Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Stylus Color 480SX van de fabrikant Epson
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Printer Basics Printed on recycled paper. English.
ii Copyright Notice All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, m echanical, photocopying, reco rding, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION.
iii Contents WELCOME! 1 About Y our Soft ware 1 About Your Documentation 3 Warnings, Cau tions, No tes, and Ti ps 3 Windows S ystem Requir ements 4 Important Safety Instructions 5 Ink Cartrid ge Safet.
iv MAINTAINING YOUR PRINTER 21 Cleaning the Print Head 21 Print ing a Nozzl e Chec k 22 Using th e Head Cle aning Ut ility 23 Aligning the Print Head 24 Replacing an Ink Cartridge 25 Ink Cartridg e Pr.
1 Welcome! Y our EPSON S tylus ® COLOR 480S X is a user-friendly , photo quality p rinter that’ s perfe ct for printi ng all your home proje cts—from ho mewo rk assignments and env elopes to ful l-color gre eting car ds and banners .
2 ■ Y ou r bonus softw are: If you ha ven ’ t yet in stalle d the pri nter so ftwa re or Refere nce Guide from your CD-R OM, see the Sta rt Her e sheet for instr uct ions.
3 About Your Documentation T o set up your pr inter and i n stall its softwar e, see th e Star t Here sheet. This bo ok conta ins syste m requirem ents, im porta nt saf ety in format ion, an d inst ru.
4 Windows System Requirements T o use your printer and its soft ware, y our system should ha ve: ■ An IBM ® compatible PC with at least a 486/66 MHz (for Windo ws 98), Pe n t i u m ® 133 MHz (fo r Windo ws 2000), or 486/25 MHz (for Wi ndow s 95 or Wind ows NT ® 4.
5 Important Safety Instructions Before us ing yo ur prin ter , read the fo llowing safety inst ru ctions to mak e sure you use the printer safely and e ffectively: ■ Be sur e to follow all warnings and instructions marked on the printer . ■ U se only the typ e of power source ind icated on the printer’ s label.
6 ■ U nplug the printe r befor e cleaning. Clean with a damp cloth only . Do not sp ill liquid on the printer . ■ Except as specif ically explained i n this manual, do not attempt to service the printe r yo urself. ■ U npl ug the printe r and refer to your war ranty on page 48 fo r ser vice inst ructi ons.
7 Viewing Your Electronic Printer Manual Y our pr inter so ftware CD-R OM includes an e lectro nic Reference Guide for your printer . The manual is in HTML format, so you need a browser—such as Internet Exp lore r or N etscape N avigator , ve rsion 3.
8 Navigating Your Electronic Printer Manual When yo u first open the Reference Guide , you see this screen: Click a topic on the left to ex pand the table of contents. A fter expan ding the table of contents, you can click on the topic you want to vie w .
9 Printing from Start to Finish Her e’ s what to do to print a basic document—such as a memo, newsletter , or photo graph—fro m loading the pa per to s electing print settings to controlling the print job. F ollow the instructions in “Basi c P rinting” below .
10 Keep the follow ing in mind when load ing p aper: ■ Load the printable side face up . It’ s usually whiter or brighter than the other side. ■ Load l e tte rhead or prepr inted pap er into the print er to p ed ge firs t. ■ Don ’ t load paper above the arro w on the left edge guide.
11 Make the follo w ing sel e ctions o n the P rint dialog box: ■ Mak e s u re EPSON St ylus COLOR 480 is se lected. ■ Click the Properties button. (If you s ee a Setup , Printer , or Options butt on, click it. Th en clic k Properties on the next screen.
12 Make the following settings on the Properties dialog box: ■ Choose the pa per y ou ’ re pr inti ng on (c lick the arrow to scroll through the Media Type list ). If you ’ re not sure which se tting to sel e ct, see page 19. ■ Set the Ink option to Color to print a color document.
13 Controlling P rinting At the Print dialo g box, click OK (or maybe Print ) to star t printing. After a mome nt, the P rog ress Meter appears and shows th e progress of your pr int job. Y ou can use the buttons to cancel, pause, or restart printing.
14 Using Pho toEnhance, Custom, and Advanced Settin gs Whe n you ’ re prin ting s pecial projec ts, you can cu stomi ze your printer softw are settin gs, as describe d in th ese secti ons: ■ “U .
15 Using Cust om Settings Y our printer s oftware inclu des custom project types with preset pr inting opt ions. This lets you quic kly select a co lor-m atching meth od for your pro ject.
16 Using Special P a pers Ho w can you get the best-looking photos, most vivid colors, and sharpest text? Alway s use EPSO N’ s speci al ink jet paper s. Instr ucti ons fo r prin ting on EPSO N Photo P a per and on envel opes are given in the following section s.
17 4 × 6-inch Photo Paper EPSON 4 × 6-inc h Ph oto P aper is micro-perf orated ar ound the e dges so you can trim your printo uts and “bleed” the photo— extend it to the edge of the paper — on all sides.
18 Panoramic Photo Paper 1. Load one s heet of P anoramic paper , glossy side up . 2. Choose Photo Paper as the M edia T ype sett ing an d Panoramic 210 × 594 mm as the P aper Size setting in your printer software.
19 Selecting the Correct Media Type Y our printer automatic ally adjusts itse lf for the typ e of pap er you se lect i n yo ur prin ter softwa re . That’ s why the M edia T ype setting is so important. It tell s your printer what kind of paper you ’ re using and adju sts the ink coverage accor dingly .
21 Maintaining Your Printer This sect ion describ es maint enance proced ures to keep your pr inter wo rking at its best and prepara tion ste ps for m oving you r printe r .
22 Printing a Nozz le Check F ollow these steps to run the Nozzle Check utility: 1. Make sure the printe r is plugg ed in but not printin g. 2. Right-click the Status Monitor 3 icon on you r Window s taskbar , then se lect Noz zle Chec k in the menu that appears.
23 Using the He ad Cleani ng Utility F ollow th ese steps t o run the H ead Cleaning util ity: 1. Make sure the pr inter is plugged in b ut not printing. 2. Right-click the S tatus Monitor 3 icon o n you r Windows tas kba r , then select Head Clea ning in the menu that appears.
24 If an y dots are mi ssin g, cl ick Cle an and follow the inst ructions on the scr een to clean the print head again. If you don ’ t see any improvement after cleani n g three or four times, check the solutions in “Pr oblems Getting Go od P rint Qu ality” on page 36.
25 3. Click Next to print an alignment page. Y ou see this window: 4. On th e printe d page, s elect the pattern that shows the two vertic al lines most pr ecisely printed on top o f each other .
26 U s e these EPSON i nk cartri dges within six mo nths of installing them and bef ore the expira tion date on the package: ■ Black ink cartri dge: T013201 (U.
27 Replacin g a Low or Empt y Ink Cart ridge When S tatus Mo nitor 3 indicates that ink levels are lo w o r you ’ re out of ink, you see one of th ese win dows: Before you begi n, make sure you have a new ink cartridge and have read the ink cart ridge p recautio ns above.
28 Repla cing an Outd ated In k Cart ridge If you need to replace an ink cartridge before you see a S tatus Monitor 3 messag e , foll ow the steps he re to use th e Ink Car tridg e Replacem ent ut ility . Before you begin, ma ke sure you ’ ve read the ink cartrid ge precautions on p age 26.
29 Cleani ng the Printer T o keep your printer working at its best, you should clean it several times a year . F ollow th ese steps: 1. U nplug th e printe r’ s po wer cor d and disconnec t the pri nter c able. 2. Remove all the paper from the sh eet feeder .
30 Transporting th e Printer If you mo ve your printer some distance, you need to prepare it for transpor tation in its original box or one of a s imilar size. F ollow these steps: 1. Plug in the printer , wait until the print head locks in the far right position, then unplug the printer .
31 Problem Solving Because y our printer constantly monitors its status, it will r epo rt to you if it has a problem su ch as jam med pape r or low ink levels. It does this by d isplaying an EPSON Status M onitor 3 wind ow on your screen telling you what the problem is and guiding you through th e solution steps.
32 Identifyi ng Printer Parts If you need help identif ying the parts of the printer , refer to these illus trations: sheet feeder left edge guide printer cover paper support ink cartridge holders (do.
33 Problem s and Solution s Her e are some ba sic trouble shoot ing tips if you have any probl ems set ting up your printer , installing s oftware, getting go od print q uality , f eeding paper , or ot her miscella neous probl ems. F or additio nal tips, se e your electronic Reference Gui de as desc ribe d on pa ge 7.
34 Problems with Printing The printe r is plugged in and connect ed, but nothin g prints. If your co mputer can ’ t send the print job successf ully , you may see a communication err o r windo w on your scr een.
35 Printing is too slow . Make sure yo ur system meets the r equirements listed on page 4. If you ’ re printing a high-resoluti on image, you need more than the minimum r equirements listed. Y ou may also need to: ■ Clear space on your har d disk or run a defragmentation utility .
36 Problems Getting Good Print Quality You see banding . ■ Make sure the print head noz zles are not clogged. T o clean the p rint head, see page 21. ■ Make sure the M edia T ype setting matches the paper you loaded. See page 19 fo r guidelines. ■ Make sure the printable side o f the paper is fa ce up.
37 Your printout is faint or has gaps in the im age. ■ Make sur e the print head nozzles ar e not clogged. T o clean the print he ad, see page 21. ■ If you ’ re low on ink, you ’ll see a lo w ink error window . Click How To and follo w the on-scr een instructio ns to install a new cartridge.
38 You see incorrect characters. ■ Make s ure th e printe r cable is securely co nnected and that th e cable mee ts the system requirements on page 4.
39 Paper doesn’t feed. Y ou may se e a paper not lo aded correctly erro r window on your sc reen. Remove the stack of pa per from t he sheet feed er . Then ch eck that the p aper: ■ Isn ’ t curled or crease d ■ Is n ’ t too old ■ Is n ’ t loaded above the arrow on the left ed ge guid e ■ I sn ’ t jammed i nside the print er .
40 Solving Miscella neous Prin tout Pro blems The margins are incorrect. ■ Make su re the pa per setti ngs i n your p rinter softwa re are correct for y our pap er size. See the electro nic Reference Gu ide for instruc tions. ■ Check y our softw are d ocumentatio n for instructions on select ing the corr ect margins f or your paper size.
41 4. If your printer is connected to your computer’ s USB port, click EPSON US B Printer Devices in the program list; then click Add/Remove or Chang e / Remove again. 5. Restart your compute r , then follow the instru ctions o n the Sta rt Here sheet to reinst all yo ur so ftwa re.
42 T o speak t o a technical support repre senta tiv e, dial one of the numb ers belo w from 6 AM to 6 PM , P acific T ime, Monday through F riday . T oll or long distance charges may apply .
43 Index Numerics 360 dp i Ink Jet Paper, 19 4 x 6-in ch Photo Pape r, 16 to 17 A Accessories, 26, 42 Advanced settings, 15 Aligning pr int head, 24 t o 25, 36 Autom atic mode, 11 to 12 B Bandin g, 18.
44 I ICM ( Image Co lor Ma tchi ng) s etti ng, 1 5 Incorrect characters, 38 Incorrec t colors, 3 7 Ink cartri dge order ing, 26 replac ing lo w or e mpty, 27 repl acing outd ated , 28 safety instructi.
45 Probl ems instal ling software, 33 miscellaneous, 40 paper fee ding, 38 to 39 print quality, 36 t o 38 print i ng, 34 to 35 sett ing up pri nte r, 3 3 Progress Mete r, 13 Project ty pes, custom, 15.
47 FCC Complianc e Statement For United States Users This equipm ent has been teste d and found to comply wit h the l imits fo r a Clas s B digita l device, pursuan t to Part 15 of the FCC Rul es. These limit s are designed to provide reasonable protection against harm ful interference in a residential instal lation.
48 EPSON AMERICA, INC . LIMITED WARRANTY What is Covered: Epson America, Inc. (“Epson”) warrants to the first end-user customer that the Epson printer covered by this l imited warranty statement, .
How To Order EPSON Ink and Paper To order EPSON i nk cartridges and paper, contact your dealer or call EPSON at (800) 873-7766 or visit our web site at www.ep s (U.S. sales only). In Canada, please call (8 00) 873-7766 for dealer referral. I nk Cartridge s : Bla ck T013201 (U.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Epson Stylus Color 480SX (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Epson Stylus Color 480SX heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Epson Stylus Color 480SX vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Epson Stylus Color 480SX leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Epson Stylus Color 480SX krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Epson Stylus Color 480SX bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Epson Stylus Color 480SX kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Epson Stylus Color 480SX . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.