Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Mika M3 van de fabrikant Gigabyte
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Mika M3 Mika M3 | 0.
Copy r igh t All m obil e pr oducts by GIGA - BYTE COMMUNICATI ONS INC. menti oned in this document, inc luding t he de v ice, ac cess ori es, soft w are, text , music, and pi ct ures, are owned by, or authori zed by origi na l manufac turers to GIGA - BYTE C OMM UNICATIONS INC.
Gener al I nformation Thi s s ect ion contai ns impor tant inf or m ation on sa f e a nd eff icient oper ation. Pl eas e read t h is inf ormati on be f ore using the devic e. Ignorance of the fol lowing noti ces may l ead to vi olations of the l aw. Bef ore using the devic e, please m ake sure you hav e fully charged the batt ery.
Ta ble o f C on tent s Copyri ght 1 General I n f ormati on 2 1. Get ting Start ed 4 1.1 Y our Phone 4 1.2 I nstalli ng or uninstalli ng the SIM Card, Batt ery, and Memory Card 4 1.3 Char ging the B atter y 6 1.4 T urning the P hone On or Off 6 1.5 Loc k/Unl ock 7 1.
1 . Getting Star ed 1.1 Your P hone Thi s s ect ion int roduces you to the hardware of the de v ic e. No items No I tems 1 Earph one Jack 10 V olume Key 2 Micro - USB Po rt 11 Power Key 3 Proxi mit y .
To instal l the SIM 1 card To instal l the SIM 2 card To remove t he SIM card Pl ease turn off your phone f ir st, and u se your fi nger to sl ide the SIM card out of c ard slot . NOT E : SIM Card Data Switch 3G (GSM+ WCDMA ) is set in SIM1 by d efault h owever s witcha ble to SIM2 by man ual setup .
To remove t he memory card (1) For saf e re m o v al, tap Appli cation s tab > Settings > Storage > Unmount SD card > OK . (2) Push the m emory card to eject it from t he sl ot. 1.3 Ch arging the Batt ery W hen you take your phone out of box f or the fir s t tim e, t he batt ery isn’t at full power.
1.5 Lock/ Unlo ck Unl ock th e devi ce Drag G i con on screen and sli de to unl ock i con for unlocki ng the de v ic e . 1. 6 Con tacts “Contac ts” i s your phonebook that you can store fri ends’ names, phone num bers, e - mail addresses and other inf ormati on .
Defaul t Home Screen : Mai n func tions. You can sli de the Home Screen f ro m t he l eft si de to the ri ght s i de or from the right si de to t he lef t side to switc h it. The icons l ocated at the bottom of the hom e page hav e differ ent f uncti ons: Self - defin e d Home Screen: You can add t he s hort cuts and widgets.
Sta tus Icons The icons of t he s t atus bar i ndicate diff erent types of inform ation. Tap the stat us bar and scroll down to vi ew notific ations or v iew sys tem inf ormati on. Typ e s Icons Descrip tion s Phon e call Call i s i n progress . Your call is on hold.
Typ e s Icons Descrip tion s Notif ica tio n Mi ss ed c all . General notifi cati on. FM r ad i o i s on. Pl aying a song. Downloadi ng an appli cation.
2 . P hone Func ti ons & Messages 2.1 Voi ce Calls To make a call fro m the Ph on e screen (1) Go t o the Phone scr een. (2) Use the keypad t o input phone num ber s. (3) Tap t o m ake the phone call. NOT E : 1. T ap t o del ete a number. T ap and hold to erase en tire numbers.
(3) Tap the icon to send the message. (4) Compose your m ess ag e. (5) Tap to send your message. NOT E : If you exit Messages befo re se ndi ng, unsent message will be saved as a draf t auto mati cally. Goog le keyboard 2. 4 Mul timedia M essage A Multim edi a m es sage or MMS c an contain let ters, an im age, an audio, or a video file.
3 . Wi - Fi & B lue too th 3 .1 Wi - Fi Your devi ce can connect to t he detected net w or k thr ou gh W i - Fi . (1) T ap Appli cation s tab > > W i - Fi . (2) Switch to turn “ W i - Fi” on or off. To c onnec t to a W i - Fi ne twor k (1) Tap “W I - FI” , ch eck W i - Fi f unction and turn it on .
4 . Multim edia Applications 4.1 Camera Your phone i s equipped wit h a n 13 MP ca m era t o take photos and vi deos. Camera Fu nction Icon Func tion Icon Func tion Tap t o tak e a photo . Panoram a m ode . Tap t o record a v ideo . Displ ay t he fl ash mode .
4.2 Mus ic You hav e t o copy your audi o fil es to the storage car d b ef or e pl aying m usic, because the music play er only plays audi o f iles sav ed in the storage car d of your phone. T ap Applic ation s tab > . Playb ack screen: D i splays the pl aybac k area w i th t he pl ayback cont rols.
5 . Pre - In stalled Programs I ntrodu ction Icons Prog rams Descrip tion Icons Prog rams Descrip tion Best Choic e R ecomm ended the best soft ware and f uncti ona l ity .
Icons Prog rams Descrip tion Icons Prog rams Descrip tion System upda te Checki ng the system update i nform a ti on. Battery Do ctor To sav e j u i ce and ex tend battery lif e signif icant ly .
6 . Ma nag ing Y our P ho ne 6 .1 P rotec ti ng Y our Phone You can prot ect your phone f rom unauthori zed users in a few diff erent ways. Set up P IN Protecti o n (1) T ap Appli cations tab > > Sec urity > Screen l ock > P I N. (2) E nter y our PIN, and then, tap “Conti nue”.
7 . Specifi cation s System I nformatio n P l a tf orm Androi d 4. 4 Proces sor 1.3G Hz Quad Core Mem ory ROM 8 G B/ RAM 1G B Disp lay Size 5” Resoluti ons 1280 x 72 0 pix e l s Size Dim ensions 144 x 70.
3. Memor y co mprises o f appro ximately 2 GB firmware, plus 6 G B of “ P hone storage” for d ownl oade d app licat ions and the ir data , mus ic, picture s, v ideos and doc ume nts . If thi s document is m odifi ed, please do wnloa d t he lat es t v ersion on GSmart o ff ici al web si t e .
A ndr oi d 4.4 Intr oduction Android 4 . 4 | 0.
Ta ble o f C on tent s Chapter 1 Phone Functions & Input 2 1 .1 P hone Ca lls 2 1.2 Vid eo Calls 3 1.3 U sin g On - Sc reen K eyboar d 3 Chapter 2 Em ail & Mes sag es 5 2 .1 C rea tin g and send ing a t ext me ssag e 5 2.2 E- mai l A ccou n t s 7 Chapter 3 Using the Inter net 9 3 .
1. Ph one Fu nction s & Input Pho ne Fu ncti ons T ap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS tab > Phone . 1.1 Voice Calls To make a call fro m the Phone screen 1. Go to the Phone screen. 2. Us e t he keypad t o input phone num ber. 3. T ap NOT E : T ap to del ete a num ber.
To set up con ference call s 1. When you are already ha v i ng a ca l l conver s ati on, tap to ent er another phone num ber . 2. W hen s om eone answer your phone cal l , tap .
Usi n g on - screen keyboard Use the keys on the on - screen key board . Tap t he keys to enter t he c haracter s. Setting t he In put M et hod from Settings S creen 1. Tap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS t ab > > Language & input . 2.
2 . Em ail & Mes sag es 2 .1 Creatin g an d sen d in g a messa ge Create and send messag es 1. Te x t mess ag es could be i ncl uded te x t and emoti ona l i cons. 2. Multim ed i a m es sage s/ MM S cont a i n letters, an im age, an audio, or a v ideo f ile.
3. Type your m es sage and t ap to send your m ess age. To fo r ward a text messag e 1. Tap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS t ab > . 2. Tap a m ess age to v iew t he w hol e thread. 3. Tap and hold a mess ag e to sho w Mes sage option li st. 4. Tap “ Forward” .
2.2 Email A ccounts All your receiv ed e m a il m ess age s are deliv ered to your phone . Set up an Int ernet E mail accoun t 1. Tap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS t ab > . 2. Enter your e- m ail address and Passw ord . Tap “ Nex t” . 3. S elect the e - mail ac count o f types.
4. E nter the r ec i p i ent’s em ail address . 5. Enter the Subj ect and compose your email . 6. Tap to send your e m ail . Sen di ng a n E - mail from People screen 1. Tap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS t ab > . 2. Tap a contact y ou w ant t o em ai l t o .
3 . Us in g th e I nter ne t 3 .1 Co nnec ti ng to the Inte rnet Your phone connec ts to t he Internet v ia: Wi - Fi GPRS/ ED GE/ 3G/ 3.5 G/ HSPA + N OT E : If you c onn ect to the In ternet, you may be charg ed.
4. Tap ”Add VPN net w ork ” to e di t VPN network. 5. A f t er filling in all nec ess ar y inf orm a ti on, t a p “ Sav e ” to fini sh the setti ngs. To start a data connectio n If you s et up m ultipl e data connections, sel ect t he connecti on you want to use.
4 . M ultime dia Appli cations 4 .1 View in g Ph otos an d Vide os To v iew p hotos in the alb um 1. Tap Applic ation Drawer > APPS tab > . 2. Tap one of pict ure f older s to v iew the images in thumbnail s.
3. Tap to selec t a song, and then it will play aut o m ati cally. Icon Func tion Al bu m art p i cture or anim at ion The ar ea of a udio inf ormati on Sli de to go f or w ar d or backward To pl ay t.
1. Drag or tap Equali zer to turn it on. 2. Tap arrow to show diff erent eff ect li s t 3. Tap to selec t an e f fect you want. I tems will be adj usted autom ati ca ll y. 4. Tap arrow to show diff erent preset rev erb list. 5. Tap to selec t an e f fect you want.
5 . Prog rams 5.1 Browser Open t he Brows er t o v i ew w eb page s. 1. Tap Applic ation Drawer > APPS tab > . 2. An address bar appear s at t he upper side of screen, and you c an t ype the URL t here . 3. You can open sev er a l web pages at the sam e tim e.
To v ie w an event 1. Tap Applic ation Drawer > APPS tab > . 2. Tap Cal endar ar row > Agenda to di s pl ay the e v ents. To ad d and sch e dul e an event 1. Tap Applic ation Drawer > APPS tab > . 2. Tap Menu > New e v ent. 3. Enter the det ails of t h e ev e nt .
5 .6 Ma ps Googl e's m apping ser v i ce he lp y ou search f or t he pl aces you want . To ope n Map s 1. Tap Applic ation Drawer > APPS tab > . Icons Func tion Displ ay your c urrent l ocation S elec t differ ent layer s , such as Traff ic, Satelli te, Transit Li nes, etc.
5.8 Pl ay Sto re Play Store allows you to fi nd and dow nload appl i cations and fun gam es to y our phone. 1. Tap Applic ation Drawer > APPS tab > . 2. If you do not l og in your Googl e Ac count , t ap “ N EW ” to c reate an account , or t a p “ Exi st i n g ” to sign i n the Google ac count.
5.13 FM Ra di o Tap Appli cati on Drawer > APPS t ab > . Pl ease plug i n y our earphone befor e l isteni ng. Icons Functi on Open t he channel li s t Close FM Rad i o More f uncti ons A dd t o f avorites Previ ous r adio f requency / N ex t radi o f r equency Previ ous channel/ Next channel 5.
5.1 5 Con nec tin g y our phon e to a com puter Tap and drag down Stat us Bar and tap “ Connec ted as USB St orage ” on your de v ice. Pl ease choose one of m odes to connect w i th your c o m put er 5 .
6 . Ma naging Y ou r Phone 6 .1 Man ag in g Basic Set t in g s Date and Time You can set up t he date and the time on your phone. To set up th e date and time 1.
2. Check “Auto- rotate screen” t o adjust the screen aut omati cally . To d i spl ay the screen n ever sleep while charging 1. Tap Applic ation Drawer > APPS t ab > > About phone. 2. Tap fiv e tim es on “ Buil d number ”. 3. “ De v e l op options ” w i ll be show up.
3. Tap Menu > Remove ac count. NOT E : 1. Let Google apps access yo ur location , p lease t ap Applicat ion Draw er > A PPS tab > > Goog le ACCOUN T S > Location settings > ON. 2. To allow locatio n access by non - G oogle a pps , plea se go to App lication Drawer > A PPS tab > > Lo cation access.
6.5 Resettin g Yo ur Pho ne W ith C l ean Boo t, you c an r eset your phone to its factory default s. W hen you reset your phone, the dat a stored i n y our phone m ay be erased. 1. Tap Appli cation Dr aw er > APPS tab > > Back up & reset .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Gigabyte Mika M3 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Gigabyte Mika M3 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Gigabyte Mika M3 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Gigabyte Mika M3 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Gigabyte Mika M3 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Gigabyte Mika M3 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Gigabyte Mika M3 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Gigabyte Mika M3 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.