Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product HS-2606 van de fabrikant Intel
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HS-2606 ULV Intel® Celeron® processor Embedded Engine Board ‧ Comp actFl ash ‧ PCMCIA ‧ Mini PCI ‧ ‧ SO-DDR ‧ CRT /Pan el ‧ TV-Out ‧ LA N ‧ Aud i o ‧ ‧ A TA/33/66/100 ‧ 4 COM ‧ USB2.
Copyright Disclaimers The accuracy of contents in this manual has passed thorough checking and review before publishing. BOSER Technology Co., Ltd., the manufacturer and publisher, is not liable for any infringements of patents or other rights resulting from its us e.
Table of Contents Chapter 1 General Description .................. ................ 1 1.1 Major Features .......... ........................... .......................... ........ 2 1.2 Specifications ................... .......................... ...
Chapter 4 AMI BIOS Setup .... ................................. 25 4.1 Starting Setup . ........................... ... ........................... ............ 25 4.2 Using Setup ........................... .... ... .... .... .... ... .... ........ .
Safety Instructions Integrated circuit s on computer boards are sensitive to static electricity . To avoid damaging chip s from electrostatic dis charge, observe the following precautions: Do not remove boards or integrated circ uits from their anti-static packaging until you are r ea d y t o ins tall the m.
1 Chapter 1 General Description The HS-2606 is a 100MHz FSB VIA CLE266/VT8235 chipset-bas ed board des igned for ULV Intel® Celeron ® proces sor 400/65 0MHz. These features combine and make the HS-2606 an ideal all-in-one industrial sing le board comp uter.
2 Additional onboard co nnectors include fo ur advanced USB2.0 port providing faster da ta transmission. And one extern al RJ-45 connector for 10/100 Base d Ethernet use . 1.1 Major Features The HS-2606 comes with the follow ing features : ULV Intel® Celeron® processor 400/650MHz One SO-DDR socket with a max.
3 1.2 Specifications CPU: ULV Intel® Celeron® processor 400/650MHz Memory: O ne SO-DDR socket supporting up to 1GB Chipset: VIA CLE266/VT8235 I/O Chi pset: Winbond W83697UF Compa.
4 1.3 Board Dimensions.
5 Chapter 2 Unpacking 2.1 Opening the Delivery Package The HS-26 06 is pack ed in an anti-s tatic bag. The b oard has components that ar e easily damage d by static electricity. Do no t remove the anti-static w rapping until p roper prec autions ha ve been taken.
6 Cables Package NO. Description 1 4-pin pow er cable x 1 2 MIC/Audio cable x 1 3 8-pin USB split type cable x 1 4 PS/2 KB/MS transfer cable x 1 5 RS-232 cable x 4 6 IDE flat cable x 1 It is recomme n.
7 Chapter 3 Hardware Installation This chapte r provides th e information on how to insta ll the hardware using the HS-2606. Th is chapter also contain s information r elated to jumper settings of s witch, and the watchdog t imer selection etc.
8 3.2 Board Layout.
9 3.3 Jumper List Jumper Default Setting Setting Page JBAT1 Clear CMOS: Normal Operation Short 1-2 10 JP2 Panel Voltage Select: +3.3V Short 1-2 12 3.4 Connector List Connector Definition Page CN1 4-pi.
10 3.6 System Memory The HS-2606 pr ovides one 200 -pin SO-DDR socket at loca tions DIM1 . The maximum capacity of the on board memory is 1GB. 3.7 CMOS Data Clear The HS-2606 has a Clear CMOS jump er on JBAT1.
11 CN2: External VCC Out Connector PIN Descri ption 1 VCC 2 GND 3 GND 4 VCC 1 4 CN4: External Reset Button PIN Description 1 RST_SW 2 GND 3 GND 4 GND 1 2 3 4 FN1: Fan Connector PIN Description 1 GND 2 +5V 3 N/C 13 GND +5V N/C Connector FN1 onboard HS-2606 is a 3-pin fan power outp ut connector .
12 Connector J2 Orientation 1 3 5 7 9 11 2 4 6 8 10 12 SPEAKER PWR LED RST_SW HDD LED PWR Button 3.10 VGA Controller The HS-2606 pro vides two conn ection methods o f a VGA devic e. CN7 offers a sin gle standa rd CRT connector while LCD1 is the 44-pin panel connector.
13 PIN Description PIN Descri ption 17 GFPD8 18 GFPD9 19 GFPD 10 20 GFPD11 21 GFPD 12 22 GFPD13 23 GFPD 14 24 GFPD15 25 GFPD 16 26 GFPD17 27 GFPD 18 28 GFPD19 29 GFPD 20 30 GFPD21 31 GFPD 22 32 GFPD23.
14 3.11 TV-Out Connector HS-2606 can s upport TV-Out fu nction which input could b e up to 800 x 600 graphics re solutions. World Wide Video standards are sup ported including NTSC -M (North Americ a, Taiwan), NTSC-J (Japan), PAL- B, D, G, H, I (Europe, Asia ), PAL-M ( Brazil), PAL- N (Urug ua y, Paraguay) and PAL-NC (Ar gentina).
15 3.13 Audio Connectors The HS-2606 has an on board AC97 3D audio interface. The following tables list the pin a ssignments of the MIC I n/Audio Out and Line in connector s.
16 3.14 PCI E-IDE Drive Connector CN13 is a standard 44-pin 2.0mm pi tch connector daisy-chain driver connector serves the PCI E-ID E drive provis ions onboard th e HS-2606. A maximum of two ATA/33/66/100 IDE drives ca n be co nn ec te d to the HS-2606 via CN13 .
17 3.15 Serial Port Connectors The HS-260 6 offers tw o W83697U F compatible UARTs with Read/Receive 16- byte FIFO serial ports and four internal 10-pin connector s.
18 3.16 USB Connector The HS-260 6 provides two 8-pin con nectors, at location J5 and J6 , for four USB2.0 connections to the HS-2606. J5/J6: USB Connector PIN Description PIN Description 1 +5VSUS 2 +5VSUS 3 BD2-/ BD1- 4 BD3-/ BD0- 5 BD2+ / BD1+ 6 BD3+/ BD0+ 7 GND 8 GND 1 2 7 8 3.
19 3.18 Watchdog Timer Once the Enable cycle is ac tive, a Refresh cyc le is requested befor e the time-out per iod. This r estarts counting o f the WDT p eriod. When the time counting goes over the perio d preset of WDT, it will assume that the program operation is abn ormal.
20 3.19 GPIO Connector The HS-2606 offer s four general purp ose I/O ports w ith the following capabilities: I2C/SMB Support Thermal Detect Notebo ok Lid Open/Clos e Detect Battery Low Detect J3: General Purpose Input/Output PIN Descri ption 1 GPIO8 2 GPIO9 3 GPIO10 4 GPIO11 1 4 3.
21 Mini PCI Socket pin orientation 2 19 9 100 PIN Description PIN Descri ption 29 C/BE[3]# 30 AD[24] 31 AD[23] 32 IDSEL 33 G ND 34 GND 35 AD[21] 36 AD[22] 37 AD[19] 38 AD[20] 39 G ND 40 PAR 41 AD[17] 42 AD[18] 43 C/BE[2]# 44 AD[16] 45 IRDY# 46 GND 47 3.
22 3.21 CompactFlash ™ Connector The HS-260 6 also offers an option al CompactFlash ™ connector whic h is IDE interf ace located at the solder side of the board (beneath the SO-DIMM conn ector). The designated CN14 conn ector, once s oldered with an adapter, ca n hold Comp actFlash ™ cards of var ious sizes.
23 3.22 PCMCIA Connector HS-2606 built- in two CardBu s/PCMCIA interfac e connecto rs. U32: PCMCIA Connector PIN Description PIN Description 1 G ND 2 CAD0 3 CAD1 4 CAD3 5 CAD5 6 CAD7 7 CCBE0 8 CAD.
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25 Chapter 4 AMI BIOS Setup The HS-2606 u ses AMI BIOS for the system co nfiguration. T he AMI BIOS setup program is de signed to provide the maximum flexibility in configuring the s ystem by offerin g various optio ns that could be selected for end-us er requireme nts.
26 4.2 Using Setup In general, you use the arrow keys to highlight items, press <Enter> to select, use the <PageUp> and <Page Down> keys to cha nge entr ies, and press <Esc > to quit. The following table provid es more detail ab out how to navigate in the Setup prog ram using the ke yboard.
27 4.3 Main Menu Once you enter the AMI BIOS CMOS Set up Utility, the Main Menu will appear on the scree n. The Main Menu allo ws you to selec t from severa l setup functio ns and two exit choices. Use the arrow keys to select among the items and press <Enter> to en ter the sub-m enu.
28 4.4 Standard CMOS Setup The Standard Setup is used for the basic h ardware s ystem configuration . The main functio n is for Data/Time a nd Floppy/Ha rd Disk Drive settings. Please refer to the following screen for the s etup. When the capacity of the IDE hard disk drive is larger than 528M B, you must set the HDD mode to LBA mode.
29 4.5 Advanced CMOS Setup This sect ion allows you to configu re your system for the basic operation. You ha ve the opportunity to select the syste m’s default speed, bo ot-up sequence, ke yboard operation , shadowing and securit y. AMIBIOS SETUP – ADVANCED CMOS SETUP (C)2001 American Megatrends, Inc.
30 4.6 Advanced Chipset Setup This section a llows you to config ure the system ba sed on the specific features of the installed chipset. This chipse t manages bus spee ds and the access t o the system m emory resource s, such as DRAM and the external cach e.
31 4.7 Power Management Setup The Power Manag ement Setup allows user to configure the system for saving energ y in a mo st effective way w hile operating in a ma nner consistent w ith his own style of c omputer use. AMIBIOS SETUP – POW ER MANAGEMENT SETUP (C)2001 American Megatrends, I n c.
32 4.8 PCI / Plug and Play Setup This sec tion describ es configur ing the PCI bu s system. PCI, or Personal Computer Interconne ct, is a system that allows I/O de vices to operate at spe eds nearin g the speed the CPU itself uses wh en commun icating wi th its own special com ponents.
33 4.9 Peripheral Setup The IDE hard dr ive controllers can suppo rt up to two se parate ha rd drives. These drives have a mas ter/slave relationsh ip that is determined by the cablin g configuration used to attach them to the controller.
34 4.10 Auto-Detect Hard Disks This option detects the param eters of an IDE hard disk drive, and automatically en ters them into the Standard CMOS Setup scr een. Up to four IDE drives can be dete cted, with paramete rs for each appearing in s equence inside a bo x.
35 4.11 Change Supervisor/User Password AMIBIOS HIFLEX SETUP UTILITY – VERSION x.xx (C)2001 American Megatrends, Inc. All Rights Reserved Standard CMOS Se tup Adv anced C MOS Setup Advance d Chip se.
36 PASSWORD D ISABLED. When a password has been enabled, you will be pr ompted to enter it every time you try to enter Setup . This prevents an unauthoriz ed person from cha nging any part of your system co nfiguration.
37 4.13 Auto Configuration with Fail Safe Settings When you pres s <Enter> on th is item you get a confirmation d ialog box with a message similar to the figure below. This op tion allows you to load/resto re the defau lt values to your system config uration, optimiz ing and enabling all high pe rformance featur es.
38 4.14 Save Settings and Exit Pressing <Ent er> on this item asks f or co nfirmation: AMIBIOS HIFLEX SETUP UTILITY – VERSION x.xx (C)2001 American Megatrends, Inc.
39 4.15 Exit Without Saving Pressing <Ent er> on this item asks f or co nfirmation: Quit w ithout saving (Y/N)? Y This allows you to e xit Setup without stor ing in CMOS a ny change. The previous selections remain in effe ct. This exits the Setup utility and restarts your computer.
40 This page is intentionally left bla nk..
41 Chapter 5 Software Utilities This chapter contains the d etailed information o f VGA, LAN, audio, a nd USB2.0 driver installation p rocedures . The drivers are located in the following directories of the utility disk: 5.1 VGA Driver Installation 5.
42 2. Select the operating system of your compute r to proceed w ith the installation process. 3. Once the Welcome s creen appears on the screen, make sure to close ap plications that are running and then click the N ext> button.
43 4. When the display below appears on your screen, Setup is already ready to install and cop y the relate d files onto your h a r d drive. Click o n the N ext > button to proceed. 5. Aft er the insta llation finishe s, you will be promp ted to res tart your system.
44 5.1.2 VGA Driver Installation for WIN NT4.0 1. Click the Start bu tton on the lo wer left han d corner of yo ur screen, then select Setting . Choose Control Panel and double -click on the Di splay icon t o launch its Di splay Properties window. 2. Click on the Settings tab, and then choose Display Typ e .
45 3. In the C hange Display Type window, click on Have Disk . 4. S pecify th e pa th of the new driv er an d th en press on Enter ..
46 5. Select VIA/S3G UniChrome Grap hics, then click OK or press Enter. 6. You will see w arning p ane l ab out Third Party Drivers . Click on Y es to finish the installatio n.
47 7. Once the install ation i s co mpleted, you must shut down the system and restart for the ne w driver to take effect..
48 5.2 LAN Driver Installation 5.2.1 LAN Driver Installation for WIN95/98/2K 1. With t he Ut ilit y C D Dis k s till in your CD R O M drive, ri gh t c lick on My Computer icon from t he Wind ow s me nu . Sele ct on System Properties and the n proceed to the Device Manager from the main menu.
49 2. Select on PCI Ethernet Controller from Other devi ces list, right-click and then select on Properties . 3. The PCI Ethernet Controller Properties screen then appears, allowing y o u t o r e in st all t he d riv e r . Se le c t Driver from t he main menu to proceed.
50 5. The progr am wi ll th en l aunch the Upda te Devic e Dri ver Wiza rd window t hat will inst all your devic e driver . Click on the Next> button to proceed to the next step. 6. The Update Device Driver W izard will then as k you to spec ify, by ticking, the path of the new driver.
51 7. Update Devic e Driver Wizard will ask are you sure to updated driver , ti ck on upd at e, and th en pr es s Next> to contin ue. 8. Once the program dete cts the devi ce driver (*.inf) file from your speci fied location , it will automatica l ly copy the files int o your hard drive.
52 9. Th e program th en copies the ne cessary fi les from your Windows install ation di sk to compl ete th e driver setup process. Once the driver is complet ely installed , th e following mes sage app e ars on your display. Click on the Finish button to proceed .
53 5.2.2 LAN Driver Installation for WIN NT4.0 1. With t he Ut ilit y C D Dis k s till in your CD R O M drive, r igh t c lick o n Network Neighborhood icon from the Wi ndows menu. Select on Properties . 2. The system automatically detects the absence of Windows NT Networkin g.
54 4. Click on the Start Search button for the program to locate the Network Adapter. 5. Once setup finishes the search, it will list a numb er of adapters for you to choose from.
55 6. Setup now asks you fo r the loca tion of th e driver. When you have entered the new driver path, press on the OK button to continue. 7. When Setup finds the i nformati on it needs about th e new driver, it will display the device it found on the following screen.
56 9. The Network Setup Wizard th en allow s you to set the Network Protocols on your n etwork. Select the a ppropriate pr otocol an d then c lick on N ext > to contin ue. 10. The Network Setu p Wizard then al lows you to set the Networ k Services on your Network, then click on N ext > to continue.
57 11. Bef o r e Setup star ts installing the components found and the setting s y ou made, it wi ll gi v e y ou the opti on to proceed or go back for ch an ge s f rom th e fo llowing screen. Click on the N ext > button once you are sure of your devices.
58 14. When Setu p asks if you wish to change the TCP/IP settings of your system, select the appropriat ely. The default choice is No. 15. When the screen b e low appears, click on N ext > to continue. 16. Setup then prompts you that it is ready to start the network .
59 17. Restart your computer. The LAN driver installation for WIN NT4.0 is now complet e. 5.3 Audio Driver Installation 5.3.1 Audio Driver Installation f or WIN98/2K/XP 1. With the Ut ility CD Disk st ill in your CD R OM drive, click the chipset “ VIA_AC97 ”.
60 3. The Sel e c t C om p onents di alog box i s no w displ a ye d. Sele ct o n Insta ll driver a nd then c lick on N ex t >. 4. After the au dio driver in stallation finis hes, select the Fi nish button to complet e th e i nstallati on process.
61 5.3.2 Audio Driver Installation f or WINNT 1. With the Utility CD Disk still in your CD ROM drive, ope n the File Manager and then select the driver folder.
62 3. Once the Wel come scr een appears on t he s c r ee n, make sure t o close appli c at i ons that are runnin g and then click the N ext > button. 4. The Select Components dialog box is now displayed. Tick on VT8233/VT8235 and then click on N ext >.
63 5. After the audio drive r installation fin ishes, tike restart computer now , and click the Fini sh button to compl ete the installation process..
64 5.4 USB2.0 Driver Installation 5.4.1 Win 98 1. Put the Utilit y CD Disk st ill in your CD R OM drive, clic k the “ VIA 8235 USB2.0 ”. 2. Once the Welcome s creen appears on the screen, make sure to close ap plications tha t are running an d then cli c k t he “ Next ” button.
65 4. After the driver installa tion fin i shes, select restart computer now, and click the Finish button to co mplete the installation process..
66 5.4.2 Win 2000 1. With the Util ity CD Disk still in yo ur CD ROM drive, click the “ VIA 8235 USB2.0 ”. 2. Once the Welcome s creen appears on the screen, make sure to close ap plications tha t are running an d then cli c k t he “ Next ” button.
67 3. When the display below appears on your screen, Setup is already ready to install and cop y the relate d files on to your ha rd drive, click on the “ Next ” button to proceed . 4. Tick on the “ Install USB2.0 Driver ” once the following screen appears.
68 5. When the Soft ware License Agreement screen appears on your screen, press on the N ext button to contin ue. 6. And you al so can pri nt End User Le ga l Agreemen t af t er your installa tion finished .
69 5.4.3 Win XP 1. With the Utility CD Disk still in your CD ROM drive, ope n the File Manager and then select the driver folder. 2. When the dial og box bel ow appears , m ak e sure you cl o se all other W indows app lications th en click on t he N ext > button to proceed.
70 3. The progr ams star ts to i nstal l th e USB2 . 0 dr iver wh e n yo u clic k the N ext > button on the screen below. 4. Once the In st allS hiel d Wi zard comp l etes the oper a ti on and update of your USB2.0 driver. Click on the Y es button to restart computer to complete the installation process.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Intel HS-2606 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Intel HS-2606 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Intel HS-2606 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Intel HS-2606 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Intel HS-2606 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Intel HS-2606 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Intel HS-2606 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Intel HS-2606 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.