Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SL500 (M852x) van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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SL50 0 (M85 2x) T ap e L ib rar y Inst al lat io n an d User ’ s Guide Abstra c t This m anual describ es how to i nstall and use an M85 2x tape li brary on H P NonS top ™ servers. Prod uc t V e rsion N.A. Supp orted R elease V er s ion Up dat es (RV Us) This p ublication support s G06.
Do cument H istory Part Nu mber Produ ct V er sion Publish ed 5415 31- 001 N.A. Sept em ber 2 00 5 5415 31- 00 2 N.A. Nove m ber 20 05 5415 31- 00 3 N.A. Februa ry 20 06 5415 31- 00 4 N.A. Februa ry 20 06 5415 31- 00 5 N.A. June 20 06 5415 31- 00 6 N.
Hew let t-P ackard Company — 541531 -006 i SL500 (M852x ) T ap e Libr ary Inst allat ion and User ’ s G u id e Index Figures Ta b l e s What ’ s New in This Manual v Manual Info rmation v New and Changed Info rmati on v Abou t This Manua l vii Not ation Convention s vii 1.
Contents SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 ii 4. Cartridge Information Openin g the Fro nt Door (Wi th Power ) 3-1 Securing the Fron t Door (W ith Power.
Contents SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 iii A. S pec ifications A. S p eci f ications T ape Libr ary Compon ents W eight s A- 3 T ape Libr ary Environme nt A- 3 Power A- 4 Safety an d Compl i ance Fig ure s Fi gure 1- 1.
Contents SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 iv Ta b l e 4 - 1 . L TO Cartr idge Codes 4- 4 Ta b l e 4 - 2 . L TO Gen 1, Gen 2 , and Gen 3 Cartr i dge S pecifi cations 4-7 Ta b l e A - 1 . Lib rary Compo nent W eights A-3 Ta b l e A - 2 .
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 v What ’ s New i n This Manual Manual I nformation SL50 0 ( M 852x) Tap e Library Inst allation and User ’ s G uid e Ab stract This manual de scribes how to i nstall a nd use an M 852x tap e library on HP NonS top ™ servers.
What ’ s New in T hi s Manual SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 vi New and Changed Inform ation.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 vii About Th is M anual Not at ion Conventions Hypert ext L inks Blue u nderline is used to indica te a hyperte xt link within t ext. By clicki ng a passage o f text w ith a blue und erline, you are t aken to the location describ ed.
About T his Manu al SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 viii Change Bar Notat i on.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 1 Overvi ew of t he T ape Libra ry This section includes: This section cont ains an over view of the ma jor hardw are componen ts of the tape library .
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1-2 Views and Locations V iews and Locat io ns Fi gure 1- 1 and Fi gur e 1- 2 show the tape libra ry views and the location s of its compone nts.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1-3 Views and Locations Figu re 1-2. Back V iew o f T ape Li brary C o mpone nt s 1. Ba s e m od ule 2. Driv e ex pans io n mo dul e 3. Redu nda nt power su ppl y 4.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1-4 Physical Co nfigurations Physical Confi gurations Fi gure 1-3 on page 1-5 shows a ta pe libra ry with o nly a base mo dule.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1-5 Physical Co nfigurations Figu re 1-3.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1-6 Physical Co nfigurations Fig ure 1- 4.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1-7 Physical Co nfigurations Fi gure 1-5.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1-8 Physical Co nfigurations Fi gure 1-6.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1-9 Capacities Cap acities Ta b l e 1 - 1 on p age 1- 10 shows the number o f cartridge a nd tape drive sl o ts availabl e depend ing on t he type and number of modules inst alled.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 0 Capacities T ab le 1- 1. Ca rtridge Slot and T ap e Driv e Capaciti es Ad ding on.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 1 Robotics Unit Robotics Unit The r obotics unit pr ovides moveme nt of cartri dges among t he storage slots, t ape dri ves, and car tridge access po rts (CA Ps).
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 2 Robotics Unit Figu re 1-7. Robo tics Com ponent s 1.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 3 Robotics Unit Figu re 1-8. Hand Assembly 1.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 4 Electronics Electr onics The ele ctronics consists of th e control p ath and r obotic cards i n the ba se unit.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 5 Power System Power System The ba se unit has on e standa rd pow er supply . A se cond supply can be order ed and inst alled to pr ovide redun dant power to the modu le component s.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 6 Supp orted T ape Drives Supported T ape Drives The t ape l ibrary can a ccommodate from 1 to 14 tape drives. The L TO ge nerati on 3 t ape drives support s Ultri um 3 medi a, Ultriu m 2 media, a nd Ultriu m 1 media ( read on ly).
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 7 Audit of T ape Library Audit of T ape Library An au dit is the meth od by wh i ch the tap e library kee ps track o f all cartri dge locations within the unit.
Overview of the T ape Library SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 1- 1 8 Interfaces Inter faces The m ajor tap e libra ry interfaces are: • Libra ry con.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 2-1 2 Control s and Indicators This section includes: Power Switch When the switch is in po sition 1 the tape lib rary and t ape driv es are power ed on. When the sw itch is in p osition 0 the t ape librar y and ta pe driv es are powered o ff.
Controls a nd Indicators SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 2-2 Keypad Figu re 2-1. Butt ons and In dicato rs 1. Door Ope n butt on 5. Serv ice Re qui red LED 2. Door Ope n LE D 6. Lib rar y A cti ve LE D 3.
Controls a nd Indicators SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 2-3 Keypad T a ble 2-1. Key p ad Butt ons and Indi cator s Buttons/ Indicators Descript ion Serv ic e R o bo t Indicator LED is lit w he n the ro bo t is no t func t ion ing .
Controls a nd Indicators SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 2-4 Keypad.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-1 3 Librar y Operation This section includes: Automated Mode Autom ated mode is the n ormal operating mode of the tape libr ary .
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-2 Entering a Cartridge T hrough the CA P 4. Place the c artridge i nto one o f the maga zine slots, m aking sure tha t the VOL ID label is vi sible and th e hub of the cartri dge is down.
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-3 Powering O n the T ape Library Powe ri ng On the T ape Libr a r y T o power on the librar y: 1. Close an d lock the fron t door if the door is ope n.
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-4 Manual Mode Manual Mode This section descr i b es the operati on of the t ape libra ry in manua l mode . Manual mo de occurs the n the ta pe libr ary is take n offline, or lose s power , or the fro nt door is op ened.
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-5 Securin g the Front Door (W ithout Power) 3. While using one hand to move the r obotics pa rk lever to th e left, use your other hand to un lock the d oor with the ke y .
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-6 Loca te and Remove Cartridge 3. While still holding the d oor shut, r elease the robotics p ark lever . 4. Use the key to lock the d oor . T he robotics le ver automa tically move s to the right when t he door locking lever retract s.
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-7 Insert Cartridges Into Slot s F igure 3-5. Inse rti ng Ca rtrid ges Int o Slo ts 1.
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-8 Inserting a Cartridge Into a T ape Drive Inserting a Cartr i d ge Into a T ap e Drive T o manu ally insert a cartridge into a tape dri ve: 1. Obt ain the VOLID label, locati on, and tape dri ve number from the server console.
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3-9 Removing a Cartridge From a T ape Drive Removing a Cartridge From a T ap e Drive T o manu ally remove a cartrid ge from a t ape dri ve: 1. Open the do or and l ocate the appropriat e tape d rive.
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3- 1 0 Removing a Cartridge From the Gripper Assembly Removing a Cartridge From the G ripper Assemb ly The ha nd assembly can be in any position when the tap e library loses power .
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3- 1 1 Replacing a Cleaning Cartridge Replacing a Cl eaning Cartridge Clean ing cartridg es have a li mited life sp an. When the usage count exceeds it s limit, you must repla ce it with a new one.
Library Operation SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 3- 1 2 Replacing a Cleaning Cartridge.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 4-1 4 Cartri dg e In fo rm a tio n This section includes: Handle Car tridges Impro per handli ng of car tridges can r esult in loss of da ta or d amage to a tape li brary compone nt.
Cartridge Information SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 4-2 Maintain Cartridges Maint ain Cartridges It is i m portant to keep your t ape cartr idges in good condition . A defect i ve or d irty cartri dge can d amage a t ape driv e.
Cartridge Information SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 4-3 Ultrium Cartridges Ultri um Cartridges Apply Car tri dge Label s Car tridge labels r eflect t he cartridge media and usage. If your cartridges were n ot order ed with la bels already ap plied, yo u must apply th em yourself.
Cartridge Information SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 4-4 V ali d Lab els When an audit occu rs the ta pes in the t ape dri ves are n ot audited. Unl abeled cartridg es are not s upported a nd will not be recognized by an audit.
Cartridge Information SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 4-5 V ali d Lab els Perf orm these steps befo re applying th e label i n to the reces sed area on the cartrid ge: 1. Make sure the cartri dge has b een at roo m temperature for at l east 24 ho urs.
Cartridge Information SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 4-6 Setting t he Write-P rotect Swit ch Setting the W rite-P rotect S witch Y ou can set the write-prote ct switch so t he cartridg e is write e nabled.
Cartridge Information SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 4-7 Setting t he Write-P rotect Swit ch T able 4-2.
Cartridge Information SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 4-8 Setting t he Write-P rotect Swit ch.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 5-1 5 Configur in g the M852 0 T ape Library for the No nS top S-Series Server The sect i on covers: Supported Connect.
Configuring the M8520 T a pe Library for the NonS top S- Series Server SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 5-2 ServerNet/DA T o add th e data path: -> .
Configuring the M8520 T a pe Library for the NonS top S- Series Server SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 5-3 PMF CRU PMF CRU T o add th e control p ath to the server conf i g uration dat abase, u se the SCF A DD SCSI comman d.
Configuring the M8520 T a pe Library for the NonS top S- Series Server SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 5-4 PMF CRU.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 6-1 6 Configuring the M8521 T ape Library for the Integrity NonSt o p NS-Series Se rver The sect i on covers: Supporte.
Configuring the M8521 T a pe Library for the Integrity NonS top NS-S eries Server SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 6-2 A dd ing th e Con tr ol P ath an d Data P at h T o add th e data path: 1.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 7-1 7 Configuring the M8521 T ape Library for the No nS top S-Series Server The sect i on covers: Configur ation Overview Y ou can att ach the t ape library (control p ath and d ata p ath) to a N o nS top S- series server via an IO A M enclosure.
Configuring the M8521 T a pe Library for the NonS top S- Series Server SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 7-2 Configuration O verview For m ore inform ation on the IOAM en cl osure, see the Mod ular I/O Inst allation and Con figurati on Guide .
Configuring the M8521 T a pe Library for the NonS top S- Series Server SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 7-3 A dd ing th e Con tr ol P ath an d Data P a.
Configuring the M8521 T a pe Library for the NonS top S- Series Server SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 7-4 A dd ing th e Con tr ol P ath an d Data P a.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 A-1 A S pecifi cations The ne xt pages provide t ape libr ary , tape drive , and cartrid ge specific ations. Fi gure A -1. Libr ary an d Rack Dime nsions 1. 48.3 cm (19.
S pecifications SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 A-2 Fi gure A-2. T a pe Libr ary and R ack D imens ions 1. 60.9 cm ( 2 f t ) mi nimu m ser vi ce c le aran ce behi nd the l ib rar y o r ra ck 2. 81.0 cm ( 31.
S pecifications SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 A-3 T ape Library Com ponents Weights T ape Library Component s W eight s This table lis ts the weights of the t ape librar y , tape dr ives and tra ys, and c artridges.
S pecifications SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 A-4 Powe r Power Power Co rd Numbers and Recept acl es Power cord p art numbe rs are listed b y country i n the followi ng ta ble. All cords are 3 meter s (9.
S pecifications SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 A-5 Power Cord Numbers and Receptacles Inst alling the P o wer Cords If your r ack has a powe r distri bution unit (P DU), plug ea ch powe r cable from the power suppl y recept acle to the P DU, and then plug th e PDU cable to the wall r eceptacle.
S pecifications SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 A-6 Power Cord Numbers and Receptacles Figure A-3. Power Cablin g 1 2 3 1.
S pecifications SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 A-7 Power S pecifications Powe r Specifications These t ables l ist power specifi cations for the modu les and ta pe drives.
S pecifications SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 A-8 Power S pecifications.
SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 St atemen t s - 1 Safety and Comp lia nce This secti on cont ains three types of req uired safety a nd compliance st a.
Safety a nd C ompliance SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 St atemen t s - 2 Regulatory Compli ance S tatements Korea M I C Compliance T aiwa n ( BSM I) .
Safety a nd C ompliance SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 St atemen t s - 3 Regulatory Compli ance S tatements European Union Notice Prod ucts wi th the.
Safety a nd C ompliance SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 St atemen t s - 4 S AFE TY C AUT IO N SAFE TY CAUTION The fo l lowing ic on or cauti on statem.
Safety a nd C ompliance SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 St atemen t s - 5 Wast e Electrical a nd Electronic Equipment (WEEE) HIGH LE AKAGE CURRENT T o.
Safety a nd C ompliance SL500 (M852 x) T ape Library Installation and User ’ s G u i d e — 541531-006 St atemen t s - 6 Saf ety Safety Safet y informati on can be accessed from the l eft navigation ar ea of the NT L home pag e: select N o nSto p Computing > I m p orta nt Safety Information .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) SL500 (M852x) (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) SL500 (M852x) heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) SL500 (M852x) vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) SL500 (M852x) leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) SL500 (M852x) krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) SL500 (M852x) bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) SL500 (M852x) kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) SL500 (M852x) . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.