Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product T7350 van de fabrikant Honeywell
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SYSTEM ENGINEERING ® U.S. Registered Trademark © 2004 Honeywell International Inc. All Rights Reserved 63-4368 T7350 Commercial Programmable Thermostat Contents Introduction ..... .............. ............ .............. .............. ...........
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 2 INTRODUCTION Device Description The T7350H is a L ON M ARK ® certified thermostat that provides networking capability in a L ON W OR KS ® system using a transformer-couple d Free T opology T ransceiver (FTT).
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 3 63-4368 Network Control Provided The T7350H communicate s with other network devices, or nodes, for sharing data such as local inputs. Through the network, a Command Display (S7760) is used to view or modify T7350H operational modes including: • Weekly Schedule.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 4 Applicable Literature The following list of documents contains general information related to the T7350H Communicating Commerci al Thermostat s. T able 3. Applicable Literature ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS Application —A specia l use Building Control function.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 5 63-4368 Network V ariables —A class of variables defined in Neuron C that allows communication over the L ON W ORKS ® network to other nodes on the network. An ou tput network variable in one node can be bound to a corre sponding input network variable(s) in other node(s).
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 6 Mounting Means: Mounts on subbase. Subbase Mounts On: W all: Using two 5/8 in. long #6-32 screws (included). Outlet Box: Using sheet metal screws. Throttling R ange for Modulating Outputs: Automatically adjusts based on heat/cool stages.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 7 63-4368 Fig. 2. Dim ensions of thermos t at and subba se in in. (mm). Communications The T7350H provides networki ng capability in a L ON W ORKS ® system using a Free T opology T ransceiver (FTT) transformer- coupled communications port running at 78 kilobits per second (kbs).
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 8 L ON M ARK ® Functional Profile Fig. 3. T7350H L ON M ARK ® Sp ace Comfort Controller Rooftop Object (8504) with Node Object.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 9 63-4368 NETWORK CONFIGURATIONS The T7350H can be configured to perform a variety of activities in which data is sent to and/or received from other nodes on the L ON W ORKS ® network.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 10 value will be used in the T7350H as the primary controlled variable. The local space temperature sensor of the T7350H is ignored until th e network sensor fails.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 1 1 63-4368 Refer to the Light Commercial Building Solution System Communication Guide form 71-3123 and the E-Bus Wiring Guidelines, form 74-2 865 for a complete description of network topology rules. Prepar e Wiring Diagrams, for wiring details.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 12 Cable Termination The FTT network segment requ ires termination for proper data transmission performance. Use a 209541B T ermination Module to connect two of the three termin ation module wires to the L ON W ORKS ® Bus terminals.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 13 63-4368 Fig. 9. T ypical hookup of T7350H1009 in three-stage heat and three-st age cool conventional system with one transformer . Fig. 10. T ypical hookup of T7350H1009 with auxiliary transforme r . POWER SUPPLY.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 14 Fig. 1 1 . T ypical hookup of T7350 H1017 for system with two independ ent heat stages (one modulating), two independent cool stages (one modulating), and two transformers.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 15 63-4368 General Considerations T able 8 lists wiring types, sizes and dist ances for the T7350 and Excel 10 products. The T7350 terminal strip accepts 18 through 22 AWG (0.82 to 0.34 sq. mm) wire. T able 8. Field Wiring Reference.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 16 T able 9. Honeywell Cable Det ails. Honeywell Part Number Size (A WG) Number of wires Jacket Plenum Rated Description AK3798 22 2 Y es No E-bus ca ble. AK3797 22 2 Y es Y es E-bus cable . AK3799 22 4 Y es Y es E-bus cable .
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 17 63-4368 Step 5. Order Equipment After compiling a bill of materials through completion of the previous application steps, refer to T able 10, Ordering Informati on.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 18 Step 7. Troubleshooting T able 1 1. T roubleshooting Informatio n. Symptom Possible Caus e Action Display will not come on. Thermostat is not being powered. Check that X terminal is connected to the system transformer .
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 19 63-4368 Cooling will not come on. No power to the thermo stat. Check that X termi nal is connected to the system transformer . Check for 24 V ac between X and RH terminals. If missing 24 V ac: • Check if circuit breaker is tripped; if so, reset circuit breaker .
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 20 APPENDIX A - NETWORK TOOLS & WORKSTATIONS T able 12. T7350H Operational Support. Network T ools & Workstations Summary of T7350H Operational.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 21 63-4368 APPENDIX B - NETWORK ALARM REPORTING T able 13. T7350H Alar m Change of St ate Event. A T7350H alarm change of state event is reported by the manufacturer defin ed outpu t network variable nvoAlarmH.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 22 T able 15. Identifying Five Most Recent T 7350 Ala rms. The five most recent T7350 alarms are identified in t he manu facturer defined output network variable nvoAlarmLog. nvoAlarmLo g Field Descriptio n alarm1 Alarm log: Mo st recent alarm.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 23 63-4368 APPENDIX C - NETWORK ERROR REPORTING T able 16. Repor ting T 7350H Errors. T 7350H errors are reported th rough the manufactur er defi ned output network vari able, nvoError . nvoError Fie ld Description errLoclS paceSensr Local space temperature sensor not working.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 24 nvoError Fie ld Description errSubBaseV erMisMatch Sub-base/cover firmware mismatch. 0: Sub-base and cover firmware are compatible. (power up value) 1: The firmware version in the sub-base is unab le to communicate correctly with the firmware version of the cover assembly .
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 25 63-4368 APPENDIX D - NETWORK ACC ESS TO LOCAL SENSOR DATA APPENDIX E - SCHEDULING NETWORK DEVICES A T7350H can be used to time schedule the following Honeywell controllers: • Another T 7350H. • T7300/Q7300.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 27 63-4368 XL15A Applicatio n Object Application Inp ut Source T7350H Network V ariable Network V ariable Field nvoData2 RelayCool2 nvoData2 RelayAux nvoData2 .
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 28 XL15A Applicatio n Object Application Inp ut Source T7350H Network V ariable Network V ariable Field nvoError errnviS paceRH nvoError errNviBypass n.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 29 63-4368 XL15A Applicatio n Object Applic ation Input Source T7350 Network V a riable Network V ariable Field nvoData2 RelayFan nvoData2 dehumidActive Contro.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 30 T able 19. Network Conne ctions to XL15A AP Output s. T7350H Network V ari able Inputs can be connected to XL15 A application outputs.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 31 63-4368 XL15C Application Object Applicati on Input Source T7350H Network V ariable Network V ariable Field nvoData2 stagesActive Logic Loop DCAO Digital In.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 32 XL15C Applicatio n Object Appli cation Input Source T7350H Network V ariable Network V ariable Field nvoError ErrRemtHumSensr nvoError errNetHumSens.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 33 63-4368 S7760 - Command Display A network connected Command display can be con figured (by LonS pec) to implement the following T73 50H functions: View and .
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 34 APPENDIX H - T7350H NE TWORK VARIABLE SUMMARY T able 21. T73 50H Network V ariable Summary . Nv Name L ON S PEC ™ Ref Name Class Description nciApplV er Application version CONFIG Application type: id entifies the current application numb er for this device given by a tool.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 35 63-4368 T able 21. T7350H Network V ariable Summary . (Continued) Nv Name L ON S PEC ™ Ref Na me Clas s Desc ription nciRcvHrtBt Controller Receive Time CONFIG Re ceive heartb eat time (seconds) for all failure detect heartbeat network variabl es in this node.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 36 T able 21. T7350H Network V ariable Summary . (Continued) Nv Name L ON S PEC ™ Ref Name Class Description nviBypass Bypass In IN Remote time bypass input from usually from anoth er device. Bypass is a method to command unoccupied ov erride over the network from another controller.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 37 63-4368 T able 21. T7350H Network V ariable Summary . (Continued) Nv Name L ON S PEC ™ Ref Na me Clas s Desc ription nviManV alue Manual V alue In IN Manu.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 38 T able 21. T7350H Network V ariable Summary . (Continued) Nv Name L ON S PEC ™ Ref Name Class Description nviOccSensor Occupancy Sensor In IN T here are 3 distin ct mode s of operation: local occupancy sensor , network occupancy sensor , or none.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 39 63-4368 T able 21. T7350H Network V ariable Summary . (Continued) Nv Name L ON S PEC ™ Ref Na me Clas s Desc ription nvoAlarmH Alarm Out OUT Alarm sub net, node and type. Alarm subnet is the LonWorks sub net number in domain entry to which nvoAlarmH is bound.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 40 T able 21. T7350H Network V ariable Summary . (Continued) Nv Name L ON S PEC ™ Ref Name Class Description nvoBypass Bypass Out OUT The T7350H uses nvoBypass to command bypass to other XL10 nodes. When the T7350 is in bypass, it commands nvoBypass.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 41 63-4368 T able 21. T7350H Network V ariable Summary . (Continued) Nv Name L ON S PEC ™ Ref Na me Clas s Desc ription nvoOccSchedule T ime Of Day Out OUT This output has cu rrent state, next st ate and tuncos (T ime Until Change of S tate).
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 42 T able 21. T7350H Network V ariable Summary . (Continued) Nv Name L ON S PEC ™ Ref Name Class Description nvo S ta tus S ta tus OUT Status: Alarm notify disabled: 0: Alarm notification is turned on (power up value).
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 43 63-4368 T able 21. T7350H Network V ariable Summary . (Continued) Nv Name L ON S PEC ™ Ref Na me Clas s Desc ription nvoUnitS t atus Unit S tatus OUT Unit S tatus: Percentage of cooling capability currently being supplied to the controlled sp ace.
T7350 COMMERCIAL PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 63-4368 B.B. 1 1-04 www Automation and Control Solutions Honeywell Internati onal Honeywell Europe S.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Honeywell T7350 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Honeywell T7350 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Honeywell T7350 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Honeywell T7350 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Honeywell T7350 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Honeywell T7350 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Honeywell T7350 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Honeywell T7350 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.