Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Console Switch van de fabrikant Dell
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www | Dell™ Console Swit ch Console Switch Installer/User’ s Guide Model: Console Switch.
Notes and Cautions Notes, Notic es, an d Cautions NOTE: A NOTE i ndi cates import ant inform a tion th at help s you make better us e of your comp uter . NOTICE : A NOTIC E indica t es eithe r pot e ntial dama ge to hardwa re or loss of data an d t ells you ho w to avoid the problem.
Conten ts 3 Contents 1 Product Overview Featu r es an d Ben ef its . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 SIP I ntelligent Mo dule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Multip latform Supp ort . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Contents Select ing S erver s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Soft Swit ch in g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Naviga ti ng the OSCAR Int er fa ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Config urin g OSC AR Interface Me nu s .
Conten ts 5 Figures Figur e 1- 1. Cons ol e Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Figur e 1- 2. Exampl e of a Consol e S witch Co nfigu r ation . . . . . 9 Figur e 2- 1. Consol e Switch Ho rizonta l I nstallat i on . . . . . . . 14 Figur e 2- 2.
6 Contents Figur e 3-20. Broad cast Di alog B ox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Figure 3-21. Broadca st Enable Dia log Box . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Figur e 3-22. Switch Di alog Bo x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Figure 4-1. SI P St at u s Dialog Bo x .
Prod uct Ov e rvie w 7 1 Product Overview Features and Ben e fit s The 8-P ort and 16-p ort Dell™ Con sole Switches integra te k ey boa r d, v ideo , and mou se (KVM) switch i ng t e chno log y wi t h a dv anc e d ca ble ma nage men t, f l e x ib l e a cce ss fo r up to two simul t aneou s users, and an in tuitive user interface.
8 Prod uct Overv iew | support Multiplatf orm Support The SIP s a vailable with you r Console Switch support PS/2 a nd USB server environm ents. PS/2 , USB, Sun, and serial cabling options are also available using Avocent™ A VRIQ in telligent cables.
Prod uct Ov e rvie w 9 FLASH Upgradab le Y ou can upgrade your fi rmwar e at any time through a simple upd ate util ity to ens ure that your Console Switch system is always runnin g the most current version available. B oth the Console Switch an d the SIP s are FLASH upgrad able.
10 Prod uct Overv iew | support CAUTION: T he power sup plies in yo ur sy stem may pr od uce high voltages an d energy ha zards, wh i ch can cau s e bo dily harm . Only tr ai ned serv ice technici ans are aut horized to r em o ve the co vers an d access an y of the co mpo nents in side th e sy stem.
Prod uct Ov e rvie w 11 • T o help prevent electric shock, plug the syst em and periph era l power cables into prop erly grounded electrical outlets. These cables are equipped with th r ee-prong p lugs to help ensure proper grounding. Do not use adapter plu g s or remove th e grounding prong from a cable.
12 Prod uct Overv iew | support
Instal lation 13 2 Installation Getting Started Before installing your Console Sw itch, refer to the following list to ensure you have all items t hat shipped with the a ppliance as w ell as othe r items necess ary for proper install ation.
14 Instal lation | support Figure 2- 1. Cons ol e S witch Hor i zontal I nstalla tion CAUTION: R ack Load ing - Over loadi ng or uneve n loadi ng of racks may resul t in shelf or rack fa ilure, causin g damage t o equipme nt and possi ble pers o nal inju ry .
Instal lation 15 Figure 2- 2. Basic Con sole Swi t ch Confi gur atio n T o connect a SIP to each server: 1 Locate th e SIP s for y our Conso le Switc h. 2 A ttach the app ropriately cabl e ends to t he keyboard, monitor and mou se ports on the first server you will be conne cting to the appli ance.
16 Instal lation | support NOTE: When co nn ec ting a S un A VRIQ mod ul e, you mu st use a mu lti-syn c m o nitor t o a cc om m o da te Sun compute rs that su pport bot h VGA and syn c-on-g reen or comp osite sy nc . T o connect local peripherals: 1 Select the keyboard, monitor and mou s e to be connected to local u ser A.
Instal lation 17 Figure 2- 3. Cons ol e Switch C onfigur at ion wit h a T ie red Swi t ch ARI Ports Second ary Servers Loca l user A Local User B (16 port model only) Cons ol e Switch Primary Servers .
18 Instal lation | support Adding Le ga cy Switches Y ou can add legacy switches to t he Console Switch sy stem for e asy inte grat ion into you r existing configuration. In a tiered system, each AR I port will accommodate u p to 24 servers.
Instal lation 19 Figur e 2- 4. Consol e Switch C onfig ur at ion wit h a Legacy KV M Switch T o add a l egacy KVM switch: 1 Mount the KVM switc h into your r ack cabine t. Locate a length of CA T 5 cabl ing to connec t between your C onsole Switch and the S IP for your switch.
20 Instal lation | support 7 Repeat steps 2 to 5 for all tiered switches you wish to attach to your syst em. T o connect local peripherals: 1 Select the keyboard, monitor and mou s e to be connected to local u ser A. 2 Locate the por t se t lab el e d A on the back of the ap pliance.
Basic O perat ion 21 3 Basic Operation Controlling Y our Sy stem at the Loca l User Ports The Console S witch features up to two local user p ort sets on the back of t he unit that allow you to connect a monitor and a PS/2 k eyboard and mou se for dir ect access.
22 Basic Op eration | support Figure 3-1. Ma in Dialog Box NOTE: Y o u ca n also pres s the <ct rl> key twice within one seco nd to launch the O SCAR i nterfac e. Y ou can use thi s key seque nce in any pla ce you see <Print Screen> throug hout this inst al ler/ us er’ s guid e.
Basic O perat ion 23 Selecti ng Servers Use the Main dialog box to select servers. Wh en you select a serve r , the appliance reconfigures the keyboar d and m ouse to the correct settings for that server . T o select se rvers: Double-click the server name, EID or port number .
24 Basic Op eration | support 2 Click Setup - Menu . The Menu dialo g box a ppe ars. 3 Set a Screen Delay T ime by typing the number of seconds of del ay you want betwe en <Print Screen> being pr essed an d the Main dialog b ox displa ying.
Basic O perat ion 25 Configuring OSCAR Interface Menus Y ou can configur e your Console Switch from th e Setu p dialog b ox i n OSC AR. Clic k the Names button when ini tially setting up your app liance t o identi fy serv ers by uni que names. Select the other setup fea ture s to manage routine t asks for y our serve rs from the OSC AR menu.
26 Basic Op eration | support T o access t he Setup dialog box : 1 Pre s s <Print Screen> to launch the OS CAR interface. Th e Main dial og b ox ap pears .
Basic O perat ion 27 Figure 3-3. Name s Dia log Box NOTE: If th e server li st chang es, the mo use curs or turns i nto an hou rglas s as t he list is au tomati cally update d. No mou se or keybo ard inp ut is acc ept e d unti l the list up date is co mplete .
28 Basic Op eration | support 5 Click OK in the Nam es dialog b ox to s ave you r changes . -or - Click X or pr ess <Escape> to e xit the dia log box withou t savin g changes. NOTE: If a SI P has not bee n assigne d a name, th e EI D is used as the de f au lt name.
Basic O perat ion 29 Figure 3-6. D evi ce Modify Dial o g Box 3 Choose the numbe r of ports supported by your legacy switch an d click OK . 4 Repeat steps 1 to 3 for each port requiring a device type to be a ssigned. 5 Click OK in the Devices dialog b ox to save s ettings.
30 Basic Op eration | support Figure 3- 7. Menu Di al og Box T o choose the d efault display or der of servers: 1 Select Name to displ ay serve rs alphabet ically by name. -or - Select EID to disp lay servers n umerica lly by EID number .
Basic O perat ion 31 T o ac cess the Flag dial og box: 1 Pre s s <Print Screen> . The Main dialog b ox appears. 2 Click Setup - Flag . The Flag dialog b ox appears . Figure 3-8. Fl ag Dialog Box T o det ermine how t he status f lag is dis played: 1 Select Name or EID to determ ine wha t informati on will be d isplayed.
32 Basic Op eration | support Figure 3-9. Set Position Fl ag NOTE: Change s made to the fla g positi on are not save d until y ou click OK in the Flag dial og box. 6 Click OK to save settin gs. -or - Click X to e xit with out saving cha nges.
Basic O perat ion 33 2 T ype the n ew password in the New text box a n d p re s s <Enter> . P asswords mus t cont ain b oth al pha and nu meric cha r acter s, ar e case s ensi tiv e and may be up to 12 ch aracte rs long. L ega l cha racters a re: A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9 , spac e and hyphen.
34 Basic Op eration | support 2 Select Enable Screen Saver . 3 T ype the nu m ber of minutes for Inactivity T ime (from 1 to 99) to delay act ivation of the scr een saver . 4 Choos e Energy if your monitor i s E NERG Y S TAR ® compliant; otherwi se sele ct Screen .
Basic O perat ion 35 Figure 3-11. Version Dialog Box 3 Click SIP to view in dividual SIP version inform ation.The SIP Select ion dialog b ox appears . Figure 3-12. S IP Se l ec tion Dial og B ox 4 Select a SIP to view a nd click th e V ersion button. The SIP V ersion dialog box appears.
36 Basic Op eration | support Figure 3-13. SIP Version Dialog Box 5 Click X to close the SIP V er sio n dialog box . Resetti ng a SIP PS/2 SI P s can be reset us ing th e Res et button in th e SIP V ersion dialog b ox.
Basic O perat ion 37 Figure 3-14. SIP Version Dialog Box 5 Click Re s et . A warn ing messa ge appear s, warning th at the fun ction is for t ier ed sw itches only and that resetting the SIP cou ld result in the need to reboot the target server . 6 Click OK to proceed with t he reset.
38 Basic Op eration | support Figure 3-15. Comma nds Dialog Box Scannin g Y our Sy stem In scan mode , the applian ce automati cally scan s from port to por t (server to ser ver). Y ou can scan up to 16 servers, specifyin g which servers to scan and t he number of seconds th at each server will display .
Basic O perat ion 39 Figure 3-16. Sca n Dialog Box 3 The d ialog box contains a l isting of all servers a ttached to your ap pliance. C lick the check box next to the s erv ers y ou wi sh to sca n. -or - Double- click on a server’s name or port. -or - Pre s s < Alt > and the number of the ser ver you wish to scan.
40 Basic Op eration | support Figure 3-17. Comma nds Dialog Box 3 Select Scan En able in the Com mand s dialog b ox. 4 Click X to close the Comma nds d ialog box. NOTE: Scanni ng will begin when the M ain di alog box or flag is di splayed .
Basic O perat ion 41 Figure 3-18. D i agn ostics Di a log Box NOTE: A SIP may appe ar to be offli ne while it is be in g upgrad ed . Next to each item to be tested, you will see a pass (gr een circle) or fa il (r ed x) symbol display to the left of each item as that test fin ishes.
42 Basic Op eration | support Figure 3- 19. Diagn os tics Warn i ng Message Box 3 Click OK to begin di agnostics. -or - Click X or pr ess <Escape> to e xit the dialog b ox without r unning a diag nostic tes t. 4 All users are disconnected and the Diagnostics dial og box displays.
Basic O perat ion 43 Figure 3- 20. Broadca st Dia l og Box NOTE: Bro ad ca st in g Ke y st r oke s - The keyboard state must be ide ntical for all servers receiving a broadcast to interpret key str okes identically. Specifically , the <Ca p s Lo ck > an d <N u m Lo c k> modes must be the same on all keyboards.
44 Basic Op eration | support Figure 3- 21. Broa dc ast Enabl e Dialog Bo x 5 Click OK to enable the broa dcast. Click X or press Escape to can cel and r eturn to t he Comman ds dialo g box.
Basic O perat ion 45 Figure 3- 22. Switch D ialog Bo x 3 Select either Preemptive or Cooperative as yo ur sw itch m ode..
46 Basic Op eration | support
Append ices 47 4 Appendic es Append ix A: Flash Upg ra de s Upgrading the Console Switch Y o u can upgrad e the firmware of your Consol e Sw itch by using a s pecial update ut ility provided by Dell. This u tility autom a tically con figu r es t he port communica tions settings to all ow dir ect downloading from t he connected server .
48 Append ices | support Possible Error Conditions If the download does not execute prop erly, verify the following: • V erify t hat the COM port is correct. • V erify t hat no other progra m is currently using t he COM port , or that a pr evious D OS window/ shell is op en that had u sed the desir ed COM port.
Append ices 49 Upgrading the SI P The Ser ver Inter face P ods (SIP s) can be upgr aded indiv idually or simult aneously . NOTICE: Do not cycle power to the serve r or disc onnect t he SIP dur ing this p rocess. A l oss of po wer will re nder the SIP inope rable and require th e unit be r eturned to the fact ory for rep air .
50 Append ices | support T o upg rade SIP f irmwar e indiv iduall y: 1 P ress <P rint Screen>. The Main dialog b ox ap p ear s. 2 Click Comm ands-Di splay V ersions . The Ve r s i o n dialog b ox ap p ear s. Figure 4-3. Version Dialog Box 3 Click SIP to vi ew indi vidual S I P version information.
Append ices 51 Figure 4-5. SIP V ersion Dialo g Box 5 Click the L o ad F irm ware butt on. The SIP Load dial og bo x app ears. Figure 4-6. SIP Loa d Dialog Box 6 Click OK to initiat e the up grade and return to th e SIP Sta tus dialog b ox. NOTE: During an upgrad e, the SIP status indicat or in the Main d ialog box will be yellow .
52 Append ices | support Append ix B: T echni cal Specifications T able 4-1. T echnical Spec ifications Server P orts Number 8 or 16 SIP T ypes PS/2 and USB A voce nt ™ A VRIQ.
Append ices 53 Humidity 20 to 80 % noncon densing operati ng 5 to 95% no ncondens ing n onoper ating T able 4-1. T echnical Sp ec ific at ions (contin ued).
54 Append ices | support Append ix C: Notifications USA Notific ati on CAUTION: Changes or mod ifications to this u nit not ex pressly ap proved by the party responsibl e for comp lia nc e co uld void the us er' s authorit y to operate the eq u ipment.
Append ices 55 Agency App rovals UL/cUL (U L 609 50/CS A 22.2 N o . 6095 0:2000) ICES-003 NOM- 019-SCFI-199 3 IR AM S Mark (Res oluti on 92/ 98) ACA AS/NZS 550 22, class A CNS 13438 FCC Cla s s A, EN 609 50:200 0, EN55 02 2:1998 , EN550 24: 1998, EN6100 0-3-3:1995 +A1,A2.
56 Append ices | support
Index 57 Index A AC I, 1 6 Analog Con sole Interf ace, See AC I Analog Rack Interface, See ARI ARI, 7, 16, 18, 26, 28 AV R I Q , 8 Sun, 1 6 B Broadcasting, 42 C Comm Interfaces Checking, 4 1 D Device .
58 Index T T iering, 9, 16 V V ersion Information Displ aying , 3 5.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Dell Console Switch (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Dell Console Switch heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Dell Console Switch vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Dell Console Switch leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Dell Console Switch krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Dell Console Switch bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Dell Console Switch kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Dell Console Switch . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.