Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DI-624S van de fabrikant D-Link
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D-Link DI-624S High-S peed 2. 4 GHz Wir eless Stor age Ro uter Manual Bu il di ng N etw orks fo r Pe opl e Ver 1.00.
Contents Pa ckage Con t en ts .... ..... ........ ...... ........ ....... ........ ...... .......... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ... 3 Introdu ction ..... .......... ........ ...... ...... ........ ....... ...... ........ ...... ..
2 Adva nced > Firewa ll .... ...... .......... ......... ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... .......... ........ ... 44 Advan c ed > D MZ ....... ........ ...... ...... ......... ...... ........ ...... .......... ........ ....
3 Package Contents Contents of Package: • D-Link DI-624 S 2.4G H z W ireless St orage Router • Power Ad apter- DC 5V, 3A • Manual and Warrant y on CD • Quick Ins tallation Gui de • Ether net.
4 Introductio n The D-Link DI-624S Wi rele ss Storage Rout er is an 80 2 .11b /g high-performance, w i rele ss router that supports hig h- speed w ireless networking at ho me, at work or in p u blic pla c es.
5 Connections USB 2.0 C onnections . Use thes e ports to connect your USB pri nt er o r me mor y media for fil e sharing. All Ethernet Ports (W AN and LA N) are auto MDI/ MDIX, meaning you can use ei ther a straight-through or a crossover E thernet cable.
6 LEDs Pow er LED A solid light indicates a valid connection to the power supply. Status LED A blinking LED indicates the DI-624S is functioning properly. WAN LED An active LED indica te s a li nk has been established. A bli n ki ng LED indicates activity on the WAN port.
7 Features • Fully com patible wit h the 8 02.11g standar d to pro vide a wirel ess data rate of up to 54Mbps • Backwards com patible with the 802.
8 various de vices to be shar ed over a net work, such as USB stora ge devices and printers • VPN Pass Through • DMZ an d DDNS fu nctions • Statefu l Packet Insp ection for protec tion against u.
9 Wireless Basics D- Link wire les s pr odu cts are base d on in dus tr y st an dar ds to pro vi de eas y-t o- us e an d compatible h igh-speed wireless connect ivity within your home, bus iness or public access wire l ess networks. D-Link wireless products will allo w you acc ess to the data you want, whe n an d w her e y o u want it.
10 Wireless B asics (c ontinued) S ta nda rds -Bas ed Tec hn ol ogy The DI-6 24S Wirel ess Broadband Router u tilizes the n ew 802.1 1g standard. The IEEE 802.11 g standar d is an e xtens ion of the 802.1 1b standar d. It i ncreas es the data rate u p to 54 Mb ps within the 2.
11 Getting Started Setting up a Wirel ess Infrastructure Netw ork Please r emember that D-L ink Air Plus G wire less devi ces ar e pre-conf igured to c onnect together , right out of the b ox, with th eir defa ult settin gs. For a ty pical wir eless s etup at home (as sho wn abov e), please do th e follo w i ng: 1.
12 5. (See the printed Quick Installation Gu ide inc luded with the net work adapter .) 6. Instal l the D-Link DWL- G650 wireless Cardbus adapter i nto a lapto p comput er. (Se e the pri nted Quick Inst allation Guide i ncluded with the DWL- G650.) 7.
13 Using the Configuration Wizard Whene ver y ou w ant to conf igure y our netw ork or the D I- 624 S, y o u can access the Configuration Menu by opening the w e b-browser and ty p ing in the IP Addre s s of the DI -624 S.
14 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > Wirel ess WCN WCN or Window s Conn ect N ow T echno logy is used to au t omat ically configure the wireless settin gs for this device. The WCN must be previously configured o n compu ter runni n g a Windows XP operating sy stem , w hic h has Service Pack 2 installed.
15 Wireless Q oS (WMM) Clicking the Ena bled ra d io b u tton in this section will enabl e Q oS for WiFi MultiMed ia (WMM). T his function w ill give priority to audio and video information travelling over the wirless netw ork.
16 Open S y st em/S hared Ke y The Op en System/Share d Key choice for Authen ticati on will pr o duce th e same screen for the user’s configuration. The O pen System choice is for general use and ut ilizes the basic WEP encryption. The Shared Key choice is used be tw een c oo perating devices that share a common encryption key .
17 WPA WPA or Wireless Prote ction Access is a new an improved sta ndard of wireless securit y . WPA offers encryption key s of up to 256-bits that automatically chan ge fr equently.
18 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > WAN Static IP Addr ess Choose Stat ic IP Address if al l WAN IP i nformation is pro vided to y o u by y our ISP. You will need to enter in the IP address, s u bnet mask, gatew a y address, and DNS address(es) prov ided to you b y your ISP.
19 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Dynamic IP Addre ss Dyn amic Choose Dy namic IP A ddress to obtain IP addre ss informa tion automati c ally from y our ISP. T his option sho uld be selecte d if y our ISP has not su pplied you with an IP addr ess.
20 Using the Configura tion Me nu (continu ed) Home > WA N > PPPoE PP Po E Choose th is option if your I SP uses PPPoE. (M o st DS L users wi ll sele ct this option .) Dy namic PPPoE Choose this op t ion to rece iv e an I P A ddr ess automa tically from y our ISP .
21 Clone M AC Address The d ef ault MAC ad dres s is set to t he W AN’s ph ysic al interf ac e MAC address on the Broadband Router. You can use t he “Clone MAC Add res s” bu tton to copy the MA C ad dr ess o f the E the rnet C ard installed by y o ur ISP and repl ac e the WAN M A C addr ess with th e MAC address of the router.
22 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Hom e > W AN > Oth ers > PPT P PP TP Ch oos e betw een Dy na mic an d St atic IP . IP Address Enter the IP ad dr ess of th e route r for a static IP entry . Dy namic IP re quir es no inpu t here .
23 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > W A N > Oth ers > L2TP L2PT Ch oose b etw een Dy nam ic an d Stati c IP. U sing Dynamic IP, th e router w ill set your ba s ic IP parameters, such as the IP Address , Subnet Mask and Gateway .
24 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > WAN > Oth ers > BigPond C able This selection is for user s having Big Pond Cable as their ISP. En ter th e foll owing infor mation, as pro vided to you by your ISP. Use r Na me Enter the user name as provided to y ou by your ISP.
25 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > LAN IP Address The IP ad dress of th e LAN interface. T he default IP a ddress i s 192.16 8.0.
26 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > DHC P To setup DHCP for your L AN, first enable th e Router as a DHCP se rver by cl icking t h e co rres pon ding Enabled radio button in the w indow above.
27 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > File Sharing To set up the DI-624S as a fi le ser ver, the user needs to configure four parts asso ciated with t his window. Each pa rt has a c orrespon ding ra dio button an d when clicked, will open up to a new window t o configure.
28 Advance d > File Shar ing > Ser ver Set up S erv er Se tu p Click the co rresponding r ad i o button if you w ish to enable or disable the File Ser ver function on the R outer. Gr oup Ente r the name o f the s ha re gr ou p on th e int ernal netw ork wi th wh om yo u wis h t o sha r e fi le s .
29 Use r Na me Ent er th e name of the user t o be add ed to t he u ser g rou p. T his name must b e identi c al to the one the u s er will input when asked for authorization by the router. User Description Enter a description o f the us er to identify that person to the administrator.
30 Select Direct or y Pop- Up Window This windo w will appear when the Sel ect Direct or y button is clicked in the pr evious windo w. Using t his windo w, the adm inistr ator can cr eate d irectories for sharing on the network. To create a d irec tory, enter a name of your choice in the Create Dire ctor y field and click Ad d .
31 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > FT P WAN Side Setting Click the Ena bl ed radi o butt on to o pen the file sh aring system on the WAN. The user may also enter a virtual port numbe r for which to use th is protocol. T he common port number for FTP is 21.
32 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > Per sonal Web Personal Web Server Click the Enabl ed radio button to enable the DI-624S a s a Personal Web server. Inte rface Choose the inter f ace on w hich to set up y our Personal we b server.
33 Use r Name Enter t he User Na me y o u w i sh to a llot this Personal W eb page. Th is is the User Name , along w i th th e Password in t he next fiel d, t hat w ill be r equir ed to acces s th e Pers onal We b page on a USB storage device connect e d to th e Router.
34 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Home > UPnP AV UPn P AV Ser ver Click Enable d to enab le the DI-624S a s a UPnP ser ver. Interface Choose an interface on w hich to m a ke AV files accessible. Choosing LAN only w ill restrict v iew ing and liste ning to client s on the local netw ork.
35 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Advan ced > Virtual Ser ver To view the follow ing window, click on the A dvanced tab at the top of the w indow and th en cli ck the Vi rtual Server b utt on to the le ft .
36 • SMTP – S imple M ai l T rans fer P rotocol, used to tra nsmit e-mail messages between parties • POP3 – P ost O ffice P rotocol v ersion 3, us e d t o retri eve e-ma il from a ma il server.
37 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Ad v a nced > App licati ons Applications Click th e approp r ia te c o rrespondi ng radio button to enable or d i sable the Applications fea t ure. Trigger Port Enter th e p ort associated w ith the Name entered above.
38 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Advanc ed > F ilters Pac ket filt erin g is a ba sic s ecu rity measur e tha t sho u ld be us ed on any netw ork th at is ex po sed to a security risk. A pa cket filter system examines d ata pa cket s an d s c ruti niz es them in ord er to control network access.
39 Advance d > Fi lters > IP Filt ers IP Filters Choose whether to enable or disable this configuration for IP filtering . IP Address An IP address or range of IP addre sses that will be denied access to the In ternet. Por t A port or ra ng e of po r ts that w ill be de nied access to the Internet.
40 Advance d > Filt ers > M AC Filters Disabled MA C Filters Click this radio button t o disable MAC filtering on the Router. Only Allow Click this radio bu tton if y ou wish to allow specific c o mputer s access to the network, based on MA C address.
41 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Advanced > Par ental Contr ol Parental Control i s used to deny a ccess to certain websites a nd domain s on the In ternet.
42 Advance d > Parental Con trol > URL Blocki ng URL or Uniform Resource Lo c ator is a s peci ally formatted text string that uniquely define s an Internet w ebsite. This w indow will al lo w u sers to b l o ck c omput ers on the L AN f rom ac c es sing certain URLs.
43 Advanced > Parental Contr ol > Domain Blocking Domain blocking is a method of denying or allowing computers on the LAN access to spec ifi c domains on the Internet. T here are two available methods a vailable to the us e r to insti tute Domain blocking on the router.
44 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Ad vanc ed > F irew all Fir e wa ll Click th e correspon ding radio button if y ou wish to enable or disable the firewall function o n the Router. Name Enter a name t ha t w ill define the f irewall rule to be config ur ed.
45 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Advanc ed > DMZ Firewalls may conf li ct with ce r tain interactive appl ications such as video conferencing or p l ay ing Internet video games. Fo r these applicatio ns, a firewall by pass ca n be set up u sin g a DMZ IP address.
46 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Advanced > D DNS Note: DDNS requires th at an account be setup with one of the sup ported DDNS ser vers prior to engag ing i t on the r outer. This f unction will not work with out an accepte d account with a DDNS server.
47 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Ad v a nced > Prin ter The DI-624S ha s a special ability to s er v e as a print server w hen using a USB prin ter.
48 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Advanc ed > QoS QoS or Qual ity of Service is us ed to al lot band width and pr iority fr om t he rou ter. To allot bandwidth per p ort on the rout er, click the QoS Bandwidth radi o button and c onfigur e the paramet ers.
49 Advan ced > Qo S > MAC WA N Uplink Ban dwidt h Use t he pu ll down menu to set th e WA N Upli nk Band width . T he u ser may choose a speed fro m 64kbps to Full (100Mbps). En sure that the Bandwidth does not exceed th e incoming bandwidth from th e ISP or it will cause other device s on th e LAN to s low dow n due to decreased bandwidth.
50 Advan ced > Qo S > IP WA N Uplink Ban dwidt h Use t he pu ll down menu to set th e WA N Upli nk Band width . T he u ser may choose a speed from 64 kbps to Ful l (100Mbps).
51 A dvanced > QoS > A pplicati on Qo S Co nt ro l b y I P Click the Enabled radio butto n to enable QoS priority b y a pplication. Informati on coming from t his appl ication w ill have the highest priority on the LAN.
52 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Advance d > Performance T X Ra te Use the pull d ow n menu to sele ct the tr ansfer data rat e, in Mbps. The default s e tting of Au t o w ill au t omatically adjust the trans f er rate to the highest p os sib le rate allowed.
53 DT IM Interval DTIM (Deli very Tr affic Indi cat ion Mes sage) is a co untd own informing c lients of the ne xt window for lis tening to bro a d ca st and multic ast messa ges. The default sett ing is 3. Preambl e Type Se lect Short or Long Pre a m ble.
54 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Tools > Admin Administrator admin is the A dministrator logi n name. Pas sw or d Enter th e p assword here an d the same password in the Confirm Pass word field. This w ill b e the passwo rd that the administrator will use to gain access to the c onfigurati on menu of the device.
55 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Tools > Time The s ystem time is t he time used b y the DI-624S for s chedulin g ser vices. You can manuall y set the ti me, con nect to a NTP (Net w ork Ti me Protoc ol) server or s ynchr onize the tim e on the r outer with your P C.
56 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Tools > System Th e Sy s te m windo w has three basic fu nctions for the DI-624S ad min istrator. Configurat ion settin gs can be sa ve d to a local har d drive on your compu ter by c licking the Save button.
57 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Tools > Firmw a re You can upgrade the firm ware of th e Router here. Make sur e the fir mware you want t o use is on t he local har d driv e of the co mp uter. Click on Brow se to bro wse th e loc al hard drive an d locate th e fir mware to b e used for the upda te.
58 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Tools > Misc. Pin g Test The Ping Test is used t o send Ping packets to test if a computer is on the Internet.
59 VPN P ass Thro ugh The DI-624S supports VP N (Virtual Private Network) pass-through for both PPT P (Po int-to-Point Tunnelin g Pro toco l) an d IP Sec (I P Security). Once VPN pass-through is enabled, there is no need to op en up vi rtu al ser vic es.
60 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Tools > Cable Test The ab ove wind ow is a Vitr ual Cabl e Tester and it s hows the user the current st atus of the ports o f the Rout er. In this windo w, we can see that LAN4 por t is connected at a speed of 100M bps Fu ll (du plex) a nd all the ot her c onnectio ns do not have a valid l ink.
61 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Stat us > Devi ce Inf o LAN MAC Address : MAC address of the DI-624S IP A ddress : LAN/Private IP Address of the DI-624S Subnet Mask : LAN / Private S.
62 Subnet Mask : WAN/Publi c Subnet Ma s k Defaul t Gateway : WAN /Public Gateway IP Ad dress Domain Name Server : WAN/Public DNS IP Address Wireless 80 2.
63 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Status > Log The Rout er keeps a runnin g log of events and activi ties occurr ing on the Ro uter. If the de vi ce is reb ooted , the l og s are a utom aticall y clea red. Y ou may s av e the log files under Log Settings .
64 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Status > Statistics Th e screen above displ ays th e Traf f i c Sta tist ics. He r e you ca n view th e amou nt of packets that p ass throug h the DI-624S on both the W A N and the L AN por ts.
65 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Status > Wi rele ss The wireless client t able displa ys a lis t of c urrent conne cted wireless clients. This table also displa y s t he MAC addr ess and mode of t he connec ted wireless client. Clic k on Hel p at any time, for more in format i on.
66 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Status > Prin ter Info Th e Printer Info w i ndow dis plays a list of Pri nters tha t are using the DI-624S as a print server. These pr inters are defined b y their Queue Name and Pr inter Name . Th e s tatus of these pri nters is located t o the right un der the head ing Pr inter Ser ver St atus .
67 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Act ive S essi on Th e Active Sessi on wind ow allows users to view the packets pas sing throu gh the router, w he ther from t he sour ce or to the des tination . This windo w displays th e total TCP and UDP packets in the N A PT Session secti on.
68 Sub-di vided aga in, this window displays mor e det ailed inform ation on the TCP/ UDP actions taken by the specific IP addr ess, as stated bel ow. Protoco l Displ ays the prot ocol used b y the corres pond ing IP ad dress, whether i t be TCP or UDP.
69 Using the Configura tion Me nu (cont inued) Help Th e He l p tab will give basic informat ion referrin g to various screens locted in th e Router. To view a specific sec tion, click on its hyperlinked na me. A new windo w of i nformati on will appe ar.
70 Technical Specifications Standards • IEEE 8 02.11g • IEEE 8 02.11b • IEEE 8 02.3 • IEEE 8 02.3u VPN P ass Through/ Multi-Ses s i ons • PPTP • L2TP • IPSec Device Management • Web- B.
71 Technical S pecificat ions (cont inued) Safety and Emissio n s: • EMI: FCC Cl as s B , CE Class B, C- Tick , IC • Safety : CSA I nternation al Wireless Frequency Ran ge: • 2.4G Hz to 2.4 62G Hz LEDs : • Power • WAN • LAN (1 0/100) • WLAN (Wirele ss Connecti on) Status Physical Di mens ions: • L = 7.
72 Technical S pecificat ions (cont inued) Warranty: • 3 year (depen ds on D - Link glo bal warrant y policy) Wireless Data R ates w i th Automatic Fall back: • 54 Mbps • 48 Mbps • 36 Mbps • 24 Mbps • 22 Mbps • 18 Mbps • 12 Mbps • 11 Mbps • 9 Mbps • 6 Mbps • 5.
73 Appendi x WCN and t he Wireless Set up Wizard WCN or W in do ws C onn ect N ow tec hnology has been r ecently incorp orated b y D-Link to quickly aid the user in sett ing up a sec ure wir eless envir onment.
74 Choose “ Set up a new wirele ss network ”. Click Next . Enter a network name of up to 32 char act e r s to ident ify your wir eles s network. T h is name w ill be c ommon to all user s on the w irel ess LA N. Choose “ Manually ass ign a network key ” which w ill be configured i n the next window .
75 The settings will the autom atically be up loaded to yo ur USB flash dri ve. Once sav ed the user is t o u nplug the de vice, in the proper met hod, a nd then plug that USB f lash dri ve into a ll devices that will b e access ing the wireless LAN.
76 Installing a Printer on your DI-624S The Di-6 24S can be use d as a print ser ver for devic es on y o ur LA N. Once you have installed t he USB printer t hr ough the r outer, the us er must set up t he co mputer on the LAN for th e print er as well .
77 In the Local or Netw ork Printer windo w , ch oose “ Loca l p r in t er attache d to this c omput er ”. Clic k Ne xt . Then th e user mus t choo se the type of inst allation for the wizard. Choose “ Cre ate a new port ” and use the pull-do wn menu to select “ St andar d TCP /IP Po rt ”.
78 Enter th e IP addr ess (default: 192.168. 0.1) of th e DI-6 24S to t he “ Printer Name or IP A ddr ess ” field . In the Port Na me field, be sure add a name to the r outer IP a ddress t o differ entiate it fr om other devices .(ex: IP_192. 168.
79 The final windo w wi ll be t he “ Comple ting the A dd Standard TCP /IP P rin ter Po rt W izard ” window, as sho wn to th e left. Here you can vie w the pro perties of t he added pr inter, inclu ding the IP address, pr otocol and qu eue na me. Click Finis h to complete the wizard.
Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, D-Link Systems, Inc. (“D-Link”) provides this Limited warranty for its product only to the person or entity that originally purchased the prod.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat D-Link DI-624S (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen D-Link DI-624S heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens D-Link DI-624S vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding D-Link DI-624S leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over D-Link DI-624S krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van D-Link DI-624S bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de D-Link DI-624S kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met D-Link DI-624S . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.