Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 720 van de fabrikant Epson
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Epson ® PowerLite ® Home Cinema 720 Home Theater Projector User’ s Guide.
2 Copyright Notice All rights reser ved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any m eans, elec tron ic, mech anical, photoc opyin g, recor ding, or otherw ise, wi thout th e prior written permission of Seiko Epson Corpo ration.
Contents 3 Contents Introduct ion 7 Projecto r Parts 8 Projector C ontrol Panel 9 Remote Control Button Map 10 Option al Access ories 11 Registration and Warranty 11 Using This Manual 12 Setting Up th.
4 Contents Making Detailed Adjustments 33 Using th e Menu Syst em 33 Changing How the Menus Display 34 Adju sting the Pict ure Qu ality 35 Input Br ightn ess Se ttings 35 Sharpness and Picture Quality.
Contents 5 Wher e To Ge t He lp 60 Specifications 61 General 61 Lamp 61 Remote Control 61 Dimensions 62 Electrical 62 Environmental 62 Safety 62 Compatible Video Formats 63 ESC/VP21 Command Codes 65 Notices 67 Important Safety Information 67 FCC Compliance Statement 69 Declaration of Conformi ty 70 Epson America, Inc.
6 Contents.
Introduction 7 Introduction The Eps on ® Pow erLi t e ® Home Cine ma 720 projector le ts you enjoy theater-qual ity images in the relaxing en vironment of yo ur own home.
8 Introduction Project or P arts Control panel Ventilation slots Lens cover Vertical le ns shift d ial Adjustable foot Video port HDMI port Component AC power inlet Infrared rece ive r Kensington ® l.
Introduction 9 Power button Power light Keystone corre ction buttons Correct the shape of a non-rectangular image Menu navigation buttons Source button Switches the video input source Esc button Exits.
10 Introduction Remote Control Button Map Source buttons Switch between equipment connected to th e projector Color Mode button Optimizes viewing for different lighting environments On and Off buttons.
Introduction 11 Optional Accessories Epson prov ides t he follo win g option al ac cess ories fo r the projec tor: You ca n pur chase a cce ssorie s fro m an Epson a utho rize d rese ller . To fin d the ne ares t resel ler, please call 800-G O-EPSON ( 800-4 63-7766 ).
12 Introduction Using Th is Manual This book contains all the informati on you need to use the p rojector, i n addition to b asic setup and maintenance instructi ons, troubl eshoot ing tips, imp ortant saf ety instr uctions, specif icat ions , and wa rran ty info rmat io n.
Setting Up the Projector 13 Setting Up the Projector Follow the in structi ons in this section to cho ose a location for the pro jector, connec t the cables, and di splay an image. Choosing a Locati on You can ins tall the p rojec tor for v arious v iewing s etups, as sho wn below.
14 Setting Up the Projector Idea ll y, p lac e th e p roj ect or a t a h eigh t wh ere its lens is between th e top and bot tom of the screen. That w ay, you can keep the projecto r level a nd us e the ver tical lens sh ift di al to position the image.
Setting Up the Projector 15 The maximum size of the image is determined by the distance from the projec tor’s lens t o the screen. Depending on your display setting s and how you use the Zoom ring, the actual siz e may be smaller.
16 Setting Up the Projector Installin g the Projector To install the pro jector, you firs t need to dete rmine the location, base d on the s ize of your screen (maximum diagonal image size). Use the table on pa ge 15 as a guide to locating the projecto r.
Setting Up the Projector 17 You will need the optional pr ojector mo unt designed f or the proje ctor. See pa ge 11 for orde ring in formati on. Warning: Whe n install ing or adjust ing the c eiling moun t, do not us e adhe sives to preve nt the screws from loos ening an d do not use any type of oil or lubr icant.
18 Setting Up the Projector Connecting the Cabl es You can connect th e projecto r to any type o f video equipment , such as a VCR, DV D player, digital tuner, cab le or s atelli te bo x, vi deo game consol e, ca mcor der, o r di gital c amera . Yo u can also co nnect it to a desktop o r lapt op PC or Apple ® Macintosh ® syst em.
Setting Up the Projector 19 For bes t resul ts, conne ct your video e quipm ent to t he HDMI (H igh-Def initi on Multi media Interface) port, if possible.
20 Setting Up the Projector ■ The Trigger ou t port o utputs a 12-v olt DC signal whe n th e p roj ect or is tur ned o n. T his le ts a ce nt ral control system moni tor wh ether the pro jector i s on or off, and can be us ed to raise or lower your projection scree n automaticall y when the p rojector is in us e.
Setting Up the Projector 21 Turning On th e Projector 1. Remove the lens cap . 2. Turn on any connec ted equipm ent you plan to use. 3. Turn on the power s witch on the back of the proj ector. 4. Press the On button on the remote c ontro l, or press the Power button on the projector .
22 Setting Up the Projector Turning O ff the Pro jector 1. Turn off any eq uipment c onnected to the pr ojector. 2. Press the Off button on the remote control, or press the Power button on the pr ojector twice. 3. When the P power light stops fl ashing orange and stays on, turn off the projector’s power switch on the b ack.
Setting Up the Projector 23 If you press the Sourc e button on the pr ojector, you see a menu of availabl e sources. Press the u or d button to highlight a source and p ress the Selec t button. If the C omponen t sour ce is se lected, pre ss the Compo.
24 Setting Up the Projector Positi oning t he I mage If the image is not ce ntered on the s creen, use the horizontal and vertical lens shift dials to adjust its po sition . Caution: Do n ot try to move the l ens b y hand, o r you may damage the proj ector.
Making Basic Adjus tments 25 Making Basic Adjustments Follow the inst ructi ons in this chapter to make basic adjustment s to the image shap e, size, and color, and q uality. For further ref inements, see “Mak ing Detailed Adjustments” o n page 33.
26 Maki ng Basic Adjustm ents Focusing and Zooming Sharpen or reduce the focus us ing the fo cus ring. Zoom into or out of the pi cture using the zoo m ring. Choosing the Aspect Ratio In many cases, v ideo s ignals are automatica lly resi zed to fit on your screen wh en Auto is selected as the Aspect setting.
Making Basic Adjus tments 27 If the Auto setting is unavailable, you may want to choose o ne of these settings: ■ Norm al for standard TV broadcasts, c omputer im ages, or images with a 4:3 as pect ratio. ■ Zoom for images re corde d in 16:9 (w ide-sc reen ) format .
28 Maki ng Basic Adjustm ents Choosing the Col or Mode You can change the Co lor Mode to automatic ally adjust brightness , contrast, and color, letting you quickly op timize the pr ojected i mag e for various lighting environments.
Making Basic Adjus tments 29 Adjusti ng the Ga mma, Color Temperatur e, and Skin Tones To furthe r custo mize th e color an d ima ge qua lity, you can ad just the Gamma , abstra ct Color Temperature , and Skin T one settings using butt ons on t he remote contro l.
30 Maki ng Basic Adjustm ents Adjusting the G amma Setting You can sele ct fr om 5 gamma set tings (2.0 t o 2.4) or customize your ow n setting fro m your image or a displayed g raph. Lower values will incr ease the contrast of dark areas, but tend to blur the bright areas.
Making Basic Adjus tments 31 Locking the Projector The projector includes two lock settings to pr event the im age from being accidentally changed once it’s adjusted, and to keep childre n from turning on the pro jector without ad ult supe rvis ion.
32 Maki ng Basic Adjustm ents.
Making Detailed Adjus tments 33 Making Detail ed Adjustments You can use the p rojector’s on-screen menus to make detailed adjustments to the image qualit y—such as the br ightness, contras t, shar pn ess, and c olor. You can also change the menu displ ay, sleep mod e settings, and other p rojector features .
34 Making De tailed Adju stments To display the line menu, press the Sel ect button. You s ee a di splay like th is at the bottom of the image: Press the u or d button to highlight an optio n, then press th e Select button to select it. Press the Menu button to exit the line menu.
Making Detailed Adjus tments 35 ■ Navigat ion Bar Select whether to display the navigation bar, which t ells y ou whi ch butt ons to pre ss to choo se settin gs.
36 Making De tailed Adju stments ■ Brightness/Contras t Note: If you canno t acces s the Bright ness and Con trast setti ngs, high light I nput Adjus tment and press the Select butto n, then choose Bri ghtness/Contra st in th e sub -menu. Adjust the br ightne ss so it’s su itabl e for yo ur view ing c onditi ons.
Making Detailed Adjus tments 37 ■ DVI-Video Level Note: This setti ng ca n be us ed only w hen HD MI is sel ected a s the i mage s ource (see p age 22). If your video equipment has a DVI port and yo u’v e connected it to the projector using an HDMI/DVI cable, set the le vel of the projec tor to match that of the video equipme nt.
38 Making De tailed Adju stments Color Settings If the image colors don’t l ook correct, you can adjust them usin g these settings. Use the first three settings descri bed below to make the mo st visible changes. If you only nee d to make slight adjus tmen ts, you can fine-tu ne th e pict ure with the rem ain ing se ttings.
Making Detailed Adjus tments 39 ■ RGB Note: If you canno t access th e RGB setti ngs, hig hlight RGB/RGBCMY (th e first item in the menu li st) an d press th e Se lect button, then c hoose RGB in the sub-m enu. Use the RGB se ttings to fin e-tune the color o f the image.
40 Making De tailed Adju stments Adjustments for Computer Images You can adjust the Tracking and Sync se ttings for analog RGB computer images. Normally, these settings are adjusted automatically by the projec tor. If you noti ce that the image is blurry or contains dark vertical bands, yo u may need to adjust the settings yourself.
Making Detailed Adjus tments 41 Selecting Memory Setti ngs and Resetting the Project or Your pr ojecto r come s with 9 memo ry loc ation s for in stal lers to save c ustom ized se ttings , desig ned to pr ovid e the bes t color qual ity for each of your v ideo inputs.
42 Making De tailed Adju stments Deleting Saved Memory S ettings You can clear all your memory settings at once. 1. Press the Menu bu tton on the re mote contro l. 2. Open the Memory menu, then select Reset Memory . 3. Press the Sel ect button to delete the memory settings.
Making Detailed Adjus tments 43 Customi zing Project or Featu res Use the settings in thi s sectio n to ad just t he image si ze and positi on, sup press on-scree n text, and select basic setup option s.
44 Making De tailed Adju stments Screen Options ■ Messag e Turn t his se tting o ff if you want to preven t on-sc reen m essages from a ppear ing (s uch as the no-signal mess age, or the identifying tex t that appears w hen you switc h between imag e sour ce s or co lor mo de s).
Making Detailed Adjus tments 45 Other Setup Op tion s ■ Keystone Adjust s the sh ape of the image , if t he left and ri ght side s are not parall el after tilting the projecto r up or dow n at the scre en (see page 25). ■ Projection Inverts the image for over head projectio n.
46 Making De tailed Adju stments ■ Sleep Mode Turn off this setti ng if you don’t want the projector to ent er sleep mo de. (Sleep mode shuts the projec tor off auto matically wh en there is no v ideo signal.) Select 30 min. , 10 min. , or 5m i n .
Maintenanc e 47 Maintenance Your projec tor needs li ttle maintenance . All you need to do on a regular bas is is keep the lens clean. You also need to cle an the air fi lter peri odicall y to preven t overhe ating. Warning: Before you clea n any pa rt of the projec tor, turn it off and unp lug the power cord .
48 Mai nten anc e Cleaning th e Projector Case Before you cl ean the case, turn off the pro jector and unplug the power cord. ■ To remove dirt or dust, wipe the ca se with a soft, dry, lint- free clo th. ■ To remove stubborn dirt or stai ns, moisten a sof t cloth wi th water and a neutral detergen t.
Maintenanc e 49 4. Turn the proje ctor over . 5. Us e a sm all v acuu m cl eaner that is des igne d fo r com puter s and other o ffice equip ment to cle an the filter, as s hown. If you don’t have one, gently cl ea n the filter using a ve ry soft brush (such as a cl ean artist’s paintbrush).
50 Mai nten anc e Replaci ng the La mp The projecti on lamp lasts for up to 3000 ho urs. You can us e the Info menu to check how long it’s been in use (see page 53). It’s time to replace the lamp when: ■ The projected image gets darker or starts to deterior ate.
Maintenanc e 51 5. Press in the latches secur ing the lamp cover an d lift off the cover. 6. Loosen the two screw s securing the lamp (they don’t come all the way out). 7. Grasp the lamp as shown and pull it straight o ut. Warning: The la mp(s) in this produc t con tain me rcury.
52 Mai nten anc e 8. Gently inse rt the new lamp and tighte n its screw s. Caution: Don’t touc h the gl ass p ortion of the lamp a ssembly . Touchin g the gl ass cou ld resu lt in pr emature la mp fai lure. 9. Replace the l amp cover. ( The projector won’t work if the lamp co ver i s open or loose.
Maintenanc e 53 Checking the Projector Status You can use the Info menu to vi ew informat ion about the cu rrent disp lay settings and ho w long the projection lamp has been in use. To access the Info menu: 1. Press the Menu bu tton on the pr ojector or re mote contro l.
54 Mai nten anc e Transporting the Proj ector Note: Epson shall n ot be li able for a ny dama ges incurred during transporta tion. The projector contains many glass and preci sion parts. Whe n shipp ing the p rojec tor fo r repai rs, use the orig inal packag ing material i f possi ble.
Problem Solving 55 Problem Solving This sectio n explains how to interpre t the proj ector’s status l ights , solve probl ems wit h the picture and remote control, and contac t technical support.
56 Problem Solv ing Solving Pi ctur e Problem s You cannot t urn on the p rojector. ■ Make sure the powe r cord is connected and th e po wer switch is turned on. Then w ait a moment for the power light to turn o range before pressing the P Power button.
Problem Solving 57 You’re usin g a co mputer and no pict ure app ears o n the screen . If you’re us ing a PC lapt op: ■ Press the funct ion key that lets you disp lay on an external mo nitor. It’s often labeled wi th an icon such as , but it may also be label ed CRT/LC D .
58 Problem Solv ing The picture is upside-down or reverse d. Chang e the Projection setting in the Settings menu (see page 45). Only part of the picture is displayed, or the picture is distorted. ■ Press the Aspec t button to select a di fferent asp ect ratio (s ee page 26).
Problem Solving 59 The picture is blurry. ■ Make sure the Input Signal is set correctly fo r your vid eo equipm ent (see page 4 5). ■ There may be dirt on the lens. Clean the lens as de scribed on page 47. ■ Adju st the focus (s ee page 26). ■ Make sure the lens is not fogge d by condensa ti on.
60 Problem Solv ing Where To Get Help Internet Support Visit Epson’s suppo rt we bsite at /support and select your pr oduct for so lutions to common problems. You can downlo ad util ities and documentation, get FAQs and troubles hooting advice, or e-mail E pson with you r questions .
Specifica tions 61 Specifications Gen eral Type of display Poly-silic on TFT active m atrix Size of LCD panels 0.7 inc h (18 mm) wide Lens F=2.0 to 3.17 Reso lut ion (native f ormat) 1280 × 7 20 pixels, 720p Brightnes s 1600 A NSI lumen s maxim um Dynamic c ontrast ratio 10000:1 Image size 30 to 300 inches Projectio n distance 3.
62 Speci fications Dimensions Height 4.9 inc hes (124 mm); not incl uding adjusta ble feet Width 16 inc hes (406 mm) Depth 12.2 inc hes (30 9 mm); no t includi ng lens protrusio n Weight 11.9 lb. (5.4 g) Electri cal Rated freq uency 50/60 Hz AC Power sup ply 100 to 120 VA C, 2.
Specifica tions 63 Compatible Video For mats The project or support s analog vid eo in NTSC, PAL, an d SECAM form ats, and it automat ically adju sts to the incoming signal. It can receive these formats as comp osite video, S-video, or component video— which it accept s thr ough the Vi deo, S- Vide o, and Compon ent po rts , respe cti vely .
64 Speci fications Anal og R GB * HDM I in put si gnal s Signal (4:3) Aspect setti ng Normal Zoom Wide Squeeze Through Squeeze Through VGA* 960 × 7 20 1280 × 720 1280 × 720 1280 × 720 640 × 480 8.
Specifica tions 65 ESC/VP21 Command Codes You can use an AV contr oller with a 9 -pin null modem serial cabl e to contro l the projector . You can download the comp lete ESC/VP 2 1 Communic ation Manu al for h ome thea ter proj ectors f rom the Epson website at epson.
66 Speci fications Aspect ratio Auto ASPEC T 00 Norma l ASPECT 20 Squeez e ASPEC T 21 Zoom ASPEC T 22 Throug h ASPEC T 23 Sque eze Throu gh ASPEC T 24 Wide ASPEC T 25 Item Comman d.
Notices 67 Notices Import ant Sa fety I nform atio n Follow these sa fety instr uctions when setting up a nd using the projector: ■ Never look i nto the projector lens when the la mp is turned on; t he bright light can damage your eyes. Never let children look int o the lens when it is on.
68 Notices ■ The lamp(s ) in th is prod uct co ntain merc ury. Please con sult y our state a nd loc al regula tion s regard ing di sposal o r recy cling. Do not put in th e trash. ■ Allow the lamp to cool for o ne hour bef ore repl acing it. ■ Unplug the proj ector dur ing li ghtning st orms o r when not i n use for extended p eriods.
Notices 69 FCC Compliance Statement For United States Users This equipment has been tested and foun d to comply with t he limits for a Cl ass B digital devi ce, pursuant t o Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are desi gned to provi de reasonable protectio n agai nst h armf ul inte rfer enc e in a r esiden tia l inst alla tio n.
70 Notices Declaration of Conformity According to 47CFR, Part 2 and 15 for Cl ass B Per sonal Computers and Peripher als; and/ or CPU Boards and Power Suppli es used with Class B Persona l Computers: We: Epson America, Inc .
Notices 71 Epson Am erica, In c. Limit ed Warrant y Basic Two- Year Warra nty and 90 -Day Lam p Warranty What Is Cover ed: Epson Americ a, Inc. (“Epson ”) warrant s to t he origi nal ret ail purc .
Index 73 Index A Abs. Colo r Temp. sett ing, 29 , 38 Accessor ies, 11, 60 Adjustment pattern, 34 Air filter cleani ng and r eplacin g, 48 to 49 orderin g, 11 Anti-th eft device , 8, 11 Aspect butto n,.
74 Index G Gain, color, 39 Gamma, 29 to 30 , 39 Gamma bu tton, 10 H HDMI, 7, 18, 1 9 Help, 60 High A lti tude M ode, 46 Home Service, 11 I Illumi nat ion o f butt ons, 20 Image adjus ting, 25 to 30, 3.
Index 75 Operati on Lock, 31 , 46 Output scaling, 43 P Patte rn butt on, 10 Pattern, adjustm ent, 34 Pictur e pr oblem s, 56 to 59 Pixe lwo rk s, 62 Positi oning i mage, 24, 43 Posi tioning proj ecto .
76 Index Trigger port, 20 Turning on and off pro jector, 21 to 22 , 56 U User’s Logo setting, 44 V Video Signal set ting, 45 Video, comp atib le form ats , 63 to 64 VP21 co des, 65 W Warranty , 11, .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Epson 720 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Epson 720 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Epson 720 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Epson 720 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Epson 720 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Epson 720 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Epson 720 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Epson 720 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.