Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DAP-1350 van de fabrikant D-Link
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2 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual D-Link reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes in the content hereof without obligation to notify any person or organization of such revisions or changes. Manual Revisions T rademarks D-Link and the D-Link logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of D-Link Corporation or its subsidiaries.
3 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual T able of Contents Manual Revisions .................................................... 2 Trademarks ............................................................. 2 Product Overview ......................................
4 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual T able of Contents Logs ............................................................. 60 Statistics ....................................................... 61 Help .........................................................
5 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual T able of Contents Connect to a Wireless Network .............................. 122 Using Windows ® XP ............................................. 122 Congure WEP ....................................................
6 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Product Over view Note: Using a power supply with a different voltage rating than the one included with the DAP-1350 will cause damage and void the warranty for this product.
7 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Network Requirements • An Ethernet-based Cable or DSL modem (router mode only) • IEEE 802.
8 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Introduction D-Link, an industry leader in networking, introduces the new D-Link DAP-1350 Wireless N Range Extender.
9 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview TOTAL PERFORMANCE Co mb in es a wa rd w in ni ng acc es s po in t fe at ur es and 8 02 .1 1n w ir el es s te ch no lo gy t o pr ov id e th e be st w ir el es s perf or ma nc e.
10 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview • Faster Wireless Networking - The DAP-1350 provides up to 300Mbps* wireless connection with other 802.11n wireless clients. This capability allows users to participate in real-time activities online, such as video streaming, onl ine gamin g, and real- tim e audi o.
11 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Hardware Over view Connections Mode Selector Select from one of the three modes: AP (top) - Access Point (AP) Mode CL (middle) - Wireless Client Mode RT (bottom) - Router Mode Power Receptor Receptor for the supplied power adapter.
12 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Hardware Over view Side USB Port The USB port is used to connect USB devices such as a printer to share on your network. Bottom WPS Button/LED Press to start the WPS process. You will have 120 seconds to start the WPS process on another wireless device.
13 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 1 - Product Overview Hardware Over view LEDs Power LED A solid light indicates a proper connection to the power supply. Wireless LED A solid light indicates that the wireless segment is ready. This LED blinks during wireless data transmission.
14 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Installation Please congure the DAP-1350 by following the Install Guide poster. The next few pages will explain the different operational modes you can use. Operation Modes Depending on how you want to use your DAP-1350 will determine which mode you use.
15 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Access Point Mode In the Access Point mode, the DAP-1350 acts as a central connection point for any computer (client) that has a 802.11n or backward-compatible 802.11b/g wireless network interface and is within range of the AP.
16 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Wireless Client Mode In the Wireless Client mode, the DAP-1350 acts as a wireless network adapter for your Ethernet-enabled device (such as a game console or a laptop). Connect your Ethernet-enabled device to the AP using an Ethernet cable.
17 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Router Mode In the Router mode, the DAP-1350 connects to a broadband modem. In this mode, the DAP-1350 also acts as a router for wireless clients on your network and provides NAT (Network Address Translation) and a DHCP server to generate IP addresses.
18 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 2 - Installation Wireless Installation Considerations The D-Link wireless access point lets you access your network using a wireless connection from virtually anywhere within the operating range of your wireless network.
19 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Configuration This section will show you how to congure your new D-Link wireless access point using the web-based conguration utility.
20 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Cl ic k Lau nc h Wi re le ss Setu p Wi za rd to con g ur e yo ur a cc ess po int an d sk ip to th e ne xt pag e. To set up your wireless network, click Add Wireless Device With WPS and skip to page 24.
21 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enter the Device Name of the AP and click Next to continue. This is the NetBIOS name for the AP. It is recommended to change the Device Name if there is mo re tha n on e D- Lin k de vi ce wit hin the sam e wireless network.
22 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Click Save to save your network settings. In order for your network settings to take effect the AP will reboot automatically. When the device has nished rebooting the main screen will display.
23 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Select Manual as the conguration method to set up your network manually. Click Next to continue. Enter a name for your wireless network (SSID). Select Automa tica lly assign a networ k key to have the access point generate a key for you to enter on your wireless clients.
24 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The following screen will show you your network key to enter on your wireless clients. Click Save to nish the Setup Wizard.
25 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration This Wizard is designed to assist you in your wireless network setup. It will guide you through step-by-step instructions on how to set up your wireless network and how to make it secure. S e l e c t PIN t o u s e y o u r PIN number from your wireless device to connect to your network.
26 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Press the Push Button on the wireless device that you are adding to your network to complete the setup. Select PBC to use the Push Button Conguration in order to connect to your network. Click Connect to continue.
27 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enable Wireless: Wireless Mode: Wireless Network Name: Enable Auto Channel Scan: Wireless Channel: 802.11 Mode: Check the box to enable the wireless function. If you do not want to use wireless, uncheck the box to disable all the wireless functions.
28 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Select the Channel Width: Auto 20/40 - Select if you are using both 802.11n and non-802.11n wireless devices. 20MHz - Select if you are not using any 802.11n wireless clients. Select the transmit rate.
29 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration LAN Setup This section will allow you to change the local network settings of the access point and to congure the DHCP settings. LAN Connection T ype: Device Name: Us e the drop -d ow n men u to sele ct Dyna mi c IP (DHCP) to automatically obtain an IP address on the LAN/private network.
30 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration LAN Connection T ype: IP Address: Subnet Mask: Default Gateway: Device Name: Select Static IP from the drop-down menu. Enter the IP address of the access point. The default IP address is 192.168.
31 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration MAC Address Filter Select Enable or Disable from the drop-down menu. Enter the MAC add ress you woul d li ke t o l ter. To nd the MAC add res s on a comput er, ple ase refer to the Networking Basics section in this manual.
32 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Advanced Wireless T ransmit Power: Beacon Period: DTIM Interval: RTS Threshold: Fragmentation Threshold: WMM Enable: Short GI: Sets the transmit power of the antennas. N o t e : Tr a n s m i t po w e r is re g u l a t e d by in t e r n a t i o n a l standard.
33 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration User Limit Check the Enable User Limit box to enable this feature. Enter the maximum number of clients, between 1 and 32.
34 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Password: Verify Password: Enable Graphical Authentication: Enter a new password for the Administrator Login Name. The administrator can make changes to the settings. Enter the same password that you entered in the previous textbox in order to conrm its accuracy.
35 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Save to Local Hard Drive: Upload from Local Hard Drive: Restore to Factory Default: Reboot the Device: Use this option to save the current access point conguration settings to a le on the hard disk of the computer you are using.
36 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Browse: Upload: After you have downloaded the new rmware, click Br o ws e to l oc a te t h e rm w ar e u pd a te o n y ou r hard drive.
37 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Time Zone: Daylight Saving: Enable NTP Server: NTP Server Used: Date and Time: Select the Time Zone from the drop-down menu. To select Daylight Saving time manually, click the Enable Daylight Saving check box.
38 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enter a name for your new schedule. Select a day, a range of days, or All Week to include every day. Check All Days or enter a start and end time for your schedule. Select On or Off from the drop-down menu.
39 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration General: LAN: Wireless LAN: Displays the access point’s time and rmware version. Displays the MAC address and the private (local) IP settings for the access point. Displays the wireless MAC address and your wireless settings such as SSID and Channel.
40 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Logs The DAP-1350 keeps a running log of events and activities occurring on the AP. If the AP is rebooted, the logs are automatically cleared.
41 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Statistics T h e D A P - 13 5 0 k ee ps s t a ti s ti c s o f th e tr af c t h a t p as se s t h ro u gh i t . Y o u c a n v i e w th e am o un t of p ac k et s th at p a ss t h r o ug h t h e LA N a n d w ir e le s s p or t io n s o f t he ne t wo r k.
42 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Wireless The wireless section allows you to view the wireless clients that are connected to your wireless access point. Connection Time: MAC Address: Displays the amount of time the wireless client has been connected to the access point.
43 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Help.
44 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Wireless Client Mode If you wish to change the default settings or optimize the performance of the DAP-1350, you may use the web-based conguration utility. To access the conguration utility, open a web browser such as Internet Explorer and enter dlinkap o r 192.
45 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration This Wizard is designed to assist you in conguring your DAP-1350 as a wireless client. If you want to change the admin account password, enter a new password and click Next . It is strongly recommended to change your password.
46 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration For PBC (Push Button Conguration), skip to the next page. Se l ec t PIN to c o nn e ct yo u r w ir e le s s d e vi c e w it h WPS. You may click Generate New PIN to us e a different PIN number.
47 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Select PBC to use the Push Button Conguration to connect to your network. Click Connect to continue. Note: You may also press the WPS button located on the side of the DAP-1350 instead of running this wizard.
48 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Select Manual conguration to setup your network manually. Click Next to continue. Enter the network name (SSID) of the network you wa n t t o c on nec t t o. If yo u do n o t k no w the ex act na me or would like to search for the wireless network, click Site Survey .
49 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Choose which Security Mode you want to use and click Next to continue. If you select WEP , choose the key type (ASCII or HEX), the key size (64 or 128-bit), and enter the wireless security password.
50 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The Wir el ess Set up Wiza rd is com pl ete . Cl ic k Fi nis h to reboot the device..
51 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Manual Wireless Setup Wireless Mode: Site Survey: Wireless T ype: Wireless Network Name: Wireless Channel: 802.11 Mode: Channel Width: T ransmission Rate: Wireless MAC Clone: Wireless Security Mode: WPS: Wireless Client Mode is selected.
52 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration LAN Settings This section will allow you to change the local network settings of the access point and to congure the DHCP settings.
53 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Logout This section will allow you to change the local network settings of the access point and to congure the DHCP settings.
54 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Advanced Wireless T ransmit Power: RTS Threshold: Fragmentation Threshold: Short GI: Sets the transmit power of the antennas. No te : T r an sm i t pow er is re gu la te d by int er na ti on al standard.
55 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enter a new password for the Administrator Login Name. The administrator can make changes to the settings. Enter the same password that you entered in the previous textbox in order to conrm its accuracy.
56 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Save to Local Hard Drive: Load from Local Hard Drive: Restore to Factory Default: Reboot the Device: Use this option to save the current access point conguration settings to a le on the hard disk of the computer you are using.
57 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Browse: Upload: After you have downloaded the new rmware, click Br o ws e to l oc a te t h e rm w ar e u pd a te o n y ou r hard drive.
58 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Time Zone: Daylight Saving: Enable NTP Server: NTP Server Used: Date and Time: Select the Time Zone from the drop-down menu. To select Daylight Saving time manually, click the Enable Daylight Saving check box.
59 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration General: LAN: Wireless LAN: Displays the access point’s time and rmware version. Displays the MAC address and the private (local) IP settings for the access point. Displays the wireless MAC address and your wireless settings such as SSID and Channel.
60 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Log Options: First Page: Last Page: Previous: Next: Clear: Log Settings: Refresh: You can select the types of messages that you want to display from the log: System Activity , Debug Information , Attacks , Dropped Packets , and Notice .
61 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Statistics T h e D A P - 13 5 0 k ee ps s t a ti s ti c s o f th e tr af c t h a t p as se s t h ro u gh i t . Y o u c a n v i e w th e am o un t of p ac k et s th at p a ss t h r o ug h t h e LA N a n d w ir e le s s p or t io n s o f t he ne t wo r k.
62 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Help.
63 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Router Mode If you wish to change the default settings or optimize the performance of the DAP-1350, you may use the web-based conguration utility. To access the conguration utility, open a web browser such as Internet Explorer and enter dlinkap o r 192.
64 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Click Launch Internet Connection Setup Wizard to begin. If you want to enter your settings without running the wizard, click Manual Internet Conguration Setup and skip to page 65. Setup Wizard Click Next to continue.
65 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Sele ct your time zone from the drop -dow n menu and then click Next to continue. Select the type of Internet connection you use and then click Next to continue.
66 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration If you selected Dynamic, you may need to enter the MA C add re ss of th e co mp ut er th at wa s la st co nn e ct ed dir ec tl y to your mode m. If you are cur ren tly usi ng that co mpu te r, cli ck Cl one Yo ur PC’ s MAC Ad dre ss an d then click Next to continue.
67 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Internet Setup If you opt to set up your Internet connection manually, you will be redirected to a WAN page that allows you to select your Internet type and enter the correct conguration parameters.
68 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Dynamic IP (DHCP) Select Dynamic IP(DHCP) to obtain IP Address information automatically from your ISP. Select this option if your ISP does not give you any IP number to use. This option is commonly used for Cable modem services.
69 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Static IP Select Static IP if all WAN IP information is provided to you by your ISP. You will need to enter in the IP address, subnet mask, gateway address, and DNS address(es) provided to you by your ISP.
70 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration PPPoE Select PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) if your ISP uses a PPPoE connection. Your ISP will provide you with a username and password. This option is typically used for DSL services.
71 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration PPTP Choose PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) if your ISP uses a PPTP connection. Your ISP will provide you with a username and password.
72 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration L2TP Choose L2TP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) if your ISP uses a L2TP connection. Your ISP will provide you with a username and password.
73 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration 3G Mobile Connection Choose USB3G if you want to connect your router to the Internet through a compatible D-Link 3G USB adapter. Plug in your USB 3G adapter to the DAP-1350’s USB port, then select USB3G from the drop down box and click on Save Settings .
74 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Select Always-on , On Demand , or Manual to congure how the DAP-1350 stays connected. Enter the maximum idle time during which the Internet connection is maintained during inactivity. This function does not apply if you have selected Reconnect Mode as Always on .
75 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Wireless Setup Wizard You may cli ck Wir el ess Netwo rk Setup Wizar d to quickly congure your router. Refer to the next page. To set up your wireless network, click Add Wireless Device With WPS and skip to page 76.
76 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Type your desired wireless network name (SSID). Au tom ati cal ly: Sel ect thi s op tio n to aut oma ti ca lly generate the router’s network key and click Next . Manually: Select this option to manually enter your network key and click Next .
77 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration If you selected Manually assign a network key as the conguration method, enter your network key. This key must be entered on your wireless clients. Check the Use WPA encryption instead of WEP box to use WPA Encryption instead of WEP.
78 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration If you select WPA , enter the wireless security password (8-32 characters). Click Next to complete the Setup Wizard. Click Next to continue. The summary screen will appear. Click Save to continue.
79 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration From the Setup > Wireless Settings screen, click A d d Wireless Device with WPS . Add Wireless Device with WPS Wizard PIN: Select this option to use PIN method. In order to use this method you must know the wireless client’s 8 digit PIN and click Connect .
80 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Wireless Settings Enable Wireless: Wireless Network Name: Wireless Mode: Enable Auto Channel Scan: Wireless Channel: T ransmission Rate: Channel Width: Visibility Status: Wireless Security Mode: Select this to turn the Wi-Fi module on and off.
81 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Network Settings Enter the IP address of the router. The default IP address is If you change the IP address, once you click Apply , you will need to enter the new IP address in your browser to get back into the conguration utility.
82 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Check this box to enable the DHCP server on your router. Uncheck to disable this function. Enter the starting and ending IP addresses for the DHCP server’s IP assignment.
83 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration DHCP Reser vation If you want a computer or device to always have the same IP address assigned, you can create a DHCP reservation. The router will assign the IP address only to that computer or device.
84 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration USB Settings Use this section to congure your USB port. Share Port will be selected. Note: If using the SharePort option, users will need to install the SharePort Utility into the computers to share the USB device through the router.
85 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The DAP-1350 can be congured as a virtual server so that remote users accessing Web or FTP services via the public IP address can be automatically redirected to local servers in the LAN (Local Area Network).
86 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration This will allow you to open ports (port forwarding). Enter a name for the rule or select an application from the drop-down menu. Select an application and click << to populate the elds.
87 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Application Rules Enter a name for the rule. You may select a pre-dened application from the drop-down menu and click << . This is the port used to trigger the application. It can be either a single port or a range of ports.
88 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration MAC Address Filter Select Turn MAC Filtering Off, allow MAC ad dr ess es lis te d be low , or den y MA C ad dr esse s listed below from the drop-down menu. Enter the MAC add ress you woul d li ke t o l ter.
89 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enter the keywords or URLs that you want to block (or allo w). Any URL with the keyword in it will be blocked. Website URL/ Domain: Website Filters are used to deny LAN computers from accessing specic web sites by the URL or domain.
90 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection, also known as dynamic packet ltering) helps to prevent cyber attacks by tracking more state per session. It validates that the trafc passing through the session conforms to the protocol.
91 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Set the transmit power of the antennas. Note: Transmit power is regulated by international standard. Users are forbidden to change its maximum limit. Beacons are packets sent by an Access Point to synchronize a wireless network.
92 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enable the Wi-Fi Protected Setup feature. Locking the wireless security settings prevents the set ti ngs from bein g chang ed by the Wi-F i Prot ect ed Setup feature of the router. Devices can still be added to the network using Wi-Fi Protected Setup.
93 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration This Wizard helps you add wireless devices to the wireless network. The wizard will either display the wireless network settings to guide you through manual conguration, prompt you to enter the PIN for the device, or ask you to press the conguration button on the device.
94 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration To use the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP ™ ) feature click on Enabled . UPnP provides compatibility with networking equipment, software and peripherals.
95 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Guest Zone Check to enable the Guest Zone feature. Th e sch edul e of ti me when the Gues t Zo ne will be active . The schedul e may be set to Alwa ys, wh ic h wil l all ow the pa rt ic ul ar serv ic e to al wa ys be enabled.
96 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration DMZ Check this box to enable DMZ. Enter the IP address of the computer you would like to open all ports to. You can select a computer from the Computer Name drop-down menu and click << to enter the computer name into the DMZ Host IP Address eld.
97 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enter a new password for the Administrator Login Name. The administrator can make changes to the settings. Enter the new password for the User login. If you login as the User, you can only see the settings, but cannot change them.
98 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration T ime Settings Select the Time Zone from the drop-down menu. To select Daylight Saving time manually, select enabled or disabled, and enter a start date and an end date for daylight saving time.
99 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration SysLog The Broadband Router keeps a running log of events and activities occurring on the Router. You may send these logs to a SysLog server on your network. Enable Logging to SysLog Server: SysLog Server IP Address: Check this box to send the router logs to a SysLog Server.
100 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Use this option to save the current router conguration settings to a le on the hard disk of the computer you are using. First, click the Save button. You will then see a le dialog, where you can select a location and le name for the settings.
101 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Cl ick on Che ck Onl ine No w fo r La t es t Fi r mw are Ve rsi o n to n d out if th ere is an up dat ed r mwa re; if so, download the new rmware to your hard drive. After you have downloaded the new rmware, click Browse to locate the rmware update on your hard drive.
102 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Enter a name for your new schedule. Select a day , a range of day s, or All Week to include every day. Check All Day - 24hrs or enter a start and end time for your schedule. Click Save to save your schedule.
103 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration This page displays the current information for the DAP-1350. It will display the LAN, WAN (Internet), and Wireless information. If your Internet connection is set up for a Dynamic IP address then a Release button and a Renew button will be displayed.
104 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration The wireless client table displays a list of current connected wireless clients. This table also displays the connection rate and MAC address of the connected wireless clients.
105 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Logs Log Options: First Page: Last Page: Previous: Next: Clear: Log Settings: Refresh: Save Log: You can select the types of messages that you want to display from the log: System Activity , Debug Information , Attacks , Dropped Packets , and Notice .
106 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Statistics T h e sc re en be lo w di sp la y s th e Tr af c St at i st i cs . He re yo u ca n vi ew th e am ou n t of pa ck e ts th at pa ss th ro u gh th e DA P- 13 5 0 on the Internet, wireless, and the LAN ports.
107 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Internet Sessions The Internet Sessions page displays full details of active Internet sessions through your router. An Internet session is a conversation between a program or application on a LAN-side computer and a program or application on a WAN- side computer.
108 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Dir: Priority: Time Out: The direction of initiation of the conversation: Out - Initiated from LAN to WAN. In - Initiated from WAN to LAN. The preference given to outbound packets of this conversation by the QoS Engine logic.
109 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 3 - Configuration Help.
110 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 4 - Security Wireless Security This section will show you the different levels of security you can use to protect your data from intruders.
111 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 4 - Security What is WP A? WPA, or Wi-Fi Protected Access, is a Wi-Fi standard that was designed to improve the security features of WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). The 2 major improvements over WEP: • Improved data encryption through the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP).
112 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 4 - Security Configure WEP It is recommended to enable encryption on your wireless access point before your wireless network adapters. Please establish wireless connectivity before enabling encryption. Your wireless signal may degrade when enabling encryption due to the added overhead.
113 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 4 - Security Configure WP A/WP A2 Personal It is recommended to enable encryption on your wireless access point before your wireless network adapters. Please establish wireless connectivity before enabling encryption.
114 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 4 - Security It is recommended to enable encryption on your wireless access point before your wireless network adapters. Please establish wireless connectivity before enabling encryption. Your wireless signal may degrade when enabling encryption due to the added overhead.
115 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 4 - Security Using Windows ® 7 It is recommended to enable wireless security (WPA/WPA2) on your wireless router or access point before conguring your wireless adapter. If you are joining an existing network, you will need to know the security key or passphrase being used.
116 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 4 - Security 3 . Highlight the wireless network (SSID) you would like to connect to and click the Connect button. If you get a good signal but cannot access the Internet, check your TCP/IP settings for your wireless adapter.
117 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 4 - Security 5. Enter the same security key or passphrase that is on your router and click Connect . You can also connect by pushing the WPS button on the router. It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wireless network.
118 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network Connect to a Wireless Network Using Windows Vista ® Windows Vista ® users may use the convenient, built-in wireless utility. Follow these instructions: From the Start menu, go to Control Panel, and then click on Network and Sharing Center .
119 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network Click Connect Anyway to continue. The utility will display the following window to indicate a connection is being made. The nal window indicates the establishment of a successful connection.
120 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network Click on a network (displayed using the SSID) using WEP under Select a network to connect to and then click the Connect button. Enter the appropriate security key or passphrase in the eld provided and then click the Connect button.
121 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network Click on a network (displayed using the SSID) using WPA-PSK und er Sel ect a net wor k to conn ec t to and the n cli ck the Conn ec t button. Enter the appropriate security key or passphrase in the eld provided and then click the Connect button.
122 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network Connect to a Wireless Network Using Windows ® XP Windows ® XP users may use the built-in wireless utility (Zero Conguration Utility). The following instructions are for Service Pack 2 users.
123 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network Configure WEP It is recommended to enable WEP on your wireless bridge or access point before conguring your wireless adapter. If you are joining an existing network, you will need to know the WEP key being used.
124 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network 3. The Wireless Network Connection box will appear. Enter the same WEP key that is on your access point and click Connect. It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wireless network.
125 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network Configure WP A-PSK It is recommended to enable WEP on your wireless bridge or access point before conguring your wireless adapter. If you are joining an existing network, you will need to know the WEP key being used.
126 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 5 - Connecting to a Wireless Network 3. The Wireless Network Connection box will appear. Enter the WPA-PSK passphrase and click Connect. It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wireless network. If the connection fails, please verify that the WPA-PSK settings are correct.
127 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 6 - T roubleshooting T roubleshooting This chapter provides solutions to problems that can occur during the installation and operation of the DAP-1350. Read the following descriptions if you are having problems.
128 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 6 - T roubleshooting • Congure your Internet settings: • Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel . Double-click the Internet Options Icon. From the Security tab, click the button to restore the settings to their defaults.
129 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 6 - T roubleshooting 3. Why can’t I connect to certain sites or send and receive emails when connecting through my pocket router (router mode only)? If you ar.
130 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Section 6 - T roubleshooting You should start at 1472 and work your way down by 10 each time. Once you get a reply, go up by 2 until you get a fragmented packet. Take that value and add 28 to the value to account for the various TCP/IP headers.
131 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics D-Link wireless products are based on industry standards to provide easy-to-use and compatible high-speed wireless connectivity within your home, business or public access wireless networks.
132 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics What is Wireless? Wireless or Wi-Fi technology is another way of connecting your computer to the network without using wires. Wi-Fi uses radio frequency to connect wirelessly, so you have the freedom to connect computers anywhere in your home or ofce.
133 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) Bluetooth is the industry standard wireless technology used for WPAN.
134 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Where is wireless used? Wireless technology is expanding everywhere not just at home or ofce. People like the freedom of mobility and it’s becoming so popular that more and more public facilities now provide wireless access to attract people.
135 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Security Don’t let your next-door neighbors or intruders connect to your wireless network. Secure your wireless network by turning on the WPA or WEP security feature on the access point. Refer to product manual for detail information on how to set it up.
136 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Networking Basics Check your IP address After you install your new D-Link adapter, by default, the TCP/IP settings should be set to obtain an IP address from a DHCP server (i.e. wireless router) automatically.
137 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Statically Assign an IP address If you are not using a DHCP capable gateway/access point, or you need to assign a static IP address, plea.
138 D-Link DAP-1350 User Manual Appendix C - T echnical Specifications T echnical Specifications Standards • IEEE 802.11n • IEEE 802.11g • IEEE 802.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat D-Link DAP-1350 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen D-Link DAP-1350 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens D-Link DAP-1350 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding D-Link DAP-1350 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over D-Link DAP-1350 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van D-Link DAP-1350 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de D-Link DAP-1350 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met D-Link DAP-1350 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.