Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product PowerTel M7500 van de fabrikant Amplicomms
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P o w erT el M750 0 m o b i l e ph o n e Oper ating Instr uctions.
M7500 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Hear ing aid compatibility Thi s tel ephon e is equ ipped with T Coil coup ler maki ng it com- pat ible wit h mos t pop ular hea ring aid s.
C ONTENTS 1 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Quick Star t Guide .............................................................6 Qu ick Gla nce ..............................................................
C ONTENTS 2 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Using the phone ............................................................. 24 Ge ner al ....................................................................
C ONTENTS 3 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Co pyi ng/m ovi ng al l pho neb ook en tri es ..................................... 36 St ori ng a ph one boo k ent ry to a sp eed d ial ling key .............
C ONTENTS 4 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “Settings“ menu ............................................................ 58 Pr ofi les ................................................................
C ONTENTS 5 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “File manager“ menu .................................................... 81 Appendix ......................................................................
Q UICK S T ART G UIDE 6 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Quic k Star t Guide Quick Glance 1 Earpiece 2 Display 3 Lef t softkey 4 Navigation k ey 5 Call k.
Q UICK S T ART G UIDE 7 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) 1 13 13 20 21 2 14 15 14 15 21 5 4 3 12 11 18 17 16 18 17 16 7 6 5 10 11 22 23 8 9 19 19.
Q UICK S T ART G UIDE 8 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) What is in the box The box contains: 1 mobile phone 1 power adapter plug 1 li−ion battery 1 operating manual 1 desktop c harging unit I ns ta l li n g t he S IM ca r d , m em or y ca r d a nd ba t t e r y • Switc h the phone off .
Q UICK S T ART G UIDE 9 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) • Slide the SIM card with the gol- den contacts facing down in the moulded SIM card holder . The SIM card must be located under the metal retaining bar to be in the correct position.
Q UICK S T ART G UIDE 10 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Char ging the batt ery • Be fore star ti ng to c h arge the ba t tery , c he c k th at it has be en in stal led pro per ly . Do n ot rem ov e the bat t ery wh ile it is be ing c h arge d.
Q UICK S T ART G UIDE 11 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) • It may take a few seconds before the phone indicates the c harging process.
Q UICK S T ART G UIDE 12 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Some SIM cards will require you to enter a PIN code. Fol- low the prompts on the screen. The SIM code (PIN of the SIM card) that you recei ved with your SIM card, protects the SIM card against unauthori- sed use.
Q UICK S T ART G UIDE 13 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) T aking a call T ake the call Rejecting a call Reject the call Ending a call End the call Makin.
Q UICK S T ART G UIDE 14 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Adv anced Set tings and F unctions For more details about setting up your Amplicomms M750 0 and other functions follow the descriptions in this user guide.
Q UICK S T ART G UIDE 15 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) service then you also benefit from being able to carry over any credit that has been paid on the card. Wher e can I get a SIM card from? Any high street mobile phone shop will be able to provide you with a SIM card.
Q UICK S T ART G UIDE 16 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) phone as they are from an earlier generation of SIM card design.
Q UICK S T ART G UIDE 17 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) suited to less frequent users. How do I find out my cr edit balance? The service provider of the SIM card should have provi- ded an information pac k with the card.
T HE PHONE IN DET AILS 18 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) The phone in details Ke ys and P arts fo r the exp lan atio n of key s and par ts plea se re fer to pa ge 6.
T HE PHONE IN DET AILS 19 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) to a one -to uc h dia lli ng key“ page 37 ). No te : Sinc e thi s ope rat ion on ly re qui - re s a sho rt pre ss of a but ton , it co uld le ad to uni nte ntio nal dia lli ng.
T HE PHONE IN DET AILS 20 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) user profile (ringtone etc.). ▼ - Switc h on the camera. ◀ - Open SMS/MMS menu ▶ - Calculator ■ - centre of the navigation k ey In standby: open the menu In menus: function “ OK “ .
Star k ey - to ent er th e int ern atio nal pre fix “ +“ in pre -di all ing (p res s 2 tim es) o r to en ter P (pa use )/ W (w ait ) (ma y be ne cess ary fo r call -th rou gh num bers or rem ote acc ess ing an an swe rin g ma c hin e). - when entering text: open the spe- cial c haracter table.
T HE PHONE IN DET AILS 22 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) V olume control +/- keys: - In standby: adjusts the volume level of the ringtone - Whilst on a call -> adjusts the ear - piece or Hands-free volume.
23 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) New call Call forwarding acti ve Alarm is activated Boost is activated Profile “ Outdoor“ or “General“ is act.
U SING THE PHONE 24 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Using the phone General All the functions can be accessed via the various menus. • Use the arrow keys ▲ / ▼ to scroll though the menus and the lists (e.
U SING THE PHONE 25 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) and enter the second letter . • Use the arrow keys ▲ / ▼ / ◀ / ▶ to place the cur sor and press Delete for deleting c haracter s.
U SING THE PHONE 26 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) S witc h on : Pr ess and ho ld the red end call key until the dis - pla y lig ht will be swi tc hed on. Ent er the PIN co de for your SIM card and pre ss OK .
27 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Dialling a phone number / Calling • The phone must be in standby (SIM card inserted and the phone switc hed on). • Enter the telephone number incl. the prefix. For ente- ring a + in front of the country prefix press › quic kly two times.
U SING THE PHONE 28 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Dialling with the one−t ouch dialling ke ys • Make sure, a phone number is assigned to the respective k ey . Press the desired one-touc h dialling key .
29 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Use the right softkey to switc h off the ring tone (“ Silent “). Af ter this you can reject the call by pres- sing the right softkey (“ Reject “). Pressing the left softkey you tak e the call with Ans- wer .
U SING THE PHONE 30 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Options whilst in a call Y ou can select the following Options with the left softkey: - Hold -> The call is put on hold. T o retrieve the call press Options / Retr ieve - End single call -> End the call (same as end call key).
U SING THE PHONE 31 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) or press Options -> Phonebook or Call history to select an entry . Press Options and select Call - OK . • When the second subscriber answer s, press Options and select Conf erence - OK to establish the 3-par ty conference.
“P HONEBOOK “ MENU 32 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “Phonebook“ menu Y ou can save names and phone number s in the internal memory (up to 30 0 entries) and on the SIM card. Opening the phonebook • In standby press Names or • During a call press Options , select Phonebook and press OK .
33 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) • Select whether the new entry should be stored to the phone’ s memory or to the SIM card and press OK . • Enter the name and press ▼ . • Enter the (fir st) phone number and press ▼ .
“P HONEBOOK “ MENU 34 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) numbers for this entry (office, mobile. . .), an email address or a company name. • When you are finished entering information for the new entry , press Options -> Sav e .
35 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Editing a phonebook entry • P ress Names to open the phonebook. • S elect an entry , press Options , select Edit and press OK . • Edit the entry . • P ress Options -> Sav e .
“P HONEBOOK “ MENU 36 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Copying/mo ving all phonebook entr ies • P ress Names -> Options -> Phonebook settings -> Copy/Mo ve contacts . Select whether the contacts in the phone should be copied/moved to the SIM card or vice-versa and confirm.
37 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) • The phonebook is opened. Select an entry and press OK . S t or i n g a p h o n e b o o k e nt ry t o a n o n e .
“P HONEBOOK “ MENU 38 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Fur ther options With the phonebook open and an entry selected press Options and select one of the following options: • View : The entry is shown • Send text message : Send a SMS to the respecti ve phone number .
“P HONEBOOK “ MENU 39 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) • Phonebook settings • Pr ef err ed storag e : Select where new entries should be saved (SIM card, telephone). • Speed dial : Switc h on the speed dial function and edit the speed dial buttons.
“M ESSAGES “ MENU 40 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “Messag es“ menu Y ou can send and recei ve text messages (SMS / Short Message Service) and multimedia messages (MMS). Received messages are stored either internally in the phone or on the SIM card.
41 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) • Broadcast message : If your provider supports this ser - vice you can c hange some parameter s in this menu. Note : These settings should only be changed by advan- ced users.
“M ESSAGES “ MENU 42 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) green tic k). • S elect the desired profile, press Options , select Activ at e or Edit and press Select . • Editing options include: c hange the Profile name and the SMSC address (the phone number for your provider ’ s SMS centre).
43 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) - V oicemail server : Y ou can c hange your voicemail phone number . If you have questions, please con- tact your network provider . Exit the menu by pressing Back or Save .
“M ESSAGES “ MENU 44 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Multimedia message settings Note about MMS : Both you and the recipient must have a subscription that supports drafting and sending multime- dia messages.
“M ESSAGES “ MENU 45 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) - Retr ieval : Set tings for treating a MMS as Home netwo ... , Roaming , Filters , Read repor t , Delivery r ep... . - Pref er r ed storag e : Select, where the MMS should be stored to ( Memory card or Phone ).
“M ESSAGES “ MENU 46 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Wr iting and sending a SMS/MMS • P ress Menu , select Messages -> Wr ite message -> T ext message/Multimedia message and press OK . • W rite your message using the digit k eys.
47 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) • P ress Options , select Send and press OK . R ea di n g/ d el et i ng m es sa g e s a n d f ur th er o pt io n s • P ress Menu , select Messages -> Inbo x and press OK .
“M ESSAGES “ MENU 48 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) - Delete sever al : Marking options for bulk deleting several messages. Press Options when displaying the SMS content to open the following options: - Reply by SMS/MMS : Reply to the number from whic h the message was sent.
49 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “Call center“ menu A new call is shown on the display . • Press Back to delete the message. The icon for a new call appears in the display . Y ou can see this call “nor - mally“ in the Missed calls list.
“C ALL CENTER “ MENU 50 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) - Send text message : Send a SMS to the phone num- ber .
Fur ther options • Press Menu , select Call center and press OK . • Bloc k list : Y ou can enter a list of phone numbers to be bloc ked. If you activate this feature calls from phones with the respective number s will not be sig- nalled any more.
“C ALL CENTER “ MENU 52 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) ed an incoming call will be tak en by opening the cover . If you select An y ke y incoming calls can be taken by any key (except the right softkey and the red end call key).
“SOS“ MENU 53 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “SOS“ menu This phone is equipped with an emergency call function. Y ou can register up to 5 per sonal phone number s for automatic periodic dialling or an emergency phone num- ber for an emergency call centre.
54 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “SOS“ MENU from the phonebook or Enter number , to enter the phone number manually .
55 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “SOS“ MENU R ec or di ng a pe rs o na l em er g en c y v o i ce me s sa g e • Press Menu , select SOS -> Set outgoing voice MSG and press OK . • Select Custom and press OK .
56 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “SOS“ MENU Emer gency call procedur e Press the emergency call button on the bac k of the device for approx. 2-3 seconds. When the automatic SOS call starts you will hear a siren tone.
57 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “SOS“ MENU will be activated at your side and you can talk to the called person directly . Cancel the emerg ency call function Press the emergency call button again.
58 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “S ETTINGS “ MENU “Set tings“ menu Pr ofiles Y ou can store different profiles (special settings depen- dent on user and surroundings), whic h you can switc h quic kly .
59 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “S ETTINGS “ MENU - Ringtone volume : Select the volume for the ring tone. - Mes sag e - S et th e tone for an inco min g mess age . - Message volume : Select the volume for the inco- ming message tone.
60 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “S ETTINGS “ MENU cover . - System alert - Switc h the sound on/off for sys- tem notifications. The new settings will only tak e effect if you press Options again and select Sav e , once the modificati- ons are done.
61 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “S ETTINGS “ MENU Switc hing Boost on and of f • Press Menu , select Settings -> Boost Setting and press OK . • Select On to activate the Boost function permanently or Off to deactivate it.
62 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “S ETTINGS “ MENU - Schedule pow er on/off : Y ou can set up to two auto- matic switc h on/off times for your phone. • Select Enable or Disable and press OK . • Select an entry and press OK .
63 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “S ETTINGS “ MENU - P ow er on displa y/P ower off display : Select an animation whic h should be played when powe- ring the phone on/off . - Sub LCD Clock type : Select a type for the cloc k on the external display .
64 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “S ETTINGS “ MENU - P o we r On/ of f Mod e Set ti ng : If th is fu nct ion i s sw itc h ed on , the thr ee LE Ds be low the ex tern al di spla y bli nk br ief ly sev era l tim es whe n the mobi - le is tu rne d on/ of f.
65 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “S ETTINGS “ MENU fication for missed calls (left LED display) should be turned on or off . Networ k set tings • Press Menu , select Settings -> Networ k settings and press OK .
66 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “S ETTINGS “ MENU Secur ity settings • Press Menu , select Settings -> Security settings and press OK . • Y ou have the following options: - SIM secur ity : - PIN lock : Y ou can turn on or off the request for the SIM PIN when the phone is switc hed on.
67 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “S ETTINGS “ MENU Bluetooth • Press Menu , select Settings -> Bluetooth and press OK . • Y ou have the following options: - P ow er : Switc hing the function on or off .
68 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “S ETTINGS “ MENU - Connect (with the paired device) - Service list - Rename - Delete - Delete all - My name : The Bluetooth name. Can be c hanged. - Pref er red stor age : Select the preferred storage (Phone/Memory card).
69 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “S ETTINGS “ MENU Restor e settings Y ou can re set the phon e to it s fac tory set ti ngs. • Press Menu , select Settings -> Restor e settings and press OK . • Enter the phone phone password (0 0 0 0 in deli very state) and press OK .
“ O RGANIZER “ MENU 70 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “ Or ganiz er“ menu Calender Y ou can set the calendar from January 1 970 to December 2030.
“ O RGANIZER “ MENU 71 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) • Press the navigation k ey ▲ / ▼ / ◀ / ▶ to select the operati- on sign (+ - x ÷). • Enter the next digit(s). • Press OK or the red button in the centre of the naviga- tion key to carry out the operation.
“ O RGANIZER “ MENU 72 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) T asks After pressing Add you can define tasks. There are various options available. Stopw atch The stopwatc h has various features. • T ypical stopwatc h • Split timing : Stopwatc h with split timing and total time.
“ O RGANIZER “ MENU 73 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) centre of the navigation k ey stops the stopwatc h with saving ability , and after pressing Options you can Reset or Continue the stopwatc h. • View r ecords : list of the stored records.
“S ERVICES “ MENU 74 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “Services“ menu The items in this menu depend on your network operator .
“M UL TIMEDIA “ MENU 75 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “Multimedia“ menu Camera/Camcor der • Press Menu , select Multimedia -> Camera and press OK . The installed camera will be switc hed on in picture mode.
“M UL TIMEDIA “ MENU 76 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) - Anti-flick er : Anti-flic ker setting. - Delay timer : Delay timer setting. Press Sav e. - Image settings - Image size : Set ting the image size for the photo (max.
“M UL TIMEDIA “ MENU 77 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) • When in video recorder mode press Options to see the following options: - Switc h to camera : Switc h to camera mode. - Camcorder settings : Anti-flic k er setting.
“M UL TIMEDIA “ MENU 78 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) - Send : Option for sending the image as an MMS or via Bluetooth. - Image infor mation : information about the image. - Bro wse style : Select the style (List style/Matrix style).
“M UL TIMEDIA “ MENU 79 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Video play er • Press Menu , select Multimedia -> Video player and press OK .
“M UL TIMEDIA “ MENU 80 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) - Stor age : Select the storage location for videos (tele- phone/memory card). Sound r ecorder • Press Menu , select Multimedia -> Sound recor der and press OK .
“F ILE MANAGER “ MENU 81 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) “File manager“ menu Y ou can edit the storage media (Phone/Memory card) in this menu. Selecting Open displays the respecti ve directo- ry structure and additional editing options are available.
A PPENDIX 82 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Appendix T ec hnical data Quad-Band 850 / 90 0 / 180 0 / 1 90 0 MHz Additional functions Bluetooth, torc h, emergency call function Battery Li-Ion, 3.
A PPENDIX 83 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee on t his pa ge f or c ost s an d ho urs of o per ati on) Service hotline Should problems arise with the telephone, please refer to the following information first. In the event of tec hnical problems, please contact our service hotline under tel.
A PPENDIX 84 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) No signal quality is displayed. Keypad does not function or only functions very slowly . A message appears in the display for some functions, indicating execution/use is not possible.
A PPENDIX 85 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Screen frozen or no response when pressing keys. No connection to the mobile telecommunicati- on network. The “Inser t SIM“ mes- sage appears in the display .
A PPENDIX 86 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Tips on the bat tery • Only use batteries, cables and c harging unit approved by the manufacturer , otherwise the battery could be damaged. • Do not short circuit the battery .
A PPENDIX 87 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Intended use This mobile phone is designed for use when connected to a mobile phone network. An y other use is considered unintended use. Unauthorised modification or recon- struction is not permitted.
A PPENDIX 88 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Saf ety Infor mation • P revent exposure to smok e, dust, vibration, c hemicals, moisture, heat and direct sunlight. The phone is not waterproof; therefore, k eep it dry .
A PPENDIX 89 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) • The ringing tone is issued via the loudspeak er . T ake an incoming call first and then hold the phone to your ear . This prevents any possible hearing damage.
A PPENDIX 90 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) • This phone is hearing aid compatible. If you wear a hearing aid, however , please contact your doctor or the hearing aid manufacturer to inquire about any pos- sible impairments through mobile communication equipment.
A PPENDIX 91 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Disposal In order to dispose of your device, tak e it to a collection point provided by your local public waste authorities (e.
A PPENDIX 92 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) ded at collection points by local public waste authorities.
A PPENDIX 93 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) www Maintenance • Clean the housing surfaces with a soft, fluff−free cloth. Do not use any cleaning agents or solvents. Guarant ee AMPLICOMMS equipment is produced and tested accor - ding to the latest production methods.
A PPENDIX 94 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) free of c harge. Rights to claims under the terms of gua- rantee are annulled following tampering by the purc haser or third parties.
A PPENDIX 95 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) in accordance with this agreement can only be asserted at the sales outlet. No claims under the terms of guarantee can be asserted after a period of two year s from the date of purc hase and hand−over of the product.
I NDEX 96 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Index 3- par ty con fer enc e . . . . . 30 A Al arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Ar eas of us e . . . . . . . . . . 87 Au to red ial . . . . . . . . . . . 51 B Ba tte ry .
I NDEX 97 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Em erg enc y c all nu mbe rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Em erg enc y c all pr oce dur e . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 Em erg enc y v oic e me ssa ge . . . . . . .
I NDEX 98 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) O On e−t ouc h di all ing . . . . . . . . 28 , 3 7, 60 Op tio ns whi lst in a cal l . 30 Or gan ize r . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 P Pe rso nal em erg enc y vo ice me ssa ge .
I NDEX 99 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) T T aki ng a c all . . . . . . . 13 , 2 8 T ask s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 T ech nic al dat a . . . . . . . . . 82 T ext me ssag e s ett ing s . . 41 T ime a nd dat e .
M ENU TREE 100 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Menu tr ee Messages Write message Inbox Drafts Outbox Sent messages Broadcast messages Message settings T ext message SIM Memory status T ext msg.
M ENU TREE 101 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Groups Phonebook settings Preferred storage Speed dial Memory status Copy contacts Move contacts Delete a.
M ENU TREE 102 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Phone settings Time and date Schedule power on/off Language Pref.
M ENU TREE 103 Helpline 0844 800 6503 (S ee pag e 83 fo r co sts an d ho urs o f op era ti on) Change PIN Change PIN2 Phone security Phone lock Change password Bluetooth Power Visibility My device My .
A ud io li n e G mb H D -4 1 4 60 Ne us s 0 1/ 2 0 1 5 – E di t io n 1 . 0 1 42 5 0 7 1 1 9 9 2 6 1 3.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Amplicomms PowerTel M7500 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Amplicomms PowerTel M7500 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Amplicomms PowerTel M7500 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Amplicomms PowerTel M7500 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Amplicomms PowerTel M7500 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Amplicomms PowerTel M7500 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Amplicomms PowerTel M7500 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Amplicomms PowerTel M7500 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.