Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 3300 van de fabrikant 3Com
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® Super Stack ® II Sw itch 3300 FX User Guid e 3C16982 Part No. DUA1698 -2 AAA03 Publ ished Apr il 1999 169 82u g1 .bk P age 1 Thu rs day , Ap r i l 29, 19 99 4:5 1 P M.
3Com Cor poratio n 5400 Bayfr ont Plaza Santa Cl ara, Calif or nia 95052- 8145, U.S. A. Copyri ght © 199 9, 3Com T echnol ogies . All r ight s reserved .
A BOUT T HIS G UIDE Conventions 8 Related Doc umentation 9 Y ear 2000 Compliance 10 Documentation Comm ents 10 1 I NTR ODUC ING THE S WITC H 330 0 FX About the SuperS t ack II Swit ch 3300 FX 12 Summa.
Placing Units On T op of Each Other 2 5 St acking Un its 26 St acking T wo Unit s 26 St acking Up T o Four Unit s 27 The Power -up Sequence 29 Connectin g a Redundant P ower System 29 Powering-up the .
G LOSSARY I NDEX 3C OM C ORPOR ATION L IMITED W AR RAN TY EMC S TATEM ENTS 169 82ug1 .b k Pa ge 5 Thu rs da y, Apri l 29, 19 99 4:51 P M.
169 82ug1 .b k Pa ge 6 Thu rs da y, Apri l 29, 19 99 4:51 P M.
A BOUT T HI S G UI DE This gui de pro vides all the inf ormation you need to install an d use a Super Stack ® I I Swit ch 330 0 F X uni t with d efaul t sett ings. If you w ant t o chan ge t he way t he S wit ch w orks us ing m anage men t softwa r e, r efe r to the “Su perSt ack II Switc h Management G uide” (par t number DUA1695 -0 BAA0x ).
8 A BOU T T HIS G UI D E Conve ntions T a ble 1 an d T ab le 2 list co nven tions th at are used t hrougho ut th is guide . Ta b l e 1 Notice Icons Ic on No tice Type Ale rts y ou t o.
Relat ed Docu mentati on 9 Related Do cumen tati on In addi tion t o thi s gu ide, t he Sw itch 33 00 F X doc um ent s et inc ludes: ■ Ma nagemen t G uide (Pa rt N umbe r DU A1695- 0BA A0x) This gu ide contai ns all the ma nagem ent inform ation for the Swi tch.
10 A BOU T T HIS G UI D E Y ear 2 000 Compli ance For in form atio n on Y ea r 2000 co mplia nce an d 3C om products , visit the 3Co m Y e ar 200 0 Web page: http :/ /w ww.3c om .c om/p ro ducts /y r2 000. ht ml Do cumen tation Comme nts Y our suggestions ar e very im portant to us.
1 I NTR ODUCING THE S WITCH 3300 FX This c hapter c ontains int roducto ry info rmation abou t the Swit ch and how it ca n be u sed in y our ne tw ork.
12 C HAPTER 1: I NTRODUCING THE S WITCH 3300 FX Ab out the Su per Sta ck II Sw itch 33 0 0 FX The Supe rStack ® II Sw itch 3300 F X con nect s yo ur e xisting 10Mb ps dev ices , connec ts high- perfo.
Switch 3300 FX — Front View Detail 13 Sw itch 33 0 0 FX — Fr o nt Vie w Deta il Figure 1 Switch 3300 FX — front view 100BA SE-FX Ports The Swit ch has eig ht 100BASE-FX port s capable o f operati ng in half duplex or f ull dupl ex mode . A 2km (65 62ft ) fiber r un is t he m aximum l ength all owed for a s egment .
14 C HAPTER 1: I NTRODUCING THE S WITCH 3300 FX Ta b l e 3 LED behav ior LED Color In dicates Port S t at us LEDs Packet Yellow Packets ar e bein g tra nsmi tted/ re ceive d on th e por t. Off No pack et s are be ing t ransm itt ed/re ceive d on t he port.
Swit ch 3300 FX — Rear View Det ail 15 Sw itch 33 0 0 FX — Re ar V iew De ta il Figure 2 Switch 3300 FX — r ear view Unit In fo rmatio n Label This la bel shows the following: ■ The 3C om p r .
16 C HAPTER 1: I NTRODUCING THE S WITCH 3300 FX Expans i on Modu le Slot Y ou can use thi s slot to install an Expansi on Module; for e xample, a 100BA SE- FX M odule t hat provide s an add itiona l high -sp eed lin k, or a Ma trix Modu le that provide s four matrix ports for sta cking Sw itch u nits toge ther .
Network Conf igura tion Ex ample s 17 Net work Config uration Exam ple s The f ollowi ng illu stra tions s how some example s of how the Swit ch c an be us ed i n y our net wor k. S witch 33 00 FX as a Segm entati on S wi tch Th e exa mpl e in Fi gu r e 3 s hows how a Switch 3300 FX can s egment a network of s hare d 10Mbps and 100Mbps connections.
18 C HAPTER 1: I NTRODUCING THE S WITCH 3300 FX S witch 33 00 FX as a Coll aps ed Bac kbon e Sw itc h The example i n Figu r e 5 shows how a Swi tch 330 0 FX c an act as a backb one f or bo th sha r ed and sw itch ed net work segment s. Figure 4 Using the Swit ch as a collaps ed backbone 169 82ug1 .
Network Conf igura tion Ex ample s 19 S witch 33 00 FX as a D eskt op S wi tch The example i n Figu r e 5 shows how a Swit ch 3300 F X ca n be used for a group of users th at require dedic ated 1 0Mbp s or 100M bps conn ect ions to t he desktop.
20 C HAPTER 1: I NTRODUCING THE S WITCH 3300 FX Config uration Rul es fo r Fast E t her ne t The t opolo gy rule s for 100 M bps Fast Et her net are sl ightly di ff erent to those f or 10 Mbps E ther net. Figu re 6 illu strates th e key topolo gy rules an d pr ov ides examp les of how they allow fo r larg e-scale F ast Et hernet netw orks.
Config urati on Rules with Full Dupl ex 21 The key to pology r ules ar e: ■ Ma ximum UTP c able l eng th is 100m (3 28f t) ov er Cat egory 5 cab le. ■ A 412 m (1352f t) fiber run is al lowed for conne cting swi tch-to-sw itch, or endst ation -to-sw itch , usin g half-du ple x 100BA SE-FX .
22 C HAPTER 1: I NTRODUCING THE S WITCH 3300 FX 169 82ug1 .b k Pa ge 22 Thur sda y, Apri l 29 , 199 9 4:51 PM.
2 I NSTALLI NG TH E S WITCH This ch ap ter co ntain s the inform ation y ou ne ed t o insta ll and se t up t he Swi tch. It cover s the fo ll owing to pics: ■ Choosing a Suitable Si te ■ Rack- mo .
24 C HAPTER 2: I NSTALLING THE S WITCH Choosin g a Suita ble Si te The Swit ch is suite d for use in an of fice en vir onment whe re it can be mount ed in a standa rd 19- inch eq uipm ent rack , or free stand ing. Alternativ ely , the Swit ch can be rac k-mounte d in a wirin g closet or equipm ent r o om.
Plac ing Unit s On T op of Each Othe r 25 Figure 7 Fitting a brac ket for r ack mounting 3 In se rt th e th ree sc rew s an d t ig ht e n w ith a su ita b le sc rew d riv er . Y ou must use the sc rews sup plied wi th the mount ing bracket s. Damage caused to the uni t by using incorrec t scr ews inval idates y our w arrant y .
26 C HAPTER 2: I NSTALLING THE S WITCH Sta cki ng Un its Unit s in the Switch 11 00/3300 fam ily ca n be stack ed toge the r and t hen tr eat ed as a single man ageable unit with one IP ad dres s.
Stack in g Unit s 27 Figure 8 A stack of two units. Stac king Up T o Four Units Y ou can stac k up to fou r Switch unit s with a s ingle Su perSta ck II Switc h Ma trix Modu le and the app r opr iate num be r of M atrix Cable s. Y ou only need one Matrix Module for each stac k.
28 C HAPTER 2: I NSTALLING THE S WITCH 5 If you u se th e mana gem ent software of the uni ts: ■ Ensure tha t all th e unit s hav e the same ve rsion o f m anage men t software ■ Ensu re th at you.
The Power-up Se quence 29 Th e Pow e r - up Seq u enc e The f ollow ing sect ions descr ibe how to get you r Sw itch 330 0 FX powered- up and ready for operat ion. Co nnecti ng a Redund ant Pow er Syst e m Y ou can c onn ect a Super Stac k II Ad vanc ed Red und ant Po we r System (part number 3C16071) t o the Switc h.
30 C HAPTER 2: I NSTALLING THE S WITCH If there i s evide nce of a problem, see “S olving P r obl ems Indicat ed by LEDs” on page 31 . Choosin g the Correct C ables Fiber optic c abl es shou ld be f itte d with SC co nnec tors. Both the RJ45 por ts on the fr ont of the Swit ch are c onfigur e d as MDIX (c ro ss-over ).
Solvi ng Probl ems I ndicat ed by LEDs 31 Solving Problem s Indicated by LEDs If the LEDs on the Switch in dicat e a pr oblem , r efe r to Ta b l e 5 which contai ns a list of know n proble ms an d sugge sted solut ions.
32 C HAPTER 2: I NSTALLING THE S WITCH Manag ing th e Sw itch The S witch contai ns sof tware that allo ws yo u to chan ge and monitor the way it wo rks.
A S AFETY I N FORM ATION Y ou must read the follow ing saf ety in formati on be fore carryi ng out any install ation or removal of c ompone n ts, or an y m aintenan ce proc edures on the Swit ch 3300 FX. WARNI NG : Warning s co ntain direct ions that yo u m ust fo llow for your per sonal sa fety .
34 A PPENDIX A: S AFETY I NFORM ATION Importa nt Safe ty In formati on ■ Install ation and remo val of the uni t mu st be ca rried ou t by qua lified pers onnel o nly . ■ If in stallin g the Switch uni t in a stack with SuperSt ack II Hub units , the Switch 33 00 FX unit must b e installed below the na rrower Hub units.
Imp or ta nt S afe t y In form at io n 35 ■ Franc e and Peru only: This unit ca nnot be p owe r ed from IT † supp lies. If yo ur supplie s are of IT ty pe, thi s unit mu st b e powe red by 2 30V (.
36 A PPENDIX A: S AFETY I NFORM ATION L ’ informat ion de Séc uri té Impo rtan te ■ L' install ati on et la dépo se de ce gr oupe doiven t êtr e confi és à u n pers onnel q ualif ié.
L’i nfor mat ion de S écur ité Import ant e 37 ■ L ’ap par eil fonc tionne à une tensi on extrê mem ent ba sse de sécurité qui est conf orme à la no rm e CEI 950. Ce s cond itions n e sont ma intenu es que si l 'équipem ent auquel il est rac cordé fon ctionne da ns les m ême s condi tions.
38 A PPENDIX A: S AFETY I NFORM ATION Wi ch ti ge Sicherh eitsinfor mat ion en ■ Die In stallation und der Ausbau des G eräts da rf n ur durch Fach per sonal erfol gen .
Wi chti ge Sicher heit si nformat ion en 39 WAR NU NG : F as ero ptik an sc hl üs se – O pti sch e S ic he rhe it . Niemals mi t eine m V ergrößerun gsger ät ein Übertr agungs -LED betr achten , während dies es einges chaltet is t.
40 A PPENDIX A: S AFETY I NFORM ATION 169 82ug1 .b k Pa ge 40 Thur sda y, Apri l 29 , 199 9 4:51 PM.
B P IN - OU TS Nu ll Modem Cable 9-pin t o R S-232 25 -p in PC -A T Se ri al C a ble 9-pin t o 9 -pin 169 82ug1 .b k Pa ge 41 Thur sda y, Apri l 29 , 199 9 4:51 PM.
42 A PPENDIX B: P IN - OU TS Modem Ca ble 9-pin t o R S-232 25 -p in RJ45 P in Assign me nts Pi n assignments are id entical f or 10BASE-T an d 100BASE-TX RJ4 5 co nnector s Ta b l e 6 Pin as sign men.
RJ45 P in Assi gnments 43 Ports conf igu red as MDI X 1 RxData + Receiv e Data 2 RxData – Receiv e Data 3 TxData + Tra nsmit dat a 4 Not as signe d 5 Not as signe d 6 TxData – Tra nsmit dat a 7 Not as signe d 8 Not as signe d Ta b l e 6 Pin as sign ments Pin Number Signal Funct io n 169 82ug1 .
44 A PPENDIX B: P IN - OU TS 169 82ug1 .b k Pa ge 44 Thur sda y, Apri l 29 , 199 9 4:51 PM.
C T ECHNI CAL S P ECIFICATIONS Physic al Dimensio ns He ight: 76mm (3.0 in.) x Width: 483mm (19 .0 in.) x Depth 300mm (12. 0 in.) Wei ght: 4kg (8.8 lbs) Envir onment al Requir emen ts Ope rati ng T em.
46 A PPENDIX C: T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS Standar ds Support ed SN MP ■ SNMP protoc ol (RFC 1157) ■ MIB-I I (RFC 1213) ■ Bridge MIB ( RF C 1493) ■ Repeate r MIB (RFC 1516) ■ VLAN MIB (RFC 1.
D T ECHNI CAL S UPPO RT 3Co m provide s eas y acce ss to t echn ical supp ort i nforma tion t hrough a vari ety of serv ices. This ap pendi x descr ibes th ese serv ices. Infor mation co ntained in this app endix is co rre ct at ti me of publ icati on.
48 A PPENDIX D: T ECHNICAL S UPPORT 3C om F TP S i te Do wnload drivers, patc hes, software, and MIB s across the Inter net from the 3Com publ ic F T P si te.
Suppor t from Your Net work Su pplier 49 Acce ss by Digi ta l Mo dem ISDN users ca n di al in to the 3Com BB S using a di gital mo dem f or fa st access up t o 64 K bp s.
50 A PPENDIX D: T ECHNICAL S UPPORT When you co ntact 3Com for a ssistance, have the foll owing inf orma tion r eady: ■ Product m odel n ame , part num ber , and serial num be r ■ A list o f syste.
Retu rning Pr oduc ts for Re pair 51 Retu rning Products fo r Rep ai r Before you send a produc t directly t o 3Com fo r repair , you m ust fir st obtai n an au thoriz ation n um ber . Products sent to 3Com wi thout author ization num ber s will b e return ed t o the se nder u nopen e d, at th e sender ’ s ex pense.
52 A PPENDIX D: T ECHNICAL S UPPORT 169 82ug1 .b k Pa ge 52 Thur sda y, Apri l 29 , 199 9 4:51 PM.
G LOSSARY 10B A SE- T The IEE E specific ation for 1 0Mbps Ether net ove r Cat egor y 3, 4 or 5 twist ed pai r ca ble. 100B A SE-FX The IEEE spec ifica tion for 100 Mbps Fast Et hernet over fib er -opti c cab le. 100BA SE -TX The IEEE spec ifica tion fo r 100Mbps Fast Et hernet over Categ ory 5 t wi ste d- pai r ca ble .
54 G LOSSARY broa dc ast st or m Multip le simul taneous br oadcast s that t y pically absor b all the ava ilable netw ork ba ndwidt h and ca n cau se a ne twor k to fail. Broadc ast stor ms c an be d ue t o fa ul ty net wor k de vice s. coll ision A term used to de scribe two co lliding pack ets i n an Ether ne t netwo rk.
G LOSSARY 55 hub A device that r egene rates LA N tra ffi c so th at the tr ansmiss ion d istanc e of t hat signal can be extended . Hubs ar e similar to rep eaters , in that they con nect LANs of the same ty pe; however they connect mor e LANs than a r epeat er and ar e gener ally mor e sophi sticat ed.
56 G LOSSARY MAC addr ess M edia Ac cess Con tr ol address; also c alled hardware or phy sical address. A laye r 2 a ddress asso ciated with a pa rticular net work device. Mo st devic es th at conn ect to a LAN have a M AC address assigne d to the m as they ar e used to identi fy other dev ices i n a network .
G LOSSARY 57 SN MP Si mple Networ k Mana gement Pro tocol. The curr ent IETF st andar d protoco l for m ana ging devices o n a n T CP/IP netwo rk . stack A grou p of net wor k devi ces tha t are integ rated t o form a sin gle logi cal devic e.
58 G LOSSARY 169 82ug1 .b k Pa ge 58 Thur sda y, Apri l 29 , 199 9 4:51 PM.
I NDEX Numbers 100BASE - FX ports 13 10BASE- T/ 100BASE- TX ports 13 3C nu mb e r 15 3Com b ullet in boar d serv ice (3 Com BBS) 48 3Com K nowledgeb ase Web S ervi ces 4 7 3Com URL 4 7 3Co mFacts 49 A.
I NDEX 60 pin- outs 41 ports 100BASE- FX 13 10BASE- T/1 00BASE-T X 1 3 auto- negoti ating 13 co nsole 15 fib er 1 3 matrix 16 power socke t 15 poweri ng- up a Swit ch 330 0 FX 29 pro duct name 15 R rack mo unti ng a Sw itch 3 300 FX 2 4 Red undant Po wer Sy stem .
3Com C orpor ati on L IMITED W ARRANT Y S UPER S TACK ® II S WITCH 3300 FX H ARDWA RE 3Com w arrants thi s hardwa re prod uct to be f ree fro m defect s in work manship a nd mat erials, und er norma .
days aft er the date of purc hase, and this is ve rified by 3C om, it will be conside red dead- o r de fec tiv e- on- arr i val (DO A ) an d a r ep la cem ent s hal l b e pr ovi ded b y ad v ance r epl ace me nt .
EMC S TATEMENTS FCC S TA TEMENT This equipme nt has be en test ed and fou nd to compl y with t he limits f or a Class A digita l device, pur suant t o part 15 o f the FCC rules.
169 82ug1 .b k Pa ge 64 Thur sda y, Apri l 29 , 199 9 4:51 PM.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat 3Com 3300 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen 3Com 3300 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens 3Com 3300 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding 3Com 3300 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over 3Com 3300 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van 3Com 3300 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de 3Com 3300 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met 3Com 3300 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.