Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product LifeBook V1020 van de fabrikant Fujitsu
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1 Fujitsu LifeBook V Series BIOS Guide LifeBook V Series Model: V700/V1 020 Document Date: 07 /30/200 8 Do cument Part Numbe r: FPC58 -1825- 02 FUJI TSU C OMPU TER SYS TEMS CORP ORA TION.
2 Life Book V Series BI OS A Series BIOS BIOS SE TU P UTIL ITY The BIOS Setup U tility is a program that sets up the operating en vironment for y our not ebook. Y our BIOS is set at the factor y for normal operating c onditions, therefore there is no need to set or change the BIO S environm ent to op era te your noteb ook .
3 sever e, it will g ive you an opportunity to modify the setup utility settings, as described in the follo wing steps: 1. When you tur n on or restar t the computer there is a beep and /or the follo wing messag e appear s on t he screen : Error message - pleas e run SETUP program Press <F1> key to continue, <F2> to run SETUP 2.
4 Life Book V Series BI OS INFO MEN U - DISPLAYS BASI C SYS TEM I NFORMATI ON The Info Men u is a dis play only screen that provides the con figuration information for your not ebook. The fo llo wing table sho ws the names of the men u fie lds for t he In fo men u and t he informa tion dis pla ye d in thos e fiel ds.
5 SYSTEM ME NU – SE TTING STA NDARD SYSTEM PARA METERS The System Menu all ows you to set o r v iew th e cu rrent system par am eters. (See Na vigati ng through the Setup Utilit y on page 2 fo r more info rmation .
6 Life Book V Series BI OS Drive0 Selects the Drive0 Serial A T A drive submenu The pro duct numb er of the hard drive. Display the type o f device on this A T A/IDE interface. Pressing the Enter key selects the Serial A T A Drive0 submenu allowing additio nal device configurat ion option s for this in terface.
7 Drive0 Submenu of the System Menu The D rive0 sub menu ident ifies wh at A T A de vi ces are in sta lled . Figure 3. Drive0 Mas ter Subm enu T a ble 3: Fields, Option s and D efaul ts for the Dr ive0 S ubmenu of the S ystem Menu Menu Field Options Default De scription Ty p e : ■ Auto ■ None [Auto ] Sele cts th e hard drive device typ e.
8 Life Book V Series BI OS Drive1 Submenu of the System Menu The D rive1 subm enu al lows you to configu re secon dar y A T A dev ices . Figure 4. Drive1 Su bmenu T able 4: F ields, O ptions a nd Defa.
9 Exi ting from System Menu W hen y ou hav e finished setting the parameters o n this menu, yo u can either exit from the setup utility , or mov e to another menu. If you wis h to exit from the se tup ut ilit y , p ress the [Esc] key or use the cursor keys to go to t he Exit menu.
10 Life Book V Series BI OS ADVANCED MENU – SE TTING DEVICE FEATURE CONTROLS The Advanced Menu allows you to: ■ Set the key board and mouse f eatu re s. ■ Sele ct be tween th e disp lay pan el an d a n externa l displ ay . ■ Enab le or di sable co mpensa tion f or y our displa y .
11 USB Features When selected , opens t he USB Features submenu to allow you to ena ble or disab le legacy USB d evices and SCSI S ubClass support . Miscellaneou s Conf igurations When selected , opens t he Miscellaneous Configu rations sub menu to allow you to enable or d isable the power butto n, Wake Up On LAN, an d control volum e sett ings.
12 Life Book V Series BI OS Keyboard/Mouse Features Submenu of th e Advanced M enu The K eyboar d/M ouse Featur es sub menu is for turning N umLoc k on or off.
13 V ideo Fea tures Submenu of the Advanced Me nu The Video Features s ubmenu is for s etti ng the di spl ay para mete rs. Figu re 7. Video Fe atures Sub menu T able 7: Fi elds, O ptions a nd Defa ult.
14 Life Book V Series BI OS Internal Device Configurations Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Inter nal De v ice Conf igur ati on su bmen u all ows the user to ena ble or d isabl e ID E, Blu etoot h, LA N an d Wir el ess LAN Co nt rol lers .
15 CPU Features Submenu of the Advanced Menu The C PU F eat ur es su bmen u p ro vide s optio ns f or c onf igu ring the Int el C or e M ulti-P r oce ssi ng and S peedSt ep pow er manag eme nt fe atur es of the C PU .
16 Life Book V Series BI OS USB Features Submenu of the A dvanced Menu The USB F eature s submen u pro vides options for enab ling or disabling the USB d ev ices.
17 Miscellaneous Configurat ions Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Misc ellaneous C onfigurations sub menu p rovides options for enab ling or disabling the po wer butt on and the W ake U p On LAN f eatur e, a nd se tting t he v olu me an d video memory siz e.
18 Life Book V Series BI OS Event Logging Submenu of the Advanced Menu The Event Logg ing s ubmenu configures event lo ggi ng feat ures for D MI e vents.
19 SECURITY MENU – SETTING THE SECURITY FEATURES The Secur it y menu allows you to set up the data se curit y features of your n oteb ook to f it your oper at ing nee ds and to vi ew the cu rrent data secur ity configuration. (See N avigat ing throug h the Setu p Utilit y on page 2 for m ore information.
20 Life Book V Series BI OS Exiting from the Security Me nu W hen you h av e finis hed s etti ng the p aram eters on the Sec uri ty Men u, you can either exit from se tup ut ilit y or move to another menu. If you w ish to exit from setup utilit y , press the [Esc] key to go to the Exit Menu.
21 Hard Disk Security Submenu of the Securi ty Menu The H ar d Disk Sec urity s ubm enu i s fo r c onf igurin g har d di sk se curi ty feat ur es. Figur e 14.
22 Life Book V Series BI OS Owner Information Submenu of the Securit y Menu The Owner Information su bmenu is for setting owner information. N o te that the owner informatio n cannot be set without having enter ed a Supervisor P asswor d.
23 BOOT MENU – SE LECTIN G THE OPERAT ING S YSTEM SOURCE The Boot M enu is used to select the ord er in which the BIOS s earche s so urces for the op era ting sys tem. Fol low the instructions for N avigating Through the Setup Ut ility to make an y changes.
24 Life Book V Series BI OS Boot Device P riority Submenu of the Boot Menu The Boot Dev ice Priority submenu is for setting the order of checking of sources f or the operating system. Figure 17 . Boot Device Priority Su bmenu ■ Be careful of the opera ting environment when booting from a C D or you may overwr ite files by mistake.
25 Exiting from Bo ot Menu W hen you hav e finished setting the boot parameters with the Boot Men u, you can either exit fr om the setup utility or move to ano ther m enu. If you w is h to exit from the s etup utili ty press the [E sc] key to go to the Exi t Menu.
26 Life Book V Series BI OS EXIT MEN U – LEAVIN G THE SETU P UTILITY The E xi t M e nu i s used to l ea v e th e setu p ut ility . F o llo w the instructions for N avigating Through the Setup Ut ility to make an y changes. (See N a viga ting th ro ugh th e Setup Ut ilit y on page 2 for more informat ion.
27 Save Changes Selecting Save Changes will cause the new se ttings in all menus to be written to the BIOS memory . The message Save configuration changes now? [Yes] [No] will be displayed. W hen confirmed, the set up utility will return to the E x it menu.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Fujitsu LifeBook V1020 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Fujitsu LifeBook V1020 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Fujitsu LifeBook V1020 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Fujitsu LifeBook V1020 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Fujitsu LifeBook V1020 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Fujitsu LifeBook V1020 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Fujitsu LifeBook V1020 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Fujitsu LifeBook V1020 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.