Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 4200dtnsl van de fabrikant HP
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use hp hp L as erJet 4 200 L as erJet 4 3 00 4 200n 4 200tn 4 200dtn 4 300n 4 300tn 4 300dtn 4 300dtns 4 300dtnsl 4 200dtns 4 200dtnsl.
HP LaserJet 4200 and 4300 ser ies pr inters Use.
Copyright inf ormation © Copyright Hewlett-P ackard Company 2002 All Rights Reserved. Except as allowed b y copyright laws or herein, reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written per mission is prohibited.
ENWW Contents 3 Contents About the documentation Where to lo ok for inform ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Setting up the printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 ENWW Removing the optional enve lope feeder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Loading enve lopes in the o ptional envelo pe feeder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Printing spec ial paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ENWW 5 Clearing jam s from the optional stack er or staple r/stacker . . . . . . . . 106 Solving rep eated paper jams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 8 Understan ding printer m essages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 ENWW Appendix C Printer commands Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Understand ing PCL 6 and PCL 5e printer command syn tax . . . . . . . . . 1 76 Combining esca pe sequence s .
ENWW Where to look for inf or mation 7 About the documentation Where to look f or inf ormation Se ver al ref erences are a v aila ble f or use with this printer . For addit ional inf or mation or an updated version of the user guid e, visit http:// www .
8 About the documen tation ENWW Using the printer User guide This guide ( use ), which you are curr ently reading, contains inf ormation about using the printer and troub leshooting. It also contains support, warranty , and regulatory information. See the contents for a list of topics cov ered.
ENWW Overvie w 9 1 Pr inter basics Overview Thank y ou f or purchasing an HP LaserJet 4200 series or 4300 series printer . If you ha ve not done so , see the getting star ted ( star t ) guide pro vided with the printer f or setup instructions.
10 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Printer features and benefits The f ollowing table de scribes the fea tures f or the HP LaserJet 4200 series and the HP LaserJet 4300 series printers. Bullet ed items in blu e denote diff erences betwe en t he two series.
ENWW Printer f eatures and be nefits 11 Expandable design T wo EIO (enhanced input/output) slots for connecting to networks or additional devices. Expandable memor y up to 416 MB. Optional, stackable 500-sheet tr ay and f ee der units. Up to two optional tray and f eeder units can be installed.
12 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Printer configurations The HP LaserJet 4200 ser ies and 4300 series printers ha v e six models each: the base , n, tn, dtn, dtns , and dtnsl models. The f ollo wing table describes the f eatures of each model f or each series.
ENWW Printer par ts and locations 13 Printer par ts and locations This section describes the basic printer f eatures. The accessories included with some mo dels, such as the stapler /st ack er that is included in the HP LaserJet 4200dtnsl model, ar e not shown.
14 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Front vie w, tra y 1 c losed 1 P aper lev el indicator 2 T ray 2 ( 500-sheet) 3 Tr a y n u m b e r s Rear view 1 Accessor y cover 2 Memory-access door (more than one D.
ENWW Accessor ies and supplies 15 Accessories and supplies Y ou can increase the capabilities of the printer with optional accessor ies and supplies, as sho wn below . Se e “ Order ing information ” on page 17 . Note Use accessories and supplies specifically designe d fo r t he printer to ensure optimum perf or mance.
16 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Mo ving the printer The printer is hea vy and shou ld be li fted b y tw o people . T o lift the printer , grip the handles on the sides of the printer .
ENWW Ordering inf or mation 17 Or dering inf ormation This section contains inf or mation about ho w to order accessories and their part numbers. Use only parts and accessories specifically designed f or this printer .
18 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Or dering directly t hrough t he printer software The printer software giv es you the ability to order supplies and accessor ies directly , by using yo ur computer . Three things are required t o use t his fe at ure: The Printer Status and Alerts software must be in stalled on y our computer .
ENWW Ordering inf or mation 19 Memory , f onts, and mass storage Item P art number Description or use SDRAM DIMM (dual inline memory module) Boosts the ability of the pri nter to handle large or complex print jobs (maximum 416 MB with HP-brand DIMMs).
20 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Note: These ite ms are also av ailable f or download at no cost by visiting http://www . In the Select y our country/ region field at the top of the Web bro wser, select y ou r country/reg ion and click the Support bl oc k.
ENWW Ordering inf or mation 21 Printing supplies Item P ar t number and where a vail able Description or use Print cartridg es HP UltraPrecise pri nt car tridg e. 12,000 pa ges (HP LaserJet 42 00 series) Q1338A 18,000 pa ges (HP LaserJet 43 00 series) Q1339A 1,000-staple cartridg e Q3216A Box of three staple car tri dges.
22 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW HP Office paper F or use with all office equipment — laser and inkjet pri nters, copiers , and f ax machines. Good fo r high-volume printing. Specifications: 84 br ight, 20 lb (75 g/m 2 ). Letter (8.5 by 11 inch), 500 sheets/ream, 10-ream car ton HPC8511/Nor th Amer ica and Mexico Letter (8.
ENWW Ordering inf or mation 23 HP Printing pape r F or use with HP LaserJet and inkjet printers. Created especially for small and home offices. Heavier and brighter than copier paper. Specifications: 92 bri ght, 22 lb . Letter (8.5 by 11 inch), 500 sheets/ream, 10-ream ca r ton HPP1122/Nor th America and Me xico Letter (8.
24 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Contr ol panel la y out 1 C ANCEL J OB b utton 2 Ready light 3 Data light 4 Attention light 5 P AUSE /R ESUME button 6 Control panel displa y 7 D OWN ARROW button 8 H .
ENWW Control panel la yo ut 25 Contr ol panel b uttons Using the printer Help (?) system This printer f eatures a Help system at the contr ol pa nel that provides instructio ns f or resolving most printer errors . Some Help topics inclu de animations that appea r on the printer control panel displa y to show y ou how to r esolv e an error .
26 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Printing and changing contr ol panel menus T o see the cur rent settings f or the menus and items a vai lable a t the control panel, print a co ntrol panel menu ma p . Y ou might want to store the men u map near the printer f or refer ence.
ENWW Accessor y lights 27 Accessory lights Use the f o llo win g table to inter pret the stat us light s on the optional 500- sheet stac ker or 500-sheet stapler /stack er accessor y . Light Meaning f or accessory Solid green The accessor y is on and ready .
28 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Printer software The printer CD-R OM contains the softw are components an d driv ers for end users and network administr ators. The printer drivers pro vided on the CD-R OM must be inst alled to tak e full adv antage of printer f eatures.
ENWW Prin ter software 29 Printer driver s Printer drivers allo w you to gain access t o the printer f eatures and allow th e co mputer to communica te with the printer (b y using a printer language). Chec k the Readme file pro vided on the CD-R OM f or additional softw are included and supported languages.
30 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Software f or Windows-based computer s The CD-R OM contains printer drivers and oth er programs f or Windows computers . Netw ork administrators If the prin te r is atta ch e d to a ne twor k through an HP J et dir ec t EIO car d , you must configure th e printe r f or tha t network before y o u can print.
ENWW Prin ter software 31 Gain access to the Windows printer driver T o configure th e driver , gain access to it in on e of the f ollowing w ays: Note Settings in the printer driv er and progr am ov err ide control pan el settings. (Program settings ov err ide printer driver settin gs.
32 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Software f or Macintosh computers The HP installer provides PPDs and the HP LaserJet Utility for use with Macintosh computers. The embedded W eb ser ve r ca n b e used b y Macintosh computers if the printer is connect ed to a network.
ENWW Prin ter software 33 Software f or networks The pr inter software pr ovides a link for the HP Web Jet admin software for managing t he print er . F or a summary of av ailab le HP network installa.
34 Chapter 1 Printer basics ENWW Views all de vices across your ne twork Configures all de vices within a de vice group Creates print paths Intelligent Update provides LAN administrators with an easy .
ENWW Overvi ew 35 2 Pr inting tasks Overview This section presents basic printing tasks , such as: “ Selecting the output bin ” on page 36 “ Stapling documents ” on page 39 “ Loading tr a ys.
36 2 Printing tasks ENWW Selecting the output bin The printer has th ese out put loca tions: the top ( standa rd) o utput b in, t he re ar out put bin, and the optional stac ke r or stapler/stac ker . Printing to the top (standar d) output bin The top output bin colle cts paper f ace-down, in the correct order .
ENWW Selecting the ou tp ut bi n 37 Printing to the rear output bin The printer always prints to the rear output bin if it is open. P aper printed to this bin will be fa ce up , with the last page on top (re verse order ). Printing from tra y 1 to the rear output bin provides th e straighte st paper path.
38 2 Printing tasks ENWW Orientation of paper when a stapler is installed When an optional staple r/stac k er is installed, the printer auto matically rotates th e printed images 180 ° on all paper sizes , e v en if the job is not stapled.
ENWW Stapling docu me n ts 39 Stapling documents The optional sta pler/stac ker can st aple jobs of up to 15 sheets of paper (20-lb paper). The stapler can st aple letter-, A4-, or legal-size pa per . P aper weight can r an ge from 60 to 120 g/m 2 (16 to 32 lb).
40 2 Printing tasks ENWW T o select the stapler at the control panel 1 Press S ELECT ( ) to open the menus. 2 Use U P ARROW () o r D OWN ARROW ( ) to scr oll to CONFIGURE DEVICE , and then press S ELECT () . 3 Use U P ARROW () o r D OW N ARROW ( ) t o sc ro ll to OUTPUT SETUP , and then press S ELECT () .
ENWW Stapling docu me n ts 41 Loading staples Load staples if the printer control panel displa y prompts y ou with a STAPLER LOW ON STAPLES message (the staple r has f ew er than 70 staples left) or a STAPLER OUT OF STAPLES message (the stapler is empty).
42 2 Printing tasks ENWW Loading tra ys This section describes how to load t he standard and optional printer tr a ys. Loading tra y 1 T ra y 1 is a multipur pose tra y that ho lds up to 100 s heets of pa per , 10 env elopes, or 20 index cards. The printer default is to pull paper fr om tra y 1 first, if it is loaded.
ENWW Loading tra ys 43 Loading tra y 2 or an optional 500-sheet tra y The 500-sheet tra y adjusts f or six standard sizes (letter , A4, legal, e x ecutive , A5, and JIS B5), as well as f or many custom siz es. (See “ Suppor ted siz es and weights of paper ” on p age 183 .
44 2 Printing tasks ENWW 5 Load paper wit h the f ront side f acing down and t he top edge to w ard the front of the tray . CA UTION Do not f an the paper . F anning can cause misf eeds. 6 Mak e sure tha t the st ac k is f lat at all f our cor ners and th at the t op of the stac k is belo w the maximum-height indicators .
ENWW Loading tra ys 45 Loading an optional 1,500-sheet tra y The optional 1 ,500 sheet tra y adjusts f or letter , A4, and legal siz es. The printer automatically senses which size is loaded if the tra y guides are properly adjusted.
46 2 Printing tasks ENWW Selecting which tra y is used for printing Y ou can select how the printer pulls paper from t he tra ys. Understanding tra y order When the printer receiv es a pr int job , it selects the tra y by trying to match the requeste d paper type and siz e with what has been loa de d in th e tr a ys.
ENWW Selecting which tra y is used f or pr inting 47 Customizing tra y 1 operation The printer can be set to print fr om tr a y 1 as long as it is loaded, or to print onl y f rom t r a y 1 if the type of pa per loaded is specifically re quested. (See “ P aper Handling menu ” on pag e 154 .
48 2 Printing tasks ENWW Printing b y type and size of paper (locking tra ys) Printing by typ e and size is a wa y to be sure that print jobs alwa ys print on the paper that y ou want. Y ou can configure the tra ys f or the type (such as plain or letter head) and size (such as letter or A4) load ed in them.
ENWW Selecting which tra y is used f or pr inting 49 Manuall y feeding paper fr om tray 1 The manual f eed f eature is another w a y of printing on special paper from tr a y 1.
50 2 Printing tasks ENWW Selecting the correct fuser mode The printer automatically ad justs the fuser mode based on the pape r type to which the tr ay is set.
ENWW Printing env elopes 51 Printing en velopes Y ou can print env elopes from tra y 1 or the optional en velope f eeder . T ra y 1 holds up to 10 env elopes and suppor ts standard or custom siz es. The opt ional env elope feed er holds up to 75 env elopes and suppor ts only standard en velope siz es .
52 2 Printing tasks ENWW Loading en velopes in tray 1 Many t ypes of env elopes can be printed from tra y 1. Up to 10 can be stack ed in the tray . (See “ Env elopes ” on page 191 f or specifications.) T o load en velopes in tray 1 1 Open tr a y 1, but do not p ull out the e xtension.
ENWW Printing env elopes 53 Feeding en velopes automatically (optional en velope f eeder) With the optional env elope f eeder , the pr inter will automatically feed up to 75 standard-size env elopes. T o order an optional en v elope f eeder , see “ Ordering inf or mation ” on page 17 .
54 2 Printing tasks ENWW Installing the optional en velope feeder Use these steps to install the opti onal env elope feed er onto the printer . T o install the optional en velope feeder 1 Open tr a y 1. 2 Remov e the plastic en velope-entr ance cov er from the printer .
ENWW Printing env elopes 55 Remo ving the optional en velope feeder Use thes e steps to r emov e the opt ional envelope f eeder fro m the printer . T o remove the optional en velope feeder 1 Press the release b utton that is located on the left side and pull the optional en v elo pe f eeder aw ay from the printer .
56 2 Printing tasks ENWW Loading en velopes in the optional en velope feeder Use these steps to load en v elopes in the optional en velope f eeder . T o load en velopes in the optional en velope feeder 1 F old down the en velope-f eeder tra y . Lift the en velope weight.
ENWW Printing special paper 57 Printing special paper This section discusses printing on types of paper that require special ha ndling: “ Printing labels ” on page 58 “ Printing transparencies �.
58 2 Printing tasks ENWW Printing labels Use only labels recommended f or use in laser printers. Make sure that labels meet the correct specifications. (See “ Labels ” on page 190 .) Do: Print a stack of up to 50 label sheets from tra y 1 or a stack of up to 100 label sheets from other trays .
ENWW Printing special paper 59 Printing transparencies Use only transpar encies reco mmended f or use in laser printers. F or transparency specificatio ns, see “ T ransparencies ” on page 190 . At the printer control panel, ope n the Configure De vice men u.
60 2 Printing tasks ENWW Printing letterhead, prepunched, or preprinted paper (single-sided) When printing letterhead, pre punched, or preprinted pa per , it is important to orient the paper correctly . F ollow the guideli nes in this section f or printing on one side only .
ENWW Printing special paper 61 Printing on paper with a special finish Some paper has a special fini sh, such as laid paper , bond paper , and coc kled paper . These types of paper can cause issues in regard to t one r adhesion and print quality . F ollow these guidelines when printing on paper with a special finish.
62 2 Printing tasks ENWW Printing small sizes, custom siz es, or heavy paper P aper heavier t han 120 g/m 2 (32 lb) should be printed only from tra y 1.
ENWW Printing special paper 63 Setting custom paper sizes When custom paper is loaded, siz e settings need to be selected in t he program ( the pref erred method), in the printer driv er , or at the printer control panel.
64 2 Printing tasks ENWW Printing both sides of paper (optional duplex er) The printer can automatically print on both sides of paper with an optional duple xer . This is called duple xing. The optional duple x e r suppor ts the f ollowing paper siz e s: letter , legal, e x ecutiv e, A4 , A5, and JIS B5.
ENWW Printing both sides of p aper (optional duplex er) 65 Guidelines f or printing both sides of paper CA UTION Do not print on both sides of labels, tr ansparencies , env elopes, v ellum, custom sizes , or paper heav ier than 28 lb (105 g/m 2 ) becaus e jams or d amage to t he print er might oc cur .
66 2 Printing tasks ENWW Orientation of paper f or duplexing Se v eral kinds of paper (such as let terh ea d, pre printed pap er , prepun ched pape r , and pape r with wate rmarks) require a specific orientation when y ou duplex. The op tional duple xer prints the second side of pap er first.
ENWW Printing both sides of p aper (optional duplex er) 67 La y out options f or printing both sides of paper The f our duple x or ientation option s are shown be lo w . These option s can be selected in the printer driver (t he pref erred method) or at the p rinter control panel.
68 2 Printing tasks ENWW Using printer driver features When y ou print from a program, many printer f eatures are av ailable in the printer driv er . T o gain access to Windows printer drive rs, see “ Gain access to the Windows printer dr iver ” on pa ge 31 .
ENWW Using printer driver f eatures 69 Printing a watermark A watermar k is a notice, such as “ Confidenti al, ” printed in the bac kground of e ach page in a document. Ch ec k the driver f or av ailabl e o ptions, or see the printer drive r on line Help f or more inf or mation.
70 2 Printing tasks ENWW Using job-storage features The printer suppor ts f our distinct job-stora ge f eatures that allo w printing to be initiated from the printer control panel after the print job is sent from the computer: quic k cop y , proof and hold, private job , and stored job .
ENWW Using job-stor age f eatures 71 Deleting a quic k copy job When you send a quick cop y job , the printer ov erwrites any pre vious jobs with the same user and job name .
72 2 Printing tasks ENWW Deleting a held job When y ou send a proof and hold job , the printer automatically delete s your pre vious proof and hold job . If no proof and hold job alread y e xists with that job name , and the printer needs additional space , the printer might delete othe r proof and hold jobs starting with the oldest one .
ENWW Using job-stor age f eatures 73 Deleting a priv ate job A private job is automat ically deleted after the user relea ses it for printing, unless the user selects t he Stored Job option in the pr inter dr iver . (In order to store a job, the prin ter must hav e an optional hard disk installed.
74 2 Printing tasks ENWW Storing a print job Y ou can download a print job to the optional hard disk without printing it. Y ou can then print the job at an y time at the printer control panel. F or e xample, y ou might want to do wnload a personnel f orm, calendar , time sheet, or accounting f or m that other users can gain access t o and print.
ENWW Overvi ew 75 3 Managing and maintaining the pr inter Overview This section e xplains how to manage and main tain the printer . “ Using the embedded W eb ser ver ” on page 76 “ Managing the .
76 3 Managing and maintain ing the printer ENWW Using the embedded W eb server This printer comes equipp ed with an embedded W eb ser v er . Use y our compute r ’ s standard W eb brow se r to gain a.
ENWW Using the embedded W eb ser ver 77 Viewing embed d ed W eb server pag es The embedded Web ser ver has three diff erent sections f or providing det ailed inf or mation about the printer : Inf or m.
78 3 Managing and maintain ing the printer ENWW Settings pages The settings pages of th e embedded W eb ser ve r allo w y ou to configure t he printer b y using y our computer . These pages can be pass word-pro tected. Alwa ys consult with y our network administr ator bef ore changing the printer configuratio n.
ENWW Configuring e-mail aler ts 79 Configuring e-mail aler ts Y ou can use HP W eb Jetadmin or the emb edded W eb ser v er to configure the syst em to aler t you of problems with th e printer . The aler ts take the f or m of e-mail messages to the e-mail account or accounts th at you specif y .
80 3 Managing and maintain ing the printer ENWW Managing the print cartridge This section pro vides inf ormation about HP print car tr idges, how to store the m, how to identify genuine on es , and their lif e ex pe ctancy . Inf or mation also appears abo ut non-HP print car tridges.
ENWW Managing the print car tridge 81 Chec king the supply le vel Y ou can chec k th e supply (toner) le vel at t he printer control panel, the embedded W eb ser ver , printer software , or HP Web Jetadmin. T o check the suppl y level at the contr ol panel 1 Press S ELECT ( ) to open the men us.
82 3 Managing and maintain ing the printer ENWW Print-car tridg e interaction (shaking) When you install a pr int car tridge f or the firs t time, gently shake it from side to side to distr ibute the toner e venly inside the print car tridge. Due to the cartr idge design, this is th e only time you will need to shake the print car tr idge.
ENWW Checking the printer configurat ion 83 Chec king the printer configuration At the printer control panel, y ou can pr int pages that giv e details about the printer and its current configurat ion.
84 3 Managing and maintain ing the printer ENWW T o print a configuration page at the control panel 1 Press S ELECT ( ) to open the menus. 2 Use U P ARROW () o r D OWN ARROW ( ) to scr oll to INFORMATION , and then press S ELECT () . 3 Use U P ARROW () o r D OW N ARRO W ( ) to scroll to PRINT CONFIGURATION , and then pr ess S ELECT () .
ENWW Checking the printer configurat ion 85 Supplies status page Use the supplies status page to obta in inf or mation about the print car tridge installed in the printer , the amount of lif e left in the print car tr idge , and the number of pages and jobs that ha ve been processe d.
86 3 Managing and maintain ing the printer ENWW PS or PCL f ont list Use the f on t lists to see which f onts are currently installed in the p rinter . (The f ont list s also sh o w which f onts are resident on an optional ha rd disk accessor y or flash DIMM.
ENWW Cleaning the printer 87 Cleaning the printer Use the cleaning procedure on the f ollowing page e very time you change the print car tridge or whene ver print-quality prob lems occur . As m uch as possib le , k ee p the printer free fr om dust and debris.
88 3 Managing and maintain ing the printer ENWW Cleaning the inside of the printer Use these steps to clean dust and residue f rom the inside of the printer . T o clean the inside of the printer 1 T ur n the printer power off and unplug the po wer cord.
ENWW Cleaning the fuser 89 Cleaning the fuser Run the printer cleaning pag e to keep the fuser free of toner and paper particles that can sometimes accum u late. Accum ulation of toner and p ar ticles can cause specks t o appear on the front or bac k side of your print jobs .
90 3 Managing and maintain ing the printer ENWW Running the c leaning page automaticall y Using the procedure belo w , you can set t he printer to print cleaning page s automatically at an interval that y ou select.
ENWW P erform ing prev ent ative maintenance 91 P erforming pre ventative maintenance Y ou should replace cer tain par ts when the PERFORM PRINTER MAINT ENANCE message appear s on the pr inter control panel display . This will help ensure that your printer maintains optimum perf or mance.
92 3 Managing and maintain ing the printer ENWW Replacing the stapler unit Remo ving and replacing the stapler unit Use these ste ps to repl a ce a de fective stapler unit in the optional stapler/stac ker . T o remove and replace the stapler unit 1 Locate the stapler unit on the right side of the stapler /st ack er .
ENWW Replacing the sta ple r un it 93 6 Remov e the new stapler unit from its pac kaging. 7 Connect the cab le on the new stapler un it to the stapler/sta ck er . 8 Place the peg loca te d on the bottom of the ne w stapler unit into t he hole in the stapler /stac ker .
94 3 Managing and maintain ing the printer ENWW.
ENWW Overvi ew 95 4 Prob lem solving Overview This section will help y ou to troubleshoot and solve minor printer pr oblems . “ Clearing jams ” o n page 96 Occasionally , paper can jam dur in g printing. This section will help you to locate jams, properly clear them from the pr inter , and solve repeated jams.
96 4 Problem solving ENWW Clearing jams If a jam message appears on the printer contr ol panel displa y , look for jammed paper or other print media in the locations indica ted in the figure below . Then see the proce dure f or clearing the jam. Y ou might need to look f or paper in other lo cations than indicate d in the jam me ssage .
ENWW Clearing jams 97 Clearing jams fr om the top-co ver and print-cartridg e areas Clear pa per jams th at occur dur ing the print ing process using this procedure . T o clear jams from the top-co ver and print-car tridg e areas 1 Open the top co ver and remov e the print car tridge.
98 4 Problem solving ENWW 6 Replace the entr ance cov er and close tra y 1. 7 Reinstall the print car tridge and close the top co ve r . 8 If a jam message persists , there is still jammed paper in the printer . Look f or the jam in another loca tion.
ENWW Clearing jams 99 Clearing jams from the optional en velope feeder This section applies only to jams that occur wh en you are using a n optional en velope f eeder . T o clear jams fr om the optional en velope feeder 1 Remov e any en velopes load ed in the optional en velop e fe eder .
100 4 Problem solving ENWW Clearing jams fr om the tray s This section describes how to clear jams from the tra ys. Also see “ Clear ing jams from the optional en velope f eeder ” on page 99 . T o clear jam s from tra y 1 Slowly pull th e jammed paper or other print medi a out of the printer .
ENWW Clearing jams 101 T o clear jams from the optional 1,500-sheet tra y 1 Open the front door of the tray . 2 If the edge of the jam med paper is visible in t he f eed area, slowly pull the paper do wn and out of the printer . (Do not pull the pape r straight out, or it will tear .
102 4 Problem solving ENWW Clearing jams fr om the optional duplexer If y o u are duple xing a print job and e xperience a jam, use this procedure to ch ec k for the jam and to clear it. T o clear jams fr om the optional duplexer 1 Lift the optional du ple xe r up and then pull it out to remo ve it.
ENWW Clearing jams 103 Clearing jams fr om the output areas T o clear jams from the output areas 1 Open the rear output bin. If most of the paper is still ins ide the prin ter , it m ight be easie r to remove it through the to p-cov er area . (See “ T o clear jams from the top-co ve r and print-car tridge areas ” on page 97 .
104 4 Problem solving ENWW Clearing jams from the fuser area Use this procedure only in these situ at ions: P aper has jammed inside the fuser and canno t be remov ed from the top-cover area or the rear-ou tpu t ar ea . A sheet of paper has to r n while yo u w ere trying to clear a jam from the fuser .
ENWW Clearing jams 105 6 Remov e the jammed paper . If necessar y , lift the blac k plastic guide that is loca ted on the to p of the fuse r to gain ac cess to the jam med paper . Y ou can also turn the jam-clearing wheel that is located on the side of the fuser to attempt to eject the jam med paper .
106 4 Problem solving ENWW Clearing jams fr om the optional stacker or stapler/stac ker P a per jams ca n occur in the optional sta ck er or the optio nal stapler/ stack er.
ENWW Clearing jams 107 T o clear staple jams fr om the optional stapler/stacker Note Clear staple jams when the message JAM IN STAPLER appears on the printer control panel displa y . 1 On the r igh t side of th e sta ple r/ sta cker , tur n the stapler un it toward the front of the printer until the uni t clic ks into the ope n position.
108 4 Problem solving ENWW Solving repeated paper jams If paper jams occur frequently , try the follo wing: Chec k all the paper -jam locatio ns. (See “ Clearing jams ” on page 96 .) A piece of paper migh t be stuc k somewhere in t he printer . Even a small torn piece of paper in the printer path can cause repea ted jam s.
ENWW Understandin g pr inter mess ages 109 Under standing printer messages The tabl e in this section e x plains messages that might appear on t he printer contr ol panel displa y . Pr inter messages and their meanings are listed in alph abetical order , with number ed messages first.
110 4 Problem solving ENWW Contr ol panel messages Message Explanation or rec ommended action 10.00.00 SUPPLIES MEMORY ERROR or 10.10.00 SUPPLIES MEMORY ERROR For help press The pr inter is unable to read the electronic inform ation (e-label) on the pr int car tr idge so th at the printe r can keep track of the page count for the print car tr idge.
ENWW Understandin g pr inter mess ages 111 22 PARALLEL I/O BUFFER OVERFLOW For help press alter nates wi th To continue pre ss T oo muc h data w as sent to the parallel por t. 1. Check f o r a loose cable connection and be sure to use a hi gh-quality cable .
112 4 Problem solving ENWW 53.XY.ZZ PRINTER ERROR To continue press Cancel Job or To continue turn off then on There is a problem with the printer memor y .
ENWW Understandin g pr inter mess ages 113 60.X PRINTER ER ROR For help press A tray [ X ] that was opened or filled is tr ying to lift into position, but there is an obstruction in the tra y . 1. Open the tra y , remov e the paper, and remov e the obstr uction.
114 4 Problem solving ENWW 68.X PERMANENT ST ORAGE WRITE FAIL To continue press The storage device is f ailing to write. Pri nting can continue, b ut there might be some un e xpected behaviors because an error occurred in permanent storage. Press S ELECT ( ) to continue.
ENWW Understandin g pr inter mess ages 115 CARTRIDGE FAILU RE For help press alter nates wi th RETURN FOR REPL ACEMENT For help press The print car tr idge still contains par t of the sealing tape.
116 4 Problem solving ENWW ENV FEEDER LOAD [SIZE] A job has been sent to the optional envelope f eeder and the f eeder is not loaded with the correct enve l op e si ze. 1. Load the correct size in the feeder . 2. Make sure that the env elope si ze is set correctly on the Paper Handling menu at the pr inter control panel.
ENWW Understandin g pr inter mess ages 117 LOAD TRAY 1 [TYPE] [SIZE] For help press might alter nate with To use another tray press This message occurs fo r the follo wing reasons: T ra y 1 was requested in the program, but the tr a y is empty . The pr inter cannot find the requested size of paper in the printer .
118 4 Problem solving ENWW MANUALLY FEED [TYPE] [SIZE] alter nates with To continue press or To use another tr ay press 1. Load the reque sted paper in tray 1. Press S ELECT ( ) if the correct paper is already loaded in tray 1. 2. T o hav e the printer use paper from another tray , press S ELECT ( ) when tray 1 is empty .
ENWW Understandin g pr inter mess ages 119 RAM DISK FILE SYSTEM IS FULL To enter menus press The RAM disk is full. 1. Delete files and then tr y again, or tur n the printer power off, and then turn the printe r power on to delete all files on the device .
120 4 Problem solving ENWW TOO MANY TRAYS IN STALLED Turn power off an d uninstall a tray T oo many optional tra ys are installed. A maximum of two optional tra ys is allowed.
ENWW Understandin g pr inter mess ages 121 Mopy disk err or messages The following tab le lists the disk mopy (multiple orig ina l copy) error numbers repo r ted on either the Printer Collation or Job Stor age Disk Error page , which is printed when an error e xists.
122 4 Problem solving ENWW Understanding accessory lights f or the stacker and stapler/stac ker The f ollo wing tab l e lists accessory (such as the stack er or stapler/stac k er) errors repor ted by the accessory lights and on the p rinter control panel displa y .
ENWW Understanding accessory lights f or the stac ker an d stapler/stac ke r 123 Replacing accessories or accessory components If y ou are unable to resolv e problems indicat ed by the stac ker or stapler/stac ker accessory lights, cont act the HP Customer Care Center .
124 4 Problem solving ENWW Correcting print-quality pr oblems This section he lps you define prin t-quality problems an d what to do to correct the m. Often pr int- quality prob lems can be handled easily b y making sure that the printer is prop erly maintained, using print media that meets HP specifications, or running a cleanin g pa ge.
ENWW Correcting print-quality prob lems 125 Light print (par tial page) 1 Make sure that the print car tridge is fully installed. 2 The tone r le vel in the print car tr idge mig ht be low . Replace the pr int car tr idge. 3 Maintenance might b e due.
126 4 Problem solving ENWW Dropouts 1 Mak e sure th at the en vironmental specifications f or the printer are being met. (Se e “ Ge neral specifications ” on page 195 .) 2 If the paper is rough , and the toner easily rubs off , open the Configure De vice menu at the printer control panel.
ENWW Correcting print-quality prob lems 127 T oner smear 1 Print a fe w more pages to see if the problem corrects itself . 2 T ry using a diff erent type of paper . 3 Make sure t ha t th e en vironmental specifications f or the printer are being met. ( See “ General specifications ” on page 1 95 .
128 4 Problem solving ENWW Repeating image This type of def ect might occur when using preprinted f or ms or a large quantit y of na rrow paper . 1 Print a f ew more pages to s ee if the problem corre cts itself. 2 Mak e sure that ty pe and quality of the paper y ou are using meet HP specifications.
ENWW Correcting print-quality prob lems 129 Wrinkles or creases 1 Print a fe w more pages to see if the problem corrects itself . 2 Make sure t ha t th e en vironmental specifications f or the printer are being met. ( See “ General specifications ” on page 1 95 .
130 4 Problem solving ENWW Scattered lines 1 Mak e sure th at t he type an d q uality o f th e p ape r y ou are using meet HP specifications . (See “ P aper specifications ” on page 182 .) 2 Mak e sure th at the en vironmental specifications f or the printer are being met.
ENWW Deter mining printer problems 131 Determining printer pr oblems T r oubleshooting flo wchart If the printer is not respondin g properly , use the flow char t to determine the prob lem. If the printer does not pass a st ep , f ollow t he corresponding trouble shooting suggestions .
132 4 Problem solving ENWW 2 Can y ou print a configuration page? (See “ Conf iguration p age ” on page 8 3 .) YES Go to step 3 . NO A configuration pag e does not print. A blank page prints. A message other than READY or PRINTING CONFIGURATION appears on the printer con trol panel display .
ENWW Deter mining printer problems 133 3 Can y ou print from a pr ogram? YES Go to step 4 . NO The job will n ot print. A PS error page or list of commands prints. If the job will not print, and a message appears on the printer co ntrol panel display , see “ Understanding pr inter messages ” on page 109 .
134 4 Problem solving ENWW 4 Does the job print as expected? YES Go to step 5 . NO Print is garbled, or only a porti o n of the page prints. Printing stops in th e middle of th e job. Print speed is slower than expected. A printer contr ol panel setting is not taking effect.
ENWW Deter mining printer problems 135 5 Does the printer select the proper tra ys and paper-handling accessories? YES For other pr oblems, chec k the Contents, the Inde x, or the printer driver online Help. NO The printer pulls paper from the wrong tray.
136 4 Problem solving ENWW T r oubleshooting flowc har t for Macintosh user s 1 Can y ou print from a pr ogram? YES Go to step 2 . NO The Macintosh co mputer is not communicating with the printer . Au to Setup did not automatically set up the printer .
ENWW Deter mining printer problems 137 2 Does the job print as expected? YES For other pr ob lems, chec k the Contents, the Inde x, or the printer online Help. NO The print job is not sent to the desired printer. The print job has inco rrect fonts. The computer c annot be use d while the printer is printin g.
138 4 Problem solving ENWW Selecting an alternate PPD 1 Open the Cho oser (OS 9) or Print Center (OS X) on the Apple menu. 2 Click the LaserWriter 8 icon. 3 If yo u are on a network with multiple z ones, se lect the zone in th e AppleT alk Zones bo x where the pr inter is located.
ENWW T roub leshooting the op tional hard disk 139 T roub leshooting the optional har d disk Item Explanation The printer does not recognize the optional hard disk. T ur n the printer p ow er off and verify that the hard disk is in ser ted correctly and is securely fastened.
140 4 Problem solving ENWW T roub leshooting PS err ors Item Expla nation A text listing of PS commands prints in ste ad of your PS printing job . The printer control panel PERSONALITY=AUTO setting might hav e been confused by a nonstandard PS code.
ENWW Communica ting with an optional HP Jetdirect print ser v er 141 Comm unicating with an optional HP Jetdirect print server If the printer contains an optio nal HP Jetdirect print ser v er , and you cannot comm unicate with the pr int er over the network, verify the op eratio n of the pr int ser ver .
142 4 Problem solving ENWW.
ENWW Introductio n 143 5 Ser vice and suppor t Intr oduction This section contains inf or mation to help y ou order supp lies and con tact HP . It also prov ides warr anty , repack ing, and softwa re license inf or mation.
144 5 Service and support ENWW Contacting HP This section pro vides inf ormation regarding how to contact HP to obtain product supp or t (using the Internet or telephone) or to obt ain additional service and extended suppor t.
ENWW Contacting HP 145 Obtaining extended service and support Y ou can obtain e xtended service agreements or suppor t pac ks fo r your HP product. HP ser vice agreements T o obtain an HP ser vice agreement, visit http://www .h p .com . In the Select a count ry/region field at the top , select yo ur countr y/region and clic k the Support block.
146 5 Service and support ENWW W arranty inf ormation F o r w arranty state ments, see “ Hewlett-P ackard limited warranty statement ” on pa ge 147 and “ Limited war ranty f or print-car tridge life ” on page 148 . Y ou can also locate printer warrantie s on the Inter net.
ENWW Hewlett-P ackard limited warranty statement 147 He wlett-P ac kar d limited warranty statement 1. HP warrants to y ou, the end-user customer , that HP hardware and accessor ies will be free from defects in materials and workmanship after the dat e of purchase , f or the period specif ied abov e.
148 5 Service and support ENWW Limited warranty f or print-car tridge life Note The warr anty belo w applies to the print car tridge that came with this printer . This warr anty supersedes all pre vious warranti es (19 July 1996). This HP prod uct is warranted to b e free from d ef ects in materi als and wor kmanship during its useful lif e.
ENWW Guidelines f or repacking the printer 149 Service information f orm WHO IS RETURNING THE EQUIPMENT? Date: P erson to contact: Phone: ( ) Alter nate contact: Phone: ( ) Retur n shipping address: S.
ENWW Ove r vie w 151 A Control panel men us Overview Y ou can perform most routine printing tasks from t he computer by using the prog ram or printer driver . These two methods are the most conv enient wa y to control the printer , and they will ov err ide the printer control panel set t ings.
152 Appendix A Control panel men us ENWW Retrie ve Job menu This menu pr o vides a list of the stored jobs in the printer and access to all t he Job Storage f eatures .
ENWW Information me nu 153 Inf ormation menu This menu cont ains printer inf ormation pages th at give det ails about the printer and it s configur ation.
154 Appendix A Control panel men us ENWW P aper Handling menu If paper-handlin g settings are correctly configured at the printer control panel, y o u can print by selecting the type and size of paper in t he progr am or printer driver .
ENWW P aper Handling menu 155 TRAY 1 TYPE * ANY PLAIN PREPRINTED LETTERHEAD TRANSPARENCY PREPUNCHED LABELS BOND RECYCLED COLOR CARDSTOCK > 64 g/ m 2 ROUGH Sets the value to correspond with the type of paper or other print medi a cu rrently loaded in tra y 1.
156 Appendix A Control panel men us ENWW Y DIMENSION 5.0 to 14.00 INC HES 127 to 356 MM Sets the measurement of the length of th e paper (measurement from front to back in the tra y). After the Y DIMENSION value is selected, a summar y screen appears.
ENWW Configure Device men u 157 Configure Device men u This menu contains ad ministrativ e functions. Printing submen u Some items on this men u are av ailab le in the progr am or printer driver (i f the appropriate driver is installed). Program and printer driver settings o verride control panel settings.
158 Appendix A Control panel men us ENWW PCL submenu The section that f ollows lists the settings and possible v alues. In the V alues column, the def a ult v alue f or each setting is the one with an ast erisk (*) ne xt to it. MANUAL FEED * OFF ON F eeds the paper manually from tray 1, r ather than automatically from a tra y .
ENWW Configure Device men u 159 Print Quality submenu Some items on this men u are av ailab le in the progr am or printer driver (i f the appropriate driver is installed). Program and printer driver settings o verride control panel settings. F o r more inf ormation, see “ Using pr inter driver f eatures ” on page 68 .
ENWW Configure Device men u 161 RET OFF LIGHT * MEDIUM DARK Use the Resolution Enhancement technology (REt) setting to produce pr int with smooth angles, cur v es, and edges. REt does not aff ect print qual ity if the print resolution is set to F astRes 1200.
162 Appendix A Control panel men us ENWW System Setup submenu Items on th is menu affect printer b ehavior . Configur e the pr inter acc ording to your pr inting needs . The section that f ollows lists the settings and possible v alues. In the V alues column, the def a ult v alue f or each setting is the one with an ast erisk (*) ne xt to it.
ENWW Configure Device men u 163 CLEARABLE WARNING S * JOB ON Sets the amount of time that a clearable warning is shown on the printer control panel display . JOB : The clearable w ar ning message appears until the end of the job that generated the message.
164 Appendix A Control panel men us ENWW Output Setup submenu This submenu allows y ou to select settings f or the optional stapler/stack er , if it is installed. Some items on this menu are a v ailable in t he program or printer dr iv er (if the appropriate driver is installed).
ENWW Configure Device men u 165 I/O submenu Items on the I/ O (input/output ) menu aff ect the communica tion between the printer and the computer . The contents of th e I/O submenu depend on which EIO card is installed. The section that follows lists the settings and possible v a lu es.
166 Appendix A Control panel men us ENWW Resets submenu Items on the Resets submen u relate to returning settings to the def aults and changing settings such as P owerSa ve . The section that f ollows lists the settings and possible v alues. In the V alues column, the def a ult v alue f or each setting is the one with an ast erisk (*) ne xt to it.
ENWW Diagnostics menu 167 Diagnostics men u Administra tors can use this submenu to isolate par ts and to troub leshoot jam and print-quality issues. The section that follows lists the settings and possible v a lu es. In the V alues column, the default v alue f or each setting is the on e with an asterisk (*) ne xt to it.
168 Appendix A Control panel men us ENWW.
ENWW Ove r vie w 169 B Pr inter memor y and e xpansion Overview The pr inter has t hree dual inlin e memor y mo dule (DIMM) s lots for upgrading with: More printer memory — DIMMs (SDRAM) are av ailab le in 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, and 256 MB , f or a maximum of 416 MB.
170 Appendix B Printer memory an d expansion ENWW Installing memory If yo u hav e not already done so , pr int a configurat ion page to find out ho w much memory is installed in the printer bef ore adding more memory . (See “ Configuration page ” on page 83 .
ENWW Installing memor y 171 6 Remov e the DIMM from the antistatic pac kage. Hold the DIMM with your fingers against the sid e ed ge s an d thum b s ag ain st th e ba ck edge. Align the notches on the DIMM with th e DIMM slot. (Chec k that the loc ks on each side of the DIMM slot are open, or ou tward.
172 Appendix B Printer memory an d expansion ENWW Chec king memory installation F ollow this procedur e to verify that DIM Ms are installed correctly . T o check memory installation 1 Check that READY appear s on the pr inter co ntrol panel dis pla y when th e prin ter power is turned on.
ENWW Installing EIO cards or mass storage de vices 173 Installing EIO car ds or mass storage devices F ollow this proce dur e to install an EIO card or mass stor age device (option al hard disk). T o install EIO cards or mass storage devices 1 T ur n the printer pow er off .
174 Appendix B Printer memory an d expansion ENWW.
ENWW Ove r vie w 175 C Pr inter commands Overview Most progr ams do not require y ou to enter printer commands. Se e your comp uter and softw ar e documentatio n to find the method f or entering printer commands , if needed. Note The tab le at the end of this sect ion contains commonly used PCL 5e commands.
176 Appendix C Printer commands ENWW Understanding PCL 6 and PCL 5e printer command syntax Bef ore using printer commands , compare these characters: Many printer commands us e the lowercase letter l (l) and the n umber one (1) , or th e up pe r case letter O (O) and the n umber zer o (0) .
ENWW Understandin g P CL 6 an d PCL 5e pr inter co mm a nd s ynt ax 177 Entering escape character s Printer commands alwa ys begin with the es cape character (?) . The f ollowing ta ble sho ws how the escape char acter can be entered in v ar ious MS-DOS ® progr ams.
178 Appendix C Printer commands ENWW Note F onts are either “ fix ed ” or “ propor tional ” in spacing. The printer contains both fix ed fonts (Courier , Letter Gothic , and Lineprinter) an d propor tional f onts (CG Times , Arial ® , Times New Roman ® , and others).
ENWW Understandin g P CL 6 an d PCL 5e pr inter co mm a nd s ynt ax 179 Common PCL 6 and PCL 5e printer commands Function Command Options (#) Job control commands Reset ?E n/a Number of copies ?&l.
180 Appendix C Printer commands ENWW Cursor P ositioning V er tical position (rows) ?&a#R #=R o wn u m b e r V er tical position (dots) ?*p#Y # = Dot number (300 dots = 1 i nch) V er tical positio.
ENWW Ove r vie w 181 D Specifications Overview This section includes inf or mation about these topics: “ P aper spec ifications ” on page 182 “ Printer specifications ” on page 193.
182 Appendix D Specifications ENWW P aper specifications HP LaserJet printers produ ce e xcelle nt print quality . This printer accepts a v ar iety of print media, such as cut- sheet paper (including recy cled paper), env elopes, labels, transparencies, and custom-siz e paper .
ENWW P aper specifications 183 Suppor ted sizes and weights of paper T ra y 1 supported siz es and weights Size Dimensions 1 W eight Capacity 2 Letter 216 b y 279 mm (8.5 by 11 inch) 60 to 200 g/m 2 ( 1 6t o5 3l b ) 100 sheets of 75 g/m 2 (20 lb) paper A4 210 by 297 mm (8.
184 Appendix D Specifications ENWW Labels Minimum: 76 by 127 mm (3 by 5 inch) Maximum: 216 by 356 mm (8.5 by 14 inch) Thickness: 0.127 to 0.229 mm (0.005 to 0.009 inch) 50 labels 1. The pr inter suppor ts a wide range of sizes . Check the printer software for supported sizes.
ENWW P aper specifications 185 Optional duple x er supported sizes and weights Size Dimensions W eight Letter 216 by 279 mm (8.5 by 11 inch) 60 to 120 g/m 2 ( 1 6t o3 2l b ) A4 210 by 297 mm (8.3 by 11.7 inch) Executiv e 184 by 267 mm (7.3 by 10.5 inch) Legal 216 by 356 mm (8.
186 Appendix D Specifications ENWW Optional stac ker or stapler/stac ker supported sizes and weights Size Dimensions 1 We i g h t Ca p a c i t y 2 Stacker or stac ker par t of stapler/stacker only Letter 216 by 279 mm (8.5 by 11 inch) 60 to 120 g/m 2 ( 1 6t o3 2l b ) 500 sheets of 75 g/m 2 (20 lb) paper A4 210 by 297 mm (8.
ENWW P aper specifications 187 Supported types of paper The printer suppor ts the f ollowing types of paper or othe r print media: Guidelines f or using paper F or best results , use con vent ional 75 to 90 g/m 2 (20 to 24 lb) paper .
188 Appendix D Specifications ENWW Note Do not use lette rhead paper that is printed with low-temper ature inks, such as tho se used in some types of thermogra phy . Do not use raised lett erhead. The printer uses heat and pr essure to fuse toner t o the paper .
ENWW P aper specifications 189 P aper weight equivalence table Use the f ollo wing ta b le to det ermine appro ximate equ iv alent poin ts in weight specifications othe r than U .S . bond w eight. F or e xample , to determine the equiv alent of 20 lb U.
190 Appendix D Specifications ENWW Labels CA UTION T o av oid damaging the printer , use only la bels recommended f or use in laser printers . If yo u hav e problems printing labels , use tra y 1 and open the rear output bin.
ENWW P aper specifications 191 En velopes En velope construction Env elope constr uction is critical. En velope f old lines can vary considerab ly , not only between manuf acturers, b ut also within a bo x from the same manuf acturer . Successful printing on env elopes depends upon the qualit y of the en v elopes.
192 Appendix D Specifications ENWW Car d stock and hea vy paper Many types of card stoc k can be printed from tra y 1, including inde x cards and p ost cards. Some card stock performs better than o thers beca use its const ruction is better su ited for f e eding through a laser printer .
ENWW Pr inter specifications 193 Printer specifications Ph ysical dimensions 547 mm (21.5 inches) 1,045 mm (41.1 inches) 412 mm (16.2 inches) HP LaserJet 4200 /4200n/4300/4 300n (top co v e r open) HP LaserJet 4200 /4200n/4200tn / 4200dtn/42 00dtns/4200dt nsl HP LaserJet 4300 /4300n/4300tn / 4300dtn/43 00dtns/4300dt nsl 740 mm (29.
194 Appendix D Specifications ENWW Printer weight (without print car tridge) En vironmental specifications Electrical specifications CA UTION P o w er requirem ents are based on the count ry/region in which the printer is sold. Do no t con v e r t operat ing volt ages.
ENWW Pr inter specifications 195 Acoustic emissions V alues are subject to change. See http://www .hp .com/suppor t/lj4200 or http://www fo r current information.
196 Appendix D Specifications ENWW.
ENWW FCC regulations 197 E Regulator y inf or mation FCC regulations This equipment has been tested an d f ound to comply with the limits f or a Class B digital de vice, pursuant to P ar t 15 of the FCC rules. These limits ar e designed to pro vide re asonab le protectio n against harmful interf erence in a residential installat i on.
198 Appendix E Regulatory informatio n ENWW En vir onmental product ste war dship pr ogram Protecting the en vironment Hewle tt-P ackard Company is comm itted to providin g quality products in an en vironmentally sound manner . This product has been designed with sev eral attributes to minimiz e impacts on our environment.
ENWW Environm ental product ste wardship progr am 199 HP Printing Supplies Returns and Recycling pr ogram inf ormation Since 1990, the HP Printing Supplies Retur ns and R ecycling program has collected millions of used LaserJet print car tridges that otherwise mi ght hav e been discarded in the world ’ s landfills.
200 Appendix E Regulatory informatio n ENWW Dec larations of Conf ormity Canadian DOC regulations Complies with Canadian EMC Class B requirements. Conforme à la c lasse B des nor mes canadiennes de compatibilit é é lectromagn é tique (CEM).
ENWW Safety statements 201 Safety st atements Laser safety statement (U .S.) The Center f or Devices and Radio logical Health (CDRH) of the U .S. Foo d and Drug Administra tion has implemented r egulations f or laser products manuf actured since A ugust 1, 1976.
202 Appendix E Regulatory informatio n ENWW Laser statement (Finland) Luokan 1 laserlaite Klass 1 Laser Apparat HP LaserJet 4200 series , 4300 series laserkirjoitin on k ä ytt ä j ä n kannalta tur vallinen luokan 1 laserlaite. Normaalis sa k ä yt ö ss ä kirjoittimen suojak otelointi est ää lasers ä teen p ää syn laitteen ulkopuolelle .
ENWW Index 203 Inde x Numerics 1,500-sheet tray duplexing 66 loading 45 loading error messages 117, 120 locating 15 locking 48 moving 16 obstruction error message 113 open error message 120 ordering 1.
204 Index ENWW cartridges, print EconoMode 161 error messages 110, 115, 116 features 10 fraud hotline 145 low 82, 163 non-HP 80 ordering 17 out 82, 163 paper jams 97 part number 21 status 80, 85 storing 80 warranty 148 cartridges, staple loading 41 ordering 17 part number 18, 21 settings 164 cassette.
ENWW Index 205 different first page 69 dimensions, printer 193 DIMMs error messages 112 installing 170 ordering 17 part numbers 19 types of 169 disk. See hard disk accessory; RAM disk DLC/LLC setting 165 documentation online help 8 part numbers 20 setup guides 7 user and accessory guides 8 dots per inch.
206 Index ENWW feeder units description 11 illustration 15 locking and unlocking 16 moving 16 See also trays film, transparency. Se e transparencies Finland laser statement 202 firmware error messages.
ENWW Index 207 J jams 1,500-sheet tray 101 500-sheet tray 100 duplexer 102 envelope feeder 99 error messages 110 frequent 108 fuser area 104 locations 96 output bin 103 recovery setting 163 staple 107.
208 Index ENWW memory DIMMs, locating 15 error messages 112 included 12 installing DIMMs 170 insufficient 110 ordering 17 part numbers 19 permanent resources 172 specifications 10 upgrading, benefits .
ENWW Index 209 Paper Handling menu 154 paper jams 1,500-sheet tray 101 500-sheet tray 100 duplexer 102 envelope feeder 99 error messages 110 frequent 108 fuser area 104 locations 96 output bin 103 recovery settings 163 top-cover 97 tray 1 100 paper path cleaning 89 test 167 paper trays.
210 Index ENWW printer drivers AutoCAD 28 Customization Utility 30 features 68 help 31 included 28, 29 Microsoft Windows 30 settings 26, 31 troubleshooting Macintosh 136 Printer Job Language (PJL) com.
ENWW Index 211 slow printing, troubleshooting 134 small paper, printing on 37, 62 smeared toner, troubleshooting 127 Soft Gloss paper 21 software Customization Utility 30 error messages 113 included 2.
212 Index ENWW toner cleaning from clothing 88 density setting 161 EconoMode 161 HP UltraPrecise 10 low 82, 163 out 82, 163 output quality, troubleshooting 127 redistributing 82 status 81, 85 toner cartridges.
ENWW Index 213 W warnings setting 163 warranty print cartridge 148 printer 147 service information 146 watermarks, printing 69 wavy paper, troubleshooting 128 Web Jetadmin checking toner level 81 e-ma.
214 Index ENWW.
copy righ t 200 2 Hew lett -P ack ard Com pany © http://www .hp .com/suppor t/lj4 200 http://www .hp .com/s upport/lj4 300.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP 4200dtnsl (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP 4200dtnsl heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP 4200dtnsl vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP 4200dtnsl leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP 4200dtnsl krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP 4200dtnsl bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP 4200dtnsl kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP 4200dtnsl . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.