Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Stylus C80N van de fabrikant Epson
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EPSON Stylus C80 Printer Basics Printed on recycled paper ®.
ii Copyright Notice All rights reserved. No part o f this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any m eans, elec tron ic, mech anical, photoc opyin g, recor ding, or otherw ise, wi thout th e prior written permission of SEI KO EPSON CORPORATI ON.
iii Contents WELCOME! 1 About Your Documentation 1 Warnings, Cautions, Notes, and Tips 2 Viewing Your On-Screen Re ference Guide 2 PRINTING FROM START TO FINISH 5 Loading P aper 6 Printing with Window.
iv Clean ing th e Printer 36 Transportin g the P rinter 37 PROBLEM SOLVING 39 Printer Parts 40 Diagno sing Printer Problems 41 Chec king th e Cont rol Panel L ights 41 Runnin g a Pr inter C heck 43 Pr.
v FCC Com plianc e Stateme nt 59 Declaration of Conformity 60 Epson Americ a, Inc. Limi ted Warran ty 61 INDEX 63.
1 Welcome! For busi ness and pr ofessio nal user s, the E PSON Stylu s ® C80 printer introduce s a new era of superior color de sktop printing. With reso lutions up to 2880 × 720 dpi, it delivers ult ra sharp t ext and clear, vibrant colors at extremely fa st print spe eds—up to 20 ppm for black text print ing.
2 Warnings, Cautions, Notes, and Tip s Please follow t hese guide lines: Viewing Your On-Screen Referen ce Guide Your printer CD-ROM includes an on-screen Reference Guide . It is in HT ML format, so you need a browser—such as Micros oft ® Internet Explorer 3.
3 The Main Me nu appears : 3. Click View Referen ce Guide . You see this screen. 4. You can eith er view the ma nual from the CD-ROM ( View Reference Gui de ) or copy the manual to your hard drive ( Inst all Reference Gui de ) and view it from there. Fo r details o n viewing the man ual , see t he ne xt se ction.
4 When you first open the Reference Guide , you see t his sc reen: Click a to pic on the l eft to ex pand the t able of con tents. Af ter expandin g the tab le of content s, you can click on the to pic you want to view. If there’s a right arrow , click it to view subto pics, then click on a to pic to g o to it.
5 Printing from Start to Finish Here’s what to do to print a basic docum ent—such as a photograph or newsletter— from loadi ng the pa per t o selecting print sett ings to co ntrolling the pri nt job.
6 Loading Paper You can load up to 150 sheets of p lain paper in your printe r’s sheet feeder , as long as your stack do es not com e above the arrow on the printer’ s left edg e guide.
7 Printing wit h Windows This section describes the basic steps for printing with Windows. Make sure you have paper in the printer, as described on page 6. After you create your document in a software prog ram, follo w these s teps to prin t: 1. Fr om the F ile menu , cli ck Print .
8 The most im portan t thing to remember is to set the co rrect Medi a Type for the paper you’re us ing. The printer a utomatica lly adjus ts other set tings to optimize the r esult s for y our me dia. 4. Make the fo llowing sett ings: ■ Choose the Media Type for yo ur pa per (clic k th e arrow to display t he Media Type list).
9 5. Click the Paper tab at the t op o f the window if yo u need to chang e the paper size, num ber of copi es, page or ientati on, or pri ntab le area . 6. Click the La yout tab if you want to reduce or en large your prin ted ima ge, prin t multi ple layout s, or add a wa term ark.
10 For more in formation o n printing—for e xample, using adva nced printer s ettings, previewing your printout, o r adding a watermark—see your on-scree n Reference Guide (described on page 2) or y our printer software online help.
11 Printing on a Macintosh This se ction desc ribes the basic ste ps for printin g on a Macin tosh. Make s ure you have paper in the printer, as described on page 6. After you create your document in a software prog ram, follo w these s teps to prin t: 1.
12 4. From the F ile menu, click Prin t . You see the main printer s ettings dialog box (your dialog box may l ook slightly different). The most im portan t thing to remember is to set the co rrect Medi a Type for the paper you’re us ing. The printer a utomatica lly adjus ts other set tings to optimize the r esult s for y our me dia.
13 6. You can also do the following: ■ Click to reduce o r enlarge yo ur ima ge, print mult iple layo uts, o r add a watermark. ■ Click to contro l background printing. ■ Click to change th e Print but ton to Previe w. You can th en click it to preview your prin tout.
14 For more information o n pr inting—fo r example, us ing advanced settings, prev iewing your prin tout, or a dding a wa termark—s ee your on-scr een Reference Guide (described on page 2). Selecting t he Correct Med ia Type Your printer a utoma tically ad justs itse lf for the type of paper you select in your printer software.
15 Printing On En velopes You can loa d up to 15 envelo pes at a tim e. Follo w these ste ps to prin t on envelo pes: 1. Load th e envelop es short edge firs t again st the rig ht edge of t he sh eet feeder . The printable side should be up, and the flap side should be down and o n the left.
16 Using PhotoEnh ance, Custom, and Advanced Settings When you’re prin ting sp ecial p rojects, you can customize y our printer software settings, as described in these sectio ns: ■ “Enhanci ng .
17 To use PhotoEn hance, set the Mode opti on to PhotoEnh ance in your printe r setting s dialog bo x. If your photo was taken with a digital camera, sele ct Digital Camer a Correction to give your printed images t he appearance of photos taken wit h a film camera.
18 Select on e of th ese set tings: ■ Text (Windows) or Text/Graph (Macintosh): For printing graphics-intensive documents like pres entati ons with charts and graph s.
19 To access the Advanced dialo g box, set the Mode optio n to Custom in your printer settings dialog box. Then click the Advanced button that appears. You see the Adv anced d ialog box : After you custom ize your print set tings on th e Advanced dialo g box, you can save them as a group and r euse them whene ver you p rint a s imilar project .
20 Printing on Both Sid es of th e Paper You can prin t on bo th si des of the p age wi th y our pr inte r’s Double-Sided Printi ng setting. Th is section includes inst ructions for standard doubl e-sided printin g. For inform ation a bout how to crea te singl e-fold bookle ts, see yo ur elec tronic Reference Guid e .
21 2. Windows: Open the printer software from your applicati on. (See page 7 for details.) Choose the Me dia Type for your paper from the Media Type list. Then click the Layout tab and choose Double-Sided Print ing . Macintosh: Select File > Page Setup from your appl ication t o open yo ur print er software’s page setup di alog box.
22 When the odd-numbered p age(s) have prin ted, y ou see an aler t on y our scre en telling you t o reloa d paper. 5. Leave th e printed shee t(s) in your output tray for a m omen t to let them dry: ■ For most docume nts, l et your printout dry for 30 seconds.
23 Maintaining Your Printer This sect ion describe s main tenance procedures to keep yo ur print er working at its be st and prepar ation s teps for mo ving your prin ter.
24 Follow th ese ste ps to run the Head Cleanin g utility: 1. Make sure the prin ter is turne d on but no t printing . The P power light should be on, but not flashing. Neither of the other lights should be flashing or on. You c an’ t clea n the pr int h ead i f the H ink o ut ligh t is fla shing or on.
25 Examining the Nozzle Check Pattern Exam ine the n ozzle chec k pat tern you p rint. It sho uld look s omethin g like this: Each sta ggered horizon tal and straigh t vertica l line sh ould be comple te, with no gaps in the dot p attern. If your pri ntout looks okay, you’re do ne.
26 When an ink cartridge has been installed in your printer for more than six months, you may need to re place it if you notice that your printouts don ’t look as good as the y used to.
27 Checking Your Ink Supply To check your ink supp ly, do one of the fol lowing: ■ Windows: Double-click t he printer icon on your taskbar (in the lower rig ht corne r of your screen). You se e a window like the one on the righ t showing ink levels : You can also double-click the Ink Monitor icon on the taskbar.
28 Ink Cartridge Precautions Replacing an Empty or Low Ink Cartridge Be sure you have a new ink cartridge be fore you begin. Onc e you start the ink cartri dge re place ment p roc edure, you must co mple te all the s teps in one sessi on. Follow th ese steps to repl ace ink cartridg es when t he H ink out l ight is fl ashing or on: 1.
29 3. Press the H ink cartridge replacement button. The print head moves to th e left, and the cartridge that needs to be replace d stop s under th e _ mark. The P power light also begins to flash. 4. Press the H ink cartridge replacement butt on ag ain.
30 5. Pinch the front and back tabs of the empty ca rtri dge as yo u lift it out of the prin ter. Do n’t t ake the used cartrid ge apart or t ry to refill it. 6. Before you remove the new cartridge from its package, shake it four o r five time s. 7.
31 9. Close the printe r cover and press th e H ink cartridge replacem ent button. The print er moves the print h ead and be gins cha rging t he ink delive ry syst em. The P powe r light fl ashes and the printer makes noise . Chargin g takes about o ne minute.
32 5. Press the H ink cartridge replacement button. The print head moves to th e ink cart ridge repl acemen t positi on, and the P power light begins t o flash. 6. Pinch the front and back tabs of the cartridge as you lift i t out of the printer. Don’t take the used cartridge apart or try to refill it.
33 7. Before you remove the new cartridge from its package, shake it four o r five time s. 8. Remove the cartridge fro m its package an d lower it int o the cartridge holder. Push down gently until the new cartri dge clicks in to pla ce. 9. Repeat steps 6 through 8 for each cartridge you want to repla ce.
34 Aligning the Prin t Head If your printo uts cont ain mi salign ed vertical li nes, you ma y need to a lign the print head. Your printer must be connect ed directly to your comp uter, not on a networ k, to use t he Print Head Ali gnment u tilit y. Load plain p aper t hat’s at least 8.
35 4. Look at the first group of line s on the prin tout . Sel ect t he t he li ne w ith t he cleane st, st raig htes t edge s and enter it s number in box #1 on the screen. 5. Select the best line for each of the other group s of line s, and en ter its num ber in the a ppro priat e bo x.
36 Cleaning the Printer To keep your printe r working at its best, you sho uld clean it several tim es a year. 1. Turn off the printer and wait fo r the P power ligh t to go ou t. 2. Unplug the power cord and di sconnect it from the printe r. 3. Disconnect the printe r cable from the printer.
37 Transpor ting t he Printer If you move your p rinter some distance, you need to prepare it for transportation i n its or iginal bo x or on e of a sim ilar s ize. Follow t hese steps: To avoi d damage , alway s leav e the ink cartr idges insta lled when transp orting th e printer.
39 Problem Solving This secti on gives y ou the basics fo r diagnosin g and solving prin ter problems . ■ First se e “Dia gnosin g Printer Proble ms” on p age 41 to he lp dete rmine what the cause of the problem m ay be. ■ Then se e “Probl ems and S olution s” on pa ge 44 for sol utions to comm on setup and printing problem s.
40 Printer Part s Paper support Printer cover Output tray extensions Output tray Left edge guide Right edge guide Ink cartridge holder (not removable) Paper thickness lever Control panel.
41 Diagnosing Printer Problems You can diag nose some probl ems by checking the prin ter’s con trol panel light s, as described in this section, or running a printer check, as described on page 43.
42 H is on One of the ink cartridges is out of ink. Follow the instructions beginning on page 28 to replace the empty cartridge. If the H ink out light remains on after you’ve replaced a cartridge, you may have installed a cartridge your printer can’t use.
43 Runnin g a Printe r Check You can run a pri nter check t o determ ine wheth er a problem come s from the pri nter itself o r some other sou rce. Foll ow these ste ps: 1. Make sure both the printer and compute r are turned off. Then disconnect the interface cable from th e printer.
44 Problems and Solutions Here are s ome trou bleshoot ing tips if you ha ve any p roblems setting up your printer, installing so ftware, or printing. Problems Setting Up the Printer or In stalling Software The printer makes nois e after ink cartridge i nstallation.
45 ■ For Windows 2000 or XP, don’t select Block unde r Control Panel > System> Har dware> Driver Signing ; select Ignore or Warn instea d.
46 Printing is t oo slow. Make sure your syste m meets the requirement s beginning on page 55. If you’re printi ng a high -resol ution imag e, you nee d more than the m inim um requirem ents listed. You may al so need to: ■ Clear space on your h ard disk or run a defragm entatio n utility.
47 ■ Set the p aper thicknes s lever to th e m position . Set the le ver to the ^ position when you prin t on thicker paper or e nvelopes . You ma y also need to turn off High Speed in the prin ter s oftware .
48 ■ Load a new she et of plain paper and press the m paper but ton to ej ect it. Do this se veral tim es. If you st ill have a pro blem, ink ma y have leaked ins ide the printer. O pen the printer co ver and wipe the are a circled i n the illustra tion below with a soft, clean cl oth.
49 ■ The color p rofiles bui lt into yo ur prin ter s oftwa re auto mati call y reference your monitor prof ile. Make sure tha t your monitor is calibra ted correctly. ■ Try experim enting wi th the Gam ma setti ng on the A dvanc ed dialog box; see p age 18 for information about accessing the Advanced dialog box .
50 Paper doesn’t feed correctly or jams in th e pr in ter . ■ If pa per doe sn’t feed , remo ve it from th e sheet feed er, relo ad it against the right edge, then slide th e left edge guide ag ainst t he paper.
51 You see in corre ct charac ters. ■ Make sure the in terface c able is securely connecte d and meets t he system requ irem ents on pa ge 5 5 or page 56. Then try printing again. ■ Make sure your prin ter is selected in your a pplicati on, or as the acti ve prin ter in t he Ma cinto sh Ch ooser.
52 Uninstalling Printer Software If you need to uninstall and then reinstall your printer softw are, such as when you upgrade your co mputer operat ing s ystem, foll ow thes e st eps: Uninstalling Windo ws Software 1. On your Windows Start me nu, click Programs ( All Programs for Windows XP).
53 Reinstalling Printer Software Before reinstalling your printer software, first uninstall it as described on p age 52. Then follow the instructi ons below.
54 EPSON Techn ical Sup port EPSON provides technical assistance 24 hours a day through the ele ctronic support services an d automate d telep hone se rvices lis ted in th e following table: To speak to a technical support repre sentative, dial: ■ U.
55 Requirements and Notices This chapter i ncludes syste m requirements, safet y instructio ns, legal no tices, and o ther important inform atio n. Windows System Requirements To use your p rinter and.
56 Macintosh System Requirements To use your p rinter and its software, y our system sho uld have: ■ An Apple ® iMac ™ series or Power Macintosh ® G3 or G4 with bu ilt-in USB port ■ Mac ® OS 8.
57 ENERGY STAR Compliance As an EN ERGY STAR Pa rtner, EPSON has d etermined that this product meets t he ENERGY STAR guidelin es for energy efficiency.
58 ■ Always tur n the prin ter off us ing the P power bu tton. The P power light flashes briefl y and then goes off. Don’t swi tch off the power strip or unplug t he printer until th e P power light is o ff. ■ Do not block or cover the op enings in the pr inter ’s case or ins ert obje cts th rough the sl ots.
59 FCC Compliance Statement For Unite d Sta tes User s This equipment has been tested and foun d to comply with t he limits for a Cl ass B digital devi ce, pursuant t o Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These li mits are designed to provide reas onable protection agai nst h armf ul inte rfer enc e in a r esiden tia l inst alla tio n.
60 Declaration of Conform ity Accordin g to 47C FR, Part 2 and 15 for Class B Perso nal Comp uters and Peripherals ; and/or CPU Boards and Power Supplies used with Class B Pers onal Computers: We: E PSON AMERICA, INC.
61 Epson America, Inc. Limited Warranty What Is Covere d: Epson America, Inc . (“Epson ”) warrants to t he first retail purchaser tha t the EPSON printer covered by this limit ed warranty st ateme.
63 Index A Accessor ies, 26, 54 Adva nce d sett ings , 18 to 19 Aligning print head, 34 t o 35 B Bandin g, 46 to 47 Blank pages, 50 Blurry im ages, 47 Browser, 2 C Cable, printer , 55 to 56 Characte r.
64 Ink ca rtri dge checking ink levels, 27 replac ing, 25 to 33 safety instruct ions, 58 Ink Jet Tr ansparencies, 14 Ink le vel , 9 , 25, 27 , 31 Ink Monitor ico n, 27 Ink setting, 8, 12 Instal lation.
65 Pri ntin g advan ced , 18 to 19 contro lling , 9, 13 duplex, 20 to 22 Macint osh, 11 to 14 on envelop es, 15 slow, 46 Windows, 7 to 10 with custom project types , 17 to 18 with Phot oEnhance , 16 t.
72 EPSON Ink Je t Papers Use EPSON paper and i nks to get the best result s from your EP SON printer! E PSON papers are specially designed to work with EPSON quick drying inks. Premium Bright White Paper Premium Bright White Paper has a sleek, ultra-smooth surface, and 108+ bri ghtness.
How To Order EPSON Ink and Paper To order EPSON ink cartridges and paper, cal l (800) 873-7766 or visit the EPSON Store at (U.S. sales only).
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Epson Stylus C80N (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Epson Stylus C80N heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Epson Stylus C80N vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Epson Stylus C80N leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Epson Stylus C80N krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Epson Stylus C80N bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Epson Stylus C80N kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Epson Stylus C80N . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.