Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 181A van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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Assembly-Le vel Service Gui de HP 53131A/1 32A/181A 225 MHz Counter.
HP 53131A/1 32A/181A 225 MHz Counter Assembly-Level Service Guide This guide describes how to service t he HP 5313 1A and HP 5 3132A Universal C ounters, and the H P 53181A Fr equency Counter.
Hewlett- Pack ard Co mpany 7.NC.N L.A.11.03 .97.R1.P.C W6FC Santa Clara Divisio n 5301 Steven s Creek Bouleva rd Santa Clara , Calif ornia 95 052-8 059 Copyr igh t Hew let t- P ac ka rd Comp any 19 94, 19 95, 19 97, 1999 All Rights Reserved .
Contents Assemb ly-Lev el Se rvice Gu ide iii Preface How to Use This Guide xiii Repair Strate gy xiii Instrument Identificat ion xiii Instruments Covered by this Guide xiv Assembly-Level Service Guid.
Contents iv Assemb ly-Lev el Se rvice Guide Counter Setup 1-10 Procedure 1- 11 External Timebase Tests 1-12 Equipment 1-12 1 MHz External Timebase Input (HP 53131A and HP 53181A Only) 1-13 5 MHz Exter.
Contents Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide v Counter Setup 1-27 Procedure 1- 28 Test 5: Option 030/ 050/12 4 C hannel 3 Freque ncy Sensitivity ( HP 53131A /132A Only) 1-30 Equipment 1-30 Counter Setup 1-30 100 MHz to 2.5 GHz Sensitivity for HP 53131A/132A Option 030 only 1-31 2.
Contents vi Assemb ly-Lev el Se rvice Guide HP 5318 1A Complete Perfor mance Test s 1-47 Test 1: Tr igger Level (HP 53181A Only) 1-48 Equipment 1-48 Counter Setup 1-48 Procedure 1- 49 Test 2: Channel .
Contents Assemb ly-Lev el Se rvice Gu ide vii Minimum to Maximum A ccuracy Test for Options 030/050/ 124 1-65 Equipment 1-65 Counter Setup 1-65 Procedure 1- 66 Test 6: Pe ak Volts, C hannel 1 (HP 5318.
Contents viii Assemb ly-Lev el Se rvice Guide To Calibrate the Offset for Channels 1 and 2 2-15 To Calibrate the Gain for Channels 1 and 2 2-18 To Calibrate Time Interval 2-19 CAL: TI QUIK? Calibratio.
Contents Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide ix Surfa ce Mount Repair 2-38 Disassembly and Reassembly Specifics 2-38 After Se rvice Considerations 2-39 Product S afety Checks 2-39 Product Pe rformance Ch.
Contents x Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 4 Retrofitting Opti ons Introduction 4- 2 Tools Required 4-2 Do This First 4-2 To Ret rofit A3 1. 5/3.0/ 5.0/12 .
Contents Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide xi Cabinet P arts and Hardw are 5-6 6 Backdating Introduction 6- 2 Manual Changes 6-2 Older In st ru me n t s 6- 2 Backdating Hardware 6-3 Backdating Firmwar .
Contents xii Assemb ly-Lev el Se rvice Gu ide.
Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide xiii Preface This guide provid es assemb ly-level s ervice information fo r the HP 53131A and HP 53 132A Univers al Counters , and the H P 53181A F requency Counter. How to Use This Guide Repair Strate gy This service guide is designe d to isola te failures t o the a ssembly le vel only .
Preface xiv Assemb ly-Lev el Se rvice Guide Instruments Covered by this Guide This guide applies dire ctly to HP 53131A , HP 53132 A, and HP 5 3181A Counters that have t he same s erial number prefix(es) shown o n the title page.
Preface Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide xv Chapter 6, “Ba ckdatin g,” contai ns information require d to ada pt this manual for olde r instruments. Chapter 7, “HP 53131 A/132A S pecificatio ns,” list s all th e speci fications and operating characteristi cs for the HP 53131A/132A Univers al Counter.
Preface xvi Assemb ly-Lev el Se rvice Guide Description of the 225 MHz Counters The H P 53131A and HP 53 132A are universal counters capable of measuring frequencies to 225 MHz on Channels 1 and 2. With an optional Channel 3, this frequency is extended to 3.
Preface Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide xvii • 1, 5, 10 M Hz external refere nce capability —to matc h customer’s hous e standard (h owever, th e HP 531 32A’s externa l reference capabili ty .
Preface xviii Assemb ly-Lev el Se rvice Guide Opti ons The option s available for the H P 53131A/1 32A/181A Co unter are liste d following this para graph. Sp ecificat ions for the options are list ed in Chapter 7, “HP 5313 1A/132A Spec ifications,” and Chapter 8, “HP 531 81A Specificat ions.
Preface Assemb ly-Lev el Se rvice Gu ide xix Sup port • 5-year Return to HP for Repair, Option W50 • 5-yea r Return to HP for Cali bration, Op tion W5 2 Accessories Supplied and Available Accessories Su pplied • Power cord, 2.
Preface xx Assemb ly-Lev el Se rvice Guide.
1 Performance Tests Verifying Specif ications.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests Introduction 1-2 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 1 Introduction This chapte r provides pro cedures to te st the elect rical performa nce of the HP 53131A /132A Univ ersal.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests Introduction Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-3 1 Complete Performance Tests The complet e performance t ests verify t he speci fications lis ted in Chapter 7, “HP 53131A/132 A Specificatio ns,” and Chapter 8, “HP 531 81A Specificat ions.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests Equipment Required 1-4 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 1 Equipment Required T able 1- 1. Recommended T est Equipment Instrument Required Characteristics Recommended Model.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A/181 A Operationa l V er ification Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-5 1 HP 53131A/132A/181A Oper ational Verification The opera tional verifica tion is a.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A/181 A Operationa l V er ification 1-6 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 1 5 Verify tha t the following happens: • All seg ments of the front-panel d ispla.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A/181 A Operationa l V er ification Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-7 1 Figure 1- 1B. Operational V erification Setup for HP 53181A 8 Depen ding on which Counter you are tes ting, verify the appropriate reading as shown below: For HP 5 3131A and HP 5 3181A, verif y a reading of 10.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A/181 A Operationa l V er ification 1-8 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 1 Run Self Test 1 Disconnect the input signals f rom the Counter. 2 Power down (turn off the Counter), press and hold R ecall (Utility) key, the n press POWER key.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A/181 A Operationa l V er ification Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-9 1 3 P ress C hannel 1 50 Ω /1M Ω key. The LED turns on, indicating a 50 Ω input impedance for Channe l 1. 4 Press Channel 1 DC/AC key.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A/181 A Operationa l V er ification 1-10 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 External Arm Test (HP 53131A /132A Only) This test v erifies the Ex ternal Arm port of the HP 5313 1A and HP 5 3132A Counte r is operatio nal.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A/181 A Operationa l V er ification Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-1 1 1 Procedure 1 Set the Pul se Generator to the following: PERIOD : 20 µ s WIDTH : 5 µ s High: 3.00 V Low : 0.8 V Trailing/L eading : 1.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A/181 A Operationa l V er ification 1-12 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 3 Set the HP 8663A to output a 200 MHz, 100 mV sine wave signal to Channel 1.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A/181 A Operationa l V er ification Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-13 1 1 MHz Exter nal Timebase Inp ut (HP 53 131A and HP 5318 1A Only) 1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-4. Figure 1-4. Ext ernal Timebase T est S etup 2C y c l e t h e POWER key to pres et the Counter.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A/181 A Operationa l V er ification 1-14 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 5’ For HP 53181A, mark Pas s or Fail in the HP 53181A Performance Test Record on page 1-71, Test 5a.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A/181 A Operationa l V er ification Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-15 1 10 MHz Ex tern al Timebase In put fo r t he HP 531 32A 1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-4. 2 Set S ynthesizer #1 ( i.e.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A Complete Performance T est s 1-16 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 HP 53131A/132A Complete Performance Tests The sp ecificat i ons of the HP 53131A/132A Universal Counter can be verified b y performing t he performance test s provided in this se ction.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 1: Time Interval (HP 5313 1A/132A Only ) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-17 1 Test 1: Time Interval (HP 5 3131A/132A On ly) This test v erifies the T ime Interval specif ications betw een Channels 1 and 2.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 1: Time Interval (HP 5313 1A/132A Only ) 1-18 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 Procedure 1 Connect t he pulse generat or signal to Channel 1 of t he Counter as shown in Figure 1-5.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 2: T rigger Level ( HP 53131A/1 32A Only ) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-19 1 Test 2: Trigger Level (HP 53131A/132A Only) This test verifies the Trigger Level accuracy of the HP 5 3131A and HP 53132A Univer sal Counters .
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 2: T rigger Level ( HP 53131A/1 32A Only ) 1-20 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 Procedure 1 Connect the output of the HP 3325B to Channel 1 of t he Counter as shown in Figure 1-6. Figure 1-6. T rigger Level T est Setup 2 Set t he HP 332 5B to out put a 1 MH z, 80 mVp-p s quare wave sig nal.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 2: T rigger Level ( HP 53131A/1 32A Only ) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-21 1 7 In the Counter’s Channel 1 Trigg er/Sensitivity menu, change the SLOPE t o NEG. 8 Set the H P 3325B DC OFFSET to +60 mV. 9 On the Counte r, press Run key.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 3: Cha nnels 1 and 2 Frequency Sensitivity (HP 53131 A/132A On ly) 1-22 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 Test 3: Channels 1 and 2 Frequ ency Sensitivity (HP 53131A/132A Only) This set o f test s verifies frequency s ensitivi ty specif ications of the HP 53131A and 53132A Univer sal Counters .
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 3: Cha nnels 1 and 2 Frequency Sensitivity (HP 53131 A/132A On ly) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-23 1 100 kHz to 10 0 MHz S en sitivity for HP 53131A/132A 1 Connect the timebase output of the unit wit h the better timebase to the timebas e reference input of the o ther unit as shown in Figure 1-7.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 3: Cha nnels 1 and 2 Frequency Sensitivity (HP 53131 A/132A On ly) 1-24 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 2 Set the H P 8663A Signal Generator to outp ut a 100 MHz, − 35.0 dBm sine wave signal ( − 20.0 dBm for Option 060 Rear Terminals) to the Co unter’s Channel 1 input.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 3: Cha nnels 1 and 2 Frequency Sensitivity (HP 53131 A/132A On ly) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-25 1 10 Record the act ual reading in the appropriate place in the Performance Test Record (Test 3, Line 2).
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 3: Cha nnels 1 and 2 Frequency Sensitivity (HP 53131 A/132A On ly) 1-26 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 8 Repeat steps 1 t hrough 4 for C hannel 1. 9 Record the actual reading i n the Performance Test Record (Test 3, Line 4).
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 4: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Acc uracy (HP 53131A/132A Only) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-27 1 Test 4: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Accuracy (HP 53131A/132A Only) This se t of tests verifies th e freque ncy acc uracy speci ficat ions of the HP 53131A and HP 53132A Un iversal Counte rs.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 4: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Acc uracy (HP 53131A/132A Only) 1-28 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 Procedure 1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-8 with the signal generator connected to Channel 1 of the Counter.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 4: Channels 1 and 2 Frequency Acc uracy (HP 53131A/132A Only) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-29 1 5 Change the signal generator frequency to 100 MHz. Verify the HP 53131A C ounter read s 100 MH z ± 70 m Hz. Verify the HP 53132A C ounter read s 100 MH z ± 15 m Hz.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 5: Opt ion 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Sens itivity (HP 53131A/132 A Only) 1-30 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 Test 5: Option 030/050/124 Chann el 3 Frequen.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 5: Opt ion 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Sens itivity (HP 53131A/132 A Only) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-31 1 100 MHz to 2 .
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 5: Opt ion 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Sens itivity (HP 53131A/132 A Only) 1-32 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 3 Increase the power level in 5 d B steps until the Counter displays a stable reading of approximat ely 2.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 5: Opt ion 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Sens itivity (HP 53131A/132 A Only) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-33 1 200 MHz to 5 .0 GHz Sensitivity for HP 5 3131A/132A (Option 050 only) 1 Connect the 8340B Sweep Oscil lator to Channel 3 of the counter.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 5: Opt ion 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Sens itivity (HP 53131A/132 A Only) 1-34 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 200 MHz to 12.4 GHz Sensitiv ity for HP 53131A/132A (Option 124 only) 1 Connect the 8340B Sweep Oscil lator to Channel 3 of the counter.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 6: Opt ion 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Accur acy (HP 5313 1A/132A Only ) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-35 1 Test 6: Option 030/050/124 Chann el 3 Frequency Accuracy (HP 5313 1A/132A On ly) This te st verifies the frequen c y accuracy of th e optional 3-GHz or 5-GHz Channel 3 (Option 03 0).
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 6: Opt ion 030/050/124 Channel 3 Frequency Accur acy (HP 5313 1A/132A Only ) 1-36 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 3 On the Counte r, press Run key. Verify the HP 53131A C ounter read s 100 MH z ± 70 m Hz. Verify the HP 53132A C ounter read s 100 MH z ± 20 m Hz.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 7: P eak V olts, Channels 1 and 2 (HP 53131 A/132A Only) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-37 1 Test 7: Peak Volts, Channels 1 and 2 (HP 53131A/132A Only) This test v erifies t he Peak V olts accuracy specif ication of t he HP 5 3131A and HP 53 132A Univers al Counters .
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 7: P eak V olts, Channels 1 and 2 (HP 53131 A/132A Only) 1-38 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 Volt Peak 1 1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-10. Figure 1- 10. Peak V o lt s T est S etup 2 Set t he HP 3325B to o utput a 2 MHz, 2 Vp-p sine wave.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 7: P eak V olts, Channels 1 and 2 (HP 53131 A/132A Only) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-39 1 Volt Peak 2 1 Remove the signal from Channel 1 of the Counter and connect it to Channel 2. 2P r e s s Other M eas key until VOL T PEAK 2 is displayed .
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/132A HP-IB V erification Program (Optional) 1-40 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 HP 53131A/132A HP-IB Ver ification Program (Optional) The HP-IB Ve rification pro gram exercis es the H P 53131A/1 32A and through various operating modes vi a the its H P-IB interface .
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A Pe rformance T est Record (Page 1 of 6) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-41 1 HP 53131A/132A Performance Test Record (Page 1 of 6) Hewlett-Packard Model 53131A /132A Universal Counter Seria l Number : ___ _______ ____ _______ ____ Repair / Work Ord er No.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A Pe rformance T est Record (Page 2 of 6) 1-42 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 HP 53131A/132A Performance Test Record (Page 2 of 6) Complete Performance Tests Test Number Test Description Mi nimu m Actual Reading Maximum 1 Time Interval (HP 53131A /132A Only ): For HP 53 131A For HP 53 132A 0.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A Pe rformance T est Record (Page 3 of 6) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-43 1 HP 53131A/132A Performance Test Record (Page 3 of 6) Complete Performance .
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A Pe rformance T est Record (Page 4 of 6) 1-44 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 HP 53131A/132A Performance Test Record (Page 4 of 6) Complete Performance .
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A Pe rformance T est Record (Page 5 of 6) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-45 1 HP 53131A/132A Performance Test Record (Page 5 of 6) Complete Performance .
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53131A/1 32A Pe rformance T est Record (Page 6 of 6) 1-46 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 HP 53131A/132A Performance Test Record (Page 6 of 6) Complete Performance Tests (Continued) Test Numb e r Test Des crip t ion Mini mu m Actual Reading Maximum 6 12.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53181A C omplete Performa nce T ests Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-47 1 HP 53181A Complete Performance Tests The specificat ions of the HP 53181A Frequency Counter can be verified by performing t he performance t ests provide d in this sect ion.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 1: T rigger Level ( HP 53181A O nly) 1-48 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 Test 1: Trigger Level (HP 53181A Only) This test v erifies the Trig ger Level a ccuracy of the HP 53181A F requency Counter.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 1: T rigger Level ( HP 53181A O nly) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-49 1 Procedure 1 Connect the output of the HP 3325B to Channel 1 of t he Counter as shown in Figure 1-11. Figure 1- 1 1. T rigger Level T est Setup 2 Set t he HP 332 5B to out put a 1 MH z, 80 mVp-p s quare wave signa l.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 1: T rigger Level ( HP 53181A O nly) 1-50 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 7 In the Counter’s Channel 1 Trigg er/Sensitivity menu, change the SLOPE t o NEG. 8 On the Counte r, press Run key. 9 Set the H P 3325B DC OFFSET to +60 mV.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 2: Cha nnel 1 Frequency Se nsitivity (HP 53181A O nly) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-51 1 Test 2: Channel 1 Frequ ency Sen sitivity (HP 53181A Only) This set o f test s verifies frequency s ensitivi ty specif ications of the HP 53181A Frequency Counter.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 2: Cha nnel 1 Frequency Se nsitivity (HP 53181A O nly) 1-52 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 100 kHz to 10 0 MHz S en sitivity for HP 53181A 1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-12 with the signal generator connected to Channel 1 of the Counter.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 2: Cha nnel 1 Frequency Se nsitivity (HP 53181A O nly) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-53 1 4 Sweep the frequency from 10 0 kHz to 100 MHz . For Option 060, sweep frequencies from 100 kH z to 225 MHz . The Counter sho uld read f requencies from 100 k Hz to 100 MHz at an input powe r level of ≤ − 21.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 2: Cha nnel 1 Frequency Se nsitivity (HP 53181A O nly) 1-54 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 100 MHz to 200 MHz Sensitiv ity for HP 53181A 1 Change the signal generator settin gs to 110 MHz at − 30 dBm. 2 Increase the power level by 0.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 3: Cha nnel 1 Frequency Acc uracy (HP 53181A On ly) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-55 1 Test 3: Channel 1 Frequ ency Accu racy (HP 53181A Only) This se t of tests verifies th e freque ncy acc uracy speci ficat ions of the HP 53181A Frequency Counter.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 3: Cha nnel 1 Frequency Acc uracy (HP 53181A On ly) 1-56 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 Procedure 1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-13 with the signal generator connected to Channel 1 of the Counter. Figure 1- 13.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 3: Cha nnel 1 Frequency Acc uracy (HP 53181A On ly) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-57 1 4 Record the actual reading i n the Performance Test Record (Test 3, Line 1). 5 Change the signal generator frequency to 100 MHz.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 4: Opt ion 015/030/050/12 4 Channel 2 Frequency Sensitivity 1-58 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 Test 4: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency Sensitivity This test v erifies t he freque ncy range and sensit ivity of the opti onal 1.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 4: Option 015/030 /050/124 Channe l 2 Frequency Se nsitivity Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-59 1 100 MHz to 1.5 GHz Sensitivity for Option 015 Only 1 Set the H .
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 4: Opt ion 015/030/050/12 4 Channel 2 Frequency Sensitivity 1-60 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 3 Increase the power level in 1 d B steps until the Count er reads 500 MHz. The Counter sho uld displ ay 500 MHz at ≤ − 27.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 4: Option 015/030 /050/124 Channe l 2 Frequency Se nsitivity Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-61 1 2.8 to 3.0 GHz S ensitivity for Opt ion 030 Only 1 Disconnect the HP 8663A Synthesized Signal Generator from the Counter (see Fig ure 1-14), and connect the HP 8340B Sweep Oscillator to Channel 3 of the Counter.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 4: Opt ion 015/030/050/12 4 Channel 2 Frequency Sensitivity 1-62 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 200 MHz to 12. 4 GHz Sen sitiv ity for Option 12 4 onl y 1 Connect the 8340B Sweep Oscil lator to Channel 2 of the counter.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 5: Opt ion 015/030/050/12 4 Channel 2 Frequency Accuracy (HP 53181A Only) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-63 1 Test 5: Option 015/030/050/124 Channel 2 Frequency Accuracy (HP 5318 1A Only) This te st verifies the frequen c y accuracy of th e optional 1.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 5: Op tion 015/030/05 0/124 Channel 2 Fr equency Accur acy (HP 53181A Only) 1-64 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 Procedure 1 Connect equip ment as shown in Figure 1-15.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 5: Opt ion 015/030/050/12 4 Channel 2 Frequency Accuracy (HP 53181A Only) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-65 1 3 Record the actual reading i n the Performance Test Record (Test 5, Line 1). 4 Change the synthesize d signal generator’s frequency to 1.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 5: Op tion 015/030/05 0/124 Channel 2 Fr equency Accur acy (HP 53181A Only) 1-66 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 Procedure 1 Connect equip ment as shown in Figure 1-15. (NOTE: For Option 05 0/124, skip steps 2 thr ough 7.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 5: Opt ion 015/030/050/12 4 Channel 2 Frequency Accuracy (HP 53181A Only) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-67 1 (NOTE: For Options 050/12 4) 8 Set t he HP 8340B to o utput 5.0 GHz at − 17 dBm. Verify the HP 531 81A Counter re ads 5.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 6: P eak V olts, Channel 1 (HP 53181A On ly) 1-68 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 Test 6: Peak Volts, Channel 1 (HP 53181A Only) This test v erifies t he Peak V olts accuracy specif ication of t he HP 5 3181A Frequency Co unter.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests T est 6: P eak V olts, Channel 1 (HP 53181A On ly) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-69 1 Procedure 1 Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-16. Figure 1- 16. Peak V o lt s T est S etup 2 Set t he HP 3325B to output a 2 MHz, 2 Vp-p sine wave, and c onnect the signal to Channel 1 of the Counter.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53181A H P-IB V erification Program ( Optional) 1-70 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 HP 53181A HP-IB Verification Program (Optional) The HP-IB Verification program exe rcises the HP 53181A through various operating modes via the its H P-IB interface .
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53181A P erformance T est Record (Pag e 1 of 4) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-71 1 HP 53181A Performance Test R ecord (Page 1 of 4) Hewlett-Packard Model 53181A Frequency Counter Seria l Number : ___ _______ ____ _______ ____ Repair / Work Ord er No.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53181A P erformance T est Record (Pag e 2 of 4) 1-72 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 HP 53181A Performance Test R ecord (Page 2 of 4) Complete Performance Tests Test Number Test Description Mi nimu m Actual Reading Maximum 1 Trigger Level: Cha nn el 1 − 15 mV − 15 mV 1.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53181A P erformance T est Record (Pag e 3 of 4) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 1-73 1 HP 53181A Performance Test R ecord (Page 3 of 4) Complete Performance Tests Test 4: Option 015/030/050 Channel 2 Frequency Sensitivity (HP 53181A On ly) Actual Readin g Specification 100 MHz–1.
Chapter 1 Perf ormance T ests HP 53181A P erformance T est Record (Pag e 4 of 4) 1-74 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 1 HP 53181A Performance Test R ecord (Page 4 of 4) Complete Performance Tests Test Numb e r Test Des crip t ion Mini mu m Actual Reading Maximum 6 Peak Volts, Channel 1 (HP 53181A Only) : Cha nn el 1 − 1.
2 Service.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e Introduction 2-2 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 2 Introduction This chapter prov ides service inf ormation for your HP 53131A/13 2A/181A and is divide d into seven maj or sections: • Return ing th e Ins trume nt to H e wlett -Pack ard f or Servi c e (page 2-3).
Chap ter 2 S ervic e Returning the Instrume nt to Hewlett-Packard fo r Service Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-3 2 Returning the Instrument to Hewlett-Packard for Service To Provide Repair Informat.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e Returning the Instrument to Hewlett-Packard for Se rvice 2-4 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 2 To Pack in the Original Packaging Materials Whenever p ossible, re pack the inst rument in its original packa ging for shipment. In any correspondence, refer to the instrument by the model number and complete serial number.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e Returning the Instrume nt to Hewlett-Packard fo r Service Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-5 2 To Pack in the Commercially Available Material s If the factor y packaging ma terials are not availab le, you can use commercia lly availabl e material s for shipping .
Chap ter 2 S ervic e About the HP 53131A/1 32A Calibration Menu 2-6 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 2 About the HP 53131A/132A Ca libration Menu NOTE If you are famil iar with the informa tion provided in t his section, proc eed to the sect ion titled “ The HP 53131 A/132A Calib ration P rocedures” o n page 2 -15 to calibrate your Counter.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e About the HP 5313 1A/1 32A Calibr ation Menu Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-7 2 The Calibra tion menu, illus trated on pag e 2-8, allows you to: • view the calibrat ion secu.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e About the HP 53131A/1 32A Calibration Menu 2-8 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 2 The HP 53131A/1 32 A Calibration Menu Tree NOTE Turn power off , press and hold Scale & Offset key, th en pres s POWE R key to access this menu.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e About the HP 5313 1A/1 32A Calibr ation Menu Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-9 2 To View the Calibration Menu and Security Status The Calibra tion menu is a ccessed by ho lding the Sca le & Offset key and cycling the PO WER key.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e About the HP 53131A/1 32A Calibration Menu 2-10 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 4 Press any one of the arrow keys until yo ur calibration choice (that is, CAL: OFFS2? , CAL: GAIN 1? , CAL: GAIN 2? , CAL: TI QUIK? , CAL: TI FINE? , or CAL: TIMEBAS? ) is dis played.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e About the HP 5313 1A/1 32A Calibr ation Menu Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-1 1 2 The Fine Time Interval C alibrati on requires a s pecial calibrat or signal source to p rovide input— because i t produces ei ght calibrat ion terms, each tailored t o a differe nt combination o f input condit ions.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e About the HP 53131A/1 32A Calibration Menu 2-12 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 Equipm ent and C o unt er Setu p: See Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1. Calibration Setup for CAL: TI FINE? Out of HP 8130A, int o HP 59992A J06 Calibrator S ignal: PERIOD : 100 ns WIDTH: 50 ns High: 0.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e About the HP 5313 1A/1 32A Calibr ation Menu Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-13 2 To Secure Against Calibration 1 Press and hold Scale & Offse t key, then cycle POWER key.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e About the HP 53131A/1 32A Calibration Menu 2-14 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 To View the Calibrat ion Count 1 Press and hold Scale & Offse t key, then cycle POWER key. 2P r e s s Scale & Offse t key until CAL COUN T? is displa yed.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e The HP 53131A /132A Calibration P rocedures Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-15 2 The HP 53131A/132A Calibration Procedures First Determine the Counter Firmware Revision Press and hold Recall (Utility) key, then cycl e POWER key.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e The HP 53131A /132A Calibration P rocedures 2-16 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 3 Press the appropriate arrow keys to enter the security co de “ 53131 ”, for example, if 53131 i s the security code by performing the following s teps: a.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e The HP 53131A /132A Calibration P rocedures Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-17 2 6P r e s s Enter key. The Counter momentarily displays CALIBRA TING , and then it shoul d display OFFS 1 P ASS . If the fail message is display ed, refe r to the t roubles hooting section i n this chapter.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e The HP 53131A /132A Calibration P rocedures 2-18 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 To Calibrate the Gain for Channels 1 and 2 1 Press any one of the arrow keys until CAL: GAIN 1 ? is display ed. 2P r e s s Enter key. A scrolling mes sage is disp layed.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e The HP 53131A /132A Calibration P rocedures Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-19 2 8 To calibrate the gain for Channel 2, conne ct the input or the BNC Tee to Channel 2 of the Counter. 9 Press any one of the arrow keys until CAL: GAIN 2 ? is display ed.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e The HP 53131A /132A Calibration P rocedures 2-20 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 CAL: TI QU IK? Cal ibratio n 1 Press any one of the arrow keys until CAL: TI QUIK? is displayed . 2P r e s s Enter key. A scrolling mes sage with instructio ns appears.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e The HP 53131A /132A Calibration P rocedures Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-21 2 5P r e s s Enter key. The Counter dis plays CALIBRA TING , and then it should dis play TI CAL P ASS . If the fail message is display ed, refe r to the t roubles hooting section i n this chapter.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e The HP 53131A /132A Calibration P rocedures 2-22 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 2 Set t he HP 8130A as fo llows: PERIOD : 100 ns WIDTH: 50 ns High: 0.50 V Low : − 0.50 V Input Mode: Normal NOTE Any external timebase connected to the Counter is ignore d during this calibration.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e The HP 53131A /132A Calibration P rocedures Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-23 2 To Calibrate th e Standard Timeb ase 1 Connect the output of a 10 MHz house standard to Channel 1 of the Counter as shown in Figure 2-5. Figure 2-5.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e The HP 53131A /132A Calibration P rocedures 2-24 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 To Calibrate the High Stability Timebase Option (Medium, High, or Ultra-High) NOTE Allow the Counter t o warm up for approximately 24 hours before performing this calibration.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e About the HP 5318 1A Calibration Menu Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-25 2 About the HP 53181A Calibration Menu NOTE If you are famil iar with the informa tion provided in t his section, proc eed to the sect ion titled “ The HP 53181 A Calibratio n Procedures ” (page 2-31) to calibrate yo ur Counter.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e About the HP 53181A Calibra tion Menu 2-26 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 • unsecure for cali bration by entering th e security co de while t he Counter is secure d ( CODE: .
Chap ter 2 S ervic e About the HP 5318 1A Calibration Menu Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-27 2 The HP 53181A Calibrat ion Men u Tree NOTE Turn power off , press and hold Scale & Offset key, th en pres s POWE R key to access this menu. 3 This men u item ap pears and cal ibrat ion is permit ted only if calibrati on is unse cured.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e About the HP 53181A Calibra tion Menu 2-28 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 To View the Calibration Menu and Security Status The Calibra tion menu is a ccessed by ho lding the Sca le & Offset key and cycling the PO WER key.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e About the HP 5318 1A Calibration Menu Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-29 2 To Initiate the Calibration Routines 1 Press and hold Scale & Offse t key, then cycle POWER key. 2 Unsecure for calibration by p erforming the preceding procedure.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e About the HP 53181A Calibra tion Menu 2-30 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 To Change t o New the Security Code 1 Press and hold Scale & Offse t key, then cycle POWER key. 2 Unsecure for calibrat ion by the using the pr ocedure described in the section titled “To Unsecure for Calibration.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e The HP 53181A Calibration Procedur es Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-31 2 The HP 53181A Calibration Procedures First Determine the Counter Firmware Revision Press and hold Recall (Utility) key, then cycl e POWER key. REV : n is displayed; where “n” represents the numeric firmware revisio n code.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e The HP 53181A Calibration Procedur es 2-32 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 c. Press key once, an d then pres s key t hree times . The Counter s hould disp lay CODE: 53000 . d. Press key once, and then press k ey once. The Counter s hould disp lay CODE: 53100 .
Chap ter 2 S ervic e The HP 53181A Calibration Procedur es Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-33 2 To Calibrate the Gain fo r Channe l 1 1 Press any one of the arrow keys until CAL: GAIN 1 ? is display ed. 2 Press Enter key. A scrolling mes sage is disp layed.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e The HP 53181A Calibration Procedur es 2-34 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 8 Disconnect the calibration setup. This comple tes the Ga in Calibrat ion procedure.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e The HP 53181A Calibration Procedur es Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-35 2 To Calibrate the High Stability Timebase Option (Medium, High, or Ultra-High) NOTE Allow the Counter t o warm up for approximately 24 hours before performing this calibration.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e Pre-T roubleshooting Information 2-36 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 Pre-Troublesho oting Information This sectio n contains the f ollowing pe rtinent troubl eshoot ing inform.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e Pre-T roubleshooting Information 2-38 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 Repair Considerations Electrost atic Discharge Electronic co mponents and assemblies in the HP 53131A/ 132A/181A can be permane ntly d egra ded or da maged by elect rostati c discharg e.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e Pre-T roubleshooting Information Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-39 2 After Service Considerat ions Product Safe ty Chec ks The fo llow ing saf e ty che cks mu st be per forme d afte r any troubl eshoo ting and repair procedures have been completed to ensu re the safe operat ion of the instrumen t.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e Pre-T roubleshooting Information 2-40 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 Assembly Iden tifica ti o n and Location The assembly number, name and Hewlett-Pack ard part number of the HP 53 131A , HP 53 132A, and H P 5318 1A assemb lies are listed in Table 2- 1, Table 2-2, and Table 2- 3, resp ectively.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e Pre-T roubleshooting Information Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-41 2 T able 2-2. HP 531 32A Asse mbly Identification Assembly Name HP Part No.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e Pre-T roubleshooting Information 2-42 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 T able 2-3. HP 531 81A Asse mbly Identification Assembly Name HP Part No.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e Pre-T roubleshooting Information Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-43 2 Figure 2-8A. Instrument T op Internal View A1 Motherboard Assembly A3 Option 030/050 Channel 3 Assembly fo.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e Pre-T roubleshooting Information 2-44 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 Figure 2-8B. Instrument T op Internal View (Option 002) A3 Option 030 Channel 3 Assembly for HP 53131A/132.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e T roubleshooting the Counter Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-45 2 Troublesho oting the Count er Power Supply Chec k W ARNIN G HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES ARE ON THE POWER SU PPLY ASSEMBLY. O NLY SERVICE TRAINED AN D QU ALIFIED PERSONNEL S HOU LD PERFORM THE FO LLOWING PROCEDURE.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e T roubleshooting the Counter 2-46 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 Figure 2-9. A4 AC Power Suppy T estpoint Locations on A1 Motherboard Assembly (Bottom View) J18 -9V 9G -12 GND.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e T roubleshooting the Counter Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-47 2 Table 2- 4 lists A4 p ower suppl y voltag es, the corres ponding wire co lor, and the to lerance s. 5 After verifying the correct voltage and that all calibrations passed, proceed to the following sect ion.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e T roubleshooting the Counter 2-48 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 You can als o specify tha t failure messages be sent t o a printer, the RS-232, and the HP- IB—if in talk- only ( TST PRINT : ON or OFF ). There are 1 3 choices for th e TEST : menu item.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e T roubleshooting the Counter Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-49 2 INTERP? —tes t interp olator s. KEYP AD? —request us er to press al l keys. Note, thi s test is not available if TEST LOOP: is ON . TEST LOOP: must be OFF. PRINT? —send three test lines to a printer via the RS -232.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e T roubleshooting the Counter 2-50 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 To Run the Individu al Self Tests 1 Press and hold R ecall (Utility) key, then cycle POWER ke y. NOTE If powe r does n ot cy cle or the displa y does n ot ligh t, go to th e secti on ti tled “Power Supply Ch eck” on page 2- 45 of t his chapte r.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e T roubleshooting the Counter Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 2-51 2 8 Repeat steps 2 t hrough 5 fo r each of the se lf test s. Note that for t he TEST: FR END ? test, connect Co unter as shown in Figure 2-11 A or Figure 2-11B (depe nding on which Counter yo u are testing ) and pres s Enter key.
Chap ter 2 S ervic e T roubleshooting the Counter 2-52 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 2 9I f t h e FA I L message is d isplayed for a te st, use Table 2-5 to determine which as sembly may need replacing. 10 Refer to Chapter 3, “Re placing Assemblies,” in this service guide for dissasembly a nd reassembly procedures.
3 Replacing Assembl ies Disassembly and Reassembly.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies Introduction 3-2 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 3 Introduction This chapter conta ins the instructions fo r removing majo r assembli es in the HP 53 131A/132A/18 1A. To inst all an ass embly, reverse the remo val instructions.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T ools Required Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 3-3 3 Tools Required The foll owin g tools ar e required f or these remova l and repl acement proc edu res: • Hand.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o R emo ve t he C ove r 3-4 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 3 To Re move the Cover The follow ing steps are for remo ving the cover. The cover is remo ved to access the bo ard and cable assemblie s, and all other inte rnal parts.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o R emo ve t he C ove r Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 3-5 3 3 Remove the screw (H1) located at th e bottom near the rear of the cover (MP3) as shown in Figure 3-2.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove the Front Bezel 3-6 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 3 To Remove the Front Bezel 1 Remove the cover. See the s ection ti tled “To Remo ve the Cove r” in this chapter. 2 Remove the bail handle (MP7) by rotat ing it to the vertical position and pul l the ends outward as shown in Figure 3-3.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove the Front Bezel Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 3-7 3 5 Remove the BNC nuts (H3), shown in Figure 3-5, from the front panel using the 14- mm deep-socket spin tight . Figure 3-5. Front Bezel Removal 6 For Counters with the optional 1.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove the Front Bezel 3-8 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 3 7 Remove the two s crews (H 1), locat ed in th e sides of the front bezel, using the TORX 1 5 screwdriver as shown in Figure 3-5.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove A1 M otherboard Asse mbly Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 3-9 3 To Remove A1 Motherboard Assembly 1 Remove the cover. See the s ection ti tled “To Remo ve the Cove r” in this chapter. 2 Remove the Power Supply Assembly.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove A1 M otherboard Asse mbly 3-10 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 3 Figure 3-6. A1 Motherboar d Assembly Remova l 8 Remove the BNC nuts (H3), shown in Figure 3-6, from the rear of the chassi s using the 1 4-mm deep-socket spi n tight (Opt 0 15/030 only).
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove the A2 D isplay Board, Keyp ads, and Window Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 3-1 1 3 To Remo ve the A2 Display Board, Ke ypads, and Window 1 Remove the cover. See the s ection ti tled “To Remo ve the Cove r” in this chapter.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove the A2 D isplay Board, Keyp ads, and Window 3-12 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 3 4 Pull up on the top portion of the front bezel until the top p ortion of the dis play board is free fr om the top tabs .
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove A3 1.5/3 .0/5.0/12.4 GHz Channel Ass embly (Option 015/030/05 0/124) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 3-13 3 To Remove A3 1.5/3.0/5.0/12.4 GHz Ch annel Assembly (Option 015/030/05 0/124) NOTE The 1.5 GHz C hannel 2 Assembly i s available only for the HP 53181 A Frequency Co unter.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove A3 1.5/3 .0/5.0/12.4 GHz Channe l Assembly (Option 015/030/05 0/124) 3-14 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 3 Figure 3-8. Optional Channel Input Asse mbly Removal 4 Disconnect flat-ribbon cable of the optio nal channel from connector J7 of A1 Mothe rboard Assembly as shown in Fig ure 3-8.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove A4 AC Power Supply Assembly Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 3-15 3 To Remove A4 AC Power Supply Assembly 1 Remove the cover.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove A4 AC Power Supply Assembly 3-16 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 3 3 Remove the two TORX screws (H2) on the rear panel using the TORX 10 screwdriver as shown in Figure 3-9.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 3-17 3 To Remo ve A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002) 1 Remove the cover. See the s ection ti tled “To Remo ve the Cove r” in this chapter.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002) 3-18 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 3 Figure 3-1 1 . DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002) Remov al 3 Lift out A5 DC Power Input Assembly and disconnect cable as shown in Figure 3-11.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove A6 High St ability Timebase Assembly (Options 001, 010, and 012) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 3-19 3 To Remove A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly (Options 00 1, 010, and 012) 1 Remove the cover. See the s ection ti tled “To Remo ve the Cove r” in this chapter.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove A6 High St ability Timebase Assembly (Options 001, 010, and 012) 3-20 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 3 Figure 3-12.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove the Rea r T erminals (Option 060) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 3-21 3 To Remove the Rear Term inals (Option 060) 1 Remove the cover. See the s ection ti tled “To Remo ve the Cove r” in this chapter.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove the Rea r T erminals (Option 060) 3-22 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 3 Figure 3-13. R ear T erminals (O ption 060) Removal NOTE Options 0 50 and 124 (5.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove the Rea r T erminals (Option 060) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 3-23 3 3 Loosen and remove the 2940-0 256 BNC nuts (H3) th at secure the coaxial cable(s) to t he rear chassis, using the 1 4-mm deep-socket spin tight.
Chap ter 3 R epla cing Assemb lies T o Remove the Rea r T erminals (Option 060) 3-24 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 3.
4 Retrofitting Options.
Chapter 4 Retrof itting O ptions Introduction 4-2 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 4 Introduction This chapte r provides t he follow ing retrofi t procedures : Tools Required The foll owing to ols are .
Chapter 4 Retrof itting O ptions T o Re trofi t A3 1. 5/3. 0/5. 0/12 .4 GH z C hann el As se mbly (Opti on 015/030/05 0/124) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 4-3 4 To Retrofit A3 1.5/3.0/5.0/12 .4 GHz Channel Assembly (Option 015/030/05 0/124) NOTE Retrofitti ng to Opt ion 015 (1 .
Chapter 4 Retrof itting O ptions T o Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002) 4-4 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 4 To Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002 ) Option 002 DC Power Inp ut Assembly Parts Item HP Part No.
Chapter 4 Retrof itting O ptions T o Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 4-5 4 Retrofitting Procedu re 1 Slide A1 Motherboard Assembly into the new chassis (MP10) as shown in Figure 4-1A.
Chapter 4 Retrof itting O ptions T o Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002) 4-6 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 4 4 Inser t and t igh ten th e two h ex s crews (H4) an d th e loc k w ash ers (H5) onto the HP-IB connector that protrudes from the rear of the chassis using the 7-mm spin tight.
Chapter 4 Retrof itting O ptions T o Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 4-7 4 7 To install the new A4 AC Power Supply Asse mbly (53132-60207), connect the ac power supp ly’s shorter cable to connector J1 8 on A1 Motherboard Assembly as shown in Figure 4-1B.
Chapter 4 Retrof itting O ptions T o Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002) 4-8 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 4 10 Install A5 DC Po w er Input Assembly (53132- 60206) into the c hassis by performing the following: a. First, conn ect the other ac power suppl y cable to the con nector on A5 printed-circuit board as shown in Figure 4-1C.
Chapter 4 Retrof itting O ptions T o Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 4-9 4 b. Position A5 Powe r Input Assembly against the rear of the chassis and a lign it with t he two appropriate holes in the rear of the chassis.
Chapter 4 Retrof itting O ptions T o Retrofit A5 DC Power Input Assembly (Option 002) 4-10 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 4 13 Note that you will have to assemble your own dc power cable using 18 AWG connecting wires and a three- pin HP E9640A XLR (female) connector plug, shown in Figure 4-1E.
Chapter 4 Retrof itting O ptions T o Retrofit A6 High St ability Timebase Assembly (Options 001, 010, and 012) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 4-1 1 4 To Retrofit A6 High Stability Timebase Assembly (Options 00 1, 010, and 012) Option 001 Medium Stability Timebase Assembly Parts Item HP Part No.
Chapter 4 Retrof itting O ptions T o Retrofit A6 High St ability Timebase Ass embly (Options 001, 010, and 012) 4-12 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 4 Procedure 1 Turn off the Counter and remove power cord. 2 Remove the cover. See the s ection ti tled “To Remo ve the Cove r” in Chapte r 3 of this guide.
Chapter 4 Retrof itting O ptions T o Retrofit A6 High St ability Timebase Assembly (Options 001, 010, and 012) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 4-13 4 Figure 4-2. High St ability Timebase Retrofitting (Option 001, 010, 0 12) 10 Re-install the cover by performing the cover removal procedure, in Chapter 3 of this guide, in reverse.
Chapter 4 Retrof itting O ptions T o Retrofit the Rear T erminals (Option 060) 4-14 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 4 To Retrofit the Rear Terminals (Option 060) Option 060 Rear Terminals Parts Item HP Part No. Qty. • Coaxial cable assembly (W2) 812 0-6150 2 • BNC was her (H6) 2190-006 8 2 • BNC nut (H 3) 2940-025 6 2 1 Remove the cover.
Chapter 4 Retrof itting O ptions T o Retrofit the Rear T erminals (Option 060) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 4-15 4 NOTE For the H P 5 3181A, t he front a nd rear terminals can exist for Channel 1. However, HP 53181 A’s optional Channel 2 input (Option 0 15/030) ca n be configured as rea r terminals only or front terminals only .
Chapter 4 Retrof itting O ptions T o Retrofit the Rear T erminals (Option 060) 4-16 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 4 Figure 4-3B. Rear T erminals Re trofitting J16 (Channel 1 for HP53131A/132A) To J.
Chapter 4 Retrof itting O ptions T o Retrofit the Rear T erminals (Option 060) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 4-17 4 4 Insert the connector-end of t he W1, with the washe rs (H6) in plac e on the connector, through the appropriate rear INPUTS opening.
Chapter 4 Retrof itting O ptions T o Retrofit the Rear T erminals (Option 060) 4-18 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 4.
5 Replaceable Parts.
Chap ter 5 Repl ace able P art s Introduction 5-2 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 5 Introduction This chapter contains information for ordering parts. Table 5-1 l ists the exchange as semblies.
Chap ter 5 Repl ace able P art s Ref eren c e Des ign atio ns Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 5-3 5 Reference Designation s Table 5- 2 lists the reference design ations us ed in the parts lists , block diagrams, and throughout the guide.
Chap ter 5 Repl ace able P art s How T o Order A Part 5-4 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 5 How To Order A Part Hewlett -Packard wants to keep you r parts ordering process as simpl e and efficient as possible. To orde r parts perform the f ol lowing steps: 1 Iden tify th e par t and th e qu anti ty you wa nt.
Chap ter 5 Repl ace able P art s How T o Order A Part Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 5-5 5 Contactin g Hewlet t-Packar d Depending on where you are in the world, there are o n e or more ways in which you can get parts or parts info rmat i on from Hewlett-P ackard.
Chap ter 5 Repl ace able P art s Cabinet Parts and Hardware 5-6 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 5 Cabinet Parts and Hardware To locate and identify miscellaneo us cabinet and chassis parts and instrument hardware, refer to Figure 2- 8A, Figure 2 -8B, and Figure 5-1.
Chap ter 5 Repl ace able P art s Cabinet Parts and Hardware Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 5-7 5 T able 5-3. HP 53131A/132 A/181A Re placeable Par t s Ref er ence Design ation HP Pa rt Numb er C D Q.
Chap ter 5 Repl ace able P art s Cabinet Parts and Hardware 5-8 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 5 34401-883 04 3 1 REAR PL ASTIC BEZEL 28480 34401-883 04 OPTION 001 MEDIUM ST ABILITY TIMEBASE ASSY OPT.
Chap ter 5 Repl ace able P art s Cabinet Parts and Hardware Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 5-9 5 Figure 5-1. HP 53 131A/132 A/181A Exploded View (C hassis Parts and Asse mbl ies) MP7 MP3 A4 P/O MP2 .
Chap ter 5 Repl ace able P art s Cabinet Parts and Hardware 5-10 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 5 T able 5-3. HP 531 31A/132 A/181A Replace able Parts (Continued) Ref er ence Design ation HP Pa rt N.
6 Backdating Manual Changes.
Chap ter 6 Bac kdati ng Introduction 6-2 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 6 Introduction This chapter conta ins informat ion necess ary to adap t this guide to apply to older instruments.
Chap ter 6 Bac kdati ng Backdating Hardware Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 6-3 6 Backdating Hardware CHANGE 1 (B elow Ser ies Pre fix 3711A) Page 2 -40, Tabl e 2-1. HP 53131 A Assembly Id entifica tion: Change A1 Motherboard part number from 53131-60 004 to 53131-60 001.
Chap ter 6 Bac kdati ng Backdating Hardware 6-4 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 6 CHANGE 3 (New TCXO boards) Page 2-47. Troubl eshoo ting t he Coun ter Add the f ollowing as step 4a: 4a If t he Counter under test contains Option 010 or 012 High Stability Timebase, perf orm the following: a.
Chap ter 6 Bac kdati ng Backdating Hardware Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 6-5 6 b. Connect the negat ive lead of a voltmet er to the white wire connection (GND) on the connector of the two-wire cable, and connect the positive l ead to the gray wire connection ( − 9V) as shown in Figure 2-10.
Chap ter 6 Bac kdati ng Backdating Hardware 6-6 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 6 CHANGE 5 (S eries 370 5A to 3546A, 3 548A) Chassis colo r change only.
Chap ter 6 Bac kdati ng Backdating Hardware Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 6-7 6 CHAN GE 7 ( Below Seri al Num ber 3 349A0 1906) Page 5 -7, Table 5-3.
Chap ter 6 Bac kdati ng Backdating Firmware 6-8 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 6 Backdating Firmware CHANGE 1 (F ir mware Revi sions 3317, 3335, 34 02, 3427) (Note: firmware revision 3413 adde d the new security menu item and the new C alibration M enu to the HP 53131A Counter.
Chap ter 6 Bac kdati ng About the HP 5313 1A Calibration Menu Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 6-9 6 CHANGE 1 (F ir mware Revi sions 3317, 3335, 34 02, 3427) (Conti nued ) The HP 53 131A Utility/Calibration Menu Tree NOTE Turn power off, press and hold Recall ( Utility ) ke y, the n pres s POW ER key to access this menu.
Chap ter 6 Bac kdati ng The HP 53131A Calibration Procedur es 6-10 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 6 CHANGE 1 (F ir mware Revi sions 3317, 3335, 34 02, 3427) (Conti nued ) The HP 53131A Calibration P.
Chap ter 6 Bac kdati ng The HP 53131A Calibration Procedur es Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 6-1 1 6 This comple tes the O ffset C alibrati on procedure .
Chap ter 6 Bac kdati ng The HP 53131A Calibration Procedur es 6-12 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 6 If the fail message is display ed, refe r to the t roubles hooting section i n this chapter.
Chap ter 6 Bac kdati ng The HP 53131A Calibration Procedur es Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 6-13 6 3 Connect the HP 8130A Pulse G enerator outp ut to Channel 1 of the Counter as shown in Figure 2-3.
Chap ter 6 Bac kdati ng The HP 53131A Calibration Procedur es 6-14 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 6 CHANGE 1 (F ir mware Revi sions 3317, 3335, 34 02, 3427) (Conti nued ) 6 Disconnect the calibration setup. This comple tes the T I QUIK? calib ration pro cedures.
Chap ter 6 Bac kdati ng The HP 53131A Calibration Procedur es Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 6-15 6 CHANGE 1 (F ir mware Revi sions 3317, 3335, 34 02, 3427) (Conti nued ) To Calibrate the High Stability Timebase Option (Medium or High) NOTE Allow the Counter t o warm up for approximately 30 minutes before performing this cal ibration.
Chap ter 6 Bac kdati ng Backdating Specifications 6-16 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 6 Backdating Specifications CHANGE 1 (5 3131A, Se rial Prefi x 3710A and Bel ow ) Page 7 -3, External Arm Input Spec ifications: Change the Signal Input Range spe cificati on from: TTL Compa tible to: High-Level Input: >3.
Chap ter 6 Bac kdati ng Backdating Specifications Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 6-17 6 CHANGE 3 (5 3181 A, Se rial Pr efix 3711 A02841 and Be low) Page 8 -3, External Arm Input Spec ifications: Change the Sig nal Input Rang e specif ication from: TTL Compa tible to: High-Level Input: >3.
Chap ter 6 Bac kdati ng Backdating Specifications 6-18 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 6.
7 HP 53131A/1 32A Specificati ons.
Chap ter 7 H P 5313 1A/1 32A Sp ecif icati ons Introduction 7-2 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 7 Introduction The spec ifications of the HP 53131A /132A Univer sal Counter are provided in t his c hapte r. 1 Specifi cations and Characte ristics for Chann els 1 and 2 are ide ntical for both Comm on an d Separate con figura tions.
Chap ter 7 H P 5313 1A/1 32A Sp ecif icati ons Instrument Input s (Continued) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 7-3 7 4 Channe l 3 is ava ilable as a n option. 5 When ordered with optional rear termina ls, the Channel 3 con nector on the fr ont panel for Option 030 will be routed to the rear panel (re ar panel only) .
Chap ter 7 H P 5313 1A/1 32A Sp ecif icati ons Tim e B a s e 7-4 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 7 Note that power to the t ime base is m aintained w hen the coun ter is placed in sta ndby via the fro nt pane l switch. The intern al f an will continue to operate und er this con dition , to mainta in long-term instrument relia bility .
Chap ter 7 H P 5313 1A/1 32A Sp ecif icati ons Measurement Specifica tions Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 7-5 7 The followin g graphs may also be use d to comp ute errors f or Period M easurem ents. T o find th e Perio d er ror ( ∆ P), calcula te th e freque ncy o f the input signal ( ) a nd find the fr equency e rro r ( ∆ F) from the chart.
Chap ter 7 H P 5313 1A/1 32A Sp ecif icati ons Measurement Specifica tions (Continued) 7-6 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 7 Measurement Specifications (Continue d) HP 53131A— Wors t Case RM S Resolutio n Auto matic or Extern al Armin g: Time or Digit Arming: The pre ceding gr aphs do not r eflect the e ffects of trigger er ror .
Chap ter 7 H P 5313 1A/1 32A Sp ecif icati ons Measurement Specifica tions (Continued) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 7-7 7 HP 53132A— Wors t Case RM S Resolutio n Auto matic or Extern al Armin g: Time or Digit Arming: The pre ceding gr aphs do not r eflect the e ffects of trigger er ror .
Chap ter 7 H P 5313 1A/1 32A Sp ecif icati ons Measurement Specifica tions (Continued) 7-8 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 7 Frequency Measuremen t Example: Given a n H P 53132A w ith a High Stability Oven that w as calibrated 3 days ago , me asure a 15 M Hz square wave signal (wh ich has ne gligible trigger er ror) with a 1 second ga te time.
Chap ter 7 H P 5313 1A/1 32A Sp ecif icati ons Measurement Specifica tions (Continued) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 7-9 7 Time I nte r val Measurem ent is specified ove r the full s ignal ranges 7 of Ch annels 1 and 2 .
Chap ter 7 H P 5313 1A/1 32A Sp ecif icati ons Measurement Specifica tions (Continued) 7-10 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 7 Pulse Wid th Measu rem ent is specifie d over the fu ll signal rang e of Chann el 1. The width of th e opposing pu lse must be greater tha n 4 ns (e .
Chap ter 7 H P 5313 1A/1 32A Sp ecif icati ons Measurement Specifica tions (Continued) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 7-1 1 7 Duty Cycle Measurem ent is specified ove r the full s ignal range of Channel 1. However, both the positive and ne gative pulse w idths must be grea ter than 4 ns.
Chap ter 7 H P 5313 1A/1 32A Sp ecif icati ons Measurement Definitions 7-12 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 7 Measurement Definitions Definitions o f Systematic Uncert ainty T erms • T rigger Error External sou rce and input amplifier noise ma y advance or d elay the trigge r points th at define the beginning and end of a measur ement.
Chap ter 7 H P 5313 1A/1 32A Sp ecif icati ons Measurement Definitions (Continued) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 7-13 7 Measurement Definitions (Continued) • Frac tional T ime Base E rror Time ba.
Chap ter 7 H P 5313 1A/1 32A Sp ecif icati ons Measurement Arming and Pr ocessing 7-14 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 7 Measurement Arming and Processing Gate Time Auto Mode , or 1 m s to 1000 s Mea.
Chap ter 7 H P 5313 1A/1 32A Sp ecif icati ons Measurement Arming and Pr ocessing (Continued) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 7-15 7 Measurement Arming and Processing (Continued) Measurem ent S t at istic s Availabl e Statisti cs: Mea n, Minimum , Maximum, S tandard Deviat ion Numbe r of Meas urement s: 2 to 1,000,0 00.
Chap ter 7 H P 5313 1A/1 32A Sp ecif icati ons General Information 7-16 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 7 General Information Save and Recall: Up to 20 comp lete instrum ent setups ma y be saved and recalled late r . These setups ar e retaine d when power is remo ved from the u niversal cou nter.
8 HP 53181A Spec ifications.
Chapter 8 HP 53181A Specifi cations Introduction 8-2 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 8 Introduction The specifica tions of the HP 53181 A Frequency Co unter are provided i n this chapter. 1 V a lues sho wn are for X1 atten uator setting. Mul tiply all values by 10 (no minal) when usin g the X1 0 attenua tor setti ng.
Chapter 8 HP 53181A Specifi cations Instrument Input s (Continued) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 8-3 8 3 Channe l 2 is ava ilable as a n option. 4 When ordered with optional rear termina ls, the Channel 2 con nector on the fr ont panel for Options 015 or 030 will be r emoved.
Chapter 8 HP 53181A Specifi cations Tim e B a s e 8-4 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 8 Note that power to the t ime base is m aintained w hen the coun ter is placed in sta ndby via the fro nt pane l switch. The intern al f an will continue to operate und er this con dition , to mainta in long-term instrument relia bility .
Chapter 8 HP 53181A Specifi cations Measurement Specifica tions Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 8-5 8 The followin g graphs may also be use d to comp ute errors f or Period M easurem ents. T o find th e Perio d er ror ( ∆ P), calcula te th e freque ncy o f the input signal ( ) a nd find the fr equency e rro r ( ∆ F) from the chart.
Chapter 8 HP 53181A Specifi cations Measurement Specifica tions (Continued) 8-6 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 8 Measurement Specifications (Continue d) Worst Case RMS Resolutio n Auto matic or Extern al Armin g: Time or Digit Arming: The pre ceding gr aphs do not r eflect the e ffects of trigger er ror .
Chapter 8 HP 53181A Specifi cations Measurement Specifica tions (Continued) Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 8-7 8 Frequency M easurement Exam ple: Given a n H P 53181A w ith a High Stability Oven th at w as calibrated 3 days ago , me asure a 15 MHz squa re wave signal (w h ich has negligible trigger er ror) with a 1 second ga te time.
Chapter 8 HP 53181A Specifi cations Measurement Specifica tions (Continued) 8-8 Assemb ly-Level Servi ce Guid e 8 Frequency Rati o: Measurem ent is specified ove r the full s ignal range of each input.
Chapter 8 HP 53181A Specifi cations Measurement Definitions Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 8-9 8 Measurement Definitions Definitions o f Systematic Uncert ainty T erms • T rigger Error External sou rce and input amplifier noise ma y advance or d elay the trigge r points th at define the beginning and end of a measur ement.
Chapter 8 HP 53181A Specifi cations Measurement Arming and Pr ocessing 8-10 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 8 Measurement Arming and Processing Gate Time Auto Mode , or 1 m s to 1000 s Measurem ent T.
Chapter 8 HP 53181A Specifi cations General Information Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide 8-1 1 8 General Information Save and Recall: Up to 20 comp lete instrum ent setups ma y be saved and recalled late r . These setups ar e retaine d when power is remo ved from the c ounter.
Chapter 8 HP 53181A Specifi cations General Information 8-12 Assemb ly-Lev el Servi ce Gu ide 8.
Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide Index- 1 Index NUMERICS 1.5/ 3.0/ 5.0/ 12. 4 GH z Ch annel (Op tion 015/ 030/ 050/ 124) , 3-13 A A4 AC Po wer Supply , 3-15 A5 DC Power Input (Option 002) , 3-17 A6 Hi.
Index Index-2 As sembly -Level Service Guid e cover , 3-4 display boar d , 3-11 front bezel , 3-6 keypads , 3-11 moth erboard , 3-9 Rear Te rminals (Option 060 ) , 3-21 window , 3-11 disk HP 53131 A/1.
Index Assemb ly-Lev el Servic e Gu ide Index- 3 M Maintena nce, corrective , 2-2 manu al change s , 6-2 mode l num ber , 5-4 moth erboard , 3-9 N new secu rity code entr y , 2-13 O older inst rume nts.
Index Index-4 As sembly -Level Service Guid e High Stab ility Tim ebase (Op tion 010) , 4-11 High Stab ility Tim ebase (Op tion 012) , 4-11 Rear Te rminals (Option 060 ) , 4-14 returning in strument f.
Printed in U. S.A Data sub jec t to chan ge Rev 11/98 Contact ing Hewlett- Packard: For more information abo ut Hewlett-Packard test and measurement products, applications, and services, visit our web site at: http://www .
Contin ued fro m fron t mat ter. . . 7.NL.A .11.03. 97.R1.P.CW 6BC Warranty ( contd) HP does not warrant t hat the operation of HP product s will be uninterrupted or error free.
Manual Part Number 53131-900 39 Printed in U.S.A, MARCH 199 9.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) 181A (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) 181A heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) 181A vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) 181A leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) 181A krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) 181A bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) 181A kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) 181A . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.