Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product T7200D van de fabrikant Honeywell
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PRODUCT DATA 63- 43 55- 4 ® U.S. Registered T rademark Copyright © 2001 Honeywell • • All Rights Reserved T7200D,E, T7300D,E,F and Q7300 Series 2000 Programmable Commercial Thermostats and Subba.
T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES 63-4355—4 2 ORDERING INFORMATION When purc hasing repla cement and moderniz ation produ cts from your TRADEL INE® wholes aler or dis tributor , refer to the TRADELINE® Ca talog or pr ice shee ts for compl ete orderin g number .
T7200D,E, T73 00D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 20 00 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT S AND SUBBASES 3 63-4355—4 Electrical Ra tings: 24 V ac, 50 /60 Hz. 20 to 30 V ac, 50/60 Hz. Batteries: No b atteries re quired. Auxiliary Hea t and Emergenc y Heat Indica tion: Thermos tat displ ay indicate s when Auxi liary Heat or Emergenc y Heat are act ivated.
T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES 63-4355—4 4 Fig. 1. Dimen sions of T72 00, T7300 and Q7300 in in.
T7200D,E, T73 00D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 20 00 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT S AND SUBBASES 5 63-4355 — 4 INSTALLATI ON When Instal ling this Prod uct… 1. Read t hese instruc tions ca refully . Failu re to follow the ins tructions can dama ge the pro duct or ca use a haz ar dous c ond ition .
T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES 63-4355 — 46 Fig. 5. T wo T7047C Senso rs and one T7 047G Sens or providing temp erature averagi ng network for T7300/Q7 300 Ther mostat/Subbas e.
T7200D,E, T73 00D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 20 00 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT S AND SUBBASES 7 63-4355 — 4 Fig. 9. Mou nting subbase or wallplat e. WIRING SUBBASE/WALLPLATE IMPORTANT All wirin g must com ply with lo cal elec trical code s and ordina nces.
T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES 63-4355 — 48 EB, EB — Q7300H L ON W ORKS ® bus conn ection to L ON W ORK S ® network. Input, O utput Communi - cations G F Fan relay . Output 24V powered contac t O R Coolin g changeov er valve.
T7200D,E, T73 00D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 20 00 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT S AND SUBBASES 9 63-4355 — 4 Mountin g Thermostat on Subbas e/Wall pl ate The therm ostat mo unts on th e subbas e/wallplat e after it i s install ed: 1. Engage th e tabs at the top of t he thermosta t and subbas e/wallplat e.
T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES 63-4355 — 41 0 Fig. 12. T hermostat key locations a nd descri ptions. INSTALLER SETUP NOTE: For most applications , the therm ostat factory s ettings do not n eed to be c hanged.
T7200D,E, T73 00D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 20 00 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT S AND SUBBASES 1 1 63-4355 — 4 CAUTION Possible Eq uipment Dama ge. Fan must b e running when syst em is operatin g.
T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES 63-4355 — 41 2 Extended fan operat ion in heat a (T7300F onl y). 19 0 No extended fan operation after call for heat ends . 1 Fan operati on extended 90 sec after call fo r heat ends.
T7200D,E, T73 00D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 20 00 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT S AND SUBBASES 13 63-4355 — 4 IMPORT ANT Review the settings to confi rm that the y match t he system.
T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES 63-4355 — 41 4 Fig. 15. LCD display of all segmen ts. Fig. 16. T est number displa y . T able 8. T ests A vailable i n Install er System T est. NOTE: If a duc t temperatu re sensor is insta lled (T7300F o nly), duc t temperatu re is als o displaye d.
T7200D,E, T73 00D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 20 00 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT S AND SUBBASES 15 63-4355 — 4 T able 9. Inst aller System T est Options. Key to Press T est Number Desc ription Heating Equipment Sys tem T est Heat/Cool Settings 10 Enter heating e quipmen t system tes t.
T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES 63-4355 — 41 6 Setting Keypad L ockout Switch (T7300 only ) The DIP switch 1, on the t hermostat back, ac tivates the lockou t features. The switch m ust be set ON (up ) to activate the loc kout feature (s ee Fig.
T7200D,E, T73 00D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 20 00 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT S AND SUBBASES 17 63-4355 — 4 Settin g Pr ogram Time s 1. Press Occup ied Start Tim e . NOTE: Anytime a s tart time is not req uired, press Clear St art Time . 2. Press Day until the desir ed day is display ed.
T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES 63-4355 — 41 8 Settin g Program Temp e ra tu re Setpoi nt s NOTE: The setpoi nt tempera ture range i s 40 ° F to 90 ° F (7 ° C to 31 ° C) f or heating and 45 ° F to 99 ° F (9 ° C to 37 ° C) f or coolin g.
T7200D,E, T73 00D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 20 00 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT S AND SUBBASES 19 63-4355 — 4 3. Pres s incr ease ▲ or decr ease ▼ until the des ired temperat ure of fset is displayed (range is 0 ° F to 5 ° F). 4. Press Run Program .
T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES 63-4355 — 42 0 T7200/T7300 and Conventional Th ermo stats P+I Control The T7200/T 730 0 micro processo r based con trol requi res that the use r understan ds tempe rature cont rol and the rmostat performa nce.
T7200D,E, T73 00D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 20 00 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT S AND SUBBASES 21 63-4355 — 4 Convention al Sys tem The T 7200 and T 7300D,F The rmostat s with Q7 300A,G,H Subbase s are d esigned for c onventio nal heat/coo l applic ations.
T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES 63-4355 — 42 2 Fig. 19. U se o f exter na l rela y an d tra nsfo rmer for auxiliar y loads gre ater than 1.6A. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Refer to T able 13 for tro ubleshootin g informa tion.
T7200D,E, T73 00D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 20 00 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT S AND SUBBASES 23 63-4355 — 4 CROSS REFERENCE All T7300 /Q7300 Se ries 2000 mo dels are diff erent from the existin g T7300/Q73 00 T861 1 an d T8621 de vices as s ummarized in T able 14.
T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES 63-4355 — 42 4 T able 14. Differ ences from existing T7 300/Q7300 to new T7300 /Q7300 Seri es 2000 devic es. Refer to T able 15 for the rmostat a nd subbas e cross refe rencing i nformation.
T7200D,E, T73 00D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 20 00 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT S AND SUBBASES 25 63-4355 — 4 Q7300C1 105 2-s tage heat pump wi th auxiliary h eat (3H/2C); gr ay color .
T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES 63-4355 — 42 6 T7300A1005 Honeywe ll logo. See subbase descri ption for r eplacement information. T7300A1013 Y ork logo; part n o. 025-27506. T7300A1021 Lennox l ogo; part no.
T7200D,E, T73 00D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 20 00 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT S AND SUBBASES 27 63-4355 — 4 T8621B7000 Carri er logo; LOW and HIGH SPEED LED; used on multispeed equi pment; part no. HH 07AX01 1. T7300D2 007/Q7300A2008 Wiring di fferences (old=new): L=X1; X4 to X and RC to RH fiel d-installed jumper required .
T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES 63-4355 — 42 8 Y7300A1000 Contains one T7300A1047 Thermos tat and one Q7300A1059 Subbase; Mi crometl part no . 1060A-100. T7300F2002/Q730 0A2016 Wiring differences (old =new): B=X.
T7200D,E, T73 00D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 20 00 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT S AND SUBBASES 29 63-4355 — 4 WIRING DIAGRAMS (FIG. 20-34) Fig. 20. T 7200D with wallplate. Fig. 21. T72 00E with one -stage heat pump system. T7200D2008 19 Honeywell logo; no s ystem or fan set tings.
T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES 63-4355 — 43 0 Fig. 22. T ypical hookup of T7300D,F/Q73 00A2008 in one-s tage heat and one-stag e cool conv entional system with two transformers. Fig. 23.
T7200D,E, T73 00D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 20 00 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT S AND SUBBASES 31 63-4355 — 4 Fig. 24. T ypical hookup of T7300E,F/ Q7300C200 4 in two-stage h eat and one -stage cool h eat pump sy stem. Fig. 25. T ypical hookup of T7300E,F/ Q7300C201 2 in three-sta ge heat and two-stage c ool heat pump system.
T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES 63-4355 — 43 2 Fig. 26. T ypical hookup of T7300E,F/Q730 0C2053 in th ree-stage heat and two-sta ge cool heat pump system.Thi s thermos tat and subba se can repla ce the T861 1M.
T7200D,E, T73 00D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 20 00 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT S AND SUBBASES 33 63-4355 — 4 Fig. 28. T ypical hookup of T7300D,F/Q 7300G2005 in three-stage heat and thr ee-stage cool conven tional system.
T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES 63-4355 — 43 4 Fig. 30. T ypical hookup of T7300F/Q730 0H2003 in three-sta ge heat and two- stage cool h eat pump system (with O/B t erminals).
T7200D,E, T73 00D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 20 00 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIAL THERMOSTAT S AND SUBBASES 35 63-4355 — 4 Fig. 32. T ypical hookup of T7300F/Q7300 H2037 in two-stage heat and one-stag e cool conv entional sys tem. Fig. 33. T ypical hookup for T7300F/Q7 300H device s in L ON W ORKS ® network.
63-4355 — 4 B.B. Rev . 10-01 www Printed in U.S.A. on recycled paper containing at least 10% post-consumer paper fibers. T7200D,E, T 7300D,E,F AND Q7300 SERIES 2000 PROGRAMMABLE COMMERCIA L THERMOSTATS AND SUBBASES Home and Building Control Home and Building Control Honeywell Asia Pacific Inc.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Honeywell T7200D (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Honeywell T7200D heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Honeywell T7200D vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Honeywell T7200D leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Honeywell T7200D krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Honeywell T7200D bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Honeywell T7200D kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Honeywell T7200D . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.