af te runl oc kin gtheve hic leu sin gthe rem otec ont ro lorth ekey ,pu llth edo or handle.
69 Acc e ss DS3 _en _Chap03 _ ouvertures _ ed01- 201 4 Sys temwh ic hprov ide sfu llma nuall oc ki ngor unl oc kin gofth edoo r sfro mth einsi de. Manual central locking control Locking F Pre ss bu tt on A tol oc ktheve hic le.
DS3 _en _Chap03 _ ouvertures _ ed01- 201 4 Activation F Pre ss bu tt on A fo rmo reth ant wose c ond s. Aco nf ir mat io nmes sa geap pea rso nthe mult if unc ti ons cre en,ac c om pani edbyan audiblesignal.
71 Acc e ss DS3 _en _Chap03 _ ouvertures _ ed01- 201 4 Bo ot Op ening F Af te runl oc kin gtheve hic leu sin gthe rem otec ont ro lorth ekey ,p res sth e ope nin gco ntr olan dra iset het ailg ate.
DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 C omfo r t Thi sse cti ond esc r ibe stheo pe rat iono ftheh eat ing ,venti lat iona ndai r co ndi tio nin gsyste m,th e.
DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4.
DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 F ront seats Sea tco nsi sti ngofase atcu shi on,as eatba ckan dahe adre str aintw hic hc anal lbeadj uste dtoad aptyou rpos iti onf orea seofdr iv inga ndc om for t .
75 Comfor t DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 Additional adjust ments Head restraint height adjust ment F T ora iset hehe adre str ain t,pu llitup ward s. F T ore moveth ehea dres tr aint ,pre sst he lug A a ndpu llth ehea dres tra intupw ard s.
DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 Acce ss to t he re ar sea ts F Pull t he c ont ro l upwa rds to f old t he s eat bac kandm ovethes eatf or w ard.
77 Comfor t DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 R A CING fr on t sea ts Sea tco nsi sti ngofase atcu shi onan dbac kr estw hic hc anbea djus tedtoa daptyo urpo si tio nform ax imu meas eofdr iv ingan dc omfo r t .
79 Comfor t DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 Rea r seats Ben chs eatw ithf i xedon e -p ie cec ush iona nd1/3-2 /3s pli tfol din gbac kre sttoad aptt helo adsp acei nth eboo t. F Movet hec or re spo ndi ngfr onts eatfo r wa rd ifne ce ss ar y.
DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 The se h ave one p osi tio n fo r use (up ) and a stowe dpo sit io n(down). Theyc ana lsob erem oved.
81 Comfor t DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 Mir ro rs Eac hf it tedw itha nadj ust abl emir ro rgla ss permit tingthe lateralrear wardvision ne cessar y forove r ta ki ngorp ar kin g.Th eycana lsob e fol de dforp ark in ginc onf in edsp ac es.
DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 Rear vi ew mir ro r Manual day/ night mod el Adjustment F Adj ustth emir r orsot hatt hegl assi s dir ect edc or re ct lyint he"day "po sit ion .
83 Comfor t DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 V entila tion Air intake Thea irc irc ulat in ginth epas sen gerc o mpar tm ent isf il tere dando ri gin ate seit h.
DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 R ec omm enda tion sforv en til ationa ndai rcond itio nin g Ifaf te ranex ten deds topins unsh ine, thei nter io rtem per atu reisve r y hig h,f ir stvent ilat ethep ass eng er co mpa r tm entfo rafewm ome nts .
85 Comfor t DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 Hea ting/V en til a tion Manual control panel Elect ric control panel.
DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 Manual air c on ditioning Manual control panel Elect ric control panel.
87 Comfor t DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 Theh eat ing/ve nti lati ono rairc on dit io ningsy stem sope rat eswi tht heen giner un nin g,aswe llasinS TOPmo dew ithS top&S tar t.
DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 5. Ai r cond it ionin g On / O f f Thea irc ond iti on ingi sdes ign edto operate effectively in all seasons , wit hth ewin dow scl ose d. Electric control panel F Pre ss t he but to n to re ci rcu late thei nter io rair.
89 Comfor t DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 F ron tdem is t-defr ost With t he heating / ven tilation system F Putt hetem per atu rean dairf lo wco ntr olst o thed edi ca tedm ar kedpo sit ion .
DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 Digit al air c on ditioning Thea irc ond iti on ingo per atesw he nthee ngi neisr un ning ,aswel lasinSTO Pmo dewi thSt op&St ar t. Automatic operation 1 .
91 Comfor t DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 Itisp os sib letoad jus toneo rmor efu nct io ns man uall ywhi lele avin gth eoth erfu nct io nsin auto mat icmo de. The "A U T O " sy mbo lswi tch esof f.
DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 6. Air distribu tion adjustment Pre ssi ngth isbu tt onseve ralt ime sin suc c ess io n ena ble s the a ir f lo w to be dir ect edint ur .
93 Comfor t DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 R earscr eende mis t-de frost Thec o ntr olbut t onisl oc ate donth ehea tin gorai rco ndi tio nin gsyste mco ntr olpa nel .
DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 Sc ent e d air f reshener Sys tempe rm it ti ngth edif f us iono fafr agr anc eint hepas se nge rco mpa r tm entina cc or dan.
95 Comfor t DS3_ en_Chap0 4_c onfort _ed 01 -201 4 Remo ving the car tridge F Pre ss t he dia l and t ur n it a qua r ter o f a tur n anti- clock wise. F Removet hec ar t r idg e. F Ref itit sse alin gca se. Fitting the car tr idge F Removet hec ar t r idg efr omth esea lin g ca se.
DS3 _en _Chap05 _ amenagement _ed01 Fit ting s Thes ec ti onde sc ri best hevar i ousi nter io rf it tin gs,t hegl ovebox,t he ce ntr alar mr estf orsto rag e.
DS3 _en _Chap05 _ amenagement _ed01.
DS3 _en _Chap05 _ amenagement _ed01 Int er io r t tings 1. Sun visor (seedet ai lsont hefo llo win gpag e ) 2. Illuminated gl ove box (seedet ai lsont hefo llo win gpag e ) 3. Door pocket 4. Upper storage compar tment 5.
99 Fittings DS3 _en _Chap05 _ amenagement _ed01 Co mpo nen twhi chp rote ct saga insts unli ght fr omth efr onto rthes ide,a lsoe qui ppe dwit han illuminatedv anitymirror .
DS3 _en _Chap05 _ amenagement _ed01 Auxiliar y soc k et Thea uxi lia r yso cketisl oc ate dinth e" AUX "b ox onth ec entr eco ns ole.
101 Fittings DS3 _en _Chap05 _ amenagement _ed01 M ats Remov abl eca rp etpro tec ti on. Wh enf it ti ngth ematf orth ef ir sttim e,ont he dr iver 'ss id euseo nlyt hef ix ing sprov ide dint he wall etat ta ch ed.
DS3 _en _Chap05 _ amenagement _ed01 1. Rear parcel shelf (seeth efol low ingp agef orde tai ls) 2. Retaining strap 3. Locat ion for Hi- Fi amplifie r 4.
103 Fittings DS3 _en _Chap05 _ amenagement _ed01 T ore moveth eshe lf : F unh ookt het woc o rds, F rai seth eshe lfs lig htly,thenu nc lipito n eac hsi de.
DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Dr iving Thi sse cti ond esc r ibe stheu seoft hepa rk ingb rake,t hema nua l, ele ct ro nico rauto mat icge ar box,.
DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4.
DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Park ing br ak e Applying F Pullt hep ark in gbra keleverf ullyu pto imm obi lis eyourve hic le. Releasing F Pullt hep ark in gbra keleverge ntl y ,p re ss the release button then lower the lever fully .
107 Driving DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 6 - speed manual g ear box F Movet heleve rful lytot her igh ttoeng age 5 th or 6 th g e a r.
DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Electronicgear bo x R . Re verse F Wi thyou rfoo tonth ebra ke,moveth elever for war dstose le ctt hisp osi ti on. N. N eutr al. F Wi thyou rfoo tonth ebra ke,sel ec tthi s po sit iont osta r tth eeng ine.
109 Driving DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Display in the instrument panel Gea r lever po sit ions N. N eutral R . Re verse 1 2 3 4 5 / 6. G ear sinm anu almo de. AUTO. Thi sco me sonwh enaut oma tedm ode isse le cte d.
DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Creep function ( depending on equipment) Thi s fu nct io n all ows t he vehi cl e to be man oeu vre dmo reea sil yatlows pee ds (whe npar ki ng,int ra f f icja ms.
111 Driving DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Theg ea rcha nger equ est sareo nlyc ar r ie dout ifth een gines pe edpe rm its . It is n ot ne ce ss ar y to r ele ase t he ac c ele rat or ped aldu ri ngge arch ang es.
DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Op erat ing faul t Wi thth eign iti ono n,ift hiswa rn ing lam pco meso nan d AUTO f lashes, ac co mpa nie dbyanaud ibl esig nala nda mes sa geint hemu lti fun ct io nscr ee n,thi s ind ic atesag ear b oxfaul t.
11 3 Driving DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Four-s pee dauto mat icg ear boxw hic hof fe rsa ch oic ebe t weent hec om for to fful lyaut oma tic ope rat io n, enh anc ed by s por t and s now programmes,ormanual gearchanging.
DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Wh enyoum ovethel everint heg atetose le ct apo sit ion ,thec or re sp ond ingi ndic at oris dis playe dinth einst r umen tpan el. P. Par k R. Rev erse N.
11 5 Driving DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Automatic operation F Select position D for automatic changing ofth efou rgea rs. Theg ea rb oxthe nope rate sinau to - adap tive mo de,wi tho utanyin ter ve nti onont hepa r t ofth edr iver.
DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 The rei sari skofda mag etoth egea rb ox: - if you p re ss th e ac ce le rato r and bra keped alsatt hes amet ime, - ifyouf or cet hemove men tofth e gea rleverf ro mthe P p osi ti on to another position when the batter y isf lat .
11 7 Driving DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Ge ar shi f t indi c ator Sys temwh ic hred uc esf uelc on sump tio nbyadv isi ngth edr ivert ocha ngeu p. Operat ion Example: - Y oua reint hir dgea r .
DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Stop & St ar t TheS top&S ta r tsyste mput sth eeng inete mpo ra ri lyintos ta ndby-STO Pmod e-dur in gstop sinth etr af f ic(redl ight s,t raf f i cjam s,orot her.
11 9 Driving DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Goin g into en gin e ST AR T mod e The " ECO" wa rn ingl ampg oeso f f andt heen gin esta r ts: - wi th a m an u.
DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Thesy stemi srea ct ivate dauto mat ic all y atever yn ewst ar tus ingt hekey .
121 Driving DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Hil l st ar t ass ist Sys temwh ic hhol dsyo urvehi cl etem por ar ily (approx ima tely2s ec on ds )wh enst ar t ing.
DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Sys temwh ic hpreve ntst heveh icl efr om excee din gthes pe edpr ogr amm edbyt he driver .
123 Driving DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 F T ur nth umbw hee l 1 to th e "LIM IT" po sit ion:t hesp eedl imit ermo deis sel ec tedb utisn otswi tch edon( P AUS E).
DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Cruise c ontrol Sys temwh ic hauto mat ic all ymain tai nsth e spe edoft heveh ic leatt heval uepr ogr amm ed by the d ri ver , wi tho ut any ac ti on o n the accelerator pedal.
125 Driving DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Pr ogramming F T ur nth umbw hee l 1 to th e "CRUIS E" po sit ion:t hecr ui sec ont ro lmod eis sel ec tedb utisn otswi tch edon( P AUS E).
DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 R earp arkin gsen sors Sys temc ons ist ingo ffou rprox imit ys ens or s, lo cat edint here arbu mpe r . Thi s dete ct s any ob sta cl e (pe rs on, veh ic le, tre e,gat e,etc.
127 Driving DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Pr ogramming Op erat ing faul ts Ifth erei sano per ati ngfau lt,w he n rever seg eari seng age dthi s war nin .
DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4 Re versing c amera Ther ever sin gca mer aca nno tinany ci rcu mst anc esb easub sti tutef or vig ila nc eonth epar tofth edr iver. Cle anth erever si ngc ame rare gul ar ly usi ngaso f t,dr yc lo th.
129 Driving DS3 _en _Chap0 6 _c onduite_ed 01 -201 4.
DS3 _en _Chap07 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 4 Vi sibilit y Thi sse cti ond esc r ibe salloft heli ght inga ndwi pe rco ntr ols ,head lam p adj ustm ent ,th evari ou s.
DS3 _en _Chap07 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 4.
DS3 _en _Chap07 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 4 Ligh tingc ontrol s Sys temfo rsel ec ti onan dco ntr oloft hevar i ousf ron tandr earla mpsp rov idin gth evehi cle' slig hti ng.
133 Visibility DS3 _en _Chap07 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 4 Model wit hout A UTO lighting Mod el wi th AUTO light ing Manual controls Thel igh tin gisc ont rol le ddire ct lybyth edr iver bymea nsofth eri ng A an dth esta lk B .
DS3 _en _Chap07 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 4 C. Fo glam psel ec ti onr ing . Thef og lamp sop era tewit hth edipp eda ndmai n beamheadlamps.
135 Visibility DS3 _en _Chap07 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 4 Thet emp or ar yil lumi nat iono fthed ipp edb eam hea dla mpsaf t erth evehi cl e'sig nit ionh asbe en swi tch edof fm akest hedr ive r' sexite asi er whe nth elig htispo or.
DS3 _en _Chap07 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 4 Thes id ela mpsan ddip pedb ea mhead lam ps aresw itc he donaut oma tic al ly,witho utany act io n on t he par t of th e dr.
137 Visibility DS3 _en _Chap07 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 4 LEDlamps Thi sday ti meli ght ing,as ign atur eofth evehi cl e,co mpr i sest wos etso flig ht- em it ti ngdi ode s(LED s), lo cat edinve r ti ca lcut out sbel owea chhe adl amp.
DS3 _en _Chap07 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 4 T r av elling ab road LED / Xenon f ront la mps Formo tor ingi nco unt ri est hatdr iveo ntheo the r sid e of th e roa d, it is n ec.
139 Visibility DS3 _en _Chap07 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 4 Sys temfo rsel ec ti onan dco ntr oloft hevar i ous fr ontan drea rwip ingm od esfo rthee lim inat io n ofra inandc le ani ng.
DS3 _en _Chap07 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 4 B. Rearw ipe rsel ec ti onr ing: Rear w ipe r Ifasi gni f ic antac c umul ati onofs nowo r ic eispr es ent,o rwh .
141 Visibility DS3 _en _Chap07 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 4 Automatic rain sens itive windscreen w ipers Thew in dsc ree nwip er sop erat eauto mat ic all y , wit ho ut any ac ti on on t he.
DS3 _en _Chap07 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 4 Operati ng fau lt Ifana utom ati cwip ingf aulto c cur s,t hewi per s wil lop erat eininte rm it ten tmod e. Haveitc he ckedbyaC ITRO ËNd eal erora qualifiedw orkshop.
143 Visibility DS3 _en _Chap07 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 4 A. C our tesy lamp B. Map reading lamps Co ur tesylamp Inth ispo sit io n,th eco ur te sylam p co me songr adu ally :.
DS3 _en _Chap07 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 4 In te ri ormood ligh ting Thed imm edpa sse ng erc omp ar t mentl ight in gimp rovesv isi bil it yinth evehi cl ewhe nth elig ht ispo or.
145 Visibility DS3 _en _Chap07 _visibilite_ed 01 -201 4.
Safet y Thi s se cti on d esc r ibe s the o pe rat ion o f the d ire ct ion i ndi ca tor s, ha za rd war nin glam psan dtheh or ntowar not herr oadu ser s,t heem erg e.
DS3 _en _Chap0 8 _sec urite_ ed01-20 14.
Direction indicators Sel ec ti onoft hele f torr ightd ire ct io nindi c ator s tosi gna lacha ngeo fdire ct io nofth evehi cl e. F Lef t:l owert heli ght ings tal kbeyon dth e poi ntofre si sta nc e.
149 Safety DS3 _en _Chap0 8 _sec urite_ ed01-20 14 Hor n Audi bl ewar nin gtoale r tot herr oadu ser stoan imminentdanger .
Under - in ation detection Sys temwh ic hauto mat ic all yche ck sthep res sur esoft het yr esw hil edri vin g. Theu nde r-inf l ati onde tec ti onsyst em doe snotr epl ac ethev ig ilan ceo rth e res po nsib ili tyo fthed ri ver.
151 Safety DS3 _en _Chap0 8 _sec urite_ ed01-20 14 Thea ler tisma int ain edunt ilt hesyste m isreini tialised. The l os s of pr es sure d etec ted d oe s not alw aysca usev isi bleb ulg ingoft het yr e. Don otsat isf yy our sel fwi thju stavi sual check.
Rein iti ali sat iono fthesy stemm ustbed on ewit hthe i gnition on and the ve hic le st at ion ar y, inth evehi cl eco nf ig urat io nmen u. Monochrome screen A F Pre ss t he MENU but to n for ac c es s to th e mai nmen u.
153 Safety DS3 _en _Chap0 8 _sec urite_ ed01-20 14 Colour screen F Pre ss t he " SETUP " b ut ton f or ac c es s to thec o nf igu rat ionm enu . F Select the " Vehicle parameters "menu , the nc onf ir m. F Select " Driving assistance " ,th enc onf ir m.
Bra kinga ssi sta nces yst ems Gr oupofs upp lem ent ar ysys temsw hi chhe lp youtoo bta inopt imu mbra ki nginc om plet e saf et yinem erg enc ys.
155 Safety DS3 _en _Chap0 8 _sec urite_ ed01-20 14 Emergen cy braki ng assistance Sys temwh ic h,inane mer ge ncy,enabl esyo u toobt ai ntheo pti mumbr ak ingp res sur emor e qui ck ly ,thu sred uc ingt hesto pp ingdi st anc e.
Deactivation Inexce pti ona lco ndi ti ons(sta r ti ngaveh ic le whi chi sbo gge ddow n,stu cki nsnow,onso f t gro und... ),itmayb eadv is abl etodea ct ivatet he ASRa ndES Psyste ms,s othatt hew hee lsc an movef ree lyan dreg aing rip.
157 Safety DS3 _en _Chap0 8 _sec urite_ ed01-20 14 Acti veC it yBra k e Ac tiveC it yBr akeisad ri vin gass ist anc esyst em tha taimst oavoidaf ro nta lco.
Operat ion Wh en you r vehi cl e is to o cl ose t o or app roa ch esth evehi cl eahe adto oquic kl yth e syste mauto mat ic all yapp lie stheb rake sto avoidac o llis io n.
159 Safety DS3 _en _Chap0 8 _sec urite_ ed01-20 14 Op erat ing limi ts Thesy stemo nlyd etec tsve hic le stha tare sta ti onar yorm ovin ginth esam edir ec tio nas yourve hic le.
Deactivation Thesy stemi sdea ct ivate dinth evehi cl e co nf ig urat io nmen u,ac ce ss ibl ewit hthei gni ti onon .
161 Safety DS3 _en _Chap0 8 _sec urite_ ed01-20 14 Op erat ing faul ts Inth eeventofa nimp actt othe windscreen at the sensor , deactivate thesy stema ndc ont ac taCIT ROË N dea lero raqua lif i edwor ks hopt ohave yourw ind sc ree nrep lac ed.
Seat bel ts F ront seat belt s The f ro nt se at bel ts a re f it ted w it h a pret ens ion inga ndfo rc elim iti ngsyst em. Thi ssyste mimp rovess afet yi nthef ro nt sea tsint heevento fafr ontors idei mpa ct .
163 Safety DS3 _en _Chap0 8 _sec urite_ ed01-20 14 Rear seat belt s F astenin g F Pullt hest ra p,theni nse r tth eton guei nthe buckle. F Che ckt hatt hese atbe ltisf aste ned co r rec tl ybypull ingt hest rap.
Thed ri vermu stens uret hatpa ss eng er suse the s eat b elt s c or rec tl y and t hat t hey are a ll res tra ine dse cur elyb efo reset t ingof f. Wherever you are seated in the vehicle, alw ays fas ten you r sea t bel t, even f or sh or t journeys.
165 Safety DS3 _en _Chap0 8 _sec urite_ ed01-20 14 A ir bags Sys temde si gne dtoco ntr ib utetow ard s imp rovi ngth esaf et yofth eoc cup ant s(wit h theexc ept io nofth erea rce ntrep ass en ger) inth eeventofv io lentc o llis io ns.
F ront airbag s Sys temwh ic hpro tec tst hedr ivera ndf ront pas sen geri nth eeventofase ri ou sfro ntim pac t inor dert olimi tth eri skofin jur yt otheh eada nd chest .
167 Safety DS3 _en _Chap0 8 _sec urite_ ed01-20 14 Deactivation On lyth epas sen ger ' sfro ntai rb agc anbe deact ivated: F with the ignition off ,inser tt hekey.
Lateral airbags Sys temwh ic hpro tec tst hedr ivera ndf ront pas sen geri nth eeventofase ri ou ssid eimpa ct inor dert olimi tth eri skofin jur yt othec he st, bet we enth ehipa ndth esho uld er.
169 Safety DS3 _en _Chap0 8 _sec urite_ ed01-20 14 Curt ain airbags Sys temwh ic hco ntr ib utest owar dsimp rov ing thep rot ect io nofth edr ivera ndpas se nge rs.
For the a irb ags t o be ful ly ef f ec tive, o bser ve th e follow ing saf et y r ule s: F ront airbag s Don otdr iveho ldi ngth este er ingw hee lbyits spo kesorr est ingy ourha ndso nth ece ntre par to fthew he el.
171 Safety DS3 _en _Chap0 8 _sec urite_ ed01-20 14.
DS3 _en _Chap0 9_ secur ite- enfants _ed 01 -201 4 Chil d s afet y Thi s se cti on d esc r ibe s all of t he p os sibi lit ie s for t he in sta llat io n of a ch ild sea tandt hepr ec aut ion.
DS3 _en _Chap0 9_ secur ite- enfants _ed 01 -201 4.
DS3 _en _Chap0 9_ secur ite- enfants _ed 01 -201 4 Gene ralpoi ntsr ela tin gtoch ildse at s Al tho ugho neofC ITR OËNm ainc ri ter iaw hend esi gni ngyou rvehi cl e,th esafet yo fyourc hil dre n als odep end sonyo u.
175 Child safet y DS3 _en _Chap0 9_ secur ite- enfants _ed 01 -201 4 Child seat at the rear "Rear ward facing" Wh ena"re ar w ardf aci ng"c hil dse atisin sta .
DS3 _en _Chap0 9_ secur ite- enfants _ed 01 -201 4 Ch ild se at i n the fron t* "Rear ward- facing" " Fo r w a r d - f a c i n g " Pas se ng er s ea t ad ju st ed to t h e int er m ed ia te longitudinal and highest position.
177 Child safet y DS3 _en _Chap0 9_ secur ite- enfants _ed 01 -201 4 Dea ctiv ati ngth epa sseng er ' sfron tairb ag Neveri nst allar ear war dfac ingc hi ld res tra intsys temo naseatp rote ct edby anac ti vefro ntair ba g.
AR BG НИКО Г АНЕи нс т а ли р ай тед ет с кос т ол чен ас е д а лк асА К ТИ ВИРАН Ап ре д наВ ЪЗ Д УШ НАВ ЪЗ ГЛ АВ НИЦ А .
LV NE K A DNEu zst ā dietu zaiz mug ur ivēr stub ē rnus ē dek l īt ipr iek šē jāp as až ier asē dv iet ā,k urāi rA K TIV IZ ĒTSp r iek šē jai sDR OŠĪ BASG AI SA S P I LV E N S . T asv arizr ai sītB ĒR NAN ĀVIvair ad ītN OP IE TN USIE VAI NO JU M US.
DS3 _en _Chap0 9_ secur ite- enfants _ed 01 -201 4 Ch ildse at srecom men dedb yCI TR OËN CIT ROË Nof fe rsara ng eofrec o mme nde dchi lds eat swhi char esec ur edus inga thre e point seat belt .
181 Child safet y DS3 _en _Chap0 9_ secur ite- enfants _ed 01 -201 4 In stal li ngch ilds ea tsattachedw itht hese a tbel t Inac c or danc ew ithEu ro pea nre gula ti .
DS3 _en _Chap0 9_ secur ite- enfants _ed 01 -201 4 (a) Uni vers alc hil dsea t:ch ilds eatt hatc anb e inst al ledi nallve hic le susin gase atbel t. (b ) Gro up0:f romb ir t hto10kg.
183 Child safet y DS3 _en _Chap0 9_ secur ite- enfants _ed 01 -201 4 Ad vice on chi ld se at s The i nc or re ct in st alla tio n of a c hil d seat i n a vehi cl eco mpr omi se sthec hi ld' spro tec tio n inth eeventofa nacc id ent .
DS3 _en _Chap0 9_ secur ite- enfants _ed 01 -201 4 Y ou r vehi cl e has b een a ppr oved in a cc or dan ce wit h th e la te st I SOFI X regulation . The s eat s, re pre se nted b elo w, are fi t ted w.
185 Child safet y DS3 _en _Chap0 9_ secur ite- enfants _ed 01 -201 4 IS OF IXchil dsea trecom men dedb yCI TR OËNa ndap pro ve dfor you r vehicle Thi sch ilds eatc anal sob euse donse atsw hic har enotf it te dwit hISO FI Xmoun tin gs.
DS3 _en _Chap0 9_ secur ite- enfants _ed 01 -201 4 In stal li ngI SOF IX child seats Inac c ord anc ewi thEur ope anre gul ati ons ,thi sta blei ndi cat esth eopt io nsfo rthei nst all ati onofI SOFI Xch ilds eat sont heveh ic lese atsf it te dwit h ISOFIXmoun tings.
187 Child safet y DS3 _en _Chap0 9_ secur ite- enfants _ed 01 -201 4.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Pract ic al infor matio n Thi sse cti ond esc r ibe stheu seoft hete mpo rar ypun ctu rere pai rkit ,th e pro c ed.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 F uelta nk Fuel t an k ca pa ci t y: a pp roxi ma t ely 5 0 l it re s (p et ro l) or 4 6 li t re s (Di e sel ) or 3 3 li tr es (L PG); (D ep en din g on ve r sio n: ap pr oxi ma te ly 3 0 li tr es (petrol or Diesel )).
191 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 F uel used for pet rol engines Thep etr ole ngi nesa rec omp atib lew ith E 10bi o - pet rol(co nt aini ng10%eth ano l), co nfo rm ingt oEuro pea nsta nda rdsEN2 28a nd EN15376 .
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 *Ac co rdi ngtoc oun tr yofs ale . Misfuel pre ven t ion (Diesel )* Me cha nic ald evic ew hic hpreve ntsf il lin gthet an kofaDi ese lvehi cl ewit hpet ro l.
193 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 R un nin gou toffu el(Die sel ) Ifyou rvehi cl eisf it te dwit hanH DIen gin e,thef ue lsyste mmustb epr ime difyo uru noutoff ue l.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 AdB lue ® ad di tiv eandS CRsy st em forB lu eHDiDies elen gi nes T oas sur eres pec tfo rthee nvir onm enta nd.
195 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Range indicators Wh ensw itc hingo nth eign iti on,a nindi c ator give sanes tim ateoft he.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Re mai ni ng r an ge b et w ee n 35 0 an d 150 0 mi le s (60 0 an d 2 4 00 k m) Wh ensw itc hingo nth eign iti on,t he UR E Awar nin glam pco me son,ac c omp ani ed byanaud ibl esig nala ndth edis playofa mes sa ge(e.
197 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 In th e event of a fau lt wi th t he t he SCR em issi ons co ntr ol system Ifiti satemp or ar yf ault ,thea ler t dis app ear son cet heexh austg as emi ssi on sretu rnton or ma l.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 F ree zi ng of th e AdBlu e ® additive The AdBlue ® add iti ve fre eze s at temp er atur esb elowa ro und-1 1°C. TheS CRsys temin cl ude sahea terfo r the AdBlue ® ta nk.
199 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Keep AdBlue ® out of t he r eac h of chi ldr en,i nitso ri gin albo tt le. Never transfer AdBlue ® to an othe r co nta ine r:i twoul dlo osei tspu ri ty.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Never s tor e bot tl es of A dB lue ® in yourve hic le. AdBlue ® fre eze satab out-1 1°Cand dete ri or atesa bove25°C .Itisr ec omm end ed tha t bot tl es b e stor ed in a c o ol ar ea an d pro tec tedf ro mdire cts unli ght .
201 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Impor tant : if yo ur vehi cl e's AdBlue ® ta nkisc om plet elye mpt y- whi chi sco nf ir me dbythea ler t mes sa gesa ndt heim pos sib ili tyo f sta r ti ngth een gine,y oumus taddat lea st3.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Thes pee dlim itst ic kermustb esec ur ed to th e inte ri or of t he veh ic le in t he dr iver 'sf i el dofvis io n,tore min dyou tha tawhe elisi ntem por ar yu se.
203 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 F Sw itc hof fth eign iti on. F Sec ur ethes pee dlim itst ic kerins idet he vehicle. Repair procedure Avoidr emov inga nyfor eig nbod ie s whi chh avepen etr atedi ntoth ety re.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Ifaf te raro und5t o7minu test he pre ss ure is n ot at t aine d, th is in dic ate s tha tthet y reisn otrep air abl e;co nta ct a CIT ROË N dea ler o r a qua lif ie d wor ksh opfo ras sist an ce.
205 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 F Plac e t he swi tch i n th e " O "po sit io n. F Removet hek it.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 F St ar tt hec omp res so rbyplac in gthes wit ch at th e " I "po sit iona ndad justt hep res sur e to th e valu e show n on t he veh ic le's t yr e pre ss urela bel .
207 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Ch angi ngawhe el Pro ce dur eforc han gin gafau lt ywhe elf orth espa rewh eelu sin gthet oo lspr ovid edw itht heveh ic le.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 The s par e whe el i s inst al led i n the b oot u nde r thef l oo r . Ac co rdi ngtoc oun tr y,youwil lhaveeit he ra "sp aces aver "sp arew hee lorate mpo ra r y pun ctu rere pai rkit .
209 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Put tin g the w he el bac k in pla ce F Putt heboxb acki nplac eint hec ent reof thew he elan dcli pit. F Putt hepo lyst y ren esto rag eboxba ckin plac e.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Remo ving a wheel Parking the v ehicle Imm obi lis eth evehic lew he reitd oes notb loc ktr af f ic :theg rou ndmus tbe level,s ta blea ndnots lip per y .
2 11 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 F Posi ti onth efo otofth ejac k 2 ont hegr oun d and e nsur e tha t it is d ire ct ly be low t he fr ont A or r ear B j ac kin gpoi ntpr ovid edon the underbody , whichever is c losest to the whe eltob ech ang ed.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Fitting a wh eel Aft er changing a wheel T o sto re t he pun ct ure d whe el in t he bo otco r rec tl y ,f i rstr emovet hec ent ral c o v e r.
213 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 F Lowe rtheve hic lef ull y . F Foldt heja ck 2 a nddet ac hit.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Itiss tro ngl yrec o mme nde dtha tbefo re youle ave,youp rac ti sef it ti ngth esno w ch ainso nalevela nddr ys ur f ac e.
215 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Ch angi ngabu lb Theh ead lam psar efi t tedw ith po lyc ar bon ategl assw ithap rote ct ive.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Changing d irection indicator bulbs Rap idf la shin gofth edir ec tio nind ic ato r war nin glam p(righ torlef t)indic ate sth e fai lur eofabul bonth atsi de.
217 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Changing main beam headlamp bulbs Changing sidelamp bulbs F Removet hep rote ct ivec overbypu llin gthe ta b. F Di sc onn ec ttheb ulbc onn ec tor.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 T oobt ai narep lac em entmo dul e, co nta ct yo ur CIT RO ËN de ale r or a qualifiedw orkshop. Ifyouex per i enc eanydi f f ic ult yin rep lac ingb ulb s,c ont actyo urCI TRO ËN dea lero raqua lif i edwor ks hop.
219 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Chang ing th e LED la mps Forth erep lac em entoft hist y peofLE Dlam p, co nta ct a C ITRO ËN d eal er or a q uali f ied wor ks ho p.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 1. Bra ke la m ps / si d ela m ps (P 21/5W ). 2. Si de la mp s (P5 W ). 3. Direc tion indicators (P Y21 W amber) 4.
221 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Changing d irection indicator ( 4) and fo gla mp or r eversing lam p (5) bulbs F T ur nth ebul baquar tertu rna ndc han geit .
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Third b rake la mp (4 W5W bulb s ) F Op enth ebo ot. F Removet hep lug s A onth einn erpa nel. F Pusho nth ece ntr eofth elampu sin gt wo sc rewdr ive rst oleverito ut wa rds.
223 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Inter ior lighting Int er ior la mp (1 / W 5W ) Det ac hthec overo fthei nter io rlam p 1 wit h a thi n sc rewdr ive r , cl ose t o the b ut ton , to ac ce ss thef aul tyb ulb.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Ch angi ngafus e Installing electric al accessories Y ou rvehi cl e'sel ect r ic alsyst emis des ign edtoo pe ratew iths tan dar dor optionalequipment.
225 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Dashboard f usebox Thef us eboxi slo cat edint helo werda shb oar d (lef t - hands id e ). Acce ss to t he fu ses F Re fertot hepa rag rap h"Acc es stoth etoo ls".
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Fu se N ° Rating F unc tions F8 20 A Mul ti fun ct ions cr een ,audi osyste m,navi gat io nrad io,ala rm co ntr olun it,a lar msi ren. F9 30 A 1 2Vso cket,p or t ab lenav iga tio nsup po r tsup ply.
227 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Engine compar t ment fusebo x Thef us eboxi slo cat edint heen gin e co mpa r tm entne art hebat te r y(le f t- han dsid e ). Acce ss to t he fu ses F Unc lipt hec over.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 F use table Fu se N ° Rating F unctions F1 2 0 A Engi nec ont rolu nits upp ly ,co ol ingf anuni tco ntr olr elay,multi fun ct io neng inec ont ro lmai nrel ay ,i nje ct ionp ump (Diesel) .
229 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Fu se N ° Rating F unc tions F12 30 A Wi nds cr eenw ipe rss low/f astsp ee d. F13 40 A Bu ilt -i nsyste msinte r fa ces upp ly(i gnit io npo sit ive ).
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 T ab le of m ax i- fu ses Fu se N ° Rating F unctions M F1* 60 A Fanas sem bly. MF2* 30 A A BS/ES Ppum p. MF3* 30 A A BS/ES Pele ct rova lves. MF4 * 6 0 A Bui lt- inS yste msInt er f ace( BSI)s upp ly .
231 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Bat ter y Pro ce dur eforc har gin gyourb at ter yw he nitisf la torfo rst ar ti ngth een gineu sin gano the rbat ter y . Theb at ter yi slo ca tedun dert heb onne t.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Wh enth ebat ter yonyo urvehi cl eisdi sc har ged, thee ngi nec anbes ta r tedu sin gaslaveba tt er y (e x ter nalo rona not herve hic le)andjum plea ds.
233 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Prot ec t your eyes a nd f ace b efo re han dlin gth ebat ter y . Al lope rat io nsont heba tt er ymu st.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 E nergyec onom y mode Sys temwh ic hman age sthep er io dofus eofce r t ainf unc ti onstoc o nse r veasuf f i ci entl evelofc har geint hebat te r y.
235 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Ch angi ngafron torre arwi perbl ad e Pro ce dur eforr epl aci ngawo rnw ipe rbla dewi than ewonew it houtt heu seofto ols .
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 T ow in gthev ehicle Pro ce dur eforh avin gyourve hic leto wedo rforto win gano the rvehi cl eusi ngare movab letow ingeye. Thet owi ngeyeisin st alle dint hebo otun der thef l oo r .
237 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 F Ont hef rontb ump er,uncli pthec overby pre ss ingatt heb ot tom. F Sc rewt hetow ingeyei nful ly . F Inst al lthet owi ngbar.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 T ow in gatra ile r T ow barsu it abl efort heat t ach men tofatr ail er withadditionallighting andsignalling.
239 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 R A CING to wbar Y ou r vehi cl e ca nnot b e f it ted w ith a tow bar.Thespa ceo cc upi edbyt he spo r tdi f fu serp revent sth is.
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Mat t paint Werec om men dtheu seofah ighp res sur e jetwa sh,ora tlea stawate rhos ewit hahi gh output. Werec om men dtha ttheve hic leb eri nse dusi ng de- ionisedwa ter .
241 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Leather Leat he risanat ura lpro duc t.A pp ro pr iate reg ula rca rean dcl eani ngise ss ent ialfo rit s durabilit y .
DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 Awi dera ngeofa cc es so ri esan dge nuin epar t sisava ilab lef romt heCI TRO ËNde ale rnet wo r k.
243 Pract ica l inform ation DS3_ en_Chap 10_ info-pratiques_ ed01 -20 1 4 "Multimedia": han ds -f reesy stem,a udi osyste ms,se mi - inte gra lsate lli tenavi gat io ns.
DS3_ en_Chap 1 1_ verifications _ed01- 201 4 Ch e c ks Thi sse cti ond esc r ibe sac ce sstot heen gin eco mpa r tm ent ,thep ro ce dur e forb le edin gth efue l.
DS3_ en_Chap 1 1_ verifications _ed01- 201 4.
DS3_ en_Chap 1 1_ verifications _ed01- 201 4 TOT A L & C I T R O Ë N Par tners in per for mance and protect ing the environment Innovat ion in t he se arch fo r per formanc e For over 4 0 year, t.
247 Chec ks DS3_ en_Chap 1 1_ verifications _ed01- 201 4 B on net Prot ec tsth eco mp one ntsoft hee ngi neandp rov ide sac ce ssf orch ec ki ngleve ls. Op ening F Op enth efr ontl ef tdo or . F Pull t he i nter io r rel eas e lever A , lo c ated at theb ot tomo fthed oo rape r tur e.
DS3_ en_Chap 1 1_ verifications _ed01- 201 4 Clo si ng F T aketh est ayoutoft hesu ppo r tnot ch. F Cli pthes tayini tsho usi ng. F Lowe r the b onn et an d rel eas e it at th e end ofit strave l. F Pullo nth ebon nettoc he ckt hatiti sful ly latch ed.
249 Chec ks DS3_ en_Chap 1 1_ verifications _ed01- 201 4 Pe t rol engines 1. Scr eenw ashf lu idre ser voi r . 2. Co ola nthe adert an k. 3. A irf i lter. 4. Br akef lui dres er vo ir. 5. Bat ter y. 6. Fusebox.
DS3_ en_Chap 1 1_ verifications _ed01- 201 4 Di esel engines 1. Scr eenw ashf lu idre ser voi r . 2. Co ola nthe adert an k. 3. A irf i lter. 4. Br akef lui dres er vo ir. 5. Bat ter y. 6. Fusebox. 7. Engineo ildi pst ic k.
251 Chec ks DS3_ en_Chap 1 1_ verifications _ed01- 201 4 Chec king lev el s Che cka llofth es elevel sreg ular ly,inlin ewit hthem aint ena nc eandwa rr ant ygu ide.T opt hemu pifne ce ss ar y,unles soth er w is eindi c ated.
DS3_ en_Chap 1 1_ verifications _ed01- 201 4 Brake fluid lev el Chang ing th e uid Refert othem aint ena nc eandwa rr ant ygu ide ford eta ilso fthei nter va lfort hi sope rat ion . Fluid specicat ion Theb ra kefl uidmu stc onf or mtoth e manufacturer'srecommendations.
253 Chec ks DS3_ en_Chap 1 1_ verifications _ed01- 201 4 Fluid specicat ion Thec o ola ntmus tco nfo rmtot he manufacturer'srecommendations. Coolant le vel The c o ola nt level s hou ld b e clo se toth e" MA X "mar kbu tsho uldn ever excee dit .
DS3_ en_Chap 1 1_ verifications _ed01- 201 4 Diesel additive lev el (Diesel engine with par ticl e emission filt er) To p p i n g u p Thi sadd iti vemustb etop pe dupbyaCIT ROË N dea lero raqua lif i edwo rks hopw it houtd elay.
255 Chec ks DS3_ en_Chap 1 1_ verifications _ed01- 201 4 Ch ec ks 1 2 V batt er y Air filt er and passenger compar tment f ilter Oil f ilt er Par ticle f ilter (Diesel) Unl es soth er w isei ndi.
DS3_ en_Chap 1 1_ verifications _ed01- 201 4 Manual gear box Automatic gearbox Brake pads Br akeweard epe ndso nth est yle ofdr iv ing,p ar t icu lar lyi nthec as e of vehi cl es u sed i n town , over sh or t dist an ce s.
257 Chec ks DS3_ en_Chap 1 1_ verifications _ed01- 201 4.
DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4 T ec hnic al dat a Thi sse cti onc on tai nsth espe ci f ic ati onso fyourve hic led epe ndi ngoni ts eng inea ndge.
DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4.
DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4 Petrol engine V Ti 82 e -V Ti 8 2 V T i 12 0 Gearbox Manual (5-speed) Electronic (5-speed) Manual (5-speed) Automatic ( 4- speed) Model code : SA... HMZ0 HMZ0 /PS 5 FS0 5FS9 Cubic capacit y ( c c ) 1199 1199 159 8 Bo rexst roke(mm) 75x90 .
261 T ec hnical data DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4 Petrol engine T H P 15 5 T H P 15 0 ** TH P 16 0 *** Gearbox Manual (6- speed ) Model code : SA... 5F V8 5FN8 ** 5F M8*** Cubic capacit y ( c c ) 159 8 Bo rexst roke(mm) 77x8 5.
DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4 *Them a ximu mpowe rc or res po ndstot heval uet yp e -a ppr ovedo natestb ed,un de rco ndit io nsdef i nedi nEuro pea nleg isl ati on(D ir ec tive19 99 /9 9 /EC).
263 T ec hnical data DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4 * Thew eig htofth ebr akedtr ail erc anb einc rea sed ,wit hint heGT Wli mit ,ift heGV Woft heto win gvehi clei sre duc edbyane qua lamo unt.
DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4 Petrol engine T H P 15 5 T H P 15 0 ** TH P 16 0 *** Gearbox Manual Model code : SA... 5F V8 5FN8 ** 5F M8*** - Unl ade nweig ht 109 0 - Ker b.
265 T ec hnical data DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4 Petrol engine Gearbox Manual Manual Model codes : S A... 5FF8 5FD 8 - Unl ade nweig ht 1 16 5 - Ker bwei ght 1 240 - G.
DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4 LPG Engine V Ti 95 Gearbox Manual (5-speed) Model code : SA... 8FR0 /GPL Cubic capacit y ( c c ) 13 97 Bo rexst roke(mm) 77x75 Ma x.p ower :EUst anda rd(k W)* 67 Ma x.p owers pee d(rpm) 5 70 0 Ma xto rque:EUst an dard( Nm) 13 3 Ma x.
267 T ec hnical data DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4 LPG engine V Ti 95 Gearbox Manual Model code : SA... 8FR0 /GPL - Unl ade nweig ht 1 15 2 - Ker bwei ght 1 227 - Gr oss.
DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4 Diesel engine HDi 7 0 FA P e - HD i 70 FAP e- HD i 90 FAP Gearbox Manual (5-speed) Manual (5-speed) Manual (5-speed) Electronic (6- speed ) Model code : SA... 8H R4 8HP 4/PS 9H PK /S 9H P8/ PS Cubic capacit y ( c c ) 139 8 1 56 0 Bo rexst roke(mm) 73.
269 T ec hnical data DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4 *Them a ximu mpowe rc or res po ndstot heval uet yp e -a ppr ovedo natestb ed,un de rco ndit io nsdef i nedi nEuro pea nleg isl ati on(D ir ec tive19 99 /9 9 /EC).
DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4 Diesel engine HDi 7 0 FA P e - HD i 70 FAP e- H Di 9 0 FAP Gearbox Manual (5-speed) Electronic (5-speed) Manual (5-speed) Electronic (5-speed) Model code : SA.
271 T ec hnical data DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4 * Thew eig htofth ebr akedtr ail erc anb einc rea sed ,wit hint heGT Wli mit ,ift heGV Woft heto win gvehi clei sre duc edbyane qua lamo unt.
DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4 Dime nsions (in mm ).
273 T ec hnical data DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4 Bumpers and lo wer body Y ou rvehi cl ehasre duc edg ro und clearanc e.
DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4 Identi c ation mar kings Vario usvi sib lema rk in gsfo rthei den tif i ca tio nofyou rvehi cl e. A. Ve hicle identificat ion number (VIN) under the bonnet. Thi snum beri seng ravedo nth ebod y wor kne ar thepassenger compar tmentfilter .
275 T ec hnical data DS3_ en_Chap 12_caracteristiques_ed 01 -201 4.
DS3_en_Ch ap 13_aud io_ed01 -20 1 4 Aud io and telematic s Thi sse cti onc over sem erg enc yanda ssi st anc ec all s,aswe llast he fun ct io nsofth ea.
DS3_en_Ch ap 13_aud io_ed01 -20 1 4.
DS3_en_Chap13a_BT A_ed01-2014.
279 DS3_en_Chap13a_BT A_ed01-2014 EMERGENCY OR ASSIST ANCE CALL.
DS3_en_Chap13a_BT A_ed01-2014 EMERGENCY OR ASSIST ANCE CALL CITROËN Localised Emergency Call Inanemergency ,pressthisbuttonformorethan 2seconds.
281 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Thesystemisprotectedinsuchawaythatitwillonly operateinyourvehicle. eMyW ay 01 First steps - Control panel Forsafety.
01 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Select: - thenextlower/higherradio frequencyautomatically . - theprevious/nextCDtrack,MP3 trackormedia. - theleft/rightofthescreenwhena menuisdisplayed.
01 283 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Continuouspress: reinitialisationofthesystem. Open the " T elephone "menu and display the list of recent callsoracceptanincomingcall. FIRST STEPS Shortpress:selectpre-setradiostation.
02 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 RADIO:selecttheprevious/nextpreset station. Selectthenextentryintheaddressbook.
03 285 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Forthedetailsofthemenus,refertothe"Screenmenumap" section. Forcleaningthescreen,theuseofasoft,non-abrasivecloth (spectaclescloth)isrecommended,withnoadditionalproduct.
03 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 A pressontheknobgivesaccess toshort-cutmenusaccordingtothe displayinthescreen.
04 287 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Listofrecentdestinations. " Navigation - guidance " T o delete the list of recent destinations, select " Guidance options "inthenavigationmenuthenselect" Delete last destinations "andconrm.
04 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Press N AV to display the " Navigation - guidance "menu. T owards a new destination Selecting a destination Select " Select destination " and conrm,thenselect" Enter an address " andconrm.
04 289 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 T owards a recent destination Press N AV to display the " Navigation - guidance "menu. Select the desired destination and conrmtostartguidance.
04 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Select " Select destination " and conrm,thenselect" GPS coordinates " andconrm. EntertheGPScoordinatesandconrm " OK "tostarttheguidance.
04 291 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 T owards points of interest (POI) The points of interest (POI) indicate all of the service locations in the vicinity (hotels,variousbusinesses,airports...). Select the " Enter an address " function andconrm,thenselect Select destination andconrm.
04 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 NA VIGA TION - GUIDANCE ThisiconappearswhenseveralPOIsaregrouped togetherinthesamearea.
04 293 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 NA VIGA TION - GUIDANCE Select: - "Visual alert" - "Audible alert" - "Alertonlyinguidance" - "Overspeedalarmonly". Thechoiceoftimeofnoticationdenes howlonginadvancethatRiskarea warningsaregiven.
04 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Adding a stage Press N AV to display the " Navigation - guidance "menu. Select " Journey leg and route " then conrm. Select " Close to "aroutepassing closetothestageor" Strict " for a route passingthroughthestage.
04 295 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Route options Calculation criteria Select " Guidance options "andconrm. Select " OK "andconrmtosavethe modications. Select " Dene calculation criteria " and conrm.
04 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Press N AV to display the " Navigation - guidance "menu. Map management Selecting the points of interest displayed on the map Select " Map management "andconrm. Selectfromthevariouscategoriesthe ones that you want to display on the screen.
04 297 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Select " Map management "andconrm. Select: - " V ehicle direction "tohavethemap follow the direction of travel, - " North direction "tokeepthemap always North up, - " Perspective view " to display a perspectiveview .
04 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Press N AV to display the " Navigation - guidance "menu. Navigation voice synthesis Select " Guidance options "andconrm. Adjusting the volume / Deactivation Select " Set speech synthesis " and conrm.
04 299 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Male voice / Female voice Press SETUP to display the congurationmenu. Select " Select male voice " or " Select female voice "thenconrm" Ye s " to activateamaleorfemalevoice.
05 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Access to the "TRAFFIC INFORMA TION" menu ListofTMCmessagesinorder ofdistancefromthevehicle.
05 301 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Configure the filtering and display of TMC messages TMC(T rafcMessageChannel)messageswithGPSNavigationprovidetrafcinformationinrealtime. Press the TRAFFIC button to display the " T rafc information "menu.
05 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Principal TMC symbols Redandyellowtriangle:trafcinformation,forexample: Blackandbluetriangle:generalinformation,forexam.
06 303 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Access to the "TELEPHONE" menu " T elephone " " Dial " " Directory of contacts " " Contacts management " " Phone functions " " Bluetooth functions " " Hang up " Gofromthelisttothemenu(left/right).
06 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 USING THE TELEPHONE Pairing a Bluetooth telephone First connection Forreasonsofsafetyandbecausetheyrequireprolongedattention onthe.
06 305 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 USING THE TELEPHONE Select " Connect "andconrm. Thesystemofferstoconnectthe telephone: - in " Hands-free mode " (.
06 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 USING THE TELEPHONE Directory configuration / Synchronisation with the telephone Press PHONE then select " Contacts management "andconrm.
06 307 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Editing, importing or deleting a contact Press PHONE then select " Directory of contacts "andconrm.
06 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 USING THE TELEPHONE Press PHONE twice. Select " Dial "thenconrm. Select " Directory of contacts " then conrm. Dialthetelephonenumberusingthe virtualkeypadselectingeachnumber inturn.
06 309 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 USING THE TELEPHONE Calling a recently entered number Press TEL , select " Call list " and conrm, Selectthedesirednumberandconrm.
06 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 USING THE TELEPHONE Receiving a call Anincomingcallisannouncedbyaringandasuperimposeddisplay onthescreen. " Ye s " to accept the call is selected by default. Press " OK "toacceptthecall.
06 3 11 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Options during a call* Duringacall,pressthe MODE button severaltimestoselectdisplayofthe telephone screen, then press " OK " to openthecontextualmenu. Select " Private mode "andconrmto takethecallonthehandset.
06 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Press PHONE twice. Select " List of the paired peripherals " andconrm. Itispossibleto: - " Connect " or " Disconnect " the selected telephone, - deletethepairingoftheselected telephone.
07 313 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 " FM / AM band " " Change W aveband " (" AM / FM ") " Guidance options " (" T A, RDS ") " Audio settings " (see this section) " Update radio list " Alphabetical list of stations received.
07 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 By alphabetical list Press RADIO , select the station of your choiceandconrm. By automatic frequency search Press 7 or 8 fortheautomaticsearch foralowerorhigherradiofrequency .
07 315 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Pressthebuttononthenumericalkeypadtorecalla presetstation. Orpressthenturnthethumbwheelatthesteering mountedcontrols.
08 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 " MEDIA " " Change media " " Eject USB device " (if USB connected) " Play mode " (" Normal ", " Random ".
08 317 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 CD, MP3 CD / USB player Theaudioequipmentwillonlyplayaudioleswith".wma,.aac,.ac, .oggand.mp3"leextensionsandwithabitrateofbetween32Kbps and320Kbps.
08 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Insert the CD in the player , insert the USB memorystickintheUSBplayerorconnectthe USBperipheraltotheUSBportusingasuitable cable(notsupplied).
08 / / / / / / / + / / / 319 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Selecting a track Previoustrack. Nexttrack. Previousfolder . Nextfolder . Fastforward. Fastbackward. Pause:longpresson SRC . MUSIC: List of USB or CD tracks or folders Upordowninthelist.
08 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Audio streaming Streamingallowsaudiolesonyourtelephonetobeplayedviathe vehicle'sspeakers. Connectthetelephone:see" USING THE TELEPHONE ". Select " Audio " or " All "prole.
08 321 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 MUSIC MEDIA PLA YERS Using the auxiliary input (AUX) JACK/USB audio cable not supplied Connect the portable device (MP3,WMA player…)tothe JACKauxiliaryaudiosocketor USBportusingasuitablecable.
09 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 AUDIO SETTINGS They are accessible by the MUSIC buttoninthecontrolpanelorbyalong press on RADIO accordingtothesource inuse.
10 323 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 CONFIGURA TION Press SETUP to display the " Conguration "menu. Select " Choose colour "andconrmto selectthescreen.
11 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 SCREEN MENU MAP(S) "Navigation - guidance" MENU Enter an address Select destination Directory GPS coordinates Journey leg and route Add a stage Enter an a.
11 325 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Select TMC station Automatic TMC Manual TMC List of TMC stations Display / Do not display messages "TRAFFIC INFORMA TION" MENU Geographic filter Retai.
11 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 SCREEN MENU MAP(S) 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 Random on all media Repetition Audio settings Activate / Deactivate AUX input "MUSIC" MENU Change Media Read mode Normal Random Allpassengers Le-Ri balance Fr-Re balance Auto.
11 327 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 2 3 3 1 4 2 2 1 4 4 2 2 Nightmode AutoDay/Night Adjust luminosity Set date and time "SETUP" MENU Display configuration Choose colour Harmony: Ca.
DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 Thefollowingtablegroupstogethertheanswerstothemostfrequentlyaskedquestionsconcerningyouraudiosystem. FREQUENTL Y ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION The route calculation is notsuccessful.
329 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 FREQUENTL Y ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION Certaintrafcjams alongtheroutearenot indicatedinrealtime. Onstarting,itisseveralminutesbeforethesystembeginstoreceivethe trafcinformation.
DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 FREQUENTL Y ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION Somecontactsare duplicatedinthelist. Theoptionsforsynchronizingcontactsaresynchronizingthecontacts ontheSIMcard,thecontactsonthetelephone,orboth.
331 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 FREQUENTL Y ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION Somecharactersinthe mediainformationarenot displayed correctly while playing. Theaudiosystemdoesnotdisplaysometypesofcharacters.
DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 FREQUENTL Y ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION Inchangingthesetting of treble and bass the equalizersettingis deselected. Theselectionofanequalizersettingimposesthebalancesettings.
333 DS3_en_Chap13b_RT6-2-8_ed01-2014 FREQUENTL Y ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION Withtheengineoff,the systemswitchesoffafter afewminutesofuse. Whentheengineisswitchedoff,thesystem'soperatingtimedependson thebatterycharge.
335 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 Audio system Y our Audiosystemiscodedinsuchawaythatitwill onlyoperateinyourvehicle. Forsafetyreasons,thedrivermustonlycarryout operationswhichrequireprolongedattentionwhilethe vehicleisstationary .
01 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 FIRST STEPS EjectCD. Selectsource: radio,audioCD/MP3CD,USB, Jackconnection,Streaming, AUX. Select the screen display mode: Date, audio functions, trip computer ,telephone. Automaticfrequencysearch down/up.
02 337 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 STEERING MOUNTED CONTROLS Radio:automaticsearchforahigherfrequency . CD/MP3/USB:selectionofthenexttrack. CD/USB:continuouspress:fastforwardsplay . Moveinthelist.
03 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 MAIN MENU AUDIO FUNCTIONS : radio,CD,USB,options. Screen C Foradetailedglobalviewofthe menusavailable,refertothe "Screenmenumap"section. TELEPHONE : Bluetooth hands-free, pairing,management ofacall.
04 339 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 AUDIO Press the SOURCE button several timesinsuccessionandselectthe radio. Press the BAND AST button to select awaveband:FM1,FM2,FMast, AM. Brieypressoneofthebuttonsto carryoutanautomaticsearchofthe radiostations.
04 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 AUDIO Insertcircularcompactdiscsonly . Someanti-piratingsystems,onoriginaldiscsorCDscopiedusinga personalrecorder ,maycausefaultswhicharenoreectiononthe qualityofthevehicle'splayer .
04 341 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 TheMP3format,anabbreviationofMPEG1.2&2.5 AudioLayer3, isanaudiocompressionstandardwhichpermitstherecordingof severaltensofmusiclesonasingledisc.
05 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 USB PLA YER Thesystemputstogetherplaylists(temporarymemory)created overaperiodwhichdependsonthecapacityoftheUSBdevice. Theothersourcesareavailableduringthistime.
05 343 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 Using the USB PORT PressLISTbrieytodisplaythe previouslyselectedclassication. Navigatethroughthelistusingtheleft/ rightandup/downbuttons. ConrmtheselectionbypressingOK.
05 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 Thedisplayandcontrolisviatheportabledevice. Firstadjustthevolumeofyourportabledevice.
06 345 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 BLUET OOTH FUNCTIONS Forsafetyreasonsandbecausetheyrequireprolongedattention onthepartofthedriver ,theoperations.
06 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 Receiving a call Anincomingcallisannouncedbyaringandasuperimposed displayinthevehicle'sscreen. Select the YES tab on the display usingthebuttonsandconrmby pressingOK.
06 347 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 Initiatethepairingbetweenthetelephoneand thevehicle.Thispairingcanbeinitiatedfrom thevehicle'stelephonefunctionmenuorviathe telephone'skeypad.
07 349 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 Units T emperature: °Celsius / °Fahrenheit Fuel consumption: KM/L - L/100 - MPG 1 2 2 SCREEN MENU MAP(S) Display adjust Month Day Hour Minutes Y ear 12 H/24 H mo.
07 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 SCREEN MENU MAP(S) activate / deactivate RDS activate / deactivate REG mode activate / deactivate radiotext RADIO activate / deactivate Intro CD / MP3 CD activate / de.
07 351 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 SCREEN MENU MAP(S) Audio functions Alternative frequencies (RDS) activate/deactivate FM preferences Regionalmode(REG) activate/deactivate Radio-t.
07 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 SCREEN MENU MAP(S) Bluetooth telephone Connect/Disconnectanequipment Consultthepairedequipment Bluetooth conguration T elephone function AudioStre.
353 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 FREQUENTL Y ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION There is a difference in sound quality between the different audio sources(radio,CD.
DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 FREQUENTL Y ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION Iamunabletoaccessmy voicemail. Fewtelephonesorserviceprovidersallowtheuseofthisfunction. The CD player sound is poor . TheCDusedisscratchedorofpoorquality .
355 DS3_en_Chap13c_RD45_ed01-2014 FREQUENTL Y ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION Sound cut-outs of 1 to 2secondsinradiomode. Duringthisbriefsoundcut-out,theRDSsearchesforanyfrequency permittingbetterreceptionofthestation.
DS3 _en _Chap 14_index-recherche _ed 01 -201 4 V isual search - A lp habetic al ind e x.
DS3 _en _Chap 14_index-recherche _ed 01 -201 4.
DS3 _en _Chap 14_index-recherche _ed 01 -201 4 E x ter io r Remo tec ontr olkey 60 - 65 - opening/closing - anti-theft protection - star ting - batter y Lig hti ngc ont rol s 132-.
359 Visual search DS3 _en _Chap 14_index-recherche _ed 01 -201 4 Inte r i o r Bo otf it ti ngs 102-1 03 - rear parcel shelf - r eta ini ngst rap - s tow ingr ing s AdBlue ® ta nk.
DS3 _en _Chap 14_index-recherche _ed 01 -201 4 In strume n tsan dc on trol s Inst r ume ntpan els 18-19,20 -21 Warninglamps 22-3 4 Ind ic atorl amp s 3 5 - 3 9 Adj ustm ent.
361 Visual search DS3 _en _Chap 14_index-recherche _ed 01 -201 4 T e chnic al dat a - M aintenance Runn ingo utofD ies el 193 AdBlue ® add iti ve and SC R syste m(Bl ueH D iDie se l.
DS3 _en _Chap 14_index-recherche _ed 01 -201 4 3Dr earl amps................................................ 2 21 Anti - thef t ......................................................... 62 Ar mr est ,fr ont .............................
363 Alphabetic al index DS3 _en _Chap 14_index-recherche _ed 01 -201 4 EBA(E mer gen cybr ak ing assistanc e ) .......................................... 15 4 , 15 5 Eco- driving ....................................................
DS3 _en _Chap 14_index-recherche _ed 01 -201 4 Navigation ............................................. 287 , 2 88 Num berp latel amp s .............................. 220, 22 1 Oi lcha nge ...........................................
365 Alphabetic al index DS3 _en _Chap 14_index-recherche _ed 01 -201 4 Paint c o lou r co de .......................................... 2 74 Paint w or k,ma tt ............................................. 240 Parcel shelf, rear ........
DS3 _en _Chap 14_index-recherche _ed 01 -201 4 T r ipc omp uter ...................................... 4 2 - 4 4 , 51 T r ip distance reco rder ..................................... 40 T yre pressures ....................................
DS3 _en _Chap 14_index-recherche _ed 01 -201 4.
DS3 _en _Chap 14_index-recherche _ed 01 -201 4.
DS3 _en _Chap 14_index-recherche _ed 01 -201 4.
DS3 _en _Chap 14_index-recherche _ed 01 -201 4.
DS3 _en _Chap 14_index-recherche _ed 01 -201 4.
DS3 _en _Chap 14_index-recherche _ed 01 -201 4.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Citroën DS3 (2014) (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Citroën DS3 (2014) heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Citroën DS3 (2014) vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Citroën DS3 (2014) leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Citroën DS3 (2014) krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Citroën DS3 (2014) bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Citroën DS3 (2014) kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Citroën DS3 (2014) . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.