Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product LaserJet 100 M175nw van de fabrikant HP
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L ASER JET PRO 1 0 0 COLOR MFP M 1 7 5 Us er Guide.
LaserJet Pro 100 color MFP M175 User Guide.
Copyright and License © 2012 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Developme nt Compan y, L.P. Reproduction, adaptation, o r translation without prior written permission is prohi bited, ex cept as all owed un der the copyright laws. The infor matio n cont ain ed he rei n is su bjec t to change without no tice.
Conventions used in this guide TIP: Tips provide helpfu l hints or shortcuts. NOTE: Notes provide import ant information to ex plain a concept or to complete a task. CAUTION: Cautions indicate procedures that you should follow to a void losing data or da maging the product.
iv Conventions used i n this guide ENWW.
Table of contents 1 Produc t basics ......... ........... .......... .......... .......... ........... ......... .......... ........... .......... ........ .... ......... ........... .......... . 1 Produc t compar ison ............. ............. ....
4 Use th e produc t with Ma c .......... ............ .............. ............ ............. .............. ............. ........... . .............. .......... 23 Softw are for Ma c ....... .......... ............ ........... .......... .........
Paper orientation for lo ading trays .... ............... ............. ............... .............. ............ ............ 56 7 Print cartridg es and i maging dr um ......... ........... ............ ........... ............ ............ .......
Manual color options .......... .................... ................. ................. .................... .................. .. 1 03 Use the HP EasyColor option for Windows ......... .............. ............... .............. .............. ...
Archive print ............... ............. .............. ................. .............. .............. ............... ........... .... 134 Clean th e produc t ......... .............. ............ ............. .............. ............. ......
Wirel ess connecti vity che cklist ... ...................... ........................ ...................... ................. 162 The product does not prin t after the wireless conf iguration completes .
Environmental product stewardship program ...... ................ ............. .............. ............... .............. ..... 1 85 Prote cting the e nvironm ent ........ ................ .............. .............. .............. .............
xii ENWW.
1 Product basics ● Product comparison ● Environmental features ● Accessibility features ● Product views ENWW 1.
Product comparison Base model Network model ● Speed : Prints up to 16 A4-size pages per minute (ppm ) or 17 letter-size ppm monochrome and 4 ppm color ● Tray : 150 sheets of 75 g/m 2 (20 lb) ● Output b in : 50 sheets of 75 g/m 2 (20 lb) ● Connectivity : Hi-Speed USB 2.
Environmental features Recyclin g Reduce wa ste by using recycled paper. Recycle print cartridges by using the HP return pro cess. Energy savings Save energy with sleep mode and lo w power mode. HP Instant-on Technology produces the first page faster when the product is coming out sleep mode or low power mode so that the print job is do ne sooner.
Product views Product front view 1 4 3 2 5 6 7 8 1 Document feeder 2 Scanner 3 Outp ut bin 4 Power button 5 Main-input tray 6 Front cover (provides access to the imaging drum) 7 Print cartridge door (.
Product back view 2 3 4 5 1 1 Security slot 2 Rear jam-access door 3 USB port 4 HP internal network port (network models only) 5 Power receptacle Serial number and model number location The label that conta ins the product and seri al numbers is on the inside of the front cover.
Control panel layout 1 3 11 10 8 9 7 6 5 4 16 15 14 13 12 2 1 Control panel display : The display provides information abo ut the pr oduct. Use the menus on the display to establish product settings. 2 Toner level gauges. Th ese gauges indicate the estimated amount of toner left in each cartridge.
2 Control panel menus ● Setup menu ● Function spec ific menus ENWW 7.
Setup menu To open this menu, press th e Setup button. The following su b menus are available : ● Reports ● System Setup ● Service ● Network Setup Reports menu First level Demo Page Menu Struc.
First level Second level Third level Values Paper Setup Def. Paper Size Letter A4 Legal Def. Paper Type Lists available media types. Tray 1 Paper Type Lists available media types.
First level Second level Third level Values Supply Settings Black Cartridge Very Low Setting Stop Prompt Continue * Low Thresh old (R ange of 1-100) Color Cartridges Very Low Setting Stop Prompt Conti.
First level Second level Values USB Speed High * Full Less Paper Curl On Off * Archive Print On Off * Firmware Date Restore Defaults Network Setup menu (network models only) In the following ta ble, items that have an asterisk (*) in dicate the factory default setting.
Function specific menus The product features a function -specific menu for copyin g. To open this menu , press the Copy Menu button on the co ntrol panel. Copy Menu In the following ta ble, items that have an asterisk (*) in dicate the factory default setting.
First level Second level Values Draft Mode On Off * Image Adjustment Lightness (Slider with a range of 11 settings.) Contrast (Slider with a range of 11 settings.) Sharpen (Slider with a range of 11 settings.) Background (Slider with a range of 11 settings.
14 Chapter 2 Control p anel menus ENWW.
3 Software for Windows ● Supported oper ating systems for Windows ● Supported printer drivers for Windows ● Select the correct printer driver for Windows ● Change print job setting s ● Chang.
Supported operating systems for Windows The product comes with software for th e following Windows® operating systems: ● Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) ● Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit) ● Wind.
HP UPD PCL 5 driver description ● Available for download from the Web at support/LJColorMFPM175 ● Compatible with pre vious PCL versions and older HP Lase rJet products ● The best ch.
Change print job settings Tool for changing the settings Method for changing the settings Duration of changes Hierarchy of changes Software program settings On the File menu in the software program, click Page Setup or a similar command. These settings are in effect for the current print job only.
Change printer-driver settings for Windows Change the settings for all print jobs until the software program is closed 1. On the File menu in the soft ware progr am, cli ck Print . 2. Select the driver, and th en click Properties or Preferences . The steps can vary; this procedure is most common.
Remove software for Windows Windows XP 1. Click Start , and then click Programs . 2. Click HP , and then click the product name. 3. Click Uninstall , and t hen follow the onscreen instructio ns to remove the software . Windows Vis ta and Windows 7 1. Click Start , and then click Al l Programs .
Software for other operating systems OS Software UNIX For HP-U X and Solaris networks, go to sup port/net_printing to download the HP Jetdirect printer installer for UNIX.
22 Chapter 3 Software for Wind ows ENWW.
4 Use the product with Mac ● Software for Mac ● Print with Mac ● Scan with Mac ● Solve problems with Mac ENWW 23.
Software for Mac Supported operating systems for Mac The product supports the following Mac operating systems: ● Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6 NOTE: For Mac OS X 10.5 and later, PPC and Inte l® Core™ Processor Macs are su pported. For Mac OS X 10.6, Intel Core Processor Macs are supporte d.
Install software for Mac computers on a wired network Configure the IP address The product IP add ress can be set manually, or it can be configured automatically via DHCP, BootP, or Auto IP. Manual co nfiguration Only the IPv4 prot ocol can be configur ed manually.
Connect the prod uct to a wireless netw ork using WPS If your wireless router suppo rts Wi-Fi Protected Setu p (WPS), this is the simplest way to set up the product on a w ireless network. 1. Press the WPS butt on on your wireless router. 2. Press and hold the Wireless button on the p roduct control pan el for two seconds.
NOTE: The names of comman ds and dialog boxes might vary depending on yo ur software program . ● Page Setup dialog box : Click Page Setup or a simila r command on the File menu of the program you are wo rking in to open this di alog box. Settin gs changed here might override settings changed a nywhere else.
Software for Mac computers Supported utilities for Mac (netwo rk models only) HP Utility for Mac Use the HP Utility to set up prod uct features that ar e not available in the printer driver. You can use the HP Utility when the product uses a universa l serial bus (USB) ca ble or is connected to a TCP/IP-based network.
Print with Mac Cancel a print job with Mac 1. If the print job is currently p rinting , cancel it by pressing the Cancel button on the product control panel.
Create a printin g preset 1. On the File menu, cl ick the Print option. 2. Select the driver. 3. Select the print sett ings that you wa nt to save for reuse. 4. In the Presets menu, click the Save As... option, and type a name for the preset. 5. Click the OK button.
Print multiple pages on on e sheet of paper with Mac 1. On the File menu, cl ick the Print option. 2. Select the driver. 3. Open the Layout menu. 4. From the Pages per Sheet menu, select the number o f pages that you want to print on each sheet (1, 2, 4, 6, 9, or 16).
3. Open the Color Op tions me nu or the Color/Quality Options menu. 4. Open the Advanced m enu, or select th e appropriate ta b. 5. Adjust the individual settings for text, graphics, and pho tographs. Use the Services menu with Mac If the product is connecte d to a network, use the Services menu to obtain product and supply-status information.
Scan with Mac Use the HP Scan software to scan images to a Ma c computer. 1. Load the document onto the scanner glass or into the do cument feeder. 2. Open the Applica tions folder, and then click Hewlett-Packard . Double-click HP Scan . 3. Open the HP Scan menu and click Preferences .
Solve problems with Mac For information about solving problems with a Mac, see Solve common Mac problems on page 166 . 34 Chapter 4 Use the product with Mac ENWW.
5 Connect the product ● Supported network operati ng systems (network models on ly) ● Use HP Smart Install to connect to a comput er, a wired network, or a wireless network ● Connect with USB by.
Supported network operating systems (network models only) The product supports the following operating systems for wir eless printing: ● Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) ● Windows Vista (32-bit and 6.
Use HP Smart Install to co nnect to a computer, a wired network, or a wireless network NOTE: This installation type is supported for Windows only. The HP Smart Install allows you to install the product driver and so ftware by connecting the product to a computer through a USB cable.
Connect with USB by using the software CD-ROM CAUTION: Do not connect the USB ca ble until the installation software prompts you to connect it. This product supports a USB 2.0 connection. Use an A-to-B type USB cable. HP recommends using a cable that is no lon ger than 2 m (6.
Connect to a network by using the software CD-ROM (network models only) The product can co nnect to wired or wireless n etworks. NOTE: You cannot connect to a wired and wireless ne twork simultaneously.
Automatic configuration 1. On the control panel, pre ss the Setup button. 2. Use the arrow buttons to select Network Setup , and then press t he OK button. 3. Use the arrow buttons to select TCP/IP Config , and then press th e OK bu tton. 4. Use the arrow buttons to select Automati c , and then press the OK button.
NOTE: If this method is not successful, try using t he wireless network setup using the USB cab le method. Connect the product to a wire less network u sing a USB cable If your wireless router does not support WiFi-Prote cted Setup (WPS), use this method to set up the product on a w ireless network.
Reduce interference on a wireless network The following tips ca n reduce interference in a wirel ess network: ● Keep the wireless devices away from large meta l objects, such as f iling cabinets, and other electromagnetic device s, such as microwaves a nd cordless telephon es.
Advanced wireless setup Wireless communic ation modes You can use one o f two wireless communicati on modes: i nfrastructure or ad-hoc. Infrastructure wireless network (recommended) The product communicates with other devices on the network through a wireless router.
name, which is typ ically the manu facturer's name. For information on ho w to change the network name, see the docume ntation that came with the wireless rout er. To prevent ot her users from accessing your network, turn on WPA or WEP data encryption.
Configure the network product View or change network settings Use the HP Devi ce Toolbox to vi ew or change IP config uration settings. 1. Print a configuration page, and locate the IP a ddress. ● If you are using IPv4, the IP address co ntains only digits.
46 Chapter 5 Conn ect the product ENWW.
6 Paper and print media ● Understand paper use ● Change the printe r driver to match the paper type and si ze ● Supported paper sizes ● Supported paper typ es ● Load paper trays ENWW 47.
Understand paper use This product supports a variety of paper and other pr int media in accordance with the gu idelines in this user guide. Paper or p rint media that does not meet these guidelines might cause poor print quality, increase d jams, and premature wear on the product.
Media type Do Do not Heavy paper ● Use only heavy paper that is approved for use in laser printers and meets the weight specifications for this product. ● Do not use paper that is heavier than the recommended media specification for this product unless it is HP pape r that has been approved for use in this product.
Change the printer driver to match the paper ty pe and size NOTE: If you change the page settings in the soft ware pr ogram, those settin gs override any settings in the printer driver. 1. On the File menu in the soft ware progr am, cli ck Print . 2. Select the product, and the n click the Properties or Preferences button.
Supported paper sizes This product sup ports various pape r sizes, and it adapts to variou s media. NOTE: To obtain best print results, select the appropriate paper size and type in your p rint driver before printing. Table 6-1 Supported paper and print media sizes Size Dimensions Letter 216 x 279 mm (8.
Size Dimensions Double Japan Postcard Rotated Double Postcard (JIS) 148 x 200 mm (5.83 x 7.87 in) Custom Minimum : 76 x 127 mm (3 x 5 in) Maximum : 216 x 356 mm (8.5 x 14.0 in) NOTE: When defining custom sizes using the pr inter driver, always specify the short edge of the page as the width and the long edge as the length.
Supported paper types For a complete li st of specific HP-brand paper th at this product supports, go to support/ LJColorMFPM175 . ● Everyday ◦ Plain ◦ Light ◦ Bond ◦ Recycled .
◦ Colored ◦ Rough ◦ Heavy rough ◦ HP Tough paper 54 Chapter 6 Paper an d print media ENWW.
Load paper t rays Load the input tray NOTE: When you add new paper make sure that you remove all of the paper from the input tra y and straighten the stack of new paper. Do not fa n the pape r. This reduces jams by preventing multiple sheets of paper from feeding through the product at one time.
Tray capacity Tray or bin Paper type Specifications Capacity Input tray Paper 60-220 g/m 2 (16-59 lb) Print quality is assured for HP media. 150 sheets of 75 g/m 2 (20 lb) Envelopes 60-90 g/m 2 (16-24 lb) Up to 10 envelopes Transparencies 0.12-0.13 mm (0.
7 Print cartridges and imaging drum ● Print cartridge a nd imaging drum features ● Supplies views ● Manage print ca rtridges and the i maging drum ● Solve problems with print cartridge s or th.
Print cartridge and imaging drum features Feature Description Part numbers ● Black print cartridge: CE310A ● Cyan print cartridge: CE311A ● Yellow print cartridge: CE312A ● Magenta print cartridge: CE313A ● Imaging drum: CE314A NOTE: The selectibility number for all print cartridges and the ima ging drum is 126A.
Supplies views Print cartridge views 1 2 1 Print cartridge memory tag Imaging drum views 1 1 Imaging drum memory tag ENWW Supplies views 59.
Manage print cartridges and the imaging drum Correctly using, storing, and mon itoring the print cartridg e and imaging drum can help ensure high- quality print outp ut.
Replacement instructions Replace the print cartridges When a print ca rtridge approaches the estimated end of its useful life, you can con tinue printing with the current print cartridge until it no longer yield s acceptable print qua lity.
3. Grasp the old print cartridge by th e center handle and remove it. 4. Remove the new print cartridge from the packaging. Place th e used print cartridge in the bag and box for recyclin g. CAUTION: To prevent dama ge to the print cartridge, hold the print cartridge a t each end.
8. Grasp the print cartridge by the center han dle and insert into the p roduct. NOTE: Compare the color label on the print cartridge to the co lor label in the caro usel slot to make sure the print c artridge color matches the carousel position.
Replace the imaging drum NOTE: The imaging drum installed in this product is covere d by the produ ct warranty. Replacement imaging drums have a one-year limited warranty from the date of insta llation. The imaging drum installation date displays on the supplies status page.
3. Lift th e two levers that hold the imaging drum. 4. Remove the old imaging drum. 5. Remove the new imaging drum from the packaging. Pl ace the used imaging drum in the bag and box for recyclin g.
6. Remove the protective shielding from the new imaging drum. CAUTION: To preven t damage, do not expose the imaging drum to light. Co ver it with a piece of paper. CAUTION: Do not touch the green roller. Fingerprints on the imaging drum can caus e print-quality problems.
9. Close the front cover. 10. Close the print cartridge door. NOTE: After closing the print cartridge do or, the control panel show s the Calib rating.
HP policy on non-HP supplies Hewlett-Packard Company cann ot recommend the use of no n-HP print cartridges and im aging drums, either new or remanufactu red.
Solve problems with print cartridges or the imaging drum Check the print cartri dges and imaging drum Check each print car tridge, and replace it if necessa ry, if you are having any of the fo llowing problems: ● The printing is too light or seems faded in areas.
Inspect the print cartridges and imaging drum for damage 1. Remove the print ca rtridge from the product, an d examine for damage. 2. If the print cartridg e does not app ear to be damag ed, rock the print cartrid ge gently several times and reinstall it.
Repeating defects If defects repeat at an y of the following intervals on the page, a print cartridge or the imaging drum might be damaged. ● 22 mm (print cartridge) ● 26 mm (imaging drum) ● 29 .
Interpret the print quality page 1. On the produ ct control panel, p ress the Setup button. 2. Use the arrow bu ttons to select the Reports menu, and then press the OK button. 3. Use the arrow bu ttons to select the Print Quality item, and then press the OK button.
Interpret control panel messages for print cartridges or the imaging drum Control panel message Description Recommended action 10.0004 Supply Error 10.1004 Supply memory error There is a communication failure with the imaging drum. ● Turn the product off and then on.
Control panel message Description Recommended action Door open The print cartridge door is open. Close the print cartridge door. Jam in cartridge a rea The product has detected a paper jam in the print cartridge area. Clear the jam from the area indicated in the message, and then follow the control panel instructions.
Control panel message Description Recommended action Replace Supplies. Printing Black. One or more of the print cartridges is at the estimated end of its useful life. The p roduct is customer-configured to print with the black cartridge only, until the very low print cartridges are replaced .
Control panel message Description Recommended action Used cartridges installed Used supplies ha ve been installed. The print cartridges are most likely refilled cartridges. If you believe you purchased a genuine HP supply, visit this HP Web address: www.
8P r i n t t a s k s ● Cancel a print job ● Basic print tasks w ith Windows ● Additiona l print ta sks with W indows ENWW 77.
Cancel a print job 1. If the print job is currently p rinting , cancel it by pressing the Cancel button on the product control panel. NOTE: Pressing the Cancel button clears the job that the product is currently processing.
Basic print tasks with Windows The methods to open the print dialog from softwa re programs can vary. The proc edures that follow include a typical method. So me software programs do not have a File menu. See the documentation for your software program to l earn how to open the p rint dialog.
Change the number of p rint copies with Windows 1. On the File menu in the soft ware progr am, cli ck Print . 2. Select the product, and the n select the number of copie s. Save custom print settings for reuse with Windows Use a printing shortcu t with Windows 1.
3. Click the Printing Shortcuts tab. 4. Select one of the shortcu ts, and then click the OK button. NOTE: When you select a shortcut, the corresponding setting s change on the other tabs in the printer driver . Create printi ng shortcuts 1. On the File menu in the software program, click Print .
2. Select the product, and then click the Properties or Preferences button . 3. Click the Printing Shortcuts tab. 4. Select a n existing shortcut as a base. NOTE: Always select a shortcut before adjusting any of the settings on the ri ght side of the screen.
5. Select the print options for the new shortcut. NOTE: You can select the pr int options on this tab or on an y other tab in the printe r driver. Afte r selecting options on other tabs, return to the Printing Shortc uts tab before continuing with the next step.
3. Click the Paper/Quality tab. 4. Select a size from the Size is drop-d own list. Select a custom page size with Windows 1. On the File menu in the soft ware progr am, cli ck Print . 2. Select the product, and the n click the Properties or Preferences button.
2. On the File menu in the software program, click Print . 3. Select the product, and then click the Properties or Preferences button . 4. Click the Finishing tab.
5. Select the Prin t on Both Sides (Manua lly) check box. Click the OK button to print the first side of the job. 6. Retrieve the printed stack fro m the output bin, and, mainta ining the paper orientation, place it with the printed-side facing down in the input tray.
2. Select the product, and then click the Properties or Preferences button . 3. Click the Finishing tab. ENWW Basic print tasks with Windows 87.
4. Select the number of pages per sheet from the Pages Per Sheet drop-down list. 5. Select the correct Print Page Borders , Page Order , and Orientation options. Select page orientation with Windows 1. On the File menu in the software program, click Print .
2. Select the product, and then click the Properties or Preferences button . 3. Click the Finishing tab. 4. In the Orien tation area, select the Portrait or Landscape op tion.
Set color options with Windows 1. On the File menu in the soft ware progr am, cli ck Print . 2. Select the product, and the n click the Properties or Preferences button. 3. Click the Color tab. 4. In the Color Options area, click the Manual op tion, and then click the Settings button .
Additional print tasks with Windows Print colored text as black with Windows 1. On the File menu in the soft ware progr am, cli ck Print . 2. Select the product, and the n click the Properties or Preferences button. 3. Click the Paper/Quality tab. 4. Click the Print all Text as Black check box.
Print on preprinted letterh ead or forms with Windows 1. On the File menu in the software program, click Print . 2. Select the product, and then click the Properties or Preferences button .
4. From the Type is drop-down list, click the More... option. 5. Select the Other optio n. 6. Select the option for the type of pap er you are using, and click the OK button.
Print on special paper, labels, or transparencies 1. On the File menu in the software program, click Print . 2. Select the product, and then click the Properties or Preferences button .
4. From the Type is drop-down list, click the More... option. 5. Select th e category of paper types th at best describes your paper. NOTE: Labels and transpare ncies are in the list of Other optio ns. 6. Select the option for the type of pap er you are using, and click the OK button.
Print the first or last page on different paper with Wi ndows 1. On the File menu in the software program, click Print . 2. Select the product, and then click the Properties or Preferences button .
3. Click the Paper/Qua lity tab. 4. Click the U se different paper check bo x, and then select the necessa ry settings for the front cover, other pages, and back cover. Scale a document to fit page size 1. On the File menu in the software program, click Print .
2. Select the product, and then click the Properties or Preferences button . 3. Click the Effects tab. 4. Select the Print Document On option, and then select a size from the dro p-down list.
Add a watermark to a do cument with Windows 1. On the File menu in the soft ware progr am, cli ck Print . 2. Select the product, and the n click the Properties or Preferences button. 3. Click the Effects tab. 4. Select a watermark from the Watermarks drop-down list.
3. Click the Finishing tab. 4. Click the Print on Both Sides (Manually) check box. 5. In the Bookle t Printing drop-down list, select a binding op tion.
9 Color ● Adjust color ● Use the HP EasyColor option for Wind ows ● Match colors ENWW 101.
Adjust color Manage color b y changing the settings on the Colo r tab in the printe r driver. Change the color th eme for a print job 1. On the File menu in the soft ware progr am, cli ck Print . 2. Click Properties or Preferences . 3. Click the Color tab.
4. Click the Automatic or Manual setting. ● Automatic setting: Select this sett ing for most color print jobs ● Manual setting : Select t his setti ng to adjust the color settings inde pendent from other settings. NOTE: Ch anging color settings man ually can impact outpu t.
Setting description Setting options Halftone Halftone optio ns affect color output clarity and resolut ion. ● Smooth provides better results for large, solid-filled print areas and enhances photographs by smoothing color gradations. Select this option when uniform and smooth area fills are important.
Use the HP EasyColor option for Windows If you are using the HP PCL 6 printer driver fo r Windows, the HP EasyColor technology au tomatically improves mixed-con tent documents that are prin ted from Microsoft Office pr ograms. This technology scans documents and automatically adjusts ph otographic images in .
Match colors For most users, the best me thod for matching colors is to print sRGB colors. The process of matching pri nter output color to your computer screen is complex, because pr inters and computer monitors use different methods of p roducing color.
10 Copy ● Use copy functions ● Copy settings ● Copy photos ● Copy mixed size originals ● Copy on both sides manua lly (duplex) ENWW 107.
Use copy functions One-touch copy 1. Load the document onto the scanner glass or into the do cument feeder. 2. Press the Black or Color button to start copying. Multiple copies 1. Load the document onto the scanner glass or into the do cument feeder. 2.
Copy a multiple-page original 1. Insert the ori ginals into the docu ment feeder face-up, and then adjust the guides until they are snug against the paper.
Copy identification cards Use the ID Copy feature to copy both sides of identifica tion cards, or other small-size documents, onto the same side of one shee t of paper. The product pr ompts you to copy the first side and then to place the seco nd side on a different are a of t he scanner glass and copy again.
Cancel a copy job 1. Press the Cancel button on the product control pane l. NOTE: If mo re than one process is runni ng, pressing the Cancel button clears the current process and all pending processes. 2. Remove the remaining pages from the document feeder.
Collate a copy job 1. Load the document onto the scanner glass or into the document feed er. 2. On the control panel, press the Copy Menu button. 3. Use the arrow buttons to select the Co py Collation menu item, and then press the OK button. Use the arrow buttons to scroll through the optio ns, and then press the OK button to select an option.
Make color or blac k and white copies 1. Load the document onto the scanner glass or into the do cument feeder. 2. On the control panel, pre ss the Black or Color bu tton to start copying.
2. On the control panel, press the Copy Menu button. 3. Use the arrow buttons to select the Optimize menu, and then press the OK button. 4. Use the arrow buttons to select the correct option, and then press the OK butt on. 5. Press the Bl ack or Colo r button to start copying.
4. Dry the glass and white pl astic with a chamois or a cellulose sponge to prevent spotting. 5. Plug in the product, a nd then use th e power switch to turn on the produ ct. Adjust the lightness or darkness for copies 1. Load the document onto the scanner glass or into the document feed er.
Set the paper size and type for copying on special paper 1. On the control panel, press the Copy Menu button. 2. Use the arrow buttons to select the Paper menu item, and then press the OK button. 3. From th e list of paper sizes, select the name of the paper size that is in T ray 1, and then press the OK button.
Copy photos NOTE: Copy photos from the scann er glass, not from the docume nt feeder. 1. Place the photo on the scanner gl a ss, picture-side down at the upper left corner of the g lass, and close the scann er lid. 2. On the control panel, pre ss the Copy Menu button.
Copy mixed size originals Use the scanner glass to make co pies of mixed size originals. NOTE: You can use the documen t feeder to copy mixed size originals o nly if the pages share a common dimension. Fo r example, you can combine Letter and Lega l size pages because they have the same width.
Copy on both sides manually (duplex) 1. Load the first page of the document onto the scanner glas s or into the document fe eder. 2. On the control panel, press the Black or Color button to start co pying. 3. Remove the printed copy from the output b in, rotate the stack 180 degrees, and then lo ad the page wi th the printed side do wn into Tray 1.
5. Press the Bl ack or Colo r button to start copying. 6. Repeat these steps until the copy is co mplete. 120 Chapter 10 Cop y ENWW.
11 Scan ● Use scan functions ● Scan settings ENWW 121.
Use scan functions Scan methods Perform scan jobs in the following ways. ● Scan from the compute r by using HP Scan software ● Scan from TWAIN-compliant o r Windows Im aging Application (WIA )-compliant software NOTE: To learn about and use text-recognition softw are, install t he Readiris progra m from the softwar e CD.
Generally, a software program is WIA-compliant if it has a command such as Picture/From Scanner or Camera in the Insert or File menu . If you are unsu re whether the program is WIA-complia nt, see the software program Help or d ocumentation. Start the scan from within the WIA-compliant program.
Scan settings Scanner resolution and color If you are printing a scanned image, and the qua lity is not what you expected, yo u might have selected a resolution or co lor setting in the sca nne r software that does n ot match your needs.
Resolution and color guidelines The following table de scribes the recommended resolu tion and color settings for different types of scan jobs. NOTE: The default resolution is 200 ppi.
Scan quality Over time, specks of debris might col lect on t he scanne r glass and white plastic backing, which can affect performance. Use the follow ing procedure to clean the scanner glass and white plastic backing. 1. Use the power switch to turn off the product, and then unplu g the power cord from the electrical socket.
12 Manage and maintain the product ● Print information pag es ● Change the product setting s from a computer ● Use HP Web Jetadmin software ● Product security featu res ● Economy settin gs .
Print information pages Information pages reside within the product me mory. These pages help diagnose an d solve problems with the product. NOTE: If the product langua ge was not corre ctly set during insta llation, you can set the langua ge manually so the informatio n pages print in one of the supported la nguages.
3. Use the arrow buttons to select the re port you want to print, and the n press the OK button to print the report. 4. Press the Cancel button to exit the menus.
Change the product settings from a computer NOTE: This tool is available only if you performe d a full installation when you installed the product. To change the pro duct settings from a computer , open the HP Device Tool box. 1. Click the Start button, and then click the Programs item.
Tab or section Description System tab Provides the ability to configure the product from your computer. ● Device Information : Provides basic product and compan y information. ● Paper Setup : Allows you to change the paper-handling defaults for the product.
Product security features The product supports security standards and re comme nded protocols that he lp you keep the p roduct secure, protect critical information o n your netw ork, and simplify the way you mo nitor and maintain the product. For in-depth informati on about HP's secure imaging an d printing solutions, visit www.
Economy settings Sleep mode The adjustabl e sleep mode feature reduces p ower consumption when the product ha s been inactive for an extended pe riod. You can set the length of time before the product en ters sleep mode. NOTE: This mode does not affect prod uct warm-up time.
Archive print Archive print produces output that is less susceptibl e to toner smearing an d dusting. Use archive print to create documents that you wan t to preserve or archive. 1. On the control panel, pre ss the Setup button. 2. Use the arrow bu ttons to select the Service menu, and then press the OK button.
Clean the product Clean the document feeder pick up rollers and separati on pad If the product document feeder experience s paper-handl ing problems, such as jams or multiple-page feeds, clean the document feed er rollers and separation pad. 1. Open the docume nt feeder cover.
Clean the paper path During the printing proc ess, paper, toner, and du st particles can accumulate inside the produ ct. Over time, this buildup can cause print- quality problems such as toner specks or smearing. This product has a cleaning mo de that can correct and prev ent these types of proble ms.
13 Solve problems ● Self help ● Solve problems checklist ● Factors that affect product performance ● Restore factory settings ● Interpret control panel messag es ● Paper feeds incorrectly .
Self help In addition to the information in this gui de, other sources are avail able that provide helpfu l information. HP Help and Learn Center The HP Help and Learn Center and other documen tation are on the CD that came with the product or in the HP Program folder on your computer.
Solve problems checklist Follow these steps wh en trying to solve a p roblem with the prod uct. ● Step 1: Make sure th at the product is set u p correctly ● Step 2: Check the ca bling or wireless .
Step 5: Check the software 1. Make sure that the pr oduct so ftware is installed correctly. 2. Verify that you have inst alled the printer driver for this pr oduct. Check the program to ma ke sure that you are using the printe r driver for this product .
Factors that affect product performance Several factors affect the ti me it takes to print a job: ● The use of special pap er (such as transpare ncies, heavy paper, and custo m-size paper) ● Print quality settings in the printer driver.
Interpret control panel messages The majority o f the control-panel messages are intende d to guide the user throu gh typical operati on. The control-p anel messages indicate th e status of the curre nt operation, an d include a page coun t on the second line of the display, if appropriate.
Control panel message Description Recommended action 52 Scanner Error Turn off then on The product has experienced a scanner error. 1. Turn off the power by using the power switch. 2. If a surge protector is being used, remove it. Plug the product directly into the wall socket.
Control panel message Description Recommended action Engine comm. Error The product has experienced an internal hardware error. 1. Turn off the power by using the power switch. 2. If a surge protector is being used, remove it. Plug the product directly into the wall socket.
Control panel message Description Recommended action Memory is low Press [OK] The product does not have enough memory to process the job. If the product is processing other jobs, send the job again after those jobs have finished. If the problem continues, turn off the power by using the power switch, and then wait at least 30 seconds.
Control panel message Description Recommended action Print failure The product experienced an internal communication error. 1. Turn off the power by using the power switch. 2. If a surge protector is being used, remove it. Plug the product directly into the wall socket.
Control panel message Description Recommended action Turn off. Reinstall fuser The fuser needs to be replaced. Turn off the power by using the power switch. Wait at least 30 seconds, and then turn on the power and wait for the product to initialize. If the error persists, contact HP.
Paper feeds incorrectly or becomes jammed The product does not pick up paper If the product does no t pick up paper from the tray, try these solutions. 1. Open the produ ct and remove any jammed sheets of paper. 2. Load the tray with the correct size of paper for your job.
Clear jams When clearing jams, be very care ful not to tear jammed paper. If a small piece of pa per remains in the product, it could caus e additional jams. NOTE: After removing the ja mmed paper, ope n and clos e a product door to clear the control pa nel jam message.
Clear jams from the document feeder 1. Open the document feeder cover. 2. Lift the document feeder mechanism, an d gently pull th e jammed paper ou t. 3.
Clear jams from the input tray 1. Remove the paper from the input tray. 2. With both hands, grasp the paper, and carefully pull it free from the product.
Clear jams from the output bin CAUTION: Do not use sharp objects, su ch as tweezers or needle-nose p liers, to remove jams. Damage caused by sharp objects wi ll not be covered by the warranty. 1. With both hands, grasp the paper, and carefully pull it free from the product.
2. With both hands, grasp the paper, and carefully pull it free from the product. 3. Close the rear door. ENWW Paper feeds incorrectly or becomes jammed 153.
Improve print quality You can prevent most p rint-quality problems by followin g these guidelines. ● Use the correct pape r type setting in the printer d river ● Adjust color settings in the print.
Adjust color settings in the printer driver Change the color theme for a print job 1. On the File menu in the soft ware progr am, cli ck Print . 2. Click Properties or Preferences . 3. Click the Color tab. 4. Select a color theme from the Color Them es drop-down list.
4. Click the Automatic or Manual setting. ● Automatic setting: Select this sett ing for most color print jobs ● Manual setting : Select t his setti ng to adjust the color settings inde pendent from other settings. NOTE: Ch anging color settings man ually can impact outpu t.
Print a cleaning page Print a cleaning pa ge to remove dust and excess toner from the paper pa th if you are having any o f the following prob lems: ● Specks of toner are on the printed pages. ● Toner is smearing on the printe d pages. ● Repeated marks occur on the printed pages.
HP UPD PS driv er ● Recommended for printing with Adobe ® software programs or with other highly graphics-intensive software programs ● Provides support for printing from postscript emulation nee.
The product does not print or it prints slowly The product does not print If the product does no t print at all, try the fo llowing solutions. 1. Make sure the product is tu rned on and that the cont rol panel indicates it is ready .
Solve connectivity problems Solve direct-connect problems If you have connected the product dire ctly to a computer, che ck the cable. ● Verify that the cable is co nnected to the compu ter and to the product. ● Verify that the cable is not longer than 5 m (16.
The computer is unable to communicate with the product 1. Test network communication by p inging the network. a. Open a co mmand-line prompt o n yo ur computer. For Windows, click Start , click Run , and then type cmd . b. Type ping followed by the IP address for you r product.
Solve wireless network problems Wireless connectivity checklist ● Verify that the network cab le is not connected. ● Verify that the product an d the wireless router are turned on and h ave power. Also make sure that the wireless radio in the product is turned on.
The product does not print, and the computer has a th ird-party firewall installed 1. Update the firewa ll with the most recent upda te available from the manufa cturer. 2. If progr ams reques t firewall acce ss when you install the prod uct or try to print, make sure you allow the programs to run.
3. Test network communication by p inging the network. a. Open a co mmand-line prompt o n yo ur computer. For Windows, click Start , click Run , and then type cmd . b. Type ping followed by the ro uter IP address. For Mac, open the Network Utility, and then supply the IP ad dress in the correct field in the Ping pane.
Product software problems with Windows Problem Solution A printer driver for the product is not visible in the Printer folder ● Restart the computer to restart the spooler pro cess. If the spooler has crashed, no printer drivers will appear in the Printers folder.
Solve common Mac problems ● The printer driver is not lis ted in the Print & Fax list ● The product name doe s not appear in the product list in the Pri nt & Fax list ● The printer drive.
When connected with a USB cable, th e product does not appear in the Print & Fax list after th e driver is selected. Software troubleshooting ▲ Make sure that your Mac operating system is Mac OS X 10.5 or later. Hardware troublesh ooting 1. Make sure that the product is tur ned on.
168 Chapter 13 Solve problems ENWW.
A Supplies and accessories ● Order parts, accessories, and supplies ● Part numbers ENWW 169.
Order parts, accessories, and supplies HP original print cartridge, imaging drum, and paper Order genuine HP parts or accessories buy/parts Order through service or support provid ers Contac t an HP-authorized service or support provider.
B Service and support ● Hewlett-Packa rd limited warranty st atement ● HP's Premium Protect ion Warranty: LaserJet prin t cartridge limited warranty stat ement ● HP's LaserJet imaging .
Hewlett-Packard limited warranty statement HP PRODUCT DURATION OF L IMITED WARR ANTY HP LaserJet Pro 100 color MFP M175a, M175nw One-year product exchange Imaging drum, CE314A, ships with pro duct One.
HP's Premium Protection Warranty: LaserJet print cartridge limited warranty statement This HP product is warranted to be free from defects in m aterials and workmanship.
HP's LaserJet imaging drum limited warranty statement for replacement imaging drums This HP P roduct is warranted to be fr ee from defe cts in materials a nd workmanship for one-year from installation.
Data stored on the print cartridge and imaging drum The HP print cartri dges and imaging dr um used with this prod uct contain a memory chip that a ssists in the operation of the product.
End User License Agreement PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SOFTWARE PRODUC T: This End-User License Agreement (“EULA”) is a contract betwee n (a) you (either an individual or the entity you represent) and (b) He wlett-Packard Company (“HP”) that governs your use of the software product (“Software”).
an indirect transfer, such as a consignment. Pr ior to the transfer, the end user receiving the transferred Software will agree to this EULA. Upon transfer of the HP Software, your license is automatically terminated. b. Restrictions. You may not re nt, lease or lend the HP Softwar e or Use the HP Software for commercial timesharin g or bureau use.
OpenSSL This product in cludes software deve loped by the OpenSSL Project for use in the Open SSL Toolkit ( THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE O penSSL PROJECT ``AS IS'&apos.
Repack the product If HP Customer Care determines that your p roduct nee ds to be returned to HP for repair, follow these steps to repack the product before shippin g it. CAUTION: Shipping damage as a result of inadequate pa cki ng is the custom er’s responsibility.
C Specifications ● Physical specifications ● Power consumption, ele ctrical spec ifications, and acoustic emissions ● Environmental specifi cations ENWW 181.
Physical specifications Table C -1 Physical sp ecification s 1 Specification HP LaserJet Pro 100 color MFP M175 Product weight 15.8 kg (34.8 lb) Product height 337 mm (13.3 in) Product depth 323 mm (12.7 in) Product width 442 mm (17.4 in) 1 Values are based on preliminary data.
D Regulatory information ● FCC regulations ● Environmental produc t steward ship program ● Declaration of conformity (ba se models) ● Declaration of conformity (wireless models) ● Safety sta.
FCC regulations This equipment ha s been tested a nd found to comply with th e limits for a Class B d igital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These lim its are designed to pro vide reasonab le protection against harmful interferen ce in a residential inst allation.
Environmental product stewardship program Protecting the environment Hewlett-Packard Company i s committed to providing q uality products in a n environmentally sound manner. This product ha s been designed with se veral attributes to minimize impacts on our environment .
NOTE: Use the return label to return original HP LaserJet print car tridges only. Please do not use this label for HP inkjet cartridges, non-HP cartridge s, re filled or remanufa ctured cartridg es or warranty returns. For info rmation about recycling yo ur HP inkjet cartridges please g o to http://www.
Non-U.S. returns To particip ate in HP Planet Partners retu rn and recycling program, just fo llow the simple directions in the recycling guide (f ound inside the packaging of your new p roduct supply item) or visit . Select your country/region for information on how to return your HP La serJet printing supplies.
● HP’s end-of-life product return an d recycling program ● Material Safety Data Sheets Visit go/environment or hpinfo/globalcitizenship/environment .
Declaration of confor mity (base models) Declaration of Conformit y according to ISO/IEC 17050-1 and EN 1705 0-1 Manufacturer's Name: Hewlett-Packard Company DoC#: BOISB-10 01-02-rel.
European Contact: Your Local Hewlett-Packard Sales and Se rvice Office or Hewlett-Pa ckard GmbH, Department HQ- TRE / Standards Europe, Herrenberg er Strasse 140, D-71034, Böblingen (FAX: +49-7031-14-3143) www.
Declaration of conformi ty (wireless mo dels) Declaration of Conformit y according to ISO/IEC 17050-1 and EN 1705 0-1 Manufacturer's Name: Hewlett-Packard Company DoC#:BOISB-1001-03- rel.
This Device complies with Part 15 of the FCC R ules. Operatio n is subject to the following tw o Conditions: (1) this device may n ot cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, in cluding interference that may cause undesire d operation.
Safety statements Laser safety The Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) of the U.S. Food and Drug Admin istration has implemented regulations for laser prod ucts ma nufactured since August 1, 1976. Compliance is mandatory for products marketed in the United States.
Laser statement for Finland Luokan 1 laserla ite Klass 1 Laser Appa rat HP LaserJet Pro 100 colo r M175a, M175nw, la serkirj oitin on käyttäjän k annalta turvallinen luokan 1 laserlaite. Normaalissa käytössä kirj oittimen suojakotelointi estää la sersäteen pääsyn l aitteen ulkopuolelle.
Substances Table (China) Restriction on Hazardous Substances statement (Turkey) Türkiye Cumhuriyeti: EEE Yönetmeli ğ ine Uygundur ENWW Safety statements 195.
Additional statements for wireless products FCC compliance statem ent—United States Exposure t o radio freq uency radiati on CAUTION: The radiated output power o f this device is far below th e FCC radio frequency ex posure limits.
Notice for use in France For 2.4 GHz Wirele ss LAN operation of th is product certain restrictions apply: This equipment may be used indoor for the en tire 2400-2 483.5 MHz frequency band (channe ls 1-13). For outdoor use, only 2400-2454 MHz frequency b and (channels 1-9) ma y be used.
198 Appendix D Re gula tory information ENWW.
Index Symbols/Numerics 2-sided printing Window s 84 A accessories ordering 169, 170 part numbers 170 acoustic specifications 182 ad-hoc wireless network configuring 44 description 43 altitude specific.
default settings, restore 141 defects, repeating 71 demo page 128 device status Macintosh Services tab 32 disposal, end -of-life 187 document conventi ons iii document feeder jams 150 double-sided pri.
scanning from TWAIN- compliant software 122 supported operating systems 24 Macintosh resize documents 29 support 179 Macintosh driver settings custom-size paper 29 Services tab 32 watermarks 30 managi.
part numbers 170 recycling 67, 185 storage 67 supplies status page 128 warranty 174 print job canceling 29, 78 changing settings 18 print media supported 51 print quality improving 154 improving (Wind.
supported operating systems 24 supported Windows operating systems 16 uninstalling for Windows 20 uninstalling Mac 26 UNIX 21 Window s 20 Solaris software 21 solving direct-connect problems 160 networ.
204 Index ENWW.
© 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. *CE866-90908* *CE866-90908* CE866-90908.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP LaserJet 100 M175nw (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP LaserJet 100 M175nw heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP LaserJet 100 M175nw vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP LaserJet 100 M175nw leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP LaserJet 100 M175nw krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP LaserJet 100 M175nw bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP LaserJet 100 M175nw kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP LaserJet 100 M175nw . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.