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Edition Jul y 2007 CentricStor V3.1D User Guide.
Comments … Suggestions … Correctio ns … The Us er Docu mentation Department wo uld lik e t o know y our opini on on th is ma nual. Y our feedb ack helps us to opt imize our docu mentatio n to su it yo ur ind ividual n eeds . F eel free to send us y our co mments b y e-mail to : manu als@fuj i tsu-si emens .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 Contents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 9 1.1 Objective and target group f or the manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1.2 Concept of the manual . . . .
U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Contents 2.6 Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 8 2.6.1 Creati ng the Centr icStor data m aintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.6.2 Issuing a mount job from the hos t .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 Contents 4.1.3 System a dministrator acti vities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Adding a logical volume group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Adding a ph ysical v olume group .
U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Contents 5.2.3 GXCC in ot her systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 5.2.4 Screen d isplay require ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 5.2.5 Managi ng Centri cStor via SN MP .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 Contents 6.1.6 Block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Status infor mation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Object i nf o r mation and obj ect-related functions .
U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Contents 6.2.7 Configura tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 RAID Filesy stems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Logical V olume G roups .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 Contents Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 7.3.2 Config . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 7.3.3 T ools . . . . . . .
U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Contents Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 Profile . . . . . . .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 Contents Scan Now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 40 Interaction Ti meout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 8.3.5 T ools . . . . . . . . .
U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Contents Abor t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 Enlarge Font / Reduc e F ont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 T ab Stop In ter v al .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 Contents 8.10 Vir tual 3490 driv es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 1 8.10.1 Objec t informatio n and error messages f o r vir tua l 3490 dr ives . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 Error con ditions indicated on the display .
U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Contents 8.17 RAID sy stems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 11 8.17.1 Object i nf or mation on RAI D systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 8.17.2 Functio ns of RAID syste ms .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 Contents 8.23.3 Global fu nctions for tape dr iv es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432 Remove Symbols of all Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433 8.24 MSGMGR (Message M anager) .
U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Contents 9.2.12 SXMM.. . (Message Man ager) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459 9.2.13 SXPL. .. (PLM: Physical Librar y Mana ger) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 9.2.14 SXPS... (PLS: P h y sical Librar y Ser ver) .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 Contents Activating the con figuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548 Changes in central files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548 12.1.3 Monitor ing Cent ricStor .
U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Contents 12.4 Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572 12.4.1 Xpdf, gzip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572 Preamble . . . .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 19 1I n t r o d u c t i o n With Cen tricStor, a vir tual tape robot system i s placed in f ront of the rea l tape robot s ystem (with t he real dr ives and car tr idges) . In this way the host and the real archive are fully decoup led.
20 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Objective and tar g et group f or the manual Introdu ction The ho st is c onnected u sing the following c onnection tec hnolo gies: ● ESCON channels ● FibreCha nnel ● FICO.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 21 Introduc tion Notational conventions Global Status The Glo bal Statu s Monitor p rovides a graphical display of all imp or tant op erating data i n a win do w . XTCC The program X TCC is used ma inly to monit or the ind ividual Cent ricStor c omputers ( ISPs) inclu ding the pe ripheral devices conn ected to th e compute rs.
Eine Dokuschab lone v on F r ank Flacheneck er b y f .f . 1992.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 23 2 CentricStor - Vir tual T ape Library 2.1 The CentricStor principle Con ventional host r obot system Figure 1: Conv entional host robot system In a c on ventional r eal host r obot system , the hos t system req uests cer tain data car tr idges to be mo unted in a d efined real tape dr iv e.
24 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 The CentricStor princi ple CentricSt or - Virtual Tape Libr ary Host robot system with Ce ntricStor Figure 2: Host robot system with Cen tricStor With Ce ntricS tor , a vir tua l archive system is inst alled upstr eam of the r eal archi ve system with th e physical dr ives and data car tri dges.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 25 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y The CentricStor principle As so on as a mo unt job is issued, th e Librar y Man ager che c ks whethe r the req uested volume is already i n the dis k cach e. If so , the volume is immedi ately r eleased f o r proces sing by the appli cation.
26 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Hardw are architecture CentricSt or - Virtual Tape Libr ary 2.2 Har dware ar chitectur e Figure 3: Example of a CentricStor configuration In this e xample, Centr icStor compr is.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 27 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y Hard war e arch itec tur e 2.2.1 I SP (Integra ted Ser vice Processor ) Centr icStor i s a group of se ver al p rocessors, each r unni ng special software (UNI X der ivativ e) as the operating system.
28 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Hardw are architecture CentricSt or - Virtual Tape Libr ary 2.2.1. 2 ICP (Integr ated Channel Processor) The ICP is the inte rf ace to the host syst ems conn ected in the overall system .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 29 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y Hard war e arch itec tur e I DP (Integr ated Device Processor) The IDP is the inte rf ace to the connected t ape dr ives. Figure 6: Internal and external IDP connections The IDP is respons ible f o r communica tion with rea l tape dr ives.
30 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Hardw are architecture CentricSt or - Virtual Tape Libr ary 2.2.2 RAID sys tems fo r the T ape V olume Cach e A TVC ( T ape V olum e Cache) is t he hear t o f the entire v ir tual arch ive system. It represe nts all o f the T ape File S ystems i n which th e logic al volumes can be stor ed tempo rarily .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 31 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y Hard war e arch itec tur e The me tadata of the l ogical volumes to be written or read is stored on the 1st RA ID system, as a r esult of w hich the usa b le cap acity of thi s RAID system i s reduced b y 16 G B.
32 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Software architectur e CentricSt or - Virtual Tape Libr ary This SA N-based des ign means that e ach Centr icStor com ponent is in a position to ac cess the TV C .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 33 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y S oftw are a rchi tec tur e Figure 8: Cent ral role of the VLP in a CentricStor configuration 1 VLP (Vir tual L ibrary Processor) The V LP is res ponsible for the coordi nation o f the enti re Centr icStor system.
34 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Software architectur e CentricSt or - Virtual Tape Libr ary VLM (Virtual Library Manager) Each rob ot job fr om the reques ting host s ystem is reg istered in the VLM. T o s uppor t the librar ies, correspon ding emulation s (VLMF , V AM U , V A CS, VDAS , VJUK) are used in Centr icStor.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 35 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y Operation 2.4 Operation Centr icStor i s operated vi a the graphical user inter f a ces GXCC (G lobal Exte nded Contr ol Cente r) and XTCC (E xtended T ap e Control Center). Thes e are used t o perform al l admini stration an d configu ration tas ks.
36 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Administering the tape cartridges CentricSt or - Virtual Tape Libr ary 2.5.2 Repeated writing of a logical v olume onto tape If a logic al volume which has alrea dy been sav ed onto tape is writte n to tape a second tim e follo wing an update, the fi rst backup will be d eclared invalid.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 37 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y Administering the tape cartridges 2.5.4 R eorganization of the tape car tridges When a logical volume is rel eased by the host’ s v olume managem ent f acili ty (e.
38 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Pr ocedures CentricSt or - Virtual Tape Librar y 2.6 Pr ocedures 2.6.1 Cr eating the Centri cStor data maintenance Init ial sit uat ion : Centr icStor i s installed an d configu red. As yet, there i s no data on the RAID syste m.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 39 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y Procedu res 2.6.2 Issuing a mount job fr o m the host Init ial sit uat ion : The lo gical volume L V0005 is already l ocated on the physical volume PV0002. Figure 14: Procedure for a mount job A mount job is ex ecut ed as follows: 1.
40 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Pr ocedures CentricSt or - Virtual Tape Librar y Dependin g on whether the logica l volume is sti ll in the RAID system or is only on a physical volume, the follo wing two situatio ns ari se: Case 1: The volume is migrated to ta pe and is no longer located in th e RAID syst em.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 41 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y Procedu res Case 2: The l ogical volume has be en modifi ed. a) The VLM i nf or ms the PL M that the logi cal volume is to be copied o nto tape.
42 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Pr ocedures CentricSt or - Virtual Tape Librar y 2.6.3 Scratch mount T o prev ent read ing in from the physical medium in cases wh ere a log ical volume is to b e rewritten anyw ay , under c er tain ci rcumstanc es Centr icStor perfor ms a “scratch mo unt”.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 43 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y New system functions 2.7 Ne w system functions Centr icStor V ersio n 3.1C for the first t ime provides the option of c reating log ical volumes (L Vs ) more than 2 GB i n size as a standard f ea ture.
44 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Standar d system functions CentricSt or - Virtual Tape Libr ary 2.8 Standar d system functions The following functi ons are sta ndard in ev er y Centr icStor system: ● P ar tit ioning by volume groups ● “Call H ome” in t he e vent of an error ● SNMP s uppor t ● Expor ting and impor ting tape car trid ges 2.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 45 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y Standard system functions 2.8.3 SNMP support It is po ssible to integrate C entricS tor into re mote moni toring by an SNMP Managem ent Stat ion such as “CA Uni center” or “ Tivoli”.
46 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Standar d system functions CentricSt or - Virtual Tape Libr ary 2.8.4. 1 V au lt attribute and vault st atus The vault attr ibute is ass igned to a physical volume group (PV G) by means of th e GXCC functio n Co nfig ur ation ➟ Ph ysical V olum e Gr oups in the Ty p e entr y field (see page 1 87 ).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 47 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y Optional system functions 2.9 Optional sy stem functions Centr icStor i s av ailable in a variety of confi guration levels , in ea ch of which fur ther custom er-specifi c e xtensions (e.g.
48 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Optional system fun ctions CentricStor - Vi rtual Tape Library 2.9.1 Compr ession The fi gure below illu strates the pr incip le of software compress ion of log ical volumes: Fi.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 49 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y Optional system functions In BS20 00/OSD (“H OST” attri b ute), c ompressi on is controll ed on the ba sis of th e tape type: – T APE-C3: compression off – T APE-C4: compression on In UNIX, th e compres sion set ting can be s elected by the device node s.
50 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Optional system fun ctions CentricStor - Vi rtual Tape Library All supp or ted robo t archive types ar e per mitted: – ADIC AML syst ems (wit h D AS) – ADIC scalar system s .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 51 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y Optional system functions Figure 17: Example of Dual Sa ve functionality In acc ordance with the a ssignment rules f or the v olume group .
52 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Optional system fun ctions CentricStor - Vi rtual Tape Library 2.9.4 Ext ending virtual drives This option a llows you to incre ase the numb er of lo gical dr ives from the standard 32 per ICP to up to 6 4 per ICP . This m akes it possible to ope rate up to 256 logical dr ives in a sing le Centr icStor sy stem.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 53 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y Optional system functions If the “automati c VLP f ailov er” functi on has been activated, the following actions are no longer per mit.
54 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Optional system fun ctions CentricStor - Vi rtual Tape Library 3. A fter the de f e ctive processor has been re paired, it i s integrated onc e again into the ov erall syst em and takes over the role of t he SVLP: Figure 20: Act iv ation of the def ec tiv e processor for the SV LP The statu s, i.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 55 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y Optional system functions 2.9.8 Cache Mirroring Feature 2.9. 8.1 Gen era l Centr icStor V3 .1 provides u sers with enha nced data se curity and greater prote ction agains t data loss through disas ters, promptly f or all nea rline data .
56 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Optional system fun ctions CentricStor - Vi rtual Tape Library 2.9.8. 3 Software r equirements The “ vtlsmirr” key must have been rea d in and e nabled f or the m irror funct ion.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 57 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y Optional system functions M irrored RAID systems A mir rored Centr icStor s ystem has 1 to a maxi mum of 4 RAID mirror pa irs.
58 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Optional system fun ctions CentricStor - Vi rtual Tape Library Presentation of th e mirror function in GXCC In GXC C the mirror functions of a double RAID system ar e indica ted by two arrows .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 59 Cent ricS tor - Virt ual Tape Li brar y Optional system functions 2.9.9 Accounting On the one hand th is function per mits the ac counting data of lo gical volume groups t o be displa yed in GXCC (see t he section “St atistics » Usage (Acc ounting) ” on page 29 3 ).
Eine Dokuschab lone v on F rank Flachenec k er b y f .f . 1992.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 61 3 Switc hing CentricStor o n/off IMPORT ANT! The vendor recom mends tha t Centric Stor shoul d not be switched off. This sh ould only be done in exceptio nal circu mstances. 3.1 Switching Cent ricStor on Before s witchin g Centric Stor on, you must ensure that t he units w ith which Centr icStor is to communicate, i.
62 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Switchin g CentricStor off Switching Ce ntricStor on /off Using G XCC or X TCC check t hat all the necessar y Ce ntri cStor proce sses are r unni ng (all proc esso r bo xes must be g reen ).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 63 4 Selected system administrator activities 4.1 Par titioning on the basis of volume groups 4.1. 1 General By par titioni ng on the b asis of volume gro ups, it is po ssible to co mbine cer tain lo gical volumes to for m a logi cal volume grou p ( LV G ) and ce r tain physical volumes to f or m a physical volume group ( PV G ).
64 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 P artitioning on the basis of vo lume grou ps Selec ted system adminis trator activi ties Figure 27: Example of par titioning on the basis of v olume groups 4.1.2 Rul es Logical volume groups: – It is po ssible to con figure u p to 512 lo gical volume group s.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 65 Sele cted sy stem adm inist rator activi ties Pa rtitioning on the basis of volume groups Physical v olume groups: – It is po ssible to con figure u p to 100 physical volume grou ps 1 . By default, Centr icStor always has at least two physical volume groups (“BA SE” and “TR- L V G”).
66 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 P artitioning on the basis of vo lume grou ps Selec ted system adminis trator activi ties A dding a logical volume group ● The f orm and det ail ed inf ormatio n are prov ide d in th e section “Logical V olume Groups” on page 1 73 1.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 67 Sele cted sy stem adm inist rator activi ties Pa rtitioning on the basis of volume groups A dding ph ysical volumes to a physical v olume group Only ph ysical v o lu mes con taine d in the ph ysical libr ary ma y be specifi ed.
68 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 P artitioning on the basis of vo lume grou ps Selec ted system adminis trator activi ties Changing logical v olumes to another gr oup ● The form an d detaile d information are provided in the sec tion “L ogical V olum e Opera- tions » Change V o lume Grou p” on page 20 9 .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 69 Sele cted sy stem adm inist rator activi ties Pa rtitioning on the basis of volume groups R emoving physical v olumes from a physical volume group Only sc ratch tapes wh.
70 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Cache management Selec ted system adminis trator activi ties 4.2 Cach e management This functionali ty enables ind ividual cache file s ystems t o be reser ved f or exclusive use by particular L V g roup s.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 71 Sele cted sy stem adm inist rator activi ties Dual Save The sp ecificatio n of whether a logical volume group is defined as “FLOA TING” or with cache residen ce in a par ti c.
72 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Dual Save Selec ted system adminis trator activi ties 4.3. 2 System a dministrat or acti vities Assigning a logical vo lume gro up to two ph y sical v olume gr oups ● The form and detailed inf or mation ar e provided in the section “ Ph ysic al V olume Oper a- tions » Link/Unl ink V olum e Groups” on page 221 .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 73 Sele cted sy stem adm inist rator activi ties Reorganization 4.4 R eorgan izatio n A br ief overview of the reorganizati on of tape car tr idges can b e f ound on page 37 . 4.4.1 Wh y do we need reor ganization? Reorga nization s are perfor med for the following f our reas ons: 1.
74 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Reorga nization Select ed system administra tor activi ties 4. Physical volume i naccessi ble status The PL M can no lon ger acces s the physical volume. This ca n be due to the following reasons: – The robot cannot access the physical volume.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 75 Sele cted sy stem adm inist rator activi ties Reorganization 4.4.3 When is a reor ganization perfor med? Depen ding on the type of ev ent or status which trig gers reorgani zation, the PLM perf or ms reorgani zation eith er immediately afte r the e v ent occurs or within a configurable time of day interv al.
76 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Reorga nization Select ed system administra tor activi ties Once t he number of sc ratch tapes rea ches the hard limit aga in, the “a ll clear” i s given (see page 76 ): SXPL01 1 .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 77 Sele cted sy stem adm inist rator activi ties Reorganization Only ph ysical v olum es in rea d s tatus on whic h the relati v e prop or tion of valid d ata is less than the p ercenta ge value config ured in the Fill Grade par amete r are taken into accou nt.
78 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Reorga nization Select ed system administra tor activi ties 4.4.5 Own p h ysical v olume s for reorganization bac kup The PLM d istinguish es between backup requ ests from the host and ba ckup requests which are caused by a reorganiz ation.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 79 Sele cted sy stem adm inist rator activi ties Reorganization 4.4.7 Configuration parameters All conf iguration p arameters ca n be set s pecifical ly for each physical volume group.
80 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Reorga nization Select ed system administra tor activi ties When th e percentag e of valid dat a on a physical volume which is i n wri te statu s and is not cur rently mounted i.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 81 Sele cted sy stem adm inist rator activi ties Cleaning physical drives PLM Refres h Inter val Numbe r of da ys afte r which the physical volumes in this group are to be recopi ed. The count s tar ts with the d a y on whic h the physical volume s witched from scrat ch s tatus to write st atus.
82 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Synchr onization of the system time using NTP Selec ted system adminis trator activi ties 4.6 Synchr onization of the system time using NTP In Cent ricStor the configura tion with reg ard to NTP is carr ied out automatical ly , whi ch mean s that the file /etc/ntp.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 83 5 Operating an d monitoring CentricStor 5.1 T echnical design 5.1. 1 General Centr icStor moni toring and operatio n is carr ied out o n two le vels b y GXCC and XTCC.
84 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 T echnical design Operat ing and mo nitoring Cen tricStor GXCC (G lobal Exte nded Con trol Center ) is a pro gr am wit h an X us er interface that provid es a comp lete graphica.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 85 Operating and monito ring CentricS tor Technica l design The fi gure below shows the components and the co nnection s used for control and monitor ing (t he Fibre Ch annel networ.
86 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 T echnical design Operat ing and mo nitoring Cen tricStor In this con figuration GXCC runs on the remote c omputer (e.g. Windows PC) and us es the interfaces of its user inte rf ace directl y . At s hor t inter vals GX CC inquires of the Centr icStor VLP whet her there is new data.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 87 Operating and monito ring CentricS tor Technica l design 5.1.3 Monitoring structure within a Centr icStor ISP The figur e on page 89 c ontains a mor e detailed r epresentat ion of how GXCC moni tors the indiv idual Centr icStor co ntrol co mponents.
88 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 T echnical design Operat ing and mo nitoring Cen tricStor The ta b le below li sts the cont rol compon ents: GXCC/XT CC can also r un on S INIX-Z/Solar is/LINUX/Wi ndows systems whic h are indepen dent of Centr icStor .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 89 Operating and monito ring CentricS tor Technica l design Figure 32: Monitoring structure in CentricSt or (e xample VT A 2000-500 0) Screen Keyboard Mo use ESCON, FICO N or FC hos.
90 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 T echnical design Operat ing and mo nitoring Cen tricStor 5.1.4 Operat ing modes GXCC recognizes the following thre e user p rivil ege lev els: Service mode Access to all Centr icStor fu nctions availab le via GXCC .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 91 Operating and monito ring CentricS tor Operator configur ation 5.2 Operator configuration 5.2.1 B asic co nfiguration Withou t requir ing additio nal hard ware or fur ther sof tw.
92 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Operator c onfiguration Operat ing and mo nitoring Cen tricStor 5.2.3 GXCC in other sy stems GXCC can also be i nstalled an d is ex e cutable in Windows 9 8/NT/2000 /XP , LINUX and SOLA RIS systems. An ins tallation CD is supplie d with each Ce ntricS tor .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 93 Operating and monito ring CentricS tor Operator configur ation S NMP and GX CC Monitor ing and operation of Cen tricSt or by GXCC run s independen tly of SN MP . In addit ion, howe ver , Ce ntri cStor also of f ers the ba sic func tions requir ed f or man agement via an SNMP station.
94 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Operator c onfiguration Operat ing and mo nitoring Cen tricStor The fi gure below shows some of the pos sible configurations f or an SNM P manager for connec ting GXTXCC to the .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 95 Operating and monito ring CentricS tor Starting GXCC – The GUI s oftware must be in stalled explicitly o n the works tation for operation of GXCC outside Ce ntricStor . A CD with GXCC (GUI CD) i s provided free with each Centr icStor.
96 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Starting GXCC Operating and monitoring CentricSto r The ta b le below li sts the po ssible star t paramete rs: Pa r a me t e r Meaning C omment -aspect 1 <para m> Size and.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 97 Operating and monito ring CentricS tor Starting GXCC T o star t in User m ode, use: gxcc <other parameters> & or GXCC -user <parameters> & T o star t in Obs er v e mode, use: GXCC -o bserve <param eters> & 5.
98 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Starting GXCC Operating and monitoring CentricSto r 5.3.3 E n v ir onme nt variable XTCC_CL ASS GXCC supp or ts an envir onment variable with th is names as follo ws: If this environm ent variable is not def ined when GXCC i s star ted, i t is set to the value “Xtcc ”.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 99 Operating and monito ring CentricS tor Starting GXCC O ptional acce ss control for Observ e mode When a Cen tricSt or V3.1 sy stem is instal led, the “xtcc obsv” ID is set up by def ault and th e line “ + x tccobsv ” en tered in the home/xtccobsv/ .
100 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Starting GXCC Operating and monitoring CentricSto r Suppressing the passw or d query Releasing individual users The pa ssw ord quer y can be sup presse d if an ent ry in the .rh osts fil e per mits a ccess to Centr icStor .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 101 Operating and monito ring CentricS tor Starting GXCC A dditional password query If GXCC or XTCC requi res a pass word to transf er an update ( see the section “Soft wa.
102 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Starting GXCC Operating and monitoring CentricSto r 5.3.5 S tarting the CentricStor console ● P osition the m ouse pointer to a neutral s creen are a. ● Pres s the rig ht mo use b utton. ● The Roo t Menu appears, inc luding the fu nction “Global eXtended C ontrol Center ”.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 103 Operating and monito ring CentricS tor Starting GXCC – and the Requ estBroker of the connected IS P , which ga thers inform ation from al l compo- nents an d f orwards comm an.
104 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Starting GXCC Operating and monitoring CentricSto r 5.3.6. 2 U sing the dir ect XDMCP int erface The fu ll range of XDM CP (X Disp la y Manage r Control P rotocol) f unctions c annot be used in Centr icS tor 2.1. Y ou are stron gly recommen ded to use the X11 s ervers in P as sive mode.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 105 Operating and monito ring CentricS tor Starting GXCC 5.3.6. 4 St artin g from a Windows system via Exceed With ap propri ate preparation, GXCC can be star ted b y clicking an icon on th e desktop. More d etails can b e f ound in the Exceed hel p informat ion.
106 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Starting GXCC Operating and monitoring CentricSto r Star ting GXCC via Exceed Ê Star t Exceed (p ref erably via the W indows autostar t functi on). Ê Choose “X star t”. Ê Activate the Star t menu as shown in the following example: The user ID is tele , and the password entere d must be the appropr iate tele password.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 107 Operating and monito ring CentricS tor Starting GXCC Choose the Windows S tar t menu “Pro grams” ➟ “Hummingbird Connectivi ty” ➟ “Excee d” and ➟ “Xsessi on.
108 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Starting GXCC Operating and monitoring CentricSto r S tartin g from a Windows/NT sys tem via XVision When ins talling XV ision, the U NIX environme nt must also have been instal led.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 109 Operating and monito ring CentricS tor Starting GXCC The di agram below shows an example of the f o nts setti ng: Ê The “Allow font substituti on” option mus t be disabled. Ê When s pecifying th e f ont pat h items, the UNIX fonts must b e listed before other f onts.
110 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Starting GXCC Operating and monitoring CentricSto r All op tions must be disabled in the “Sec urit y” tab . The “XDM CP” box ma y not be ch ec ked, to ensu re that Passiv e mode is secure: Settings f or the c lient The X 11 ser ver must be incl uded in the ho st list of the com puter on whic h the GXCC i s ru nning.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 111 Operating and monito ring CentricS tor Starting GXCC Starting GXCC with the “Remote Progr am Starter” Ideally , GXCC s hould be a ctiv ated vi a the “Rem ote Program Star ter”. T his allows the proce ss to be automa ted such t hat GXCC can be star ted b y clicking an icon.
112 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Starting GXCC Operating and monitoring CentricSto r Example The setti ngs unde r “Options” an d “View Respons e” should cor respond to those shown i n the example. The fu ll conten ts of the com mand line ar e shown in the “Display” tab: The inp ut field “Tit le” has no effect and shoul d not be used.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 113 Operating and monito ring CentricS tor Starting GXCC The se ttings ca n be sav e d in a file wit h an .rps extension. Wh en you double-click the file, the Re mote Program St ar ter is sta r ted and e x ecutes th is file.
114 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Starting GXCC Operating and monitoring CentricSto r This a llows you to control wh ether ev er yone with access to your host ca n also star t GXCC . Y ou can sav e the settings. After the ter minal e mulation has s tar ted, you can activate the sav ed setti ngs and esta b lish t he connecti on.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 115 Operating and monito ring CentricS tor Starting GXCC If the local system is not par t of a Centr icStor network an d no unit na me is specif ied in the star t parameters, a mes .
116 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Starting GXCC Operating and monitoring CentricSto r 5.3. 8 Selecting the Cent ricStor syst em If th e local sys tem is no t par t of Centri cStor , the Uni t Select m enu is disp la yed when GX CC is star ted. Example The op eration and fun ctions of Uni t Select are descr ibed in the secti on “Select” on page 147 .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 117 Operating and monito ring CentricS tor Starting GXCC 5.3.10 Aut hentication As soon as a connection has been established, c lient authentic ation takes place. P as s word- based a uthenticat ion is perfor med ev er y time the program is st ar ted.
118 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Starting GXCC Operating and monitoring CentricSto r If the pass word is e ntered inco rrectly thr ee times, GXCC wi ll be star ted in O bser ve mode (but only if no password protectio n has been set for Obser ve mode).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 119 6G X C C 6.1 Main wi ndow 6.1.1 Standar d The GXCC ma in window shows a circ uit diagram of Centr icStor . If pictures of r eal products (robots, dr ives, RAID systems ) are used, the se are only symbols whi ch bear no r elation to the actu al appearance of the pr oduct.
120 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Mai n window GXCC ● Left half of screen – Circui t diagram of Centr icStor ● Right hal f of screen – Syst em inform ation – Inform ation field ● Line wit h the la st cons ole alar m mes sage and a cknowledgment button ● Footer 6.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 121 GXCC Main window 6.1.3 Elements of the GXCC main windo w Tit le bar The title bar is laid o ut as follo ws: <systemnam e>: CentricStor(< IP-address><un it-name>) <sys temname> : System name ente red dur ing configuratio n.
122 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Mai n window GXCC An err or fl ag (y ello w or pink) can be disp la y ed on ly if the I nf obrok er h as be en star ted and is op erational.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 123 GXCC Main window –S c a n r a t e Inter val between s cans in seconds. –B i t r a t e The floatin g point number shows the bit rate for communication wit h the InfoBroker . The rate is ca lculated us ing the leng th of time taken to transfer a statu s inf or mation pac kage.
124 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Mai n window GXCC C onsole message s Consol e messag es are displ a yed ab ov e the f ooter . Thes e can be: – syste m messag es – messag es rela ting to the system configuration – messag es relatin g to the co nnection between GXCC and the system The l ast mess sage is al wa y s displayed.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 125 GXCC Main window 6.1.4 M essag e window Many GXCC messages mus t be taken notice of and acknowledge d by the user . This pre vents the same function o r contradict ory functio ns being sta r ted on one device. Messa ge windows wit h an “OK” button are c losed af ter you click on this button.
126 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Mai n window GXCC 6.1.6 B lock diagram The m ain window displ a ys a ci rcuit diagram of th e Centr icStor sys tem with t he ISPs, RAID systems and the c onnecting F ibre Channe l system. Processors Centr icStor i s a group of pr ocessors, each r unni ng the SINIX- Z operating sys tem.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 127 GXCC Main window If th e A utoVLP f a ilov er functi on has been configu red, it can be activated. If th e functio n was activated before a shut down took place, VLP monitor ing is acti v ated auto matically on this ISP by mean s of a reboot.
128 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Mai n window GXCC Speci al aspects when performing Distri bute and Activate The following spec ial aspects must be bor ne in mind wh en perform ing Distribute and Activa- te : ● Some G XCC menu item s are hidde n. ● The cu rrent pro gress is di splay ed in blue sc ript in the sys tem mess age line.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 129 GXCC Main window Fibre chan nel elements The i ntern al FC con nections are repres ented in the form of a n FC fabric i n the ce nter of t he figure with connec tions to both the ISPs and the RAID system(s) .
130 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Mai n window GXCC A check is m ade to se e whether , in the cas e of redunda nt Fibre Ch annel syste ms, the connec tions go from e v er y ISP to vari ous s witches and whethe r the FC ada pter with the lowest number goes to the s witch with the lo west number (throughput opti mizatio n).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 131 GXCC Main window The co lors have the following meanin g: Green Operational Pink Not operation al, no ca che file system aff ected As in the case of the FibreCA T CX500 /CX3-20 .
132 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Mai n window GXCC Left-cl ic king o n the RAID s ymbol causes fur ther i nf or mation to be output i n the rig ht- hand par t of th e GXCC info window: This example shows a C entric Stor with two RAID system s (IDs: 1 and 2).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 133 GXCC Main window S tatus informatio n The cur rent operatin g status of Cen tricS tor elements is indic ated by the background colo r of the ass ociated sym bols. The bar on the ri ght which is divided into sev eral comp ar tments shows the s tatus of h ardware compon ents and dr ivers.
134 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Mai n window GXCC 6.1.7 ICP object information In orde r to be able to con nect to vario us host type s , ISPs can contain ESCON/FICON channe l adapter s, FC adapters or both types of connecti on. The ob ject inform ation will v ar y accordi ngly .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 135 GXCC Main window 6.1.8 IDP object information The following inform ation i s display ed: – name and release version of the IDP – if prese nt: IP a ddress of the exter nal LA.
136 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Mai n window GXCC 6.1.11 Information about the RAID systems This inf or mation bo x shows the following inf or mation f or e very RA ID system ( by a bo x symbo l to the r ight.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 137 GXCC Main window 6.1.12 RAID syst em functions The following window ap pears when you r ight-cli c k on the RA ID symbol: 6.1.12.
138 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Mai n window GXCC 6.1.13 Information on Fibre Channel fabric Informat ion on FC s witch es can be obtained vi a SNMP ( Simple Netwo rk Mana gement Protocol ). The mnem onic name, operating sta tus, and contents of the last unproces sed trap are ou tput.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 139 GXCC Main window C ontroller Color Sche me Y ou can selec t whether you wish to disp la y the FC connecti ons in su ch a way that all connec tions to a s ingle IS P are.
140 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Mai n window GXCC 6.1.15 Information about the FC connections If you hover the mouse poi nter ov er an i con belongi ng to an F C connection , information abou t this line w ill be disp la yed.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 141 GXCC Main window 6.1.17 ISP system mess ages If an impor tant c onsole mes sage is ent ered in the l og file ( /usr/ap c/vtls/ VTLS_MESSA GES ) of one of the Centr icStor I SPs, this is displ a yed in the lower par t of the GXCC window .
142 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Mai n window GXCC 6.1.19 C onfiguration Chang ed If a co nfiguration cha nge is currentl y being pr ocessed in Ce ntricS tor , a flo ppy disk sym bol with a yellow background will appear in the button bar .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 143 GXCC Function bar 6.2 Function bar dd The i ndividual f unctions c an be select ed either by clic king on them with your mou se or by pressi ng the AL T k ey together wi th the accel erator ke y (under lined l etter). How e xactly suc h shor tcu ts are handl ed depend s on the op erating sys tem or the Window Mana ger , e.
144 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC ● Configurat ion ( page 166 ) – RAID Filesy stems ( page 171 ) – Logical V olume Groups ( pag e 173 ) – Ph ysical V olume Gro ups ( page 181 ) – D.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 145 GXCC Function bar 6.2. 2 File Es st ehen folgende Fun ktionen zur V erfü gung: – Sa v e – Open – Sho w – Print – Exit 6.2.2. 1 Save Sav es the c urrent InfoBroker data. Y ou can th us use this to recover the system display subse quently .
146 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC 6.2.2. 2 Open Opens a file selec tor window wit h which you can ope n a configurati on that was gene rated with “Save” (see above).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 147 GXCC Function bar 6.2.2. 5 Exit Shuts down GXCC. It is reco mmended t hat you use this function i n preference to th e button in the to p left-hand c orn er of the wind ow . When G XCC is shut down, any global s tatus proc esses sta r ted from G XCC will rema in acti v e .
148 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC The in direct con nection is used to mo nitor system s whic h cannot be reached directl y ( Exam ple: M odem conn ection to the “sock et_ho st” with “targ et_host” c onnected t o a LAN).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 149 GXCC Function bar Buttons at the bottom o f the screen OK Establishes a connecti on to the ISP sel ected in the lise. If the uni t address was only ente red in the en try field, it will not be i ncor porated in the list. Add Adds the entered un it data to t he list.
150 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC 6.2.4 Options Allows you to set the window size and th e page ratio. When defi ning the graphic display setting s, it is reco mmended th at you stop the Aut.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 151 GXCC Function bar Cust om er N ame This fiel d contains a cu stomer nam e that is a maximum of 60 characters long and which can be edite d in User or Ser vice mode. Spec ial characters " $ [ ] ' will be replac ed b y unders cores “_”.
152 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC 6.2.5 Autoscan 6.2.5. 1 St art Autoscan/S top Autoscan An Autoscan is a process by means of wh ich informa tion is t ransf erred pe riod ically from the InfoBrokers to GXCC, and the graph ical disp la y is s ubsequent ly update d accordin gly .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 153 GXCC Function bar 6.2.5. 2 Settings The s lider cont rols the Autoscan inter val f or exchanging informa tion with t he InfoBroker . An A utosc an cycle cons ists of dat a transfer , display generatio n and autos can delay . The de f a ult set ting is “Se lf Adjustin g”.
154 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC 6.2.6 T ools The following functions are offered: – Global S tatus – Get Remo te/Expand Local Fi le – Show Remote Fi le – Sho w Syst em Mess age s – GXCC Update/ Re v er t T ool (only off ered to auth oriz ed us ers) 6.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 155 GXCC Function bar The wi ndow contains the follo wing f ields: Remo te Host / IP-Add ress [Descr iption]: Name or IP address of the remote system together with an optiona l comment. Remote Us er : Remote s ystem user ID u nder which fil e transf er is perfor med.
156 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Browse Local Opens a dialog b o x in whic h you can selec t and open a local fi le f or the “ Expand Local” functio n.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 157 GXCC Function bar Remo te P a ss word P assword (not visi b le) for the remote system ID under w hich data trans f er is per f o rm ed. Messa ges Field used to outpu t message s from the c omponents inv ol v ed in fi le transfer .
158 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC 6.2.6. 4 Sh ow System Messag es Opens a te xt wind ow to display the ISP sy stem mess ages. The window is aut omatical ly positi oned on the last outp uts. The cons ole mes sages of all Centric Stor system s are lis ted by prior ity and in the order in which t hey occurred.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 159 GXCC Function bar DateTime Date a nd time in the f or m YYYY -MM-DD HH:MM:SS. ISP-N ame N ame of the IS P from whic h the mes sage or iginates.
160 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC If the onlin e manuals hav e to be up dated as well, the ma nuals are transferred in the background after the pro gram files. If the transf er is complet ed succes sfully , the new manual is activated auto matically an d the older editi on deleted.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 161 GXCC Function bar Carrying out a software update When you c hoose the menu c ommand, th e f ollowing wind ow appears: A list of the GXCC versions in existence is displ a yed in the upper par t of the window , star ting with the most recen t v ersion.
162 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC A monito r program keeps trac k of all th e GXCCs and thei r ramifications. It in itiates th e termi - nation of s ubapplicati ons and br ings it to your attention if other users ar e also using GXCC .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 163 GXCC Function bar Help Op ens a text window cont aining he lp informa tion. This is also an active GXCC/XTCC a pplication, and it is thus closed wh en the upda te operation is e xecuted. Y ou thus cann ot k eep t he window open d uring th e update.
164 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC ● Y ou restar t agai n. This ti me the pro cess ends wit h the green m essage “Up date done”. ● It now makes sense to ter minate the update tool by means of the “Canc el” button.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 165 GXCC Function bar Proc edure If you were able to st ar t the tool , first a win dow will open which explains the fur ther proce dure. This proc edure cons ists of the f ollowing s teps: 1. S elect the co mponent to be repaire d: GXCC or X TCC 2.
166 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC 6.2.7 Configuration PV Gs and L V G s can be c onfigured, i .e. created, modi fied and d eleted, in User mode. Chang ed parameters ar e stored in th e file /us r/apc/ broker/ vtls_v g.conf. new . Th e floppy disk symb ol appears in the Centr icStor main window .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 167 GXCC Function bar ➟ Configuration menu on the fu nction bar Clicking the “Confi guration” button in the toolba r opens a drop-down menu with the following items : – RAID.
168 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Elements of the configuration dialog bo xes Command b uttons along t he lower b or der: All dial og box es used to chan ge the con figuration have the same s et of buttons: OK T emporari ly sav es your changes to /usr/ap c/broker/vtls.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 169 GXCC Function bar List editor The following example di splays a configurat ion dialog b o x con taining two l ists: Sev e ral objects of the same type often have to be defi ned at conf iguration (e.g. Vir t ual Librar y Se rvers, PV Gs, L V Gs).
170 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Adding a new ob ject: Click the “N EW” button. An e mpty entr y fiel d appears i n which you can e nter a nam e. Depen ding on the ty pe of the o bject, fur t her entr y fie lds will al so be disp la yed.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 171 GXCC Function bar R AID Filesyste ms After you have selected thi s function a f orm for configuri ng the RAID system is displayed: In Obser ve and User mod e the OK button is n ot present an d all the checkbox es are disabled .
172 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Inf o rmati on Mirroring Whether the mirro r function is enabled or disabled in Ce ntricS tor is sp ecified h ere. The attr ibutes of a RAID syste m with th e mirror fu nction enabled, whether a nd how it is mirrored, are defin ed by the assignmen t of the LUNs during RAID configurat ion.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 173 GXCC Function bar Key Status The meaning of the various colors a nd checkbox condit ions is explained. T he cells a lso con tain a sum mar y (e.g. “mo unted 85”). Command butt ons along the lowe r borde r Cancel Closes the window .
174 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Buttons and entry fields In the cas e of L VGs already dis tributed with “Distr ibute and Activate”, the “ T o Be Deleted” button is offered (as in the form above), in the case o f newly entered L V Gs the “DEL ETE” button.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 175 GXCC Function bar “DELETE” b utton: Appear s only if a line is se lected an d the sel ected L VG has not yet been ma de known to the sy stem. This i s typically the case if you ha ve just created an L V G and have not yet selected “ Distri b ute a nd Activate”.
176 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC take no actio n. Once the reques t to dele te an L V G has been suc cessfully issued and activated in th e system , the action i s an asynchr onous acti on and ca nnot be influen ced by the user . Nam e Name of the L VG.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 177 GXCC Function bar Further info rmation Reducin g the L V s ize of an existing L VG: It is not possible to reduc e the L V size of a n e xistin g L V G in Centr icSto r . If you want a smaller L V size, y ou must create a new L V G with the requi red L V size.
178 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Erase Sc r atch L Vs This sp ecifies how the d ata of sc r atch volumes is to be ha ndled: ENABLE D Only the stub da ta (volume header) is to be ret ained.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 179 GXCC Function bar Command butt ons along the lowe r borde r OK Accep ts the entr y . It bec omes effective with “Distr ibute and A ctiv ate”. The “Configu - ration Cha nged” symb ol (floppy disk symbo l) appea rs in the GXCC main wind ow .
180 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC The s ettings f or the c ache file sy stem can be m odified la ter at any time. After a modi fication a “Dis tribute and A ctivate” operation is required in which, howe ver , only the VLM a nd the PLM must be resta r ted if this was the only change.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 181 GXCC Function bar P hysical V olume Groups In t his wind ow v olume gro ups of t he physical volumes can be created, de leted or modifie d.
182 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC List a rea At the top of the f orm th ere is a list area wi th data regarding P V G s that hav e al ready been integrated.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 183 GXCC Function bar “DELETE” b utton: Appear s only if a line is selected and the selec ted PV G has not yet been mad e known to th e system. This is typica lly the c ase if you h a ve just cr eated a PV G and h av e not yet select ed “Distri b ute an d Activate”.
184 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC T ape Libr ar y The volumes of the group are st ored in this physical ar chive. The archi v es defi ned in t he configu ration are offered. Thi s field can be change d only until the PVG has been activated using “Distr ibute and Activate”.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 185 GXCC Function bar Reor ganisation P arameter s PLM Refres h Inter val (Da ys) Number of da ys afte r which thi s group’ s v olumes ar e to be refr eshed. This v alue must be defin ed in accor dance wi th the tape m anuf a cturer’ s recomm endations.
186 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Wr ite Throughp ut (MB/sec ) Wr ite Overhead (sec) The PL M uses the W rite Throughpu t and Wr ite Overhead paramete rs to sele ct the physical volume which i t can relea se in the shor test t ime in the e v ent of a reorgani- zation.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 187 GXCC Function bar Creating a new ph ysical volume gr oup A new PV G is created b y clicking on the NEW button. In the PVG list an empty li ne is opened and hig hlighted. All edit ing fie lds e xcept for “Nam e” and “Com ment” ar e filled with default values.
188 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC D istribute and Activate Then D istribute and A ctiv ate fu nction is nor ma lly called af ter a change has been mad e to the con figuration. The chan ged confi guration files are distr ibuted to a ll the Centr icStor pr ocessors.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 189 GXCC Function bar Buttons OK If the co nfiguration data is cor rect, a se curi ty quer y is di splay ed. When you acknowledge this, “ Distribute a nd Activate” is ex ecuted. The new configuration d ata is distr ibuted to all IS Ps.
190 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Notes on naming the configuration files The ac tiv e confi guration fi les /usr/apc/conf/v tls.conf a nd /usr/apc/c onf/vtls_vg.c onf are ren amed i n all ISP s of t he Ce ntricS tor t o /usr/apc/c onf/vtls.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 191 GXCC Function bar 6.2.8 Pr ofile The ter m “profi le” encompas ses the follo wing: – the settings chosen un der “Options ” – the settings chosen un der “Autoscan.
192 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Button s at the botto m of the screen section OK Applie s the sel ected profi le file. The di splay is imme diately a dapted to th e new profile setting s. The newly selected file is shown at the bottom o f the GXCC screen.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 193 GXCC Function bar 6.2.9 A dministrat ion The following functions are offered: – Sho w WWN’ s – Show Option al Functions – Show CS Confi guration – Diagnos tic Snapsh o.
194 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Depen ding on autho rizati on and/or the version of the connecte d Centri cStor system , indi- vidual menu items are not available .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 195 GXCC Function bar 6.2.9. 1 Sh ow WWN’ s The following informa tion is lis ted for all ISPs: the I P address es, the World Wide Nod e Name s , the W orld Wide P or t Name s and the connect ion number of the FC c onnections to the FC switches of all FC contro llers.
196 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Show Optional Functions The op tional fun ctions (l icenses wh ich must be r eleased u sing a key) are list ed in a text window with a note indicating whe ther or not they are licensed and installe d in this system.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 197 GXCC Function bar Show CS Configuratio n This function out puts the conte nts of the configuration files /usr/ap c/conf/vtls.c onf, /usr/apc/c onf/vtls_vg.c onf and, if pr esent, /usr/apc/ conf/vtls_add .conf . Example 6.
198 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Create snapshot( s) When you s elect thi s function, the “Dia gnostic Sn apshots” window is outpu t which c ontains an overvi e w of al l ISPs in the sy.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 199 GXCC Function bar “Crea te Snapsh ot(s)” button: If you hav e switched th e “ne w snap shot to be created ” option to “yes” (default: “no”) on the ISPs con cer ned and then press the “Create Snapshot(s) ” button, the sn apshots are generated and sav ed on the sele cted ISPs.
200 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Show survey / Delete sna pshots This fun ction out puts the “Sh ow List of Sna pshots” win dow: The wi ndow contains a l ist of all s napshots i n the syste m. The mo st recent s napshot is contai ned at the to p of the li st, the ol dest at the bott om.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 201 GXCC Function bar “Delet e Snapsho t(s)” button: Clicking on this button c auses all s napshots which are marked wit h “yes” to be de leted. T he system acknowledg es the user inp ut with an informat ion window contai ning the informa tion ”snap shot(s) wil l be delet ed”.
202 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC – A ro utine which r uns period ically ch ecks whether the free mem ory in the fil e system s in which t he snaps hots are saved has fallen bel ow the specified v alue.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 203 GXCC Function bar Logical V o lume Operations » Show Logica l V olumes As a Ce ntricS tor can co ntain up to 500 000 lo gical volumes sel ection to ols are offered.
204 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Logica l V o lume Group Y ou can sel ect either a logical volume group or “a ll”. Vo l u m e S t a t u s With th e checkbox es you can spec ify that o nly volumes wi th the s elected s tatus are to be disp lay ed.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 205 GXCC Function bar The following data is output: VSN V olum e seria l number , name of th e logica l v olume. GRP Logical volume group.
206 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Example 2 Output win dow wh en range is set (V olu me ser ial number : STW0 75 ; Number of vol um e s: 6 ): The me aning of th e columns i s e xplained in example 1.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 207 GXCC Function bar Logical V olume Operations » Show Logical V olumes (physical view) Y ou use this c all to disp lay the logical volumes which ar e known to the PLM togeth er with their sta tuses. Y ou obtain statis tcs on the lo gical volumes by calling the func tion of the sam e name for “logical view”.
208 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC The l ogical volume s are disp la yed in the f o llowing window : PLM-spe cific d ata of the L V s is output: L V Name of the L V L V G Name of th e L V g roup size Size of the L V sav e reque st at Save date and tim e: The s a ve request for the L V was ac cepted by the PLM at th is time.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 209 GXCC Function bar Logical V o lume Operations » Change V ol ume Gr oup This fun ction is no t av ai lable in Obser ve mode.
210 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC V ABC 08,...,V ABC03 1. If any volumes do no t e xist in the name range d efined by the star t name and number sp ecifica tions, then this is indicat ed in a r eady messa ge and the operatio n is continued .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 211 GXCC Function bar Logical V olume Operations » Add Logical V olumes This fun ction is no t av ai lable in Obser ve mode. Input parameter s Enter the following inf or mation in the dialog window: V o lume Ser ial Numb er Name of th e logica l volume (VSN or VOLSER).
212 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Example VXYZ21 r esults in an error m essage if Nu mber of V ol umes > 78. If a n e xisti ng logica l volume is to be re placed by a n empty v olume o f the sa me name, it must first be deleted ( see next section) and then added again.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 213 GXCC Function bar After t he function h as been c ompleted, a message box with a n OK button appear s: When you c lick “OK”, the e ntry f or m and the message bo x disap pear . Logic al V olume Operations » Erase Logical V olumes This fun ction is no t av ai lable in Obser ve mode.
214 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Actions linked with “OK” The de signated logical volumes are removed from th e VLM data maintenan ce system. Imag es of the L V s on physical volumes are not delete d but merely m arked as invalid. If some v olumes are not con tained in the specifi ed name range, the de lete operati on is continued .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 215 GXCC Function bar 6.2. 9. 11 Physi cal V olume O pera tion s This submenu offers the following fu nctions: – Sho w Ph ysical V olumes – Link/Un link V olu me Groups – Add Ph ysical V olume s – Erase Ph ysical V olum es – Reorgan ize Ph ysica l V olu mes These menu i tems are offered onl y if the PLM is r unning.
216 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Ther ef ore, you can choo se to dis play: – A specifi c phy sica l v olume (spe cify only the v olum e ID) – All the v olumes in a physical group ( spec.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 217 GXCC Function bar If the quer y rela tes to multiple v olum es, the f ollowing over view is displayed: Meaning of the informatio n pos Line number PV Numb er of t he ph ysical v.
218 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC _r__ Read volume on whi ch no sp ace is availab le for fur ther dat a _rd_ Th e car tr idge is fu ll but an attempt is still m ade to w rite the directo ry onto the tape s___ The PV must be scanned (used for transf er).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 219 GXCC Function bar Mean ing of the inf or mation: pos Line number PV Numb er of t he ph ysical v olum e TL Name of the archive PV G Name of the p h ysic al v olume g roup , usual ly st ar ts a t “CLN P”.
220 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC This is follo wed by a list of the (valid) log ical volumes st ored on the P V : pos Line number L V Na me of the lo gical volume file- Id Hexadecimal: inte.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 221 GXCC Function bar Physical V olume Operations » Link/Unlink V olume Groups This fun ction is no t av ai lable in Obser ve mode. The ass ignments of L V G to one or two (with Dual Sa ve) PV Gs are established, reso lved, or change d.
222 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Buttons along the bottom bor der OK Link/Un link is star ted. Cancel The win dow is closed without any fur th er activi ty .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 223 GXCC Function bar Note for linking If practi cally t he same numb er of dr ives is configu red for the robots in dual save , resto res can be optimized throu gh the follo wing d.
224 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Window for enteri ng physical volumes: The for m shows wheth er le vels hav e droppe d below the defined minimum numbe rs for a V o lume Group. In the sa me wa y , a war ning is outpu t for cleaning c ar tri dges when the number of cleanin g cycles left drops b elow the defi ned minimu m.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 225 GXCC Function bar Numb er of Cleanin g Cycles Only appl ies to c leaning car tr idges: the numbe r of cleani ng cycles still poss ible f o r the in ser ted ca r tr idge (deci mal value).
226 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC The PL M nor mally uses the car tr idge with the fe west av ailable cycles f or cleanin g to av oid shelves being occupied unnecessar ily by par tia lly used car tri dges. An e xcept ion to this strateg y is ma de only i f multiple cle aning reque sts are han dled simultan eously .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 227 GXCC Function bar Option is not set: If a volume co ntains valid data, an error mes sage is out put and the volum e is not dele ted. Option is set: A “Move” is carr ied ou t automatic ally for volumes contain ing valid data.
228 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Physical V olume O perations » Reorganize P h ysical V olumes This fun ction is no t av ai lable in Obser ve mode. It allow s you to manually c op y the c ontents o f a physical volume to o ne or mo re volumes in the sam e physical group or to interr upt su ch a reo rganizatio n.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 229 GXCC Function bar Setup for accounting ma ils This f unction is displayed only if an accounting licens e is inst alled. This menu per mits order s to be con figured w hich automati cally se nd accounti ng data by e-ma il.
230 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC Mail A ddress(es) : In this fi eld the user c an enter one or more e-mail ad dresses ( separated by blanks and/ or com mas) to which the accou nting data is to be sen t.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 231 GXCC Function bar Send m ail a t <h h:mm> : This fie ld is used to define the t ime (in hours and minutes) a t which the ac counting data is to be sent by mail. Default: 00:00 on <MM- DD>|<w eek da y>: Here the user can d efine the day on whic h the account ing data i s to be sent by ma il.
232 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC 6.2.1 0 Help The following entr ies can b e selected i n the “Hel p” menu: – Readme / L IESMICH – Direct Help / Direkthilf e – System Messag es – About GXCC.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 233 GXCC Function bar R evision Summary A text window with infor mation on the insta lled software of al l Centri cStor ISPs is displayed: Syst em Nam e n ame of th e ISP I.
234 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar GXCC H ard ware Summar y A window with in f or mation on the hardware compone nts installe d in the system is opened: Informat ion on the following ha r.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 235 GXCC Function bar 6.2. 10 .7 Online M anu al This fun ction st ar ts a PDF reader and th e most up- to-date version of the manual whi ch is av ailable is di splay ed in the language set. If no manual is available in the la nguage se t this menu item is omitte d.
Eine Dokuschab lone v on F rank Flachenec k er b y f .f . 1992.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 237 7 Global Status 7.1 General The Glo bal Status Monitor ou tputs all im por tant operating data i n graphical form at, and allows you to dis pla y impor tant sy stem data ov e r configurable pe riods.
238 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 General Global S tatus When “ Global Sta tus” is s tar ted, a win dow like the one shown b elow will be open ed: The fi gure above is just an example, it can be arranged as you wi sh. Footer The comp onents are, f rom left to r ight: Profile Na me of the profile fil e.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 239 Global Sta tus Operation of the Global Status Monitor 7.2 Operation of the Global Status M onitor Centr icStor comes wit h a perfor mance mon itor , which co nstantly r ecords and saves compon ent operating da ta at inter v als of a f ew secon ds.
240 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Function bar of the Global Status Monitor Globa l Status Setting options Pr int to –P r i n t e r Output i s to a P ostScri pt pr inter . After you click on the “Setup” button a window is dis play ed for enter ing the p rin ter setu p: In this form you can make the pri nter def ault setti ngs.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 241 Global Sta tus Function bar of the Global Status M onitor 7.3.2 Config “Confi g” allows you to contr ol the appe arance of the d isplay .
242 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Function bar of the Global Status Monitor Globa l Status – The scr een divisi on can be set in the usual m anner . P er manen t recordin g of operating data is not affected. So me objects are symb olized usin g relatively sm all fields, whic h makes it mo re difficul t to posi tion the mouse.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 243 Global Sta tus Function bar of the Global Status M onitor The following data is listed: Emulations Arranged a ccording to ICP : emu/vid n ame Number o f the emulatio n (390 emulati on) / LUN (FC S CSI device). lib . device Ar chive name/addres s of the device.
244 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Function bar of the Global Status Monitor Globa l Status Physical D evices Arranged a ccording to IDP : pds nam e Name of the P DS. scsi device CTL (control ler , t arget, LUN) o f the device . manufacturer Sel f-explanator y device type a nd model Self- e xplan ator y prod .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 245 Global Sta tus Function bar of the Global Status M onitor Cache Data The c ache utiliz ation dat a is displ a yed. 7.3.4 Statistics The following menu optio ns are available: .
246 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Global Status b utton bar Globa l Status 7.4 Global Status b u tton bar F requentl y used fun ctions can be acce ssed im mediately after you hav e cl ic ked on the relev a nt button: Shows a ll three s ubwindo ws Shows o nly right subwin dow (phy sical) Show s onl y centra l su bwindo w (log ical) Shows o nly left sub win.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 247 Global Sta tus Display of the Global Status Monitor 7.5 D ispla y o f the Global Status Monitor The Glo bal Status M onitor window consists of three ver tically aligned s ubwind.
248 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Display of the Glo bal Statu s Monitor Globa l Status Y ou can set the visible secti on of the s ubwindow by dragging the handles on t he separating lines. The v isible par t o f the subwindow can be moved in the hor izontal di rection for each subwi ndo w sepa ra tely b y means of th e scro ll bar .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 249 Global Sta tus Display of the Global Status Monitor 7.5.1 P erfo rmance The left-ha nd par t of the window displays the current d ata throughpu t at the external i nter- faces. i.e. the ESCON/ FICON chan nels an d/or FC inte rf aces t o the hos ts and the SCSI or FC co ntrollers for the tap e drives.
250 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Display of the Glo bal Statu s Monitor Globa l Status The s maller dia gr ams on t he ri ght indicate the data rate s via th e ESCON/FIC ON host connec tions (= 390-CH) or FC h.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 251 Global Sta tus Display of the Global Status Monitor 7.5. 2 Virtual Componen ts The mi ddle wind ow section dis pla ys the current s tatuses of the tape emulati ons, the vir tu a.
252 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Display of the Glo bal Statu s Monitor Globa l Status Vir tual lib rary ser vers The mi ddle col umn indica tes the op erating status es of the V LM and vi r tual lib rary ser vers (VLSs). If you click the le ft mouse button o n on an obj ect, an info bo x is ou tput conta ining fur th er deta ils.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 253 Global Sta tus Display of the Global Status Monitor Additional d isplays for mirr or ed systems ● Red ba r on a cach e column : The ca che is no l onger mi rrored (“o ut of sync”) .
254 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Display of the Glo bal Statu s Monitor Globa l Status 7.5.3 P hysical Components This screen displays the ope rating status of Centr icStor ’ s physical r esources. The se consist of the c ar tr idge dr ives , the physical robot contr ollers and the physical volumes.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 255 Global Sta tus Display of the Global Status Monitor dr ives , the PDS, the PLS, and the PLM are color -coded in accord ance with the ke y displ a yed a t the rig ht-hand edge of the scree n section. L eft-clicking on an object causes informa tion to be display ed.
256 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Display of the Glo bal Statu s Monitor Globa l Status Newly adde d v olumes are not available until they ha v e been init ialized by the PLM.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 257 Global Sta tus History data 7.6 H istory data Histor y da ta is syste m data which has been collec ted ov er a lengthy peri od. For this pur po- se a P e rf or mance Mo nitor constantl y runs in Centri cStor . T he P erform ance Monit or collects and sto res the o perating data o f the compo nents, e.
258 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status 7.6. 1 General R ecor ding analog operating da ta If you move the mouse to a G lobal Statu s displa y and c lick on the righ t button, “Show Statis tics” is off ered. W hen you select this function a wi ndow opens for presenting the chron ological p rogress.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 259 Global Sta tus History data Measu red value Ty p e Call Descr iption Scra tch V olumes of a PV G H Object: P V G column in right- hand par t of screen page 313 Cache Us age H Ob.
260 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status Ph ysic al V olume Groups T ape Statis tics H Object: P V G column in right- hand par t of screen page 313 Ph ysic al V olumes Occ upancy T Stat ist.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 261 Global Sta tus History data The ta b le below sh ows the sel ection and c ontrol options for the hist ory data: CentricStor virtual Comp onents CentricStor Virtual Mounts number.
262 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status S electing t he time period The r ecording period or analys is per iod must b e selec ted f or di splays of the typ e H. When you hav e selected o ne of thes e displays a window with an empty page appea rs.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 263 Global Sta tus History data The button ba r below these op tions allows you to sel ect the fun ctions “Exi t” and “Red ra w”: If you hav e selected a long re cording period (e.g. months) a v er y large v olu me of data must b e analyzed a nd transferred.
264 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status 7.6.2 D ata which ca n be ca lled via the function bar The following menus and submenus c an be ca lled unde r “Statist ics”: ● Histor y of .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 265 Global Sta tus History data S tatistics » Hi story of » Cache Usage The his tor y of cache us age is outp ut in accordan ce with th e cache total v alues of th e vir tual compon ents subw indow .
266 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status S tatistics » Hi story of » Channel/Device Performance Statis tics on the o verall throughput a s they are presente d continuous ly in the lef t-hand bar of the P erform ance subwin dow are output.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 267 Global Sta tus History data Statistics » Logical Components The following submenus are av ailable: – Logical Driv es (page 268) – Logical V olumes ( ph ysi cal vie w) (page 271) – Logical V olume s (lo gica l vie w) (page 272) – Logical V olume Gro ups (p age 273) – Jobs o f Logical V ol.
268 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status Statistics » Logical Components » Logical Drives Y ou obtain stati stics on the uti lization of the logical dr ives b y selec ting an ICP in th e central sec tion of the Global St atus displ a y and cal ling the obj ect-relate d statistic s function .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 269 Global Sta tus History data The li st of l ogica l driv es is outpu t in a t e xt windo w after y ou clic k on the “O K” o r “Ref resh ” button: The following informa ti.
270 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status Rest. Canc . The reading i n of the lo gical volume by the physical volume was canceled ( occurs with a scratch mo unt). Unld. P end. T he logical v olume h as just been ejected f rom a logic al dri v e (emerg ency unload ).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 271 Global Sta tus History data Statistics » Logical Components »Logical V olume s (ph ysical vie w) Y ou use this c all to disp lay the logical volumes which ar e known to the PLM togeth er with their sta tuses. The r ight-ha nd par t of th e window displays all the output d ata in tabular form .
272 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status The colu mns of the di stribution ta b le conta in the assoc iated values of the distr ibution para- meters. The columns containing the number of L Vs t o which the var ious distr ibution para- meter values rel ate and the ir percen tage share i n the total qua ntity ar e also visible.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 273 Global Sta tus History data Statistics » Logical Components » Logical V olume Groups If multi ple logica l volume groups e xist an i nter mediat e menu is the n display ed for sele cting the volume group: This statis tics functi on suppor ts the re fresh function .
274 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status After you cli c k on “OK ” or “Refresh” the f ollowing wi ndow appears: The following data is disp la yed: pos Line n umb er L VG N ame of t.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 275 Global Sta tus History data Statistics » Logical Components » Jobs of Logical V olume Groups If Cen tricStor contains m ore than o ne logical v olume group ( L V G) the requ ired group i s entere d using a n inter mediate menu: This statis tics functi on suppor ts the re fresh function .
276 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status Mean ing of the columns : The job d ata (result for ... :) is output separat ely for each L V G. pos Serial n um ber L VG N ame of th e logical volume group PV G 1 Name of the first assigned physical v olume group If '=== ===' is s pecified as the name, no P V G is assign ed to the L VG.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 277 Global Sta tus History data Statistics » Physical Components » Ph ysical Drives First of all the lib rary in volv ed is qu eried: This statis tics functi on suppor ts the re fresh function . Inf or mation o n this fun ction and the “ OK” and “Canc el” buttons is pr ovided on page 2 76 .
278 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status state Current status of the dr ive . P ossible values: unused F ree, no PVG assigned occupied Occupied ; where relevant, the next columns s how the name of the mounted volume, the P V G , and the j ob status.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 279 Global Sta tus History data tim esta mp Time at whi ch the curren t status was entered. If you r ight-cl ic k on a l ibrar y in the r ight-han d par t of the Global S tatus screen a nd selec t “Show Statis tics” you are sh own an ov er view of the dr iv e utiliz ation in graphical an d table f or m.
280 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status An overvi e w in table form i s then shown Mean ing of the columns : pos Line number PV Numb er of t he ph ysical v olum e TL T ape Librar y: N ame of the a rchive PV G Name of the p h ysic al v olume g roup state Status; possi b le values: e___ V o lume rea dy f or invalidation.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 281 Global Sta tus History data s___ The PV must be scanned (used for transf er). _v__ The PV is in “vault” state. _w__ Writ e volume that ca n still be used for sav e operat ions. _wd_ The car tr idge is not yet full; curr ently there is no dire ctor y on the tape.
282 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status Mean ing of the columns : pos Line number PV Numb er of t he ph ysical v olum e TL T ape Librar y: N ame of the a rchive PV G Name of the p h ysic al v olume g roup , usual ly st ar ts a t “CLN P”.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 283 Global Sta tus History data Mean ing of the columns : pos Line number L V Na me of the lo gical volume file-I d Hexadecimal: a type of version number i n the TVC L VG Name o f t.
284 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status When you s elect all data PVGs the f oll owing ov er view is displ a yed: Mean ing of the columns : pos Line number PV G Name of the ph ysical volum.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 285 Global Sta tus History data av ailable/used cy cles Number of available cleani ng cycles for the ph y sical volumes / number of clean ing cycle s which ar e e x ecuted. TL The t ape li br ary . jobs (wait- work) Numbe r of waiting j obs / number of working j obs.
286 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status PV G stati stics are di splay ed in the first line. The next block contains the parameters for contro lling reorgan ization.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 287 Global Sta tus History data number of parallel reques ts to VL M (REORG) Number o f “Move Requests” to be pro cessed si multaneous ly which t he PLM s ends to the VLM f or the pur p ose of reorga nizing P Vs. The higher t his value, the more resourc es are reser ved by the reorg anizatio n.
288 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status time s lice f or PDS -scheduler Time i n seconds for whic h a PDS rem ains ass igned to a PV group. After this tim e has ela psed an active job is ter minated and the drive may be unlo aded. D epending on the loa d situati on it is then assigned to another PV G.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 289 Global Sta tus History data Statistics » Physical Components » Jobs of Ph ysical V ol. Gr oups A window for selec ting one o r all PVGs is opened : This statis tics functi on suppor ts the re fresh function . Inf or mation o n this fun ction and the “ OK” and “Canc el” buttons is pr ovided on page 2 76 .
290 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status type T y pe of job ERAS E Invalidate PV header INIT Loa d and initia lize PV INITNEW Add new PV , wr ite header RDIR Rea ds the director y .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 291 Global Sta tus History data Statistics » Phy sical Components » Reorga nization Status A wind ow f or sele cting one or all PVGs is opene d (naturally the clean P V G s are not offered): This statis tics functi on suppor ts the re fresh function .
292 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status Other wise the sta tus of the r eorganiza tion of the ph ysical volume grou p(s) is dis pla yed: Meanin g of the entries: no .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 293 Global Sta tus History data The frequ ent occurre nce of retr ies can also i ndicate tha t the reorgani zation tim es coincide with pea k loads. In th is case the reorganizat ion times should be m ov e d (“Scratch Ti me F rame” field, see the sect ion “Physical V ol ume Gr oups” on page 181 ).
294 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status Selection fields Acco unting data request ed f or Here you ca n choose between the following optio ns: all_L V Gs The accou nting data for all L VGs in the s ystem is ou tput. selec ted_L VGs Ini tially all the L VGs known in t he system a re disp la yed as check buttons.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 295 Global Sta tus History data Accounting Data When you click on the “OK ” b utton the ac count infor mation is disp la yed in a te xt field (her e with the option “D ata fie.
296 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History data Globa l Status ● Ta b l e One or more tables with the ac counting dat a depending on whe ther the data for all, f or one o r f or multiple logical v olume gr oups (L V Gs) was requested.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 297 Global Sta tus History data 7.6.3 D ata which can be called vi a objects of the Global S tatus The c hronologic al progress a nd statis tical da ta can be dis pla yed via some Global S tatus object s. T o do this pos ition the m ouse curs or ov e r the obje ct.
298 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History diagrams Globa l Status 7.7 History dia grams After a statistic has been se lected, firs t of all a wi ndow with an emp ty page ap pears.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 299 Global Sta tus History diagrams Export This function causes th e histor y d ata to be rea d in a s specifi ed by the current settin gs . The data is then wr itten to a fi le. Details on this ar e provided in t he section “E xpor ti ng histor y d ata” on page 314 .
300 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History diagrams Globa l Status Or ientatio n Y ou use “Or ientation ” to select “ P or trait” for mat, “Lands cape” forma t or “Auto” (automa tic adju stment ). P aper Here you ca n select “A4” or “l etter”.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 301 Global Sta tus History diagrams T ime A pull -down menu with the values 0 - 23 is open ed in whic h you can define the star t ti me for a disp la y area. After you hav e click ed on th e requir ed time, the win dow is closed and th e v alue se lected i s taken ov e r .
302 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History diagrams Globa l Status P rofile Profile enables the cu rrent settings, e.g. for the anal ysis per iod, to be s tored and r eused the next time the program is ca lled.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 303 Global Sta tus History diagrams 7.7.3 Status bar The st atus bar a t the bottom of the s creen displ a y s (from left to r ight) the f ollowing inform a- tio n: remote _time Tim.
304 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History diagrams Globa l Status Host ad apters For each host a dapter a col umn showing t he current thr oughput for read and write op era- tions of the hos t - arranged a ccording to ICP - is displayed in the uppe r half of the left-ha nd subw indow .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 305 Global Sta tus History diagrams 7.7.5 D ia grams f or vir tual component s (central part of the screen) 7.7.5. 1 I CP emulations A dis tinction must b e made her e between whet her the r eadlog or get log pr otocol is being used on the conne cted Centr icStor .
306 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History diagrams Globa l Status Outputs f or CentricStor V3.1D or higher (get_log pr otocol) The following diagrams are offered depe nding on the m ode selected (see the section “M o- de” on page 301 ): ● Mount state dia gram The mounted state is disp la yed f o r each e mulation/PDSs in the se lected pe riod.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 307 Global Sta tus History diagrams ● Mount summar y di agr am The number of emula tions/PDS s in the mount ed state at any given time is shown here.
308 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History diagrams Globa l Status Outputs f or CentricStor < V3.1D (read_ log protocol) If more th an 16 emulation s are define d, a slid er is dis pla yed in the button ba r . Y ou can use this to sel ect which group of 16 emulation s is to be d isplay e d.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 309 Global Sta tus History diagrams C ache Usage The p rogress of the cache usage c an be displ a yed f or ea ch indivi dual cach e file s ystem or for all cach es togethe r . T o do thi s, right-c lick on the relev ant cac he colum n in the cent ral secti on and selec t “Show Statistic s” in the c onte xt menu.
310 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History diagrams Globa l Status Meaning of the statuses free Not used. T his area can be us ed immediate ly for saving volume images. clean Cont ains valid volume image s. The v olumes ar e unchange d compared to their images s av e d on tape (ei ther not yet wr itten o r already s a ved).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 311 Global Sta tus History diagrams Example fo r V3.1D.
312 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History diagrams Globa l Status Example fo r < V3.1D The pres entation period i s set per mane ntly to one h our . Each l ine pair shows th e status o f the PDS (up per line) and that of the relev a nt ph ysical dr ive (low er line ).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 313 Global Sta tus History diagrams T ape pool values When you cl ic k on a c olumn in the righ t-hand par t of the scr een with the r ight mouse button and sel ect “Show Stati stics” a win dow containin g the tape p ool v alu es appears.
314 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History diagrams Globa l Status 7.7.7 E xporting histor y data This function causes th e histor y d ata to be rea d in a s specifi ed by the current settin gs .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 315 Global Sta tus History diagrams Example Scope of output: It is pos sible that more d ata fields are wr itten to the file than woul d be shown on the screen, namely all data fi elds which wer e read in for the presenta tion selecte d (i.
316 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History diagrams Globa l Status 7.7.8 C ommand line tool f or g enerating the history data The sh ell scr ipt get_hi was created to per mit the histor y data of a Cent ricStor s ystem to be m ade av ailable in a text f or mat (e.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 317 Global Sta tus History diagrams All values whic h can be sele cted in the graphi cal call of the histor y function can al so be spe- cifie d as addition al parameters. The -hd parameter , which is describ ed fur the r below , is also accepted .
318 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History diagrams Globa l Status or wild card term > | | | | | | -da < start date | opt. | op t. | opt. | opt. | opt. | o pt. (Y YYY-MM -DD)> | | | | | | -dv < device name a s foun d| | | | x | | in globs tat(*2) or | | | | | | wi ld car d term> | | | | | | -hd < histor y direc tory, | opt.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 319 Global Sta tus History diagrams Presentati on of the data in Excel In order to per mit the histor y data to be presented on a graphical interface of a type s imilar to Centr icStor, an Excel mac ro has been created whi ch is sup plied with the GXCC pr oduct.
320 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History diagrams Globa l Status Example 1. Cr eate a fil e total -da 20 06-03-29 -ho 0 -pt 6h >YIN. total2.txt 2.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 321 Global Sta tus History diagrams 4. Open h isto ry file:.
322 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 History diagrams Globa l Status 5. Co nfirm you wish to open i t:.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 323 Global Sta tus History diagrams Here, by wa y of c ompari son, is the GX CC presentation : Note the outpu t mode (min ,max,av erage) select ed in GXCC and the spreadshe et of the same n ame sele cted i n EXCEL.
Eine Dokuschab lone v on F rank Flachenec k er b y f .f . 1992.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 325 8X T C C 8.1 General While GX CC regards a Centr icStor system as a whole, XTCC is limite d to one ISP toget her with the connecte d periph erals.
326 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 General XTCC Centr icStor rec ognizes various ISP types. ICP Integrated Channel Processo r An ICP has a per manent c onnection to one or mor e BS200 0/OSD , z/OS o r OS/390 h osts via E SCON/FICON ada pters or to an open s ystems hos t via an FC contr oller operatin g as a host co nnection.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 327 XTCC General In th e case of an I CP_IDP co mbination , the disp la y is s omewhat different: PDSs an d em ulat io ns/v ir tual de vices ar e loc ated on the same l e vel i n the diag ra m.
328 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Margins of th e main XTCC window XTCC 8.2 Margins of the main XTCC window 8.2.1 Title bar Local( )-Co nfig if XTC C is ru nning on the ISP u nder consi deration.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 329 XTCC Margins of the main XTCC window SER V XTCC mode (OB SV=Obse rve , SER V=Service, USER =User , SIMU=Si mulation). 80% Current w indow size setting (in th e e xample, 80%).
330 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar XTCC 8.3 Function bar Subfunc tions: ● File – Sele ct ( page 331 ) – Save ( page 331 ) – Show ( pag e 331 ) – Pri nt ( page 332 ) – Exit ( page 334 ).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 331 XTCC Function bar 8.3. 1 File 8.3.1. 1 Select Selec ts a configu ration file s a ved pre viously with “Save” (see below): The wi ndow contains the field for enter ing the fi.
332 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar XTCC 8.3.1. 4 Print Unix Pla tf orm Sav es o r prin ts the con figuration currently display ed in P ostS cript f or mat: This op ens a wind ow containing the f ollowing fi elds and buttons: Pr int to Sp ecifies the target for the prin tout.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 333 XTCC Function bar File Selec tion with inp ut field. List box used to specify the name under whi ch the P ost Script fi le is to be sav ed. Depending on the col or selection made under “Mode”, t his field i s preset wi th the file name <pat h>/outcolor.
334 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar XTCC 8.3.1. 5 Exit Shuts down XTCC , saving the cur rent settin gs to the p rofile file in the proc ess. The setti ngs are not sav ed if XT CC is e xited u sing .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 335 XTCC Function bar 8.3.2 U nit 8.3.2. 1 Select This fun ction is disa b led if XTCC is star ted from GXCC. Other wise, if XTCC was star ted dir ectly , the “XTCC U nit Selec t” window is op ened. Example The op eration and fun ctions of Uni t Select are descr ibed in the secti on “Select” on page 147 .
336 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar XTCC 8.3.3 Options 8.3.3. 1 Set tings Opens a submenu con taining th e f ollowing func tions: Allows you to set the f ollowing optio ns: Size [%] Y ou can vary the scale of the graphic displ a y from 20 % to 120% in 5% steps.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 337 XTCC Function bar For I nfo b ox: Move P ointe r T he infos are di splay ed by positi oning the m ouse curs or . Click Button The inf os are displayed b y clicking on the left mouse button. The descr iptio ns in the manua l generall y relate to this mode.
338 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar XTCC 8.3.4 A utoscan Each Autoscan cycle consis ts of a data transfer phase, a displ a y phase, and the Autoscan delay . The A utoscan del a y is the inte r v al between the end of th e display phase and th e beginni ng of the sub sequent da ta transf er phas e.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 339 XTCC Function bar 8.3.4. 3 Settings Opens a submenu con taining th e f ollowing set ting optio ns and buttons: A utoscan Dela y [s] This sc ale allows you to det ermi ne the inte rval current ly set. If “Manual Adju sting” is selec ted, this value ca n be chang ed.
340 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar XTCC OK Confir ms the s ettings and closes the menu. Hel p Opens a window containing the XTCC help file. Cancel Cancels the settings a nd closes the menu.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 341 XTCC Function bar 8.3.5 T ools The following functi ons are availabl e: – XTCC Communi cations – Get Remo te/Expand Local Fi le – Show Remote Fi le – Compare Local Files – XTCC Update /Re v er t 8.
342 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar XTCC If messag es are present , then the number of messages is disp lay ed by means of the yellow indica tor Msg:<n> in the XTC C status b ar . Y ellow letter symbols are also visible in t he config uration display .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 343 XTCC Function bar 8. 3.5. 4 Com pa re Loc al Fil es Star ts a graphical too l which enables two local te xt files to be compared. The two files are displ a yed in s ynchroni zed te xt windows. Dif f e rences ar e marked in color , and the numb er of differences i s entered in the st atus line a t the bottom rig ht.
344 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar XTCC 8.3.6 Pr ofile The te rm “profile” e ncompas ses all user-speci fic sett ings chose n under “O ptions” an d “Autoscan”.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 345 XTCC Function bar If you requi re indivi dual pro file sett ings, y ou shou ld define separate pr ofile settings. Th e profil e data is saved in a matri x f or mat: A direc tor y is set up for each pro file name, includ ing “def ault” .
346 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar XTCC 8.3.6. 1 Sele ct Allows you to create and sele ct user-spe cific sub director ies in th e temporar y XTCC direc tor y . All option s ettings are then stored in unit-spe cific fi les in these subdir ector ies.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 347 XTCC Function bar Notes on operating – Y ou use the two scrol l bars for posit ioning in the list bo x. – Double-clicking on a n entr y with th e left mouse button transfers this to the entr y field.
348 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar XTCC 8.3.7 H elp The ap pearance of the submenu dep ends on th e language selected i n “Settings ” (see page 336 ): 8.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 349 XTCC Function bar A bout XTCC... The version of X TCC can als o be seen at the bottom r ight of the configu ration overvi e w win do w .
350 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Func ti on bar XTCC C entricStor Us er Guide One of the menu functio ns – Centr icSt or User Guid e (complet e) – Centr icSt or User Guid e (GUI P ar t) is off ered.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 351 XTCC Function bar 8.3.7. 6 C entricStor S ervice M anual One of the menu functio ns – Centr icStor S erv ice Manual ( complete) – Centr icStor S erv ice Manual ( GUI P ar t).
352 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Elements of the XTCC windo w XTCC 8.4 Elements of the XTCC windo w 8.4.1 D isplay Each XTCC wi ndow displays an ISP of the Centr icStor system, tog ether with the conne cted per ipherals.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 353 XTCC Elements of the XTCC window The op erating status of an elemen t is indi cated by the colo r of the ass ociated box, where the following co lor key applies : Green: Nor mal.
354 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Elements of the XTCC windo w XTCC 8.4. 2 Unexp ected err ors In the ev ent o f inter nal errors such as th ose that occur owing to missing ( mandator y) variables of the InfoBroker , X TCC opens ( if possible) a win dow with the titl e: “ XTCC Prob lem Info ”.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 355 XTCC Elements of the XTCC window The Autoscan proc ess is s topped for the duration of this wait time. Suc h a window can - if absolu tely neces sar y - be c losed by clicking o n the relev ant Wind ow-Manager- specific button at the top rig ht or left of the window title ba r .
356 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Elements of the XTCC windo w XTCC 8.4.5 G r oup display When Ce ntricS tor compone nts are d ispla yed, there may be mor e configuratio n elements (e.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 357 XTCC Elements of the XTCC window The st atus line is contained at the botto m edge of th e Groups wi ndow: A utos can green = r elease d ye ll ow = ac tive flashi ng red= st opp.
358 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Elements of the XTCC windo w XTCC Color codes in the group displa y The ob ject color s used in t he group displ a y are ver y simila r to those i n the configu ration displa y.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 359 XTCC Elements of the XTCC window Explanati on 1 F ile sys tem full : red flas hing tool symbol i n the c onfiguratio n ov er view . Flas hing symbo l for system mess ages in the GXCC window . 2 F ile syst em 95% fu ll: blac k flashi ng tool sy mbol in the configurat ion ov er view .
360 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 File viewer XTCC 8.5 F ile vie wer XTCC provid es a file vi e wer , complete with scroll bars and s earch functi ons, f or displaying help texts and the data ret ur ned by v ari ous “Show” func tions. This file viewer suppor ts b oth text and binar y files.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 361 XTCC Fi le viewer 8.5. 3 File Open (T ext)/Open (Hex ) This function is only av ailable in User and Ser vi ce mode. Opens a file sele ction bo x. Once you have made your se lection, the file viewer is then opened i n pure text mode (Ope n (T ext)) or in combin ed hexadecimal/ te xt mode ( Open (Hex)).
362 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 File viewer XTCC 8.5.4 AutoUpdate This fun ction is of f ered only when called b y spe cific GXCC/XTCC functions. The fil e displ a yed is reread cy clically . If en trie s hav e been a dded, these a re shown at t he end of the text window and highl ighted by a light er background.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 363 XTCC Fi le viewer 8.5.6 Highlight Selec ting “Down” or “Up” with the left mous e button or pressi ng the assoc iated keyboard shor tcut enables you to highli ght all occurrenc es of the str ing spe cified in “Sear ch Stri ng” in color.
364 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 File viewer XTCC Highli ghted Dependin g on the sear ch procedure, this field outputs the number of co lor-highlig hted hits for the str ing bein g searched for . T his counter also takes multipl e hits into account (depend ing on the search method and str ing).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 365 XTCC Fi le viewer 8.5.8 Mode 1 st Line -> Ruler/Se lection -> Ruler Displ a y s the firs t line or the selecte d line in the non-sc rolling ar ea of the w indow . This fun ction ca n be used when viewing long tables in order to k eep the t itle bar vi sible at all ti mes .
366 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 File viewer XTCC T ab S top Inter v al In text files with t abulators the tab stop inter v al can change. The “d ef a ult” gen erates an inter val of 8 ch aracters wi th behavior typi cal for a text editor . For the ot her values in tervals from 1 .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 367 XTCC ISP 8.6 ISP 8.6.1 Object information on the ISP The obj ect represent ing the entire IS P is hidden be hind the text “Centr icStor” i n the center of the X TCC window . If requ ired two addi tional symbol s are dis pla yed: – A yellow flashing SNMP symbo l indicates th at SNMP da ta is pres ent.
368 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 ISP XTCC Hardwa re T ype Primerg y PC model. Prod. Serial No . Se rial numb er of the P rimergy Graphics Board T y pe of graphics boar d Fir mware Autoload Indication of wh ether or not the fir mware autolo ad function i s activated.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 369 XTCC ISP S how Revision Histor y This function is used to dis pla y a lo g showing all the software updates of the ISP :.
370 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 ISP XTCC V ersion Consiste ncy Check This function is offered only if the cons istency c heck mechanism is av ailable on t he moni- tored s ystem and i nconsistenc ies have been detected i n the currentl y insta lled software version.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 371 XTCC ISP S how Diff. Curr ./Prev . V e rs ion This function is o ff e red only if the c onsisten cy check mechanism is av ailable on the sys tem being o bser ved. It is us ed to show the diff erence be tween the cur rent and the pre vious versions u sing the graphical Diff tool.
372 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 ISP XTCC 8.6.2. 4 S how Node Elemen t Descriptors This fun ction is available only f or IC Ps with an ES CON channel adapter . It disp la ys the n ode eleme nt descr iptors of .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 373 XTCC ISP S how Configuration Data Outputs a confi guration disp lay in table f or m: F or space reasons th e e xample has been sho r tened. The c onfiguratio n data shows: – information about the IS P – a list of emulations wi th emulation name, HSI and d e vi ce name ( f or ICPs) or a list of PDSs for an IDP .
374 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 ISP XTCC The S CSI devices are re presented in the nor ma l wa y as c (=contro ller) <cc>t (=ta rget ) <tt>l (=L un) <ll> , wher e cc , tt , ll are shown as decima l numbers. cc specifies the control ler number in the ISP .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 375 XTCC ISP 8.6. 2.6 Sho w Syst em Log Displa ys syste m messag es from t he fil e klog.msg : S how SNMP Data This function is only availabl e if a flashing y ellow “SNMP ” symbol i ndicates tha t one or mo re SNM P data blocks are av ailable.
376 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Internal objects of t he ISP XTCC 8.7 Internal ob ject s of the ISP 8.7.1 R epresentati on of internal objects Inter nal ob jects are those th at do not communi cate direct ly with the extern al data path an d are ar ranged physically wi thin the sys tem.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 377 XTCC Intern al objects o f the ISP C D-ROM The sta tus of a CD- R OM driv e is indi cate d by the f ollo wing col ors: T urquoi se: R ead/write, re ad, busy Pink: Online.
378 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Internal objects of t he ISP XTCC S CSI controller This i s repr esented e xact ly as d escrib ed in t he section “ Object in f or mation on SCSI contr ollers” on p age 421 . R AID controller A RAID cont rol ler i s repres ented b y a b loc k in whic h the de vice n umber (R AI D #0, RAID #1 etc.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 379 XTCC ESCON/FICON host adapter 8.8 ESCON/FICON host adap ter 8.8.1 Object info rmation fo r the ESCON/FICON host adapter Each h ost adapte r is represente d by a b lock at the top o f the ICP . Within th e bl ock, the host adapter number (HA # 0, HA #1, etc.
380 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 ESCON/FICON host adapter XTCC Chann el Node s List of h ost cha nnels used to es tablish a logic al path. Ea ch line correspo nds to one ESCON chan nel.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 381 XTCC ESCON/FICON host adapter 8.8.2 ESCON/FICON host adapt er functions The following functi ons are availabl e: – Show Node ID Details – Show Node Element Desc riptor s – Show Dump (p rkdump ) 8.
382 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 ESCON/FICON host adapter XTCC 8.8.2. 2 S how Node Elemen t Descriptors Displ a y of the node e lement descr ipto rs of an ESCON/FIC ON host ad apter and th e under- lying vir t ual device s. Show/View function s open wi ndows that are equ ipped with scroll bar s and sear ch function s.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 383 XTCC ESCON/FICON host adapter Show Dump (prkdump) Displ a y of the host a dapter dr iver dump: T o analyze th is dump, y ou wil l need detail ed knowledge o f the system .
384 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Emulations of dr ives connected to OS/390 host adapter s XTCC 8.9 Emulations of drives connected to OS/390 host adapter s 8.9.1 I nform ation on emulations The E SCON channel a dapter onl y has emulations of dri v es of the types IBM-34 90E and Fuji tsu F6473K.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 385 XTCC Emulations of drives connected to OS/390 host adapters The i nf or mation box contai ns the following informa tion: Emulatio n N ame of the e mulation. Vir tual Drive Inter na l Centri cStor name f o r the log ical dri v e.
386 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Emulations of dr ives connected to OS/390 host adapter s XTCC 8.9.2. 1 S how Error/T ra nsfer Statisti cs Displ a y of the erro r and statis tical data transf erred to the host.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 387 XTCC Emulations of drives connected to OS/390 host adapters 8.9.2. 2 Sh ow Short T race Displ a y s general in f o rm ation at the be ginning o f the star t t race file: This is f ollowed by the trace on al l comman ds sent by the hos t together wi th their ter mi- nation.
388 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Emulations of dr ives connected to OS/390 host adapter s XTCC 8.9.2. 3 Sh ow P ath T ra ce Displays the path sequence o f I/Os:.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 389 XTCC Emulations of drives connected to OS/390 host adapters 8.9.2. 4 S how Error Log Displ a y s a text window containi ng the erro r log of the v ir tual device or emulat ion.
390 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Emulations of dr ives connected to OS/390 host adapter s XTCC Show Memory Log Displa ys the pro cess log f or the emul ati on wh ich i s pres ent in mem ory: This function makes it possible to di splay a continuous m emor y trace for the emulati on (logg ing).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 391 XTCC Virt ual 3490 d rives 8.10 Vir tual 3490 drives 8.10.1 Object inf ormation and error messa ges fo r virtual 3490 drive s Each e mulation is assign ed its own vi r tual dr ive. In this obj ect, the err or mess ages and behavior of a real dr iv e are simulated as r equired .
392 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Vir tual 3490 d rives XTCC The di splay can contai n one of the f o llowing me ssages: When a logical volume i s loaded, the third line specifies which cac he contains the associ ate d dat a.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 393 XTCC Virt ual 3490 d rives Ob ject information The extended infor mation c ontains the following dat a: Dr ive Status ( Empty , writ e-protecte d); Specifi es whether a car tr idge is in ser ted and whether data can b e written to this car tri dge.
394 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Vir tual 3490 d rives XTCC The following table lists the SIMs/MI Ms used by the emula tion and g ives the probable cause . 8.10.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 395 XTCC Virt ual 3490 d rives 8.10 .2.1 Show SCSI Se nse The device emulati on of Centr icStor works in terna lly as a prot ocol conver ter from the chann el to the S CSI proto col and vice v ersa. I n a Centri cStor ICP t he SCSI interface is only emulated.
396 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Vir tual 3490 d rives XTCC Sh ow Medium Info (MIM) An info bo x appe ars if no MIM log exists: Displa ys the l atest Medi a Inf ormation Me ssage s in a te xt window .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 397 XTCC Virt ual 3490 d rives S how Service Info (SIM) Displ a y s the lat est Ser vic e Inf or mation Messages i n a text window . The MI M and SIM cod es of the v ir tual devices are descri bed in the se ctio n “Obj ect inf or- mation” on page 3 93 .
398 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 FC-SCSI host adap ter XTCC 8.11 F C-SCSI host adapter 8.11.1 Object information on FC-SCSI host adapter s Each h ost adapte r is represente d by a b lock at the top o f the ICP . Within th e bl ock, the host adapter number (HA # 0, HA #1, etc.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 399 XTCC Emulations of SCSI drives (VTD) A dash ed line indi cates th at the host adapter and/o r emulation are not rea dy . If no line is displ a yed, no LUN was found. 8.11.2 FC-SCSI host adapter functions Perf orm Link Down/Up Sequenc e For appro x.
400 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Emulations of SCS I drives (VTD) XTCC The figur e below shows the c haracteris tics of an emul ation as dis play ed i n XTCC. The i nf or mation bo x displays: Vir tual T ape Device Internal SINIX nam e f or the device. Logica l Unit Num ber LUN on t he FC-SCSI interface.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 401 XTCC Emulations of SCSI drives (VTD) 8.12.2 Functions for individual VTD em ulations The following functi on is av ailable: – Sho w T r ace S how T race Displ a y s the emulat ion trace in a te xt window . The example above shows the trace entr ies cre ated when th e VTD is star ted.
402 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Vir tual SCS I drives XTCC 8.13 Vir tual SCSI drives 8.13.1 Object information on virtual tape dri ves Dr ives of this type are design ated as VD rives. In co ntrast to real dr ives, an associated SCSI control ler exists only when the logical v olume is lo cated on th e local dis k.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 403 XTCC Virtual SC SI drives The following is displayed: Inquir y data V endor ID , pr oduct ID , pro duct revision lev el, dr iv e ser ial number .
404 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Vir tual SCS I drives XTCC 8.13.2 Vir tual generic drive functions Depen ding on the emul ation, the f o llowing funct ions are available: 8.13 .2.1 Show SCSI Se nse Sho ws the accum ulat ed SC SI sens e b yte s of th e virtual driv e.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 405 XTCC VLS (Vir tual Library Ser vice) 8.14 VLS (Virtual Library Service) 8.14.1 Object information on V LSs A VLS (Vir tual Li brar y Ser ver) is the emul ation of an ar chive system for magneti c tapes. Centr icStor can emula te various type s of arc hive systems.
406 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 VLS (Vir tual Library S ervice) XTCC ● The f ollo wi ng inf ormatio n is al so o utput f or VLSs of the ty pe VJ UK: V en dor ID V en dor identifi er Product ID Product i den.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 407 XTCC VMD (Virtual Mount Daemon) 8.15 VMD (Vir tual Mount Daemon) 8.15.1 Object information on the Vir tual Mount Daemon (VMD) The VMD , also known as the mount s erver , controls the mo unting and unm ounting of vir tual volumes in the vir tual dr ive(s) on beh alf of the V LM.
408 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 VLM (Vir tual L ibrary Manager) XTCC 8.16 VLM (Virtual Library Manager) 8.16.1 Object inf ormation for t he VLM Vir tual lib raries are emul ated and mapped to ph ysic al librar ies in a proc ess p air cons isting of a VLM (Vir tua l Librar y Man ager) and a PLM (Physical Librar y Manag er).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 409 XTCC VLM (Virtual Library Manager) ● Whether the cache file sys tem is u sed for “floating” v olumes or whether volume groups are per manen tly assig ned to it (“ e x clusive”). ● The numbe r of “misp laced” volumes whi ch may be presen t.
410 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 VLM (Vir tual L ibrary Manager) XTCC Set HAL T Mode/ Set R UN Mode This fun ction is no t av ai lable in Obser ve mode. In HAL T mode, the V LM acce pts no mount j obs for logical volumes. All oth er Centr icStor activ ities continue to r un.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 411 XTCC R AID systems 8.17 RAID systems 8.17.1 Object information on RAID systems Centr icStor c an be su pplied with th e RAID syste ms S80, CX50 0, CX3-20 and Eter nus 3000/4000. I n XTCC, the RAID sy stems are represented a s perip herals conne cted to the ISP vi a a Fibre Channel cont roller .
412 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 RAID systems XTCC The cont roller ty pes differ slightly i n their pr esentation of the functi ons av a ilable: S80 (=F C2502) Inter nal RAI D system CX500/CX 3-20 Eter nus 300.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 413 XTCC R AID systems In the c ase of extern al RAID sy stems, the infor mation window con tains the f o llowing infor- mation: – vendor ID , product ID – type and seria l numb.
414 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 RAID systems XTCC 8.17. 2 Functions of RAID sy stems The following functi ons are availabl e: – Show Complete RAID Status (al l types) – Show Mode Pages (CX5 00/CX3-20 and .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 415 XTCC R AID systems This v er y extensive inf or mation indicat es the stat us of the co ntrollers and the di sks. The displ a y s are sel f-explanator y . For a more p recise inter pretation , in par ticular in the ca se of par ti al f ailures, pl ease refer to the RAI D system manua l.
416 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 PLM (Physica l Librar y Manager) XTCC 8.18 PLM (Ph ysic al Library Manager) 8.18.1 Object inf ormation on the PLM The st atus of the P h y sical Li brary M anager (PL M) is repre sented by the col ors pink (stop ped), green (r unning), green / bro wn (r unning with trace switched on ) and green / red (in reco v ery mode).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 417 XTCC PLS (Physical Library Service) 8.19 PLS (Physi cal Library S ervice) 8.19.1 Object inf ormation on the PLS Each p hysical librar y is assigne d at leas t one PLS (Phy sical Librar y Ser ver). The P LS of a SCSI- controlled ar chive must run o n the ISP th at contai ns the asso ciated SCSI c ontroller .
418 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 SCSI archive systems XTCC 8.20 SCSI arc hive systems 8.20.1 Object inf ormation on arc hive systems Arch ives with a SCSI- controlled access sy stem can be o perated in t he ISP via t he XTCC instan ce contai ning the a ssociated PLS.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 419 XTCC SCSI a rchive syst ems 8.20. 2 SCSI Ar chive syste m func tions This function is off ered aft er you righ t-click on the archive system icon (beh ind the dr ive icon). The Show Mode P ages , Show Mode P age De tails , Show Log P ages and Show Log P age Details f unctions are n ot off ered for all li braries.
420 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 PDS (Physical D evice Servic e) XTCC 8.21 PDS (Physi cal De vice Service) 8.21.1 Object information on P DS A PDS (Physical Device Ser ver) control s precis ely one physical de vice. The obj ect infor- mation displays the control ler and tar get of the a ssociated SC SI device.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 421 XTCC SCSI control lers 8.22 SCSI controll ers 8.22.1 Object information on S CSI control lers Each S CSI control ler is repr esented by a block at the bottom of the inn er window . Wi thin the block, the device number (SCS I #1, SCSI# 2, etc.
422 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 SCSI co ntrollers XTCC Max. T ar gets the maximum number of targets supp or ted by the con troller Name the sys tem name of the control ler Interface the interface v ar iant (e.g. SCSI Parallel or Fibre Cha nnel) T arget L ocation an in dication of whether or not the targets are insid e or outside the cabinet.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 423 XTCC Cartridge drives (real) 8.23 C artridge drives (rea l) 8.23.1 Object inf orma tion on tape drives The X TCC user interface is d esigned for a wide range of tape dr ives. Please refer to the data sh eet for y our prod uct variant to deter mine whic h drives are o r can be co nnected.
424 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Cart ridge drive s (real) XTCC If Ser v ice Informati on Mess ages (S IM) or M edium In f o rmati on Mess ages (MIM ) are p resent in the driv e , th ese a re indi cat ed b y me ans of a y ell ow or re d flas hing SIM/ MIM sym bol , dependi ng on thei r se verity (sev eri ty 0/1/2/3 = S er vice/Mod erate/Ser ious/Acute ).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 425 XTCC Cartridge drives (real) 8.23.2 T ape drive functions Whic h functions a re actuall y offered depends on the dri v e type. The menus are only examples.
426 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Cart ridge drive s (real) XTCC 8.23 .2.1 Show SCSI Se nse Displa ys the S CSI se nse da ta: SCSI lo gging sta r ts with th e ear liest entr ies, (see time stamp). I t consists of f our reference secti ons which are descr ibed in th e hardware reference manual of the corr esponding device.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 427 XTCC Cartridge drives (real) Show Log P age Details A subm enu is opened i n which you spec ify whic h log pag es are to be itemized and displa yed.
428 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Cart ridge drive s (real) XTCC Sh ow Mode Page Details A subm enu shows whic h mode page s the device su pplies. If you sele ct a page here th at is also des cribed in the SCSI sta ndard, this wil l be display ed and inte r preted in d etail as in the example below .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 429 XTCC Cartridge drives (real) S how Vital Product Data Displ a y s cer tai n elements o f the vital product da ta: Y ou can use this functi on to displ a y a sub section of the confi guration data stored in the ta pe device.
430 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Cart ridge drive s (real) XTCC Extract from the FID lo g: In this wa y you can e xtract a n e v ent or error histor y . FID code and FS C1 and FSC2 (F au lt Sympto m Code) must be repor ted to the manufacturer if e rrors which c annot be res olv ed occur on th e de vice.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 431 XTCC Cartridge drives (real) Sh ow Medium Info (MIM) If the re is no MIM entr y , you wil l be notified in an info bo x: If Me dium Informati on Message s hav e been re corded, a text window app ears with the messa ges: The MIM s of the dr ives are recorded.
432 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Cart ridge drive s (real) XTCC S how Service Info (SIM) Displ a y s the Ser vic e Inf or mation M essages: If p rob lems relating to the cha nnel adap ter (CONTROL UNI T) or tape devices (T APE) occur , this i nf or mation perm its a bett er asse ssment of the sev erity of the rec orded erro r .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 433 XTCC MSG MGR (Mess age Manager ) R emove Symbols of all Drives Removes all war ning s ignals on dr ives (MIM a nd SIM sy mbols) wi thout having to retrieve the under lying error messag e. W ar ning sig nals can als o be removed in Obser ve mode, b u t only by retr ieving the under lying er ror message.
434 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 MSGMGR (Message Manager) XTCC S how T race Displays the trace da ta: S how T rap T race Displays the trap trace da ta: The trap trace r ecords a ll SNMP traps s ent by the Messag e Manager to the SNMP mana gement sta tion(s).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 435 XTCC PERFLOG 8.25 PERFLOG 8.25.1 Object inf ormation of PERFLOG PER FLOG regular ly co llects perfor mance-re lated syst em data and store s it in log files. The loggin g per iod and th e direct ory in whic h log files are stored can be defined by se rvi ce perso nnel dur ing conf iguration.
436 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 PERFLOG XTCC 8.25. 2 PERFLOG functi ons Show T race & Logging Displ a y s the trace and l og data: This example s hows an extract from a trace depi cting the ev ents r ecorded dur ing sta r tup.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 437 XTCC ACCOUNTD (Acc ount Daemon) 8.26 A CCOUNTD (Accoun t Daemon) 8.26.1 Object inf ormation of A CCOUNTD The A ccount Daemo n records the account ing data i n a database. This obj ect is dis pla yed as of Cent ricSto r V3.1C20 00 provided the Account ing Licens e is instal led.
438 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 MIRRORD (mirr or daemon) XTCC 8.27 M IRR ORD (mirror daemon) 8.27.1 Object inf ormation of MIRR ORD The mir ror daemon monitors th e status of th e cache mirr or . The pres entation of this obj ect requires Cen tricSt orV3.1C and the Cach e Mirrori ng F eature Lic ense (CMF).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 439 XTCC S80D ( S80 daemo n) 8.28 S80D (S80 daemon) 8.28.1 Object inf ormation of S80D Daem on S80D is a monitor ing proc ess for RAID syst ems of the type FC2 502.
440 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 VLPW A TCH (VLPwatch daemon) XTCC 8.29 VLPW A TCH (VLPwatch daemon) 8.29.1 Object inf ormation of VLPW A TCH When th e A utoVL P f ailover function is e nabled, one VLP watch daemon r uns on the VLP and one on the SVLP .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 441 9 Explanation of console messages 9.1 General When unus ual ev ents occur, the v ariou s Centr icStor sof tware compone nts output messa ges at t he conso le.
442 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 General Explanatio n of cons ole mess ages The col or and text of the m essage provide you with i mpor tan t inf or mation co ncer ning an ev ent : ● Messag e color The co lor informs you of the “urg ency” of a message: The weight is no rm ally a compo nent par t of the message text.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 443 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages General ● Alongs ide the me ssage number , the weight and the mes sage text itself, the mess age provides the f ollowin g additio nal informati on. Example In the s ections bel ow , o nly the me ssage line componen ts pr inted in b old here, i.
444 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 General Explanatio n of cons ole mess ages The me ssage numb ers in the following se ction are arranged al phabetic ally Message Pa g e SXCF ... (CMF: Cach e Mirror ing Feature) 445 SXCH... (C hannel: pcib/pcea) 447 SXCM... (CHIM) 449 SXDN.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 445 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines 9.2 M essa ge lines 9.2.1 SXCF ... (CMF: Cache Mirr oring Feature) SXCF01 2 C MF(#12 ): ALE RT: fai led to become PRIMA RY, tim .
446 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s Case 3: If the v alue 0 seconds is specifie d as the pe riod, n o usable data is c ontained in /etc/mirror d/ms.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 447 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines 4. Ch eck whether the mi rror ser ver’ s processes a re runn ing: myps mir ror.s Sample output ? 922 1 ? ? ? ? / etc/mir rord/m irror.c lient ? 5179 517 7 ? ? ? ? / etc/mir rord/m irror.
448 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXCH00 4 E SCON-a d pcea<po rt> (bus <pci-bus > dev <pci -device >) start ed NOTICE Meaning The ESC ON por t <port> has b een activated. T his happens regula rly a t system s tar tup.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 449 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXCH00 9 ESCON-a daptor <board > (ser _no <seri al-nr) Compar e Erro r in Ch annel <chn> ALERT Meaning A test of the i nter nal data pa ths on t he ESCON bo ard (PCEA S/PCEA T) which runs dur ing the star tup phas e and idl e times re turned an error .
450 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s 9.2.4 SXDN... (DNA: Distribute and Activ a te) SXDN10 0 ( DNA#10 0): ALERT : switch SVLP_to_ VLP succ essfull y comple ted! (nee ded time : <mm>:< ss> (m m:ss) ) Meaning The V LP switchov er was suc cessful.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 451 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXDT00 3 D TV(# 3 ): ALE RT: dev =<maj, min>: d isk fi lesyste m stat e is c orrupted! Meaning Due to I/O errors whe n wri ting metad ata, the DTV fi le system on the co rresponding h ard disk has become inconsist ent.
452 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s 9.2.6 SXFC... (FibreChannel Driver) SXFC02 6 P VA1ICP 0 : FC2: IOCB _E_LOC AL_REJE CT ALERT SXFC00 5 P VA1ICP 0 : FC2: loop _id 0, IOCB error seq uence tim eout None Meaning Thes e two messages only occu r together.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 453 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXFC03 0 F C5: RS CN for port 0 063771 3 recei ved NOTICE RSCN m eans “Regis tered State Change Noti fication ”. This is a “ser vice ” of the FC s witch which ev e r y FC por t c an request fr om the switch.
454 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s The me ssage is o nly signif icant f or extern al FC c ontrollers. The abor tion m a y hav e been initia ted either by the SAN ho st or Centr icStor . <host> contai ns the 4 most significan t b ytes of the ho st WWN.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 455 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines T emporary una vailability of the FC The following messa ge complex, with LO OP-DOWN, rescheduli ng and LINK -UP messa ges, is o.
456 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s 9.2.9 SXIB... (Info Br oker) Syst em me ssa ges fr om the Inf o Br oker SXIB00 1 I B 001 EMER GENCY "** * %s File Sys tem full . ***" Meaning %s = name of the affected fil e system.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 457 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXIB20 0 I B 200 NOTI CE "Pleas e archiv e the perfo rmance hi story lo g files.
458 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s Response W ait to see whether th e error mes sage appe ars repeate dly (multiple m essages) bec ause with “b ge” and the “ cisco c atalyth switches” the re is the problem th at the L AN is only av ailable with a dela y .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 459 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines 9.2.12 SXMM... (Message Manager) SXMM00 7 K LOG[<p id>]: INFO: M essage Manage r unav ailable ! Meaning Informat ion that the Message Ma nager is not av ailable. Response Notify m aintenance s taff .
460 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXMM00 5 K LOG[<p id>]: WARNING : fope n(/dev/ osm) e rror er rno=<e rror n umber> <erro r descri ption> Meaning Error while openin g /dev/osm . Response Notify m aintenance s taff .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 461 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXMM00 7 K LOG[<p id>]: INF O: setsi d() errno =<erro r number> <error de scripti on> Meaning Inte rnal pr oce.
462 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXMM01 2 V LSM[<p id>]: WAR NING: Ch eck Path /u sr/apc /tmp/ms gadm err or Meaning The di rector y /usr/apc/tm p/msgadm can not be created. Response Notify m aintenance s taff .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 463 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines Response Notify m aintenance s taff . SXMM01 3 V LSM[<p id>]: NOT ICE: Fil e <filena me> remo ved Meaning Informat ion indic ating tha t the oldest hi stor y file has been re mov ed.
464 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s Response Notify m aintenance s taff . SXMM01 9 E MSG[<p id>]: WAR NING: Re adNextE vtMsgL ine() err or Meaning Error while reading t he ev ent message file. Response Notify m aintenance s taff .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 465 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXMM01 9 E MSG[<p id>]: INFO: M essage Manage r unav ailable ! Meaning Informat ion that the Message Ma nager is not av ailable.
466 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXPL00 3 P LM(#3) : ALERT: <P DS-nam e> on <host name> no t reachab le Meaning It was not pos sible to send a message to th e PDS <PDS-name > on the host <hostname> .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 467 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines Check the following values: – soft min imum number of em pty PV – hard mini mum number of e mpty PV – absolu te minimum nu.
468 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXPL01 1 P LM(#11 ):NOTI CE: num ber of free P Vs of PV-grou p <PVG > over absolute minim um (< num >) again Meaning The numb er of free ta pes is agai n greater than the absolute m inimum.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 469 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines List of the error st rings reported with PLM/RPLM(#16) ERR_PD S_03 _INIT : Meaning Error while initia lizing /opening th e device node. Illegal device node (path). Illegal di rector y in th e car tr idge’ s memor y chip 1 (tap e director y c orrupt ed).
470 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s ERR_PD S_03 _DRV_ NOTR EADY Meaning MTC dr ive/tape car tr idge is no t ready . Timeo ut e xpired. E rror on T estUnitRe ady . Response Evaluate physical er ror code and sense bytes! Nor mal behavior on unload if error infor mation AS C/ASCQ 3A/00 or 04/ 03 present.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 471 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines ERR_P DS_03_ POS_NOT _AFTER _TAPEMA RK Meaning P ositioning error : There is no tape mar ke immed iately in front o f the read/ write pos ition that is to b e adopted. Th e block position transferred is pre sumably not corr ect.
472 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s Response Notify m aintenance s taff . ERR_PD S_02 _WRIT E Meaning Error while writi ng to the c ache file Response Notify m aintenance s taff . ERR_PD S_02 _SEEK Meaning Error while positi oning in the ca che file Response Notify m aintenance s taff .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 473 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines ERR_P DS_01_ INVALID _HEADE R_SIGN Meaning T ape head er has n o v alid iden tifier (P OS1) at posit ion 0. Response Notify m aintenance s taff . ERR_PD S_01 _TAPE _NON _VTLS Meaning T ape head er does not hav e a valid Centr icStor i dentifier .
474 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s ERR_PD S_01 _VSN_ NOT_ VALID Meaning VSN in the tape he ader and t he transf erred VSN are not identical. The operation can therefore not b e perf or med. Response This is probably due to m anual inter vention.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 475 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXPL02 1 L M(#21) : NOTICE: Reorgan isation failed fo r LV <LV-na me> on PV <PV -name> , contin ue Meaning A reorg anizatio n operation ini tiated by the user encounter ed an error .
476 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXPL02 5 P LM(#25 ): WARNING : <n um> singl e saved LV s in dual sav e LV-grou p <name> found Meaning Following a d.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 477 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines Response Install the appr opriate licens e ke y . SXPL03 0 P LM(#30 ):CRIT ICAL: mis sing lice nce for op tional fu nction ".
478 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXPL04 1 P LM(#41 ): NOT ICE: Cl eaning -group of Tap e-libra ry <na me> ha s no cart ridge, tape-l ibra ry is res ponsib le f or cl eaning ! Meaning No clea ning car t ridge i s present.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 479 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXPL04 8 P LM(#48 ): NOT ICE: <n um> cl eancycl es for tape-l ibrary <name > availab le aga in Meaning PLM(# 45) has.
480 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s Response Only use car tr idges with enough capacity . SXPL05 6 P LM(#56 ): NOT ICE: al l PVGs of TL <name> deacti vated M.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 481 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXPL06 2 P LM(#62 ): ERROR : LV <name> can not be re organiz ed, reas on: <reas on>. It wa s set to inac cessib le at the PLM . Meaning The P LM attem pts to reorga nize an L V .
482 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s 9.2.14 SXPS... (P LS: Ph ysical Library Server) For the messag es SXPS 000 to SX PS008 of the r obot sof tware, only error numbe rs #4000 - #4008 are d escri bed becau se these er ror messages are depend ent on the r obot.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 483 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXPS00 6 P LS(#40 06) ERROR : <robot error mess age> Meaning A gene ral robo t er ror w hich is not necess arily tr aceab le to a d e vice or a c asse tte . The me aning of th e error mes sage can be found in t he relev a nt robot d ocumentati on.
484 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXPS99 6 P LS 996 NOTIC E "Stop %s fo r Maint enance ." Meaning %s stands for: P LS name ( e.g. PLS1 , ...). The P LS proces s %s was stopped via a menu in th e graphical user inter f a ce.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 485 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines 9.2 .15 SX RD .. . (Fibr eCA T: RAID ) The ta b le below sh ows the messa ge numbers with th e RAID syste ms which is sue the messa ges: 9.
486 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXRD0 01 NOTICE: ra idd: 0: 0:1 - di sk stat e change d (De ad -> Writ e-On ly) Meaning A rebuild is active f or the physical di sk of contr oller 0, c hannel 0, tar get ID 1.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 487 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXRD00 1 A LERT: ra idd: c50d 0 - state is Cr itical Meaning This message is onl y generated whe n the raidd is sta r ted at system boot. The logic al disk 0 on co ntroller 0 no longer pr ovides any redunda ncy .
488 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXRD10 4 W ARNING : raid 0:1: 0 - Disk: Wri te-Onl y, 17300 MB Meaning A rebuild is active f or the physical di sk of contr oller 0, c hannel 1, tar get ID 0.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 489 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines Response In the ev ent o f a message w ith the erro r weight ALERT: Notify maint enance s taff .
490 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s Fib reCA T CX500 and CX3-20 me ssages SXRD50 1 R AID: NOT ICE <raid -id> Har d SCSI Erro r recover ed (<#50 1.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 491 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines 9.2.16 SXRP ... (RPLM: Reco very Physic al Library Mana ger) SXRP00 3 RPLM(#3 ): ALE RT: <PD S-name > on <hos tname> not re achabl e Meaning It was not pos sible to send a message to th e PDS <PDS-name > on the host <hostname> .
492 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXRP01 5 R PLM(#15) : ERROR : <PDS- name> r eports sense = <Sense- Byte-V alue> o n PV <PV-n ame> Meaning The PDS <PDS-name > has repor te d an err or code for the physical volume < PV-name> .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 493 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXRP01 9 RPLM(#1 9): NO TICE: j ob can celed on PDS <p ds>, PV <pv>, state <state > Meaning The PL S or th e PD S could not e x ecute a j ob bec aus e of a time out.
494 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXRP05 1 RPLM(#5 1): ER ROR: <p ds> re ports err no = < num> ( <strin g> ) on PV <n ame> Meaning The P DS has de tected an error. Response Notify maintenan ce staff if necessar y .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 495 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXSB00 7 < PC> : fcpal< n> (sad m<m>): timeou t on t arget < t> lun <l> C DB <some bytes> AL.
496 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXSD01 7 s hd<k>t <ctl>: cmd " Read" @ blk < n> key "Mediu m Erro r" (0x 03) asc . ... ALERT Meaning Irrecoverabl e read errors occ ur sporadical ly on the F ibreCA T RAID d isk arra y desp ite mirroring.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 497 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines 9.2.21 SXSM... ( Server Mana gement) The ter m “sma#” used in this des cripti on is a coll ective ter m f or the proc ess na.
498 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s Depen ding on the Primer g y type th e ser ver will be reac tiv ated a fter the wait tim e specif ied in the BIO S setup and the sys tem star ted up. This mechanism is gov er ned b y the “ASR&R Boot Del a y” and “ Boot Retr y Counte r” entr ies in the BIOS se tup .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 499 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXSM01 0 s ma#: Mem ory Modul e <Id> dis abled ALERT SXSM01 0 s ma#: M emory Module disabl ed; Mod ule# = <Id> ALERT Meaning Memor y module <Id> is in t he “dis ab led” st ate.
500 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXSM01 8 s ma#: F an <Id >: Fan is not manage able ALERT Meaning Fa n <Id > has failed and must be replaced.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 501 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXSM02 6 s ma#: <Id > Voltage is too low ALERT Meaning The voltage with ID <Id> is too low . This message c an also b e trigge red by f aulty reg ulators, se nsors, batter ies or p ow er suppl ies .
502 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s If the f a n is inoperable for more tha n 3 minutes, the SINIX system is s hut down and the ser ver deactivated to prev ent the s er v er from ov er heating. Response Notify m aintenance s taff .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 503 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXSM0 36 sma#: CP U <ID> in tern al error occurr ed ALERT Meaning An inte rnal error was detected i n CPU <Id> .
504 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXSM04 2 s ma#: M emory Error L ogging limit reache d ALERT Meaning The li mit f or the M emor y Error Log was r eached beca use of too ma ny correctable mem ory err ors. No fur t her correc table m emo r y erro rs a re re cord ed.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 505 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines Response Notify m aintenance s taff . SXSM0 46 sma#: PC I syste m erro r; bus# < a>; devi ce# <b >; func tion # <c> ALERT Meaning A PCI sy stem erro r is indic ated by an onboard d evice .
506 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXSM0 49 sma#: Pr imergy Prod uct Seri al Numb er not availa ble ALERT Meaning The prod uct ser ial number of the Pr imergy is not av ailable. This ca n be caused b y the fol l ow i ng : a) The prod uct ser ial number is n ot entered in the Pr imergy IdProm (e.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 507 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines Response Notify m aintenance s taff . SXSM0 54 sma#: CPU <I d> auto mati cally t hrottl ed ALERT Meaning The C PU performa nce has be en reduced because the CPU te mperature was hi gh.
508 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s Response Check the am bient tempe rature and the f a n situation. Noti fy maintenan ce staff i ff no con- nectio n to increas ed ambie nt temperatures or f an faults could b e deter mined and this mes- sage c ontinues to app ear.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 509 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXSM50 1 s ma#: B IOS Bo ot Retr y Coun ter cou ntdown occurr ed - m aybe w atchdog t imeout ALERT Meaning The Boot Retr y Counter 1 (BIO S setup, menu item Se rver) has ti med out.
510 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s 9.2.22 SXSW ... (Software M irr or) SXSW01 0 S WM(#10 ): ALE RT: <de v> mir ror deg rade: <part> failed Meaning P art of th e mir ror ( <part> , pri mar y or se condar y) has failed.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 511 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXTF00 3 E RROR: dt v_ipall oc: dtv_ ipsize to o big, set to <val> Meaning The value of the Inode p ool size that can b e configu red using s pace.c is inv alid an d is repla ced by the ma ximum per mitted value.
512 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXTF00 4 W ARNING : dtv_mou nt: seto pt(CLUS TER_RE ADS) fail ed! Meaning The di sk controll er intended as the volume cac he cannot perform cl uster read ope rations. This error should o nly occur durin g test operatio n if no RAID control ler is av ailable.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 513 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXTF00 5 N OTICE: dtv_i read: r oot di rectory stale ! SXTF00 5 N OTICE: dtv_r dlookup : root direct ory st ale: <n ame>, .
514 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXTF00 5 N OTICE: dtv_irea d(<maj ,min>: ino=<ino >): root di rector y stale! SXTF00 5 N OTICE: dtv_r dlookup (<.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 515 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXTF00 6 P ANIC: dtv_ia ctive(< maj,mi n>: <cn t> ino de(s) i n use Meaning The fi le system has been u nmounted even though it was curr ently in us e. This results in a s ystem crash .
516 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXTF01 1 D TV_FSC K(dev= <maj,mi n>): < message > ...< message > Meaning Nor mal ou tput of the i mplicit fi le system che ck carried o ut when mou nting a DT V file system.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 517 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines 9.2.25 SXVL... (VLM: Virtual Library Manager) SXVL00 1 V LM(# 1 ): ALE RT: ??? : cann ot regi ster a s super visor - not mounted ? Meaning The V LM cann ot log on as super vis or for a speci fic cache filesys tem.
518 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXVL00 6 V LM(# 6 ): ERR OR: vol ume ?? ? set t o 'Fau lty' (? ??) Meaning This error can h a ve a number of di ff erent ca uses. It is usu ally caus ed by problems access ing the DTV filesystem .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 519 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXVL01 3 V LM(#13 ):ALER T: FATA L: dat abase i nconsi stencie s ! Meaning Incons istencies hav e occurred i n the VLM data maintenan ce system. Response Notify m aintenance sta ff! SXVL01 4 V LM(#14 ): FATAL: more file s in cache X th an allowed : NNN (max.
520 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXVL02 0 V LM(#20 ): ALE RT: vtl s.conf : SCRAT CH_LAB EL_<??? >: wro ng for mat Meaning When th e VLM was st ar ted er rors were found in confi guration fi le vtls.conf. The VLM is ter minate d.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 521 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXVL9 97 VLM 997 NOTICE "Aut omatic ally re star ted after %d tries. " Meaning The VLM was a utomatically restar ted afte r %d attempts. SXVL9 98 VLM 998 N OTICE "Aut omatic ally re star ted.
522 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s 9.2.27 SXVS... (VLS: Virtual Librar y Server) SXVS99 5 V LS(#99 5): NOTIC E "%s star ted." Meaning %s stands f o r : VLS name ( e.g. VA02 , VC03, etc.) . The V LS process %s was star ted v ia a menu in the graphica l interface.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 523 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines 9.2.28 SXVW ... (VLPW A TCH) VLP failover messag es SXVW00 1 V LPWATC H: ALE RT: Aut oVLP-F ailover : swit ch SVLP _to_VL P succ essfully comple ted! Meaning The switchover from the SV LP to the V LP has been successf ully co mpleted.
524 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXVW00 7 V LPWATC H: ALERT: VW(#007 ) AutoVLP -Failov er: Raid 1 (cache 10 0 | 101) not mou nted! SXVW00 7 V LPWATC H: ALER T: .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 525 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines Response Rectify the LAN conn ection pro blems and reboot the ISP . SXVW01 2 V LPWATC H: ALE RT: VW( #012) AutoVLP -Failo ver: FC conne ction to RAID i s DOWN ; shutdo wn! Meaning There is no connecti on to the 1st RAID s ystem.
526 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s Response The fu nction shou ld already hav e been stop ped on the VLP ; if it has not been, it must be stopped on the VL P .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 527 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXVW02 0 V LPWATC H: ALERT : VW(#0 20) Auto VLP-Fa ilover: VLPwat ch is sta rted fi rst on SVLP Meaning The VLP w atch mo nitor ing wizard was star ted on the SVLP fi rst. This is no t per missible.
528 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s Response If the VLP and S VLP are r unni ng correctly automati c s witchover should be initia ted manually .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 529 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXVW03 1 V LPWATC H: ALER T: VW( #031) AutoVLP -failo ver: in ternal or ext ernal LA N conne ction is not co nfigure d; termi na.
530 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXVW03 8 V LPWATC H: NOTI CE: VW (#038) AutoVL P-Failo ver: V LP is a live: wait max.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 531 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXVW04 6 V LPWATC H: NOT ICE: VW (#046) AutoVL P-fail over: S VLP is alive ! Meaning The V LP logs that the SVLP is av ailable. SXVW04 7 V LPWATC H: ALE RT: VW( #047) AutoVLP -failo ver: SV LP is not al ive! Meaning The V LP logs that the SVLP is not availab le.
532 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXVW05 3 V LPWATC H: NOTICE : VW(#05 3) AutoVL P-Fail over: sys tem erro r of getx2k vp()! Meaning An err or occurr ed while che cking the li cense.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 533 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXVW05 8 VLP WATCH: ALERT: V W(#058 ) AutoVL P-Fail over: LA N_1 con nection is DOWN on S VLP; Failo ver not fun ctiona l! Meaning The SV LP has no conn ection to the exter nal LAN.
534 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXVW06 4 VLP WATCH: NOTICE : VW(# 064) Au toVLP- Failover: only one mir ror-si de is accessi ble wait ma ximum %d mi nutes to see an updat e of the time stamp of SV LP Meaning In the boot phas e it is detec ted that onl y one mirr or side is a vailable.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 535 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines SXVW06 8 V LPWATC H: ALER T: VW( #068) AutoVLP -Failo ver: in ternal or ext ernal LA N conne ction is not co nfigure d! Meaning The i nterna l or external LAN conne ction is broken.
536 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message lines Explanatio n of cons ole message s SXVW07 3 V LPWATC H: ALER T: VW(# 073) Au toVLP-F ailove r: VLPw atch on <isp_n ame> is ru nning, commu nicati on to <.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 537 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Message lines 9.2.29 SXVX... (V eritas File Sys tem) SXVX00 1 W ARNING : vxfs : vx_id elxwri _done - inode 487921 on /u sr had a write error at offset 147 456 Meaning When tr ying to wr ite FS meta informat ion (i.
538 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message complexes Explana tion of co nsole me ssages 9.3 M essa ge complex es 9.3.1 Timeout on the RAID disk arra y SXSB00 7 f cpal0 (sadm1 2): tim eout o n targe t <t> lun <l> CDB . ...F C 0 00 01 8 0 00 ALERT 0007b7 90: fc _send _fcp : FCP_AB ORT .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 539 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Messa ge complexes 9.3.2 Timeout on the MTC drives SXSB00 7 a dsl1 ( sadm<n >): tim eout o n targe t <t> lun <l> CDB . ... ALERT or SXSB0 07 adsl2 (s adm<n+ 1>) : timeou t on targ et <t> lun <l> CD B .
540 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message complexes Explana tion of co nsole me ssages 9.3.3 Failure of RAID sy stems SXVD00 1 v drv<n> (FAIL OVER): switch 0:40-> 1:41 SXVD00 1 v drv<n> (FAIL OVER): switch 1:41-> 0:40 SXVD00 2 v drv<n> (FAILOVE R): Erro r exit 0130 002A E54 EC000 Meaning Both RAI D control lers hav e f ailed.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 541 Explana tion of co nsole me ssages Messa ge complexes 9.3. 4 F ailov er at t he RAID sy stem SXSD01 8 s hd<k>t <ctl>: Target vanis hed or SXSD01 5 s hd<k>t <.
542 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Message complexes Explana tion of co nsole me ssages 9.3.5 B us Reset f or SCSI Control ler SXCM0 01 chim1 (s adm9): SCSI -Bus res et None SXSB0 01 chim1 (s adm9): SCSI -Bus re.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 543 10 Wast e disposal and recyc l ing Centr icStor is a pr oduct wi th a long life . The de cisive factors here are not just the e xpansi on options but also the qual ity . Howe v er dev elop ment is ongoi ng. Amoun ts of data which ca n hardly be f orese en today will hav e to be processed i n the futur e.
Eine Dokuschab lone v on F rank Flachenec k er b y f .f . 1992.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 545 11 Contacting the Help De sk The tele phone numbers for the Fujitsu Sie mens Compute rs Help Desk can be found at the fo llowing URL: http://www .fujitsu- k When you c all, please hav e the ser ial number of y our device av ailable.
Eine Dokuschab lone v on F rank Flachenec k er b y f .f . 1992.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 547 12 Append ix 12.1 Integration of CentricStor V3.1 in SNMP This document descr ibes how Centr icStor c an be moni tored usin g SNMP .
548 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Integration of CentricS tor V3.1 in SNMP Appendi x 12.1.2 A ctiv ating SNMP on CentricStor Configuring SNMP under CentricStor The Ce ntricS tor system’ s VLP establishes the connecti on to the outsi de worl d. Conse- quen tly SNMP on ly needs to be con figured on th is proces sor .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 549 Appen dix Integration of Centri cStor V3.1 in SNMP 12.1.3 M onitoring CentricStor GXCC as a monitoring tool without SNMP This item is totally independent of SNMP a nd indic ates that GX CC is fun damentally an effective monitori ng tool.
550 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Integration of CentricS tor V3.1 in SNMP Appendi x With it a simple state ment can be provided on t he operating c ondition of Cen tricS tor: turquo ise: Cent ricSto r is worki.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 551 Appen dix Integration of Centri cStor V3.1 in SNMP C entricStor G lobal System Stat e Every 300 second s the Gl obal System State (see the s ectio n “G XCC as a moni toring to ol without S NMP” on pag e 549 ) of Centr icStor is sent vi a a trap .
552 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Integration of CentricS tor V3.1 in SNMP Appendi x M onitoring of CentricStor V2/V3.0 and V3.1 If an SNMP Managem ent Statio n is requi red to monito r a Centr icStor V3.1 a nd a Centr icStor V 2/V3.0 s imultaneous ly , the f o llowing ap plies: On the Man agement Stati on the GUI CD of Centr icStor V3.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 553 Appen dix Integration of Centri cStor V3.1 in SNMP I nstallation of the CA Unicent er extensions for CentricStor T ools for adding and deleti ng CA Unicen ter e x tensi.
554 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Integration of CentricS tor V3.1 in SNMP Appendi x 12.1.5 W orking with CA Unic enter and CentricStor C entricSt or icon under CA Unicenter The following icon was s elected for Centr icStor in 3 -D f or mat: It conta ins the texts Fujits u Siemens a nd Centr icStor.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 555 Appen dix Integration of Centri cStor V3.1 in SNMP In 2D form at Centr icStor i s represente d as follo ws: The Glo bal System State trap i s automatic ally set to green, yellow or red.
556 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Integration of CentricS tor V3.1 in SNMP Appendi x R eceipt an d preparatio n of a Centr icStor trap On recei pt of Centr icStor t r aps, mess ages are outpu t on the Event Console.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 557 Appen dix Integration of Centri cStor V3.1 in SNMP Monitoring CentricStor using ping and MIB-II All ob jects en tered in CA Unicenter are automat ically moitored by mean s of ping and MIB-II . This requi res that the a gent “Mib2” wo rks with th e right community .
558 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 E-mail support in CentricStor Appe ndix 12.2 E-mail suppo rt in CentricStor 12.2.1 Sendmail configuration sendm ail is star ted onl y if the confi guration fi le /etc/ mail/sendmail. cf e x ists. This fi le is not gene rated, but under cer tain co nditions it is modif ied to correc t errors.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 559 Appen dix E-mail support in CentricStor – In the fi le /etc/netconfig , the entr ies which hav e “ inet” in the 4th column must be comple mented by the en try “ ,/usr /lib/resolv.
560 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 E-mail support in CentricStor Appe ndix 12.2.3 C onfiguring the e-mail template The co nfigurable data of the e- mail can be set in e-mail-form at-specif ic config uration files. The c onfiguration fi le must be c reated by copying a sa mple file an d then be ad apted to the con ditions.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 561 Appen dix E-mail support in CentricStor The no rmal procedure is f o r an e-mail to be sent s tar ting with the error weig ht ERROR.
562 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 T ransfer ring volumes Appendi x 12.3 T ra nsf errin g v olum es 12.3.1 Intr oduction A transfer enables L Vs to be e xpor ted fr om a Centri cStor syste m and impor t ed into anoth er Centr icStor.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 563 Appen dix Transferri ng volumes 12.3.2 Expor t procedure 1. Co p y ing L Vs Figure 36: Cop ying an L V to TR-PVG With the ai d of the transfer-out comman d (see the sec tion “T ransfer-out” o n page 566 ), the PLM c reates an additiona l copy of the L Vs se lected for expor t in a s pecial trans f e r L VG, theTR-L VG.
564 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 T ransfer ring volumes Appendi x The transfer volume groups TR -L VG and TR-PV G are now rea dy f or another transf er . 3. Re moving PVs from a librar y The P Vs deter mine d abov e can now be physically r emov ed fro m the li brary using a DAS or ACSLS command (see the s ection “L ibrar y command s” on pa ge 571 ).
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 565 Appen dix Transferri ng volumes 12.3.4 Special fe atures of th e PV G TR-PV G ● PVs in the unknown sta tus cannot b e deleted u sing plmif con f -e ... . ● No reorgan ization takes place, neither c an it be i nitiated u sing a comm and.
566 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 T ransfer ring volumes Appendi x 12.3.5 A dditional command line in terf ace (CLI) T ransfer-out A transfer-out is initiat ed using this com mand. – The PL M cause s L Vs wh ich are lo cated in nor mal L V Gs to be copied to the spec ial L VG TR-L VG.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 567 Appen dix Transferri ng volumes Example of an outpu t when no t ran sfer -out is active AZUR-V LP0 # plmif qu ery -g pos LV-Grou p PVGroup1 P VGroup2 LV s pending jo bs recover .
568 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 T ransfer ring volumes Appendi x Example of an outpu t after terminatio n of th e trans fer -out AZUR-V LP0 # plmif qu ery -g pos L V-Group PVGro up1 PV Group2 LVs pen ding j o.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 569 Appen dix Transferri ng volumes If the VL M does not kn ow the L V , no restore command is issued to the PL M f or the pur pos e of actual ly reading in the L V . The PLM therefore waits f or an unlimi ted time, and no progre ss can be recognized whe n you quer y the jo bs ( plmif query -j -G T R-PVG ).
570 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 T ransfer ring volumes Appendi x R emoving an L V from a tr ansfer list This com mand enables an L V to be remov ed from the li st of L Vs to be transferred. If it has alrea dy been tran sf erred, the comma nd is reje cted.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 571 Appen dix Transferri ng volumes 12.3.7 Library commands A DIC library with D A S serve r Fur t her informatio n is provided in the D AS manual . S torageT e k Librar y with ACSLS serv er Fur ther inform ation i s provided in the A CSLS manual s.
572 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix 12.4 Licenses All lic enses deal ed with the Op en Source S oftware in Cent ricStor are listed be low . 12.4.1 Xpdf, gzip GNU GENERAL PU BLIC LICENSE V e rsion 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 19 91 F ree Software Foundation, In c.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 573 Appen dix Licenses Also, f or e ach author's protection and ours, we want to make cer ta in that ev er yone under- stands that there is no warranty f or this free software.
574 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix b) Y ou must cause any work that you d istribute or pu b lish, that in whol e or in par t con- tains or is derived from the Pr ogram or any par t thereo f , to be licensed as a whole at no cha rge to all th ird par ti es under the ter ms of this License.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 575 Appen dix Licenses The so urce co de f or a wor k means th e preferred f or m of the wor k f or mak ing modifi ca- tions to i t.
576 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix It is no t the pur pose o f this se ction to indu ce you to infr inge any patent s or othe r pro- per ty right claim s or to contest validity of any such c l.
578 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix If the program is interactive, make it output a shor t not ice like this wh en it star ts i n an inter - active mode: Gnomovisio n v ersio n 69, Cop yr ight (C) 19yy name of author Gn omovision come s with ABSOLUTE L Y NO W ARRANTY ; for details type `show w'.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 579 Appen dix Licenses 12.4.2 Firebir d INTERBASE PUBLIC LICENSE V e rsion 1.0 1. De fini tion s. 1.0. 1. “ Commercial Use ” mean s distr ibution or otherwise mak ing the Covered Code av ai - lable to a thir d par ty .
580 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix 1.10.1. “ Pa t e n t C l ai m s ” mean s any patent c laim(s), now owned or hereafter acquired, in- cluding without li mitation, metho d, process, and apparatus clai ms, in any patent Li- censable by grantor .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 581 Appen dix Licenses 2.2. Contributor Gr ant. Subjec t to third par ty inte llectual proper ty c laims, each Contributor her eby gr ants Y ou a world-wi de, ro yalty-free, nonexcl.
582 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix via Electr onic Distr ibution Mechani sm, must remain av ailable f or at least twelve (12) months afte r the date it in itially becam e a vailable, or at lea st six (6) month s after a subsequ ent version of that par ticula r Modifica tion has been made av a ilable to such recipien ts.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 583 Appen dix Licenses 3.5. Required Notices. Y ou must duplicate t he notice i n Exhibit A in each file of the Sour ce Code. If it is not possible to put suc h notice in a par ticu.
584 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix 4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation. If it is impos sible f or Y ou to c omply with any of the ter ms of this Lic ense with respec t to some .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 585 Appen dix Licenses 6.4 Origin of the Inter base Public License . The Inte rbase public lic ense is based on the Moz illa Public Lice nse V 1.1 with the following change s: 1. The l icense is pu b lished by Borland Software Cor po ration.
586 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix 8.2. If Y ou i nitiate li tigation by asser ting a pa tent inf ringeme nt claim (e xcludin g declato r y judgment actions ) against Initial De v eloper or a .
588 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix EXHIBIT A - I nterBase Public License . ``The contents of this file are subjec t to the Inte rbase Public Licens e V ersi on 1.0 (the “Li- cense ”); you ma y not us e this file except in complia nce with the Licens e.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 589 Appen dix Licenses 12.4.3 Sendmail SENDMAIL LICENSE The following li cense ter ms and condi tions apply , unle ss a dif f e rent licen se is ob tained from Sendma il, Inc., 6425 Chr istie A ve, F our th Flo or , Emer y ville, CA 9460 8, USA, or by elec tro- nic mai l at licens e@se ndma il.
590 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix (b) Redi stribution an d use in source and binar y forms, wi th or without m odifica tion, are per mitted p rovided that the f o llowing cond itions are met: (i) Redistr ibutions of so urce code must retain the above cop yrig ht notice, thi s list of conditi ons and t he following discla imer .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 593 Appen dix Licenses The following indiv iduals con tributed in p ar t to the Networ k Tim e Protocol Distri b ution V er- sion 4 and are acknowledge d as autho rs of this wor k. 1. [1]Mar k Andrews <m ark_an drews@isc. org> Leitc h atomic cl ock controlle r 2.
594 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix 29. [3 2]Louis A. M amakos <loui > MD5-ba sed authe ntication 30. [33]La rs H. Mathie sen <thor inn@di> adaptat ion of foundation c ode f or V e rsion 3 as spe cified in RFC-13 05 31.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 595 Appen dix Licenses 9. mail to:%20Mar c.Brett@westg eo .c om 10. m ailto:%20P iete.Brooks@ 11. mail to:%20reg@ dwf .com 12. m ailto:%20cli ft@ml.csir o .a u 13. mai lto:ca sey .za 14. mail to:%20Sven_Dietr ich@tri mbl e.
596 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix 53. mail to:%20tsur uoka @nc.fukuoka- 54. m ailto:%20v ixie@vix .com 55. mail to:%20Ulr ich.Win dl@rz.uni 12.4.6 tc pd /**** ****** ******* ****** ******* ****** ****** ******* ****** ********* ****** ** * Copyr ight 1995 by Wietse Venema.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 597 Appen dix Licenses 12.4. 8 openss h This file is par t of the Ope nSSH sof tware. The li cences whic h component s of this software f al l under are as follows. First, we will sum- mar ize and say that all c omponents are und er a BSD li cence, or a li cence mo re free than that.
598 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix The le gal status of this pro gram is some co mbination of all the se per missions and rest- ri ctions. Use onl y at your own respon sibility .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 599 Appen dix Licenses * Ari el Futo ransky <futo@ core-s> * <ht tp://ww w.core m> 3. s sh-ke yscan was co ntri b uted by David Mazie res under a BSD-style l icense. * Cop yright 1995, 1996 by David Mazier es <dm @lcs.
600 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix * 3. Neith er the nam e of the Univ ersity no r the names of its cont ributor s * may be use d to e ndorse or pro mote pr oducts deriv ed from this so ftware * withou t specif ic prior wr itten pe rmissio n.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 601 Appen dix Licenses Network s Asso ciates T e chnology , Inc . Sola r Design er T odd C. Miller W a yne Schr oeder Willia m Jone s Darren T ucker Sun Mi cros ystems The SCO Group.
602 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix c) Com patibility code (o penbsd-com pat) Apar t f rom the previousl y mentio ned licens es, v ariou s pieces o f code in the open- bsd-comp at/ subdirec tor y are lic ensed as follows: Some co de is li censed unde r a 3-ter m BS D license, to the following copyright h ol- ders: T odd C.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 603 Appen dix Licenses * Permis sion to use , copy, mod ify, and distribu te this so ftware fo r any * purpos e with or wit hout fee is hereby gr anted, pr ovided that the * above co pyright notice an d this perm ission no tice app ear in all * copies .
604 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix 12.4. 9 openss l LICENSE ISSUES The O penSSL t oolkit stays under a dual lic ense, i.e. both the conditio ns of the Op enSSL License an d the ori ginal SSLeay license apply to the toolkit. See below f or the actual li cense texts.
606 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix * 2. Redistr ibutio ns in b inary form mu st rep roduce the ab ove copy right * notice , this lis t of condit ions and th e follow ing discl aimer in the * docume ntatio n and/or ot her mate rials pro vided wi th the dist ributio n.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 607 Appen dix Licenses 12.4 .10 tcl Copyright : This s oftware is copyright ed by the Regents of the University o f California, Sun Microsy s- tems, Inc., S cripti cs Cor poration, and o ther par tie s. The f ollowing ter ms app ly to all files as- soci ated with the software unl ess explicitly disclaim ed in indi vidual files.
608 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Licenses A ppendix 12.4 .11 tk Copyright : This s oftware is copyright ed by the Regents of the University o f California, Sun Microsy s- tems, Inc., a nd other pa r ties. The following ter ms appl y to all fil es associ ated with the so ft- ware unles s explicitly di sclaimed in ind ividual fil es.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 609 Glossary A utoVLP failo v er func tion As the VLP Mas ter pla y s a central role in the C entri cStor syste m, f ailure of the VLP Maste r also ca uses the enti re system to f ail. T o p re vent this, a standby Stand b y VLP ( SVLP ) can be integrated into the system as a backup compute r .
610 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Glossar y Distribute and Activate ➟ DNA Distributed T ape V ol ume File Syst em ➟ DTV FS DNA The Dist ri b ute a nd A ctiv ate (DNA) fu nction must be inv oked in GXCC ev e ry time a change is made to the confi guration of the Centri cStor syst em.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 611 Glossa ry The FC Layer Model h as 5 la yers which h a ve the f ollowing nam es: – FC-0 (Ph ysical La yer) – FC-1 ( Data Link Layer , coding /decoding the sign als to be transferred) – FC-2 ( Network Lay er , fl ow control, ser vice classes) – FC-3 ( Common Se rv ices Lay er , e.
612 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Glossar y Header At the s tar t of each physical tape wr itten by Centr icStor ther e is an 80- byte header foll owed by a Ta p e m a r k . ICP In the Centr icStor system the ICP is the i nterf ace to the hos t systems c onnected.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 613 Glossa ry VLP ISP which has neither a host nor a device por t. Some cen tral managemen t proc esse s, i n particula r VLM und PLM , run on this ISP . A Centr icSto r system c an contai n two VLP- ISPs. The cent r al m anagement processe s then only run o n one of these, the VLP Mast er .
614 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Glossar y Messag e Manager ➟ MSGM GR MSGMG R Exists o nce in Ce ntricS tor . Fil ters and saves the ISPs’ s ystem mes sages and i mple- ments pr edefined me asures ( e.g. ser vice call, s ends SMS, etc.) . The MSG MGR is also respon sible f or forwarding the sy stem mes sages to the user inter f ace.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 615 Glossa ry Redundant Arra y of Independent Disks ➟ RAID system Reorgani sation Depen ding on the configuratio n paramters, th e logica l v olume s ( LV s) sav e d on the ph ysical vo lumes ( PV s) are aut omatical ly copied on to other physical volume s ( PV s) of the same ph ysical volume group ( PV G ).
616 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Glossar y Syst em Adm inis trato r Edi tio n ➟ SAE T ape F ile System ➟ TFS Ta p e m a r k A tapemark identifie s the end of a header or logical volume ( LV ) on a ph ysica l ta pe. T ape V o lume Cache ➟ TVC TFS In Centr icStor V 3.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 617 Glossa ry VLP M ast er The V LP Master is an IS P of the ty pe VLP in which the central management processe s, such a s VLM and PL M, are active. VLP is s ometimes us ed as a sy nonym f or VLP Maste r . VLS The tap e archives emulated in Ce ntricStor are referred to as V irtual Lib rary Servic es (VLS).
618 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Glossar y VTC VTC is b oth an ISP type and the na me of the smal lest Cent ricSto r mode l, wh ich consists of precis ely one ISP of this t ype. Like an ICP_IDP i t combin es the attr ibutes of an IC P , IDP and VLP . In contrast to the ICP_IDP i t is equipped wi th additional boards.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 619 Figures Figure 1: Co n ventional host r obot system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Figure 2: Ho st robot sys tem with Cen tricStor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
620 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Figures Figure 23: Examp le of a Centr icStor mirror system with 3 RAID mirror pai rs . . . . . . . . 57 Figure 24: Pr imar y and secon dar y caches in a RAID mirro r pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Figure 25: Present ation of the mirror functio n in GXCC .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 621 Abbreviation s Abbreviation Long f orm Explanation 3490E 3 6-T rack Drive from IBM 3490F 3 6-T rack Drive from IBM = B erino, successor o f 3490E 3590 128- T rac k Dri v e from .
622 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Abbrev iations CSV Comma Sepa r ated Va l u e s CSW Console Switc h CTL Control, T arget, LU N Relates to SCSI de vice CU Control Unit DA S Distr ibuted AML Ser ver I nterface .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 623 Abbreviations FW Firmware GXCC Globa l Extend ed Control Cen ter User i nterface f or Centr icStor i ncludin g admi- nistration , ser vice a nd monitor ing in Centr icStor V3.
624 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Abbrev iations MCP Master Con trol Proc ess MD Mount Dae mon MIB Management Inf or ma tion B ase MIM Media Infor mation Mess age Messa ge for a defective car tr idge, only 3590 - x/3592 MBK Magnetbandk assette (Ger man) Magn etic tape car tr idge MM Multi Mod e MSGMG R Message M anager On e instance i n Centri cStor .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 625 Abbreviations RAI D Redundan t Arra y of Independ ent (Ine xpensiv e) Disks RMT Remote Moni toring a nd Adminis tration Centr icStor expansi on f or whic h a licens e is requ ir.
626 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Abbrev iations TVC T ape V olum e Cache Fi le system on RAID system(s) which con- tain(s ) the L Vs i n the form of fi les. The ISPs access d iff erent L Vs at th e same time . UFS Unix File System UPS Uninterr uptable P ower Suppl y VA C S Vir tua l A CSLS E mulates an A CSLS to th e host.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 627 Related pu blicat ions The ma nuals are a vailable as online manuals, see http://manual , or in pr inted for m which must be paid and o rdered sep arately at h ttp://FSC-manuals hop .com . [1] SINIX -2000 V8.
628 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Related publications [3] RO B AR 3.0 B (BS2000/O SD , S INIX) T ap e Cart ridge Archiving System User Gui de T arget gr oup Comp uter centers wor kin g with the ABB A robot sy .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 629 Inde x 3490 emulati on function menu 38 5 global fu nctions 390 object i nf or mation 38 4 Show E rror Log 389 Show Error /T ransfer Statistic s 386 Show P ath T race 388 Show Shor t T race 387 3595-RMT 91 A Absolu te Min.
630 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Index B Balloon Help 242 Balloon Help Sum mary Emulations 24 3 Ph ysical De vices 244 Ph ysical Li br ary Processe s 244 Vir tua l Librar y Processe s 243 BASE logical v olu me.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 631 Index D DA S 50 DA S s e r ve r 571 data PVG show 285 show all 284 Delete snapsho ts 200 diagnos tic data 197 direct or y 36 Dir ty Limit 178 disast er 476 recover y 283 Down/Up.
632 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Index flashin g display activation on t he module 399 free pool 63 fscC entri cStor 555 Fuji tsu Libr ar y 571 Fujitsu ro bot 50 function bar file viewer 360 Global Sta tus 239.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 633 Index H hard di sk status i nformation 37 6 Hard Min. PV G 286 hardware arc hitecture 26 hardware comp onents 26 , 234 Hardware Su mmar y 23 4 Help file viewer 366 GXCC 232 XTCC.
634 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Index tcpd 596 tk 608 XML 590 Xpdf 572 Link Down/Up Sequ ence 399 Link/Unl ink V olu me Groups 221 LMF 50 LMF se r v er (PLP ) 571 Logical Drives control componen t 88 see als .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 635 Index VLP 126 VLS 405 VMD 40 7 VTD VTD emul ation 399 object- specific fun ctions XTCC 355 Obser ve mode 90 Open (T ext)/Open (Hex) file viewer 361 openssh 59 7 openssl 604 oper.
636 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Index R RAID cont roller functions 137 GXCC inf ormation 136 RAID cont roller (inte rnal ) status i nformation 37 8 RAID cont rollers inter nal 234 RAID Filesy stems configurat.
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 637 Index Sho w Balloon Hel p Summar y 24 2 Cache Status 408 Complete RA ID Status 414 Configurati on Data 373 CS C onf igur ation 197 Current Aspec t GXCC 151 Details (ISP) 135 Dum.
638 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Index GXCC via XVisio n 108 Obser ve mode 97 problems 115 User mode 97 XTCC 135 star t param eters 96 star ting GXCC cons ole 102 star ting from X ser ver GXCC 102 stat us inf .
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 639 Index vir tu al drive error co nditions indicat ed on dis pla y 392 function menu 394 inform ation 393 informati on and erro r messages 391 represent ation in Gl obal Statu s Mo.
640 U41117-J-Z125-7- 76 Index Options 336 Options Settings 336 Pri nt 332 profile 344 Readme 348 Show Remote File 342 star t 135 status ba r 328 title bar 328 T oggle As pect 337 T oggle Si ze 337 T o.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Alpine pmn (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Alpine pmn heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Alpine pmn vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Alpine pmn leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Alpine pmn krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Alpine pmn bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Alpine pmn kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Alpine pmn . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.