Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product CE657A#BGJ van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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LASERJET PROFESSIONAL P 1100 P r i n t e r series Us er Guide www .hp .com/support/ljp1100ser ies.
HP LaserJet Professional P1100 Printer series User Gu ide.
Copyright and License © 2010 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development C ompany, L.P. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as a llowed under t he copyright laws. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
Conventions u sed in th is guid e TIP: Tips provi de helpf ul hints or shor tcuts. NOT E: Notes prov ide i mporta nt inform ation to exp lain a concep t or to c omple te a task. CAUTION: Cauti ons i ndicate p roced ures tha t you should follow to avoid losi ng dat a or dam aging t he prod uct.
iv Conve ntions used in this guide ENWW.
Table of contents 1 Product basics Product com parison ... ....... ...... ....... ......... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ......... ....... .. .... ....... ...... 2 Environmen tal features ........... ...... ......
Resize documents or print on a custom paper size .... ........ ........... ....... ........ ........ ....... ...... 19 Print a cover page ............... ........... ............ ............ .......... ............ ........... ................. .....
Stop the current prin t job fro m the sof tware program .. ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ..... ...... ..... .... .. 38 Print with Windo ws ......... ......... ............ ........ ......... ........ ......... ........ ........ ........ .....
HP fraud ho tline and Web si te .... ....... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ........ .... .... ..... ... 5 0 Recycle s upplies .. ..... ...... ....... ........ ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......... .
Moisture ........ ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ......... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... .. 86 Optimize and improv e image quali ty .................. ........... ..... ............ ........... ........... .
Mult iple retu rns (mor e than one c artri dge) ............. .............. ......... . 110 Single returns ... .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ....... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ... 110 Shipping .......... ......... ..........
1 Product basics ● Product com pari son ● Env iro nment al fe atu res ● Product f eatures ● Product v iews ENWW 1.
Product compa rison HP LaserJet Professional P1100 Printer series HP LaserJet Professional P1100w Printer series ● Speed : Up to 18 A4 pages per minute (ppm), 19 letter- size ppm ● Tray : 150-sheet input tray ● Connectivity : Hi-Speed USB 2.
Product fe atures Benefit Supporting features Excellent print quality ● Genuine HP print cartridge. ● FastRes 600 setting provides 600 dots per inch (dpi) effective print quality. FastR es 1200 setting provides 1,200 dpi effective print quality. ● Adjustable settings to optimize print quality.
Product vi ews Front and l eft side vi ew 3 2 5 6 1 7 4 Table 1-1 HP LaserJet Professi onal P1100 Printer series 1 Output bin 2 Foldable output tray extension 3 Input tray 4 Short media extender tool .
3 2 5 6 1 7 4 Table 1-2 HP LaserJet Professio nal P1100w Printer series 1 Output bin 2 Foldable output tray extension 3 Priority input slot 4 Main input tray 5 Power button 6 Print-cartridge d oor lif.
Back view 2 1 3 1 USB port 2 Power connector 3 Kensington lock Serial numb er and prod uct number location The la bel th at contai ns the produ ct numbe r and seri al num ber is on the rear o f the produc t.
Control-panel layout NOT E: See I nterpret c ontrol-pane l light pat terns on page 70 for a descrip tion o f what the li ght pattern s mean. 2 1 Table 1-3 HP LaserJet Professio nal P1100 Printer series 1 Attention light: Indicates that the print cartr idge door is open or other error s exist.
4 Ready light: When the product is ready to print, the ready li ght is on. When t he product is processi ng data, the ready light blinks. 5 Cancel button: To cancel the print job, press the cancel button. Press and hold the button for 5 seconds to print a configuration page.
2 Software for Windows ● Supporte d operating s ystems for Windo ws ● Supporte d printe r-driv ers fo r Window s ● Priority for print settings ● Change prin ter-drive r settings for Window s �.
Supported o peratin g systems for Wi ndows The pr oduct comes with s oftware for the fol lowing Windows ® op eratin g syst ems: ● Win dows Vis ta (3 2-bi t an d 64-b it) ● Windows XP (32-bit and .
Priority for print settings Chan ges to pr int setti ngs a re prio ritized depend ing on where the change s are made: NOT E: The nam es of com mands and dia log boxes migh t vary de pendin g on yo ur sof tware prog ram.
Change pri nter-drive r setting s for Win dows Change the settings for all print jobs until the software program is closed Change the de fault settings for all print jo bs Change the product configurat ion settings 1. On the File menu in the software program, click Print .
Remove software for Windows Use the uninstall u tility to remove Windows software 1. Click the Start butto n, and t hen cl ick the Programs or All Progra ms menu i tem. 2. Click the HP menu ite m, and the n click the HP Lase rJet Prof essiona l P1100 P rinter s eries me nu item.
Supported u tilities (wireless models only) Embedded Web ser ver The prod uct is equi pped w ith an embedd ed Web s erver, which provid es acc ess to informat ion ab out produc t and network acti vitie s. This inform ation appe ars in a Web bro wser, such as Microsof t Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, or Firefox.
3 Use the product with Mac ● Software for Mac ● Print with Mac ENWW 15.
Software for Mac Supported operating systems for Macintosh The pr oduct suppo rts the fo llowin g Mac intos h ope rating system s: ● Mac OS X v10.4, v1 0.
Change printer-dr iver settings for Macintosh Change the settings for all pri nt jobs until the software program is closed Change the de fault setti ngs for all print jobs Change th e product configu ration settings 1. On the File menu, click Print . 2.
Software for Mac comput ers HP Printer Ut ility for Mac Use the HP La serJet Utility to pr int the produc t info rmation pages and to chang e the A uto-Off setti ng from a Ma c comp uter . To ope n the H P Laser Jet Ut ility, c omplet e the procedur e be low.
Print with Mac Create and use p rinting presets in Macin tosh Use pr inting presets to sav e the c urrent printer drive r settin gs fo r reus e. Create a prin ting pres et 1. On the File me nu, click Pri nt . 2. Select the driver. 3. Select t he pr int s ettings.
Print mu ltiple p ages on o ne sheet of paper in Macintosh You ca n print m ore than on e page on a sin gle s heet of paper. T his featu re provi des a cos t-effe ctive way to print d raft page s. 1. On the File men u, clic k Pri nt . 2. Select t he dr iver.
4 Connect the product ● Supporte d network operat ing system s (wir eless mo dels onl y) ● USB co nnecti on ● Network co nnecti on (wir eless mod els onl y) ENWW 21.
Supported n etwork ope rating syst ems (wirele ss models only) The prod uct support s the fol lowing operating s ystems for wireless printi ng: ● Win dows Vis ta (3 2-bi t an d 64-b it) ● Windows XP (32-bit and 64 -bit) ● Windo ws 7 ● Windows Se rver 2003 ( 32-bi t and 64-bit) ● Windows Se rver 2008 ( 32-bi t and 64-bit) ● Mac OS X v10.
USB connection This pro duct suppo rts a H i-Spe ed USB 2. 0 connecti on. You mu st use an A-t o-B type US B cable that is no longer than 2 m (6.56 ft).
Network con nection (wirele ss models on ly) The product can connec t to wireles s networks. Supported network protocols To co nnect a netwo rking-e quipped p roduc t to a network, you n eed a networ k that us es one o f th e followi ng prot ocols.
● If the HP Smart I nst all prog ram d oes not s tart automat ically, AutoPlay mig ht be dis abled on the comp uter. Browse the co mputer a nd doub le-clic k the HP Sma rt Instal l drive to run the progra m. If you can not find t he HP Sm art Instal l drive, use the prod uct ins tallation CD to instal l the soft ware.
Perform a peer-to-peer (ad- hoc) wireless installation The prod uct can be inst alled wirele ssly to a com puter th rough a pe er-to -peer (ad-hoc) instal lation .
Configure the netwo rk product Use the Wireles s Configuration utility Use the Wirele ss C onfigurati on uti lity to con figure th e pro duct to pr int o n a w ireless netw ork. 1. Connect th e wir eless p roduct to the c ompute r throug h a USB cable .
IP address The produ ct IP ad dress ca n be set ma nually, or it can be configure d automa tically u sing DHCP, B ootP, or AutoIP. To ch ange th e IP a ddress manually , use the HP E mbedde d Web S erver. 1. Open the HP Embed ded Web Ser ver, and then click the Networking tab.
5 Paper and print media ● Understa nd paper and print media us e ● Special paper or pr int m edia gui delin es ● Change the prin t driver t o matc h the media type a nd si ze ● Supporte d pape.
Understand pa per and p rint media use This pr oduct sup ports a variet y of pa per an d other pr int me dia in a ccordance w ith the g uideli nes in this user gui de. Paper or print med ia that does not meet these guidel ines might ca use poor print quali ty, incre ased jams, and premature wea r on the produc t.
Special pa per or print med ia guideli nes This produ ct suppo rts printi ng on special me dia. Use the followi ng guidelin es to obtai n satisf actory resul ts. When using specia l pape r or print m edia, b e sure to set the ty pe and s ize in t he pr inter driver to o btain the best r esults.
Change t he print driver to ma tch the media t ype and size Select ing medi a by type and si ze res ults in signi fican tly better pr int quali ty for hea vy paper, glo ssy paper , and ove rhead transpar encies. Using the wr ong set ting c an resul t in uns atisfact ory prin t quali ty.
Supported pape r sizes This pr oduct suppo rts var ious pap er siz es, an d it adapts to vario us m edia. NOT E: To obtain best pr int resul ts, sel ect t he appro priate paper size and type in yo ur pri nt driver before prin ting.
Supported p aper types and tray cap acity Supported paper and print media types For a c omplet e list of spec ific HP -bran d paper that this pr oduct su pports , go to w ww.
Paper or ienta tion fo r loadi ng trays If you are u sing pape r tha t requ ires a speci fic ori entatio n, load it acc ording to the i nform ation in th e followi ng table .
Tray adjustment for short media (base models only) To print on med ia sh orter tha n 185 mm (7 .28 in ), use th e short m edia ex tender to adjust your input tray . 1. Remove the shor t medi a extender tool f rom the s torage sl ot on the left sid e of the m edia in put area.
6 Print tasks ● Canc el a p rint jo b ● Print with Windows ENWW 37.
Cancel a pr int jo b You ca n stop a pr int jo b by using the softwa re prog ram. NOT E: It can ta ke se veral minu tes for all p rint jobs to c lear after you h ave canc eled a print job. Stop the current print job from the control panel (wireless models on ly) ▲ Press the ca ncel b utton o n the c ontro l pane l.
Print with Wind ows NOT E: Depending on th e softw are pro gram, the co mmands and di alog b ox nam es that f ollow might be dif ferent. Open the Windows printer driver 1. On the File menu in the so ftware progr am, click Print . 2. Select t he pro duct, and the n click Properties or Pref erence s .
Create a cus tom printing quick set 1. Open the print er driver, and then click the Properties or P reference s butto n. The Pr int Ta sks Quic k S et s dr op-down l ist a ppears o n all tabs exc ept th e Servi ces tab. 2. Select a n existi ng qui ck set as a base.
Print the first or last page on diffe rent pape r wit h Window s 1. Open the prin ter driver, click the Properties or Prefe rences button, and the n click th e Pape r/ Quality tab. 2. Click the U se Differe nt Pape r/Covers check box , and then select the necessar y setting s for the front cover , other pag es, and back cove r.
6. Retrieve the print ed stack fr om the outp ut bin, and , maintaini ng the pape r orientat ion, place it with the printed- side facin g down in the inpu t tray. 7. At the comput er, click the Continue button to print th e second side of the j ob. Create a bo oklet with Wind ows 1.
Print multip le pages p er sheet with Wi ndows 1. Open the prin ter driver, click the Properties or Prefe rences button, and the n click th e Fi ni shi ng tab. 2. Select th e numbe r of pages per she et from th e Page s per sh eet drop-down list . 3. Select the correct optio ns for Pri nt Page Borders , Pa ge Orde r , a nd Orientation .
44 Chapter 6 Prin t task s ENWW.
7 Manage and maintain the product ● Print the info rmati on pages ● Use the H P Emb edded Web Ser ver (w irele ss mode ls o nly) ● Economy sett ings ● Manage supplies an d acce ssories ● Cle.
Print the informati on pages You can pri nt the following informa tion page s. Configuration page The c onfigurati on page lists cu rrent pr oduct sett ings an d prop erties. It a lso conta ins a stat us log report . To print a co nfigur ation p age, d o the following : 1.
Use the HP Emb edded Web Ser ver (wireless models on ly) Use the HP E mbedded W eb Se rver ( EWS) to vi ew pro duct a nd netwo rk statu s and to m anage p rinting functio ns from a co mputer .
Settings tab Use this tab to con figure the pro duct from your com puter. If this product is networked, alw ays co nsult with the produ ct adm inistra tor b efore changing settin gs on this tab. The Setting s tab conta ins the Printing page wh ere y ou can v iew a nd cha nge the defaul t print job settin gs.
Economy se ttings Auto-Off mode Auto-O ff is an energy-s aving feature of this prod uct. After a use r-specifi ed time pe riod, the pro duct automati call y red uces its power consum ption ( Auto-O ff). T he pro duct retu rns to the read y state when a button i s press ed or a pr int j ob is recei ved.
Manage sup plies and ac cessories Correc tly using, storing , an d monitor ing t he pr int c artridg e can help e nsure high -qual ity p rint out put. Check and order supplies Prin t-cart rid ge st orag e Do n ot remov e the p rint ca rtridge from its pa ckage un til y ou are r eady to use i t.
Replacement instructions Redistribute toner When a sma ll amoun t of to ner remains in pr int car tridge, faded or li ght area s mi ght app ear on t he printed page. Y ou mi ght be able t o tempo rarily i mprove p rint qua lity by r edist ributing the t oner.
3. Reinsert the pr int c artridg e into the produ ct, an d then close the p rint-ca rtri dge do or. If the print i s still light, i nstall a new print cartrid ge.
2. Remove the new prin t cartr idge from the pack aging . Place the used print cartr idge in the b ag and box for recy cling. CAUTION: To preven t damage to the print ca rtrid ge, hold the prin t cartrid ge at each end. Do not touch the cart ridge shutter or the r oller surf ace.
4. Bend the ta b on the left s ide of the car tridge u ntil t he tab breaks loose , and then pu ll the tab un til all the tap e is remove d from the car tridg e. Place the tab and tape in the print-ca rtri dge box to re turn for re cycl ing. 5. Insert th e print c artridg e in the produ ct, and then close the pri nt-cart ridge door.
Replace the pick up roller Normal use wit h g ood media caus es wear. The use of po or m edia m ight requ ire mor e fre quent replacem ent of the pickup roller. If the produ ct re gularly misp icks ( no med ia feed s thr ough), you m ight ne ed to c hange or clean the pick up rolle r.
3. Release the small , white t abs on e ach side o f the pic kup roll er, and rotate the pic kup rolle r towar d the front. 4. Gently pull the p ickup rol ler up a nd out. 5. Position the n ew pic kup rolle r in the s lot. The cir cular a nd re ctangu lar slo ts on each side prevents you from ins talli ng the roller incorre ctly.
6. Rotate the to p of th e new picku p roller away fr om you until both s ides snap int o plac e. 7. Insert the print car tridge in the pr oduct, and then close the print-ca rtridge do or.
Replac e th e sepa ratio n pad Norm al use with go od med ia caus es wea r. The use of poor me dia m ight requ ire m ore fre quent replac ement of the separ ation pad. If the product r egula rly p ulls mult iple s heets of media a t a time, you might ne ed to ch ange the s eparatio n pad.
4. Remove th e separatio n pad. 5. Insert th e new separati on pad, and s crew it into place. ENWW Man age supp lies an d access ories 59.
6. Reconnect the po wer cor d, and the n turn on th e produc t. 60 Chapter 7 Man age and m aintai n the pro duct ENWW.
Clean the prod uct Clean the pickup ro ller If y ou want to clean the p ickup r oller b efore deciding to re place it, f ollow these i nstruc tions : 1. Unplug th e powe r co rd from the p roduct a nd r emove the pick up rol ler a s descri bed in Repl ace th e pickup ro ller on page 55 .
Clean the paper path If you are ex peri encing to ner spe cks or dots on the printouts , clean the pa per p ath. Thi s proc ess uses a trans parency to remo ve dus t and toner fr om the paper p ath. Do not us e bond or rou gh pape r. NOT E: For best resul ts use a sheet of transpare ncy.
Clean the print-cartridge area You do not ne ed to cle an the prin t-cartridg e area o ften. Ho wever, c leanin g this a rea can improv e the quality of th e printed sheets. WARNING! Before changin g the s eparation pad, turn the pr oduc t off, discon nect the power c ord from the w all outlet , an d then wait fo r the pr oduct to co ol.
2. With a dr y, lint- free cloth, wipe any residu e from the pa per-path area and th e prin t-cartrid ge cavity . 3. Reinstall the p rint car tridge, and t hen c lose the pri nt-cartr idge do or.
4. Disconne ct the power cor d. Clean the exterior Use a s oft, damp, lint-free c loth to wipe du st, smud ges, and stains o ff of th e exteri or of the de vice. Product u pdates Softwar e and firmwar e updates and install ation instr uction s for this produ ct are avail able at www.
66 Chapter 7 Man age and m aintai n the pro duct ENWW.
8 Solve problems ● Solve g enera l pr oblem s ● Interp ret cont rol-pane l ligh t pattern s ● Clear j ams ● Solve pap er-ha ndlin g problem s ● Solve im age-qu ality proble ms ● Solve per .
Solve ge neral prob lems If the product is n ot re sponding correctly, c omple te the ste ps in th e foll owing checklist, in order. If th e produc t does no t pass a ste p, follo w the corres ponding troubl eshooting sugges tions. If a step resolves the pro blem, you can st op without perfor ming the other steps o n the chec klist.
8. Print a confi guration pag e. See Print the inf ormati on pages on pa ge 46 . a. If the pag e does not p rint, ve rify that th e inpu t tray c ontain s paper. b. If the p age jams in the p roduct, s ee Clear jams o n page 73 . 9. Print a small documen t from a different progr am that h as worked in the pas t.
Interp ret control -panel l ight patte rns Table 8-1 Status -light legend Symbol for "light off" Symbol for "light on" Symbol for "light blinking" Table 8-2 Con trol-panel ligh t patterns Ligh t sta tus State of the pro duct Action All lights are off.
Ligh t sta tus State of the product Action Ready light is blink ing, and attention light is of f. The product is receiving or processing data. No action is r equired. The p roduct is receiving or processing a print job. Attention light is blinking, and ready light is of f.
Ligh t sta tus State of the pro duct Action The wireless light is blinking. The product is attempting to locate a wire les s n et work . No action is required. The wireless light is on. The produc t is connecte d to a wire less net wor k. No action is required.
Clear jams When c learing jams, b e car eful not to tear jamme d pape r. If a small piece of pap er rema ins in th e pro duct, it cou ld ca use a dditio nal j ams.
Jam locations Jams can occur at the following locatio ns in the pr oduct. 2 3 1 1 Internal areas 2 Input tray 3 Output bin NOT E: Jams can occur in more than one loc ation. Clear jams from the input tray CAUTION: Do not use sharp objects , such a s twee zers or need le-nose pliers , to r emove jams.
NOT E: Depending on wh ere th e jam is located , som e of th e foll owing ste ps mi ght not be ne cessary . 1. Open the prin t-cartridg e door, and the n remove the print cart ridge.
3. With bot h hands, gras p the sid e of the jamm ed media that is mos t visible (this includ es the middl e), and careful ly pull it fr ee from the produ ct.
Clear jams f rom the output areas CAUTION: Do no t use shar p objects , suc h as tweeze rs or needle- nose pl iers, t o remove jams. Dama ge cause d by shar p obje cts will not b e cover ed by the w arranty. 1. Open the prin t-cartridg e door, and the n remove the print cart ridge.
3. Reinstall the p rint car tridge, and t hen c lose the pri nt-cartr idge do or. 78 Chapte r 8 So lve p roble ms ENWW.
Clear jams from inside the product 1. Open the prin t-cartridg e door, and the n remove the print cart ridge. CAUTION: To prev ent dam age, do n ot expose the p rint car tridge to light. Cover it with a piece of paper. 2. If you can see the jamme d pape r, ca refull y gras p the jam med pa per, a nd slowl y pul l it o ut of t he product .
3. Reinstall the p rint car tridge, and t hen c lose the pri nt-cartr idge do or. Solve repeated jams ● Verify that the input tray is not overfill ed. The input tra y capacity varies dependi ng on the type of print media that you are using . ● Verify that the media guide s are prope rly ad justed .
Solve pa per-handl ing proble ms The fo llowin g proble ms wi th med ia caus e print- qualit y deviat ions, jammi ng, or damage to th e pr oduct. Proble m Cause Solution Poor print quality or toner adhesion The paper is too moist, too rough, too heavy or too smooth, or it is em bossed or from a faulty paper lot.
Solve i mage-quality problems You can pre vent most pri nt-quali ty problem s by foll owing the se guideli nes. ● Use paper that meets HP sp ecifica tions. See Pape r and prin t media o n page 29 . ● Clean the produ ct as necess ary. See Clea n the p roduct o n page 61 .
Dropouts ● A single sheet of media might be defective. Try reprinting the job. ● The media moisture con tent is uneven or the media has moist spots on its surface. Try printing with new media. ● The media lot is b ad. The m anufacturing process es can cause some a reas to reject toner.
Loose toner ● The fuser temperature might be too low. In the printer driver, make sure the appropriate media type is selec ted. ● Clean the inside of t he product. See Clean the product on page 61 . ● Check the media qu ality. ● Plug the product direc tly into an AC outlet instead of into a power strip.
Curl or wave ● Check the media t ype and quality. Bot h high temperature and high humidity cause media to c url. ● The media might h ave been in the input tray too long. Turn over the stack o f media in the tray. Also, try rotating the media 180° in the input tray.
Moisture NOTE: This product dissipates heat by using convective cooling. The heat and moisture generated by the printing process escape through vents in the product exterior or through the output bin area. Verify n ormal pr oduct opera tion The release of moisture is a result of normal product operation.
3. Click the D evice se ttin gs tab, an d then move the Print Density slider to the desired sett ing. 4. Click the Apply button to ac cept the settin g, and the n click the OK b utton to close th e dialo g box.
Solve performa nce proble ms Proble m Cause Soluti on Pages print but are t otally blank. The cartridge pull tab or the sealing tape might still be in the print cartridge. Verify that the cartridge pull tab and tape have been removed co mpletely from the print cartridge.
Solve co nnectivity problem s Solve direct-connect problems If you have con nected the product dire ctly to a compute r, check the US B cable . ● Verify that the cabl e is co nnecte d to th e compute r and to the product. ● Verify that the cabl e is not lo nger than 2 m (6.
The product cannot connect to the wireless network. Cause Soluti on The product wireless settings and the network settings do not match . You might need to configure the product network settings manually.
Solve prod uct software problems Solve common Wind ows problems Error message: "General Protection Fau ltException OE" "Spool 32" "Illegal Operation" Cause Soluti on Close all software programs, restart Windows, and try again.
The pro duct na me does n ot ap pear in t he pro duct li st in t he Prin ter Setu p Utili ty or Pr int & Fax list. Cause Soluti on The product might not be ready. Make sure that the cables are connected correc tly, the prod uct is on, and the ready light is on.
You are unable t o print f rom a t hird-part y USB card . Cau se Solution This error occurs when the software for USB products is not installed. When adding a third-party USB card, you might need the Apple USB Adapter Card Support software. The most cu rrent version of this software is available from the Apple Web site.
94 Chapte r 8 So lve p roble ms ENWW.
A Supplies and accessories ● Order pa rts, acces sor ies, and sup plies ● Part nu mbers ENWW 95.
Order par ts, accesso ries, a nd sup plies Order supplies and paper g o/suresupply Order genuine HP p arts or accessories buy/ part s Order through service or support providers Conta ct an HP-authorized servic e or support provider.
B Service and support ● Hewlett -Packard limi ted warr anty s tatemen t ● HP's Premi um Prot ection Warranty: Las erJet pri nt cartrid ge limi ted warran ty st atement ● End User Lic ense A.
Hewlett-Packard limited warranty statement HP PRODUCT DURATION OF LIMITED WARRANTY HP LaserJet Pro fessional P1100, P1100w One year from dat e of purcha se HP war rants t o you, the en d-user custo me.
HP's Premi um Pr otec tion W arran ty: Laser Jet pr int cartridge limited wa rranty sta tement This HP prod uct is w arran ted to be free from d efects i n materi als a nd wo rkmansh ip.
End User Li cens e Agreem ent PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SOFTWA RE PRODUCT: This End-User Lice nse Agreem ent (“EU LA”) is a contr act betwe en (a) yo u (eithe r an indiv idual or the entity you re prese nt) and (b) He wlett-Pac kard C ompany (“HP”) that go vern s your use of the s oftwar e produc t (“So ftware”) .
Softwar e will a gree to this E ULA. U pon trans fer of th e HP S oftware, y our li cense is auto maticall y term inate d. b. Rest rictio ns. You may not ren t, lease or lend the HP Software or Us e the HP Sof tware for co mmercia l time sharing or bureau u se.
Customer s elf-repair warr anty serv ice HP pro ducts ar e design ed wit h many Cust omer Self R epair ( CSR) parts to minim ize rep air time a nd allow for grea ter flexib ility in perfor ming d efective p art s replac ement.
Repack the product If HP Cu stomer Care de termines that your pr oduct nee ds to be re turned to HP for repair, follow these steps to rep ack the produ ct before shipping it. CAUTION: Ship ping d ama ge as a resul t of ina dequate packin g is the c ustom er’s r espo nsibilit y.
104 Appendix B Service and s upport ENWW.
C Specifications ● Physic al specifi cation s ● Power con sumption, el ectri cal spec ificat ions, a nd acousti c emissi ons ● Env iro nment al sp ecif icat ions ENWW 105.
Physical sp ecifications Table C-1 Physical specificati ons 1 Specification HP LaserJet Professional P1100 Printer series Product weight 4.7 kg (10. 4 lb) Product height 194 mm (7.6 in) Product depth 224 mm (8.8 in) Product width 347 mm (13.7 in) 1 Values are bas ed on preliminary data.
D Regulatory information ● FCC regul ations ● Environ mental produc t stewa rdship pr ogram ● Decl ara tion of confo rmit y (bas e mode ls) ● Declarat ion o f con formi ty (w irel ess mo dels).
FCC regulations This equ ipment has be en tested and foun d to c omply wi th the l imits for a Cla ss B di gital d evice, pu rsuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. Thes e limit s are design ed to provide reasonabl e protec tion agains t harmful interfe rence in a re siden tial i nstallati on.
Environm ental prod uct stewards hip program Protecting the enviro nment Hewlett- Pack ard Comp any i s commi tted to provid ing q uality produc ts in an env ironmen tally soun d manner . This product has been desig ned wit h sever al attribu tes to m inim ize impac ts on our environ ment.
Return and recycling instru ctions Unit ed Sta tes and Puer to Rico The en close d labe l in th e HP L aserJ et tone r ca rtridge box is for the re turn an d recycli ng of o ne or m ore HP Laser Jet print cartri dges afte r use. Pl ease follow the applic able instr ucti ons below.
Material restrictions This HP prod uct does not contain added m ercur y. This HP prod uct does not contain a batt ery. Disposal of waste equipment by u sers in private household s in the European Unio n This symbol on t he product or on its packaging indicat e s that this produc t must not be disposed of with your other household waste.
Declarat ion of co nformity (bas e models) according to ISO/IEC 17050-1 and EN 17050-1; Do C#: BOISB -0901-00-rel.1.0 Manufac turer’s N ame: Hewlett-Packard Compa ny Manufacturer's Address: 113.
Declaratio n of co nfor mity (wirele ss mo dels) according to ISO/ IEC 17050-1 and E N 17050-1; D oC#: BOISB-0901-01 -rel.1.0 Manufac turer’s N ame: Hewlett-Packard Comp any Manufacturer's Addr.
Safety statement s Laser safety The Center for Devic es and Rad iologica l Health (CDRH) of t he U.S. Foo d and Drug Ad minist ration has implem ented regula tions for laser produ cts manufac tured since Augu st 1, 1976. Compl iance is mand atory for p roduc ts mar keted in the Uni ted Stat es.
Laser statement for Finland Luokan 1 lase rlai te Klass 1 Laser Ap parat HP Las erJe t Profes siona l P1 100, P 1100w, lase rkirjo itin o n kä yttäjän kannal ta tur valline n luok an 1 laser laite. Norm aalissa käytös sä kirjo ittimen suo jakotelo inti es tää lasers äteen pä äsyn lai tteen ulkopu olelle .
Substances Table (China) 116 Appendix D Regulator y in formation ENWW.
Additional state ments for wireless p roducts FCC compliance statement—United States Exposure to radio frequency radiation CAUTION: The radi ated output pow er of this devic e is far below the FCC radi o frequenc y exposur e limits .
Notice for use in France For 2. 4 GHz Wi reles s LAN op eration of this prod uct cert ain res triction s apply : Th is equi pment may be used i ndoor for the e ntire 2400- 2483.5 MHz fre quency b and ( channels 1-1 3). For outdoor use, only 2400-24 54 MHz frequen cy band (c hannels 1- 9) may be used.
Index A access ories ordering 95, 96 part numbers 96 acousti c specifi cation s 106 address , printer Macintos h, troubl eshooting 92 altitude sp ecific ation s 1 06 anticoun terfei t supplie s 50 B b.
first page use diffe rent paper 19 fraud hotl ine 50 G General Protect ion F aultExce ption OE 91 H HP Customer Care 102 HP fraud h otline 50 HP Smart I nstall tab (embe dded Web serv er) 48 humidity .
paper, or dering 96 part numbe rs print ca rtrid ges 96 pausing a pr int req uest 38 physic al s pecifica tions 10 6 pickup rolle r chang e 55 clea n 61 port s troubles hooting M acinto sh 93 type s i.
vertica l repet itive d efects 84 wave 85 wireless prob lems 89 wrinkles 85 See also pro ble m-so lving special media guideli nes 31 special paper guideli nes 31 specifi cati ons device fea tures 3 el.
© 20 1 0 Hew lett-P ack ard Dev elopment C ompan y , L.P . www *CE651-90926* *CE651-90926* CE6 5 1 -90 9 2 6.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) CE657A#BGJ (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) CE657A#BGJ heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) CE657A#BGJ vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) CE657A#BGJ leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) CE657A#BGJ krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) CE657A#BGJ bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) CE657A#BGJ kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) CE657A#BGJ . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.