Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product CZ022A#B1H van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP ENVY 120 e-All-in-One series.
Contents 1 HP ENVY 120 e-All-in-One series Help .............. ....................................... ......................................... ...............................3 2 Get to know the HP ENVY 120 se ries Printer parts......... ............
HP support........ ............... ................ ............... ............... ................. ............... ............... . ..... ................ ............... ............... ..42 10 Technical inform ation Notice................... ...
1 HP ENVY 120 e-All-in-One series Help For information abou t the HP ENVY 120 series, see: • Get to know the HP ENVY 120 series on page 5 • How do I? on page 9 • Print on page 11 • Copy and sc.
Chapter 1 4 HP ENVY 120 e-All-in-One series Help HP ENVY 120 e-All-in-One series Help.
2 Get to know the HP ENVY 120 series • Printer parts • Control pan el features Printer parts Front view of the printer Get to know the HP ENVY 120 series 5 Get to know the HP ENVY 120 series.
1 Transparent Lid 2 Scanner glass 3 Scanning surface 4 Access door (closed) 5 USB flash drive slot 6 Memory card slots 7 Camera icon. Indicates the location of the photo and memory device slots 8 Paper path cover 9 Print cartridge carriage 10 Print cartridges (installed) 11 Output tray extender.
Control panel features The touch screen display show s menus, photos, and messages . You can touc h and drag your finger horizonta lly to scroll through pho tos and vertically through list men us. 1 Display: The touch screen display shows menus, photos, and mess ages.
Chapter 2 8 Get to know the HP ENVY 120 series Get to know the HP EN VY 120 series.
3 How do I? This section contains links to commonly performed tasks, such as printing photos , scanning, and making copies. • Load media on page 15 • Clear a paper jam on page 40 • Replace the c.
Chapter 3 10 How do I? How do I?.
4P r i n t Print documents on page 12 Print photos on page 11 Print labels and envelo pes on page 13 Print with HP ePrint on page 23 Related topics • Load medi a on page 15 Tips for print success on.
8. Touch Print to pr eview the selected photos for printi ng. Touch Settings to a djust layout, paper type, red eye removal, auto alig n, or date stamp. You can save any new settings a s defaults. Touch Settings again to close menus witho ut making any selectio ns.
To print from a software ap plication 1. Make sure the output tray is open. 2. Make sure you have paper load ed in the input tray. See Load media on page 15 for more information. 3. From your soft ware applicatio n, click the Print button. 4. Make sure the pr oduct is the selected printer.
Select Print Media The HP ENVY 120 series printer is designed to work well with most types of office media. Use HP media fo r optimum print quality. Visit the HP Web site at for more information about HP media . HP recommend s plain papers with the ColorLok logo for p rinting and copying of everyday document s.
Recommended papers for printing and copying Depending on your cou ntry/region, some of these papers might not be a vailable. Paper Description HP Brochure Paper and HP Professional Pape r 180gsm These papers are glossy-coated or matte-coated o n both sides for two-sided use.
❑ Slide paper-width g uides inward until t hey stop at edge of paper. ❑ Close pape r tray. ▲ Load 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inch) paper ❑ Pull out paper tray. ❑ Slide paper-width g uides outward. Remove an y other media previously loade d. ❑ Insert stack of pap er into center of pape r tray with short edge forward and print side down.
Tips for print success Use the follow ing tips to print su ccessfully. • Use genuine HP cart ridges. Genuine H P cartridges are desig ned for and tested wit h HP printers to help yo u produce great results, ti me after time. • Make sure the cartridges ha ve sufficient in k.
Chapter 4 18 Print Print.
5 Copy and scan • Copy text or mixed documents • Scan to a computer, memory d evice, or email • Tips for copy and scan success Copy text or mixed documents ▲ Do one of the fo llowing: 1-sided copy a . Load paper. ❑ Load full-size paper i n the paper tray.
c . Specify the numb er of copies and other se ttings. ❑ Touch Copy on Home screen. The Copy prev iew appears. ❑ Touch the screen t o set the number of cop ies. d . Start the copy. ❑ Touch B&W or Color . 2-sided copy a . Load paper. ❑ Load full-size paper i n the main input tray.
c . Specify 2- sided option. ❑ Touch Copy on Home screen. The Copy prev iew appears. ❑ Touch Settings . The Copy Settings menu app ears. ❑ Touch 2-Sided . ❑ Touch the 2-sided rad io button to turn it o n. ❑ Touch Settings to close the menu. d .
c . Close the lid. 2. Start scan. a . On the Home screen, to uch Scan . b . Select th e destinat ion by touching either Computer , USB Flash Drive , Memory Card or E-mail . If you are scanning to a computer and the print er is network-connected, a l ist of available comput ers appears.
6 Use Web Services • Print with HP ePrint • Use HP Print Apps • Visit the HP ePrintC enter website • Tips for using Web Services Print with HP ePrint HP’s free ePrint service pro vides an easy way to print from email.
Touch the Get More icon on the Apps screen to connect to the Internet and add more ap ps. You need to have Web Services enabled in orde r to use apps. Go to the HP ePrintC enter website f or more information and specif ic terms and condition s: www.hp.
7 Work with cartridges • Check the e stimated ink levels • Replace the cartri dges • Order ink supplies • Clean cartridges • Align printer • Use single-cartridge mode • Clean back of pag.
3. Insert new cartridge. a . Remove cartri dge from packaging. b . Place new cartridge in slot at an angle und er the opened lid. c . Squeeze the lid closed as the cartrid ge slides into place .
Related topics • Order ink supplies on p age 27 Tips for worki ng with ink on page 29 Order ink supplies To find out the corre ct number for replac ement cartridges, open th e printer access door and check t he label. Cartridge in formation and links to o nline shopping appe ar on ink alert messages.
Related topics • Order ink supplies on p age 27 Tips for worki ng with ink on page 29 Use single-cartridge mode Use the single-cart ridge mode to operate th e HP ENVY 120 series w ith only one print cartridg e. The single- cartridge mode is ini tiated when a print cartridge is removed from t he print cartridge carriage.
Cartridge warranty information The HP cartridge warranty is applicabl e when the product is used in its designat ed HP printing devi ce. This warranty does not cover H P ink products that have b een refilled, remanu factured, refurbished, m isused, or tampered with .
Chapter 7 30 Work with cartridges Work with cartridges.
8 Connectivity • Add the HP ENVY 120 seri es to a net work • Change from a U SB connection to a wireless netw ork • Connect a new p rinter • Change net work settings • Wireless Direct • Ti.
❑ Touch WiFi Protected S etup . ❑ Touch PIN . b . Set up wireless connection . ❑ Touch Start . The device displays a PIN. ❑ Enter PIN on WPS-enabled rou ter or other networking device . NOTE: The product begin s a timer for approximate ly two minutes in wh ich the PIN needs to be entered on the net working device.
To install the Windows HP ENVY Software on a networked comp uter 1. Quit all applicati ons running on your compute r. 2. Insert the installatio n CD that came with the prod uct into the CD-RO M drive on your computer and fo llow the onscreen instructions.
Connect a new printer To connect a new pr inter from the prin ter software If you have not finished con necting the printer to your computer using WPS, you need t o connect it from the printer software. If you w ant to connect anot her new printer of the sa me model to your comput er, you don't need to install the printer software on ce again.
Tips for setting up and using a networked printer Use the following tips to set up and use a n etworked printer: • When setting up the w ireless networked p rinter, make sure your w ireless router or access point is po wered on.
Chapter 8 36 Connectivity Connectivity.
9 Solve a problem This section contai ns the following topics: • Get more help • Unable to print • Resolve print quality issues • Resolve copy and scan issues • Solve networking prob lem •.
4. Verify that the product is set as th e default printer. To verify that the product is set as the default printer NOTE: HP provid es a Printe r Diagnostic Utilit y that can automatica lly fix this issue. Click here to go online f or more informatio n .
c . If the wrong prod uct is set as the default prin ter, right -click the correc t product and select Set as Default Printer . d . Try using yo ur product again. 6. Restart the computer. 7. Clear the print queue. To clear the print qu eue NOTE: HP provid es a Printe r Diagnostic Utilit y that can automatica lly fix this issue.
• Learn about the Ne twork Diagnostic U tility (Windows only) a nd other troubleshooting tips. C lick here to go online for more in formation. • Learn how to work with your firewall and anti-vi rus programs during print er setup. Click here to go online for more inform ation.
3. Press OK on the cont rol panel to contin ue the current job. If the above solut ions do not resolve the problem , click here for more on line troubleshootin g . Check cartridge access door The cartridge access d oor should be closed fo r printing. Click here to go onlin e for more information .
5. Remove any paper or o bject that might be restri cting the print carria ge. If the printer i s new, remove any packing material. 6. Reconnect only the po wer cord. If the prin ter does not turn on autom atically, press the Po wer button. NOTE: The printer might need to warm up for two minu tes or less.
Phone support period One year of phone sup port is available in No rth America, Asia Pacific, an d Latin America (including Mexi co). To determine the du ration of phone support in Europe, the Middle East , and Africa, go to . Standard phone comp any charges apply.
Chapter 9 44 Solve a problem Solve a problem.
10 Technical information The technical specif ications and inte r national regula tory information for the HP ENVY 120 series are provided in this section. For additional specifications, see the printed document ation that cam e with the HP EN VY 120 series.
Normal mode • Color Input/Black Render: 600x300dpi • Output (Black/Colo r): Automatic Plain-Best mode • Color Input/Black Render: 600x600dpi • Output: 600x1200 dpi (Black), Automatic (Color) P.
Alignment skew • .006 in/in on p lain paper (2nd side) NOTE: Media type ava ilability varies by country/re gion. Print specificatio ns • Print speeds vary according to the complexity of th e docum.
• EU battery directive Eco-Ti ps HP is committe d to helping customers redu ce their envi ronmental foo tprint. HP has provided the Eco-Tips belo w to help you focus on w ays to assess and reduce the impa ct of your printing choices.
Additional ENERGY STAR qua lified imaging prod uct model informat ion is listed at: r Auto Power-Off Auto Power-O ff is automatic ally enabl ed by defau lt when you tu rn on the pr inter. When A uto Power-Off is enabled, the p rinter will automatical ly turn off after two ho urs of inactivity to help reduce energy use.
Disposal of waste equipmen t by users in private h ouseholds in the European Union Chemical Substances HP is committed to providing our cu stomers with inf ormation about t he chemical substanc es in our products as needed to comply wit h legal requiremen ts such as REACH (Re gulation EC No 1 907/2006 of the European Parliament a nd the Council) .
Restriction of hazardou s substan ce (Ukraine) Toxic and hazardous su bstance table (China) Battery disposal in the Netherlands Battery disposal in Taiwan California Perchlorate Material Notice Enviro.
EU battery directive Regulatory notices The HP ENVY 120 serie s meets product requirem ents from regulatory agenci es in your country/region. This section contai ns the following topics: • Regulator.
Regulatory model identification number For regulatory id entification purpo ses, your product is as signed a Regulat ory Model Number. Th e Regulatory Model Number for your pro duct is SDGOB-1201. Thi s regulatory number sh ould not be confused w ith the marketing name (H P ENVY 120 e-All -in-One series, et c.
Notice to users in Korea Notice to users in Germany Noise emission statement for Germany European Union Regulatory Notice Products bearing the CE marking comply with the fol lowing EU Directives: • .
For EU non-harmonized telecommunicatio ns products (If applicable, a 4-digit notified body number is inserted between CE and !). Please refer to the reg ulatory label provid ed on the product.
Notice to users in Brazil Notice to users in Canada Notice to users in Mexico Chapter 10 56 Technical information Technical information.
Notice to users in Taiwan Regulatory wireless statements 57 Technical information.
Chapter 10 58 Technical information Technical information.
Index Symbols/Numerics 10 x 15 cm photo paper specifications 46 A after the support period 43 B buttons, control panel 7 C control panel buttons 7 features 7 copy specifications 47 customer support wa.
60 Index.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) CZ022A#B1H (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) CZ022A#B1H heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) CZ022A#B1H vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) CZ022A#B1H leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) CZ022A#B1H krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) CZ022A#B1H bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) CZ022A#B1H kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) CZ022A#B1H . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.