Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 2440 van de fabrikant Eicon Networks
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www m Diva 2440 ADSL Router User’ s Guide.
P age 2 Second Edition (J une 2001) 206-378-02 Diva and Eico n are eith er regist ered tradem arks or trademar ks of E icon Net works Cor poration. Microsoft , Wind ows , and Windows NT ar e either registere d trademar ks or tra demar ks of Mi crosoft Cor poration in the Uni ted States and/or oth er coun trie s.
P age 3 Contents Introduction............. ....................... ....................... ........................ .................. 5 Introducin g the Diva 2440 A DSL Router ................... ............. ............. ................... ......
P age 4 Filter Comma nds ............ ................... ............. ................... ............. .................... ............. ....... 68 General Comm ands .................... ............. ................... ............. ............
Introduc tion P age 5 Introduction This cha pter provid es introduc tor y infor mation o n your Diva 2440 ADSL Ro uter. Introducing the Diva 244 0 ADSL Router ...... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... 6 P ackage Contents .. .... .
Introduc tion P age 6 Intr oducing the Diva 2440 ADSL Router The Eicon ® Networ ks Diva 2440 A DSL Rout er provides fast access to the Inter ne t via ADS L and is pe rf ect for home us ers and small of fice / home offic e users. It is easy to s et up and has many features that will help you get th e most out of your ADSL l ine.
Introduc tion P age 7 Pa c k a g e C o n t e n t s Y our pac kage sh ould co ntain th e fol lowi ng. The yellow Ether n et cable is a cr ossover cable and is used to connec t the Diva 2440 directly to a singl e computer . T o conne ct the Diva 2440 t o a networ k hub , you must use the included straight- through E ther net cable.
Introduc tion P age 8 Conne ction Scenar ios The Diva 2440 h as both a USB por t and an Eth er net por t. Both por ts can be used at th e same time, providin g some flexibil ity in how you set up your equip ment. Y ou can a lso connec t the Ether net por t to a third-par ty Ethe rn et hub.
Introduc tion P age 9 More than T wo Com puters A third -par ty hub can b e conn ected to th e Ether net p or t, g iving all compu ters on th e networ k access to the AD SL line. Fur ther more, you are st ill free to connec t a compute r to the USB por t as long a s the com puter is using W indows 98/200 0/Me.
Introduc tion P age 10 Ho w ADSL W orks ADSL use s regula r househo ld tele phone lin es to rec eive and transmit d ata. T o acco mplish th is task, A DSL dat a is transmi tted on fr equencie s outsi de of th e nor mal voice call ran ge. This way the signa ls from the two devices do n ot interfere with eac h other .
Setup P age 11 Setup This sec tion de scrib es how to se t up your Diva 244 0 to a sing le comput er . Ge neral inst ructio ns f o r a LAN i nstallat ion are als o included. Overview ........ ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... .......
Setup P age 12 Over view Before you begin, ple ase rea d the following gene ral instal lation i nf or mation . Connecting to Both P or ts Once you conne ct a c omputer t o either t he USB or Ether net po r t, you can c onnect a second computer to the unuse d por t wi thout rec onfigur ing the Diva 2440.
Setup P age 13 Interne t Acco unt In f or mation Duri ng setup, you must enter accoun t infor mation as sp ecified by y our pr ovider . Wr ite thi s informati on down for future reference.
Setup P age 14 P or ts and Indicator Lights Before you begin instal latio n, take a moment to beco me more f a miliar with the por ts and indicat or lights of the Diva 2440. Po r t s Phone P ort This por t is used for connecting a telephone or other analog de vice, and is availab le with cer tain models only .
Setup P age 15 Indicator Lights P ower Light Solid Green: The unit is on and working correctly . Off: The pow er adapter is not connected. Red: The de v ice has encountered a f ault condi tion or is in boot mode. Press the Reset b utton once to return the device to normal.
Setup P age 16 Step 1: Conn ect the Cab les Leav e your compu ter on when conne cting the cables. As shown in the dia gram below , both the USB and E ther net p or ts c an be used at the sam e time. Howe ver , it i s recommen ded that you us e only on e por t du ring setup.
Setup P age 17 USB Cable Notes • USB requi res Windows 98, W indows 2000, or Windows Mill ennium Edi tion. USB wi ll not work with Wind ows 95 or Ap ple Ma cintosh compu ters. • Once the power and USB ca bles are connec ted, Windows wi ll request dr iver files.
Setup P age 18 Step 2: Access the Diva 2440 W eb Interface T o access the I nter net th rough your provider’ s networ k, you must firs t enter conf iguration informati on, such as user na me and p assw ord, vi a a web browser (Inter net E xplor er 4.
Setup P age 19 Step 3: Complete the Internet Wizar d All param eters sh ould be specif ied by your ADS L provider. See Internet Account Inf ormation on page 13 f o r more informa tion.
Setup P age 20 4. Step 3 in the wiz ard wil l differ dependin g on the co nnect ion type s pecifie d in Step 2. • If you are using a connection-oriented type (‘PPP over Ethernet’ or ‘ PPP ov er A TM’), you will be ask ed to enter y our username and pass word.
Setup P age 21 Optional: Installing the Div a Assistant The Diva Assista nt software (compa tible with Wind ows 9x, Windows NT 4.0 , Windows 200 0, and Wind ows Me) provides convenient features for using your Diva 2440, suc h as vi e wing of device perf or mance a nd log mes sages, easy a ccess to t he web interface, and fir mware upgrade.
Setup P age 22 6. After you cl ick ‘Finish’, you will see a messa ge sta ting that you mus t restar t your compute r . Click ‘Y es’ . Y ou may encoun ter problems us ing the s oftware if you do no t restar t your compute r after insta llation.
Setup P age 23 Connecting a Second Co mputer Once you conne ct a c omputer t o either t he USB or Ether net po r t, you can c onnect a second computer to the unused po r t wi thout reconf igur ing the device.
Setup P age 24 LAN Setup Installi ng the Diva 2440 on an existing LA N can be e x tremely simple or quite challen ging, depend ing on the co mplexity of your existing LAN setup. This s ection pr ovides impor tant poi nts to keep in mind wh en instal ling the D iva 2440 on a LA N.
Setup P age 25 General Setup Procedure The following is a gen eral guidel ine for the setup procedur e you must f ollow whe n setting up the device on a L AN. 1. Connect th e Diva 2440 to the hub on your LAN. 2. Contact the D iva 2440 usi ng a compute r on your LAN as desc ribed i n Step 2 : Access the Diva 2440 W eb Interf ace on pag e 18.
Setup P age 26 Howe ver , if your co mputer is set to acquire it s IP ad dress d ynamica lly from a DHCP ser ver , you need only restar t your compute r (or reset the IP a ddress ma nually using ‘winipc fg’ with Windows 9x or ‘ipc onfig /renew’ for Windows 2000/N T).
Setup P age 27 TCP/IP Setup T o be able to communic ate with th e Diva 2440 via Ether net, your computer must hav e TCP/I P installed a nd configured to act as a DHCP client . This allows your computer t o acquire its IP addr ess and ot he r setti ngs from your p ro vid er’ s DH CP server dynamica lly .
Setup P age 28 5. Click the ‘D NS Configu ration’ tab and s elect ‘D isable DNS. ’ Th is ins truc ts your com puter to obtain DNS ser ver inf or mati on via DHCP . 6. Click ‘OK’, th en click ‘O K’ agai n. 7. If prompte d to restar t your system: • Click ‘No’ if you are ne xt going to install t he Diva Assistant.
Setup P age 29 6. If prompte d to restar t your system: • Click ‘No’ if you are ne xt going to install t he Diva Assistant. Y ou ar e required to restar t after installing this software , and clic king ‘No’ will sa ve you some time. • Click ‘Y es’ if you do not need to install the Diva Assistant.
Setup P age 30 1. F rom the App le menu, selec t ‘Contro l P a nels’ . 2. Select ‘TCP/ IP’. 3. Set ‘C onnect via’ to ‘Ether net’. 4. Set ‘C onfigure’ to ‘Using DH CP Ser ver’. 5. Clos e the TCP /IP co ntrol pa nel. 6. Click ‘Y es’ to sav e the changes.
Setup P age 31 T roub lesho oting When tro ubleshooting, e x amine the state of the ADSL ligh t ( ) o n the fron t panel of the Diva 2440. If the ADSL light is glowing contin uously (is not b l inking) , a con nection t o the ADSL network has b een established.
Setup P age 32 Connecting a Phone to the P ass-through Phone P o r t Once setup is com plete, you can con nect an an alog device (such a s a teleph one or fax machine ) to the ph one por t on the b ack of the Diva 2440. Note: T elephone standards v ar y from region to r egion.
Setup P age 33 About Micr ofilter s A micro filter is a small device design ed to redu ce interference between ADSL s ignals an d your regular te lephon e signals. The use of microf ilters i s only req uired if your ADSL mo dem and your teleph one devices s hare the same wiri ng.
Setup P age 34 T ec hnical Su pport • F or tech nica l suppor t, visi t our web site at www • F or other c ontact infor mation, v isit www.e • F or ser vice, contact your Ei con N etworks suppli er .
Usin g your Di va 2440 P age 35 Using your Diva 2440 This sec tion provides a gene ral introduc tion to configur ing and using your Diva 2440. More specifi c inform ation on th e Diva 2440’ s features are found later in th is guide. Gene ral In f ormation .
Usin g your Di va 2440 P age 36 General Information The following are com mon que stions related to your Diva 2440. Ho w do I dial ou t to m y Inte rnet Pr ovid er? Inter net a ccess vi a ADSL i s an ‘always on’ c onnection .
Usin g your Di va 2440 P age 37 Rese tting t he De vice Normal Reset T o do a nor mal r eset, pr ess the ‘R eset’ button. This button is located o n the si de or under n eath the device, dependin g on the mo del. Note: If y our uni t has the r eset b utton on the si de, y ou must us e a st raightened p aperclip to access th is button.
Usin g your Di va 2440 P age 38 Star ting the W eb-based Configuration Interfac e Only o ne user can acce ss the web- based co nfiguratio n interface at a ti me. Proc edure 1. If you installed the Diva Assistant s oftware, right-c lick the Div a 244 0 icon in th e Windows system tra y , the n click ‘Proper ties’.
Usin g your Di va 2440 P age 39 3. The Diva 2440 then disp lays the main menu. 4. Click on any of the link s in the ‘Admi nist ration’ sec tion to ch ange settin gs for that par tic ular f e ature. For e xample, pas s words are grou ped in the ‘Sec urit y Setting s’ page.
Usin g your Di va 2440 P age 40 Configurati ons – Sa ving, Restorin g, and Resetti ng The web-base d configurati on interface mak es it eas y to sa ve and rest ore configu ration setting s on the D iva 2440. This i s useful for backup pur poses or if you intend to mai ntain sev e ral diff erent c onfig urations.
Usin g your Di va 2440 P age 41 Upgrad ing Fir mware The Diva 2440 contains specia l software, ca lled fir mware, that control s its op eration. The fir mware is stor ed in fl ash memor y , whic h allows it to be replac ed by uploadin g a new v ersi on.
Usin g your Di va 2440 P age 42 3. Click the ‘Upgrade’ button to uplo ad the fir mware to the Diva 2440. This m a y take a f ew minutes. Do not tur n o ff or unpl ug the device dur ing this time. When com plete, the Diva 2440 i s automatic ally re set to act ivate the new firmwa re.
Usin g your Di va 2440 P age 43 Login P assw or d and other Security Features Connectin g your computer s to the In ter net creates a wide ran ge of benefi ts, b ut also e xposes your computer to cer ta in r isks. T o safeguard your data and s ystems, the Diva 2440 provides the following sec uri ty f eatur es: • Login P ass wor d .
Usin g your Di va 2440 P age 44 A ut omatic Log Out The Diva 2440 applies an autom atic tim e-out to c onfigurati on session s. When a con figuration session i s idle for more than th e time-o ut value, the Div a 2440 a utomati cally log s the user o ut.
Usin g your Di va 2440 P age 45 About the Div a Assista nt The Diva Assistant pr ovides a conv enie nt wa y to ma nage your Diva Assistan t. The f ollowing is a bri ef descr iption o f how to use the sof tware. F o r more informati on, co nsult the Diva Assis tant online he lp.
Usin g your Di va 2440 P age 46 P erformance T ab T ools T ab Diagnostic Log T ab This tab displa ys information about incoming and outgoing bandwidth usage. Y ou can drag the perf or mance windows onto the desktop . Star ts the web-based configuration interf ace using your d efault bro wser .
Advanced T opi cs P age 47 Advanced T opics This sec tion provides detailed informati on on advanced t opics conc er ning the Diva 2440, and is aime d at the exper ienced c omputer a nd networ king us er . Vir tual Private Netw orking ...... .... ....
Advanced T opi cs P age 48 Vir tua l Private Netw orking A vir tual pr ivate networ k (VPN ) is an inte rconnec tion between two network s that u ses the PPTP (p oint-to- point tunn eling pr otocol). By using the Inter net to transpor t data, a VP N can elimina te long di stanc e charges associ ated wit h traditiona l dial-up soluti ons.
Advanced T opi cs P age 49 3. Select ‘ Microsof t VPN Adap ter’ as the device. Note: If y ou do not see ‘Mic rosoft VP N Adapter’ as an opt ion, make sure the VP N adapter is ins talled on your system. 4. Click ‘Next’. Y ou wil l see the f ol lowing dial og bo x.
Advanced T opi cs P age 50 Setting up a VPN with Windo ws 2000 V erify that y our Int er net acce ss is wor king proper ly before setting u p the VPN connecti on. 1. Click ‘Star t’ , poin t to ‘Setti ngs’, ‘Ne twork a nd Dial -up Conne ctions’ , and then d ouble-click ‘Make New Connection ’.
Advanced T opi cs P age 51 6. The Conn ection A vailabil ity scree n opens. Sele ct ‘For all u sers’ to m ake the connec tion av ai lable to all use rs on your networ k. Sel ect ‘Onl y for m yself ’ to r eser ve the connec tion for persona l use.
Advanced T opi cs P age 52 Netw ork Address T ranslation The Diva 2 440 uses networ k addres s transl ation ( NA T) to ‘hid e’ the local LAN fr om all exter nal resour ces. The ben efits o f this are the a bilit y for all connect ed com puters to a ccess the In ter net using on e Inter net address and ISP account.
Advanced T opi cs P age 53 When you create a NA T static mapping, t he Diva 2440 rout es all traffi c f or the pr otocol you specify to the des ignat ed compute r . This includ es traffic nor m ally han dled by the Diva 2440 itself. Only one computer on the inte rn al LAN ca n be de signated to receive the traffic f o r a specif ic protocol .
Advanced T opi cs P age 54 In some c ases, you may w ant t o f orward all datagrams con taining u nspecified protoco ls to a computer on your LAN. T he Diva 2440 calls th is comp uter the ‘ default NA T ser ver’.
Advanced T opi cs P age 55 Example: Allowing W eb or FTP Reque st usin g NA T S tatic M app ings T wo of the most commo n reasons to use NA T stat ic mappi ngs are to ru n a web ser ver or F TP ser ver on a compu ter connec ted to the Diva 24 40. Use the f ol lowing diagram as a reference as you e x amine the NA T mapping examples th at follo w .
Advanced T opi cs P age 56 Command Line Interfa ce (CLI) The com mand lin e interface provides you with access to all Di v a 2440 p arameters. So me advanced parame ters are on ly acc essible via thi s interface.
Advanced T opi cs P age 57 Using th e CLI When usi ng the CLI, the following keys are av ail able: • Up/down arr ows: Moves back and for th throu gh previously issued comma nds. • F1: P rovides hel p tailor ed to the curr ent comm and you are en teri ng.
Advanced T opi cs P age 58 Using TFTP to T ransfer F iles The TFTP interface lets you upload and download con figuration files a nd fir mware. Ho wev er , it is often easier to use the web or command line interf ace to do most TFTP tasks. Prerequisites • The TFTP interface requi res TFTP clien t software.
Advanced T opi cs P age 59 Files mar ked as ‘boo t mode’ c an only b e downloaded i f the device is in b oot mode ( the power light is flashin g red; boo t mode is entered i f a hardwa re f ault oc curs or i f you hold down the reset button for five seco nds and l ess than 15 secon ds).
Command Line Ref erence P age 60 Command Line Reference This sec tion des cri bes each comm and av ailable from the Diva 2440. Overview ........ ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ..... ...... .......
Command Line Ref erence P age 61 Over view This sec tion provides a d escr iption f o r each CL I command . The com mands are gr ouped accord ing to func tionali ty .
Command Line Ref erence P age 62 ADSL Commands SHO W ADSL CONFIGURA TION Displays the cur rent con figuration f o r the ADS L line. SET ADSL MODULA TION TYPE [G_992_2 | MUL TIMODE] Sets the ADSL modulati on type. If no argument i s specified, the existing setting is displa yed.
Command Line Ref erence P age 63 A TM Commands SHO W A T M CONFIGURA TION V alid con text: Profile Shows the A T M co nfiguration settings for the A T M VC associated with th e curre nt profil e. Show A TM VC Shows the table of A TM VCs (Vir tual Circuits ) and their proper ties.
Command Line Ref erence P age 64 DHCP Commands SET DHCP TYPE <SERV ER | RELA Y | NONE> Sets the type of DHCP s erv ices provided to oth er network devices. The DHCP ser ver is enabled b y default. SHO W DHCP ST A TUS Displays DHCP s er ver status and a list of currently -define d IP ad dresses.
Command Line Ref erence P age 65 SET DHCP WINS <PRIM AR Y|SECONDAR Y> ipaddress Defines th e pr imar y and seco ndar y WIN S ser v er addres ses se nt to a DHCP c lient whe n a DHCP lease i s requested. SET DHCP DOMAIN <domain> Defines th e domain nam e sent to a DHCP client wh en a DHCP l ease is re quested.
Command Line Ref erence P age 66 DELETE DHCP ST A TICMAP <ipaddress> Deletes an entr y from th e ST A TICMAP table, which conta ins the sta tic IP addr ess assig nments used by DHCP clients. SHO W DHCP ST A TICMAP Displays the list of defi ned stati c DHCP addre sses, which conta ins the stati c IP add ress assignmen ts used by DHCP clients.
Command Line Ref erence P age 67 Ethernet Commands SHO W ETHERNET ST A TISTICS Disp la ys Eth ernet sta tistics . SHO W ETHERNET ADDRE SS V alid con te xt: P or t Displays the Ether n et addres s of th e de vice. Y o u must be in the LAN profile to i ssue this command (type LA N and pre ss Enter fi rst).
Command Line Ref erence P age 68 Filter Commands NEXT PREVIOU S V alid cont e xt: IP_F ilter , E ther_Filte r Sets the active context to the next or previous fil ter . Thi s allows you to edit the filter. ADD IP FIL TER <n umber> V alid con text: Profile, P o r t Adds a new IP filter at the spec ified p osition.
Command Line Ref erence P age 69 ENABLE FIL TER DISABLE FIL TER V alid cont e xt: Prof ile, P or t, IP_Filter , Ether_ Filter In a profil e context, this comma nd enables/dis ables all filters de fined for the current p rofile. In a filter co ntext, this comman d enables/d isables the filt ers defi ned for the curren t filte r only .
Command Line Ref erence P age 70 SET UDP SOURCE <lowP or t> <highP or t> SET UDP DESTINA TION <low Port> <highPort> V alid con tex t: IP_ Filter Sets the minimum and maxi mum source or destina tion UDP (User Data gram Protocol ) por ts f o r which this filter will proc ess data .
Command Line Ref erence P age 71 SET ETHERNET SOUR CE <macaddress> SET ETHERNET DESTINA TION <macaddress> V alid context: Ether_Fi lter Defines a source /destinat ion MAC address f or an Eth er net fil ter . Thi s filter wi ll proces s data matching this so urce/des tination only .
Command Line Ref erence P age 72 General Comma nds HELP Displays the comm ands available in the cu rrent c ontext, with a shor t desc rip tion of eac h command's functio nality . SA VE Sav es the cu rrent confi guration s ettings to the device's non-volatile mem or y .
Command Line Ref erence P age 73 RESET Resets th e de vice. Configura tion settings are not lost. RESET F ACT OR Y Resets th e de vice, retur nin g all para meters to their factor y default setti ngs.
Command Line Ref erence P age 74 IP Commands (General) SET IP ADDRE SS <ipaddress> V alid con text: Profile, P o r t Sets the IP address this profil e should us e if a static addres s is assig ned to the d e v ice by y our ISP or net work adm inistrator.
Command Line Ref erence P age 75 SHO W ST A TIST ICS Displays statisti cs for the IP protocol . These stati stics reflec t the combi ned usage of a ll profil es that use th e IP prot ocol and not sta tistics f or a par ticular profil e.
Command Line Ref erence P age 76 IP Rout ing Comma nds ADD IP ROUTE <ipaddress> <mask> [:metric] [gatewa y] DELETE IP ROUTE <ipaddr ess> [ma sk[:met ric]] SET IP ROUTE <ipaddres s> <mask >[:met ric] [gat eway] V alid con text: Profile, P o r t Adds/del etes/modi fies a stati c IP route.
Command Line Ref erence P age 77 Logging and Internal T race Commands SET LOG FIL TER {EVENT | DEBUG | INFO | SECURITY | W ARNING} Specifi es the ty pe of infor mation that is to be w r itten to the ev ent lo g. Use SHOW LOG to see the ev en t log. Use SHOW LOG ST A TUS to see the c urrent log filter .
Command Line Ref erence P age 78 NA T (Netw ork Address T ranslation) Commands ENABL E NA T DISABLE NA T V alid con text: Profile, P o r t Enables/dis ables NA T (Network Ad dress T ransl ation).
Command Line Ref erence P age 79 PPP Commands SET PPP M RU <v alue> V alid con text: Profile Defines th e initial Maxi mum Receive Unit (MR U ) the lo cal PPP entity wil l adver tise to the remote en tity . If set to 0, th e local PP P entity will not a dv er tis e any MR U to the re mote entit y , and the default MR U wi ll be ass umed.
Command Line Ref erence P age 80 SET PPP ECHO REQUEST INTER V AL <value> V alid con text: Profile Defines the inter val in milliseconds for PPP Ech o Requests.
Command Line Ref erence P age 81 SET PPP LOCAL USERNAME SET PPP LO CAL P ASSW ORD V alid con text: Profile Defines the username/pa ssword sent when replying to valid authentication reques ts. For exam ple, whe n conn ecti ng to an ISP , this is the nam e used to log on in combin ation with your pa sswor d.
Command Line Ref erence P age 82 Pr ofile Comma nds PROFILE profileName Changes th e active context to the specifi ed profil e. If no name is speci fied, you are p laced in the Genera l context. If you are in the Fi lter con tex t and no name is specifie d, you are retur ned to the p rofile you came from.
Command Line Ref erence P age 83 SAR Commands SHO W SAR CONFIGURA TION Shows cu rrent SAR c onfigurati on. SAR de fines the method used to s egment packets of v ar y ing si zes for deliver y vi a A TM cel ls. SHO W SA R VC <i ndex> Displays the SAR c onfiguration f or a VC (Vir tual Circuit) .
Command Line Ref erence P age 84 TFTP Command s ENABLE TFTP SER VER DISABLE TFTP SER VER Enabl es/disab les TFTP (T rivial File T ra nsf er Protocol) ser v er . When enabl ed, the de vice acts as a TFTP server and can respond to upload or do wnload requests from TFTP cli ents.
Command Line Ref erence P age 85 Time Protocol Co mmands SET TIME PRO TOCOL SER VER <t imeSer ver> Defines th e Inter ne t addres s of a time ser ver . The device will then peri odical ly f etch th e date and time from the t imer ser ver to update i ts in ter nal clock.
P age 86 Specifications and Regulatory Information In this Section Specifications ..... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ....... .... ....... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... 87 Regulatory Information f or the United States . .... ..
Specific ation s and Regu lator y Inf ormation P age 87 Specifications Genera l Specifica tio ns P ackaging Contents • Diva 2440 AD SL Router • Diva CD-ROM (includes Diva Assistant software, docum.
Specific ation s and Regu lator y Inf ormation P age 88 Softwa re a nd F irmwar e Sp ecifi catio ns Installation Features • Easy acc ess to c onfiguratio n pages v ia a web browser • A uto det ection of commo n problems (conne ction not poss ible , incor rect confi guration, e tc.
Specific ation s and Regu lator y Inf ormation P age 89 Regulatory Inf o rmation f or the United States W arning: Change s or modi fications to this unit no t e xpressly appro ved b y Eicon Netw orks Corporation could v oid the user' s authorit y to oper ate t he equipm ent.
Specific ation s and Regu lator y Inf ormation P age 90 If this eq uipmen t causes ha r m to the tel ephone network, th e telephon e company wil l notify you in advance that temporar y disconti nuance of s er vice m ay be required . If advance noti ce isn't practica l, the telephone co mpany will notify the customer as soon as possible.
Specific ation s and Regu lator y Inf ormation P age 91 Regulatory Inf ormation f or Canada NO TI CE: Th e Industr y Canada la bel id entifies cer t ified equ ipmen t. This cer tifi cation m eans that the equipmen t meets ce r tai n telecom munication s networ k prote ctiv e, operational and safety requireme nts.
Specific ation s and Regu lator y Inf ormation P age 92 Regulatory Inf o rmation f or the Eur opean Union EU Dec lara tion of Conformity Safety Status: TNV -3 No voltages with in this e quipment exceed SE L V voltages. The DSL por t has TNV -3 Safety Status an d all othe r int erconnecti on points and por ts are S EL V .
Inde x P age 93 Index A ADSL Command s 62 Adva nced To pics 47 ATM Com mands 63 Autom atic Log Out 44 C CLI 56 Command l ine inter face (CL I) 56 Command Li ne Refere nce 60 Commands Commands , ADSL 6.
Inde x P age 94 T TCP Command s 84 TFTP Comma nds 84 TFTP Interface 58 TFT P, Loa ding fi rmwar e 59 Time Pro tocol Com mands 85 U UDP Comman ds 83 Upgr ading F irmw are 41 Upgr ading f irm ware 41 Us.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Eicon Networks 2440 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Eicon Networks 2440 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Eicon Networks 2440 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Eicon Networks 2440 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Eicon Networks 2440 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Eicon Networks 2440 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Eicon Networks 2440 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Eicon Networks 2440 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.