Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product KBRA20EMSS van de fabrikant KitchenAid
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BOTTO M-MOUNT REFRI GERATOR Use & C are Gu ide For questions abou t featur es, operation /performance, parts accessories or serv ice, call: 1 -800 -422-1 230 In Canada, ca ll for assistan ce 1-80 0-461 -5681 , for installatio n and service, call: 1-8 00-80 7-677 7 or visi t ou r we bsi te a t.
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS REFRIG ERATOR SAFET Y ............ ......................... ................. .... 3 Proper Disp osal of Your Old Refrigera tor .... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ... ... 3 REFRIGE RA TOR INST ALLATIO N . ...... .. ..... ...... .
3 REFR IGERATOR SAF ETY Proper Disposal of Yo u r O l d R e f r i g e r a t o r IM PORT AN T : Child entrapm ent and s uffocation ar e not pr oblems of the past . Junked or abando ned re frige rators ar e still danger ous – even if they will sit for “ just a few d ays.
4 REFRIGE RATOR INSTALLATION Unpacking Removing packa ging mate rials ■ Remove tape a nd glue r esidu e fr om sur faces befor e turning on the ref rigerator . Rub a small am ount of liq uid dish soa p over t he adhesive w ith your fin gers. Wipe with warm water and d ry .
5 Electri cal Re quirements Befor e you m o ve your r efrigerator into its final location, it i s impor tant to m ake sure yo u have the pr oper electrical connec tion: Recomm ended groundi ng method A 115 V olt, 60 Hz ., AC on ly 15 or 20 amper e fused , gr ounded electrical supp ly is requir ed.
6 4. T o determine the length of copper tubing you will need , measur e from connection on lower l eft r ear of r efrigerat or to water pipe. Add 7 ft. (2 .1 m) to a llow fo r mov ing r efri gerator for cle aning. Use ¹⁄₄ in. (6.3 5 mm) O.D. (outside diameter ) copp er tubing .
7 Refrigerator Doors Handle Rem oval (Architect ® Se rie s) (Graph ics are included lat er in this sec tion.) 1. Using a ³ ⁄₃₂ in. Allen wr ench, lo osen the 2 set scr ews locate d on t he s id e of ea ch h a ndl e. 2. Pull handle straigh t out fr om the door .
8 Do or Re ver sal (on s ome Ar chi t ect ® Series model s) IM PORT AN T : ■ Stainle ss steel r efrigerator doors a re not r evers ible. ■ If you w ant to re verse your non-stai nless steel doors so they open fr om the opposite side, follow these steps .
9 Ar chitect ® Series Door Remov al & Replacement Door Swing Rever sal (optional) 1 1. Cabinet Hinge Hole Plugs 1-2 1 1. Door Stop Screws 2. Door Stop 3 Side View Front View 1 2 1 1-1 1 1. Hinge Screws 5 Door Handle Seal Screw Front 2 1. 3 / 32 " Set Screw 1.
10 Panel Series Door Remov al & Replacement Door Swing Rever sal (optional) 6-1 6-2 6-3 Drawer Removal & Replacement Top Hinge 1. Shim 3. Hinge Screws 2. Center Hinge 1. 5 / 16 " Hex-Head Hinge Screws 2. Top Hinge 1 2 Bottom Hinge 1 2 3 1.
11 Door Closing an d Alignment Door C losing Y our r efrigera tor has t wo fr ont adjus t able r ollers which are at the base of the r efriger ator on either side. If your r efrigerator seems unstead y or you w ant the d oors to close easier , adjust th e r efrigerator's tilt using the instr uctions below: 1.
12 Factory T rim Kit (on some models) There m ay be an occasion when yo u will need to r emove the factor y-installed trim kit, such as moving the r efrigerator to a new home or in stalling custom-made decorat or panels. Please r ead all instructions car efully befor e removing the trim kit and decor ator pa nels.
13 Dimensi ons for Custom W ood Panels Dimensio ns for Routin g Handle S ide of Raise d Door Panels (End V iew) Dimensio ns for Routin g Door Pane l (Side Vi ew) Normal Sounds Y our new r e frigerato r may ma ke sounds t hat your old one d idn ’ t make.
14 REFRIGERATOR USE Ens uri ng Prop er Air Circu la tion In or der t o ensur e pr oper temperatur es, you need to permit airflow between the r efrigera t or and fr eezer sect ions. As s hown in the illustra tion, cool air ent ers the fr eezer sect ion through vents in the r ear and top .
15 W ater Disp enser (on some models) If you d id not flu sh the wate r system whe n the r efrigerato r was first installed, d ispense water into a c ontainer until you dr aw and discar d 2 t o 3 gal. (8 t o 12 L) o r for ap pro ximately 6 t o 7 minute s after the w ater beg ins disp ensing .
16 REFRIGE RATOR FEATURES Y our mode l may have some or all of these featur es. Featu res t hat can be pur chased separa tely as pr oduc t access ories ar e labele d with the wor d “ Accesso ry .
17 Crisper and Crisper Cover (on some models - A ccessory) T o r emo ve and replace the crisper( s): 1. Slide c risper (s) str aight out to the s top. Lift the fr ont of the crisper (s) and slide o ut the r est of the way . 2. Replace t he crisper (s) by sliding back in fully past t he drawer stop.
18 Lowe r bas ket divi der The low er basket di vider i s desig ned to b e non-r emovable and i t should r emain in the re frigerator . Ice Shelf (on some models) T o in st al l and rem ov e ice sh el f: 1. Slide r ear L-shaped gr oove of shelf d own over rear wall scr ew .
19 REF RIGER ATOR CAR E Cleaning Both th e ref rigerato r and fr eezer sections de fro st autom atically . However , clean both sec tions about on ce a mont h to pr event odors fro m building up. Wipe up spills immediately . Cleaning your refri gerator 1.
20 Power Interru ptions If the p ower will be out for 24 hours or l ess, keep bo th re frigerat or door s closed to help food stay cold and froz en. If the powe r will be out for more th an 24 hours, d o one of the foll owing: ■ Remove all f roze n food a nd stor e it in a frozen food l ocker .
21 ■ Ar e the doors opened oft en? The motor will run longer when this o ccurs. Conser ve ener gy by ge tting all items ou t at one tim e, kee ping food or gani zed, and closing the doo r as soon as possible. ■ Is th e cont ro l set co rr ectly for t he sur ro unding cond itions ? See the “ Using the Control(s) ” sectio n.
22 T emperature is too wa rm ■ Ar e the air vents b lock ed in e ither comp artmen t? This pr events co ld air move ment bet ween the c ompart ments. Move object s away fr om th e air vents. S ee the “ E nsuring Pro per Air Circula tion ” section for air vent locations.
23 In Canada Call the KitchenAid Canada Customer Interaction Center toll free: 1-80 0-461-568 1 Monday to Friday 8:0 0 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (EST). Satu rda y 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p .m. (ES T). Our c onsult ants pr ovid e as sistance with: ■ Featur es and specificat ions on ou r full line of appliances.
24 PERF ORMANCE DATA SHEETS Interior W ater Filtrati on System Model OWF50-NI300 capacity 300 G allons (1136 Liters) This system has been tested acc ording t o ANSI/NSF 42/53 f or the r eduction of the subs tances listed below .
25 KITCHENAI D ® REF RIGERA TOR W AR RANTY ONE-YEAR FULL W ARRANTY ON RE FRIGE RA T OR For o ne year fr om the date of pur chase, w hen this r efrige rator (e xcluding th e water filte r) is operated.
26 Not es.
27 S É CUR IT É DU R É FR IG É RA TEUR Mise au rebu t de votre vieux r é fr ig é rateur IM PORT AN T : L ’ emprison nement et l ’é touf fement des enfan ts ne sont p as un pr obl è m e du pass é .
28 INSTALLATION DU R É FRI G É RATE UR D é b allage Enl è vement des ma t é riaux d ’ emballage ■ Enlever le ru ban adh é sif et la colle des sur faces du r é frig é rateur avant de le mett re en ma rche . Fr otter une pet ite qua nti t é de savon liquide pour la va isselle sur l ’ adh é sif avec les doigts.
29 ■ Si votr e r é frig é rateur com porte une ma chine à gla ç ons, s ’ assu rer q u ’ un espace additionne l est pr é vu à l ’ arri è re pour perm ettr e les connex ions des co nduits d ’ ea u.
30 4. Pour d é terminer la lo ngueur du tube en c uivre, il faut mesure r la distanc e entr e le point d e connexio n au bas du c ô t é arri è re gauche du r é fr ig é rateur et le tuyau d ’ ar riv é e d ’ eau. A jouter une lon gueur de 7 pi (2,1 m ) po ur perm ettr e le d é plac ement du r é frig é rateur p our le net toyage.
31 Portes du r é frig é rateu r Enl è v em ent de l a po i gn é e ( s é rie Architect ® ) (Les illustrations sont incluses plus loin dans cett e section.) 1. À l'aide d'u ne cl é Allen de ³⁄ ₃₂ po, desserr er les 2 vis de r etenue situ é es sur le c ô t é de chaq ue poign é e.
32 Inversion du sens d'ouverture de la porte (sur certains mod è les de la s é rie Architect ® ) IM PORT AN T : ■ Les po rtes de r é frig é rateur en acier ino xydable ne p euvent pas ê tr e invers é es.
33 S é ri e Ar chi tect ® D é montage et r é installation de la porte Inversion du sens d'ouverture des portes (option) 1. Bouchons obturateurs de charni è re de caisse 1-2 1 1. Vis de but é e de la porte 2. But é e de la porte 3 Vue de c ô t é Vue avant 1 2 1 1-1 1 1.
34 S é rie avec pann eaux d é cora tifs D é montage et r é installation de la porte Inversion du sens d'ouverture des portes (option) 6-1 6-2 6-3 D é montage et r é installation du tiroir Charni è re sup é rieure 1. Cale 3. Vis de charni è re 2.
35 Fermeture et alignement des por tes Fermeture des portes Vo t r e r é frig é rate ur comporte d eux ro ulettes r é gla bl es à l ’ avant qui sont à la base du r é frig é rateur de chaqu e c ô t é .
36 Ensemble d é coratif de l ’ usine (s ur c erta ins m od è le s) Une occa sion peut surven ir lorsque vous d evez enlever l ’ ensemb le d é coratif inst all é à l ’ usine, co mme les cas de d é m é nage men t du r é frig é rateur à une nou velle habitatio n ou l ’ installation de panneaux d é co ratifs personna lis é s.
37 Dimensi ons pour les pann eaux en boi s personnalis é s Dimensio ns pour t ravailler le c ô t é de la p oign é e d e la port e en r elief à la toup ie (vue lat é ra le) Dimen sions p our l&ap.
38 UTILISATION DU R É FRI G É RATE UR Pour s ’ assurer d ’ une circul ation d ’ air appropri é e Pour s ’ ass urer d ’ avoi r les t emp é ratu res a ppro pri é es, i l faut perm ettr e à l ’ a ir de cir culer en tre les sections d u r é frig é rate ur et du c ong é lateur .
39 Ajustem ent d es r é glages de comm ande Donner au r é fr ig é r ateur le temps de r efroi dir com pl è tem ent avan t d ’ ajout er des aliments.
40 Remplace ment de la carto uche de filtr e à ea u i nt é rieur 1. T our ner le filtr e dans le sens ant ihoraire jusqu ’à ce qu ’ il se d é gag e de la t ê t e du filtre. 2. Vi d e r l ’ eau du fi lt re dan s l ’é vier et jeter . Essuyer l ’ exc è s d ’ eau dans le c ouvercle d u filtr e.
41 T ablettes cou lissantes (sur certains m od è les) ■ Pour fair e g lisser la ta blette vers l ’ ext é r ieur , tire r la tab lette soigneu sement vers soi. ■ Pour fai re glisser la tablette ver s l ’ int é rieur , pousser la tablette jusqu ’ au fond.
42 Pour r é installer le couver c le du ou des bacs : REMARQUE : Av a nt d e r é installer le couvercle, s ’ assur er que la barr e de ren for cement en U est r é install é e à l ’ a vant du couver cle du b ac.
43 T ablette à gla ç ons (s ur c erta ins m od è le s) Pour in staller et en lever la tab lette à gla ç ons : 1. Faire g lisser la rainure en L de la tablette vers le bas sur la vis de la paroi ar ri è r e. Pou sser v ers l'ar ri è re j u s q u ' à ce qu e la vi s soit bloqu é e dans l a rainur e en L.
44 ENTR ET IEN DU R É FRI G É RATE UR Nettoyage Les sectio ns de r é frig é rat ion et de c ong é lation se d é givren t autom atiquemen t. T outefois, netto yer les deux sect ions au moins une fo is par mois pour emp ê ch er une acc umulation d ’ odeur s.
45 4. Remplacer la ou les ampou le(s) grill é e(s) avec une ampoule é lect ri que pou r ap pare il m é nager de pa s plus de 40 watt s. 5. R é installer le couver cle de l'am poule en in s é rant les o nglets de pr otection dans les tr ous appr opri é s de chaque c ô t é de l'ensemble d' é clairage.
46 5. D é branc her le r é fr ig é rat eur . 6. Vi d e r l ’ eau du p lat de d é gi vrage. 7. Nettoyer , essuyer et s é cher à fond. 8. Retir er toutes les pi è ces amo vibles, bien les envel.
47 ■ Le b ras de comm ande en br oche de la machi ne à gla ç on s est-il e n position OFF ( é lev é e )? Abaisser le bras de comm ande en b roc he à la position ON (a baiss é e).
48 L ’ eau du distributeur n ’ est pas assez fr oid e ■ Le r é frig é rateur vient -il d ’ê tr e insta ll é ? Accor der 2 4 heur es pou r q ue le r é fri g é ra te ur s e ref roid iss e co mpl è tement .
49 ASSISTANC E OU SERVICE A vant de d emander un e assistance ou un ser vice, veuillez v é rifier la section “ D é pann age ” . Cette v é r ificat ion peut vo us fair e é cono miser le co û t d ’ u ne visite de r é paratio n. Si v ous avez encor e besoin d ’ aide, suivre les instructio ns ci-dessous.
50 FEUILLES DE DONN É ES SUR LE PRODUIT Syst è me de filtration d ’ eau i nt é rieur Mod è le OWF50-NI300 capacit é : 300 gal lons (1136 litr es) Ce syst è me a é t é test é d ’ apr è s les normes 42 et 53 ANSI/N SF pour la r é ductio n des substance s é num é r é es ci-dessous.
51 GARANTIE DU R É FR IG É RA TEUR KITCH ENAID ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN SUR LE R É FRIG É RA TEUR Pour u ne p é riode d e un an à partir de la date d ’ acha t, lorsqu e ce r é fr ig .
12642709 SP/2 225031A © 2003. All rights reserved. Tous dro its r é serv é s. ® Regis ter ed Tr ademar k/TM T radem ark of Ki tche nAid, U.S.A ., Kitc henAi d Canada license e in Cana da ® Mar que d é pos é e/T M Mar que de commer ce de Ki tchen Aid, U.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat KitchenAid KBRA20EMSS (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen KitchenAid KBRA20EMSS heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens KitchenAid KBRA20EMSS vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding KitchenAid KBRA20EMSS leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over KitchenAid KBRA20EMSS krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van KitchenAid KBRA20EMSS bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de KitchenAid KBRA20EMSS kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met KitchenAid KBRA20EMSS . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.