Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product GO-RT-N150 van de fabrikant D-Link
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V ersion 1.0 | 03/08/2013 W ir eless N 150 Easy Router U ser Manual.
i D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual D-Link reser ves the right to revise this publication and to make changes in the cont ent hereof without obligation to notify any person or organization of such r evisions or changes.
ii D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual T able of C ontents Pr eface .......................................................................................... i Manual Revisions ........................................................................... i T rademarks .
iii D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual T able of C ontents W ireless Security ..................................................................... 49 What is WP A? ................................................................................ 49 Congur e WP A-P ersonal (PSK ) .
1 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 1 - Product Overview P r oduc t O v er view P ack age C ont ents • D-Link GO -RT -N150 • P ower A dapter • Ethernet Cable Not e: Usi ng a pow er sup pl.
2 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 1 - Product Overview Network Requir ements • An Ethernet-based Cable or DSL modem • IEEE 802.11n/g wireless clients • 10/100 Ethernet W eb -based Con.
3 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 1 - Product Overview • F aster W irele ss Netw orking - The D-Link GO-RT -N150 pro vides up to 150 Mbps* wir eless connection w ith other 802.
4 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 1 - Product Overview Reset Pr essing the Reset button restores the router to its original factor y default settings. Har dwar e O v er view C onnec tions P ower Rec eptor Receptor f or the supplied power adapter .
5 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 1 - Product Overview Hardw ar e O v er vie w LEDs P ower LED A solid light indicates a proper connection to the power supply .
6 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 2 - Installation Befor e y ou Begin This section will walk you thr ough the installation pr ocess. Placement of the router is very impor tant. Do not place the router in an enclosed area such as a closet or cabinet, or in the attic or gar age.
7 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 2 - Installation W ireless Installation C onsidera tions The D -Link wi reless router le ts you access your net work us ing a wirele ss connec ti on from vir tually any where with in the operating range of your wireless network .
8 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 2 - Installation If you are connecting the rout er to a cable/DSL/satellite modem, please f ollow the steps belo w : 1. Place the r outer in an open and central loca tion. Do not plug the power adapter int o the router .
9 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 2 - Installation If you are connecting the D-Link router to another rout er to use as a wireless access point and/or switch, you will have to do the follo wi.
10 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 2 - Installation 6. Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the rout er and reconnect your computer t o your network. 7. Connect an Ethernet cable to one of the LAN ports on the r outer and connect it to your other r outer .
11 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation C ongura tion This section will show you ho w to congure y our D -Link wireless r outer using the web-based conguration utility .
12 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Easy Setup W izard Once logged into the web inter face of the rout er , the Easy Setup Wizard will appear and per f orm W AN auto detection to obtain the type of I nternet connection you ar e using.
13 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation A c c o r d i n g t o t h e d e t e c t i o n r e s u l t , t h e w i z a r d w i l l indicate the t ype of Internet connection that you are currently using . T o congure your wireless net work, click Congur e in Wir eless Settings.
14 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation In the nal stage of the Easy setup wizar d, the summary w il l sh o w y ou r c ur ren t c o n f ig u r at i o n .
15 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation If you opt to set up your Internet connection manually , y ou will be redir ected t o a W AN page that allows you to select the type of your Internet connection and enter the corr ec t conguration par ameters.
16 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Dynamic IP Address (DHCP ) Select D ynamic IP (DHCP) to obtain IP Address inf orma tio n au tom ati cal ly f ro m y our ISP . Sele ct th is option if your ISP did not pro vide you with any IP numbers to use.
17 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Select PPP oE (Username/P asswor d) from the drop- down menu. S el e c t S ta ti c i f yo u r I SP a s s ig ne d y ou t h e I P address , subnet mask , gatewa y , and DNS ser v er addresses .
18 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation T ransmission Unit for optimal per formance with your specic ISP (default MTU is 1492). The de fau lt MAC Add res s i s s et to t he I nter ne t p o r t ’ s p h y s i c al i n te r f ac e M A C a d d re s s o n t h e Broad ban d Ro uter .
19 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Enter the IP address assig ned by your ISP . Enter the Subnet Mask assigned by y our ISP . Enter the Gatewa y assigned by your ISP . The DNS ser ver information will be supplied by your ISP (Internet Ser vice P rovider .
20 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation W ireless Settings If you want to manually congur e the wireless settings on your router click Manual Wir eless Network Setup and ref er to the next page.
21 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Manual W ireless Netw ork Setup Check the box t o enable the wireless function. If you do not want to use wireless , uncheck the box to disable it. Click Add New to crea te your own time schedule to enable the wireless function.
22 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Enabling Hidden Mode is another way to secure y our network . W ith this option enabled, no wireless clien ts will be able to see your wireless netw ork when they per form a scan to see what’ s available .
23 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation This section will allow you to change the local netw ork settings of the router and to congur e the DHCP settings. Network Settings Enter the IP address of the router . The default IP address is 192.
24 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Check this bo x to enable the DHCP server on your router . Uncheck to disable this function.
25 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation DHCP Reser vation If you want a computer or device to alwa ys ha ve the same IP address assig ned, y ou can create a DHCP reser vation. The router will assign the IP address only t o that computer or device .
26 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation The D-Link GO-R T -N150 can be congured as a vir tual se rve r so th at re mo t e us er s ac ces si ng W eb or FTP serv ic es via th e p ubli c I P a ddr es s ca n b e a uto mat ica lly r edir ected to local ser vers in the LAN (L ocal Area Network).
27 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation This will allow y ou to open a single por t. If you would like t o open a range of por ts, ref er to the next page. Enter a name for the rule or selec t an application from the drop- down menu.
28 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation This will allow y ou to open a single por t or a range of por ts. P or t F or warding Enter a name for the rule or selec t an application from the drop- down menu. Selec t an application and click << to populate the elds .
29 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Applica tion Rules Some applications requir e multiple connections, such as Internet gaming, video conf erencing , Internet telephony and others. These applications hav e diculties working through NA T (Net work Addr ess T ranslation).
30 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation T rac C ontrol Use this sec tion to congure D -Link ’ s Smar t T rac Contr ol. The T rac Control improv es your online gaming experience by ensuring that your game trac is prioritized o ver other network trac, such as FTP or W eb .
31 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Network F ilters S e l e c t Tu r n M A C F i l t e r i n g O f f , a l l o w M A C add resse s lis ted b elow, or d eny MAC ad dress es listed below fr om the drop- down menu. Enter the MA C address y ou would like to lter .
32 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Select Allow or Deny computers access to only these sites. Click to delete all entries in the list.
33 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation SPI (St atef ul Packe t I ns pec ti on, als o k n own a s dynamic packet ltering) helps to prevent c yber at ta c ks by t ra ck in g m ore s t at e p er s e ss i on . I t va l id a te s t ha t t he tr a c p a s si n g t hr ou g h t he session conforms t o the protocol .
34 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Set the transmit power of the ant ennas. WMM is QoS (Quality of Ser vice) for your wireless network. This will impro ve the qua lity of video and voice applications f or your wir eless clients.
35 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation W i-F i Pr otected Setup Enabl e the Wi -F i P rot ected Se tup f eatu re . Locking the wireless securit y settings prevents the set tin gs f rom b ein g ch ang ed by the Wi-Fi P ro tect ed Se tup fea tur e of the ro ute r .
36 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation T h e w i z a r d w i l l e i t h e r d i s p l a y t h e w i r e l e s s netw ork sett ings to guide you throu gh manu al congura tion, prompt you to enter the PIN for the devic e, or ask you to pr ess the cong urat ion butt on on the device .
37 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation T o us e the Univ ersal P lug and Pl ay (UP nP) f eatur e click Enable UPnP . UPnP provides compatibility w i t h n e t w o r k i n g e q u i p m e n t , s o f t w a r e a n d peripherals.
38 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Enter a new passwor d f or the Administrat or L ogin Name. The administrator can make changes to the settings. R e m o t e m a n ag e me n t a l lo w s t h e r o u t e r t o b e congured from the Internet b y a web br owser .
39 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation T ime Settings Select the Time Zone fr om the drop- down menu. T o se le ct Day lig ht S avi ng tim e m anu al ly , s el ec t enabled or disabled , and ent er a star t date and an end date f or daylight saving time .
40 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation U s e t h i s o p t i o n t o s a v e t h e c u r r e n t r o u t e r conguration settings t o a le on the hard disk of the computer you are using .
41 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Displays th e c urrent r mware versio n and date. Af ter yo u h ave d own lo ad ed th e n ew r mwa re, cli ck Brows e to lo cate th e rmw are u pd ate on your ha rd dri ve. Cl ick U ploa d to comp lete t he rmwar e upgrade.
42 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation D yna mic Do ma in N am e Sys tem i s a me tho d of keeping a domain name linked to a changing IP Addr ess. Check the box t o enable DDNS. Choose your DDNS provider from the drop down menu.
43 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation This page display s the current information f or the rout er . I t will display the LAN, W AN (Internet), and Wir eless information. If your I nternet connection is set up for a D ynamic IP addr ess then a Release button and a Renew button will be displa yed.
44 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation L og What t o V iew: V iew Lev els: Clear: Link to Email Settings: Y ou c an sele ct th e ty pes of me ssa ges th at you wa nt to d ispla y fr om the log . F ire wall & Security , Sy stem , and Router Status messages can be selected.
45 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Statistics T h e s cr ee n b el o w d is pl a y s t h e T r a c St at i st ic s . H e r e y ou c an v i ew t he a mo u n t o f p ac ke t s t ha t pa ss t h r o ug h th e r ou t e r on both the Internet and the LAN por ts.
46 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Internet Sessions The I nternet S essions page displays the full details of ac tive I nternet sessions through your r outer .
47 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation The wireless client table displays a list of curr ently connected wireless clients. T his table also displays the connection time and MA C address of the connected wireless clien ts.
48 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 3 - Congur ation Suppor t.
49 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 4 - Security W ir eless S ecurity Th is se ction will show you the d i ere nt l eve ls o f se curity you can u se t o p rot ect y our dat a fr om intru ders .
50 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 4 - Security C ongure WP A-P ersonal (PSK ) I t is recommended to en able encr ypt ion on your wireless router before your wi reless net work adapters. Pleas e esta blish wireless connectivity before enabling encr yption.
51 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Connecting to a Wir eless Network C onnec t to a W ireless Netw ork U sing W indo w s ® 7 It is recommended to enable wir eless security ( WP A/WP A2) on your wireless r outer or ac cess point before conguring your wireless adapter .
52 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Connecting to a Wir eless Network 3. Highlight the wireless net work (SSID) you w ould like to connect to and click the C onnec t button. If you get a good signal but cannot access the Internet, check your T CP/IP settings for your wireless adapter .
53 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Connecting to a Wir eless Network 5. Enter the same security key or passphrase that is on your router and click C onnec t . Y ou can also connec t by pushing the WPS butt on on the router . It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wireless net work.
54 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Connecting to a Wir eless Network U sing W indo w s ® XP Windo ws ® XP users may use the built-in wireless utilit y (Zer o Conguration Utilit y). The following instruc tions are for Ser vice P ack 2 users.
55 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Connecting to a Wir eless Network C ongure WP A-PSK It is rec ommended to enable WEP on your wir eless router or acc ess point before c onguring your wireless adapter . If you ar e joining an existing network, you will need to know the WEP key being used.
56 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 5 - Connecting to a Wir eless Network 3. T he W ireless Network C onnection box will appear . Ent er the WP A- PSK passphrase and click C onnec t . It may take 20-30 seconds to connect to the wireless net work.
57 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 6 - T roubleshooting T roubleshooting This chapter provides solutions to problems that can oc cur during the installation and operation of the D -Link GO -RT -N150. Read the following descriptions if you are ha ving pr oblems.
58 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 6 - T roubleshooting • Congur e your Internet settings: • G o to Star t > S ettings > Contr ol Panel . Double - click the Internet Options Icon. F rom the Security tab, click the button to r estore the settings to their defaults .
59 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 6 - T roubleshooting 3. Why can ’t I connect to certain sites or send and rec eive e -mails when connecting through m y router? If you are having a proble.
60 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Sec tion 6 - T roubleshooting Y ou should star t at 1472 and work your way down by 10 each time. Once you get a reply , go up by 2 until you get a fragment ed packe t. T ake that value and add 28 to the valu e to accou nt f or t he vari ous T CP/IP headers .
61 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics D - Li nk w i rel e ss p rod u c t s a re b as e d o n i nd us t r y st a nd a rds t o p rov i de e as y -t o - us e an d co mp at i bl e hi g h- s pe ed w i rel e ss connectivity within y our home , business or public access wireless networks.
62 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Wh y D-Link W ireless ? D -Li nk i s t he world wid e l ead er a nd award w inni ng desi gner , de velo per , an d m anuf ac tu rer o f n et work ing p roduc t s. D -L in k delivers the per formance you need at a price you can a ord.
63 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics Who uses wir eless? Wir eless technology has become so popular in rec ent years that almost everyone is using it, whether it ’ s for home, oce , or business, D-Link has a wireless solution for it.
64 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics T ips Here ar e a few things to keep in mind , when you install a wireless network. C entralize Y our Router or A ccess P oint Make sure you place the rout er/access point in a centraliz ed location within y our network f or the best per formance.
65 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Appendix A - Wireless Basics There ar e two basic modes of network ing: • I nfrastructure – All wir eless clients will connect to an access point or wir eless router .
66 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Networking B asics Check y our IP address After you install your adapter , by default, the T CP/IP settings should be set to obtain an IP address from a DHCP ser v er (i.e. wireless r outer) automatically .
67 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Appendix B - Networking Basics Statically A ssign an IP address If you are not using a DHCP capable gat eway/rout er or you need to assign a sta tic IP address, plea.
68 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Appendix C - T echnical Specications T echnical Specica tions Standards • IEEE 802.11g • IEEE 802.11b • IEEE 802.
69 D-Link GO -RT -N150 User Manual Appendix D - Safety Statemen ts Safety Sta temen ts CE Mark W arning: This is a Class B product. In a domestic environmen t, this produc t may cause radio inter ferenc e, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat D-Link GO-RT-N150 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen D-Link GO-RT-N150 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens D-Link GO-RT-N150 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding D-Link GO-RT-N150 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over D-Link GO-RT-N150 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van D-Link GO-RT-N150 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de D-Link GO-RT-N150 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met D-Link GO-RT-N150 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.