Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product G544-5774-01 van de fabrikant IBM
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Inf o p rin t Se rv e r f o r iS eri e s In tr o d u cti o n a n d P l an nin g G ui d e Ve r s i o n 5 , R e l e a s e 2 . 0 G544-5774-01 .
Inf o p rin t Se rv e r f o r iS eri es In tr o d u cti o n a n d P l an nin g G ui d e Ve r s i o n 5 , R e l e a s e 2 . 0 G544-5774-01 .
Second Edition (August 2002) This edition applies to the IBM ® Infoprint ® Server for iSeries ™ V ersion 5 Release 2 Modification 0 licensed program, Program Number 5722–IP1, and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions or technical newsletters.
Contents Figures ............................ v About Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide (G544–5774) ......................... v i i Who Should Read This Book .................... v i i Prerequisite and Related information .
Notices ........................... 2 7 T rademarks .......................... 2 8 Glossary ........................... 3 1 Bibliography ......................... 3 7 Infoprint Server ......................... 3 7 Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) .
Figures 1. iSeries Printing without Infoprint Server ....................... 3 2. iSeries Output Management with Infoprint Server ................... 5 3. Publishing iSeries Output Electronically ...................... 1 0 4. Electronic Report Distribution .
vi Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide.
About Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide (G544 – 5774) This publication provides an overview of Infoprint Server for iSeries V ersion 5 Release 2 (licensed program number 5722 – IP1). The term ″ iSeries ″ refers to the system formerly called AS/400 ® .
With every new hardware order , you receive the iSeries Setup and Operations CD-ROM , SK3T -4098-01. This CD-ROM contains IBM Es erv er iSeries Access for Windows and the EZ-Setup wizard. iSeries Access offers a powerful set of client and server capabilities for connecting PCs to iSeries servers.
Summary of Changes Summary of Changes for Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide, G544 – 5774 – 01 This publication contains additions and changes to information previously .
x Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide.
Chapter 1. What Infoprint Server Can Do for Y ou Infoprint Server for iSeries (hereafter referred to as Infoprint Server) is a separately orderable program for OS/400 5.1 and higher . Infoprint Server focuses on the network, extending the considerable capabilities of the iSeries beyond printing to the management and dissemination of output.
form definitions. This separates page formatting from the line-of-business application. In addition, with Infoprint Designer for iSeries, you have a graphical design interface for these applications.
part of the AFP architecture and enable the pages to be formatted independently of the application program. Infoprint Designer for iSeries is a fully graphical output composition system that uses these resources to design new applications or re-engineer existing ones.
integrated and creates a native, text-based ASCII PDF data file when the input to the transform is non-image. This PDF file can then be routed to one of three places: an integrated file system directory , an output queue, or outbound by e-mail.
See Chapter 2, “ Using Infoprint Server ” on page 9 for examples that show how you can use the Infoprint Server components in different printing scenarios. For more detailed information about the Infoprint Server components, see Chapter 3, “ Understanding the Infoprint Server Components ” on page 17.
number , for the mail tag. Now you can use the PDF mapping program to interpret mail tags, specify the subject text, and add a customized message to the beginning of each e-mail.
document is physically divided, each file can be sent to a different e-mail address, retrieved, or printed individually , which replaces the need for a manual ″ burst and bind ″ process. Better Access to IPDS Printers In today ’ s network environments, workstation users are often limited to personal and LAN printers.
The PDF subsystem lets you use the indexing information to break a large file into smaller files, such as customer statements, then store, e-mail, or print the smaller files. Print to PDF Printers When IPDS printers are not required, businesses need access to ASCII printers.
Chapter 2. Using Infoprint Server This chapter describes how you can use Infoprint Server in your particular environment to meet your printing needs. It includes the following scenarios: v “ Publish.
Publishing iSeries Output Electronically In this scenario, a company uses an iSeries to generate monthly reports. These reports are then distributed to the sales regions. Instead of sending out hardcopy versions of these reports, the company wants to make them available for Web access.
Electronic Report Distribution In this scenario, a company wants to distribute its monthly sales reports to regional managers. Currently , the reports are generated on an OS/400, printed, manually separated, and sent to the managers. The goal is to electronically send the regional managers only the report for the area that they control.
Printing Enterprise Print Output on IPDS Printers In this scenario, a business uses an enterprise resource planning software package to create and print its output in PCL format. They would like to direct their high volume print jobs to high-speed IPDS printers.
Integrating Web and Network Images into iSeries Applications A manufacturer has a drawing application on Windows NT that creates engineering drawings in JPEG format. The manufacturer wants to be able to use the same drawing on a work order , but the work order is a line of business (LOB) document produced by the iSeries.
Indexing Data for Navigation A telephone company creates customer statements by using the external formatting capabilities on the iSeries (page definitions and form definitions) together with AFP; this is called mixed data.
Distributing AFP Output Electronically A company creates complex documents that contain page segments, overlays, and bar codes. The documents are then printed and distributed to users within their network and external clients. This company wants to be able to distribute the documents electronically .
16 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide.
Chapter 3. Understanding the Infoprint Server Components This chapter describes the Infoprint Server components. It describes how each component works and lists some of the benefits obtained through the component. Figure 9 shows the Infoprint Server components and how they fit into your system.
Optionally , the PDF subsystem also works with group tags when they have been inserted into the data. Y ou can use AFP T oolbox, the Create AFP Data (CRT AFPDT A) command, or DDS keywords to create group tags in the data. The PDF subsystem can process a file with group tags in one of two ways.
Note: Although the PDF subsystem interacts with PSF to send e-mail, you do not need a PSF licence to use the subsystem. The PDF subsystem can add index tags to the PDF file or convert the input data to multiple PDF files where you have inserted group tags.
transform and T ransform Manager together determine the data stream and call the correct transform. Image print transform is already a part of your OS/400 system, but T ransform Manager comes only with Infoprint Server for iSeries.
After Create AFP Data creates the output files, you can use them in these ways: v Send the merged file to another system for printing, storage, or viewing. v Use the AFP W orkbench Viewer (a component of iSeries Access) or the AFP Viewer Plug-in to view the file.
22 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide.
Chapter 4. Related Products Following are some of the IBM products you can use with Infoprint Server: v “ Advanced Print Utility ” v “ AFP Font Collection ” v “ AFP T oolbox ” v “ AFP Ut.
v Create tables of any complexity . v Draw circles, partial circles, ellipses, and partial ellipses. AFP T oolbox is available on OS/390 ® , z/OS ™ , AIX, and OS/400 platforms. For more information about AFP T oolbox, refer to this Web page: http://www.
iSeries Access runs on Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows98, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 95. iSeries Navigator iSeries Navigator , a component of iSeries Access, is the graphical user interface for managing your iSeries servers.
26 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide.
Notices This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area.
IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it .
Other company , product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Notices 29.
30 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide.
Glossary This glossary defines technical terms and abbreviations used in Infoprint Server documentation. If you do not find the term you are looking for , refer to the index of this publication or view IBM Dictionary of Computing, , located at: http://www.
C carriage control character . An optional character in an input data record that specifies a write, space, or skip operation. cassette. In a cut-sheet printer , a movable enclosure for paper supply . See also bin . character . (1) A symbol used in printing.
euro. The monetary unity of the European Monetary Union (EMU), introduced alongside national currencies on the first of January , 1999. EuroReady product.
indexing. In CRT AFPDT A, a process of matching reference points within a file and creating structured field tags within the MO:DCA document and the separate index object file.
MO:DCA data. Print data that has been composed into pages. T ext-formatting programs such as DCF can produce composed text data consisting entirely of structured fields. MO:DCA data page. A page of print data consisting entirely of structured fields. MO:DCA print data set.
S1 Page segment F1 Form definition P1 Page definition O1 Overlay H1 Recommended for microfilm rotation. The number of degrees a graphic character is turned relative to the page coordinates. S segment. Synonym for page segment . sheet. A division of the physical medium on which data is presented.
Bibliography This bibliography lists the titles of publications containing additional information about Infoprint Server for iSeries, the OS/400 operating system, Advanced Function Presentation, and related products. The titles and order numbers may change from time to time.
OS/400 Publication Order Number AS/400 Guide to Advanced Function Presentation and Print Services Facility S544-5319-03 AS/400 Command Language Reference SC41-3722 DDS Reference SC41-5712 Printer Devi.
Bibliography 39.
40 Infoprint Server for iSeries: Introduction and Planning Guide.
Readers ’ Comments — We ’ d Like to Hear from Y ou Infoprint Server for iSeries Introduction and Planning Guide V ersion 5, Release 2.0 Publication No.
Readers ’ Comments — We ’ d Like to Hear from Y ou G544-5774-01 G544-5774-01 Cut or Fold Along Line Cut or Fold Along Line Fold and T ape Please do not staple Fold and T ape Fold and T ape Please do not staple Fold and T ape NO POST AGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED ST A TES BUSINESS REPL Y MAIL FIRST -CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO.
Program Number: 5722 – IP1 Printed in U.S.A. G544-5774-01.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat IBM G544-5774-01 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen IBM G544-5774-01 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens IBM G544-5774-01 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding IBM G544-5774-01 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over IBM G544-5774-01 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van IBM G544-5774-01 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de IBM G544-5774-01 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met IBM G544-5774-01 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.