Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DL980 G7 van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Pr oL iant DL9 8 0 G 7 Ser v er Us er Guide Abstract This d ocument is for the person who in stalls, administer s, and tr oubles hoots ser vers and storage systems. HP assu mes you are qualifie d in the servi cing of computer equip ment and trained in recogni zing haz ards in pr oducts w ith hazar dous en ergy lev els.
© Copyright 2011 Hewlett - Pack ard Devel opment C ompany , L.P. The informa tion contained herei n is subject to change wit hout notice. The only warrantie s for H P produc ts and servi ces are set f orth in the expr ess warran ty statem ents ac company ing such product s and se rvices.
Contents 3 C ontents Server component identification ...................................................................................................... 7 Front panel components ......................................................................
Contents 4 Single - , dual - , and quad - r ank DIMMs ................................................................................................ . 40 DIMM identificatio n ..........................................................................
Contents 5 HP Syste ms Insight Manager ............................................................................................................. 84 Managemen t Agents ................................................................................
Contents 6 BSMI notice ............................................................................................................................................. 112 Korean n oti ce ..................................................................
Server component identification 7 S erver component identif ication F ront pane l components Item Description 1 Hard driv e bay 1 2 Hard driv e bay 2 3 Hard driv e bay 3 4 Hard driv e bay 4 5 Hard dri.
Server component identific ati on 8 Item Description 20 Processor m emory tray (upper) 21 Processor m emory tray (lower) F ront pane l L EDs Item Description Status 1 UID button and LED Blue —Activ .
Server component identification 9 S ystem Insig ht Display LE Ds LED C ompon ent POWER System power EXT HEALTH External component health POWER CAP Powering capping OVER TEMP Over tem perature AMP Adva.
Server component identification 10 LED C ompon ent LOWER CPU Ind i cates lower CPU tray w i th associated CPUs, memory risers and DIMMs MEMORY BO ARD X DIMM 1A - 8D DIMM slot P rocessor a nd memory board configura tion / logical (phys ical ) location Upper processor memory board is shown on the left.
Server component identification 11 Item Description 1 Torx T - 15 Tool 2 iLO 3 conn ector 3 Mouse connec tor 4 Serial conn ector 5 NIC connec tor 2 6 NIC connec tor 4 7 UID 8 NIC connec tor 3 9 NIC co.
Server component identification 12 R ear panel LEDs Item Description LED c olo r Status 1 iLO 3 NIC A ctivity LED Green On or flashi ng — Network activity Off — No network activity 2 iLO 3 NIC Lin.
Server component identification 13 Item Description LED c olo r Status 9 NIC 3 Activity LED Green On or fl ashing — Network activity Off — No network activity 10 NIC 1 Li nk LED Green On — Linke.
Server component identification 14 Fan locati on.
Server component identification 15 Item Description 1 Fan 4 2 Fan 3 3 Fan 2 4 Fan 1 5 Fan modul e 6 6 Fan modul e 5.
Server com ponent ide ntificatio n 16 S ystem bo a rd components Item Description 1 Option al I/O expansio n board con necto rs: • PCI - X/PCI Expr ess I/O expansion board • PCI Express I/O expans.
Server component identification 17 S ystem mainte nance switch The system maintena nce swi tch (SW1) is an eight - positi on switch t hat is used for system c onfigu ration. The default position for all eight positions is Off. Position Description Fu ncti on S1 iLO 3 sec urity Off = iLO 3 security is enabled.
Server component identification 18 D IMM slot l ocations Each memory module contains 8 DIMM slots. The paired banks are identified by the letters A through D.
Server component identification 19 S AS hard drive LED s Item Description 1 Fault/UID L ED ( amber/bl ue) 2 Online LED (green) S AS hard drive LED combina tions Online/activity LED (gr een) Fault/UID .
Server component identification 20 Online/activity LED (gr een) Fault/UID L ED (amber/blue) Inte rpret ati on Off Steadily ambe r A cri tical fault condit ion h as bee n identif ied for this drive, and the controller has placed it offline. Repla c e the drive as soon as possible.
Server component identification 21 LED3 p atte rn LED4 p att ern Int erpre tat ion — One blink every two seconds Th e system is powe red down, and the c ache con tains data that has n ot yet been written to the drives. Restore sy stem power as soon as possible to prevent data loss.
Operati ons 22 O per at io ns P ower up th e server To power up the server, press the P ower On/Standb y bu tton. P ower down the server WARNING: To reduce the risk of perso nal inju ry, electric shock, or damage to the equipm ent, remove the power c ord to remove power from the serve r.
Operati ons 23 2. Extend the server on the rack rails until the se rver rail - release la tches engag e. 3. After performing the installation or maintenance procedu re, slide the server into the rack by pressing the server rail - relea se latches.
Operati ons 24 CAUTION: Do no t operate the server for long periods wi th the acc ess panel open o r removed. Operating th e server in this manner results in improper airflow and improper c ooling that can lead to thermal damage. To remove the c omponent: 1.
Operati ons 25 5. Remove the pro cessor mem ory drawer cover. The procedu re is the same f or the u pper and lo wer processor memory draw ers, and the proc essor memor y drawer blank. CAUTION: X NC cabli ng (on page 74 ) is required fo r eight proc essor systems.
Setup 26 Se t up O ptional insta llation services Delivered by exp erienced, certified engineers, HP C are Pack servic es help you keep your servers u p and ru nning with support packages tailored specifically for HP ProLiant systems. HP Care Packs let you integ rate both hardware and software support into a single package.
Setup 27 S pace a nd airf low requireme nts To allow for servicing and ad equate airflow, observe the following space and airflow requirements when deciding where to install a rack: • Leave a minimum clearance of 63.5 cm (25 in) in front of the rack.
Setup 28 P ower require ment s Installation of this equipment must comply with lo cal and regional electrical regulations gove rning the installation of information technology equipment by licensed electrici ans.
Setup 29 WARNING: To reduce the risk of personal injury or damage to the equipment, be sure that: • The leveling jacks a re exten ded to the flo or. • The full weight of the rac k rests on the leveling jacks. • The stabilizing feet are attached to the rack if it is a single - rack installation.
Setup 30 To confi gure these ut ilities manu ally: • Press the F8 key when prompted during the array controller initialization to configur e the array controller using ORCA. • Press the F9 key when prompted during the boot proc ess to change the server setting s using RBSU.
Hardware options i nstallation 31 H ar d w ar e optio n s installatio n Introduction If more than one option is being installed, read the installation instructions for all the hardware options and identify similar steps to streamline the installation proces s.
Hardware options i nstallation 32 I nstall ing a proce ssor The processo rs and memor y are located i n the drawer accessi ble from the f ront of the server. It is n ot necessary to exten d or remo ve the server fro m the rack to in stall or repl ace processors an d memory.
Hardware options i nstallation 33 5. Open the heatsink retaining bracket. 6. Open the processor retaining latch and the processor socket retaining bracket. CAUTION: Failure to completely open the proc essor locking lever prevents the processor from seating during installation, leading to hardware damage.
Hardware options i nstallation 34 IMPO RTANT: Be sure the pro cessor remai ns inside the pr ocessor in stallation tool. 8. If the processor has separated from the installation to ol, carefully re - insert the processor in the tool. Handle the processor by the edges only, and do not touch the bottom of the processor, especially the contact area.
Hardware options i nstallation 35 9. Align the processor installation tool with the socket, and then install the processor. THE PIN S O N TH E SYS TEM BO ARD AR E VE RY F RAGI LE AN D EA SI LY DA MA GED . CAUTION: THE PINS ON THE SYST E M BOA RD AR E VE RY FRAG ILE AN D EAS ILY DAMA GED.
Hardware options i nstallation 36 10. Press the tabs on the processor installation too l to separate it from the processor, and then remove the tool. 11. Close t he processor socket retaining b racket and th e processor l ocking lever. The p roces so r soc ket c over i s a utoma tica lly ej ect ed .
Hardware options i nstallation 37 12. Remove the heat sink protec tive co ver. 13. Install the heatsink. 14. Close and lock the heatsink retaining bracket. 15. Install the processor memory drawer cover. 16. Install the processor memory drawer. 17. Power u p the server (on page 22 ).
Hardware options i nstallation 38 Memory opti ons This server contains eight me mory cartridge connectors in each processor memory drawer. Each memory cartridge can contain eight DIMMs, for a total of 128 DIMMs, for a maximum memo ry configuration of 2 TB.
H ardware options ins tallation 39 IMPO RTANT: ProLiant DL980 G7 servers may be unable to provide MMIO (Memory Mapped I/O) memory to all slotted P C I devices during Power - On Self - T est (POST) in .
Hardware options i nstallation 40 NOT E: When an HP ProLiant DL9 8 0 G7 server is configured with a DIMM that has an uninitialized SPD area, and the se rver is running any version of the System ROM de.
Hardware options i nstallation 41 D IMM identifi ca tion To determine DIMM characteristics, use the label attached to the DIMM and the following illustration and table.
Hardware options i nstallation 42 • To achieve max imum performanc e, balanc e DIMM quads by letter groupings across all memory cartridges so that the (1A, 8A) pair is installed in all memory cartridges first, followed by the B - pair, C- pair, and D - pair.
Hardware options i nstallation 43 • Memory must be loaded in q uads, with a pair of DIMMs in eac h memory cartridge for a c orresponding processor. Upper processor memory board is shown on the left. Lower processor m emory board i s shown on the r ight.
Hardware options i nstallation 44 • Successive ca che lines are i nterleaved bet ween the DIM Ms and the Loc kstep SMI chan nels of the two memory controllers in the processor such that a djacent cache lines reside on different memor y controllers, SMIs, DIMMs, and DIMM ranks for better performance.
Hardware options i nstallation 45 • The largest contributor to maxim um memory bandwidth performance is to use both memory controllers inside the processor. To achieve maximum memory bandwidth perfo rmance, populate both memory cartridges for each installed p roc essor.
Hardware options i nstallation 46 AMP modes are configured in RBSU. If the requested AMP mode is not supported by the installed DIMM configuration, the server boots in Adv anced ECC mode. Fo r more information, see " HP ROM - Based Setup Utility (on page 77 ).
Hardware options i nstallation 47 O nline Spare memory popul ation guid elines Online spar e memory pro vides protec tion again st persisten t DRAM failu re.
Hardware options i nstallation 48 system management routine disables the failed DIMM. Further memory reads and write s will only occur on the mirrored DIMM pairs . The exceptions to Mirrored M emory mode are the following: • I n Mirrored Memory mode, half of the memory is allocated to memory protection.
Hardware options i nstallation 49 IMPO RTANT: If all installed memory is configured fo r a single CPU on a ProLiant DL98 0 G 7 server running Red H at Enterprise Linux 5, an error message similar to t.
Hardware options i nstallation 50 6. Install the DIMM. See " Memory options (on page 38 )." 7. Close t he memory car tridge cover. 8. Install the memory cartridge. 9. Install the processor memory drawer cover. 10. Install the processor memory drawer.
Hardware options i nstallation 51 Drives should be th e same c apacity to pr ovide the greate st storage spac e efficien cy when drives are gro uped together into the same drive array. For hard dr ive numbers, see "Device num bers (on page 18 )." To install the component: 1.
Hardware options i nstallation 52 R edundant hot - plug power supply option The server support s up to four hot - plu g power supplies. Install all power supplies to pr ovide full redundan cy. HP recommends installing redundant hot - plug power su pplies in pai rs.
Hardware options i nstallation 53 4. Conn ect the power c ord to the power sour ce. 5. Be sure that the power supp ly LED is green (" Po wer supply LED " o n page 13 ). 6. Be sure that the front panel ex ternal health LED is green (" Front p anel LEDs " on page 8 ).
Hardware options i nstallation 54 7. Install the SPI board. 8. Install the access panel. 9. Slide the server back into the rack. 10. Power u p the server (on page 22 ). E xpansion boar d options In the main I /O tray the server suppo rts up to 11 expa nsion sl ots.
Hardware opti ons installation 55 IMPO RTANT: If an HP P roLiant DL98 0 G7 with System ROM 201 0.07.2 7 or a ProLiant DL580 G7 with System ROM 2010 .08.
Hardware options i nstallation 56 IMPO RTANT: When the HP P roLiant DL980 G7 ser ver is co nfigured wi th the Low - profile PCI Expre ss I/O expan sion kit (Option Part Number AM434A) and no additi on.
Hardware options i nstallation 57 IMPO RTANT: ProLiant DL980 G7 servers may be unable to provide MMIO (Memory Mapped I/O) memory to all slotted P C I devices during Power - On Self - T est (POST) in l.
Hardware options i nstallation 58 IMPO RTANT: On an HP Pr oLiant DL980 G7 server with a 128 logical CPU configuration, if an HP NC382T PCI Express Dual Port Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter is located in any Low Profile IO slot, the network connection may drop or the NIC may stop responding.
Hardware options i nstallation 59 4. If insta lled, remo ve the shipping scr ews..
Hardware options i nstallation 60 5. Open the expansion board retainer, and then remove the expansion slot cover. 6. Install the expansion board. 7. Install t he shipping sc rew, if necess ary. For more information, see "Securing an expansion board for shipping.
Hardware options i nstallation 61 CAUTION: To prevent improper cooling and thermal damage, do not operate the serv er un less all expansion slots have eith er an expansion slot cover or an ex pansion board installed.
Hardware options i nstallation 62 6. Install the PCI Express I/O expansion board. 7. Install any expansion boards. 8. Slide the pro cessor mem ory drawer back into the server. 9. Install the access panel. 10. Slide the serv er back into the rack. 11. Power u p the server (on page 22 ).
Hardware options i nstalla tion 63 4. Release the lat ches on the r elease lever. 5. Lower the ha ndle, and th en extend the proc essor memor y drawer from th e server until th e release latches catch.
Hardware options i nstallation 64 6. Install the PCI - X/PCI Express I/O e xp ansion board. 7. Install any expansion boards. 8. Slide the pro cessor mem ory drawer back into the server. 9. Install the access panel. 10. Slide the server back into the rack.
Hardware options i nstallation 65 3. Slide the I/O expander out of the server. Place a hand under the component to support it as you remove it from th e server.
Hardware options i nstallation 66 5. To open the I/O card lock, push the blue tab, flip it back, then open the hinge forward. 6. Remove e xpansion slot covers as necessar y.
Hardware options i nstallation 67 IMPO RTANT: The battery pack might have a low charge when installed. In this case, a POST error message is displayed when the server is powered up, indicating that the battery pack is temporarily disabled. No action is necessary on your part.
Hardware options i nstallation 68 The SPI board is not shown for c larity. 9. Install the access panel. 10. Slide the server back into the rack. 11. Power u p the server (on page 22 ).
Hardware options i nstallation 69 7. Install the FBWC module. 8. Connect the c able..
Hardware options i nstallation 70 9. Install the capacitor pack. 10. Install the SPI board. 11. Install the access panel. 12. Slide the serv er back in to the rack. 13. Power u p the server (on page 22 ). H P Trusted P latform Mod ule option Use these instru ctions to install and enable a TPM on a supported ser ver.
Hardware options i nstallation 71 • When returning a system bo a rd f or service repl acement, do not rem ove the TPM from the system board. When request ed, HP Servic e provides a TPM with the spare system board. • Any attempt to remove an installed TPM from the system board breaks or disfigures the TPM security rivet.
Hardware options i nstallation 72 6. Install the TPM board. Press down on the connector to seat the board (" Sy stem board c omponents " o n page 16 ). 7. Install the TPM security rivet by pressing the rivet firmly into the system board. 8. Install the SPI board.
Hardware options i nstallation 73 6. Press the Es c key to exi t the curr ent menu, or pr ess the F10 ke y to exit RBSU. 7. Reboot t he server. 8. Enable the TPM in the OS.
Cablin g 74 C abling X NC cabling CAUTION: XNC c abling (on page 74 ) is required for eight processo r systems. Fai lure to c able the XNC will result in the low er processor memory drawer not being recognized by the se rver.
Cablin g 75 For best cable management, follow the re commend connection order. 1. Make connections labeled 1 through 8 in the ill u stration. 2. Refer to cabling illustrations and table to make connections 9 thou gh 16. For ex ampl e, to make the ninth connection, to upper board 1, use the cable connected to lower board 4.
Cablin g 76 D VD - ROM drive c abling.
Server software and configuration utilities 77 S e r v er so f t w ar e and c onf igur at i on utilities C onfiguration too ls S martStart software SmartStart is a collection of software that optimizes single - server setu p, providi ng a simple and consistent way to deploy server configuration.
Server software and configuration utilities 78 • Enabling and disabling system features • Displaying s ystem information • Selecting the primary boot controller • Configuring memory option s �.
Server software and configuration utilities 79 To change any ORCA default settings and override the auto - co nfigurati on process, press the F8 key when prompted. By default, the auto - configuration process configures the syst em for the English language.
Server software and conf iguratio n utilities 80 2. When the prompt appears, acc ess RBSU by pressing the F9 key duri ng power - up. 3. Select S ystem Options . 4. Select Advan ced Memory Protection . 5. Select Online Spare with Advanced EC C Support .
Server software and configuration utilities 81 For more i nformation , see the Config uring Arrays on HP Smart Array Co ntrollers Reference Guide on the Documentation CD or the HP website ( http://www.
Server software and configuration utilities 82 WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! The serial number is loaded into the system during the manufacturing process and should NOT be modified. This opti on should only be used by qualified service personnel. This value should al ways match the serial number sticker located on the chassis.
Server software and configuration utilities 83 S ystem On line ROM fla sh com pone nt utility The Online ROM Flash Component Utility enables system administrators t o ef ficiently upgra de system or controller ROM images across a w ide range of servers and array controllers.
Server software and configuration utilities 84 S torag eWorks libr ary and tap e tools HP StorageWorks L&TT provides functionality for f irmware downloads, verification of device operation, maintenance procedures, failure analysis, corrective s ervice actions, and some utility functions.
Server software and configuration utilities 85 U SB support HP provides both standard USB support and legacy USB support. Standard support is pro vided by the OS through the appropriate USB device drivers. Before the OS loads, HP provides support for USB devices through legacy USB support, which is enabled by default in the system R OM.
Server software an d configuration utilities 86 Integrated Management Log The IML records h undreds of events and sto res them in an ea sy - to - view form.
Server software and configuration utilities 87 Select In sigh t Rem ote Su ppo rt from the menu on the right. K eeping the system cu rrent D rivers The server includes new hardware that may not have driver support on all operati ng syste m i nstallation media.
Server software and configuration utilities 88 S ystem On line ROM fla sh com pone nt utility The Online ROM Flash Component Utili ty enables system adm inistrato rs to efficient ly upgrade syst em or controller ROM images across a w ide range of servers and array controllers.
Battery replacement 89 B at ter y r eplacement If the server no longer automatic ally displays the correct date and time, you may need to replac e the battery that provides power to the real - time clock. WARNING: The co mputer contains an internal lithium manganese dioxide, a vanadium pentoxide, or an alkaline battery pack.
Troubleshooting 90 T r ou bleshooting T roubleshooting resou rces The HP ProLiant Servers Troubleshooting Guide provides procedures for resolv ing common problems and comprehensive courses of action f.
Troubleshooting 91 S ymbols on equ ipment The following symbols may be placed on equipment to indicate the presence of potentially hazardous conditions. This symbol in dicates the pr esence of haza rdous energy c ircuit s or electric shock hazards. Refer all serv ic ing to qualified personnel.
Troubleshooting 92 WARNING: To reduce the risk of elec tric shock o r damage to the equip ment: • Do not disable the power cord grounding plug. The grounding plug is an important safety feature. • Plug the power cord into a grounded (earthed) electrical outlet that is easily accessible at all times.
Troubleshooting 93 2. Record any error messages displayed by the s ystem. 3. Rem ove all di skettes, CD - RO Ms, DVD - ROMs, a nd USB drive keys. 4. Power do wn the server and peripheral d evices if you wi ll be diagnosi ng the server o ffline. I f possible, always perform an orderly shutdown: a.
Troubleshooting 94 When request ed to bre ak the serv er down to the minimu m configuration, uninstall the following components, if installed: • All additional DIMMs Leave only the minim um requ ired to boo t the server — either one DIMM or a pair of DIMMs .
Troubleshooting 95 S ervice notificatio ns To view the latest servic e notificati ons, refer to the HP website ( ). Select the appropriate server model, and then click the Tro ubl esh oot a P rob lem link on the product page.
Troubleshooting 96 G eneral diagnos is flowc hart The General diagno sis flowchart provides a generic approach to troubleshooting. If you are unsure o f the problem, or if the other flowcharts do not fix the problem, use the following flowchart.
Troubleshooting 97 Item See 5 "General memory pro blems are occurring " in the HP ProLian t Servers Troubleshooting Guide located on the Docum entation CD or se e " Troubleshootin g resources ( on page 90 )" 6 Server maintenance and servic e g uide, located on the Docum entation CD or the HP website ( http://www .
Troubleshooting 98 S erver powe r - on proble ms flowchart Symptoms: • The server does not po wer on . • The system pow er LED is off or am ber..
Troubleshooting 99 • The external health L E D is red or amber. • The internal health LED is re d or amber. NOT E: For the location of se rver LEDs and information on their statuses, refer to the se rver documentation.
Troubleshooting 100.
Troubleshooting 101 P OST prob lems flow chart Symptoms: • Server does not complete P OST NOT E: The server has co mpleted POST when the syste m attempts to access the boot d evice.
Troubleshooting 102 Item See 13 • "Server inf ormation you ne ed" in the HP P roLiant Serv ers Troubleshooting Guide located on the Docum entation CD or se e " Troubleshootin g resour.
Troubleshooting 103 O S boot prob lems fl owchart Symptoms: • Server does not boot a previously installed operating sy stem • Server does not boot SmartStart Possible ca uses: • Corrupted operat.
Troubleshooting 104 S erver fau lt indi cations fl owcha rt Symptoms: • Server boots, but a fault event is reported by Insight Management Ag ents (on page 84 ) • Server boots, but the internal hea.
Troubleshooting 105 Possible ca uses: • Improperly seated or faulty internal or e xternal component • Unsupported component installed • Redundancy failure • System overtemp eratur e conditi on.
Troubleshooting 106 P OST error messa ges and b eep codes I ntroduction to POS T error m essa ges The error messages an d codes in t his section include all new message s generated by this server. Some messages are informational and do not indicate an error.
Troubleshooting 107 For a co mplete listin g of error messages, refer to the "POST erro r messages" in the HP ProLia nt Servers Troubleshooting Guide located on the Documentation CD or o n the HP website ( http://www.
Regulatory compliance notices 108 R egulator y c ompli ance noti ces R egulator y compliance identi fication numbers For the purpose of regulatory compliance certifications and identification, this prod uc t has been assigned a unique regulatory model number.
Regulatory compliance notice s 109 radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference.
Regulatory compliance notices 110 This Class A digital apparatu s meets all requirements of the Canadian Inte rference - Causing Equipment Regulation s. Cet appareil numériqu e de la classe A r especte t outes le s exigences d u Règlemen t sur le matériel bro uilleu r du Canada.
Regulatory compliance notices 111 The telephone connector (not ava ilable for all produc ts) i s intended for connection to analogue telephone networks.
Regulatory compliance notices 112 B SMI notice K orean notice Class A equipment Class B equipment C hinese noti ce Class A equipment Vietnam c o mpliance marki ng notice This marking is for applicable products only.
Regulatory compliance notices 113 Ukraine notice L aser co mpliance This product may be provided with an optical storage device (that is, CD or DVD drive) and/or fiber optic transceiver. Each of these devices contains a laser that is classified as a Class 1 Laser Product in accordance with US FDA regulations and the IEC 60 825 - 1.
Regulatory compliance notices 114 For more information about battery replacement or proper disposal, contact an authorized reseller or an authori zed service provider .
Regulatory compliance notices 115 B razilia n notice s Este equipamento opera em caráter secun dário, isto é, não tem direito a proteção contra interferência prejudic ial, mesm o de estações do mesmo tipo, e não pode causar interferência a sistemas operando em caráter primário.
Electrostatic discharge 116 E lectr os tatic disc h ar ge P reventing electros tatic di scharge To prevent dama ging the s ystem, b e aware of the pr ecautio ns you need to f ollow when sett ing up the sy stem or handling parts.
Specif ication s 117 S pec if i cat ions E nvironment al Specification s Specification Val ue System inlet tem perature — Operati ng 10° to 35°C (50° to 95°F) at sea level with an altitude derating of 1.0°C per every 305 m ( 1.8°F per eve ry 1000 ft) above sea l evel to a m aximum of 3050 m (10,000 f t), no di rect sustai ned sunlight.
Specif ication s 118 Specification Val ue Idle L WAd 7.5 B els L pAm 59.7 dB Operati ng L WAd 7. 5 Be ls L pAm 89.7 dB Emissions Classification (EMC) — FCC rating Class A Normati ve St andards CIS P.
Specif ication s 119 configuration. High line (200 - 240 VAC) delivery is requ ired to operate th e system in its cu rrent configuration" message and only boot to RBSU. At POST, the server au tomatic ally detects wh ether the power su pplies are co nnected to high - line power or low - line power.
Technica l suppor t 120 T echni cal suppor t B efore you contact HP Be sure to have the following information av ailable before you call HP: • Technical support registration number (if applicable) �.
Technica l suppor t 121 • Optional — Parts for whi ch cust omer self repa ir is optio nal. These par ts are also de signed f or cust omer self repair. If, howeve r, you require that HP replace them for you, there may or may not be ad ditional charges, depending on the type of warranty service designated for your product.
Technica l suppor t 122 R ipar a zi one da parte del c lie nte Per abbreviare i tempi di riparazione e garantire una maggiore flessibilità nella sostituzione di parti difettose, i prodotti HP sono realizzati con numero si componenti che possono essere riparati direttamente dal client e (CSR, Cu stomer Self Repai r).
Technica l suppor t 123 CSR - Teile w erden abhän gig von der Verfü gbarkeit und vo m Lieferziel am folgenden Geschäftsta g geliefert . Für bestimmte Standorte ist eine L ieferung am selben Tag oder innerhalb von vier Stunde n gegen einen Aufpreis verfügbar.
Technica l suppor t 124 Para obtener más información acerca del pro grama de Reparacione s del propio cliente de HP, pó ngase en contacto con su proveedor de servicios local. Si está int eresado en el programa para Norteamérica, visite la página web de HP siguiente ( http://www.
Technica l suppor t 125 Opcional – Peç as cujo reparo feito pelo cliente é opcional. Essas peças também são projetadas para o reparo feito pelo cliente. No entanto, se desejar que a HP as substitua, pode haver ou não a cobrança de taxa adicional, dependendo do tipo de serviço de garantia destinado ao produ to.
Technica l suppor t 126.
Technica l suppor t 127.
Acronyms and abbrev iatio ns 128 A c r on y ms and abbr e v iati ons ABEND abnormal end ACU Array Configuration Utility ADU Array Diagnostics Utility AMP Advanced Memory Protection ASR Automati c Serv.
Acronyms and abbrev iatio ns 129 IML Integrated Management Log KVM keyboard, video, and mouse NIC network interface controller NVRAM non - volatile memory ORCA Option ROM Configuration for Arrays PCIe.
Acronyms and abbrev ia tion s 130 SD Secure Digital SDRAM synchronous dynamic RAM SFF small form - factor SIM Systems Insight Man ager SNMP Simple Network Management Pro tocol SPI system peripheral i .
Index 131 A access panel 23 ACU (Array Configuration Utility) 80 additional information 90 ADU (Array Diagnostic Utility) 86 airflow requirements 27 Altiris Deployment S olu tion 81 Altiris eXpress De.
Index 132 Federal Communications C ommission (FCC) notice 108, 109 flowcharts 95, 96, 98, 101, 103, 104 G general diagnosis flowchart 96 grounding method s 116 grounding requirements 28 H hard drive L.
Index 133 processor m emory drawer, removing 24 processor m emory modu le 10, 23, 24 processor opt ion 31, 32 processors 93 ProLiant Support Pack (PSP) 87 PSP (ProLiant Support Pack) 87 PSPs, overvi e.
Index 134 utiliti es, deployment 77, 81 V ventilation 26 Version Control 87 Version Control Agent (VCA) 87 Version C ontrol Repository M anager (VCR M) 87 W website, HP 120 wireless devic es 114, 115.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) DL980 G7 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) DL980 G7 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) DL980 G7 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) DL980 G7 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) DL980 G7 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) DL980 G7 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) DL980 G7 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) DL980 G7 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.