Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product HUV4421DXP van de fabrikant Husqvarna
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Owner’s Ma nual 2007 Utilit y Vehicles Gasoline and Diesel HUV 4421G HUV 4421GXP HUV 4421D HUV 44 21DXP.
Husqvarna Forest an d Garden 7349 S t atesvil le Rd. Charlotte , NC 2826 9 USA www sqvarna.c om/huv 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Page 1 NOTICE W arranty informa tion a ppears on the last pages of thi s man ual.
Page 2 2007 HUV 4421 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner ’s Manual FOREWORD Thank y ou for cho osing Husqv arna, a world lea der in outdoor products.
2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Safety De tails ............. ............. .................... ............. ............. ............ .................... ........ ........... .............
Vehicl e Fea ture Ident ifica tion Page 4 2007 HUV 4421 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner ’s Manual ALL H UV 442 1 MODELS DIESEL W ARNING DECAL (DIESEL VEHICLES ONL Y , ON P ASSENGER-SIDE SEA T.
Vehicl e Fea ture Ident ifica tion 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Page 5 ALL HUV 442 1 MODELS • Do not modify or remove Roll-ov er Protective Structure (ROPS). • Replace ROPS if damaged. Do not attempt repair . • Use seat belts during operation.
Vehicl e Fea ture Ident ifica tion Page 6 2007 HUV 4421 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner ’s Manual.
Safety D etails 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Page 7 SAFETY DET AILS ý W ARNING • This owner ’ s manual should be read completely be fore attempting to drive or service the vehicle. Failure to follow the in structions in this manual could result in property damage, severe personal injury , or death.
General W arnings Page 8 2007 HUV 4421 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner ’s Manual GENERAL W ARNINGS The foll owing safet y statements must b e heeded wheneve r the vehi cle is be ing oper ated, repair ed, or ser - viced. S afety dec al id entifica tion in format ion is a lso inc luded b eginning on page 4.
General W arnings 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Page 9 ý W ARNING • Only t rained technicians should s ervice or rep air the vehicle. Any one doing even simple rep airs or service should have knowledge and experience in electrica l and mechanical rep air .
Genera l Informat ion Page 1 0 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual GENERAL INFORMATION This m anual inc ludes ope ratin g proced ures, ma intena nce, an d regular servic ing in formation for HUV 44 21G , HUV 4421D, HUV 4421GXP , and HUV 4 421DXP gas oline and diesel ve hicles .
Controls and Indicato rs 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 11 Figure 4 Inst rument Pan el – Gasol ine V ehicles Figure 5 Instrument Pan el – Diesel V ehicles O.
Controls and Indicato rs Page 1 2 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual KEY SWITCH – GASOLINE V EHICLE S The key s witch (7) is mounted on the in stru ment panel to the righ t of the ste ering colu mn (Figure 4, Page 1 1) .
Controls and Indicato rs 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 13 BRAKE PEDAL The brak e pedal (2) is l ocated to the im mediate l eft of the ac celer ator pedal (Figure 4 and Figure 5, Page 11 ) . T o slow or stop t he veh icle, pres s the br ake pedal .
Controls and Indicato rs Page 1 4 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual LOW OIL W ARNING LAMP The low oil war ning lamp (9) is loc ated on the in strum ent panel just to th e left of the steer ing colu mn (Figure 4 and Figure 5, Page 1 1) .
Roll-Ov er Prot ective S tructure a nd Safe ty Belts 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 15 ROLL-OVER PROTECTIVE STRUCTURE AND SAFETY BELT S All HU V 4421 vehicl es are e quippe d with a Rol l-Ove r Prote ctive Structure (RO PS) and safety belts for e ach occupant.
Roll-Ov er Prot ective S tructure a nd Safe ty Belts Page 1 6 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual ý W ARNING • Af ter in serting th e t ab, make sure the tab and buckle are loc ked and that t he belt is not twisted.
Seat Latc h and A djustmen t 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 17 SEAT LATCH AND ADJUSTMENT The vehic le seat(s) are hinge d to allow eas y access to the engine c ompartment. T o r aise the s eat bottom, grasp th e rear sid e of the sea t bottom , and pul l firml y in a for ward/ upward di rection .
Perfor mance In spec tion Page 1 8 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Use the follo wing li st as a gu ide to inspe ct the veh icle.
Drivin g Instruc tions 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 19 • Revers e buz zer: T he reverse bu zzer sh ould so und as a warni ng when the For ward/R everse handle is in the REVERSE posit ion. • Steering: The vehicle should be e asy to steer and s hould not have any play i n the ste ering whee l.
Drivin g Instruc tions Page 2 0 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual ý W ARNING • Do not leave children una ttended on vehicle. • Childre n requirin g a child s afety seat must not ride on th e vehicle . Comply with state and local laws pertaining to child safety .
Drivin g Instruc tions 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 21 8.2. Diesel v ehicles: T o preheat g low plu gs in cold weath er , turn the ke y to the PREHE A T posi tion an d hold it ther e for 10-1 5 secon ds. T urn the k ey to the ST A RT position and hol d it ther e until the en gine starts.
Bed Latc h and Prop Ro d – HUV 4421G and HUV 4421D Onl y Page 2 2 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual STOPPING THE V E HICLE T o stop the v ehicle , releas e the ac celera tor pedal and pres s the br ake peda l until the vehi cle com es to a com- plete stop.
Loading and Unl oadin g Cargo 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 23 LOADING AND UNLOADING CARGO ý W ARNING • Firmly engage p ark brake before loading vehicle. • Do not allow riders in the cargo be d. • Reduce vehicle load and speed when driving up or down sl opes or on uneven terrain.
Vehicle Load Ca pacities Page 2 4 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Gross T railer W eight Gross tr ailer w eight is the com bination of the tr ailer weight and the trail er load w eight.
Towing with the Ve hicle 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 25 T OWING WITH THE V EHICLE ý W ARNING • Do not tow a vehicle or trailer on public street s or highways. • Normal vehicle operating speed should be reduced when towing.
Storag e Page 2 6 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual ST ORAGE See General W arnings on p age 8. ý DA N G E R • Do not attempt to drain fuel when the engine is hot or while it is running. • Clean up any spilled fuel before operating the vehicle.
Storag e 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 27 PREPARING THE V EHICLE FOR E XTENDED STORAGE 1. Unload the vehic le so th at the tir es are supp ortin g only th e weigh t of the vehicle . 2. S to re the vehi cle in a cool, dry place.
Maintena nce Page 2 8 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual 9. The batter y should be clean and fre e of corrosi on. W ash the batt ery top and termina ls with a solu tion of baking s oda and wate r (1 cup (237 mL) bakin g soda pe r 1 gallon (3.
Period ic Se rvice Schedul e 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 29 ý W ARNING • Only t rained technicians should s ervice or rep air the vehicle. Any one doing even simple rep airs or service should have knowledge and experience in electrica l and mechanical rep air .
Period ic Se rvice Schedul e Page 3 0 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual NOTE: If the vehicle is constantly s ubjected to he avy use or severe ope rating co nditio ns, the prev entive maintenan ce pro cedures s hould be performe d more often than re comme nded in th e Period ic Ser- vice an d Lubric ation Schedul e.
Period ic Se rvice Schedul e 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 31 ý W ARNING • If any problems are found during scheduled inspection or service, do not operate vehicle until repairs are made. Failure t o make ne cessar y repairs could r esult in fire, pro perty dama ge, severe personal injury , or death.
Perio dic Lubr ication Sched ule Page 3 2 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual PERIODIC LUBRICATION SCHEDULE PERIODIC LUBRICATION SCHEDULE REGULAR INTERVAL SERVICE LUBRICAT.
Brak e Flui d Rese rvoi r 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 33 BRAKE FLUID RESERVOIR The brak e fluid rese rvoir ( 1) is loc ated under th e hood (Figure 17) .
Engin e Oil Page 3 4 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual BRAKE FLUID Brake fluid level sho uld be with in 1/4-inc h (6 mm) from the top of the res ervoir (Figure 18) . Also , brak e fluid should b e clean wi th no res idue in the botto m of the rese rvoir or ot her evid ence of contaminati on.
Engin e Oil 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 35 ENGINE OIL AND FILTER CHA NGE Engine oil and oi l filter s hould be c hanged after the firs t 20 hours of operatio n (gasol ine) o r 50 hours of oper- ation (d iese l).
Engin e Oil Page 3 6 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Engine Oil Drai ning 1. T urn the ke y swi tch to t he OFF po sitio n and remo ve the key . P lace the F orwar d/Revers e handle i n the NEUTRAL posit ion. Cho ck the fron t wheels .
Engin e Oil 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 37 Engine Oil Filt er Change 1. Drain the engin e oil. See Engine Oil Draining on page 36. 2. Place th e oil drain pan und er the en gine oi l fil ter (2) (Figure 23 or Figure 24, Page 37) .
Engin e Oil Page 3 8 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual 4. Use a cl ean, lint- free ra g to wip e the oil filter po rt fla nge su rface cle an where th e oil filter ga sket seats.
Gearc ase Lubri catio n 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 39 OIL V ISCOSITY Choose the visc osity accor ding to the temper ature as sh own in the appropr iate oil visc osity chart (Figure 29 or Figure 30) . See following NOTE.
Gearc ase Lubri catio n Page 4 0 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual T ran smission: Clean and i nstall the dra in plug ( 2) before filling th e transm ission with n ew lubric ant (Figure 32) . T ight en the drain p lug to 8 ft-l b (1 1 N·m ).
En gine C oolan t – Diesel Veh icle s 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 41 ENGINE COOLANT – DIESEL V EHICLES ENGINE COOLANT LEV EL CHECK The coola nt reserv e tank (2) is located under the hood on t he passenger side (Figure 17) .
Fuelin g Instruc tions Page 4 2 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Air Filter Inst allation 1. Push the new air filt er cart ridge on to the no zzle in side the ca nister . 2. Place th e canis ter cap, marked TOP , on the top c enter of the canis ter .
Fuelin g Instruc tions 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 43 Biodiesel Fuel (Diesel V eh icles O nly) Biodies el fuel has u nique qualitie s that shou ld be co nside red be fore it is u sed in the Ku bota D722 d iesel engine.
Fuelin g Instruc tions Page 4 4 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual NOTE: Biodiesel fuel does not hav e long-ter m stability an d must not be left in engines longer than three months. T his fue l type att racts mois ture and may con tain highe r water conten t than con ventional diesel f uel.
Battery 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 45 BATTERY See General W arnings on p age 8. ý DA N G E R • Battery – Explosiv e gases! Do not smok e. Keep sparks and fl ames away from the veh icle and service ar ea.
Using A B ooste r Batter y (Jum p Starti ng) Page 4 6 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual 3. Disconn ect the batter y cables, nega tive (–) cab le first. See W ARNING “T o avoid unintentionally start- ing...” on p age 9.
Cleaning the Ve hicle 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 47 5. Connect the end of th e first cab le (1) to the positiv e (+) term inal of the booste r battery . Co nnect the ot her end of the same cable (2) to the positiv e termina l of the ve hicle batte ry .
Access orie s Page 4 8 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual ACCESSORIES There is a compl ete line of access ory equipm ent availab le from Husqv arna and our dealer s/distr ibutors . Y ou can obtain the name and phone n umber of your clo sest Husq varna c ontact by visi ting our web site a t www .
Subse quent Ow ner Regi stratio n 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 49 ý W ARNING • T o avoid the risk of ro llover when operating a vehic le equipped with mud tires on a p aved surface: reduce speed, use extreme caution, and drive slowly in turns.
Vehicl e Specif icati ons Page 5 0 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual V EHICLE SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIO NS HUV 442 1G Gaso line HUV 4421D Diesel HUV 4421GX P Gasoline HUV 4421DXP Diesel POWER SOURCE Engi ne: 4-cycle OHV , 614 cc, 20 .
Vehicl e Specif icati ons 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 51 BODY/CHASSIS, CONTINUED Gaso line Diesel Gasoline Dies el *Weig ht: Gasol ine with e lectri c bed lift, mud ti res, and w ithout brush guard Diesel w ith e lectric be d lift, mu d tires, and b rush guar d 1450 lb.
Page 5 2 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual HUSQVARNA ® LIMITED TWO YEAR W ARRAN TY FOR 2007 TRANSPORT A TION AND UTILITY VEHIC LES 1.
Page 5 4 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual T ECH NICAL & CONSUMER INFO RMAT ION (GASOLINE ENGINES) Carburetor Modifi cation for High Altitude Operation At high altitud e, the standard car buretor air- fuel mix ture will be too rich.
2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual Pa ge 55 Emission Control System Information Source o f Emissi ons The comb ustion pr ocess p roduces ca rbon m onoxide, o xides of nitr ogen, an d hydrocar bons.
Page 5 6 2007 HUV 44 21 Ga soli ne and D iesel V ehicle O wner’s Manual CALIFORNIA EMISSION CONTROL W ARRANTY ST ATEMENT Y ou r new Husqvarn a, Inc . ("Husq varna") vehicl e engine compli es wit h both the U.S . EP A an d State of Calif ornia em ission regulati ons.
CCI P/N 103218307 Husqvarna Part N umber 531 30 81-86 Edition Code 0706A 00000.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Husqvarna HUV4421DXP (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Husqvarna HUV4421DXP heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Husqvarna HUV4421DXP vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Husqvarna HUV4421DXP leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Husqvarna HUV4421DXP krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Husqvarna HUV4421DXP bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Husqvarna HUV4421DXP kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Husqvarna HUV4421DXP . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.