Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product OXYMITTER 4000 van de fabrikant Emerson Process Management
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Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 http:// www .proces sanalytic.c om OXYMITTER 4000 HAZARDOUS AREA OXYGEN TRANSMITTER.
Emerson Process Management Rosemount A nalytical Inc. Process A nal y tic Division 1201 N. Main St. Orrville, OH 44667-0901 T (330) 682-9010 F (330) 684-4434 e-mail: gas.
HIGHLI GHTS OF CH ANGES Effectiv e April, 20 04 Rev. 4.0 Page Summ ary Cover Updated re vision num ber and date. D eleted cert ific ation data. P-3 through P-14 Added f oreign lan guage ver sions of “Safet y Instructi ons for the W iring and Instal lation of this Apparat us”.
HIGHLI GHTS OF CHANGES (Conti nued) Effectiv e April, 20 04 Rev. 4.0 Page Summ ary 3-5 Revised para. 3- 3a to cor rect m A signal l evel va lues. Mo ved p ower up and rem aining proc edures to S ection 5, Startu p and Oper ation. 4-1 thro ugh 4-5 Added ne w Section 4 to disc uss s ystem c onfiguratio n instr uctions for instrum ents with an LOI.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management i Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 TA BLE OF CO NT ENT S PREF A CE ...................................................................
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 ii Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 6-0 ST ARTUP AND OPER ATION OF H AZARDOUS AREA OXYM ITT ER 4000 WITH LOI..........................
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management iii Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 LIST OF ILLUSTR ATIONS Figure 1-1. T y pical System Package .....................................
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 iv Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Figure 8-10. Fault 8, Lo w Heater T emp ..........................................................
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P-1 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 PREFACE The purpose of this manual is to provide infor mation concerning the components, func- tions, installation and ma intenance of the Oxymitter 4000 Hazar dous Area Oxygen Transmit ter.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 P-2 R osemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 IMPORT A NT S A FETY INSTRUCTI ONS FOR THE WIRING AND INST A LLATION OF THIS APP A R A TUS The following safety instructions apply specifically to all EU member states.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P-3 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 BELANGRIJK Veiligheidsvo orschri ften voor de aanslu iting en ins tallatie van dit toes tel. De hierna volgende veiligheid svoorsch riften z ijn vooral b edoeld voor de EU l idstaten.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 P-4 R osemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 VIGTIGT Sikkerhedsinstrukt ion for tilslutning og in stallering af dette ud styr. Følgende sikk erhedsin struk tioner gæ lder speci fikt i a lle EU-me dlem slande.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P-5 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 BELANGRIJK Veiligheids instructie s voor de bed rading en inst allatie v an dit appar aat. Voor alle EU lidstat en zijn de volgende veiligheid sinstru cties van t oepassing.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 P-6 R osemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 TÄRKEÄÄ Turvallisuusohj e, jota on noudatettava tämän la itteen asen tamis essa ja k aapeloinn issa.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P-7 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 IMPORTANT Consignes de s écurité conc ernant l e raccord ement et l’ins tallation de ce t appareil.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 P-8 R osemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Wichtig Sicherhe itshinweise für den A nschluß und die Inst allation die ser G eräte .
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P-9 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 IMPORTANTE Norme di sicur ezza per il c ablaggi o e l’inst allazione d ello stru mento.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 P-10 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 VIKTIG Sikkerhets instruks for tilkob ling og in stallasj on av dette ut styret. Følgende sikkerhetsinstruksjoner gjelder spesifikt alle EU medlemsland og land med i EØS-avtalen.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P -11 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 IMPORTANTE Instruçõe s de segurança par a ligação e instalação des te aparelho. As seguinte s instru ções de s egurança ap licam-se especi ficamente a todos os estados membros da UE.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 P-12 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 IMPORTANTE Instrucc iones de segur idad para el mon taje y cable ado de est e aparato.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P -13 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 VIKTIGT Säkerhetsföreskri fter för kab lage och installation av d enna apparat. Följande säk erhets föreskrifter ä r tilläm pliga för sam tliga EU-me dle msländer.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 P-14 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P -15 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 CERAMIC FIBER PRODUCTS MATERIA L SAFETY DATA SHEET JULY 1, 1996 SECTION I.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 P-16 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SECTION II. PHYSICAL DATA APPEARANCE AND ODOR C ream to white colored fiber s hapes. With or w ithout optional white to gray granu lar surface coating and/or optional black su rface coating.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P -17 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SECTION V. HEALTH HAZARD DATA THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE (S ee Section III) EFFECTS OF OVER EX POSURE EYE Av oid contact with eyes.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 P-18 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 TOXICOLOGY A number of studies on the health effects of inhalation exposu re of rats and hamsters are available.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P -19 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SECTION VII. SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS R ELEASED OR SPILLED Where possible, use vacuum suction with HEP A filters to clean up spilled material.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 P-20 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SECTION IX. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING G eneral cl eanliness should be f ollow ed.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management P -21 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Insulation su rface should be lightly s prayed with water bef ore remova l to suppress airborn e dust.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 P-22 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS FOR HANDLING AND STORING .
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Descripti on and Specifications 1-1 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 1 DESC.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 1-2 Description and Specificati ons Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 2 8 1 4 3 37270007 6 7 o HART Communicator FISHER-ROSEMOUNT TM MAN 4275A00 English October 1994 5 1.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Descripti on and Specifications 1-3 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 W hen the cell.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 1-4 Description and Specificati ons Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 For s y stem s.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Descripti on and Specifications 1-5 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 5. Field rep laceable cel l, heater , therm o- couple, d iffus er, and PC boar ds.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 1-6 Description and Specificati ons Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 (d) Optional IMPS 40 00. The Pro- gramm able Logic Controller (PLC) in the I MPS 4000 provides fault indications using f lashing LE Ds and LCD dis play mess ages.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Descripti on and Specifications 1-7 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 CALIBRA TION G.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 1-8 Description and Specificati ons Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 DUCT ST ACK GA.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Descripti on and Specifications 1-9 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 A source of instr ument air is opti onal at the Ha zardous Ar ea Ox y m itter 4000 f or refer ence air use .
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 1-10 Description and Specificati ons Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 1-6 PR OBE OPTIONS a.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Descripti on and Specifications 1-11 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 VIEW A VIEW B A B A B 15 o 2 .187 1 ON INSIDE BREAK FOR SMOOTH ROUNDED EDGE ON BOTH ENDS OF CHAMFER .
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 1-12 Description and Specificati ons Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 1-7 SPECIFIC A TIO NS O 2 Range: Standard.....................
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Descripti on and Specifications 1-13 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Power Requir ements : Probe Hea ter ............................
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 1-14 Description and Specificati ons Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Table 1-1.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Descripti on and Specifications 1-15 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Table 1-1.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 1-16 Description and Specificati ons Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Table 1-2. Calibration Components Part Number Descript ion 1A99119G 01 Two disp osable ca libration g as bottl es — 0.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Install ation 2-1 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION The Hazardous Area Oxymitte r 4000 and prob e abrasiv e shield are heav y.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 2-2 Installation Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 CO VER REMO V AL & ACCESS 305 305 (12) (12) ADD TO DIM “ A ” FOR PROBE WITH CERAMIC DIFFUSER 95 (3.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Install ation 2-3 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 () 56.0 2.21 () 164.6 6.48 246.9 9.72 () 84.6 3.33 () 62.0 (2.44) DIA. 189.8 7.47 () 140.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 2-4 Installation Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 P S U E I T P I C R H W E N T H G.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Install ation 2-5 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 22.5 o B C 8 THREADED HOLES EQUALL Y SP ACED ON D DIA B.C. ABRASIVE SHIELD FLANGE O.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 2-6 Installation Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 NOTE: ALL MASONRY ST ACK WORK AND JOINTS EXCEPT ADAPTOR PLA TE NOT FURNISHED BY ROSEMOUNT .
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Install ation 2-7 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 4. If using th e optiona l ceram ic dif fusion element, th e vee def lector m ust be c or- rectl y oriented.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 2-8 Installation Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 P S U E I T P I C R H W E N T H G C K E N I - E E R W A V I S O L P - X O M T A G N I N - R I T L A I V E - E E H GAS CAL.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Install ation 2-9 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 To meet the Safet y Requiremen t.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 2-10 Installation Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 INTEGRAL ELECTRONICS WITHOUT S.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Install ation 2-11 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 2-3 ELECTRIC AL INST ALLATION (FOR HAZARDOUS ARE A OXYMITT ER 4000 WITH RE MOTE ELE CTR ON IC S) All wir ing m ust conf orm to loca l and nati onal codes.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 2-12 Installation Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 TYPE K THERMOCOUPLE SIGNAL HEA.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Install ation 2-13 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 TYPE K THERMOCOUPLE SIGNAL HEA .
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 2-14 Installation Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 If using an IMPS 40 00 or an SPS 40 00, install it in a non-hazardous, explosive- free enviro nment.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Install ation 2-15 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 37270008 REF AIR SET 263C152G01 1 FLOWMETER 0.006-0.057 SCMH (0.2-2.0 SCFH) 771B635H02 2 PRESSURE GAGE 0-103 KP A GAGE (0-15 PSIG) 275431-006 3 COMBINA TION FIL TER-REG.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 2-16 Installation Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 NOTE ! Upon completing installation, make sure that the Hazardous Area Oxymitter 4000 is turn ed on an d operating prior to firing up t he combu stion proce ss.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Configurati on with Keypad 3-1 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 3 CONFIGUR .
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 3-2 Configuration with Keypad Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 c.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Configurati on with Keypad 3-3 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 1. Access TP5 and T P6 next to t he mem - brane k eypad. Att ach a m ultimeter across TP5 and T P6.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 3-4 Configuration with Keypad Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 The HART option is not protected by energy limiting barri ers. It must not be interfaced from w ithin the hazardous area.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Configurati on with Keypad 3-5 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 3-3 RECOMM ENDED CONFIGURATION a. 4-20 mA Signal Upon Critical A larm Rosem ount recomm ends that the f actor y default be utilize d.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 3-6 Configuration with Keypad Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Configurati on with LOI 4-1 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 4 CONFIGUR ATION OF HAZARDOUS ARE A OXYMITTER 4000 WITH L OI Install all p rotective equipmen t covers and safety ground lea ds before equipmen t startup.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 4-2 Configuration with LOI Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division o f Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 c.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Configurati on with LOI 4-3 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 f. On ce the cell is up to op erating temp era- ture, the O 2 percentag e can b e read: 1.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 4-4 Configuration with LOI Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division o f Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 The HART option is not protected by energy limiting barri ers. It must not be interfaced from w ithin the hazardous area.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Configurati on with LOI 4-5 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 4-3 RECOMM ENDED CONFIGURATION a. 4-20 mA Signal Upon Critical A larm Rosem ount recomm ends that the f actor y default be utilize d.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 4-6 Configuration with LOI Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division o f Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Startup and Operati on with Keypad 5-1 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 5 S T AR T U P AN D OP E R AT I O N OF HA ZARDO US A RE A OXYMITTER 4000 WITH MEMBR A N E KEYP A D 5-1 POWER U P a.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 5-2 Startup and Operation with Keypad Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 d.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Startup and Operati on with Keypad 5-3 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 4. CAL LED . The CAL L ED is on s tead y or flashin g during c alibrat ion.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 5-4 Startup and Operation with Keypad Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Startup and Operation with LOI 6 -1 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 6 S T AR T U P AN D OP E R AT I O N OF H A Z ARDOUS AREA OXYMITTER 4000 WITH L OI 6-1 POWER U P a.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 6-2 Startup and Operation with LOI Rose mount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 LCD DISPLA Y WINDOW SELECTION ARRO WS SELECTION ARRO W 37260054 SELECTION ARRO W T OUCH CONFIRMA TION LED Figure 6-3.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Startup and Operation with LOI 6 -3 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 6-5 LOI M ENU TREE This LOI m enu for the Ox ymitter 4000 is sho wn in Figure 6-4.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 6-4 Startup and Operation with LOI Rose mount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SYSTEM O2 Gas 1 O2 Gas 2 O2-Reset V als O2 O2 Cal Intervl O2- Gas T ime Purge T ime _____% _____% ____H ___Sec.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Startup and Operation with LOI 6 -5 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 7.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 6-6 Startup and Operation with LOI Rose mount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 d. SYST EM /Statu s 1. Alarm s – Diagnos tic alarm s. See Sectio n 8, TROUBL ESHOOTING.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Startup and Operation with LOI 6 -7 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 6-8 OXYM ITTER 40 00 TEST POINTS Refer to Figure 6-6 . System test points are located o n the boar d belo w the LOI m odule.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 6-8 Startup and Operation with LOI Rose mount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management HART/AMS 7-1 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 7 HA RT / A MS The HART option is not protected by energy limiting barri ers. It must not be interfaced from w ithin the hazardous area.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 7-2 HART/AMS Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 a.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management HART/AMS 7-3 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 LOOP CONNECTORS USE INTERFACE 00275 0.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 7-4 HART/AMS Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 7-5 LOGIC I/O CONFIGUR ATIONS The Ha zardous Ar ea Oxymit ter 4000 logic I/O output can be conf igured f or ten diff erent m odes through H ART/AMS.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management HART/AMS 7-5 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 O2 value O2 cell temp CJ temp VIEW FL.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 7-6 HART/AMS Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 DEVICE SETUP PV PV AO PV LRV PV URV (.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management HART/AMS 7-7 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 DEVICE SETUP PV PV AO PV LRV PV URV (.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 7-8 HART/AMS Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 7-7 HART COMM UNICATOR O 2 C AL METHOD Use the fol lowing pr ocedure t o perf orm a calibr ation using the HART Comm unicator.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management HART/AMS 7-9 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 7-8 DEFINING A T IMED CALIBRATION VIA.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 7-10 HART/AMS Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubleshooti ng 8-1 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 8 TROU BLESHO OTING 8.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 8-2 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 d. W hen flowing cali bration gas ses, th e raw cell m illivolt valu e at test p oints 1 a nd 2 should repr esent th e levels on the c hart in Figure 8- 1.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubleshooti ng 8-3 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 8- 4 AL AR M CO N T ACT S a. If autocalibrat ion is n ot utilized , a comm on bi-dir ectional l ogic co ntact is provided f or any of the diagnost ic alarm s listed in T able 8-1.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 8-4 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Table 8-1.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubleshooti ng 8-5 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Alarms O2 T/C Open LOI KEYP A.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 8-6 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Alarms O2 T/C Shorted LOI KEYP.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubleshooti ng 8-7 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 8-8 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS .
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubleshooti ng 8-9 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 LOI KEYP AD DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 8-10 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 LOI KEYP AD DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubl eshooting 8-11 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 LOI KEYP AD DIAGNOSTIC ALARM.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 8-12 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 LOI KEYP AD DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubl eshooting 8-13 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Alarms O2 Temp Hi LOI KEYP A.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 8-14 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Alarms O2 Cell Open LOI KEYP .
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubl eshooting 8-15 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Alarms O2 Cell Bad LOI KEYP .
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 8-16 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Alarms O2 Cell Bad LOI KEYP A.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubl eshooting 8-17 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINT.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 8-18 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINTS.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubl eshooting 8-19 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 DIAGNOSTIC ALARMS TEST POINT.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 8-20 Troubleshooting Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 8-6 HAZ A RDOUS ARE A OXYM IT.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Troubl eshooting 8-21 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 3. Always note the tim e it takes for the cell to r ecover to the nor mal pr ocess value after the ca l gas is rem oved.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 9-0 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Calibra tion Reco rd.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-1 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 9 MAINTENANCE.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 9-2 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 The HART option is not protected by energy limiting barri ers. It must not be interfaced from w ithin the hazardous area.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-3 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 2. Semi- Automatic Calibration. Sem i- automatic calibrat ions onl y requ ire operator initiat ion.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 9-4 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SW2 DIP SWITCH HART .
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-5 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 calibr ation). If the s lope or th e constant is out of specif ica- tion, a dia gnost ic alarm LED will be f lashing.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 9-6 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 4.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-7 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 9-4 HAZ A RDOUS ARE A.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 9-8 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 37270004 DIAGNOSTIC .
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-9 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 37270005 17A 11 15 17 2 Note: The Electronic Assembly , item 2, consists of items 3 through 10.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 9-10 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 (f) Restore power to th e system ; refer to paragrap h 5-1 or 6-1. W hen the probe is at operatin g temperatur e, calibr ate the probe per paragra ph 9-2.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-11 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 J8 POWER SUPPL Y BOARD 37270022 Figure 9-6 . J8 Connecto r 3. Loosen the three c aptive sc rews (9, Figur e 9-3 or Fi gure 9-4) .
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 9-12 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Opening the electronic housing will cause the loss of A LL hazardous per- mits.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-13 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 15. Replace ri ght housi ng cover ( 1, Figur e 9-3); mak e sure it is tig ht.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 9-14 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 27540007 WIRE LOOP CERAMIC SUPPORT R OD CELL FLANGE HEA TER CERAMIC DIFFUSER ASSEMBL Y V- D E F L E C T O R Figure 9-8 .
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-15 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 When working on this.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 9-16 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 27540008 POR T CEMENT THREADED PROBE FLANGE SPANNER WRENCH M5-0 .8 x 5 mm LOCKING SET SCREW (USE 2.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Maintenance and S ervice 9-17 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 12. If previo usl y removed, install the entire electron ics per p aragraph 9-4b, st eps 4 and 5.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 9-18 Maintenance and Service Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 diff usion elem ent into seat. Do not get any c ement on u pper part of ceram ic diffus ion elem ent.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Return of Material 10-1 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 10 RETURN OF M A TERI AL 10-1 If f actor y repair of defec tive equ ipment is required, pr oceed as follo ws: a.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 10-2 Return of Material Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Replacement P arts 11-1 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 11 REPLACEMENT PARTS Table 11- 1. Rep lacement P arts for P robe Figure and Index No.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 11-2 Replacement Parts Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Table 11-1.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Replacement P arts 11-3 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Table 11-1.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 11-4 Replacement Parts Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of E mers on Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Table 11- 2.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Optional Access ories 12-1 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 12 OPTIONAL ACC.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 12-2 Optional Accessories Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 IMPS 4000 INTELL IGENT M.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Optional Access ories 12-3 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 O 2 CALIBRATION G A S R.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 12-4 Optional Accessories Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Optional Access ories 13-1 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 SECTION 13 INDEX This index is an alphab etized lis ting of parts, term s, and pr ocedures having t o do wit h the Hazardous Area Ox ymitter.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 13-2 Index Rosemount Analyt ical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 O Opti onal A ccessori es, 12 -1 Ox yge.
3727 3732/07-04 WA RRA NTY Rosem ount warrants t hat the equipm ent m anufactured and s old b y it will, upon sh ipm ent, be free of def ects in work mans hip or m aterial.
Instruction Manual IB-106-340 C Rev. 4.1 July 2004 © Rosemount Anal ytical Inc. 2003 Hazardous Ar ea Oxymitter 4000 Emerson Process Management Rosemount A nal ytical Inc. Process A nal y tic Division 1201 N. Main St. Orrville, OH 44667-0901 T (330) 682-9010 F (330) 684-4434 E gas.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Emerson Process Management OXYMITTER 4000 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Emerson Process Management OXYMITTER 4000 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Emerson Process Management OXYMITTER 4000 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Emerson Process Management OXYMITTER 4000 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Emerson Process Management OXYMITTER 4000 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Emerson Process Management OXYMITTER 4000 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Emerson Process Management OXYMITTER 4000 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Emerson Process Management OXYMITTER 4000 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.