Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 610 van de fabrikant Dell
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________ ______ ______ Inf or mation in this document is subj ect to c hange withou t notice. © 1998 Dell Comput er Cor por ation. All r ights r eserved . Reproduction in any manner w hatsoev er without t he writ ten permission of D ell Computer Corporation is strictly forbidden.
v &RQWHQWV &KDSWHU 6VWHP2YHUYLHZ Syst em Fe atu res . . . . .
vi &KDSWHU %HHS&RGH VDQG(U URU0HVVDJH V POST Beep Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vii )LJXUHV Figure 1-1 . Compu ter O rient ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Figure 1-2 . Front -Pan el Fea ture s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Figure 1-3. I nternal View and Back Panel of the Mini Tower Com pute r .
viii 7DEOHV Ta ble 1-1. DC Voltage Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 Table 1-2. System-Boa rd Jumper Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15 Table 1-3. Inter rupt Request Assign ments . . . . . .
x 5 HDG7KLV) LUVW A prerequi site f or using t his manual to s er vice Dell computer sy stems is a ba sic kno w l edge of IBM ® -compatibl e PCs and prior training in IBM-compat ible PC troublesh ooting tec hniques.
S yst em O v er vie w 1-1 &+$37(5 6VWHP2YHUYLHZ Dell P recisio n ™ 61 0 sy stems ar e high-speed, up gradable w orkst ations designed ar ound Intel ® P entium ® II Xeon ™ microp rocessors wi th MMX ™ tec hnolog y .
1-2 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al 6VWH P)HDWXUHV T he sy stem includes the foll owing f eat ures: Dual-proc essor capabi lity A dvanc ed combination PCI ex .
S yst em O v er vie w 1-3 When fol lowi ng the proce dures in this manual, assume that the location or directi on relat ive to the c omputer is as sho wn in Figure 1 -1 .
1-4 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al Figure 1 - 3 points out man y of the system’ s internal components and bac k- panel f eatur es.
S yst em O v er vie w 1-5 Af ter all legacy cards ha ve been configured b y the operating sy stem or with the ICU , the computer automat ical ly assi gns an y r equired memory space, IRQ lines, and DMA c hannels to an y installed Plug and Play IS A expansion cards and PCI e xpansion cards t he ne xt time the c omputer is rebooted.
1-6 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al +DUG'LVN'ULYH2SWLRQV Dell P recision 61 0 m ini to we r syst ems hav e eight driv e ba ys f or installing the f ollo wing types of drives (see Fi gure 1 -5): T he e xternally accessibl e dri v e ba ys at th e f ront of t he comput er consi st of one 3.
S yst em O v er vie w 1-7 NO TE: The e xternally accessible dri ve ba ys at the front of the computer are normally used f or diske t te driv es, CD-ROM dri v es, and/or t ape driv es.
1-8 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al T he 1 0/1 00-Mbps NIC supports a 1 0- Mbps direct connection to eit her a Categor y 3 or a Categor y 5 Ethernet cable. When the NIC operates in the 1 00-Mbps mode, a Categor y 5 Ethernet cable must be used.
S yst em O v er vie w 1-9 &RPSXW HU6HU YLFH T he fo llo wing subsecti ons pro vide service-related inf ormation about the computer . 6VW HP 3 RZHU 6X SSO T he 330- W system po w er supply can operate from an A C pow er source of 1 1 5 V A C at 60 Hz or 230 V A C at 50 Hz.
1-1 0 Dell Precisio n 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al 1 Pin 1 3 — PSON# s hould measur e bet ween +4 and +5 VDC ex cept when the pow er but ton o n the fron t panel is pressed, ta king PSON# to its a ctive-low stat e.
S yst em O v er vie w 1-1 1 '&3 RZHU'LVWULEXWLRQ Figures 1 - 9 and 1 -1 0 pro vide the foll ow ing i nfor ma ti on about DC po wer distribut ion: P ow er -supply connector iden.
1-1 2 Dell Precisio n 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al +5 VFP –1 2 V DC +1 2 VDC –5 V DC +5 VDC PSON# +1 .5 VD C P3 +1 2 VDC +1 2 VDC –1 2 VDC system power supply PWRGO OD PSON# +5 VFP +5 VDC –5 VD C +1 2 VDC –1 2 VDC power management log ic keyb o ar d controller bat ter y +3.
S yst em O v er vie w 1-1 3 6VW HP%RD UG T he subsecti ons that fol lo w pro vide service-related inf ormation about the sys- tem board and components , whic h are shown in Figure 1 -1 1 .
1-1 4 Dell Precisio n 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al 6VWHP%RDUG -XPSHUV Figure 1 -1 2 sho ws the locati on of the sy stem board jumpers, and T able 1 - 2 sho ws th e sys tem board j umper set tings .
S yst em O v er vie w 1-1 5 6VWH P%RDUG-XPSHU6HWWLQJV T he f oll o w ing table shows the set ti ngs and descr iptions f or the sy stem boar d jumpers i n Dell P recision 61 0 mini to wer sy stems. SPREAD R eser ved (do not r emov e jumper plug).
1-1 6 Dell Precisio n 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al ,QWHUUXSW5 HTXHVW$VVLJQPHQWV T he fo llo wing table lists the hardw a re inter rupt request (IRQ) ass ignments f or the Dell P recision 61 0 mini to w er sy stem.
S yst em O v er vie w 1-1 7 'LUHFW0HPRU$ FFHVV&KDQQHO $VVLJQPHQWV T he f oll o w ing table lists the direct memor y access (DMA) c hannel assign- ments f or the Dell P rec ision 61 0 mini to wer system.
1-18 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al 7 HFKQLFDO6SHFLILFDWLRQV T he f oll o w ing table lists the tec hnical specif ications f or the Dell P recision 61 0 mini to w er sy st em. Microproces sor type . . . .
S yst em O v er vie w 1-1 9 Bus types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PCI, IS A, and A GP Bus speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1-20 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al Arc hitect ure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-bit ECC SDRAM DIM M sock ets .
S yst em O v er vie w 1-21 USB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t wo USB-compliant 4-pin connectors Au d i o l i n e i n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/8 -inc h miniat ure audio jac k Audio lin e out . . . . . . . . . .
1-22 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al Link integr ity indicator (on NIC c onnector) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . green LED Network act ivity indica tor (on NIC c onnector) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yello w LED P ow er indicato r (on sy stem board) .
S yst em O v er vie w 1-23 Maximum shoc k: O p e r a t i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h a l f - s i n e w av e f o r m : 5 0 G f o r 2 m s S t o r a g e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h a l f - s i n e w a v e f o r m : 1 1 0 G f o r 2 m s square wa ve f orm: 27 G f or 1 5 ms Altit ude: Operating .
1-24 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al.
B a sic T rou bl esh ooti ng 2- 1 &+$37(5 %DVLF 7 URXEOHVKRRWLQJ T hi s c hapter descr ibes basic troubleshooti ng procedure s that ca n help y ou diagnose a computer sy stem probl em. The se procedures can of ten re veal the source of a problem or in dicate th e cor rect starting point f or troubleshooting the sy stem.
2-2 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al ([WHUQDO9 LVXDO,QVSHFWL RQ T he e xternal visual inspec tion consists o f a quic k in spection of the ex terior of the compu ter , the monit or , t he k e yboard, an y per ipherals, and cable s.
B a sic T rou bl esh ooti ng 2- 3 Does the inspection re veal an y problems? Ye s . P roceed to the appropriat e procedure in Chapter 4, “Remo ving and R eplacing P arts.
2-4 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al Disk et te-driv e and hard- disk dri ve access indicat ors T hes e indicators ligh t up in res ponse to data being transf erred to or from the driv es.
B a sic T rou bl esh ooti ng 2- 5 ,QWHUQDO9LVXDO,QVSH FWLRQ A simpl e visual inspecti on of a c omputer’ s interior har dw are can of ten lead to the sourc e of a pr oblem, suc h as a loose e xpansion car d, cable connector , or mounting scre w .
2-6 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al T o ensure that the c hips are full y seated in their soc kets, press firmly on the top of eac h c hip. T o reseat the microprocessor , remov e and reinstall it as described in “Microproces sor Slot 2 SEC Car tridge/Heat Sink As sembly” in Chapter 4.
B a sic T rou bl esh ooti ng 2- 7 A dministrati ve T ools fol der or the I SA Configurat ion Utility (ICU), and reassign the resources as necessary . See “ Adv anced Expans ion Subs ystem” in Chapter 1 for inf ormati on on the De vice Manager and the ICU .
2-8 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al.
Beep Cod es and Error Messa ges 3 -1 &+$37(5 %HHS&RGHVDQG(UURU0HVVDJHV T hi s c hapter descri bes be ep codes an d sy st em er ror messages t hat can occur during sy stem start-up or , in the case of some f ailures, during normal sy stem operation .
3-2 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al 1 -1 -3 NVRAM write/read f ailure Def ective sy stem board 1 -1 -4 BIOS c hec ksum f ailure F a ulty BIOS or def ectiv e sys- tem board .
Beep Cod es and Error Messa ges 3 -3 3-3-4 3-4-1 3-4-2 Screen in itializat ion f ailure Scr een-re trac e tes t failure Searc h for video R OM failure Fau lty video subsy stem (def ectiv e graphics ad.
3-4 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al 6VWHP(UURU0HVVDJHV T able 3-2 li sts (in alphabet ical order) sy stem er ror messages that can appear on the monitor scr een. T hese m essages can help y ou find the source of a problem.
Beep Cod es and Error Messa ges 3 -5 Address mark not found Attachment failed to respond BIOS f ound f ault y disk sector or could not f ind particul ar disk se ctor . Disk et te driv e or hard- disk driv e control l er cannot send data to associat ed driv e.
3-6 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al Alert! Primary processor is out of rev. S y stem detec ted that the primary processor is not the cor rect re vi sion. If the sy stem contains more than 51 2 MB of RAM, this messa ge will be fol lo wed b y a Sys- tem Halted message.
Beep Cod es and Error Messa ges 3 -7 Bad command or file name Command entered does not e xist, is f aulty , or is not in pa thname specifi ed. F aul ty command and syn- tax, or inco rrect filename. Bad error- correction code (ECC) on disk read Disk et te driv e or hard- disk driv e control l er detected a n uncorre ct- able rea d er ror .
3-8 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al Drive not ready Disk et te is missing from or is improperly i nserted in disk et te dri ve. Missin g, def ective, un- fo rmat ted, or improper ly inserted disk et te. ECC memory error Uncorrec t able multi b it ECC m emor y erro r is detected.
Beep Cod es and Error Messa ges 3 -9 Memory address line failure at address , read value expecting value Memory data line failure at address , read value expecting value Memory double word logic fa il.
3-1 0 Dell Precisio n 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al No boot sector on hard-disk drive Incor rect configur ation set tings in S ys tem Set up prog ram, or corr upted operating sys tem. Incorr ect configur ation set tings in S ys tem Setup program, or no operat ing sys tem on hard -disk driv e.
Beep Cod es and Error Messa ges 3-1 1 System halted S y stem loc ked up because the processo r is not the cor rect revisio n. S y stem processor is not a type supported by Dell and more than 51 2 MB of RAM is inst alle d . Time-of-day clock stopped S y stem bat ter y is low .
3-1 2 Dell Precisio n 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-1 &+$37(5 5 HPRYLQJDQG5HSODFLQJ3 DUWV T hi s c hapter p ro v ides pro cedur es for re moving the component s, assemblies, and subassemblies in the Dell Preci sion 61 0 mini to w e r systems.
4-2 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al 3 UHFDXWLRQDU0H DVXUHV B efor e y ou perf orm an y of the procedu res in this c hapter , t ake a f ew moments to read the f ollo wing warning for your personal saf et y and to pr ev ent damage to the sy stem from ESD .
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-3 &RPSXWHU&RYHU T o remov e the computer c ov er , fo llo w these step s: releas e button.
4-4 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al B ef or e y ou reinstall the co ver , fold al l cables out of t he w a y s o th at the y do not inte rf ere wi th the c ov er or with the proper airflo w insi de the comput er .
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-5 )U R Q W % H ] H O T o remov e the front bez el, fol lo w these steps: ta b rele as e reta ining h ook s (2) padl oc k rin g.
4-6 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al 3 RZHUDQG5 HVHW%XWWRQV T o remov e the pow er and reset but tons, f ollo w these steps: When these clips are releas ed, the but ton comes free from the bezel.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-7 ) URQW 3DQHO,QVHUWV T o remov e a 5.25-inc h front- panel ins ert, f ollo w the se steps: T o replace a 5.25-inc h front-panel inser t, position the two ring- t abs o v er the posts on the insi de of the ba y opening, and then press the ring-tabs o v er the posts.
4-8 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al &DUG*XLGH T o remov e the card guide, f ollo w these st eps: NO TE: Some older PCI and other types of cards may be so long tha t y ou can- not remo ve the card guide until you first remo v e the cards.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-9 &RQWURO3 DQHO T o remov e the control panel, f ollow these steps: Note the routing of the control panel cable as y ou remo v e it from the c hassis. It is impor tant to route the cable properly when y ou replace it to pre vent i t from being pinc hed or crimped.
4-1 0 Dell Precisio n 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al 6SHDNHU T o remov e the speaker , foll ow these steps: speaker connec tor speaker.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-1 1 'ULY HV Figure 4-8 sho ws an exa mple of driv e har dware that can be installed in the Dell P recision 61 0 m ini to wer syst em. R ef er to this figure when you perf orm an y of the procedures i n the f ollo wing subsect ions.
4-1 2 Dell Precisio n 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al ([WHUQDOO$ FFHVVLEOH'ULYH$VVHPEOLHV T he Dell P recision 61 0 mini to wer sy stem c an accommodate up to fou r e xter- nally accessible driv e assemblies: t he 3.5-inc h di sket te dri ve an d up to t hree 5.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-1 3 When you repl ace the 3. 5-inc h disk et te drive on the bra c k e t, be sure that the two retaining tabs on the lef t side of the brac k et engage the mounti ng holes in the side of the 3 .5-inc h disk et te driv e.
4-1 4 Dell Precisio n 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al ,QFK'ULYH$VVHPEO T o remov e a 5 .25-inc h driv e assembly f rom one of the driv e bay s, follo w these ste.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-1 5 When you replac e the 5.2 5-inc h driv e, ali gn the fro nt of the dr iv e flush wit h the brac k et tabs at the fron t of the br ac ket. Inser t the fo ur scre ws, and tighten them in the order stamped on the bot tom of the 5.
4-1 6 Dell Precisio n 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al ,QWHUQDO'ULYH$VVHPEOLHVLQWK H+DUG'LVN'ULYH %UDFNHW T o remo ve t he hard-di sk driv e bra c ke.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-1 7 +DUG'LVN'ULYH T o remov e a hard-disk driv e, follo w these steps: If y ou are replacin g more than one hard-disk dri ve in the brac ket, do not fully tighten any of the scre ws that ho ld the dr ive s in the brac k et until a ll of the driv es hav e been placed into t he brac ket .
4-18 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al 6VWHP3 RZHU6XSSO T o remov e the syst em pow er supply , f ol lo w these steps: P r ess the securing tab to release the po we r supply . Note the routin g of the DC pow er cables underneath the tabs in the c has- sis as y ou remov e them from the syst em board and driv es.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-1 9 0LFURSURFHVVRU)DQ T o remov e the microprocessor fan, f ollo w these steps: fan power cable micro processo r f an conn ector latc hing t abs (4) micr oproce.
4-20 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al 6VWHP%RDUG&RPSRQHQWV T he subse ctions that f ollo w contain procedures f or removi ng system board components, whic h are sho wn in Figure 4-1 7.
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-21 ([SDQVLRQ&DUGV T her e are sev en e xpansion-card connect ors on the sy stem board (see Figure 4- 1 8). Expansion-car d connectors PCI1 through PCI 5 supp o.
4-22 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al NO TE: Installing filler brac k ets o v er empty card-slot openings i s necessary to maintain F ederal Communi cations Commissi on (FCC) certificati on of the sys tem. The brac k ets also k eep dust and dirt out of y our computer .
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-23 ',00V T o remov e a DIMM, f ollow these steps: T o replace a DIMM, press the DI MM fully i nto the s oc k et (se e step 1 of Figure 4- 20) while closi ng the secu ring clips to loc k the DIMM into the soc ket (see step 2 of Figure 4-20).
4-24 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al 0LFURSURFHVVRU 6ORW6(&&DU WULGJH+HDW6LQN $VVHPEO T o remov e a microprocessor Slot 2 SEC cartr idge/heat sink assembl y , f ollo w these step s: Y ou must use up t o 1 5 pounds of f orce to disengage the Slot 2 SEC cartri dge from its connector .
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-25 T o install a Sl ot 2 SEC ca rtridge/heat sink ass embly , pr ess the cartridge firmly into i ts connector until i t is firmly seated. Y ou must use up to 25 pounds of f orce to fu lly seat t he cart ri dge in it s connector .
4-26 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al 7 HUPLQD WRU&D UG If y ou are adding a second P entium II Xeon processor to a si ngle-P entium II Xeon processor sy stem, remo ve the terminator card from the secondary Slot 2 SEC cartrid ge connector (labeled “SLO T2_SEC”) .
Remo ving an d Replacing P arts 4-27 6VWHP%DWWHU T o remov e the syst em bat ter y , foll o w these steps: Carefull y pr y the system bat ter y out of its soc ket with y our fingers or wit h a blunt, nonconduc ting object, suc h as a plastic scre wd riv er .
4-28 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v i ce Manu al 6VWHP%RDUG If y ou are replacin g a system board, remo v e the DIMMs, the primar y micro- processor SEC cartri dge/heat sink assembly , and the terminator card or secondar y microprocesso r assembly , and i nstall them on the replacement board.
S ystem Setup P rogram A-1 $33(1',;$ 6VWHP6HWXS3 URJUDP Thi s appendix descri bes t he Sy stem Set up program for the Del l P reci si on 61 0, whic h is used to c hange the system confi gur ation inf ormatio n store d in NVRAM on the sys tem board.
A-2 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v ice Manu al 6VWH P6HWXS6FUHHQ Dell Computer Corporation ( -P recision WorkStation 610 MT to select SPACE,+,- to change ESC to exit.
S ystem Setup P rogram A-3 Time R esets ti me on computer’ s internal cloc k. Date R esets dat e on computer’ s internal cal endar . Disket te Driv e A Disket te Driv e B Identifies type of disket te dri ves i nstalled. Option set tings alw ay s matc h ph y sical loca- tions of driv es in compute r .
A-4 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v ice Manu al CPU ID(s) CPU ID(s) pro vides the manuf act urer’ s identi fi - cation code f or the installed processor (s). Integrat ed Device s Configures t he de vices i ntegrated int o the sy s- tem board.
S ystem Setup P rogram A-5 T her mal P ow er -of f T h is f eat ure pro vides a saf eguard in the ev ent that another shutd own uti l ity , suc h as the Dell A utoShutdo wn ser vice, is not installed or f ai ls to shut the sy stem do wn af ter an ov ertemper- at ure condition.
A-6 Dell Precision 61 0 Mini T ower S ystems Ser v ice Manu al.
Index 1 ,QGH [ 1XPEHUV 3.5-inch diskette drive as sembly removal, 4-12 5.25-inc h drive a ssembly remo val, 4-14 $ advanced expansi on subsystem, 1-4 audio controller, 1-7 % back-p anel features, 1-4 .
2 Dell Precisi on 61 0 Mi ni T ower Sy stems Ser v ice Ma nual DREQ line assi gnments, 1-17 drive ha rdware loca tions, 4-11 drives locati on in chass is, 1-6 types support ed, 1-2 0 dual-pro cessing .
Index 3 0 memory, main, 1-13 messages, er ror, 3-4 microphone j ack, 1-13, 4-20 microproces sor dual-pro cessor capabil ity, 1-4 jumper settings for speed, 1-15 removal, 4-24 socket, 1-13, 4-20 microp.
4 Dell Precisi on 61 0 Mi ni T ower Sy stems Ser v ice Ma nual system batt ery removal , 4-27 system board component removal , 4-20 illus trated, 1-13 removal , 4-28 system board jumpers illus trated,.
For questions or problems with files contact: Donna Moore - Graphic Development Dell Computer C orporation (512) 728-3 439 Dell Informatio n Development Postscript I ma g in g Specs JOB TITLE: Dell Pr.
For questions or problems with files contact: Donna Moore - Graphic Development Dell Computer C orporation (512) 728-3 439 FILE NAME (S) & P AGE COUNT : Section Filename Pa g e Count Frontco ver: T itle pa g e: To c : Ch1: Ch2: Ch3: Ch4: AppA: Index: Backcove r: 9156Cfc0.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Dell 610 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Dell 610 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Dell 610 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Dell 610 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Dell 610 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Dell 610 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Dell 610 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Dell 610 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.