Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product GC-XA2 ADIXXION van de fabrikant JVC
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LY T 2 6 5 8 - 0 0 3 A Dea r Custom er s Thank you fo r purchasing this J VC produc t. Befo re use, be sure to read “ Read this b efo re using the cam era” (p.
2 Rea d thi s bef ore u sin g th e cam era Read this before using the camera Safety Instructions • Befo reusingthepro duc tinwater ,besuretoreadp. 3andtousethep roduc tcorre c tly . • Malfu nc tionduetomisusebythecus tomerisnotcoveredbywa rrant y.
3 Rea d thi s bef ore u sin g th e cam era W ater , Dust, and Shock Resista nce • Water re sis tan ce : Thec ameraop eratesfo r30minutesatdepthsupto5m(1 6.4f t). Thisisequi valenttotheIECStan dardpublic ation529IP X8.
4 Rea d thi s bef ore u sin g th e cam era Water , Du st , and Sho ck Res ista nce (continued) After Using Af terunder w ateruseorex posuretodust ycond itions,pro mptlyrinseth ecamer awithfre sh waterandthor oughlydr yi t.
5 Rea d thi s bef ore u sin g th e cam era • Werecommendrep lacingthes ealannuallytomaintainw aterresistan ce.Contactyou rJVC Ser vi cerepresent ative.(C hargesapp ly .) • Alwayskeeptheb atte r ycoverclosedb eforeus e.
6 Contents Read t his befo re u si ng the cam era ......................................................................... 2 Gettingt oKnowY ourCame ra ................................................................................. 7 Recording .
7 Ge tt ing t o Know Y our Ca mer a Overview Thisca merawi tha7 .99M egaPixelse nsorcant akeH. 264for matvide os. TheH .26 4techno logya llowsforvid eore cordingatanHDreso lutionof1 9 20x1 080.
8 Ge tt in g to K now Y ou r Ca mera Check in g the A cc essor ies Bat ter y (BN-V H 105 ) USB cable W id e ex ible mount (Pod par t /Base par t) Not es • Rem ov e any di r t or mo is tur e be fo re at tac hi ng a cc ess ori es. • Once at tache d, the ex ible mount c an not be rem ov e d.
9 Ge tt ing t o Know Y our Ca mer a 1 Remove the k no b fro m th e base p ar t. T urn the k nob in the d irec tion ind icated. 2 Inser t t he po d par t in to th e kn ob. 3 Attac h the p od p ar t to th e bas e par t . Be care ful not to pin ch your f inger.
10 Ge tt ing t o Know Y our Ca mer a < / – but to n + / > but to n Reco rd/S ET bu tt on Recordin gmode:s tar ts / stopsrecordin g Playbackmo de:star t sorpause splayba.
11 Ge tt ing t o Know Y our Ca mer a 1 Load t he b att er y. ~ Slide t he po rt /slot c over latc h in t he dir ec ti on ind ica ted . Ÿ Slide an d ope n th e cover in t he dir ec ti on ind ica ted w hile h old ing down t he la tch .
12 Ge tt ing t o Know Y our Ca mer a • Inser tase paratelyp urchasedSDc ardintothe SDslotf irmly,untilthecardislocked . • T oremovetheSDcard ,pushthecardino nce, and pull it ou t straig ht.
13 Recording Recording 1 Press an d hol d Power for 2 s eco nds t o tur n the p ower o n. 2 Check t hat t he vi deo m od e icon ( ) is on t he sc ree n. If the ph oto mode icon ( ) is displayed onthescre en,sw itchtothevide omodeas foll ows: ~ Press ME NU.
14 Recording 1 Press an d hol d Power for 2 s eco nds t o tur n the p ower o n. 2 Check t hat t he ph oto m ode i con ( ) is on t he sc ree n. Ifthemovi emodeicon( ) is displayed onthescre en,sw itchtothephotomod eas foll ows: ~ Press ME NU.
15 Recording 1 Press ME NU i n reco rdi ng mo de. 2 Video m od e: Press < or > t o sel ec t “ Vid eo M ode Opt io ns” , an d pre ss SE T . Photo mo de: Press < or > t o sel ec t “Ph oto M ode Opt io ns” , an d pre ss SE T . 3 Video m od e: Press < or > t o sel ec t “ Vid eo Ti me L aps e” , and p res s SET .
16 Recording 1 Press ME NU i n reco rdi ng mo de. 2 Press < or > t o sel ec t “ Vid eo M ode Opt io ns” , an d pre ss SE T . 3 Press < or > t o sel ec t “ Vid eo & Pho to” , an d pre ss SE T . 4 Press Re cord t o sta r t reco rdi ng.
17 Recording 1 Press ME NU i n reco rdi ng mo de. 2 Press < or > t o sel ec t “ Vid eo M ode Opt io ns” , an d pre ss SE T . 3 Press < or > t o sel ec t “ Vid eo E ff ec ts ” , and pre ss SE T . 4 Press Re cord t o sta r t reco rdi ng.
18 Reco r di ng Press ME NU in r eco rdi ng mo de. Press < or > t o sel ec t “ Vid eo Mo de Opt ion s” , an d pre ss SET. Press < or > t o sel ec t “E ndl ess R EC” , an d pre ss SE T . Press Re cord t o sta rt r eco r din g. Press Record ag ai n to stop reco rdi ng .
19 Recording 1 Press ME NU i n reco rdi ng mo de. 2 Press < or > t o sel ec t “Ph oto M ode Opt io ns” , an d pre ss SE T . 3 Press < or > t o sel ec t “B urs t ” , and p ress S E T. 4 Press Re cord t o sta r t reco rdi ng. Information • Y oucansp eci f ythetimeinter v alsinthemenu scree n.
20 Enjoy ing t he Playb ack M ode Enjo ying t he Pla yback Mode Stat us ico n (vide o mod e) :Playback :Pause :F astfor ward(Num ber :Spee d) :F astrewind(Numb er:Sp ee d) Playba ck cou nte r (vide o mod e) Vid eo ico n/ Phot o icon File cou nte r 1 Press Play to s wit ch to t he p layba ck mo de.
21 Enjoy ing t he Playb ack M ode 1 Press Play to s wit ch to t he p layba ck mo de. PressPlaytoswitchbacktotherecordi ng mode. 2 Press < or > t o sel ec t th e fi le you w ish to delete. 3 Press ME NU. 4 Press < or > t o sel ec t “ Y es ” , and p res s SET .
22 Set t ing Y o ur Cam era Setting Y our C amera 1 Press ME NU i n reco rdi ng mo de. 2 Press < or > t o sel ec t th e ite m you wi sh to cha nge , and pr ess S ET . • PressMENUtoexi tthemenuscr een. • PressPlaytoswitchbacktotheprevi ous menu scre en.
23 Set t ing Y o ur Cam era Setting items in “Video“ Video Switchestothenorma lvide orecordingmo de (“ Vi deo Recording ” ,P . 1 3 ) End les s REC Switchestotheendlessre cordingmo de (“Endle ss Recordin g (videomo deonly)” ,P .
24 Set t ing Y o ur Cam era Setting items in “Setup“ Bright ne ss Thec ameraa djuststheb rightnessautom atically.Inaddition,manua lset tingsareavailab le.
25 Set t ing Y o ur Cam era Video Time Lapse Y oucansp eci f ythetimeinter v alofthetime lapserecordi ng. 0. 2 Sec ond Records1fram eever y0.
26 Set t in g Y ou r Cam era Time Stamp ■ Y ou can ch oose w hether you ad d a tim est am p or not, and th e fo rmat of the tim estamp. (Y ou cannot de lete the tim e stamp af te r reco rdi ng .
27 Set t ing Y o ur Cam era Setting items in “More“ LC D A uto Of f The disp lay automatically tur ns of f 5 secon ds af ter the st ar t of recordin g.
28 Set t ing Y o ur Cam era Default Setting Y ou can r eset all se tti ngs to the fac tor y de fault . Update Y oucanu pdatetheinterna lsof t ware. Formorede tails,pl easerefe rtothefollowin gwebsite.
29 Set t ing Y o ur Cam era Setting items in “Wi- Fi Menu“ OFF Deac tiv atestheWi- Fifun cti onofthecam era ON Ac tivatestheW i- Fifunc tio nofthecame ra Usethisset tingwh enyoumonito rthecame raviewusingA ndroidori OS devices.
30 Conne c tin g to a PC Con necting to a PC Information • Thefo lderlayoutintheSDc ardisshownbe low. DCIM ***M E D I A * * * * * * * * .MP4 – Vid eo CLIP * * * * .THM – Thum bna il f ile ( used fo r camer a display) PIC T* * * * .
31 Usin g Wi- Fi Using Wi-Fi A vailable Wi-Fi F unctions Monitori ng the camera view Y oucanch eckthec amerav iewandop eratethecam erafr omanAndroido riOSdevice. Broadcasting using U STREAM (* 1 ) Y oucanb roadc astcam erafo otageinre al-tim eusingUSTR EA M.
32 Usin g Wi- Fi Monitor ing the Ca mera Vie w 1 Downlo ad th e app lic ati on. T omonitorth ecamer aview,Y oumustdown load“ ADIXXI ONsy nc.“(freeware)toyour Androidori OSdevice. Downlo adtheapp licationf romGo oglePlay(Playstore)ortheAppStore.
33 Usin g Wi- Fi Andr oid d evice: ~ T ouch “ Set ti ngs ” on t he ap pli cat ion list. Ÿ Set th e Wi- Fi fu nc tio n of you r devic e to on . ! Press th e hom e but to n to go b ack t o th e home s cre en . Notes • Thedisp layandprocedurem aydif fer depe ndingonth edeviceyouuse.
34 Usin g Wi- Fi iOS dev ice: ~ T ouch “ Set ti ngs ” . Ÿ T ouch “ Wi - Fi” . ! T ouch “ Wi - Fi” to t urn t he Wi - Fi on. ⁄ T ouch t he Ca mera I D (JVC- *** *) on th e list. @ Ente r th e KE Y . $ Press th e hom e but to n to go b ack t o th e home s cre en .
35 Usin g Wi- Fi 4 Start “ADIX XIO N syn c.” . ~ T ouch “ADIX XION s yn c.” on t he app lic ati on lis t. Ÿ T ouch t he de te ct ed ca mer a. • Ifthecam eraca nnotbefo und,conf irm thattheWi -Fise t tingissettoonan d touch “R efresh” .
36 Usin g Wi- Fi Z oo m T o th e mon ito r scr ee n (this sc re en) T o th e alb um sc ree n T o th e set up sc re en Reco r din g/s ho ot in g Switc h bet we en mul tip le ca mer as* 1 Use this when multip le camer as ar e connec ted. Control t he c ame ra f ro m t he ap plic ati on.
37 Us in g Wi - Fi V id eo i nde x P hot o ind ex Del ete Alb um sc ree n Y ou can ch eck or de lete imag es. (*) It is displayed in the following cases . ・ If the thumbnails has been deleted . ・ If video les has been split by a long time r ecording .
38 Usin g Wi- Fi Se tup s cre en Y ou can ch ange the se t tings of the cam era. Came ra se tt ing s ID /Pas sword Changesth ecamer aIDandthep assword Date & T ime Adjuststhecl ock .
39 Usin g Wi- Fi Ope rations 1 to 3 are onl y require d the f irs t time. Go to 4 (p age42 )i ftheseop eratio nshave already b een c arrie d out. 1 Connec t th e cam era a nd th e sma rt ph one/ tab le t via a wi rel ess L AN r out er .
40 Usin g Wi- Fi ! T ouch in “ Acce ss Point S et ti ng” . ⁄ Sele ct t he ac cess p oint yo u wis h to us e and e nter t he p asswo rd . @ T ouch to retu rn.
41 Usin g Wi- Fi 3 Regis ter t he ac count yo u wis h to us e. ~ Enter you r “UST RE AM” Us ern ame a nd Passw ord. Ÿ T ouch “ Save to Cam era” .
42 Usin g Wi- Fi 4 Start b roa dca sti ng us ing t he ca me ra. ~ Press ME NU i n reco rdi ng mo de. Ÿ Press < or > t o sel ec t “ Wi- Fi Me nu ” , and p res s SET .
43 Usin g Wi- Fi ⁄ Press < or > t o sel ec t “ Y es ” , and p res s S E T. Broad castingv iaUSTR EAMs tar ts . PressSETorPlay/Recordtostop broadcasting. Notes • Broad castingf ootag eviaUSTR EA Mand maynotbeallowe ddepe ndingonth earea, net work ,etc .
44 Usin g Wi- Fi Ope rations 1 to 3 are onl y require d the f irs t time. Go to 4 (p age47)iftheseope rationshave already b een c arrie d out. 1 Connec t th e cam era a nd th e sma rt ph one/ tab le t via a wi rel ess L AN r out er .
45 Usin g Wi- Fi ! T ouch in “ Acce ss Point S et ti ng” . ⁄ Sele ct t he ac cess p oint yo u wis h to us e and e nter t he p asswo rd . @ T ouch to retu rn.
46 Usin g Wi- Fi 3 Regis ter t he ac count yo u wis h to us e. ~ Enter you r “ Y ou T ube ” Use rnam e and Passw ord. Ÿ T ouch “ Save to Cam era” .
47 Usin g Wi- Fi 4 Start u pl oadi ng us ing t he ca me ra. ~ Press ME NU i n reco rdi ng mo de. Ÿ Press < or > t o sel ec t “ Wi- Fi Me nu ” , and p res s SET .
48 Usin g Wi- Fi ⁄ Press < or > to sel ec t the f ile t o uplo ad, and p res s SET . Uploa dingtoY ou T ubes tar ts . PressPlay / Recordtos topuploa ding. Notes • Uploa dingf ilestoY o u T ub emaynotbe allowedde pendin gonthearea,n et work ,etc.
49 Us in g Wi - Fi req uir e d Applica tions fo r Wi nd ow s/Mac O S PCs By inst alling the app licat io n, you ca n per fo rm the same o perat io ns as o n the Android /iOS applic at io n on Wi nd ows or M ac OS PCs. Not es • Downlo ad the app licat io n at the fo llowing website.
50 Prec aut ion s on Usi ng Wi - Fi Caution s on the Wi-Fi F unct ion • Ope rationisnotguar anteedo nalldevices. • Thisfun cti onisnotdesign edfordis asterorcr imeprevention .
51 Prec aut ion s on Usi ng Wi - Fi Radio W av es Used b y this Produ ct This p rod uc t make s use o f radi o waves in t he ISM b and (2 .4 G Hz). Alt hou gh a rad io st ati on li cens e is no t req uir ed to u se t his pr odu ct , p lea se ta ke note o f th e foll owin g.
52 Specif ications Specif ications Specif ications Ima ge se nsor 1 /3.2 ”7 .99M egapi xelCMOSsenso r Lens F2.4f= 2 .46mm(FixedFo cus ) Zoom Digit alzoom:upto5x LCD moni tor 1 .
53 Specif ications Recordable T ime/Num ber of Images Appro ximate video recording time Vid eo resolution SDH C/SDXC card 4 GB 8 G B 1 6 GB 32 GB 48 G B 64 GB 1 28 G B 19 2 0 x 1 0 8 0 / 60p (50p) 1 5min. 35 min. 1hr . 1 0min . 2 hr .
54 T roubleshooting T roub leshooting Ifthecam eraf ailstofunc tionase xpe cte d,followth eprocedure sbelow. 1 Check t he t rou ble sho ot ing b elow. 2 The came ra may no t work pr ope rly d ue to t he no ise o r sta tic e le ct ric it y, etc.
55 T ro ubl es hoo t in g P ro ble m Ch ec k T he re is a black o r colored spot in the LCD monitor This is not a mal func tion. The LCD s cr een is manu fac tur ed usin g ex tr eme ly high -pre c is io n techn ol og y, so ov er 99. 9 9% of the p ixels ar e ope rat io nal fo r e ec tive u se.
56 T roubleshooting FC C: Federal Communication Commission Interfe rence Statement Thisequ ipmenthasb eentes tedandfou ndtocomplywithth elimitsfo raClassBdigitald evice, pursuanttoPar t1 5oftheFCCRules.
©20 1 3J VCKENWOODCorp oratio n 0613HO-MW-VM.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat JVC GC-XA2 ADIXXION (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen JVC GC-XA2 ADIXXION heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens JVC GC-XA2 ADIXXION vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding JVC GC-XA2 ADIXXION leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over JVC GC-XA2 ADIXXION krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van JVC GC-XA2 ADIXXION bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de JVC GC-XA2 ADIXXION kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met JVC GC-XA2 ADIXXION . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.