Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product ATCA-S201 van de fabrikant Emerson
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ATCA-S201 Installation and Use 6806800H62B July 2009.
2009 Emerson All rights reserved. Trademarks Emerson, Business-Critical Continui ty, Emerson Netw ork Power a nd the Emerson Network Power logo are trademarks and servic e marks of Emerson Electric Co. © 2009 Emerson Elect ric Co. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.
Contents PREFACE ................................................................................................................................................ I S AFETY S UMMARY ..............................................................
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Gu ide ii 2.10.1 To Verify the Hardware Installation ...................................................................................... 19 3 NEW SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ......
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Gu ide iii 4.6.13 Network (Subnet) mask ........................................................................................................ 43 4.6.14 Broadcast ...........
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Gu ide iv 7.1 I SCSI CONFIGURATION MENU ......................................................................................................... 80 7.1.1 Add or create an iSCSI target .
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Gu ide v 11.3.1 External SAS Connector ....................................................................................................... 119 11.3.2 Ethernet Management Port (RJ-45) .
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Gu ide vi List of Figures Figure 1, ATCA-S201 functional block diagram .......................................................................................... 9 Figure 3 ATCA-S201 Diagram Showing Identification La bel Location .
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Gu ide vii List of Tables Table 1 Conventions used in this manual .................................................................................................... iv Table 2 LED functional description .
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Gu ide viii Table 51 Connector J33, PCIe and Miscellaneous RTM Pin Ass ignments ............................................. 114 Table 52 Connector J33, PCIe and Mi scellaneous RTM Signal Descriptions .
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Gu ide i Pref ac e Safety Summary The following general safety precautions mu st be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repa ir of this equipmen t.
Preface 6806800H62B ATCA-S201 ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Gu ide ii Flammability All Emerson PWBs (print ed wiring boards ) are manufactured with a flammability rating of 94V-0 by UL-recognized manufacturers. EMI Caution This equipment gen erates, uses, and can radiate e lectromagnetic en ergy.
Preface 6806800H62B ATCA-S201 ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Gu ide iii edited, translated, or other wise altered without the permissio n of Emerson Networks, Inc.
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Gu ide iv About This Manu al This manual supports th e following config urations and model numbe rs.
6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide v courier System output (for example, screen displays and reports), examples , and system prompts. ENTER The carriage return or Enter key. CTRL The Control key.
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Gu ide vi Har dware Pre p aration and Install ation Unpacking Instructions If the shipping carton is damaged upon re ceipt, request that th e carrier’s agent be present during the unpack ing and inspection of the equipment.
ATCA-S201 Overview 6806800H62B ATCA-S201 ATCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide 7 1 A T C A-S201 Ove r view The Emerson ATCA-S201 is an ATCA carrier blade that s upplies multi-protocol IP storage services to th e chassis Zone-2 backplane using E thernet connecti ons.
ATCA ‐ S201 Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 8 1.2 I/O PICMG standards compliance The ATCA-S201 10Gb RAID Storage-IP Car rier ATCA is fully co mpliant with the following PCI Industrial Computer Manu facturers Group (PICMG) specifications: PICMG 3.
ATCA ‐ S201 Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 9 Figure 1, ATCA-S201 functional bloc k diagram 1.3.1 AMC card connections The four AMC slots have identical feat ures, and each accommodates a half width, mid height module.
ATCA ‐ S201 Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 10 12V and 3.3V supply voltage 1GbE management RS232 management Ethe rnet Management port An Ethernet management port i s routed to the Zone 3 connector.
ATCA ‐ S201 Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 11 1.4 LEDs Several LEDs are loca ted on the panel of the ATCA-S201 Advanced TCA Carr ier.
ATCA ‐ S201 Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 12 Table 2 LED function al description LED Description ATCA Hot Swap LED Off: Normal, de.
ATCA ‐ S201 Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 13 Label 4: Part Numbers (example: 0106826G01A ATCA-S120) This label contains 2 numbers:.
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 A TCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide 14 2 A T C A-S201 Inst all ation This chapter contains the procedur es for installing and removing the ATCA-S201 1 0GbE RAID storage services blade.
ATCA ‐ S201 Installation 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 15 2.4 Before you install or Remove the ATCA carrier blade Boards may be damaged if improperly inst alled or handled. Pl e ase read and follow the guidelines in this s ection to protect your equip ment.
ATCA ‐ S201 Installation 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 16 the chassis or board faceplates must be filled with an appropriate card or cove red with a filler panel. If t he EMI barrier is open, devi ces may cause or be susceptible to excessive interference.
ATCA ‐ S201 Installation 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 17 2. Go to the front of the sys tem and ch oose an appropriate slot for the ATCA carrier blade. If also installing a companion advanced re ar transition modu le (RTM), install it before installing the ATCA node board.
ATCA ‐ S201 Installation 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 18 9. Power on the system, if necessary. Refer to your system manu al for instructions on correctly powering on the system.
ATCA ‐ S201 Installation 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 19 2.10.1 To Verify the Hardware Installation 1. After power is applied to the system , wait approximately 45 seconds for firmware to initi alize the board.
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 A TCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide 20 3 New Syste m c onfiguration 1 RS 232 Console Set u p 2 Et h er n et Comm . Set u p 3 RAI D LUN Se t u p 4 Logical V olu me Set u.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 21 3.1 RS232 Console port This port is implemented on an RJ45 connector located on the ARTM that supplies RS232 console port access. As the ATCA-S201 boots, its progress can be monitor e d on the consol e.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 22 Po we r- On (Sof t R ese t) Jumper 1: A ll FW C ode ret rieved fr om “ Custo mer” Flash Fetch “ u-boot.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 23 3.1.3 Linux serial console shell window If the boot is not interrupted and has completed, th e RS232 port accepts administrator login for Linux shell access, and access to command line configuration tools.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 24 the clear password procedu re is explained in sect ion 9.4.3 of this manual. When invoked, the user is prompted to se t a new one at first login.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 25 Note: If no DHCP server is present, the ATCA-S201 will d eactivate this port. The serial console mus t be then used to manu ally assign an IP a ddress.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 26 3.5 Command line configuration tool This tool is available f rom either the R S232 console or a linux s ecure shell connection.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 27 Date=[12/19/2007]: Time=[17:25:07]: TimeZone=[US/Eastern]: NTPServer[0]=[209.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 28 At this point the us er may inspect the lis t. If the user wishes to modif y any of the listed values, en ter ‘y’ at the above prompt. The configuration utility will then display each parameter, one at a time.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 29 responses that are applied to the tool in a ma cro fashion.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 30 3.6.1 U-boot console tool The ATCA-S201 employs a staged boot proce ss that begins with U-boot. U- boot is an open source boot load er program that is the first cod e executed at system reset.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 31 U-boot command syntax description and lost if the system is re-booted.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 32 Variable name Default value Description bootfile Uimage This is the filename name of the Linux k ernel image.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 33 To manually establish IP port address, a typical new system configuration might consist of the follow ing commands: uboot=> setenv ipaddr 192.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 34 4 Net work c onfiguration 1 RS232 Con sole Setup 2 Et h er n et Comm.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 35 4.1 Enable HTML browser access The web browser configuration tool may be enab led or disabled for security reasons .
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 36 4.3.1 Auto logout inactivity period The system will auto matically terminate (logout) a remote user af ter 10 minutes of in-activity.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 37 L og O f f Use r nam e: ad m i n Figure 8 HTML tool, startu p screen 4.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 38 Emer s on A TCA - S20 1 iSC S I nfs sm b Sh a res LVM2 MD RA ID H a rd wa re R AI D Ph y .
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 39 Sy stem I d ent i fi cati o n an d Ti meZ o ne Ho stNa me Do main Name Dat e Tim e T imeZo n e Nam ese rve rs N TP Ser ver Li s t Use NTP Active S etti ngs S t orB la de99 do m a i n.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 40 CLI command syntax Table 14 CLI command syntax, set network property: system date Convention atca_blade set_network Y 2+ <date> + <date> Date format MM/D D/YYYY, (month,day,year) 4.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 41 Table 17 Time Zone Selection s World Zone Menu item Daylight savings World Zone Menu Item.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 42 CLI command syntax Table 19 CLI command syntax, set network property: assign NTP serv.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 43 CLI command syntax Table 21 CLI command syntax, set network property: Ethernet port c.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 44 4.6.14 Broadcast < Read/Write > The user may manually ass ign the broadcast address for a port, if DHCP is NOT enabled. The broadcast address must be entered using dotted decimal notation.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 45 4.7 VLAN Virtual Local Area Network support Users may configure assign any of the Ethe rnet por t s available on the ATCA-S201 to a Virtual Local Area Networking (Virtual LAN, IEEE 802.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 46 Convention: atca_blade set_network Y <VLANi ndex+> <enable> <VLANindex>.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 47 4.8 Link aggregation and bonding The ATCA-S201 supports 802.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 48 4.8.1 Bonding, CLI command syntax The Linux community has created an extensive ma n page for ifenslave . The subset of essential elem ents is summarized below.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 49 4.9 Shelf communications Use these menus to i nitialize a communic ation path with the chass is shelf manager, and properly monitor ATCA-S201 hardware.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 50 Table 22 Shelf configurat ion menu parameters Status item Description Shelf Address Prima.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 51 Table 23 Blade, I/O Status indication Status item Description Current I/Os / sec Bar graphs provided for each disk Read Displays the number of real-time re ad I/O per second (read IOPS).
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 52 4.11.1 Rescan SAS Topology, disk refresh The physical disk assignments change as d isk s become ut ilized in a RAID definitions. Use the “Re-D raw Tree” button to resca n for physical disks, and refresh the menu view.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 53 4.12 CPU Status attributes This screen displays real-ti me statistics for the applicatio ns running on ATCA-S20 1’s PowerPC processor.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 54 4.13 ATCA Status attributes The items in this m enu provide operatio nal condition of the AT CA-S201 and the four AMC slots and RTM if installe d.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 55 Table 24 ATCA stat us indication Status item Description PCI state Collection of val ues pertaining to AMC modul es with PCI devices Vendor 4 digit Hex value representing the PCI Vendor ID .
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 56 CLI command syntax Table 25 CLI command syntax, blade_status for ATCA and AMC site st.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 57 5 RAID V olume Con figuration 1 RS232 Con sole Setup 2 Et h er n et Comm.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 58 Emer s on AT CA -S 201 iS C SI nfs sm b Sh a re s LVM2 LV M 2 Confi g urati on MD RA .
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 59 H a rd wa re R AI D C o n f igu ra t io n ‐ St o rBl ade99 A T CA -S 201 Create Har.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 60 5.2.1 Hardware RAID levels and capabilities RAID Level RAID0 RAID1 RAID1E Description Two or more disks are grouped to provide a capacity aggregation function.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 61 iSCS I & N AS AMC d isk modul es HW RA I D Physi cal di sks sda sdb sdc Zone-2 Fabr i.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 62 Hardware RAID configuration Description Section 1 — Create RAID volumes List of remaining disks available for n ew RAID volume definition .
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 63 5.3 Software RAID configuration Administrators may use the ‘MD RAID’ menus to configure the Softwar e AID features of ATCA-S201 . The implementation leverages t he mdadm tool availabl e with the 2.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 64 md 0 ˇ Use this drop down menu to choose a volume name. Four ch oices: md0, md1,md2 or md3 Subm it Click to commit the selecti ons and create the new RAID device.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 65 --remove Used to remove a disk from a volume defi nition. Users may later re-add the disk using the —add command. Raiddevice Device name assigned to existi ng volume.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 66 5.3.3 Software RAID levels and capabilities RAID Level Description Data Layout Diagram RAID4 Three or more disks are grouped in fashion where all written data is available even when any sin gle disk drive is removed or fails.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 67 6 Pre pare Logical V olumes f or iSC SI or file sh aring 1 RS232 Con sole Setu p 2 Et h er n et C o m m .
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 68 6.2 Viewing Physical disks Logical volumes are comprised of one or more physica l disk members. Using the HTML configuration t ool, the user may vie w the available set of physical disks.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 69 Disk view refresh, Re-draw Tree button The physical disk assignments change as d isk s become ut ilized in a RAID definitions. Use the “Re-D raw Tree” button to resca n for physical disks, and refresh the menu view.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 70 Table 21 HTML tool, Emerson A TCA-S201 Physical Disk ( con figuration screen) Paramet.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 71 Em ers o n A TCA- S20 1 iSC SI nfs sm b Sh a res LV M 2 LV M 2 C on f i g u r a ti o .
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 72 CLI command syntax Table 28 CLI command syntax, create new volume groups Convention: atca_ blade set_lvm2 Y <diskma sk> Y Y + <diskmask> Ydisk |Ndisk … [Ydis k|Ndisk] variable length mask.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 73 6.4 Creating a Logical Device (/dev/vga/lva0) After successfully creating a volu me grou p, the user must ne xt create a logical device which can be assigned to iSCSI or NAS services.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 74 Step 2. Enter the n ew size increase in the f ield labeled Enter size to create or extend [ ]. (It can exceed the seed value displayed in the box).
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 75 6.5 Manage shares (prepare lo gical device for service) By default, all logical de vices are unforma tted and not yet visible to either iSCSI or NAS services.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 76 Follow these instructio ns to assign iSCSI se rvice Step 1. Enter a ‘human friendly’ name for your new iSCSI share in t he field labeled Share Name [ ].
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 77 Note: The ‘share’ in this exa mple is not yet visible e xternally via IP link s, and external hosts cannot yet access this resource. Ad ministrator should proceed to chapter 8 to create NFS or SMB mount points.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 78 S t or Bl ade99 ATCA -S 201 S h ar ed Resour ce /dev/vga/lva0 Log ical Vo lu me S h a.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 79 S t or Bl ade99 ATCA -S 201 S h ar ed Resour ce /dev/vga/lva0 Log ical Vo lu me S h a.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 80 7 iSCSI devic e setup t o ols 1 RS 232 Con sole Set u p 2 Et h er n et C o m m .
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 81 E m er s o n A T CA - S 201 iSC SI iSC SI C o n f ig u r a t io n nfs sm b Sh a res L.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 82 Tar get i q n . 1995-07. com . em erson :AT C A-S 2 01.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 83 1 L UNs S erv ed By Th i s T ar g et LUN P a th T y p e R emo v e 0/ e x p o r t / i S C .
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 84 7.1.5 Advanced iSCSI configuration (expert mode) The iSCSI service runn ing on the storage blade support s numerous configura tion options that appear in th e iSCSI section of web interface tool.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 85 #ErrorRecoveryLevel 0 #HeaderDigest None #DataDigest None #Wthreads 8 Lun 0 Path=/export/.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 86 Table 33 iSCSI Advanc ed configuration an d parameter definitions Target iqn.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 87 Note: The <value> should be set to mult iples of PAGE_SIZE.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 88 7.1.6 iSCSI Discovery filter configuration (expert mode) The iSCSI service runn ing on th.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 89 8 NFS/S MB Share se tup too l s 1 RS232 Con sole Setu p 2 Et h er n et Co mm.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 90 These menus provides th e ability to create file mount p oints for logical devices previously commit ted for file I/O share (see chapter 6 ).
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 91 CLI command syntax Table 34 CLI command syntax, create nfs share Convention: atca_ blade set_nfs This command invokes an inter active session to modify the nfs setting of the blade.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 92 CLI command syntax Table 35 CLI command syntax, create smb share Convention: atca_blade set_smb This command invokes an interacti ve session to modify the smb setting of the blade.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 93 8.1.3 Advanced file share configuration (expert mode) The file share ser v ices running o.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 94 /export/nfs/Fileshare nfs_share1(rw,sync,no_wdelay,root_squash) Export option syntax:.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 95 9 Bl ade Maint e nanc e and Firm war e upgr ade s This chapter provides infor mation abou.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 96 Export system configuration file using CLI The following procedure is a detailed desc ription of the CLI-based export system configuration procedure.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 97 Each image contains a CRC signatur e whic h is validated by the system prior to loading.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 98 Upgrade firmware procedure S t o r Blade99 ATCA-S 201 Sy stem Main te nan ce Im p ort S of twa re Up da t e Im port Sy stem Conf igura ti on E xpor t S ystem C onf igura ti on /ba ckup/ nvd isk .
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 99 A Pop-up window notif ies the user when the flash update complet es.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 100 OPTIONS -r : indicates the root f ile system should be replaced with the image on the tftp server. -k : indicates the linu x kernel should be replaced w ith the image on th e tftp server.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 101 * * ************************************************* Erasing 256 Kibyte @ 31c0000 -- 99 % complete. Programming /dev/mtd2 Verifying rootfs.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 102 AMC slot B1 AMC slot B2 AMC slot B3 AMC slot B4 DDR 2 DI MM J2 3 J10 CP U PCIe Swi tc h SAS 10G bE XAUI AT C A - S 20 1 JP1 JP2 J3 0 J3 2 J3 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 Figure 30 ATCA-S201 Ju mper locations 9.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 103 4. The ATCA blade wil l break into the U-boot conso le. 5. Establish a serial con nection, login into the blade as root (see section 3.2) 6.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 104 8. Admin istrat ors may login as roo t.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 105 10 A T C A -S201 Mech anical and C onnec t or In form ation This chapter provides the specifications an d connector pin outs for th e ATCA-S201 module.
ATCA-S201 Mechanical and Connector Informatio n 6806800H62B ATCA-S201 A TCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide 106 Table 39 Environmental spec ifications for the ATCA-S201 SPECIFICATION VALUE Operating Temperat ure (airflow 5.0 CFM) 0°C ~ 55 °C Operating Temperat ure (airflow 2.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 107 Table 40 EMC Emission compli ancy Description Description US: FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Cl ass A FCC Class A emissions requirements (United St ates) ICES-003 2004 C lass A Class A Interference-causing Equipment standard (Canada) VCCI V-3/2007.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 108 Table 41 Conne ctor Port Identification and Location 1 AMC Slot 0 7 Zone 3, J32 RTM sign.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 109 AMC.3 PCI Express All four slots impl ement a x4 PCIe co nnection on chann els 4 to 7. All slots are directly connected to the PCI Expr ess switch located on the ATCA carrie r.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 110 Port Assignments for AMC Slot B3 Table 44 AMC slot 2, Port Assignments Port# Re.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 111 ATC A PC B AT C A Rec ep tacl e view 1 5 9 13 2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15 4 8 12 16 .
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J2 3 ATC A Rec ep tac le vie w Ro w H G �.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 113 Ro w F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J3 2 J3 3 ATC A Rec ep tac l e vie w ATC A PC B Figure 34 Zone 3, Co nnector Port Pin L ocation Dia gram 10.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 114 Table 50 Con nector J32, Ma nagement infrastr ucture signal desc riptions SAS-out These signal pairs connect to t he SAS controller (LSI-1068) on ATCA-S201, ports 4, 5, 6 and 7.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 115 Table 52 Connect or J33, PCIe and Miscellan eous RTM Signal Descript ions PETx… PCI-Express transmit differential pair signals PERx… PCI-Express receive differential pair signals FCLKA Fabric clock, as defin ed in AMC.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 116 e d c b a J30 - A T CA 1 2 Figure 35 ‘J30’ RTM Power Receptacle Connector J30, RTM Power Pin Assignment The ATCA-S201 J30 connector pin assign me nts and descriptions appear below.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 117 10.2.5 Power Supply Mezzanine Module The ATCA-S201 incorporates a power mezzanine module.
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 A TCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide 118 11 R TM -A T C A -SXXX O ver v i e w The RTM-ATCA-S XXX is an Advanced Rear tran sition module (RTM) that feature s a SAS expander which provid es a storage I/O path between the front ATCA board and rear I/O access panel.
10BRTM ‐ ATCA ‐ SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA-S201 A TCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide 119 Table 55 I/O Ports Avail able on RTM Faceplate RTM Zone-3 function RTM Faceplate RS232 Console port Port 1 —RJ45 SAS, x4 (3.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 120 Figure 37, Etherne t Management Port 11.3.3 Serial Console Port (RJ-45) An RS232 serial console port is provided on the RTM-AT CA-SXXX to facilitate a pass- through communication path to certa in ATCA board products.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 121 Figure 38 RTM-ATCA-SXXX F ront Panel LEDs 11.5 Software Support The RTM-ATCA-S XXX requires no special software to op erate. As shipped from the factory, the expander is un-z oned, and configured for table routing.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 122 determine the module identity. Th e barcode labels provide the following information: Ta.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Overview 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 123 Figure 40 RTM-ATCA-SXXX Diagram Show ing Identification L abel Locations.
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 A TCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide 124 12 R TM -A T C A -SXXX Install ation This chapter contains the procedur es for in stalling and removing the RTM-ATCA-SXXX.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Installation 6806800H62B ATCA-S201 A TCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide 125 Module Current RTM-ATCA- SXXX (No Disk) RTM-ATCA-SXXX-2 (Two disk version) +12 V (spin up < 100 sec) 0.55 A(6.6W) 2.05 A (25 W) (staggered spin-up) +12 V normal operating 0.
RTM ‐ ATCA ‐ SXXX Installation 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 126 12.4 Use Caution When Installing or Removing RTM When first in stalling boards in an em pty chassis or onto a carrier card, we recommend that you start a t the left of the card cage and work to the right.
RTM ‐ ATCA ‐ SXXX Installation 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 127 Handling modul es and peripherals can result in static damage. Use a ground ed wrist strap, static-dissipating work surface, an d antistatic containers when handling and storing components.
RTM ‐ ATCA ‐ SXXX Installation 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 128 11. Position your thu mbs at the top and bottom of the RTM; simultane ously push in the module and rota te the injector/ ejector mechanisms inward to their closed position to seat and secure RTM.
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 A TCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide 129 13 R TM -A T C A -SXXX Mech anical and Conne c tor In form ation This chapter provides the sp ecifications and connector pin outs for the RTM-A TCA-SXXX.
RTM-ATCA-SXXX Mechanical and Conn ector Information 6806800H62B ATCA-S201 A TCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide 130 Table 60 Environmental Specifi cations for the ATCA-S201 SPECIFICATION VALUE Operating Temperat ure (airflow 3.
RTM ‐ ATCA ‐ SXXX Mechanical and Connector Information 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 131 Table 61 EMC Emission Compli ancy De.
RTM ‐ ATCA ‐ SXXX Mechanical and Connector Information 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 132 Table 62 Conne ctor Port Identificat.
RTM ‐ ATCA ‐ SXXX Mechanical and Connector Information 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 133 Table 63.
RTM ‐ ATCA ‐ SXXX Mechanical and Connector Information 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 134 13.2.3 Serial Console Management Port Port 4 is a low-profile RJ-45 connector jack that provides RS232 signaling.
RTM ‐ ATCA ‐ SXXX Mechanical and Connector Information 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 135 Figure 46 Zone 3, Co nnector Port Pin Loca tion Diag ram 13.
RTM ‐ ATCA ‐ SXXX Mechanical and Connector Information 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 136 Table 67 Connec tor J32, Management Infrastructure Si gnal Descriptions SAS ports 4-7 A manufacturing option exists for these signals.
RTM ‐ ATCA ‐ SXXX Mechanical and Connector Information 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 137 Table 69 Connect or J33, Miscellan eous RTM Signal Descript ions PS0# Active low RTM present si gnal.
RTM ‐ ATCA ‐ SXXX Mechanical and Connector Information 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 138 Table 71 Connect or J30, RTM Power Pin Signal Descriptions PS1# Active low RTM present signal.
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 A TCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide 139 14 IPMI F unctions List The ATCA-S20 1 module supports the in telligent platform manageme nt interface (IPMI) version 1.5. This system is use d to collect status information from on on-board sensors as well as sensors instal led on AMC or RTM modu les.
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 A TCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide 14-1 Table 72. ATCA-S201 Sensor Data Records Sensor UNR UC UNC LNC LC LNR ID String 1.0V 1.16 1.13 1.10 0.90 0.87 0.84 +1.0V 1.1V 1.27 1.24 1.21 0.99 0.99 0.91 +1.1V 1.2V 1.40 1.36 1.32 1.
IPMI Functions List 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 14 ‐ 2 Y = Calendar year of manufacturer (2008 = 8, 2010 = 0) MM = Calen.
IPMI Functions List 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 14 ‐ 3 12 SAS_2 AMC.3 Storage signal ing J32-A4, B4 , C4, D4 13 SAS_3 AMC.
IPMI Functions List 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 14 ‐ 4 Table 76 Supported IPMI Co mmands Command IPMI/PICMG/A MC Spec NetFn CMD MMC Req IPM Device “Global” Commands Get Device ID 17.
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 A TCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide 15-1 15 IPMC Firmw are Upgrade Proc edure This chapter provides the i nstruction for upgrading the IPM C (Intelligent P latform Management controller) firmware . If the ATCA-S201 requires new firmware, an up grade can be performed remo tely using a LAN connection to the self manager.
IPMC Firmware Upgrade Procedure 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 15 ‐ 2 COMMAND SYNTAX EXAMPLES E XAMPLE 1. The following example shows t he command sequence for firmware upgrade of an AMC installed on a carrier: $ ipmitool -I lan -H 192.
6806800H62B ATCA-S201 A TCA-S201 Installation and Use Guide 16-3 16 Index B Bonding ....................................................................47 C CIFs support ................................................... See SMB CLI blade status .
Index 6806800H62B ATCA ‐ S201 Installation an d Use Guide 16 ‐ 4 S SMB share Create an export .................................................91 Status Blade staus menu ..................................
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Emerson ATCA-S201 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Emerson ATCA-S201 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Emerson ATCA-S201 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Emerson ATCA-S201 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Emerson ATCA-S201 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Emerson ATCA-S201 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Emerson ATCA-S201 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Emerson ATCA-S201 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.