Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DCS-2121 van de fabrikant D-Link
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i T able of Content s Package Co ntents ............................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................
ii HELP .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 48 Installing the DCS-21 21 Behind a Router.
1 Package Contents If any of the below items are missing from your pa ckage, please cont act you r retailer . DCS-2121 Megapixel Wir eless Internet Camera D-Link DCS -2121 Me gapixel Wireless Inte.
2 Minimum System Requirements Wired (10/100 Fast Ethernet) network Wireless 802.11g netwo rk PC with: 1.3 GHz processor or higher 128 MB memory or more Windows XP SP2 or V ista Internet Explorer 6 or higher Multiple camera operation requires: 2.
3 Introduction Congratulations on your purch ase of the DCS-2121 Megapixel Inter net Camera! The DCS-2121 is a versatile and unique solution for your small office or home. Unlike a st andard webcam , the DCS-2 121 is a complete system wi th a built-in CPU and web serve r that transmit s high quality vide o images for security and surveillance.
4 Features and Benefits Simple to Use: The DCS -2121 i s a stand-alone syst em with a buil t-in CPU, requiring no special hard ware or software such as PC fram e gra bber c ards. The DCS-2121 support s ActiveX mode for In ternet Explorer. All that is required is a computer with Internet Explorer 6.
5 Hardware Overview 1. Camera lens 8. Antenna connector 2. Focus ring 9. WPS button and LED 3. S tatus LED 10. Camera base mount 4. Microphone 5. Wireless antenna 6.
6 1. External sp eaker jack 2. Power jack 3. Ethernet port 4. DI/DO port Bottom 1 2 3 4.
7 2 4 5 3 1 Hardware Installation Attach the Antenna Screw the wireless antenna onto the ant enna connector . Connect the camera base 1. Screw the base stem into the base. 2. T ake the hi nge bracket and tighten the wheel. 3. Screw the hinge bracket into the base stem.
8 Connect the Ethernet Cable Connect the included Ethernet cable to the net work cable conn ector located on the bottom of the DCS-2121 and att ach it to your network swit ch or router .
9 Software Installation Using D-Link Click ‘n Connect T urn on the computer and Insert the D-Link DCS-2121 Installation CD in the CD-ROM drive. Use t he D-Lin k Click ‘n Connect utilit y for initial setup. The following step-by-step instructions will be sho wn in Windo ws® XP .
10 will be needed later . Click Next to continue. If you have not yet connected the Ethernet cable to the camera, do so now . Connect the other end of the cable to your computer or to the LAN.
11 If you have not yet connected the power , do so now . Check the LE D on the front of the camera to make sure it is powered on. Click Next to continue. The utility will begin to search for the camera. It uses the MAC ID to identify it. If the camera is successfully located, the MA C ID you wrote down previously appears in the MAC ID List.
12 If your network does not have an active DHCP serv er , it is necessary to ass ign IP settings to the camera. It is necessary to supply LAN IP settings for the camera. If you have an active DHCP se rver (su ch as a broadb and router) the IP settings are automatically co nfigure d.
13 Installation of the cam era is now completed. T o configure advanced option or to view the video display , click the Advanced Options button. Y our default web brow ser will launch and be directed to the IP addre ss of the camera.
14 Install Setup Wizard Software The DCS-2121 includes Setup Wizard so ftware as an alternative to using the D-Link Cli ck ‘n Connect utility for camera setup. Users might also want to install the Setup Wizard on their system to be able to re-in stall or inst all new cameras in the future.
15 Click the Next button to proceed with the installation of the Setup Wizard . Y ou will be able to choose where to put the software on your computer in a menu that ap pears late r . Read the License agreement and cl ick Y es if you agree and want to proceed with inst all ation.
16 T o use the default location on your computer for the Setup Wizard software, cli ck Next. If you prefer to put the software in a dif ferent location than that listed, click the Browse button, select the desired location and click Next to continue. Click the Finish button to complete the Setup Wizard In st allation.
18 Using the Setup Wizard T o run the Setup Wizard , click on Star t Programs D-Link Setup Wizard SE . The Setup Wizard will then scan for all available came ras connected to your wired network. Ea ch camera will appear with it s MAC ad dress, current IP addre ss, and camera name.
19 Here, you can set whether the camera should use a direct or st atic IP . If you use a static IP , the camera's IP Addres s, Subnet Mask, Gateway , and DNS addresses must corresp ond with your netwo rk settings fo r you to access the camera.
20 If you need to make any changes, click Bac k to modify your camera settings. Otherwise, click Rest art to save and apply your settings. This m ay take a few minutes. Camera setup is now com plete! W a it until the Link LED on the camera turns g reen, then click Link to launch your Web browser and view your image s.
21 After you click the Link button, the Inst allation Wizard will automatica lly open you r Web b rowser to the IP address of the DCS-2121 and prompt you for a user name and p assword. Enter “admin” into the User name field, and then click OK. If you changed your password in the Set up Wi za rd, enter your password then cli ck OK.
22 Using the ffdshow Now , click on ffdsho w from the autorun screen. Thi s will install the proper code cs that will allow you to playbac k video t aken by the DCS-2121.
23 Click Next Click Inst all . Click Close ..
24 Before using ffdshow , you must configu re its properti es. Fro m your computer , please click on Star t Progra ms ffdshow Configuration . At the ffdshow properties window , scroll to the bottom and click Miscellaneous . Be sure that Autod etect is checked and that Error resilience and Error conce alment are set to “none”.
25 Adjusting the Camera Focus After opening the web interface, turn the focus ring lef t or right until the area you want to view is in focu s. Y ou can use the video feed of the web interf ace as a guide. Note: Y ou can adjust other settings such as brightness , contra st, orient ation in the SETUP > Image Setup section of the web interface.
26 Setting up a Wireless Connection with WPS If your wireless access p oi nt or router support s p ush- button Wireless Protected Setup (WPS), you can quickly configure your wireless network an d camera without using the ca mera’ s web interface.
27 Using the Configuration Menu After completi ng the Setup Wizard, you are ready to use your camera. The W e b configuration utility is designed to easily access and configure your DCS-2121. Click the “Link” button will open up the main co nfiguration page.
28 LIVE VIDEO This section allows you to set up your IP camera's live video by using the buttons bel ow . LIVE VIDEO > Camera Video Profile : Y ou can change between your diff erent viewin g profiles, which you can set up in SETUP > Audio and Vid eo .
29 SETUP This section allows you to further set up or change the config uration of your IP camera. SETUP > Wizard The setup wizards guide y ou through initial setup of your IP camera.
30 SETUP > Network Setup This option, Network Setup , allows you to configure your LAN and Internet configuration, including the settings for LAN, PPPoE, and port. DHCP Co nnection: This allows the camera to get an IP address automatically from your router or Internet service.
31 SETUP > Wireless T o set up your IP camera's wireless network interfa ce setting s, enable Wireless Settings in this window first. Then continue the furthe r configuration next. Site survey : Clicking this button will scan for ava ilable wirel ess networks.
32 SETUP > Dynamic DNS If you have a DSL or Cable servic e provider that changes you r modem IP addre ss periodically , Dynamic DNS (Domain Name Service), a method of keeping a domain nam e linked to a dynamic IP addre ss, is useful.
33 SETUP > Image Setup The options in Image Setup allow you to adjust the settings for your IP camera sensor and image. Brightness : This adjust s t he brightness of the camera image. Thi s is set to 60 by default. Saturation : This adjust s t he color saturation of t he camera image.
34 SETUP > Audio and Video This Audio and V ideo option allows you to set up your IP camera’s video quality , resolution, and frame rate. Video Senso r Sensor Output: Y ou can set the camera's sensor output to VGA quality (640x480), XGA quality (1024x768), or SXGA quality (1280x1024).
35 Night Mode Night mode allows the camera to use a longer shutter speed when the came ra is in a low-light environment. If the camera is in an area where there is suf ficient lighting, Night Mode will not affect the video stre am. Enable Night Mode: Check this box to enable Night Mode.
36 SETUP > Motion Detection This option allows you to set up Motion Detection on your IP camera. In order to use motion detection you must first check the Enable V ideo Motion che ckbox. Y ou can then click on the video window and d raw m otion detection zones by clicking and dragging your mou se.
37 SETUP > Time and Date This option allows you to configure, update, and ma int ain the correct time on the internal syst em clock. From this section you can set the time zone that you are in and set the NTP (Network T ime Protocol) Server . Daylight Saving can also be configured to automatically adjust the time when needed.
38 SETUP > Recording This option allows you to configure recording setting s and sched uling. Y ou can record video to a Secure Digit a l card inserted into the SD card slot, or y ou ca n have video saved to a Samba network drive. Enable recording : Check this checkbox to enable the recording feat ure.
39 Recording Options Resolution: This will let you set which video profile you wish to use to record video. Please note that if the bitrate(bps) of the video prof ile is higher than your Samba net work drive's throughput, the recording’ s framerate(FPS) may be reduced.
40 SETUP > Snapshot Here, you can set the camera to take snap shot s when motion is detected and/or when a signal is sent to the DI input. Snapshot s can be sent to an e-mail address and/or to an FTP serve r . Enable Snap shot: Check this box to enable the snap shot feature.
41 FTP Serv er: When checked, the camera will send the snapshot s it takes to t he e-mail address specified in the text fields. If you do not know w hat information to enter , contact the administ rator of the FTP se rver for d etails. User Name: Enter the User Name of your FTP account.
42 SETUP > Digital Output This screen allows you to enable the Digit al Out (D/O) port, and allo ws you to select what event s will trigger the Digital Out signal. Enable D/O: Check this box to enable the D/O port. Motion Detection: When checked, the D/ O port will send a sign al whenever motion is detected by the camera.
43 MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE > Device Management Here you can change the Admin password, add and manag e Users, and adjust some camera settings. Admin Password Setting: This section lets you change the admin p a ssword used to log in to the camera and adjust settings.
44 MAINTENANCE > Backup and Restore This screen allows you to save and restore the camera’ s current configuration. Y ou can also reset all settings to factory default, and reboot the device. Save T o Local Hard Drive: Click on the Save Configuration button to save the current configuration to a hard drive.
45 MAINTENANCE > Firmware Upgrade Here, you can see your current firmware version and you can also upgrad e your firmwa re with a new version. Firmware upgrades are ma de available at supp . T o upgrade your firmware, go to support.
46 STATUS The S tatus section provides the det a il information about your IP camera. STATUS> Device Info This screen shows you various informati on abo ut your camera and it s current settings.
47 STATUS> Log The log shows you a list of events that h ave happened recently . Y ou can download the log by clicking the Download button, or you can empt y the log by clicking the Clear button.
48 HELP The Help screen provides you with support informat ion about the DCS-2 121 for your reference..
49 Installing the DCS-2121 Behind a Router If you connect your cameras to an Internet route r , follow these steps to allow remote access to your cameras, so you can access your cameras from any Inter.
50 2) Assign a Local IP Address and Port for Your Camera Click on the SETUP tab, and select Network Setup A Local IP Address is required to configure your camera and to view your came ra within your local network. Y ou may use the default camera IP Address of 192.
51 3) Open the HTTP Port The HTTP Port option is used when multiple cam eras are being inst alled behind a single public IP addre ss a nd will be accessed remotely OR fo r using a port other than the default port for image viewing.
52 Router Setup The following step s generally apply to any r outer that you have on your netwo rk. The D-Link DIR-300 is used as an example to cl arify the configuration process.
53 4) Open Virtual Server Ports to Enable Remote Image Viewing The Virtual S erver Ports of your router must be opened for re mote access to your camera. This is also referred to as port forwa rding. Please proceed as follows: Select Enabled to enable virtual server settings.
54 Viewing Your Camera Over the Internet After all settings have been ent ered correctly , a user inside or outsi de your network will have access to the camera through a standa rd We b browser .
55 Frequently Asked Questions Internet Camera Features 1 What is an Internet Camera? An Internet Camera is a standalone system that connect s directly to an Ethernet or Fast Ethernet network and sup ported by the wireless transmission based on the IEEE 802.
56 10 Why can’t I access the Interne t Camera from a web bro wser? A possible cause might be that the IP Address for the Internet Ca mera is already being used b y another dev ice. T o correct the p ossible problem, you need to first disconnect the Internet Camera from the network.
57 18 Why are no images av ailable through the Web bro w ser? ActiveX might be disabled on your web browser . If you are viewing the images from Internet Explorer , make sure ActiveX has been enabled in the Internet Options menu. Y ou may also need to change the security settings on y our browser to allow the ActiveX plug-in to be installed.
58 How to Ping Your IP Address The PING (Packet Internet Groper) command can determin e whether a sp ecific IP Addre ss is accessibl e by sending a packet to the specific ad dress and waiting for a reply . It is a very useful tool to confirm if the IP A ddress conflict s with the Inter net Camera over the netwo rk.
59 If you fail to connect to your camera you will see the following: Check to see if you have entered your camera’ s IP Addres s correctly or reassign your camera’ s IP Address.
60 Time Zone Table (GMT -12:00) International Dateline West (GMT -1 1:00) Midway Island, Samoa (GMT -10:00) Hawaii Islan d (GMT -09:00) Alaska (GMT -08:00) Pacific Time (US & Can ada); T ijuana (G.
61 DI/DO Input specifications DO Digital Output: Normal: open circuit Trigger: short circuit After powering on or rebooting the DCS -2121, t he camera will be in Normal mode by default.
62 Technical Specifications Video Codec MPEG-4 / MJPEG Audio Codec GSM-AMR: 8kbps, ADPCM: 8Kbps Sensor 1/4" color 1.3MP CMOS sensor SDRAM 64 Mbytes Flash Memory 8 Mbytes SD-Card Slot Supports SD Cards up to 16GB Lens 5.01mm, F2.8 LAN • 10/100BASE T port • IEEE 802.
63 Audio Out Yes Reset Butto n Reset to factory default Dimension (WxDxH) 71.9mm x 110.0mm x 37mm (without bracket and sta nd) Weight DCS-2121: 281.4g (withou t bracket and stand) Max Power Consumption • 6W • Input: 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz • Output: 5VDC, 2.
64 Video Algorithm Supported • MPEG-4/MJPEG simultaneous dual-format compre ssion • JPEG for still image Features • Adjustable image size and quality • Time stamp and text overlay • Configurable motion detection zones Resolution 1.
65 OS Support Device Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows Vista / 3GPP Mobile Pho ne Utility Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows Vista Physical Environment Power • 5V 2.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat D-Link DCS-2121 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen D-Link DCS-2121 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens D-Link DCS-2121 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding D-Link DCS-2121 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over D-Link DCS-2121 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van D-Link DCS-2121 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de D-Link DCS-2121 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met D-Link DCS-2121 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.