Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product YKESS907 van de fabrikant KitchenAid
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Models KERS807 KESK901 KESS907 KESS9 08 YKERS 807 YKESS9 07 YKES S908 W1024 6111B ELECTRIC RANGE ARCHITECT ® SERIES II Use & Care Guide For quest ions about featur es, opera tion/perfor mance, parts, acces sories or servi ce, call: 1-800-422-1230 or visi t our w ebsite at ww w .
2 T ABLE OF CONTENTS RANGE S AFETY .... ........... ................. ........... ................. ........... .. 3 The Anti-Tip Bracket ......................................... ........................... 3 PARTS AND FEATURES ........ ........... .
3 RANGE SAFETY The Anti-T ip Bracket The range will not tip durin g normal use. Ho wever , the range can ti p if you app ly too much force or weight to the open door w it hout havi ng th e an ti-tip brac ket faste ned do wn p rop erly .
4 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS SA VE THESE INSTRUCTIONS WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, injury to persons, or damage when using the range, follow basic precautions, including the following: ■ WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF TIPPING OF THE RANGE, THE RANGE MUST BE SECURED BY PROPERLY INSTALLED ANTI-TIP DEVICES.
5 PARTS AND FEATURES This man ual c overs sev eral different model s. The r ange yo u have pu rchased may hav e some o r all of t he it ems lis ted. T he loca tio ns and appearances of the featu res shown here may not match those of your mode l.
6 Rang e Oven Interior A. Dual-size oval element B. T riple-size elem ent C. Anti-tip brac ket D. Warming draw er E. Dual-size ele ment F . E lectronic cooktop touch controls G. Ceramic surface cooking are a H. Oven control panel I. Automa tic oven light switch/self- clean latc h J.
7 Glass T ouch-Activated Electr o nic Oven Control/Cooktop Knob Contr ol Models Electr onic Custom Control Knob (Mode ls KERS807, YKERS80 7, KESS907 and YKESS907) Standar d C ontr ol Knob (Model KESK901) A. Surface lo cator and indica tor light B. Oven d isplay C.
8 Rang e Oven Interior A. Dual-size element (rear element also dual on electronic co ntrol models) B. A nti -tip b ra cket C. Warming drawer (storage drawe r on sta ndard control models) D. C era mi c sur fac e co oki ng ar ea E. Selectable sim mer feature (available on standard contr ol models ) F .
9 COOKTOP USE Ceramic Glass (on some models) The surface cooking a rea will glow red when an element i s on. Some parts of th e surface cookin g area may not glow red when an element is on. This is normal operation. It may cycle on and off to maintai n the select ed hea t level.
10 Home Cann ing When canning for l ong periods, alter nate the use of surface cooking areas, elements or su rface bur ners bet ween batch es. This allows ti me for the most recently u sed areas to cool. ■ Center the canne r on the grate or largest surface cooki ng area or element.
11 To U s e : 1. T ouch ON/OFF . 2. T ouch h eat zone size to desir ed zone diameter ( single, du al or triple). The correspo nding zone di ameter indicat or light will glow to show whi ch sett ing is act ivated.
12 Hot Surface Indicator Lig hts The Hot Surfac e Indicat or Lights are located n ext to each of th e cooktop touch controls. The Hot Surface Indicator L ights will glow as long as any s urface cooking area is too hot to touch , even after t he surface cooking area(s) is tur ned off.
13 T o Use SINGLE: 1. Push in an d tur n knob counterclockwise from the OFF position to the SINGLE zone anywhere between LO and HI. 2. T ur n knob to OFF when finished. To U s e D U A L : 1. Push in and turn knob clockwise from the OFF position to the DUAL zone any where between LO and HI .
14 Push in and turn to the desi red heat setti ng.Us e the fo llowin g chart as a guide when setti ng heat leve ls. Single and Dual- Size Elem ents The Dual-Size Elem ents o ffe r flexibil ity dependin g on the size of the cookwa re. Sin gle size can be use d in th e same way as a regular element.
15 NOTE : This cooktop au tomatically adjust s for 208V operation without af fecting cooking performance. To U s e : 1. The cooktop cont rol can be set to an ywhere between HI and MEL T . 2. Push i n and turn to de sir ed set ting. Use the follow ing chart a s a guide when setting heat leve ls.
16 To U s e : 1. Push i n and turn knob to WARM setting. 2. T ur n knob to OFF when finished. Use the follow ing chart a s a guide when setting heat leve ls. POWER ON Lights Each control knob has a POW ER ON light. The li ght will glow when it s contr ol knob is on.
17 Style 2 (Sta ndard Knob Contr ols System) Electronic C ontrol Pads When pressing an y control pad fun ction on the El ectronic Oven Cont rol, u se the pad o f yo ur fi nge r to pres s the desi red fu ncti on. Hold down the pad a few seco nds, or unt il the de sire d function appears in the disp lay .
18 OPTIONS Options Sel ection Pad The OPTIONS selection pad allo ws you to access speci al functions wit hin the Elect ronic Oven Control that al low you to customize the product to your need s.
19 T o Adjust Oven T emperature Calibrati on: 1. Press OPTIONS, and then 6 to set the calib ration. 2. Press 3 to increase th e temperatu re, or press 6 to decrease the tempera ture. 3. Press ST ART to end c alibr ati on. Sabbath Mode - Option 7 The Sabbath M ode sets the oven t o remain on in a bake setting until tur ned off.
20 OVEN USE Odors and smoke are normal when the oven is u sed the first few times, or when it is heavily soiled. IMPORT AN T : The healt h of some birds is ex tremely sensi tive to the f umes gi ven o ff. Exposu re to the fu mes ma y r esult in death to certain birds.
21 3. Press ST ART . The set oven temp erature will appear on the oven display throu ghout cooking. “Lo” will appear as t he probe temperatu re until the inte rn al temperatu re of the food r eaches 1 30°F (54°C) or if t he probe is unplu gged. Then the display will show th e temperatu re increasing in 1°F increments.
22 Broil Broiling uses direct radi ant heat to cook food . There are 2 br oiling choi ces, Fu ll Broil and Ce nter Bro il. Fu ll Br oil uses bot h top elements for maximum brown ing coverage of foods. Center Broil uses the inn er element for browning coverage of a sm aller area.
23 ■ T est baked goods for doneness a few mi nutes befor e the minimum cooking time with a m ethod such as using a toothpick. ■ Use a meat th ermomet er or t he tem per atur e pr obe (on s ome models) to de termin e the don eness of meat s and pou ltry .
24 If yo u woul d l ike to purc hase a Broi ler P an Ki t , one m ay be ordered. See “Assistance or Serv ice” sectio n to order . Ask for Part Num ber W10123240 . 1. Press CONVECT ROAST . Press the number pad s to enter a te mperature other than 325°F (162°C).
25 Proof ing Bread (on some models) Proofing bread prepares the dough for baking by activ ating the yeast. Foll ow the recipe directions as a gui de. To P r o o f : Before first proofing, place th e dough in a light ly greased bowl and cover loos ely with wax paper , coated with sh ortening.
26 W arming Drawer Settings: The warming drawer is preset for a “low” temperat ure, but can be change d by pressin g WARMING DR AWER ON addi tional time s. Use the follow ing chart a s a guide when sel ecting a d ifferent temperature other than “Low .
27 The oven is preset for a 2 hour 30 minute cl ean cycle, however the time can b e changed. There are 5 levels of clean. Suggested clean times are 2 hours 30 minu tes for ligh t soil and betw een 3 hours 30 minutes and 4 hours 30 min utes for avera ge to heavy soil.
28 Heavy soil, dark streaks, specks an d discoloration ■ Cooktop Polishin g Creme or nonabrasive clean ser: Rub p rod uct into soil wi th a da mp pape r towel o r soft c loth. Contin ue rubbing unt il white film di sappears. Bur ne d-on so il ■ Cooktop Polishing Creme and Cooktop Scraper: Rub cr eme into soil wit h damp paper towe l.
29 3. Close the oven door as far as it will shu t. 4. Lift the oven door while holding b oth sides. Continue to push the oven door closed and pull i t away from the oven door frame. T o Replace: 1. Insert both hanger arms into t he door . 2. Open the oven d oor .
30 Cooktop cook ing results not what exp ected ■ Is the proper co okware being us ed? See “Cookware” section . ■ Is the control knob or element controls set to the prop er heat level? See “C.
31 For further assistance If you need further assis tance, y ou can writ e to Kitche nAid wit h any questi ons or concer ns at: Kitche nAid Brand H ome Applianc es Cu stomer eXpe rien ce Cent er 553 Bens on Road Benton Harbor , MI 4 9022-2692 Please include a day time phone number in your correspondence.
ITEMS EXCLUDE D FROM W ARRANTY This limit ed warranty does not co ver : 1. Service cal ls to correct the i nstallat ion of your major ap plia nce, to inst ruct you on how to use your maj or applian ce, to repla ce or r epair house fuses, or to correc t house wiri ng or plumbing.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat KitchenAid YKESS907 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen KitchenAid YKESS907 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens KitchenAid YKESS907 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding KitchenAid YKESS907 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over KitchenAid YKESS907 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van KitchenAid YKESS907 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de KitchenAid YKESS907 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met KitchenAid YKESS907 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.