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700 Series C olor Mobile C omputer User's Manual.
ii 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual Intermec Technologies Corporation Corporate Headquarters Technical Communications Department 6001 36th Ave. W. 550 Second Stree t SE Everett, WA 98203 Cedar Rapids, IA 52401 U.S.A. U.S.A. www.intermec.
iii 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual Document Change Record This page records changes to this document. The document was originally released as Revision A.
iv 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual.
Cont e nt s v 70 0 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Contents Before You B eg in xix ............................................................. Safet y Su mma ry xi x ....................................................... D on o tr e p a i ro ra d j u s ta l o n e x i x .
Cont e nt s vi 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Resetting Your 700 Color Comp uter 19 .............................................. Performing a Wa rm -Boot 19 ................................................ Performing a Cold -Boot 19 .
Cont e nt s vii 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Customizing Your 700 Color Co mputer 45 ..................................... Adju sting Setting s 45 ............................................... Adding or Removi ng Progra ms 45 .
Cont e nt s viii 700 Series Color Mobile Compu ter User ’s Manu al Co mp anio n P ro gram s 82 ......................................................... Pocket Word 82 .......................................................... Creating a Docu ment 82 .
Cont e nt s ix 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’s Manu al Installin g Appl icatio ns 121 ........................................................ Using Micr osof t Active Syn c 121 ............................................. Using the F TP Server 122 .
Cont e nt s x 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al GSM/G PRS COR E Module (760 Computers with WA N R adios) 142 ................ WAN Moni tor — Genera l 142 ........................................ WAN Moni tor — D etai ls 14 3 ...
Cont e nt s xi 700 Series Co lor Mobile Comput er User’s Manu al Wireless Persona l A rea N etworking 18 9 .............................................. Documentation 189 ....................................................... About the App lic ation 189 .
Cont e nt s xii 70 0 Series Color Mobile Comput er User’s Manual Interna l Sca nners 210 ............................................................ For Units With PSM Bu ild 3.00 or Newer 210 .................................. Scanner and Ima ger Setting s 211 .
Cont e nt s xiii 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’s Manu al Kernel I/ O C ontrols 250 .......................................................... IOCT L_ HAL _G ET_ DEVIC E_IN FO 250 ..................................... IOCTL_HAL_ITC_READ_PARM 251 .
Cont e nt s xiv 7 00 Series Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Helper Functions 283 ..................................................... ConfigureProfil e() 283 .............................................. EnableZer oConfig() 284 ............
Cont e nt s xv 70 0 Series Color Mobile Comput er User’s Manual Data Collec tion Control P anel Applet 302 ............................................ Symbolog ies 30 3 ......................................................... Code 39 304 .........
Cont e nt s xvi 7 00 Series Co lor Mobile Comput er U ser’s Manu al Identifi cation 359 ......................................................... Contact 359 ...................................................... Name 360 ...........................
Cont e nt s xvii 700 Series Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Index Classes a nd Functions 404 ........................................................ General I ndex 410 ............................................................... Files In dex 426 .
Cont e nt s xviii 700 Ser ies Color Mobile Compu ter User’ s Manual.
Befor e Y ou Be gin xix 700 Series Co lor Mobile Comput er User’s Manu al Befo re Y ou Begi n This section provides you with safety informa tion , technical supp ort inf ormati on, and sou rc es f or addi tional pr odu ct i nfor mation. Safe t y Summa ry Your safety is extremel y impo rta nt.
Befor e Y ou Be gin xx 700 Series Co lor Mobile Comput er User’s Manual Safe t y Icons This section expl ains how to id entify and und erstan d dan gers, warnings , cautions, and notes that ar e in th is manu al.
Befor e Y ou Be gin xxi 700 Series Co lor Mobile Comput er User’s Manu al Global Services and Support Warrant y Information To unde rstand the w arr anty f or yo ur I nter me c produ ct, v isi t the Inte rme c web site at and click Service & Sup po rt .
Befor e Y ou Be gin xxii 700 Series Co lor Mobile Comput er User’s Manual W h oS h o u l dR e a dt h i s M a n u a l ? Thi s manual pr ovi des y ou wi th inf or mation abou t the f eatu r es of th e 7 00 Ser ie s Color Mob ile Compu ter a nd how to confi gu re , trou ble shoot, a nd suppor t it.
Befor e Y ou Be gin xxiii 70 0 Series Color Mobile Comput er User’s Manual Patent Informat ion Product is cov ered by one o r more of the following patents: 4,882, 476; 4,894,523; 4, 953,113; 4, 961.
Befor e Y ou Be gin xxiv 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manual.
1 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’ s Manual Introduction 1 This cha pt er int rod uces the 70 0 Series Co lo r Mobil e Comp ute r, devel- oped by Intermec Technolo gies Corporation t o enhance wire less connec- tiv ity nee ds.
Introduc tio n Cha pt e r — 1 2 700 Series Color Mobile Comput er User’s Manual Ambient Light Sensor Note : Th is inf or mation doe s not apply to the 7 30 C ompu ter . The ambi ent li ght se nsor tu r ns on the di splay li ghting wh en condi tions warra nt b ut aut om at ica ll y turn s if off agai n as surro und in g lig ht in creas es.
Introduc tio n — Cha pt e r 1 3 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’ s Manual Audio System The aud io sys tem co nsis ts of the spea ker, int ernal microp hone, an d t he exte rnal h eadse t jack. Speake r A sp eaker cap able o f variable vol ume l evels is locat ed o n the ba ck o f the comp uter.
Introduc tio n Cha pt e r — 1 4 700 Series Color Mobile Comput er User’s Manual Microphone The b ui lt-i n micr ophone i s located on the bottom of the u nit nex t to the Hirose docking connector. Char ging/Dock ing connect or M icro pho ne This i s the b otto m of the 700 Col or Co mpu ter.
Introduc tio n — Cha pt e r 1 5 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’ s Manual Battery The 7 00 C olor Compu te r come s wi th a 14. 4 Watt- hou r , 7. 2 V, replaceable Lithium-Ion (LiIon) battery. The 730 Computer com es with an 8.8 Watt -hour, 3.
Introduc tio n Cha pt e r — 1 6 700 Series Color Mobile Comput er User’s Manual If you r compu ter sh uts down becau se of low batter y conditi ons, you r com- pute r doe s not oper ate.
Introduc tio n — Cha pt e r 1 7 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’ s Manual Beeper Note: Each time th e 70 0 Color C ompute r i s cold-boote d, all def au lt set- tin gs are rest ored unles s regi stry sto rage i s ena bl ed. S ee pa ge 12 9 for in for- mation abou t enab ling the r egi stry stor age.
Introduc tio n Cha pt e r — 1 8 700 Series Color Mobile Comput er User’s Manual Disable t he Scanner Mut e Note: This informat ion d oes not apply to the 7 30 C ompu ter .
Introduc tio n — Cha pt e r 1 9 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’ s Manual Select a Beep er Volum e Note: The 730 Comput er does not support the lase r scanne r. To dete r mine y our PSM Bu i ld ve rs ion, tap Start > Pro gram s > File Ex - plore r >t h e Flas h File S tor e fol der > t he PSMinf o tex t f ile .
Introduc tio n Cha pt e r — 1 10 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al For Units Wit h PSM Build 3.00 or Newer To select a beepe r v olume f or the 7 00 Color C ompute r, tap Star t > Set- tings >t h e System t a b>t h e In termec Settings icon .
Introduc tio n — Cha pt e r 1 11 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Disab le the Beep er Do the fol lo wing t o d isable t he beeper: 1 Tap Start > Settings >t h e Perso n al tab > So un d s & N ot ificat ion >t h e Volum e tab.
Introduc tio n Cha pt e r — 1 12 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Keypad Instructions for the keypad incl ude the backlight and keypress sequences. Backlight for Keypad Note: This informat ion d oes not apply to the 7 30 C ompu ter .
Introduc tio n — Cha pt e r 1 13 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Key S equenc es Use the fol lowin g key sequences t o ent er characters int o your 700 Colo r Compu ter u sing ei the r a numer ic ke ypad or an alphanume ri c key pad.
Introduc tio n Cha pt e r — 1 14 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Al ph an umeric K ey pad Note: This informat ion d oes not apply to the 7 30 C ompu ter . The f ollowi ng table lists sequ e nces that u se the [Gol d/White] c plane key.
Introduc tio n — Cha pt e r 1 15 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Alpha (Blue) Plane Keys The alp habet can be en tered with either t he numeric k eypad or the a lpha - numeric keypad . Belo w an d o n the n ext p age a re the k ey sequences .
Introduc tio n Cha pt e r — 1 16 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Al ph an umeric K ey pad When you press d , th e Scanni ng/Alpha L ED ( C ) lights ‘red’ to in di- cate Alph a mode. Th e ke ypad stays in the Alph a mode unti l you pr ess d again.
Introduc tio n — Cha pt e r 1 17 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al LEDs The b atter y statu s LED B and the scanni ng/keypad sh if t and notif ic a- tion L ED C turn red , green , or yel lo w. Batte r y Sta tus LED LED Color an d A ction Descri ption Stead y Gr een Battery is more th an 95% charg ed and unit is on ch arger.
Introduc tio n Cha pt e r — 1 18 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al PSM Build Version The Pers isten t S to rage Ma nag er (PS M) is a n area of sto rage which is em- bedded in a secti on of the syste m’s FL ASH memory. This stor age ar ea is not eras ed d uring a col d- boo t.
Introduc tio n — Cha pt e r 1 19 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Resetting Your 700 Color Computer Performing a Warm -Boot Perfo rmin g a warm -bo ot m ay be neces sa ry to correc t con di tio ns where an applicati on stops responding to the system.
Introduc tio n Cha pt e r — 1 20 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Software Build Version To check t o see if your 700 Co lo r Comp uter has the l ates t so ftware buil d, select Start > I nt ern et Ex pl o rer >t h e Inter me c logo.
Introduc tio n — Cha pt e r 1 21 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Storage Media Note : M u ltiM ediaC ards (M MC s) ar e not suppor ted i n 700 C olor Com- pute rs . The 7 00 Color C ompu ter s uppor ts both Compac tFlash and Secu r e Digi tal storage car ds.
Introduc tio n Cha pt e r — 1 22 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Vibrator Note: This informat ion d oes not apply to the 7 30 C ompu ter . I f y o u r7 0 0C o l o rC o m p u t e ri sb u i l tw i t ha ni m a g e ro rs c a n n e ra n dt h e vibrator is d isabl ed, do the follo wing ins truction s to enable the vibrat or.
Introduc tio n — Cha pt e r 1 23 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al For Units Wit h PSM Build 3.00 or Newer Do the f ollowing to enable th e v ibr ator f or th e 70 0 Color C ompute r . Tap Start > Settings >t h e System t a b>t h e Intermec Settings icon.
Introduc tio n Cha pt e r — 1 24 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Accessories The f ollowi ng accessor ie s are av ailab le for th e 700 C olor Compu te r. Note that thi s is not a c omplete list. C ontact your Inte rme c re pre sentativ e f or in- for mation abou t the se and oth er acce ssori es th at are not i n thi s list.
Introduc tion — Chap t e r 1 25 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Envi ro nm en tal: 730 740, 741, 750, 751, 760, 761 Op eratin g Tempera ture - 10° to 55°C (14° to 131°F ) - .
Introduc tion Chap t e r — 1 26 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Phy sic al D imens ions: 730 740, 741, 750, 751, 760, 761 Lengt h 178 mm (7.0 in) 191 mm (7.53 in) Width 89 mm (3.5 in) 90 mm (3.5 in) Height 38 mm (1.5 in) 50 mm (1.
27 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Windows Mobile 2003 2 This chapter introduces Micr osoft Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket P C. While usin g your 700 Co lo r Comp uter, keep t hese key p oint s in m ind: S Tap Start on the navigati on bar, locate d at the top of the scr een, to qu ickly mov e to programs, f ile s, and settings.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 28 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Software Builds Do the f ollow ing to de ter mine w hi ch I nter mec b ui ld of W indow s M obi le 2003 is on your unit. 1 Sele ct Start > In t ernet E xp lo rer >t h e Inter mec logo.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 29 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Wher e to Find Infor mation This chap ter describes yo ur 700 Color Co mput er hardware, p rovides an ove.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 30 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Basic Sk ills Learning to use yo ur 700 Colo r Comp uter is eas y. This sectio n describes the basic concep ts of u sing and customizin g your 700 Color Comput er.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 31 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Programs You can sw itch f r om one pr ogram to anoth er b y se lecti ng it f rom th e Start menu . ( You c an cu stomize w hic h pr ogr ams you se e on th is me nu.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 32 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Navigat ion Bar and Command Bar The nav igation bar is located at the top of the scre en. I t displays the active progr am and cu rr ent ti me, and allow s you to sw itch to progr ams and close scree ns.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 33 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Pop-up M enu s Use p op-up menus t o quickly p erform an a ctio n on an item . For exampl e, you can u se a pop-up menu to dele te or make a copy of a n item.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 34 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Ente ring Information You can e nter inf ormati on on you r 7 00 C olor C ompute r i n se ve ral wa ys, d.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 35 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Whe n you use th e input panel, y our 700 Color C ompute r antic ipates the word yo u are typin g or writin g an d d ispl ays it above the inp ut pan el. When you tap t he displ ayed word, it is insert ed int o your text at the ins erti on p oint .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 36 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al If you want t o use larger key s, tap t he inp ut pa nel a rrow, tap Opti ons ,s e - lect “Ke yboar d” f rom th e Input method drop-dow n list, th en se lec t Large keys .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 37 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Usi ng L ette r R ecogn ize r With L ette r Re cogniz er , you can wr ite le tter s usi ng the stylu s j ust as you would on pap er. Tap the input panel arrow, then tap Letter Re cognizer .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 38 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Writing on the Screen In any pr ogram that acce pts wr iting, s uch as th e Note s progr am, and in the Notes tab in Calendar , Contacts, and Tasks, you can use your sty lus to write d irectl y on t he screen .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 39 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Conver ting Writ ing to Text You c an conv er t wor ds you w ri te i n pr int or c ur siv e to tex t by tappi ng Tools > Re cognize . If a word is not recog nized, it keeps it s origina l form.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 40 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Tips for getting g ood recog nitio n: S Write neatl y. S Wr ite on the li nes and draw desc ende r s below the li ne. Wr ite th e cr oss of the “t” and apostroph es be low the top line so they ar e not confu se d with th e wor d above .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 41 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Drawing o n the Screen You can dr aw on th e scr ee n in th e same way th at you w ri te on th e scr ee n. The difference between writing a nd d rawing on t he screen is how you se- lect items a nd ho w they a re edit ed.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 42 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Record ing a Message In any pr ogram w he re y ou c an wr ite or draw on th e sc re en, you c an also quickl y capt ure though ts, rem ind ers, and phon e numbers b y reco rdin g a message.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 43 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Using My T ext When using I nbo x or MSN Messeng er, use My Text to q ui ckly i nser t pr e- set or f re qu ently u sed me ssages i nto the te x t entry ar ea.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 44 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Finding and Organiz ing Informat ion The Find featu re on you r 700 C olor Compu ter h elps you q u ick ly locate informat ion. Tap Start > Fi nd . Enter the text you want to fin d, select a da ta typ e, and the n tap Go to in itiat e the search.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 45 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Customizing Your 700 Color Comput er You can cu stomiz e your 7 00 Color C ompute r by adj usti ng settings and installing addi tional sof twar e. Adj u sti n g Se tti ng s You can adj ust settings to suit the way you work.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 46 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Adding P rograms Using ActiveSync Install the appropr iate sof twar e f or you r 700 Color C ompu ter on you r desktop bef ore i nstalling it on your 700 Color C ompu ter .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 47 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Adding a P rogram to the Start Menu Tap Start > Settings > Me nus >t h e Start Menu tab, and t hen the check box f or the pr ogr am.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 48 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Micr osoft ActiveSy nc Visi t the f ollowing M icr osof t Web site f or th e late st in u pdates, tech nical inf ormati on, and s amples: wsmobile/ resour ces/comm unities/default.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 49 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Once you ha ve set up ActiveS ync a nd c omp leted t he f irst s ynchro nizat ion proces s, you can initiat e synchroniza tion from yo u r 700 Colo r Computer.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 50 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Micr osoft Pock et Outlook Mi crosof t Pocket Outlook inclu des Calendar , Contacts, Ta sks, Inbox , and Notes. Y ou can u se the se progr ams indi vi du ally or togeth er .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 51 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Synchro nizing Calendar Calen dar items st ored on your device can be synchronized wit h calenda r items on you r desktop or Mic rosof t Ex ch ange Se rv er .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 52 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al What’s an All Day Event? An ap poin tm ent can eit h er be a norma l ap poin tmen t or an al l da y event, whic h lasts the f u ll day or spans many days.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 53 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al What’s a R ecu rren ce Pa ttern? If you h ave an appoi ntment or task that y ou do on a r egu lar basis, such as a weekly tea m meet ing or a mon thl y stat us report, enter the item o nce and set a recu r re nce patte rn f or it.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 54 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Month v ie w dis plays sy mbols to indi cate th e ty pes of appoi ntmen ts you have on a given da y. An upward triang le indica tes a mo rning ap poin tment; a downward tri angle i ndicate s an afte rn oon appointment.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 55 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Creating or C hanging an Appointment To cr eate an appoi ntment, tap New . To sel ect a new da te from a po p-up calendar , tap the display date. To enter or sele ct a n ew time, tap the dis- pl ay t ime.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 56 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Creat i ng an All Day Event To cre ate an all day e ve nt, do th e f ollowing: 1 Tap New . 2 Tap All Day , then select Ye s . T ap to sel ect ei ther Y es or No whether thi s is an all day event.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 57 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Setting a Reminde r for an Appointment Do the f ollowi ng to set a r emi nder f or an appoi ntmen t in th e cale ndar : 1 Tap the appoi ntment, the n tap Edit to change th e appointme nt.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 58 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al To choose h ow you ar e r eminde d, f or e xample b y a sound, tap Start > Set- tings >t h e Person al t a b>t h e So un ds & Not ifica tio ns icon.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 59 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Making an Appointment R ecurring Do the f ollowi ng to make a r ec ur r ing appointme nt: 1 In the c alendar , tap th e appoin tment, th en tap Ed it . 2 Tap Occurs and selec t a patter n fr om the li st.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 60 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Assigning an Appointment to a Category 1 In the c alendar , tap th e appoin tment, th en tap Ed it . 2 Tap Cate gorie s . 3 On the Select tab, sele ct th e cate gori es to w hi ch y ou w ant to assign th e appointme nt.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 61 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Sending a Meeting Req uest Use Ca lend ar to sched ule m eeting s with p eop le who use Out look o r Pock- et Outl ook . When atten dees receive a meetin g request, they can accep t or decl ine the m eeting .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 62 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Finding an Appointment The r e ar e tw o ways to f ind an appoi ntment: S Tap Start > Fi nd , enter t he appo int ment name, t ap the Type arrow an d select Calendar from the dr op-dow n list, and th en tap Go .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 63 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Chan gi ng Ca le nd ar O ption s In th e cale ndar , tap Tools > Opti ons .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 64 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Contact s: Tracking Friends and Colleagues To swi tch to C ontacts on th e 7 00 C olor C ompu ter , tap Start > Co ntacts .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 65 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Crea ting a Conta ct 1 Tap New , then use th e inpu t panel to enter a name and other c ontact inf ormati on.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 66 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Viewing Cont acts The c ontact list di splays th e contac t name and th e f ir st pr imar y ph one number o r e-mail add ress sp ecif ied for t hat conta ct.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 67 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Creati ng or Ch an gin g a Conta ct S To cr eate a c ontact, tap New . To enter notes, tap the Notes tab. Whe n fin ish ed, ta p ok to r etu r n to the c ontact list.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 68 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Adding a Note t o a Cont act You can ad d writt en or typed no tes an d even recordin gs (if your device suppor ts re cor dings) to a contact. Notes ar e handy f or maps and drawi ngs.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 69 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Assigning a Contact t o a Category 1 In the c ontact list, tap th e contac t, and th en tap Ed it . 2 Scroll to and tap Categor ies . 3 On the Select tab, ch eck the c ategor ie s to assign to th e c ontact.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 70 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Se ndi ng a M es s age to a Con tact 1 In th e contac t list, tap and h old the c ontact. To sele ct mu ltiple contac ts, tap and drag. The n, tap and h old the se lecte d contacts.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 71 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Finding a Cont act There are four ways to find a contact : S Tap Start > Fi nd , ente r the contact name (fi rst, last, or mi ddle), ph one number , or address, se lect Contacts for the type, then t ap Go .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 72 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Adding a Contact t o Speed D ial You can create sp eed dia ls to ca ll frequent ly-cal led numbers with a sing le tap . Before you ca n creat e a speed d ial ent r y for a pho ne number, tha t numbe r mu st alre ady e xi st in C ontacts.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 73 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Tas ks: Kee ping a To Do Li st To swi tch to T asks on you r 70 0 Color Compu ter , tap Start > Tasks . Use Tasks to ke ep tr ack of w hat you hav e to do.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 74 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Crea tin g a Ta s k S To qu ic kly cr e ate a task, enter tex t in th e Ta p h ere to a dd a n ew ta sk box at the top of the sc re en. I f y ou do not see this box , tap Tools > Entry Bar .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 75 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Note s: Capt uring Thoughts and Ideas To swi tch to Note s on you r 70 0 C olor C ompute r, tap Start > Notes . Notes helps you q ui ckly captu r e your i deas, note s, and though ts.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 76 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Synchro nizing No tes Not es can be synchron ized between your des kto p and d evice either thr ough note s synch roni zati on or f ile sy nch roniz ation.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 77 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Inbox: Se nding and Rece iving E -mail Messages To swi tch to I nbox on y our 7 00 C olor C ompu ter , tap Start > Inbox . You can r ece iv e I nter net e -mail message s and SM S messages in I nbox.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 78 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Managing E-mail Messages and Folders Each e-mail account and SMS account has its own folder hier archy with f i v ed e f a u l tf o l d e r s :I n b o x ,O u t b o x ,D e l e t e dI t e m s ,D r a f t s ,a n dS e n t I t e m s .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 79 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Connec ting to a Mail Server In additi on to synch roni zi ng e-mai l messages wi th you r des ktop, y ou.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 80 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Downloading Messages f rom the Server In Inbox, tap Accounts > Connect to open a connecti on to the I nter net or you r cor porate ne twor k, de pendi ng on the accou nt.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 81 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Compo sing and Sending Messages To compose a message : 1 In the message list, tap New . 2 To select an account, tap the From lis t and select “ ActiveS ync,” “S MS,” or the desired e-ma il accoun t.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 82 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Com panion Pro grams The com pan ion p rogra ms co nsist o f Micros oft Po cket W ord , Micros oft Po cket E xcel, Wind ows M edia Player, an d Micro soft Rea der.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 83 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al You c an ente r i nfor mation i n Pocke t Wor d in one of f ou r mode s (typi ng, writing, record ing, an d d r awing), which are dis pla yed o n t he Vi ew menu.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 84 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Writing Mo de In writin g mod e, use your st ylus t o writ e direct ly on t he screen. Rul ed lines a re displ ayed as a guide, and the zoom m agnificatio n is great er than in typing mode to allow you to wri te more e asily .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 85 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Drawing Mo de In draw ing mo de, use your sty lus to d raw on the screen. Grid l ines app ear as a guid e. When you li ft your st ylus o ff the screen after the firs t stro ke, a drawin g box indica ting t he bounda ries of the drawing ap pears.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 86 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Pocket E xcel You c an cr eate and edi t wor kbook s and template s in M i cr osoft Poc ket Ex - cel as you do i n M icr osof t Exc el on y our de sktop. Pocke t Ex cel w orkbooks are u sually sav ed as .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 87 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Note : If you r wor kbook contains sensitiv e inf ormati on, you can prote ct it with a password.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 88 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al 1 Set u p a connec tion on you r 70 0 Color Compu ter , su ch as a mode m or wir ele ss connecti on, th at enable s you to conne ct to the I nter net. 2 S e tu pa na c c o u n ti nM S NM e s s e n g e r .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 89 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Signing In and Out S To sign i n, tap any whe r e on the s cre en.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 90 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Managing Cont acts To be alerted each time y ou ar e added to a contact list, tap Tools > Op- tions >t h e Privacy tab. S To block a contact fr om see ing you r statu s and sending y ou me ssages, tap t he cont act and t ap the right arrow.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 91 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Sending a Message S Tap a contact to wh om you want to se nd a message . E nter you r message in the tex t entry ar ea at the bottom of the scr ee n and tap Sen d .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 92 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Wind ows Media Play er for Windows Mobile Use Microsoft Wind ows Media Pla yer for Windo ws Mobile to p lay dig i tal audi o and vide o file s that are store d on your 700 Ser i es Compu ter or on a networ k.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 93 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Micros oft Re ader Use Mic rosof t Reader to re ad eBooks on your 7 00 Color C ompute r. Download books to your de sktop fr om your f avor ite e Book Web site .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 94 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al 3 To open a bo ok, tap it s titl e in the Libr ary list. T a pt os c r o l l thr ough the Libr ary li st. T ap to open a book. T ap here t o navi- gate t o other par ts of the Reader .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 95 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Using Reader Features Read ing a boo k electron icall y gives you several opt ions no t available with paper books. The se options are av ailab le fr om any book page.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 96 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Pocket In ternet Explorer Use Microso ft Pock et Intern et Expl orer to view Web or WAP pag es in either .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 97 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Mobile Favorit es If you a re using Microso ft Int ernet E xpl orer 5.0 o r lat er on your de skt op, you can download mobile f avor i tes to your 70 0 Color Compu ter .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 98 700 Ser ies Colo r Mobile Compu ter User’s Manu al Using Ava ntG o Channels AvantGo is a f r ee in ter activ e se rv ic e th at give s you ac cess to pe rsonali ze d content and th ousands of popu lar We b site s.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 99 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Viewing Mobile Favorit es and Channels 1 Tap the Favor it es icon to display you r li st of f av or ites . 2 Tap the p age you wan t to view. T ap the f avorit e you want to vie w.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 100 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Getting Connected You can se t up c onnecti ons to the Inte rne t and corpor ate ne twor k at wor k to.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 101 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 1 Tap Start > Settings >t h e Connecti ons t a b>t h e Connect ions icon . In My ISP ,t a p Add a new m odem conne ction . 2 Enter a name for th e connection, such as “ISP Connection.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 102 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual 3 Enter th e acce ss phone numb er , th en tap Next . 4 Enter the u ser name , password, and domain (if prov ided by an I SP or you r ne twor k admi nistr ator ), th en tap Finis h .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 103 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 5 Tap the Adv an ced tab f rom the C onnections scr ee n, th en tap Select Location to spec if y y our c ur r ent locati on. Th ese se ttings apply to all connections.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 104 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual To start the connection, start using one of th e followi ng progra ms.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 105 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Creat ing a Modem Connec tion t o Work 1 Tap Start > Settings >t h e Connecti ons t a b>t h e Connect ions icon . Tap Add a new mode m connect ion beneat h My Work Netwo rk to ini- tia te t his pro ced ure.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 106 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual 2 Enter a name f or th e conne ction, su ch as “Company C onnection. ” In the Select a mod em list , select your mo dem type, then tap Next to con- tin ue.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 107 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al c Enter th e main ph one nu mbe r , th en tap Next to conti nue . 4 Enter the u ser name , password, and domain (if prov ided by an I SP or you r networ k administr ator).
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 108 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Note : The f oll owing in f ormat ion appl ies when you have “Wireless 802.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 109 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 2 Tap the Adv an ced tab > Network Card >t h e Wirel ess tab > Add N ew ... . 3 Tap the General tab, the n ente r a ne twor k name. If th e ne twor k was detecte d, the ne twor k name is ente re d and cannot be change d.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 110 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual 4 Tap the Network Key tab, the n do th e f ollowi ng: To Disable Authentication a Set Authentication to either “Open ” if WEP keys are not required; or “ Shared ” when W EP keys are required for a sso ciat ion.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 111 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Note : The f oll owing in f ormat ion appl ies when you have Enable Micro so ft ’s Wireless Z ero C o nf ig checked via the Wireless Netwo rk cont rol p anel ap plet (see App endix A, “ Configurable Settings ”).
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 112 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual To Enable WPA Au thentication Using a Preshared Key (730, 741, 751, 761 Com put ers) a Set Authentication to “WPA-PSK. ” See page 3 72 f or inf or mation abou t WPA e ncr yption.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 113 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al To connect only to netw orks y ou h ave alr ea dy conf igu re d, cle ar Aut o- mati call y connec t to non-pref er red netw ork s . Tap ok to clo se this screen.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 114 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual 1 Tap Start > Settings >t h e Connecti ons t a b>t h e Connect ions icon . Tap Add a new VP N se rver conne cti o n beneath My Work Network to initia te this p rocedure.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 115 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 3 S e l e c tt h et y p eo fa u t h e n t i c a t i o n . I fy o us e l e c t A pre- sha red key ,e n t e r the key pro vided by yo ur network ad ministrat or.
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 116 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Ending a C onnect ion To disconne ct, do one of th e f ollowi ng: S When conn ected via mod em or VPN, tap t he C o nn ec tiv ity ic on on the navigati on bar, and then tap Dis connect .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 — Cha pt e r 2 117 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 3 Enter th e Your nam e and Passwo rd informat ion, then tap Next . 4 Sele ct the appr opri ate se rv i ce type f r om the Account type drop-dow n list , either “POP 3” o r “IMAP 4,” or en ter a n ew acco unt type, then tap Next .
Wi ndows M obile 2003 Cha pt e r — 2 118 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual 5 In Incoming mail ,e n t e rt h en a m eo fy o u re - m a i ls e r v e r .I n Outg oing mail ,e n t e rt h en a m eo fy o u rS i m p l eM a i lT r a n s f e rP r o t o c o l( S M T P ) host.
119 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Insta lling Applications 3 There are multip le ways to get an app licat ion to yo ur 700 Series Col or Mobi le Compu ter ; ju st as ther e are mu ltiple way s to package the applica- tio n for delivery.
In stalling A pp lication s Cha pt e r — 3 120 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Packaging an Application U s ea n yo ft h e s em e t h o d st op a c k a g ea na p p l i c a t i.
In stalling A pp lication s — Cha pt e r 3 121 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Installing Applications Conside r any of th e follow ing options to get the package to the pr ef er r ed location on y ou r 7 00 Se ri es C ompu ter .
In stalling A pp lication s Cha pt e r — 3 122 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual 3 Click Explore t oa c c e s st h eM o b i l eD e v i c ef o l d e ro ny o u ru n i t .
In stalling A pp lication s — Cha pt e r 3 123 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 7 Remov e th e C ompactFlash c ard f r om you r de sktop and r einstall it i nto the 7 00 Co lor Compu te r. 8 War m-boot the 7 00 Color Compu ter to add the se f iles to the C ompact- Fla sh sto rage ca rd.
In stalling A pp lication s Cha pt e r — 3 124 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual To ins tal l the R egist ry Save ap plica tion after a col d-bo ot is performed, change th e prope r ties of th e REGFL USH. CAB fi le to that of re ad-only.
In stalling A pp lication s — Cha pt e r 3 125 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 3 Scro ll down f or the “Re gFlu sh (Re gis try Sav e) ” he ader , c lick Down load nex t to “RegFlu sh ” to download th e C AB fi le to a loc ation on you r desktop.
In stalling A pp lication s Cha pt e r — 3 126 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Confir ming the New Regist ry File To con f irm whether t he new reg istry fil e exists , do t h.
In stalling A pp lication s — Cha pt e r 3 127 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 2 On you r desktop, se lect Start > Settings > Contr ol Pa nel ,d o u b l e - c l i c k the Folder Opti ons icon, then click the Vie w tab .
In stalling A pp lication s Cha pt e r — 3 128 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Migrating Applications Note : The se instr ucti ons assume that the 700 C olor Manage ment Tools wer e i nstalled on y our de sktop and that a stor age car d was adde d to the base configuration of the 700 Col or Computer.
In stalling A pp lication s — Cha pt e r 3 129 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 5 Cr eate a “C abFi les” f older on the stor age c ard. C opy any CA B file s that are to be extra cted on every sta rtup into t his fold er. 6 In t he “2577” directory, add your cu stom AUTOUSER.
In stalling A pp lication s Cha pt e r — 3 130 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Migrating from a 700 Monochrome Computer As you migrate from a 700 Monochrome Computer to a 700 .
131 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Network Support 4 The 7 00 Ser i es Color M obi le Compu te r can inte grate u p to thre e r adios in a single uni t, and automati cally installs the a ppropr iate sof twar e f or ra dio or phone u se wh en the u nit is power e d on.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 132 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Understanding Your 700 Series Computer Due to the numb er of 700 Series Com put ers now avail able, and to t.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 133 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Antennas (760/761 Computers) The 7 60 Compu te rs h ave c olor- coded tips to identi f y the WW AN radi o type wi thi n. Below ar e the c olors and thei r type s.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 134 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Et hernet Communications (740, 741, 750, 751, 760, 761 Computers) Foll ow the steps belo w to st art Ethern et comm u nicat ions on t he 700 Color Computer. If y our system does not co ntain an 802.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 135 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al the Wi re les s 802.11 ante nna icon sh own to the le ft appe ars i n the sy stem tray as c irc led in th e followin g illustr ation . To configure wir eless 802.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 136 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Network Selection APIs The N etwor k Sele ction APIs ch ange the ne twor k adapter conf igu r ation pro gra mm atica lly. B ot h drivers supp ort th e sam e IOCTL funct ion num- ber s for loadi ng and unloadi ng the dri ve r s.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 137 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al COR E (760, 761 Computers with WAN Radios) The I nter mec C ORE appli cati on prov ide s a f rame wor k f or v ar iou s mod- ules t hat l et yo u config ure and m an ag e your Inte rmec pro ducts .
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 138 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Note : O nce C ORE is r u nning, you can r etu r n to it by tapping i ts icon fr om the Sy stem Tr ay v ia th e T oday scr ee n. Tap Start > Tod ay >t h e Core three-ring ico n (cir cled i n th e followi ng illu stration ) .
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 139 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al IP Pro vid es the IP a dd ress which can b e set as either DHC P (Dyn amic Ho st Conf iguratio n Proto col) or staticall y. Link Indicates the speed at which a connection is made, the data rate o f the last transmitted packet.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 140 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual CDMA /1xRT T CORE Module (760 Computers wit h WAN Ra dios ) Code Divisio n Mu ltip le Acces s (CDMA) is a f orm o f wide area wireles s communications. 1X RTT suppor ts u p to 144 KB per se cond packe t data transmissi on.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 141 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al CDM A WAN Moni tor - G en e ra l CDM A WAN Moni tor - D e tai ls WAN Monito r — Details Below ar e de scri ptions and meani ngs for e ach pi ece of i nf ormati on pro- vid ed via the Details tab.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 142 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual GSM/ GPRS CORE Module (760 Computers wi th WAN Ra dios) GSM (Global Syste m f or M obi le c ommuni cati ons) is an ope n, nonpr o- prie tary wi rele ss syste m.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 143 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al GSM/GPRS WAN Monitor - General GSM/GPRS WAN Mo nitor - Details WAN Monito r — Details Below ar e de scri ptions and meani ngs for e ach pi ece of i nf ormati on pro- vid ed via the Details tab.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 144 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Microsoft Phone Application (761 Computers with CDM A Radios) With th e WAN r adio module i nstalled in you r 76 1 Compu ter , you can send and recei v e teleph one calls.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 145 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 4 Enter you r 6 -digi t activ ation c ode, th en tap Next to conti nue . 5 E n t e rt h ep h o n en u m b e ra n dM S I Df r o mS p r i n t ,t a p Next to continue .
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 146 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual 7 Note that voic e ser vi ce is avai lable immedi ately. Data serv ice take a minimu m of fou r h our s of acti vati on bef or e you can u se the se rv ic e.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 147 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 3 Tap Auto to init iate t he activat ion. 4 The appli cati on acknowle dges th at you r ph one i s now in se r vi ce.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 148 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Phone Application Note: Wait at least f ou r h ou rs af te r Spr int acti vati on is c omplete b ef ore using this ap pl ication . Data provision ing should occur automat icall y.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 149 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Speed Dial Tap Speed Dial to sel ect a t elepho ne num ber with which the 761 Co m- pute r i s to dial au tomatic ally. T o add to thi s list, u se th e C ontacts applic a- tion.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 150 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Tools Use t he Tool s men u to sen d a v oice ma il, access the Activatio n Wizard , send an SM S email message , or conf igu re ph one s ettings. S Tap Tools > Voi ce Mai l to call and leav e a voice message.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 151 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Phon e Se tti ngs Eithe r se lect Tools > Opti ons from the P hone app licat ion o r select Start > Settings >t h e Person a l t a b>t h e Ph on e i con to access the Ph one Setti ngs cont rol panel a pp let.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 152 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual S Tap the Data tab to either reset your connect ion setting s for PCS Vi- sion or u pdate y our PC S Vi sion pr of ile .
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 153 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al S Tap the System ta b to select t he app licabl e f unctio n.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 154 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Microsoft Phone Application (761 Computers with GSM Radios) With th e WAN r adio module i nstalled in you r 76 1 Compu ter , you can send and recei v e teleph one calls.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 155 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Call Hi story Tap Call His tor y to n ote the t elephon e numb ers tha t were p reviously dia led from this 761 Comp uter. Speed Dial Tap Speed Dial to sel ect a t elepho ne num ber with which the 761 Co m- pute r i s to dial au tomatic ally.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 156 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Tools Tap Tools > Se nd SMS tab to access th e Inbox applic ation and send an SMS (Shor t Me ssagi ng Serv i ce) me ssage . Be su re to hav e an SMS nu mber read y to s end the m essa ge — t his is usua ll y the m obil e pho ne num ber.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 157 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al S Tap the Services tab to access settings f or any of th e pr ovi ded serv ic es. Tap any of the se ttings, th en tap Get Settings .M a k ey o u rc h a n g e s ,t h e n tap ok to re tur n to th e Se ttings sc re en.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 158 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual S Tap the Network tab to fin d, set, or selec t the type of ne twor k on which this pho ne is to co mmunicat e.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 159 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al PhoneUtility (760 Computers with GSM /GPRS Radios) Note : This appl icatio n is for 760 Computers wit h GPRS radios , u sing PSM builds old er than 3.65 (Operating System version 4.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 160 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual No tific atio n Tap Settings to set you r 760 Compu ter to ei the r ri ng or vibr ate or do both, the n tap OK or ok to re tur n to th e Au dio M ode scr e en.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 161 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Drag th e appr opr iate slide r bar s le ft or r igh t to adju st th e ou tput and i n- put level s. Tap Defaults to retu rn the h andse t or speaker ph one lev els to the ir f ac tory de f aults.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 162 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual SB555 Watcher (760 Computers with CDM A Radios) The SB555 Watcher program is used o n the 760 Com puter with CDMA radio s onl y. Use this p rimarily t o act ivate t he WAN radio .
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 163 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Via Microsoft ActiveSync You ca n t ransfer fil es from your des kto p t o your 760 Co mput er via Micro- soft Ac tiv eSync . See C hapte r 2 , “Wind ows Mobile 2003 ” fo r more in for- mation abou t Acti ve Sync.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 164 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual 6 Tap Start > Progra ms >t h e File Explor er icon on th e 76 0 Compu te r. 7 Tap the pull-d own menu f or My Documents and tap th e My Device root loca tion.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 165 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Ac tivatio n Note: Set the date and time bef or e doing thi s activ ation.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 166 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Note: Keep the activa tion in f ormat ion for your devices in a safe, accessibl e pl ace s hould y ou have a ny future iss ues. Note : Not all of the elem ents l isted are required by all s ervice pro viders .
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 167 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 4 When you reach the Activatio n screen, select Manual Activation . 5 At t he approp riate screen, ent er the Activation Co de (OTS L, MSL, OTK SL, or SPC) prov ide d by your car r ie r and tap Next .
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 168 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Verizon Au tomat ed Act ivat ion Proce ss Note: This proces s tak es app roximat ely 60 seco nds . Do the f ollowi ng to acti vate V er iz on on you r 7 60 C ompute r: 1 Tap Start > Progra ms >t h e Wa tcher icon.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 169 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 4 Click Next ,c l i c k Next ag ain to dia l the numb er displ ayed on the screen .
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 170 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual 6 You will s ee a series of unlo ck codes o n your screen. 7 The f ollowing illustr ation shows the r esu lt of a successf u l activation.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 171 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 8 Click t he Connect button (ci rcled i n the follow ing illu stration ) to connect to the car r ie r’ s netw ork . 9 Sele ct Start > In t ernet E xp lo rer , then cho ose a web site.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 172 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Sp rint Auto mated A ctivati on P roc ess Note: Spri nt PCS u ses a data pr ov isi oning me thod te rme d IO TA (I nter net Over The Air) to comp let e its a ctiva tio n an d d ata enablem ent.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 173 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Download and Activat e S print Wat cher 1 Mak e sur e the Re gistr y Re store f e atur e on you r 760 C ompute r is dis- abled. Sele ct Start > Settings >t h e System tab.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 174 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual 2 Per for m a cold- boot on you r 7 60 C ompute r , th en go th r ough th e nor - mal P ocket PC set-up (i.e. Align S creen etc.). 3 Importa nt! Set the Date and Time .
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 175 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 9 Tap Yes, I accept to accept the lic ense agr ee ment, then tap OK to con- tinu e. T his li cense agreement does not appear agai n after thi s installation. Tap OK for th e 76 0 Compu ter to per f orm a war m-boot and complete the installation.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 176 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Using Sprint Watcher Befo re you sta rt usin g t he Sp rint Wat cher app lic at ion , mak e sure yo u match the cor re ct ESN with e ach 760 C ompute r and that y ou h ave at le ast 80% CDM A signal str ength .
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 177 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 2 If your 7 60 Co mputer w as not previous ly activa ted, Wa tcher aut om at i- call y st arts the Activatio n Wiza rd. Otherwise, s elect Manual Acti vation to continu e .
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 178 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual 3 E n t e rt h eM S Lo rl o c kc o d er e c e i v e df r o mS p r i n t . 4 E n t e rt h ep h o n en u m b e r( M I N )a n dM S I Dr e c e i v e df r o mS p r i n t .
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 179 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 5 After en tering the pho ne number a nd MS ID, the mod em then reset s and the Watc her appl ication d isplays the foll owing screens.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 180 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Data Pro visioning At this po int, the activat ion on t he Sprint net work is comp lete. It is rec- ommended by Spr int to wai t bef ore y ou lau nch data pr ovi sioning to allow time f or the ac tiv ation to propagate th rou gh you r Spr int netw ork .
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 181 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Activation o ver the air typicall y takes 1–20 minutes. If data pro visioning fail s, do the follo wing: S .
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 182 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual 3 The follo wing sc reen app ears on ce dat a provis ion ing is com plete: 4 Test th e data conne ction by tappi ng on the “conne ct” button to make a data connecti on to t he ne twor k.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 183 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 5 Sele ct Start > In t ernet E xp lo rer ,t h e nt a p Pocket I nt ern et Ex pl orer to choos e a web site. Your unit is now successfully act iv ated . Per for m a cold-boot on your 760 C ompute r to uninstall the Wa tche r ap- plicati on.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 184 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual AT Command Inte rface (760 Computers) This interface specificatio n is based on t he followin g recommen dat ion: S ET SI GS M 07.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 185 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Testing t he AT Commands The se c ommands can be se nt to ei the r W AN radi o by setti ng u p a dial-u p networ king conne ction to CO M 4.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 186 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual 3 Enter a phone nu mb er as it sh ould be diale d, th en tap Next to continu e. Sele ct Start > Hel p for mor e inf or mation or tap us e dialing rule s to make modif icati ons.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 187 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 5 Select “115200” from the Ba ud ra te dr op-down li st v ia th e Ge ner al page. 6 Tap the Port Settings tab, ch ec k Ente r diali ng commands manually , tap ok ,t h e nt a p Fini sh to retu rn to th e C onnec tions scr ee n.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 188 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual 7 Tap Mana ge e xis ting conne cti ons f r om the C onnections page, press and hold the ne w c onnecti on f or a pop-u p menu , th en tap Connect to initia te the co nnectio n.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 189 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Wireless Personal Area N etworking “Blue tooth” is th e name gi ve n to a tech nology standar d usi ng shor t-r ange radi o links, intende d to replace the cable s connecti ng portable and fix ed elect ronic d evices.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 190 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Mode The default t ab activat es or deact ivates Bl uetoo th. When Bluet ooth is act i- vate d, th e 7 00 C olor C ompute r di scov e rs and conne cts to r emote de vi ce s.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 191 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Wireless Print ing Use this ta b to print via Bl uetoot h devices.
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 192 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Tap ok to re tur n to th e W ir ele ss Pr intin g page. File Transfer U s et h i sp a g et oe n a b l ey o u ru n i tt or e c e i v ef i l e sf r o ma n o t h e rB l u e t o o t h device, or f rom any devi ce that supports this f unction.
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 193 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Note that th is d oes not apply to th e 730 Computer. F rom th is poi nt, th is tra nsfer is simil ar to a n IrDA fil e tra ns fer. To t ran sfer a fil e, ta p Start > Prog ram s > File E xplor er and locate the f ile to tr ansf er .
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 194 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual AutoIP /D HCP Automati c Pr iv ate I P Addre ssing ( AutoI P) i s enab led by de fau lt in Windows Mobil e 2003. To remain compat ible with other ver sions of Po cket P C, this set ting needs t o be enabled .
Netwo rk Support — Cha pt e r 4 195 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al SNMP Configuration on t he 700 Color Computer In short, SNMP is a n app licat ion-l ayer proto col t hat facilit ates t he ex- chang e of manag e ment in forma tion bet ween network devices .
Netwo rk Support Chap te r — 4 196 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Objec t Identifiers Each object h as a unique identifier called an OID, which consist of a se- quence of integer values repres ented in d ot no tat ion.
197 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Printer S upport 5 The 7 00 Ser i es Color M ob ile Compu te r wor ks wi th the f ollowi ng pri nter s from Int ermec Techn olo gies . Conta ct an In termec represen tat ive for infor- mation abou t the se pr in ter s.
Pri nter Suppo rt Cha pt e r — 5 198 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Printing ASCII The f ollowi ng meth ods for printi ng us ing Pocke t PC at this ti me i s as fol- lows: S Add port dr iv er s to pr i nt ASC II di r ectly to th e por t.
Pri nter Suppo rt — Cha pt e r 5 199 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al NPCP Printer Dr iver The N PCP pr inter communi cati ons dri v er (N PCPPO RT.
Pri nter Suppo rt Cha pt e r — 5 200 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Opening the NPCP Driver T h ea p p l i c a t i o no p e n st h eN P C Pd r i v e rb yu s i n gt h eC r e a t e F i l e ( ) fu ncti on. Th e call can be imple mente d as follows.
Pri nter Suppo rt — Cha pt e r 5 201 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al NPCP Driver I/O Controls An app lication uses t he DeviceIoControl () function to s pecify an printer op eratio n to be performed .
Pri nter Suppo rt Cha pt e r — 5 202 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual NPCP Printer Communicat ions All NPCP pr inte r commu nic ations sh ou ld be base d on the f ollowi ng f low: 1 Use Crea teFile(); t o op en the print er driver.
Pri nter Suppo rt — Cha pt e r 5 203 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al NPCP Error Codes Call the I OC TL _N PCP_E RROR I/O c ontro l fu nctio n to rece iv e PL /N comp atibl e error codes. Ap plica tion s must decide how t o act upon the dat a return ed.
Pri nter Suppo rt Cha pt e r — 5 204 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual O’Neil Printer Driver The DTR printer communicat ions driver is a Stream Device Dr iver na med O NEI L.DLL. All a ppl ication s use WIN32 API functions t o access drivers.
Pri nter Suppo rt — Cha pt e r 5 205 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Opening t he DTR Driv er The app licat ion o pens the DTR driver by using t he Cr eateFile() f unctio n.
Pri nter Suppo rt Cha pt e r — 5 206 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual.
207 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Sc anner S upport 6 The 700 Series Co lor Mobil e C omp uter is avail able wit h imaging or laser scanning tech nologie s, inclu ding th e f ollowi ng: APS Linear Imag er : (standard for 730 Com puters) — incl udes the EV10 Sc an Eng ine Reads 1D symbologies and PDF417 bar codes.
Sc anner Suppo rt Cha pt e r — 6 208 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Scanner Co ntrol and Data Transfer Note : To us e the me thods des cr ibe d below , enab le Data Colle ctio n fu nc- tion alit y on the 700 Comp uter using the boo tlo ader con figuration m enu.
6 S ca nner S upport — Cha pt e r 209 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Data Collection Configuration For Uni ts with PSM Builds Older th an 3. 00 Scanner se ttings f or the 70 0 Color Compu ter c an be confi gur ed vi a the Data Collection con trol pa nel app let .
Sc anner Suppo rt Cha pt e r — 6 210 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Internal Scanners The I nter mec Inte rnal Scanner f e atur e allows Au tomatic Data Colle ction (ADC) by acceptin g dat a from the COM1 port and wed ging it int o the keyb oard inte rf ace .
6 S ca nner S upport — Cha pt e r 211 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 2 Tap the Data Collection option, the n tap (+) to e xpand Inter nal Sca nner .
Sc anner Suppo rt Cha pt e r — 6 212 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Internal Scanner Supported Symbologies See the f ollow ing table for a gu ide line and Appendi x B, “ Ba.
6 S ca nner S upport — Cha pt e r 213 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Tethered Scanners The Interm ec Tethered Scann er feature all ows Aut oma tic Da ta Co llect ion (ADC) by acceptin g dat a from the COM1 port and wed ging it int o the keyb oard inte rf ace .
Sc anner Suppo rt Cha pt e r — 6 214 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual S Sele ct 1551/1553 to enable the Sabre 1551E or 1553 Tethered S canner to scan, then send data as keyboard dat a.
6 S ca nner S upport — Cha pt e r 215 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Tethered S can n er Def au lt setti ngs for the T eth er ed Scanne r ar e sh own in th is i llustr ation: S.
Sc anner Suppo rt Cha pt e r — 6 216 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Scanner Cabling A null modem cabl e is required for the Welch Allyn 1470 Imager to com - muni cate wi th the 7 00 Color C ompu ter w he n using th e 700 Color Seri al Cable (P/ N: 226-999-001).
6 S ca nner S upport — Cha pt e r 217 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al S The bar cod e APIs , defined in the IADC int erf ace, are avail able t o get b a rc o d ed a t af r o mt h eb a rc o d es c a n n e r .T h ef o l l o w i n ge x a m p l es h o w s how to programmatically coll ects bar code data: #include “IADC.
Sc anner Suppo rt Cha pt e r — 6 218 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual For Units Wit h PSM Build 3.00 or Newer Configur ing the Tethered Scanner Do the f ollowing be for e you c onfi gu re y our te the r ed scanner f r om the In- ter mec Se ttings contr ol panel apple t.
6 S ca nner S upport — Cha pt e r 219 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al 4 Tap (+) to expand Sca nner S et ti ngs ,t a p S canner mode l for a dro p- down list , the n select the applicabl e scanner, su ch as “1551E” or “1553” in this sam ple screen.
Sc anner Suppo rt Cha pt e r — 6 220 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual 1551E or 1553 Select ed for Sca nner Mode l When “1551E” or “1553” is selected from the S canne r mode l opti on (see step 4 above) , and the por t state is already e nabled (see step 5 ) ,t h ep r o c e s s will ta ke seve ral moment s to reset.
6 S ca nner S upport — Cha pt e r 221 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Note : When selecting either the 1551E or the 1553 Scanner or enabl ing the scanner port for th ese scanne rs, the 700 Compu ter tr ie s to communi- cate wi th the attac he d scanner.
Sc anner Suppo rt Cha pt e r — 6 222 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Teth ered Scan ner Sup po rted Sy mbo logies The user interf ace may al low con figur ation of PDF417, Mi cro PDF417, RSS, and Codablock bar code symbologi es.
223 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Programming 7 The follo wing prog ramm ing informa tion p ertain s to the 700 Series Colo r Mobi le Co mp uter: S Creati ng CAB Fil es (page 22.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 224 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Creating CAB Files The Windo ws CE operat ing sys tem uses a .CAB file to in stal l an appl ica- tion on a Wi ndows C E-b ased de vi ce. A . CAB f ile i s compose d of mu ltiple fi les that ar e compre ssed into one fi le.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 225 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al [CEStrings] This specifies st ring subst itutio ns for the app licat ion name an d the default installation di r ector y. Req uir ed? Yes S AppName : app_name Name of the appli cation.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 226 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual [CE Devic e] Describes t he plat f orm for the ta rget ed ap plica tio n.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 227 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Example The follo wing co de exampl e shows t h ree [C E Dev ice] secti ons: one that give s basi c inf or mation f or any CPU and two th at are spe cif ic to the SH3 and the M IPS microprocessors.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 228 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual [DefaultInstall] Thi s desc ri be s the de fa ult i nstallation of y our applicati on. Note th at u nder this sect ion, you will l ist item s expand ed upon lat er in this descrip tion .
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 229 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al [SourceDiskFile s] This de scri bes the name and path of the f ile s in wh ich y our applic ation resi des. Req uir ed? Yes S filename : disk_num ber [,subdir] RPM.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 230 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual [DestinationDirs] This desc ribes the nam es and p aths o f the dest inat ion direct ories for the app licat ion on the targ et device. Note Wi ndow s CE does not su pport di recto- ry identi fiers.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 231 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al [CopyFiles] This sectio n, under the [DefaultInstall] section, descr ibes th e def ault fi les to copy to th e tar get de vi ce . W ith in th e [DefaultInstall] section, f ile s we re list ed that m u st be d efined el sewhere in t he INF file.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 232 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual [AddReg] This sectio n, under the [DefaultInstall] sect ion, is optio nal an d describes the ke ys and valu es th at the . CAB f ile adds to the dev i ce r egi stry .
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 233 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al [CEShortCuts] This sectio n, a Windows CE -specific sectio n under the [DefaultInstall] secti on, i s optional and descr ib es th e sh ortcu ts th at the i nstallation applic a- tio n creates o n the device.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 234 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual rpmce212.ini = 1 intermec.bmp = 1 rpmlogo.bmp = 1 rpmname.bmp = 1 import.bmp = 1 export.bmp = 1 clock.bmp = 1 printer.bmp = 1 filecopy.bmp = 1 readme.txt = 1 lang_eng.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 235 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al fmtctrl.dll,,,0 ugrid.dll,,,0 simple.dll,,,0 psink.dll,,,0 pslpwce.dll,,,0 npcpport.dll,,,0 ;dexcom.dll,,,0 [Files.DataBase] rpmdata.dbd,,,0 [Files.Fonts] tahoma.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 236 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Using Insta lla tion Fu nc tio ns in S ETUP .DLL SETU P.DLL is an opt ional file tha t enabl es you to perform cus tom o pera- tions du ri ng installati on and r emov al of you r applic ation.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 237 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al PROCESSENTRY32 peProcess; DWORD thDeviceProcessID; TCHAR lpname[MAX_PATH]; if ( !pname || !*pname ) return FAL.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 238 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual WORD cFailedRegVals, WORD cFailedShortcuts ) { HANDLE h; TCHAR srcfile[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR dstfile[MAX_PATH]; i.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 239 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al // TODO: Perform the reverse of INSTALL_INIT here return codeUNINSTALL_INIT_CONTINUE; } codeUNINSTALL_EXIT Uni.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 240 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Troubles hooting t he CAB Wiz ard To ide ntif y and av oid pr oble ms th at migh t occu r wh en u sing th e C AB Wizard, foll ow these guidel ines: S Use %% for a perc ent sign (%) character wh en using thi s character i n an .
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 241 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Customization a nd Lockdown Pocket PC (Windows Mobil e ) is a hardware specificat ion created by Mi cr osoft C orpor ation.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 242 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual FTP Server FTP su ppor t is pr ovi ded th rou gh th e F TP Se rv er applicati on FTPDCE.EX E (MS Windo ws CE Versions ) which is provided a s part t he base system.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 243 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Configurable Parameters Via t he Registry Editor The f ollowi ng parame ter s re cei v e def ault va lue s dur ing the i nstallation of the In termec FTP Server co mpo nents.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 244 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual IDNATa rget This p aram eter con figures t he Int ermec FTP Server to t ransm it the IDNA to a speci f ic des tination i nstead of a ge ner al UDP br oadcast.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 245 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Transferring Files Over TCP/IP Networks The File T rans fer Prot ocol (FTP) s erver transfers fil es over TCP /IP net- works. The FTPDCE.EXE program is a ver sion that does no t display a win do w, but ca n run in the bac kg roun d.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 246 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual SITE The follow i ng ex te nde d OEM comma nds ar e s uppor te d by the S ITE re qu e s t. F or Mic ros oft FT P cli - ents, you can send site command s by p receding the command with “quote” such as “quote site statu s.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 247 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al STATUS Retu rns the cu rrent setting s of the FT P Server. MAC, serial number, model, IP ad- dress, network announcement information as well as OS memory u sag e are retu rned.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 248 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual The format of the FTPDCE.TXT is as follows: FTPDCE:user1!passwd1<cr><lf>user2!passwd2<cr><lf>user3 !passwd3<cr><lf>... Note : The u se r accounts and passwords are case se nsitiv e.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 249 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al The default is to s tart t he FTP Server at boot t ime, unles s the follo wing regist ry entry is defined and s et to “0” which dis ables Aut oFTP. “1” en- a b l e st h eA u t o F T P .
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 250 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Kernel I/ O C ontrols This describes t he KernelIoCo ntrol () function s availa ble to ap plicatio n progr ammer s. M ost C++ appli cations wi ll need to prototype th e fu ncti on as t he foll ow ing t o avoid l ink and c om pil e errors.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 251 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al IOCTL_ HAL_ I TC_ READ_ PARM Usage #inc lude “oe mioc tl.h ” Syntax BOOL KernelIoControl( IOCTL_HAL_ITC_RE.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 252 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual ID Fiel d Val ues (continued) ITC_NVPA RM_DISPLAY_TYPE This IOCTL returns the device’s display ty pe. One by te is returne d in the buffer p ointed to by the lpOutBuffer parameter.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 253 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al ID Fiel d Val ues (continued) ITC_NVPARM_R TC_R ESTORE This IOCTL re ads the state of the real- time clock restore fl ag. A BO OLEAN DW ORD is returned in the buffer point ed t o by lpOutBuffer .
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 254 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual ID Fiel d Val ues (continued) ITC_ NVPA RM_BLU ETO OTH_IN STA LLED This IOCTL re ads the state of the B luetooth rad io install e d fl ag. A BOOL EAN DWORD is returned in the buffer point ed t o by lpOutBuffer .
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 255 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al IOCTL_HAL_ITC_WRITE_ SYSPARM Desc ribes a nd en abl es the regist ry save l oca tion .
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 256 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual ID Fiel d Val ues The id fiel d of lpIn Bu f may be one of th e follow ing valu e s: ID Fiel d Val ues ITC_ REGI STR Y _SAVE_EN ABLE This function enables or disables the s ave registry to non - vol atile media f eature of the RegFlushKey() function.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 257 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al IOCTL_ HAL_ G E T_DE VI CE ID This IOCTL returns the device ID. There are t wo t ypes o f device IDs s u p p o r t e d ,w h i c ha r ed i f f e r e n t i a t e db a s e do nt h es i z eo ft h e ou tput buffer.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 258 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual IOCTL_ HAL_ G E T_ OAL_VE RIN F O Returns t he HAL version informa tion o f the Pocket P C image.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 259 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al IOCTL_ HA L_G E T_ BOOTLOADER_ V ERI NF O Returns t he HAL version informa tion o f the Pocket P C image.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 260 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual IOCTL_ HAL_ WARM BOOT Cau ses th e syste m to perf orm a warm- boot.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 261 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al IOCTL_ H AL_ GE T_ RE SE T_ INF O This IOCTL code a llo ws software to check the typ e of the mo st recent reset .
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 262 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual IOCTL_ H AL_ GE T_ BOOT_ DE VIC E Thi s IO CTL code allows sof twar e to che ck wh ich de v ice C E booted f rom.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 263 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al IOCTL_ HAL_ RE BOOT Cau ses th e syste m to perf orm a warm- boot.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 264 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual IOCTL_PROCE SSOR_ INFORM ATION Ret urns pro cess or inform atio n.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 265 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al IOC TL_G E T_ CP U_ I D Retur ns Xscale pr ocessor I D. Usage #inc lude “oe mioc tl.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 266 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Network Selection APIs The N etwor k Sele ction APIs ch ange the ne twor k adapter conf igu r ation pro gra mm atica lly. B ot h drivers supp ort th e sam e IOCTL funct ion num- ber s for loading and unloadi ng the dri v er s.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 267 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al The API provid ed by Intermec Techno logies expo ses a limited s et of rou- tines that al lows a programmer to access and aff ect the 802. 11b or 802.11b/g netwo rk interface car d from within their appl ication.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 268 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Basic Conne ct/ Disconne ct F unct ions Below ar e fu ncti ons avai lable f or the 7 00 Color C ompute r wh en enab led with the 802. 11b or 802. 11b/g radio mod ule.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 269 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al RadioDisasso ciat e() Call this function to have the 802. 11b or 802. 11b/g radio disassociate from the curren t s ervice set . The radio then en ters an “off” mod e until it is woke n again by setti ng the Ser v ic e Set Ide ntif ie r (SSI D) .
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 270 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual GetA uthent icat ionMode() Call th is f u nction to ob tain th e r adio’ s cu rr e nt auth enti cati on mode. Syn tax UINT GetAuthenticationMode( ULONG & ); Parameters NDIS _RADIO_AUTH_MODE_OPE N 802.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 271 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al GetD iv er si ty( ) Call this function to get the cur rent dive rsity setting of your 802.11b or 802.11b/g radio. This u ses an opt ional NDIS5.1 OID to quer y the radio, of which a l arge number of 802.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 272 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual GetMa c() Call this function to g et the MAC address of the 802. 11b or 802. 11b/g rad io. Syn tax UINT GetMac( TCHAR * ); Parameters Pointer to a character array, which is populated with the MAC ad dress after a su ccessful call.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 273 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Get Netwo rkTyp e() Call thi s fu nction to get the cu r re nt networ k type of th e radi o.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 274 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual GetPow erMode () Call thi s fu nction to get the cu r re nt power sav i ngs mode of the r adio. Syn tax UINT GetPowerMode( ULONG & ); Parameters NDIS _RADIO_POWER_MODE_CAM Con tin uous A ccess Mo de (ie: alw a ys on ) .
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 275 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al GetTXP ower() Call th is f u nction to ge t the cu r re nt tr ansmit powe r of th e r adio.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 276 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual GetWe pS tatus () Cal l t his fun cti on t o get t he current s ta te o f the rad io’s WE P a nd encryp - tion lev e ls.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 277 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al GetRadioIpAddre ss () Call th is f u nction to ob tain a f or matted str in g indic ating w he the r D HCP is enable d, and wh at is th e cu rr ent adapte rs I P address.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 278 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Set I nformat ion F unct ions AddWep() Call th is f u nction to add a WEP k ey to th e r adi o. C all thi s f un ction mu lti - p l et i m e sw h e na d d i n gm o r et h a no n eW E Pk e y .
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 279 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Encrypt ionStat us() Call th is f unc tion to se t the de sir ed e ncr yption statu s.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 280 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual SetAut henticatio nMode() Call th is f u nction to se t the de sir e d auth enti cation mode . Syn tax UINT SetAuthenticationMode( ULONG ); Parameters NDIS _RADIO_AUTH_MODE_OPE N 802.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 281 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al SetNet workMod e() Call th is f u ncti on to se t the de sir ed Ne twor k M ode. Syn tax UINT SetNetworkMode( ULONG ); Parameters NDIS _NET _MODE_IBSS 802. 11 Ad- Hoc Mo de.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 282 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual SetSSID( ) Call th is f unc tion wi th a poi nter to a nu ll-te r minate d TCHAR ar r ay con- taini ng the des ir ed SSID to set the de si re d SSID of th e adapter .
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 283 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al RemoveWep( ) Call thi s fu ncti on with a ke y inde x of 0 –3 to re move th e WEP ke y at that index. Syn tax UINT RemoveWep( ULONG ); Parameters ULONG v alue that specifies t he key index to se t.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 284 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual EnableZeroCo nfig() This enabl e s or disa bles the Wireles s Zero Configurat ion Wizard from Mi cr osoft. Af te r calli ng thi s fu ncti on, a w arm- boot is r eq ui re d for th e change to take ef f ec t.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 285 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al isSupplicantRunning() Call th is f unc tion to dete r mine wh e the r th e se cu ri ty su pplic ant is r unni ng. Syn tax UINT isSupplicantRunning( ); Parameters None.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 286 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Sto pSupplic ant( ) Call th is f u ncti on to stop the su pplic ant ser v ic e. Syn tax UINT StopSupplicant( ); Parameters None. Return Values ERROR_SUCCE SS whe n su cc ess fu l.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 287 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al GetCu rrentD rive rName () Call thi s fu nction to populate th e TC HAR arr ay with th e dr iv er name . Syn tax UINT GetCurrentDriverName( TCHAR * ); Parameters Pointer to a TCHAR array which cont ains the name o f the d river when su ccessful.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 288 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Swi tchPacke tDrive r() Call th is f unc tion to swi tch b etw een av ai lable pack et dr iv er s on the sy stem.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 289 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Notifications Use the f ollowing inf or mation to progr ammatically c ontrol the v ibr ator , to write an app lication t o turn on the vibrato r when a message is received via the WLAN rad io link, and turn it off when the user hits a key.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 290 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual NLEDGetDeviceInfo Usage #inc lude “nle d. h” Syntax BOOL NLEDGetDeviceInfo ( UINT nInfoId , void * pOutput ); Parameters nInfoId Integer specifying the inf ormation to return.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 291 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Reboot F unctions There are several m ethods , via Kernel I/O Con trol func tio ns, tha t an ap- plicati on program can u se to for ce the 7 00 Color C ompu ter to re boot.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 292 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Remapping the Keypad Note : Use ca uti on wh en r emappi ng the ke ypad. I mprope r r e mapping may re nder th e key pad unusab le. Da ta withi n the 700 Color C ompu ter cou ld also be lost, sh ould any pr oblems occu r.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 293 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Alpha (Blue) Pla ne The alpha plane contai ns value s fr om the keypad when the k eypad has b e e np l a c e d.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 294 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual How Key Values Are Stored i n Registry To know w hic h f ie lds to u pdate i n the r egi stry , y ou mu st know wh at Scan Codes are assigne d to each physical key (se e the “ Keypad S can Cod es and Mea ning s” t a b l eo nt h en e x tp a g e ) .
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 295 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Scan Codes At t he lowest driver level, t he 700 Col or Numeric Keypad a nd the 700 C o l o rA l p h a n u m e r i cK e y p a di d e n t i f i e sk e y sa ss c a nc o d e s .
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 296 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Numer ic Keypa d Sc an Codes and Mea nings (c ontinued) ScanCo de Mean in g P r e s st h i sK e y e Enter /@.
Progr am m in g — Cha pt e r 7 297 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Alph anumeric Ke ypad Scan Cod es and Mean ings (con ti nued) ScanCo de Mean in g P r e s st h i sK e y J J/Pg.
Progr am m in g Cha pt e r — 7 298 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Sample Vie w of Re gist ry Ke ys The f ollowi ng is a sample vie w of the cu rr ent def au lt key mapping for the 700 Col or Num eric Keypad . See the regis try on your device for the l ates t key mappings.
299 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Configurable Settings A This app endix cont ains inform atio n about the Dat a Coll ection , Intermec Settings, SNM P, Unit Inf ormati on, Utili ties , and Wire less Networ k con- trol panel applets that may be on the 7 00 Ser ie s Color M obi le Compu ter .
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 300 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Configu ration Parameters A confi gur ation para mete r cha nges the way the 7 00 Color C ompute r op- erates , such as c onfig uring a paramet er to have the 700 Color Co mp uter emit a very loud beep in a no isy enviro nment .
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 301 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al S Tap Refr esh to discard ch anges and star t again. Tap Yes when you are prompte d to v er if y th is acti on.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 302 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Data Collection Control Panel Applet Note: This app let is n ot avail able in units wit h PSM Build 3.00 o r newer. To dete r mine y our PSM Bu i ld ve rs ion, tap Start > Pro gram s > File E xplor er >t h e PSMin fo te xt f i le.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 303 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Symbologies You can change bar cod e symbol ogy p arameter settings in your 700 Color Com put er via the Data Collection cont rol pa nel ap pl et. The f oll owing parame ter s are f or b ar code sy mbologie s.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 304 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Code 39 Code 39 is a discret e, self-checking, variabl e leng th symb olo gy. The char- acter set is uppercase A–Z, 0–9, dol lar sig n ($), period (.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 305 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Standa rd 2 of 5 Sta nda rd 2 of 5 is a discrete and s elf-checking symbo log y that uses the bars to encode inf ormati on and the spaces to separate the i ndiv idu al bars.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 306 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Codabar Codabar is a se lf -checki ng, discr ete symbology . Actio n Tap (+ ) to e xpand th e Codabar paramete r, sele ct a se tting to be c hange d, the n selec t an option f rom th e dr op-down li st to ch ange th is setti ng.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 307 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al UPC/EAN UPC/EAN ar e f ix ed- length , n ume ri c, c ontinu ous s ymbologi es th at use four elemen t widt hs.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 308 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Code 93 Code 93 is a variabl e lengt h, contin uous symbo log y that uses four element widths. Actio n Tap the Code 93 par ame ter , th en se lec t an option to ch ange th is par ame- ter se tting.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 309 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Co de 128 Code 128 is a vari able -length , continu ou s, hi gh- density , alphanu me ri c sym bol ogy that uses mul tipl e elemen t widths a nd s upp ort s the exten ded ASCII ch aracte r set.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 310 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Code 128 Options Set the fo ll owin g for t he Code 1 28 p ara met er. Note that the EAN 1 2 8 ] C 1 and CIP 128 Fre nch Ph arma ceuti cal opti ons are not avai lable when you use an imager with you r 700 Color Computer.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 311 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Code 128 FNC1 Char acter The Code 128 FNC1 char acter (EAN 128 norms) can be any ASCII char- act er and is used as a sepa rato r when multipl e ident ifiers and their fields are conc atenate d.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 312 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Plessey Plessey i s a pulse -wi dth modulate d symbology like most othe r b ar code s. I t includes a start character, data characters, an eight-bit cyclic check digit, and a termin atio n bar.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 313 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al MSI MSI is a symbolog y similar to Pl essey code (page 312) that includes a st art patter n, data character s, one or two check digits, and a stop patter n.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 314 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual PDF417 PDF4 17 is a s tacke d two-dime nsional sy mbology th at prov ide s the ab ili ty to scan across r ows of c ode.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 315 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al S Sele ct Unb uffered for mu lti-labe l PDF 417 message s th at are too long for t he Sa bre buffer (m emo ry overfl ow) .
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 316 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Micro PDF417 Micro P DF417 is a mul ti-row sy mbo logy d erived from a nd cl osely ba sed on PDF417 (page 314) . A limi ted set of sy mbology si ze s is av ailable , to- get her with a fixed level o f error correctio n for each sym bolog y size.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 317 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Inter leaved 2 of 5 Interlea ved 2 of 5 (I 2 of 5) is a high-den sity, self-checking , continuo us, numeric symbo log y used m ainly in inventory dis tribution and t he automo - bile industry.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 318 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Matrix 2 of 5 Matrix 2 of 5 is a numerical symbol ogy.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 319 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Telepen Telepe n is an alphanu mer ic, case -sensiti ve , f u ll ASCII symbology. Note that this is no t avail abl e when yo u use an image r with your 700 C olor C om - puter.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 320 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Code 11 Cod e 11 is a high densit y, discrete numeric sym bolo gy that is extens ively use d in labe ling te lecommu nicati ons compone nts and eq ui pment.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 321 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al QR Co de QR Code (Qu ick Response C ode) is a two-dimensional matrix symbology containing dar k and ligh t squ ar e data modu le s.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 322 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Da ta Ma trix A two-dimensi onal matrix sy mbology, w hi ch is made of sq uar e modu les arran ged within a perimet er finder p attern .
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 323 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al MaxiCode MaxiCode is a fix ed-size 2-D matrix symbo log y which is made up of offset rows of h ex agonal ele ments a rr anged ar ou nd a u niqu e cir cu lar f inder pat- ter n.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 324 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Symbology Options To acce ss the se ttings f r om the 7 00 C olor C ompute r , tap Start > Settings >t h e System t a b>t h e Data Collection ic on to acce ss its contr ol panel applet.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 325 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Code 39 User ID If “1” was sele cted in the Symbolog y ID param eter, you can s et your ow n ASCII c haract er to id entify Co de 39 ba r code d ata.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 326 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Code 93 User ID If “1” was sele cted in the Symbolog y ID param eter, you can s et your ow n ASCII c haract er to id entify Co de 93 ba r code d ata.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 327 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Plessey Use r ID If “1” was sele cted in the Symbolog y ID param eter, you can s et your ow n ASCI I cha rac ter to ide ntif y Ple sse y bar c ode data.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 328 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual EAN 8 User ID If “1” was sele cted in the Symbolog y ID param eter, you can s et your ow n ASCII ch ar acter to identi f y EAN-8 bar code data. Note that thi s is not available wh en you use an i mager with you r 700 Color Compu ter.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 329 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Code 11 User ID If “1” was sele cted in the Symbolog y ID param eter, you can s et your ow n ASCII c haract er to id entify Co de 11 ba r code d ata.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 330 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Prefix Pre pends a str ing of up to 20 A SCII ch aracte rs to all scanned data. Actio n Tap the Prefix para met er, then en ter a p r efix value t o chan ge this p aram e- ter se tting.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 331 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Suffix Appends a str ing of u p to 20 ASC II c har acter s to all scanned data. Actio n Tap the Suffix paramete r , the n enter a suff i x valu e to ch ange this par ame- ter se tting.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 332 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Beep er/LED To acce ss the se ttings f r om the 7 00 C olor C ompute r , tap Start > Settings >t h e System t a b>t h e Data Collection ic on to acce ss its contr ol panel applet.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 333 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Beeper Sets the v olu me for the good re ad beep. Note that th is is not available w hen y o u u s eal a s e rs c a n n e rw i t hy o u r7 0 0C o l o rC o m p u t e r .
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 334 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Beeper Volume Sets the v olu me for the good re ad beep.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 335 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Beeper Freq uency Set s the frequency f or the good rea d beep.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 336 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Good Read B eeps Sets th e nu mbe r of good r ead b ee ps. Note th at this is not available w hen you u s ea ni m a g e rw i t hy o u r7 0 0 C o l o rC o m p u t e r .
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 337 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Good Read B ee p Du ration Sets th e du r ation of the good r ead be ep. Note that th is i s not available w hen you use an imager wi th your 700 Color Computer.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 338 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Imager Note: The se i nstru cti ons do not apply to the 73 0 C ompute r. To acce ss the se ttings f r om the 7 00 C olor C ompute r , tap Start > Settings >t h e System tab > Data Collection to access its c ontrol pane l applet.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 339 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Stic ky Aimer Duratio n The Sti cky Aime r Du r ation contr ols the time th e Aimer LED stays on af- ter th e a bar code read complete s or afte r the tr igge r bu tton is rele ased.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 340 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Image Dimensio n The i mage dime nsions control the v er tical siz e of th e image f or decodi ng. This can restrict the im age t o on e bar cod e when ot h erwise, there might be more th an one bar code i n the image to be de coded.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 341 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Lighting Mode T h eL i g h t i n gM o d es e t st h el i g h t i n gm o d eo ft h ei m a g e r .W h e ns e tt o “LED P r iority,” the imag er depen ds mo re on a mbient light ing t o illumi - nate the bar c ode f or re ading.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 342 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual 1D OmniDir Decode Enable The 1D OmniDir Deco de En able a ffects the sca nnin g abil ities o f the IT4000 Imager.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 343 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Virtua l Wedge To acce ss the se ttings f r om the 7 00 C olor C ompute r , tap Start > Settings >t h e System tab > Data Collection to access its c ontrol pane l applet.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 344 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Preamble Sets the pr eamb le tha t prec ede s any data you scan wi th the 7 00 Color Compu ter . C ommon pr eamble s inc lude a data locati on nu mber or an op- erat or num ber.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 345 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Note : Wh en you e nter th e AD command withou t data, the pr eamb le is disable d.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 346 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Postamble Sets the postamble th at is appended to any data you scan with th e 700 Color C ompute r. Common postambles inclu de cu r sor contr ols, su ch as tabs or carriage ret urn l ine feeds.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 347 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Note : Wh en you e nter th e AE command withou t data, the postamble i s disable d.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 348 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Grid Sets th e v ir tu al wedge gr id, whi ch f i lter s the data c oming f r om this 7 00 Col or Com puter. The dat a server suppo rts da ta fil terin g, which all ows y ou to select iv ely send scan ned da ta.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 349 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Code Page S e t st h ev i r t u a lw e d g ec o d ep a g e .
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 350 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Intermec Settings Control Panel Applet You may h ave th e I nter mec Setti ngs contr ol panel a pplet. I nfor mation about th e se ttings you c an conf igu r e wi th th is applet i s descr ib ed in th e Intermec Computer Command Reference M anual .
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 351 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al SNMP Control Panel Applet Note: This app let is n ot avail able in units wit h PSM Build 3.00 o r newer. To de ter mine y our PSM bui ld v er sion, tap Start > Progra ms > File E xplor er >t h e PSMin fo te xt f i le.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 352 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Secur it y To acce ss the se ttings f r om the 7 00 C olor C ompute r , tap Start > Settings >t h e System tab > SNMP >t h e Security tab to acce ss its paramete rs.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 353 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Re ad/W rite Comm u ni ty Sets th e r ead/wr i te commu nity str i ng, wh ic h i s re qu ir ed f or pr oce ssing of SNMP set r eq ue sts by thi s 700 C olor C ompute r.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 354 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Read Encryp tion Sets the pac ket- lev el mode of s ecu r ity f or SNM P re ad-only r equ e sts. If you enab le read encryp tion, all received S NMP get and g et next packe ts have to be en crypted o r the pa cket wil l no t be a uthorized .
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 355 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Write Enc ryption Sets the pac ket- lev el mode of se cu r ity f or SNM P read/w ri te re qu e sts.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 356 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Encrypt ion Key Identi f ies th e k ey th at thi s 700 C olor C ompute r u se s to encr ypt or de ci - pher SNMP packet s. Encryptio n is used onl y by softwa re provid ed by In- termec Technolo gies.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 357 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Trap s To acce ss the se ttings f r om the 7 00 C olor C ompute r , tap Start > Settings >t h e System tab > SNMP >t h e Traps tab to access its paramete rs.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 358 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Threshold Dete rmi nes th e max imu m numb er of tr aps per se cond that th e maste r agen t g enerat es. If the t hreshol d is reached, the tra p wil l no t be s ent.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 359 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Id entifi cati on To acce ss the se ttings f r om the 7 00 C olor C ompute r , tap Start > Settings >t h e System tab > SNMP >t h e Identification tab to access its pa ram ete rs.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 360 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Name Sets th e assigne d name f or th is 7 00 Color Compu ter . Actio n Tap the Name parame ter , th en enter th e name of you r 700 C olor Com- pute r to change this par ameter se tting.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 361 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Locat ion Sets t he identificatio n locatio n for this 700 Color Comput er, such as “Shippi ng. ” Actio n Tap the Location par amete r, then e nte r th e loca tion of w he re y our 7 00 Color Compu te r to change this par ameter se tting.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 362 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Unit Information Control Panel Applet Note: This app let is n ot avail able in units wit h PSM Build 3.00 o r newer. To de ter mine y our PSM bui ld v er sion, tap Start > Progra ms > File E xplor er >t h e PSMin fo te xt f i le.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 363 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Ba ttery S tatus You can vi ew the b atter y status for y our 7 00 Color Compu te r by acce ssing the Un it In fo rm atio n control p anel app let.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 364 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual CAB Files You can view the l ates t devel oper or released version o f each CAB file from Inter me c Te chnologi es C or porati on that ar e i nstalled i n you r 70 0 C olor Com put er via the Un it In fo rma tio n contro l pan el app let.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 365 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al S S9C Up grade : Inst all s the files n eeded to upg rade t he S9C scan ner firmware. See t he 700 Color Management Tools f or information on u pgrading th e firmware.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 366 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Utilities Control Panel Applet The Util ities co ntro l pa nel ap plet exam ines an d mo difies set .
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 367 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Regist ry Sav e Fr om the 70 0 C olor C ompu ter , tap Start > Settings >t h e System tab > Utilit ies >t h e Registry Save tab to access the R egistr y Sav e control panel applet.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 368 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Wakeup Mas k Fr om the 70 0 C olor C ompu ter , tap Start > Settings >t h e System tab > Utilit ies >t h e Wakeup Ma sk tab to acc ess th e W akeu p M ask contr ol pan- el app let.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 369 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al App Launch Fr om the 70 0 C olor C ompu ter , tap Start > Settings >t h e System tab > Utilit ies , then scrol l to the right to t ap the App L aun ch tab to acc ess th e Applicati on Lau nch contr ol pane l applet.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 370 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Note ; Y ou cannot map an applic ation to mor e than one bu tton. Sh ould you assi gn the s ame appli cation to two b uttons, a ve ri fi cati on prompt wi ll appear af ter th e second button to confir m wheth er y ou want to remap the applicati on.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 371 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Wireless Network Control Panel Applet Note :S e eC h a p t e r4 ,“ Network S u pport , ” for inf ormati on abou t the 802.11b or 802.11b/g radio module.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 372 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual S TKIP (Tempo ral Key Int egrity Prot ocol) This protocol is part of the IEEE 802.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 373 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Configuring Your Wireless Net work To start 802.11b or 802.11b/g communicatio ns on t he 700 Color Com put er, tap Start > Settings >t h e System tab > Wireless Netw ork to access the Profile Wizard for the 802.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 374 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Basic Use the Basic page to set the networ k type, name, and manage batter y power f or th is prof i le. Ta p ok or OK to retu rn to th e Pr of ile s page.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 375 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Securi ty The f ollowi ng are av ailable f r om the 8021x Sec uri ty dr op-down li st. Note that th e last four meth ods are avai lable if you h ave purch ased th e secu rity pack- age.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 376 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual To Enabl e WEP Encrypti on 1 Set 8021x Sec uri ty as “None. ” 2 Set Association to eit her “Open” if WEP keys are not required; or “S hared ” when WEP key s are required for asso ciat ion.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 377 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al T oE n a b l eW P AE n c r y p t i o nU s i n gaP r e s h a r e dK e y 1 Set 8021x Sec uri ty as “None. ” 2 Set Association to “WPA.” See page 372 for i nfor mation about WPA encrypt ion.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 378 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual PEAP (Pr otected EAP ) This prot ocol is suitabl e for perf orming s ecure authenticat ion agains t Win- dows domains and di re ctor y se rv i ces .
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 379 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al To Enable PEAP with WPA Encryp tion 1 Set 8021x Sec uri ty as “PEAP. ” 2 Set Association to “WPA.” See page 372 for i nfor mation about WPA encrypt ion.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 380 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual To Enabl e PEAP with Network EAP 1 Set 8021x Sec uri ty as “PEAP. ” 2 Set Association to “Network EAP. ” See page 371 f or inf or mation about EAP.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 381 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Ad di tiona l Settin gs 1 Sele ct an auth en ticati on meth od f rom th e Inner PE AP A uth ent ica ti on drop- down list. EAP /MS- CHA P- V2 A uthenticate s against a Wind ows Do main Co ntroll e r and oth er non -Windows u s e r datab as e s.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 382 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual TLS (EAP- TLS) EAP-TL S is a pr otocol that is b ased on the TL S (T ranspor t L aye r Se cu ri ty) protocol w ide ly us ed to sec ur e w eb si tes.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 383 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al To Enabl e TLS with WPA Enc ryption 1 Set 8021x Sec uri ty as “TLS. ” 2 Set Association to “WPA.” See page 372 for i nfor mation about WPA encrypt ion.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 384 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Additional Settings 1 Check Va lid a te Serv er C ertific at e to ver i fy th e i denti ty of the au th enti - cation ser ve r base d on its cer tifi cate w hen u sing PEAP or TL S.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 385 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al TTLS (E AP-T u nneled T L S) This protoco l provides au thentication l ike EAP-TLS (see pag e 382) but do es no t require certificates fo r every user. Instea d, aut hentica tion servers are issu ed ce rtif ic ates.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 386 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual To Enabl e TTLS with WPA Enc ryption 1 Set 8021x Sec uri ty as “TTLS. ” 2 Set Association to “WPA.” See page 372 for i nfor mation about WPA encrypt ion.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 387 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Ad di tiona l Settin gs 1 Selec t an auth en ticati on protoc ol fr om th e Inner TT LS Aut he nti cat ion drop- down list: PAP Password Authenticatio n Protoco l.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 388 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual To Get Certificates Cer tif ic ates ar e pie ces of c ry ptograph ic data th at guar ante e a pu blic ke y is associate d with a pri va te ke y. T he y contai n a pu bli c ke y and th e e ntity name that owns the ke y.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 389 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al LEAP (C isc o Lightwei ght EAP) LEAP is the C isco L igh twei ght ve rsi on of EAP.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 390 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual To Enable LEAP with WPA Encryp tion 1 Set 8021x Sec uri ty as “LEAP. ” 2 Set Association to “WPA.” See page 372 for i nfor mation about WPA encrypt ion.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 391 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al To Enabl e LEAP with Network EAP 1 Set 8021x Sec uri ty as “LEAP. ” 2 Set Association to “Networ k EAP, ” an EAP pr otocol f or the ne twor k. See page 371 f or i nfor mation abou t EAP.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 392 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Advanced Use thi s page to conf igu r e additi onal settings f or th is pr of ile. Tap ok or OK to re tur n to th e Pr of ile s page. S Detect Rogue APs : Wire less NIC s and APs associ ate b ased on th e SSI D conf igu r ed f or the NIC .
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 393 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Other Configurable Parameters The foll owing p aramet ers can be con figured b y send ing read er comm an ds thr oug h the ne twor k or fr om an applicati on.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 394 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Using Rea der Commands Afte r the 70 0 Color Compu ter i s connecte d to your ne twor k, you c an send the 700 Color Compu ter a re ader command from an application to per for m a task, such a s changing the ti me and date.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 395 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Set Time and Da te Thi s command sets the date and time on the 700 C olor Compu ter .
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 396 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Configuration Bar Codes You can change some settings on your 700 Color C ompute r by scanning the following Code 39 bar code l abels.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 397 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Auto matic S hutoff Note : Th e Automatic Shutoff parameter inf ormation is on pag e 393.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 398 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Backligh t Timeout 2 minutes *$+DF120* *$+DF 120* Backligh t Timeout 3 minutes *$+DF180* *$+DF 180* .
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 399 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Virtua l Wedge Grid, Pre amble, Pos ta mble The fo ll ow ing para meters are use r-co nfig urable s tring s. Re fer to a full ASCII ch ar t for mor e inf or mation.
Configur able Set ti ngs Appendi x — A 400 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual.
401 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Troubleshooting B This appe ndix contai ns a br ie f e xplanati on of w hat you can do to trouble - shoot your 7 00 Color M obi le Compute r .
Tr ou b lesh oot in g Appendi x — B 402 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual The 70 0 Color Compu te r does n ot re spond whe n connect ed t o a power s upply. Make su re you r ac adapter or dock i s plu gged in and is maki ng good con- tact wi th y our mob ile c ompute r.
403 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Index I The C lasses and Fu nctions Inde x cov er s classes and f uncti ons for th e 700 Se ri es Color M obi le Compu ter . The Genera l In dex covers all t opics. Thos e in it alics are figures, thos e in bo ld are tables.
Index 404 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Classes and Functions A add_r eg i st ry_ se c ti on, [AddRe g ] flags, 232 regis try_roo t_string, 232 value_name, 232 Add Reg, [Defau.
Index 405 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al FTP client, 245 configurable parameters, 243 Blo c kSize, 243 DeviceName , 243 DeviceURL, 243 Pause AtStartup, 244 FTPDCMDS su bdirectory.
Index 406 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual ITC_NVPARM_WAN_RI, 252 IOCTL_HAL_IT C_WRITE _S YSPARM ITC_ DOCK_SWITCH, 256 ITC_ WAKEUP_MASK, 256 ITC _AM BI ENT_FRO NTLI GHT, 25 6 ITC.
Index 407 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al L lp BytesR eturned IOCTL_GE T_ CPU_ID, 2 65 IOCTL_HAL_GET_BOOT_DEVICE, 262 IOCTL_H AL_GE T_ BOOTLOAD ER _VER INF O, 259 IOCTL_HAL_GET_DE.
Index 408 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual NDIS_ PO WER _LEV EL_U NKN OW N, G etTXPo wer() , 275 NDIS _RADIO_AS SOCIATE D, Ge tAss ocati onStat us (), 269 NDIS_RAD IO_AUTH_MODE_A.
Index 409 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Root, F T P Se rv er , 24 4 S Se t i nfor ma ti on fu nc ti ons , 2 78 SetAuthenticationMo de(), 280 SetCC XStatus( ), 28 2 SetCh annel().
Index 410 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual General Index Numbers 1470 Imager. Se e Image r 1551/1553 Te there d Scanne r See also Tethered scan ner conf iguring, 218 reset to fac.
Index 411 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Alphanumeric keypad al pha (b lue) k ey sequences, 16 [go ld/white] k ey sequences, 14 regist ry settings alpha plane, 293 gold pl ane, 293 unsh ifted plane, 293 scan co des, 296 Ambient l ighting, 2 Annotations index, Microsoft Reader, 95 Antenna, radio type, 133 APIs 802.
Index 412 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Books, Mic ros oft Re ade r addin g bookma rks , 9 5 addin g dra wi ng s, 95 annotations index, 95 attaching notes, 95 copy ing, 95 dow.
Index 413 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Common O bjec t Res ource E nvironment. See CORE Communications DTR, 205 NPCP, 202 Compact Fla sh c ards card support, 21 installing ap p.
Index 414 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Contact s addin g a not e , 68 adding a telephone numbe r CDMA radios, 149 GSM radios, 155 addin g t o s pee d di al, 72 assigning to a.
Index 415 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al image dimen sion, 340 interleaved 2 of 5, 317 interleaved 2 of 5 user ID, 326 lighting mode, 341 macro PDF, 314 matrix 2 of 5, 318 matrix.
Index 416 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Full scr een disp la y, 241 G GDI appr oac h, 198 General Packet Radio Service. See GSM/ GPR S Getting connected directly to an e - mai.
Index 417 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Installing ap plicatio ns using a s torage card, 122 using CompactFlash cards, 122 using Secu re Digital cards, 123 with ActiveSync, 121 with F TP Se rver, 122 Ins talli ng dri ve rs DTR, 204 NPCP, 199 Inst ant m essaging, 87 Integrated sc anners.
Index 418 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual virtual wedge co de p age, 349 virtual wed ge grid, 348 virtual we dge postamble, 346 virt ual wed ge preamb le, 344 SNMP configuration.
Index 419 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al NDIS UIO_PACKET_DRIVE R, Sw itch Packet Drive r(), 288 Network ad apters antenna color cod e, 133 Ethernet communicatio ns, 134 no networking, 135 wireles s 802.
Index 420 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Phone settings con trol p anel app let CDMA radios, 151 GSM radios, 156 customizing via Pho ne appl ication CDMA radios, 151 GSM radios.
Index 421 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Registr y settin gs AutoCfg, 194 AutoFTP, 249 AutoInterval, 194 AutoIP/DHCP, 194 DhcpMaxRetry, 194 DhcpRetry Dialogue, 194 EnableDHCP, 19.
Index 422 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual SNMP O IDs 1D OmniDir decode enable, 342 aimer LED duration, 338 beeper , 333 freque ncy, 335 volume, 334 codabar, 306 us er ID, 325 co.
Index 423 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Sym bolog ie s inte rna l scann er supp or ted sym bolo gies, 212 scanning labels, 396 tethered sca nner supp orted sy mbo logies, 222 us.
Index 424 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Unshifted pl ane on keypad, regular k eypad, 292 UPC, co nfiguration p arameter, 307 A use r ID, 327 E use r ID, 327 Upd ate your PCS V.
Index 425 700 Series Colo r Mobile Co mput er User’s Manu al Wireless netw ork, 135, 373 creating a c onnection, 108 specificatio ns, 25 Wire le ss pr int in g Blue t ooth c ompat ib le modu le , 189 unit information con trol panel , WP_SAMPLE.
Index 426 700 Serie s Co lor Mo bile C omputer Use r’s Ma nual Files Index Numbers 80211API.DLL, 267 80211CONF.EXE , 267 80211SCAN.EXE , 267 802PM.DLL, 267 A AUTOUSER. DAT, 122, 123 C CAB WIZ.DDF, 23 9 CABWIZ.EXE, 224, 239 CEI MAG ER.EXE, 1 28 CORED LL.
Corpora te Headquarters 6001 36th Avenue West Everett, Washington 98203 U.S.A. tel 425.348.2600 fax 425.355.9551 www.intermec.c om 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User's Manual - July 20.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Intermec 700 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Intermec 700 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Intermec 700 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Intermec 700 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Intermec 700 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Intermec 700 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Intermec 700 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Intermec 700 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.