Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DC210+ van de fabrikant Kodak
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ZZZ N RGDN FRP . 2' $.',*,7 $/6&,(1&( '&3OXV=RRP&DPHUD 86(5·6*8, '(.
ZZZ N RGDNFRP . 2' $.',*,7 $/6&,(1&( '&3OXV=RRP&DPHUD 86(5·6*8, '(.
_________ ______ _____ Inf or mation in this do cument is s ubject t o ch ange without noti ce. © 1 998 Dell Comput er Cor por atio n. All r ig hts re served. © 1 998 Eastman K odak Compan y . All ri ghts r eserved. Reproduction in any manner wha tsoever without the writ ten permission of Dell Computer Corporatio n is strictly forbidden.
v 6DIH W,QVWUXFWLRQV Wh e n u s in g yo u r d i g i t a l c a m er a , a l ways fo l l ow t h es e b a s ic s a fet y pr e c au t io n s. R ead and understand al l instr ucti ons bef ore usi ng the ca mera. T o reduce th e r isk o f e lec tric s hoc k, do not i mme rse the d igi tal ca mera i n w ater or an y other liq uid .
viii Adjustin g Camera S ettings Using the Status Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Pictures Remaining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-5 Self-Tim er .
ix &KDSWHU 7URXEOHVKRRWL QJ Monitor Ch ecks .
Intr oduct ion 1-1 &+$37(5 ,QWURGXF WLRQ Congrat ulations on y our pu rc hase of the ne w KOD AK DIGI T AL SCIENCE™ DC21 0 Plus Zoom ca mera th at cap t ures pict u res digitally wi thou t the use of film . T he cam era co nnect s to the se rial port of y our compu ter to trans f er pict ures.
1-2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide Memory card (ins t alled in camera ) A C adapter F our Kodak ® P hotolif e™ AA bat teries Quick Ref er enc e car.
Intro ductio n 1-3 $Q2ULHQWD WLRQWR< RXU&DPHUD The f ollow ing illu strations identi fy the f eatu res of the D C21 0+ camera. ) URQWRI&DPHUD 7 RSRI&DP HUD flash.
1-4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide %DFN RI &DPH UD %RWWR PRI &DPHU D 6LGHRI &DPHUD viewfin der zo om Ready light mode di a l LCD scr ee .
Oper at in g th e Cam e ra 2-1 &+$37(5 2SHUDWLQJWKH&DPHUD Thi s c hapter descr ibes basic c amera ope rations, s uc h as using bat teries a nd the A C adapt er , inse rtin g an d re mov in g th e me mor y c a r d, and turni ng t he ca mera on a n d off .
2-2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide %DWWH U8VDJ H*XLGHOLQ HV B at ter y lif e dep ends si gnific antly on age, usa ge con ditions , type, and brand . In genera l, dig- it al ca meras are ver y dem and ing on ba tteries.
Oper at in g th e Cam e ra 2-3 T o insert the memory card, perf orm the f ollowing s teps: 1 . Open th e memory card door on th e side of the came ra. 2. Hold the m emory card with the co nnecti ng end po inted at th e camera. 3. P ush the c ard all the w ay i nto the ca rd slot and clo se the card d oor .
2-4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide T o connect t he A C adapter to the camera, perform the f ollo wing s teps: 1 . Insert the A C adapter into the A C adapter connecti on on the side of y our camera. 2. Connect t he othe r end of the adapter to a wa ll outlet .
T aki ng Pic t ure s 3-1 &+$37(5 7 DNLQJ3LFWXUHV When the mode dial is set to Capt ure, the ca mera ca n perfo rm the f ollowing functions: Capt ure a pict ure P revi ew p ict ure.
3-2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 3 UHYLHZLQJD 3L FWXUH Y ou can use th e LCD as a l ive viewfind er wh ile i n Ca pture mo de. This fun ction allows you to pre vie w y our pict ure before it is taken . NO TE: P re view s ignificantly shortens bat ter y lif e.
T aki ng Pic t ure s 3-3 T o delete the pict ure that w as just taken w ithout lea ving Capt ure mode, perf orm the f ol- lo wing s teps: 1 . Set the mo de dial t o Capt ure. 2. T urn on the came ra. 3. T ake a pic t ure. The pict ur e is displa yed on th e LCD .
3-4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 3. P res s the but ton. The LCD displa ys the Expo sure Compe nsation screen. 4. P ress the and but tons to adju st the e xpos ure. 5. P ress D o-It to sele ct the e xposu re set ting.
T aki ng Pic t ure s 3-5 3 LFWXUHV5 HPDLQLQJ The Pict ures Rem aining i con c hanges a utomatic ally to in dicate th e remaini ng number of pict u res tha t can be stored a t the cur ren t quali ty and resol ution s et ting. Y ou ma y not s elect or c hange th e Pict ures Rema ining ic on.
3-6 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 5. P res s the sh ut ter but ton. The red self-ti mer li ght, locat ed on the fro nt of the c amera, t u rns on and sta ys lit for 8 seconds. T he se lf-timer li ght fla shes f or 2 add itional s econds j ust be fore th e pict ure is t aken .
T aki ng Pic t ure s 3-7 )ODVK The camera is equip ped wi th a buil t-in flash that of f ers an op tional red -e ye re duction f ea- t ure. T he flash ha s an ef fect ive range of a pprox imately 1 .6 to 9.8 f eet (0. 5 to 3 meters ). The re are fiv e Fla sh set tings: T o c h ange the Flash s et ting, perform the f ollo wing steps : 1 .
3-8 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide Y ou can swit c h freel y betw een the tw o set tings wh en taking pic t ures. T he numb er of pic- t ures the camera i s able to store v arie s accor dingly .
T aki ng Pic t ure s 3-9 The Quality se t ting is indic ated on th e stat us displ ay using the fo llow ing icon s: The Qu ality set ting is c hanged using th e P ref erences mo de. See “ Qual ity” in Chapt er 5 f or more inf ormation. %DWWHU 6WD WXV The camera comes w ith f our K odak Pho tolif e AA bat teries.
3-1 0 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide $ FWLYDWLQJWKH=RRP The came ra inc lu des a 2X z oom lens that al lo ws y ou to z oom in on y our sub je ct fro m w id e angle ( 29 mil limeters [ mm]) to t elephoto (5 8 mm).
Revie wing Pictures 4-1 &+$37(5 5 HYLHZLQJ3LFWXUHV When the mode dial is set to Re vie w , you ma y us e the liqu id cr ystal displa y (LCD) to view the pict ures stored on the mem or y card.
4-2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 3. P ress the and but tons to scroll th rough the p ict ures. T o continuou sly sc roll, hold d own one of thes e buttons. The memory bar displa y s the space lef t on the mem or y card and the cur rent pict ure pos ition .
Revie wing Pictures 4-3 the memo r y card, y ou mus t delete the images in the camera m odel that ca pt ured those images . 0DJQLIL QJ3 LFWXU HV The Magn ify f eature all o ws y ou to vie w the curren t pict ure at 2x siz e on th e LCD sc reen when in R evie w mo de.
4-4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide T o vie w pict ures on a TV , perf orm the f ollowing s teps: 1 . T urn of f y our TV and th e camera. 2. Inse rt the video o utput ca ble in to the vi deo -out co nnecti on on the side o f y our ca mera.
Adjusting Camer a Settings 5-1 &+$37(5 $ GMXVWLQJ&DPHUD6HWWLQJV When the m ode dia l i s s et to P ref erences, the ma in P ref eren ce s s cre en a pp ear s o n the li q- uid cr ysta l dis play (LCD ).
5-2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 4XDOLW The Quality sc reen sets the pict ure qu ality to Be st, Be t ter , or Good. Re f er to “Qua lity” in Chapter 3 fo r more inf ormatio n on pict ure quality . T o set qual ity , perfo rm the f ollo wing steps : 1 .
Adjusting Cam er a Settings 5-3 5HV R O XW L R Q The R esolution screen s ets the pict ure resolution to High (1 15 2 x 864 p ixel s) or Standard (640 x 4 80 pix els). R efe r to “Re solution” in Chapte r 3 for m ore inf ormat ion on pic ture resoluti on.
5-4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide T o select a template, perf orm th e f ollo wing step s: 1 . Set the mo de dial t o Pr ef erences . 2. T urn on the came ra. The LCD displa ys the P ref erences scre en. 3. P ress the bu tton unti l th e T emp l ate icon (sh own bel ow) is hi ghl igh t ed.
Adjusting Cam er a Settings 5-5 3. P ress the but ton until the D ate Stamp icon (s how n belo w) is hi ghlighted . 4. Pr ess the Do-It but ton. The LCD displa ys the m ain Date Stamp sc reen. T he cur rent set ting is c hec ked ( ). 5. P r es s a or but ton until th e appropri ate date stamp or der is hig hlighted.
5-6 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide T o set the fil e type, perf orm the f ollo wing s teps: 1 . Set the mo de dial t o Pr ef erences . 2. T urn on the came ra. The LCD displa ys the P ref erences scre en. 3. P ress the but ton until the File T ype ic on (sho wn bel o w) is highl ighted on the P ref- erences screen.
Adjusting Cam er a Settings 5-7 T o turn on Qui c kview , pe rform th e followin g st eps: 1 . Set the mo de dial t o Pr ef erences . 2. T urn on the came ra. The LCD displa ys the P ref erences scre en. 3. Pre ss t he but ton until the Qui c kvie w ico n (sh o w n be lo w) is highlighted on the sec - ond P ref erences s creen .
5-8 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 3. P ress th e but ton until the Date/T ime ic on (sho w n belo w) is highli ghted o n the Pr ef- erences screen. 4. Pr ess the Do-It but ton. The LCD di spl ays the ma in Dat e/Ti me s cre en wi th th e curr en t da t e and tim e lis ted.
Adjusting Cam er a Settings 5-9 3. Pre ss t he but ton unti l the LCD Brightness icon (sh own belo w) is highlighted on the P ref eren ces scre en. 4. Pr ess the Do-It but ton. The LCD di spl ays the ma in LCD Bri ghtn ess s cre en. 5. P r es s a or but ton to adjust the brig htness of the LCD screen to the appr opri- ate level.
5-1 0 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 3. Pre ss t he but ton until the F ormat Memor y Card icon ( sho w n be lo w) is highlighted on the P refe rences s creen. 4. Pr ess the Do-It but ton. The LCD displa ys the m ain F ormat Memory Card screen.
Adjusting Camer a Settings 5-1 1 4. Pr ess the Do-It but ton. The LCD displa ys the m ain Vid eo Out sc reen. T he cur rent set ting is c hec k ed ( ). 5. P r es s a or but ton until th e appropri ate option is highlig hted. 6. Pr ess the Do-It but ton.
5-1 2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 4. Pr ess the Do-It but ton. The LCD dis pla ys th e main La nguage screen. T he current set ting is c hec ked ( ). 5. P r es s a or but ton until th e appropri ate langua ge is hig hlighted.
Adjusting Cam er a Settings 5-1 3 4. Pr ess the Do-It but ton. The LCD displa ys the Ab out screen . 5. Pr ess the Do-It but ton to ret urn to th e main P ref erences scre en.
5-1 4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide.
T r an sferring Pictures F rom the Cam era to t he Co mput er 6-1 &+$37(5 7 UDQVIHUULQJ3 LFWXUHV)U RPWKH &DPHUDWRWKH&RPSXWHU Thi s c hapter explai ns ho w to connec t the camera to y our Dell ® computer a nd start the Pict ure Ea sy sof tware.
6-2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 2. Plug one end of the serial c able into the 9-pin serial (COM) port on the bac k of you r compute r . 3. Open the s erial port doo r on the si de of y our camera . 4. Plug the other end o f the se rial cable into the ca mera’ s serial port.
T r an sferring Pictures F rom the Cam e ra to the Co mputer 6-3 7 . T urn on the camera. When the camera i s correc tly conn ected to y our com puter , three squares rotate on the stat us di spla y: 8.
6-4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide.
T r oubles hooti ng 7 -1 &+$37(5 7 URXEOHVKRRWLQJ Thi s c hapter pro vides tips and troub leshootin g solutio ns fo r common p roblems y ou may ex perience while using y our c amera an d sof t wa re. If y ou ar e ex periencin g dif ficulties with yo ur camera, c hec k the s ections f or pos sible s olutions.
7-2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide &DPHUD&KHFNV Ready li ght do es no t t urn on and th e cam- era do es no t work . Camera is not t urned on . T urn on the cam era and v erify that th e gree n Rea dy light t urns on.
T r oubles hooti ng 7-3 Pict ure i s too dark. Flash is not on or did no t go off . T urn on the flas h. Ref er to “Flas h” in Chapter 3. The subjec t is too far away f ro m t h e flash. Mo ve so there is no more than 1 0 f t (3 m) betwe en the ca me ra a nd th e s u bj ec t.
7-4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide /&'0HVVDJHV 3 ULQWLQJ7LSV Y o u may n ot i c e t ha t th e c ol o r s on yo ur c o mp u t e r s c r ee n d o n o t a l ways ma t ch th o s e i n yo ur docume nts or pr ints.
T r oubles hooti ng 7-5 Kee p these tip s in min d when printi ng: Color pri nting tak es more time. Compl ex documents require more print ing and dr ying time.
7-6 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide 7 . V erify the set tings , and then c lic k the Ne xt but ton. A progres s screen appears wh ile the sof t ware is i nstalled. 8. Select th e pref erred restart opti on and c lic k the Finish but ton.
Inde x 1 ,QGH [ $ AC adapter connec ting, 2-3 access ori es, 1- 2 adjus tin g th e exp osu r e val ue, 3-3 % batteries ins ta lli ng, 2-1 removin g, 2-1 stat us, 3 -9 types, 2 -1, 2-2, 3-9 usage gui d.
2 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide ( error mes sages, 7-4 exp osure compen sating for dark o r light pic tures, 3-3 Exposu re Compens ation ico n, 3-2 Exposu re Lock i .
Inde x 3 Prefere nces scree ns (continue d) Format Me mory Card, 5-9 Langua ge, 5-11 LCD Sc r ee n Bri ght nes s, 5-8 Quality , 5- 2 Quickv iew, 5-6 Resoluti on, 5-3 Templa te, 5-3 Video O ut, 5-10 Pr.
4 K OD AK DIGIT AL SCIENCE DC21 0 Plus Zoom Camera User’ s Guide viewin g camera in formation, 5-12 viewin g pictures o n memory c ard, 4-1 viewin g pictures o n TV, 4- 3 = zoomi ng, 3- 10.
3ULQWHGLQWKH8 6$ 31' .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Kodak DC210+ (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Kodak DC210+ heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Kodak DC210+ vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Kodak DC210+ leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Kodak DC210+ krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Kodak DC210+ bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Kodak DC210+ kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Kodak DC210+ . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.