Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DCS-7513 van de fabrikant D-Link
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U ser Manual V ersion 1.0 | 07/13/2012 DCS-7513 F ull HD WDR Da y & Night Outdoor Netw ork Camer a.
2 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual D-Link reser ves the right to r evise this publication and to make changes in the cont ent hereof without obligation to notify an y person or organization of such r evisions or changes. Information in this document may bec ome obsolete as our ser vices and w ebsites develop and change.
3 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual T able of C on ten ts Pr oduct O verview ......................................................................... 4 P ackage Contents ................................................................. 4 Introduction .....
4 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 1: P roduct O verview P roduc t O v er view P ackage C ont ents If any of the above it ems are missing , please contact your reseller . Note : Using a pow er supply with a dier ent voltage than the one included with your product will cause damage and void the warranty for this pr oduct.
5 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 1: P roduct O verview Intr oduc tion The DCS-7513 F ull HD WDR Day & Night Outdoor Network C amera is a professional sur veillance and secur ity solution for small, medium, and lar ge enterprises alike .
6 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 1: P roduct O verview P-iris The P-iris lens in the DCS-7513 solves the long-standing problem of capturing sharp images in var ying light conditions.
7 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 1: P roduct O verview F ront Hardw are O v er view 1 Camera L ens V ar i-focal lens t o recor d video of the surrounding area 2 Light Sensor The light sensor mea.
8 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 1: P roduct O verview Sides 1 Adjustable T op Shield Shields the camera sensor from dir ect sunlight. 2 Adjustment Scr ew Allows positioning of t op shield. 3 Camera S hoe Adjustable mounting seat . 4 W ire in Bracket Tightly assembles and pr otects the cables from outdoor wear and t ear .
9 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 1: P roduct O verview Cable Harness 1 P ower C onnec tor P ower connector f or the provided 12V DC pow er adapter .
10 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 1: P roduct O verview Internal 1 SD Card S lot Inser t an SD card for L ocal storage for storing rec orded image and video 1 Note: F or step-by-step instruction on how to inser t an SD card please skip to "Installing an SD Card" on page 11.
11 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 2: Assembly and Installation Assembly and Installation Installing an SD Car d 3 Step 1 Place the camera fac e down on a non-slip at sur face . Step 3 Remo ve the base of the camer a by holdin g the camera rmly and ro tatin g the base in a coun ter clockwise direction.
12 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 2: Assembly and Installation 5 Step 5 Rep lac e th e base of the cam era by hol din g the cam er a rml y and rot ati ng the bas e in a clo ckwi se direction ensuring a tight t. Note: Users ar e advised to ensure that the w eatherproof seals are secur ed rmly in place.
13 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 2: Assembly and Installation Mounting the C amera The DCS-7513 is suitable for moun ting to a wall using the camera shoe and wir e -in bracket provided . Step 1 Straight en the two sets of cables from the camera side by side .
14 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 2: Assembly and Installation A ttaching the Camera t o the W ire -in Brack et Step 1 Using the two screw s provided attach the quick release r etention clip to the underside of the camera.
15 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 2: Assembly and Installation Step 2 Push the quick r elease rod to r eveal the attachment notches . Step 3 Slot the quick release r etention clip ov er the quick release rod . Step 4 Allow the quick r elease rod to r eturn.
16 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 2: Assembly and Installation Orienting the Camer a Step 1 Using the Allen Wr ench provided, loosen the adjusting bolts on both sides of the camera shoe. This will allo w y ou to adjust the ver tical orientation of the camera.
17 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 2: Assembly and Installation Step 1 P osition the Alignment Sticker in the desired location mak ing sure the Camera and W ire -in-Bracket hav e sufficient space . Use the dimension diagrams in "Dimensions" on page 71 for additional r efer ence.
18 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 2: Assembly and Installation Step 5 Su sp end th e cam er a and wi re-in bra ck et fr om the two lug s on the mou nti ng pl at e .
19 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 2: Assembly and Installation Camer a Installation W izard Step 1 Connect the network camera to a hub via an Ethernet cable.
20 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 2: Assembly and Installation Step 1 Connect the network camera to a hub via an Ethernet cable. Step 2 Connect the supplied power cable fr om the camera to a po wer sourc e such as your building's emergency power .
21 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 2: Assembly and Installation Step 1 If you are using a P oE hub, c onnect the IP camera to the hub via an Ethernet cable, which will pro vide transmission of both power and da ta over a single cable .
22 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 2: Assembly and Installation Step 1 Inser t the Installation CD-ROM into your computer ’ s optical drive to star t the autorun prog ram. The CD-ROM will open the Camera Installation Wizar d. The Setup Wizard will guide you through the installa tion process through to conguring your camera.
23 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 2: Assembly and Installation Step 4 By default the Admin ID is "admin" and the passw ord is blank . It is recommended that you cr eate and conrm a passw ord f or your device . Click Next to con tinue.
24 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 2: Assembly and Installation Step 6 Conrm your camer a login details and IP address details and click Restart . The LED on the front of the DCS-7513 will blink , then turn solid green once it successfully c onnec ts to y our network .
25 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 2: Assembly and Installation D-ViewC am soft ware is included f or the administrator to manage multiple D-Link IP cameras remotely . Y ou may use the soft war e to congure all the adv anced settings for y our cameras.
26 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 2: Assembly and Installation Step 3 Click F inish to complete the installation. Step 4 T o star t D -V iewCam, selec t Start > All Programs > D-Link D-V iewCam > Main Console . Step 5 F or more detail operation of using D-V iewCam soft war e, please r efer to D-ViewC am Manual.
27 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation C ongur ation U sing the C ongura tion Inter face After completing the Camera I nstallation W izard, you are ready to use your camera. The camera ’ s built-in W eb conguration utility is designed to allo w you to easily access and congur e your DCS-7513.
28 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Liv e V ideo This section sho ws your camera ’ s live video . Y ou may select any of the av ailable icons list ed below to operat e the camera. Y ou may also select y our language using the drop- down menu on the left side of the screen.
29 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation If any presets have been dened, selecting a preset from this list will display it. Go T o: (Pr eset List) Video P role 1 Video P rol.
30 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Setup Setup W izard T o congur e your Network Camera, click Internet C onnection Setup Wizard . Alternatively , you ma y click Manual Int ernet Connection Setup t o manually congur e your Network Camera and skip to "Network Setup" on page 36.
31 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Internet C onnec tion Setup W izard This wizard will guide you through a step -by-st ep process to congure your new D-Link Camera and connect the camera to the int ernet. Click Next to continue.
32 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Select Static IP if your Internet Ser vice Provider has provided you with connection settings, or if you wish to set a static address within your home network. Enter the correct conguration information and click Ne x t to con tinue.
33 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Congur e the correct time to ensure that all events will be trigger ed as scheduled. Click Next to continue . Conrm the settings are c orrect and click Apply to save them. The settings will be sav ed to the DCS-7513 and the camera will restart.
34 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation This wizard will guide y ou through a step-by-step pr ocess to congur e your camera 's motion detection functions.
35 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Step 3 This step allows you to specify how you will r eceive event notications from your camera. Y ou may choose not to r eceive notications , or to receiv e notications via e -mail or FTP .
36 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Netw ork Setup Use this section to congure the network connections for y our camera. All relev ant information must be enter ed accurately . After mak ing any changes, click the Sav e Settings button to sav e your changes.
37 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Enable UPnP P resentation: Enable UPnP P or t F or warding: Enable PPP oE: User Name / P assword: HT TP P or t: Ac cess Name for Str eam 1~3: HT TPS P or t: Authentica tion: RTSP P or t: Enabling this setting allows your camera to be congured as a UPnP devic e on your network.
38 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Enable CoS: Enable QoS: Enable IPv6: Enable Multicast for stream Enabling the Class of Ser vice setting implements a best-eor t policy without making any bandwidth reservations.
39 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Dynamic DNS DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Server) will hold a DNS host name and synchronize the public IP address of the modem when it has been modied. A user name and password are required when using the DDNS ser vice.
40 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Image Setup In this sec tion, you ma y congure the video image settings f or your camera.
41 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation E na bl e A ut om a ti c Ir is A d ju st me n t Ir is A dj us tm en t Ir is S pe ed D en oi se : B ri gh t n es s: C on tr as t: Sa t ur at io n: S h ar pn es s: W DR L ev e l : R es et D ef au lt : The Lo w Noise option will f ocus on creating a high- quality picture without noise.
42 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation A udio and V ideo Y ou may congure up to 3 video proles with dier ent settings for your camera. Hence , you may set up dieren t proles for your computer and mobile displa y . In addition, you ma y also congure the two-way audio settings for your camera.
43 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation V ideo Quality : Constan t bit rate: F ixed quality: Audio in o: Audio in gain lev el: Audio out o: Audio out v olume level: This limits the maximum frame rate, which can be combined with the "Fix ed quality" option to optimiz e the bandwidth utilization and video qualit y .
44 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Lens C ontrol The settings on this page allow y ou to remotely ne tune the z oom and focus to achiev e optimal per formance.
45 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Pr eset This screen allows you to set preset points for the ePTZ func tion of the camera, which allows you to look around the camera's viewable area by using a zoomed view.
46 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Pr eset List: T o add a preset to the sequence, select it from the dr op- down box at the bottom of this window , set the D well time to det ermine ho w long the camera view will stay at that preset, then click the Add button.
47 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Motion Detec tion Enabling Video Motion will allow your camera to use the motion detection featur e. Y ou may draw a nite motion area that will be used for monitoring. A fter mak ing any changes , click the Save Settings button to sa ve your changes .
48 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation T ime and Date This section allows you t o automatically or manually congure , update, and maintain the internal syst em clock for your camer a. After making any changes, click the Sav e Settings button to sav e your changes.
49 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Ev ent Setup In a typical application, when motion is detected, the DCS-7513 sends images to a FTP server or via e -mail as notications . As shown in the illustration below , an ev ent can be triggered by many sources, such as motion detection.
50 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation The Ev ent Setup page includes 4 dierent sections. • Even t • Ser ver • Media • Recording 1. T o add a new item - " event, ser ver or media, " click A dd . A scr een will appear and allow y ou to update the elds ac cordingly .
51 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation A dd Ser ver Ser ver Name: E-mail: FTP: Network Stor age: SD Card: Enter the unique name of your server . Enter the congura tion for the target e -mail ser ver account. Enter the conguration for the target FTP ser ver account.
52 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation A dd Media Media Name: Snapshot: Source: Send pre -event image(s) [0~4]: Send post-event image(s) [0~7]: Enter a unique name f or media type you want to crea te. Sel ect thi s option to set t he me dia t ype to sn apsho ts .
53 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation F ile name prex: Add dat e and time sux to le name: V ideo clip: Source: Pr e - even t recor ding: Maximum duration: Maximum le size: Sy stem log: The prex name will be added on the le name .
54 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation A dd Ev ent Creat e and schedule up to 3 events with their own settings her e. After mak ing any changes , click the Save Settings button t o save y our changes.
55 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation A dd Recording Recording entry name: Enable this recor ding: Priority: Source: Recording schedule: Recording settings: Destination: T otal c ycling rec ording size: The unique name of the entry .
56 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Size of each le for r ecording: Time of each le f or recor ding: F ile Name Prex: If this is selected, les will be separated based on the le size you specify . If this is selected, les will be separated based on the maximum length you specify .
57 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation SD Car d F ormat SD Car d: V iew Recorded P ic ture: Playback Recor ded Video: Refresh: Click this icon to automatically format the SD car d and create "picture" & "video" folders .
58 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation A dvanc ed Digital Input/Output This screen allows you to contr ol the behavior of digital input and digital output devices.
59 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Here you can congure the ICR and IR settings. An IR(I nfrared) Cut -Removable(ICR) lter can be disengaged for increased sensitivity in low light envir onments.
60 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation HT TPS This page allows you to install and ac tivate an HT TPS cer ticate for secure access to your camera. After mak ing any changes, click the Sav e Settings button to sav e your changes.
61 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation A cc ess List Here you can set ac cess permissions for users to view y our DCS-7513. Allow list: Start IP address: End IP address: Delete allow list: Deny list: Delete den y list: The list of IP addresses that have the access right to the camera.
62 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Maintenanc e Devic e Management Y ou may modify the name and administrator ’ s passwor d of your camera, as well as add and manage the user accounts for accessing the camera. Y ou may also use this sec tion to crea te a unique name and congure the OSD settings f or your camera.
63 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation S y stem In this sec tion, you ma y backup, r estore and r eset the camera conguration, or r eboot the camera.
64 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation F irmw are Upgr ade The camera's current rmware version will be displayed on this screen. Y ou may visit the D -Link Suppor t W ebsite to check for the latest available rmwar e version.
65 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation Sta tus Devic e Info This page display s detailed information about your devic e and network connection.
66 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation This page displays the log information of your camera. Y ou may download the information by click ing Download .
67 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Sec tion 3: Congur ation This page pro vides helpful information regar ding camera operation. Help.
68 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Appendix A: DI/DO Specications DI/DO Specications.
69 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Appendix A: T echnical Specications T echnic al Specications Camera Camera Hardw are Pr ole 1/2.8” 2 Megapixel progr essive CMOS sensor 30 meter IR il.
70 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Appendix A: T echnical Specications System Management System Requirements for W eb Inter face Browser: Internet Explorer , Firef ox, Chrome, Safari Event Manageme.
71 D-Link DCS-7513 User Manual Appendix A: T echnical Specications Di men si ons 31 6. 5 22 3. 5 97 .5 10 0 21 6. 7 12 0 24 9. 1 90 .7.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat D-Link DCS-7513 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen D-Link DCS-7513 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens D-Link DCS-7513 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding D-Link DCS-7513 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over D-Link DCS-7513 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van D-Link DCS-7513 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de D-Link DCS-7513 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met D-Link DCS-7513 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.