Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product IQ80333 van de fabrikant Intel
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Intel ® IQ803 33 I/O Proce ss o r Cu stom er Re fe re nce B oar d M anua l Febr uary 2 005 Document Num ber: 306690 001US Int el Part Number: C90183- 001.
Customer Refere nce Board Manu al Februa ry, 2005 3 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Contents Content s 1 I ntr odu cti on ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... ... .... ..... ...
4 Feb rua ry, 2005 Cu stom er R efer enc e Bo ard M anu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Contents 3.7.1 C onsol e Seri al Por t ..... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... ... .... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... . 35 3.
Customer Refere nce Board Manu al Februa ry, 2005 5 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Contents A IQ80321 and IQ80333 Co mpariso ns ...... ... .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ... ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... 51 B Get ting S tar ted an d De bugg e r .
6 Feb rua ry, 2005 Cu stom er R efer enc e Bo ard M anu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Contents Fig ur es 1I n t e l ® 80333 I/O Processor Block Diagram ............ .. ............... .......................... ......................... 13 2 Seri al-UART Communi cation .
Customer Refere nce Board Manu al Februa ry, 2005 7 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Contents Tabl es 1I n t e l ® 8033 3 I /O Proc essor R elated Docume ntation Li st........................... ....... ....... ............ ....... .. 9 2 Electr onic I nfor mation .
8 Feb rua ry, 2005 Cu stom er R efer enc e Bo ard M anu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Contents Revision History Date Revision Description Mar ch 20 05 001 Initia l Int el® D ev elo p er Web Site Re le ase ( htt p:/ /de v el tel .c om /d esig n/ iio / ).
Customer Reference Boar d M anual 9 Introduction 1 1.1 Docum e n t Pur pos e and Scop e Th is doc umen t de s cri bes th e Int el ® IQ803 33 I /O pr oces sor eva lu ation plat fo rm bo ard (IQ8 033 3) usin g D DR-I I 4 00 MH z SD RA M. The I ntel ® 8033 3 I/ O p ro ce sso r ( 8 03 33 ) is int end ed for r api d, intellig ent I /O devel opm e nt.
10 Custo mer Referen ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Int roduc ti on 1.3 Electronic In formation 1. 4 Component Re fere n ces Ta b l e 3 provi des additio nal in fo rmati on on th e m ajor com p onents of 80 333 .
Customer Reference Boar d M anual 11 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Int roduc t i on 1.5 T erms an d Def i niti ons T a bl e 4 . T e r ms a nd De fini tio ns Ac rony m/T erm Defi niti on ARM Re fers t o bot h the m icr opr o ce sso r ar chit ectu re a nd t he com p an y that lice ns es i t.
12 Custo mer Referen ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Int roduc ti on 1.6 I ntel ® 803 33 I /O Pro cessor The 8 033 3 is a follo w- on produ ct to the Intel ® 8033 2 I/O p ro c ess or ( 8 03 32 ) .
Customer Reference Boar d M anual 13 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Int roduc t i on Fi gur e 1 . In tel ® 80333 I /O Pro cesso r B lock Diag ram.
14 Custo mer Referen ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Int roduc ti on 1.7 I ntel ® IQ80333 I/O Processor Evaluatio n Plat form Board Features T able 5. Summ ary of Fea tures Featur e Def init ion B attery Bac kup Uni t: B attery b ack up circ u it for SDR AM.
Customer Reference Boar d M anual 15 Getting S tarted 2 The 803 33 i s a softw are devel opme nt en vironm ent fo r IQ8 0333. S o ftware u pd ates and add itional offe rin gs fr om ve ndo rs can c han ge fr equ entl y . T o kee p up -to -dat e , pleas e v is it http: //www .
16 Custo mer Referen ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Getting Started 2. 2.2 P ower Re quir ement s The 8 033 3 r equi res a 3.3 V su ppl y co mi ng t hro ug h th e PC I Ex pr ess p rimar y co nne c tor . Plu g th e boar d i nto a deskto p w ith a PC I Ex pre ss s lot .
Customer Reference Boar d M anual 17 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Ge tting Started 2.3 Facto ry Setti ngs Make s ure that the s witch/ jump er settin gs are se t to prop er positio ns as exp lained in Sec tio n 3.9 , “Switc hes and Jumper s” on p age 3 8 .
18 Custo mer Referen ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Getting Started 2. 5 T arge t Moni tor s 2.5. 1 RedHat Red Bo ot RedB oo t* is an ac ronym f or “ Red Hat Em bedd ed D ebu g an .
Customer Reference Boar d M anual 19 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Ge tting Started 2.6 Host Com mu nications Examp les How to comm unicate to the hos t. 2.6.1 Serial-UART Co mm unicati on Using a ser ial connec tion to comm unicate w ith the bo ard ( Figur e 2 ).
20 Custo mer Referen ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Getting Started 2.6.3 Net work Co mmu nicat io n Using a standa rd network connectio n, the user can co mmuni cate with the board via the ethernet port. Redboo t also allow s the u ser to remote ly b oot the platfo rm usi ng a BOOT P serv er through the netw ork C onn ec tion.
Customer Reference Boar d M anual 21 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Ge tting Started 2.6.4 GNUPro GDB/ Insight 2.6. 4.1 Com mun icati ng with RedBoot Har dwa re Set u p: • Host wit h UNI X /Li nux o.
22 Custo mer Referen ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Getting Started T o b rin g up a Hy per T ermi nal s es sion on a Win32 p lat form : G o t o Star t, P rogra ms , A cces sori e s, Co mmun ic ati ons , Hy per T er m ina l • Hyper T e r mina l setup scree n s: — “Conn ecti on Descri ption” Panel : • Ent er name.
Customer Reference Boar d M anual 23 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Ge tting Started 2.6. 4.2 Conne cting wi th G DB Below are the GDB c om mands entered fro m the co mmand p rompt. B e sure sy stem path is set to access “xscale- elf-gdb.ex e”. File nam e in ex ample “h ello”.
24 Custo mer Referen ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Getting Started This Page Left Intentionally Bla nk.
Customer Reference Boar d M anual 25 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Har dware R e ference S ec tion Hardware Refere nce Sec t ion 3 3.1 Functional Di agram Figure 5 sho ws th e functio nal b lock fo r the 803 33 .
26 Custo mer Referen ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Hardware Refer ence Section 3.2 Board Form-Factor/ Connecti vity Ta b l e 6 summari zes the f orm-factor and connectiv ity featur es for th e 80333.
Customer Reference Boar d M anual 27 3.3 Power The 80 333 d raw s po w er f ro m th e P CI Ex pre ss b us . Th e pow er re q uire ments for th e 8 03 33 are show n in Ta b l e 7 below . The numbers do not i nclude the po wer req uired by a P CI-X card mounted on the exp ansio n s lot .
28 Custo mer Referen ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Hardware Refer ence Section 3.4 Memory Subs ystem The Memory C ontr oller of 80333 controls the DDR SDRAM me mory subsys tem. It fe atures pro- gr ammabl e chip select s and support for error co rrec ti on codes (ECC ).
Customer Reference Boar d M anual 29 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3.4.2 F las h Mem or y Re quirem ents T ot al Flash mem ory size i s 8 MB .
30 Custo mer Referen ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Hardware Refer ence Section 3. 5 Inte r r up t Routi ng The 80 33 3 In terrup t ro utin g.
Customer Reference Boar d M anual 31 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3.6 Intel ® IQ80333 I/O Processor Evaluation Plat form Board Peri pheral Bus The 8 03 33 pop ulate s t he per iph eral bus as de pic ted by Figure 7 .
32 Custo mer Referen ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Hardware Refer ence Section 3.6.1 Flash RO M T able 1 1. F lash ROM Featu res Description Flas h i s an In te l S trat aFl ash ® .
Customer Reference Boar d M anual 33 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3.6.2 UART The 8 03 33 has tw o in tegr ated U A R Ts .
34 Custo mer Referen ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Hardware Refer ence Section 3.6. 7 Bat ter y St atu s A CPL D on th e I Q8033 3 provi de s t he fo llow in g st atus for the b att ery . Please see Sec tio n 4.2 .2 , “Pe r iph er a l Bus Memory Ma p” on page 47 for m ore de ta ils on a ddr es sing t he CP LD .
Customer Reference Boar d M anual 35 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3.7 Debug Interface 3.7 .1 Conso le Se r ial Por t The p la tfor m has two s eria l po rts fo r de bu g pu rpos es as de sc ribe d in Secti on 3.6, “Inte l® IQ80333 I/O Proces s or Ev aluation Pla tform Board Perip heral Bus” on page 31 .
36 Custo mer Referen ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Hardware Refer ence Section 3.7 .2 JT AG De bu g The 8 0333 h as a 20 -pin JT AG co nn ector (J7D 2 ) that is in comp liant wi th ARM M ulti- ICE guidel ines . 3. 7.2.1 JT AG Port Figu re 9.
Customer Reference Boar d M anual 37 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3.8 Board Reset Scheme Figure 10 dep icts the r eset s chem e f or the 8 0333. Ta b l e 1 4 li st the r ese t scheme s fo r the 80 333 . T a ble 1 4. Reset Requi rement s/Schemes Description Prima ry PCI r eset, re sets all d ev ices o n the b oa rd.
38 Cu sto me r Ref eren ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Hardware Refer ence Section 3.9 Switches and Jumpers 3. 9.1 Swit ch Su mmary Please note th at th e term ‘open’ r efers to t he indiv idu al pin o f sw itch S7A 1 be ing pu shed in at bo ttom (small do t on p in away fr om the ‘ open ’ label on th e switch ).
Custom er Refer ence Boar d M anual 39 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3.9. 3 Jumper Su mmary 3.9 .4 Con nect or Su mmary 3.9 .5 Gener al Pur pose I np ut/ Ou tp ut He ad er T able 19, “ J2D2 GPIO Header De finiti on” on page 39 shows the GP IO sign al assignments .
40 Cu sto me r Ref eren ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Hardware Refer ence Section 3. 9.6 De t ail Desc ript ions of S wi tch es/ Jumpe rs 3. 9.6.1 Switch S1C 2: Int el ® 80333 I/O Pr ocessor Reset This s wi tch r esets 803 33. 3. 9.
Custom er Refer ence Boar d M anual 41 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Har dware R e ference S ec tion S7A1-3: Con figration Cycle Enable Corre spond ing to Sign al Name PBI_A D6 Conf igu rat.
42 Cu sto me r Ref eren ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Hardware Refer ence Section Sw itch S7A1 - 7: SMBUS Manageability Ad dress Bit 0 Corresponding to S ignal Name PBI_AD17 This allo ws 8 033 3 to addres s SMBu s Slave A ddres s bit 0 (PBI _A17 ).
Custom er Refer ence Boar d M anual 43 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Har dware R e ference S ec tion 3.9. 6.5 Jumper J7D 1: Flas h bit- wid th The I Q 80333 e xpe cts an 8-bit Fl ash enab le. 3.9. 6.6 J umper J1C1: JT AG Ch ain 3.9. 6.7 J umper J1D2: UART Con trol T a ble 31.
44 Cu sto me r Ref eren ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Hardware Refer ence Section 3. 9.6.8 Jumper J7B4 : SMBus H eader 3. 9.6.9 Jumper J9D3: Buzze r V olume Contro l T able 37. Jump er J7B4: Descri ption s Ju mp er D es crip t ion F act ory D e fau lt J7B 4 S MBu s He ad er 1-2, 3 - 4 T able 38.
Custom er Refer ence Boar d M anual 45 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Software R eference Softwa re Re fe renc e 4 4.1 DRAM For DD R SD RAM S izes an d Conf igurations , see the Int el ® 80333 I/O Pr ocessor Devel oper ’ s Ma nua l . Th i s section also con tain s multip le exam ples of Ad dr ess Regis ter Prog ramm ing.
46 Cu sto me r Ref eren ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Software Refer ence 4.2.1 Flash RO M The Flash R OM is an 8 MB In tel StrataFlash ® (p art# 28 F640 ) th at sits on the P eriphe ral B us and is accessed using P CE0.
Custom er Refer ence Boar d M anual 47 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Software R eference 4. 2.2 Per iphe ra l Bu s Me mor y Map The Ta b l e 4 1 is t he ph ysica l me mo ry ma p of th e de v ices on t he 8033 3 Peri phe ra l Bu s: T ab l e 41 .
48 Cu sto me r Ref eren ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Software Refer ence 4.3 Board Sup port Packag e (BSP ) Examples Examples provided in this secti on are based on the R edHat* R edBoot s oftware r unnin g on th e IQ80 333 . 4.3 .
Custom er Refer ence Boar d M anual 49 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Software R eference 4. 3.2 Red Bo ot * In tel ® 8 033 3 I /O Pr oces so r Mem ory Ma p 4. 3.3 Red Bo ot Inte l ® 8033 3 I /O P r oc esso r Fi les Attache d in the k it, find a co py of t he RedH at eCos for IQ80 333 CD.
50 Cu sto me r Ref eren ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Software Refer ence 4.3.4 RedBoot Inte l ® 80332 I/O P rocessor DDR Memory Initialization Sequence In order to set the correct ECC bits, a D DR memo ry system (DIM M or discre te compone nts) mu st be written to with a kn own value.
Custom er Refer ence Boar d M anual 51 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r IQ8 0321 and IQ80333 Comp ari son s IQ803 21 and IQ 80333 Compari sons A This appe ndix provi des a brief descript ion for dif fer enc es between IQ80333 a nd IQ80321. Ta b l e 4 2 .
52 Cu sto me r Ref eren ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r IQ80321 and IQ80333 Co mpariso ns This Page Left Intentionally Bla nk.
Custom er Refer ence Boar d M anual 53 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Gettin g Sta rte d and De bu gge r Getting S tarted and Debugger B B.1 Int rodu ction Thi s ap pend ix pe rtain s to Cod e| Lab v ers ion 2.3 an d later whi ch us es Micr os oft's V isual Stu dio .
54 Cu sto me r Ref eren ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er B.1. 4 Relate d Web S ite s • Ma craig or: ht tp://www . ocdemo / • http :// develope r . intel.c om/desi gn/inte lxsc ale/dev _tools /021022/ index.
Custom er Refer ence Boar d M anual 55 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Gettin g Sta rte d and De bu gge r B.2 Setup B. 2.1 Har dwar e Se tup Us e Figure 14 and th e rest of the Int el ® 80 333 I/O Pr oces sor Evalu atio n Pla tfor m B oa r d M anu al , to set up the h ardwar e.
56 Cu sto me r Ref eren ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er B.2. 2 S of tw ar e Se tu p MGC Code|Lab is a plug- in to Micros oft V isual S tudi o .NET , the re fore Micr osoft V isua l St udi o .NET must alread y be lo aded on th e syste m.
Custom er Refer ence Boar d M anual 57 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Gettin g Sta rte d and De bu gge r B.3 New P roject Set up B. 3.1 Cre at i n g a New Proj ect 1. Launch Code |Lab EDE for .NET . 2. On the St ar t Pa ge , s el ec t “N e w P roj ec t” .
58 Cu sto me r Ref eren ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er B.3. 2 C on fi gu ra ti on Examine the mai n menu of Cod e|Lab EDE f or .NET . Since Code|Lab is a plug- in to V isual Studio, some o f these menu item s are V isual Studio and some are specific t o Code|Lab .
Custom er Refer ence Boar d M anual 59 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Gettin g Sta rte d and De bu gge r B.4 Fl ashin g wit h JT AG B. 4.1 O ver vi ew Code|L ab and Rav en are capa ble of readin g from, wr itin g to, and erasing the co n tents of the Flash on the evalu atio n board.
60 Cu sto me r Ref eren ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er B.4. 2 Using Fl ash Pr ogr am mer Note: T he para llel port must be set to EPP mod e or the Macraig or Rave n does n ot work properly . Down load the R edB oot executable f iles f rom t he follo win g lo cation: http :// develope r .
Custom er Refer ence Boar d M anual 61 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Gettin g Sta rte d and De bu gge r B.5 D e bug ging Out of Fl ash JT AG debugg ers can be u sed on two leve ls; with or witho ut the sour ce code.
62 Cu sto me r Ref eren ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er B.7 Ru nning th e Code|Lab Debug ger This s ectio n is provi ded t o ge t the sys tem up and run nin g in the Co de|L ab Deb ug e nvi ronm ent, b ut it is not inten ded as a full-function al tutori al.
Custom er Refer ence Boar d M anual 63 Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Gettin g Sta rte d and De bu gge r B.7 . 3 D is pla yi ng S o urce C o de 1. Launch the Code |Lab EDE Debugger and open the “T ester1L ED” ELF pro gram. Note: Use th e Fil e/ R ec en t P r o g ram s m e n u fo r q ui c k ac ce s s.
64 Cu sto me r Ref eren ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er B. 7 .5 St eppi ng Th rou gh the Co de The “led.c” file con tains a fun ction that is called f rom cod e in “blin k.c”. This exerc ise steps thr ough the code an d utilizes a f ew of the m ost com mon step too ls.
Custom er Refer ence Boar d M anual 65 B.8 E xplor ing the Code| Lab Debug Wi ndows This section d iscusses som e basics o f the debug en vironm ent. Some of th ese windo ws and co ncepts hav e bee n de a lt with dur ing pr evio us ex erc ises in thi s man ual .
66 Cu sto me r Ref eren ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er B.8. 6 Regist er s Windo w Close al l the active w indow s, then br ing up t he Re gisters win dow . R es ize the this w indow and its colum ns to g et a go od view of all the reg isters.
Custom er Refer ence Boar d M anual 67 B.9 D e bug ging Basi cs B. 9.1 O ver vi ew De bugge rs allow de velo per s to int e rroga te app licatio n co de b y allo wi ng p ro gra m flo w co ntr ol, d ata obs ervation , and data ma nipu latio n.
68 Cu sto me r Ref eren ce Boar d Manu al Intel® IQ80333 I/O Processo r Getti ng Starte d a n d D ebu gg er B. 9.3 Exc epti on s/T rappin g A debug exceptio n causes the processor to re-direct executi on to a d ebug event handl ing routine.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Intel IQ80333 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Intel IQ80333 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Intel IQ80333 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Intel IQ80333 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Intel IQ80333 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Intel IQ80333 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Intel IQ80333 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Intel IQ80333 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.