Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SV-552 van de fabrikant Kramer Electronics
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Kramer Ele ctronics, L td. USER MANUA L Model: SV-552/SV-552 ALC SummitView™ Processor/Switcher.
Content s i Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Getting Sta rte d 1 PART I Your SummitVie w™ System 2 3 Overvi ew 2 3.1 Basic SummitView™ SV - 552 Installation 2 3.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O GY Content s ii 10.1 Backlit Buttons 32 10.2 Button Label Sheet 32 11 Summit View™ System Cables 33 12 Summit View™ Cable Termination 34 13 Technical Specificatio.
Content s iii Tables Table 1: Quick Installation G uide f or the Summ i tView™ B as i c Syst em 4 Table 2: SV - 552 Sum m itView ™ Proc ess or/Sw itc her U nders ide Fe a tures 8 Table 3: SV - 552.
Intro ducti on 1 1 Introduction Welcome to Kramer Electronics! Since 1981, Kram er Electronics has been providing a worl d of un ique , creativ e, and af forda ble sol uti ons to t he vast rang e of problem s that confron t the video, audio, presen tati on, an d broadcas ting profe ssi onal on a daily basis.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O G Y Overvi ew 2 P AR T I Your SummitView™ System PAR T I describes the Summit View ™ system and its devices 3 Ove rvi ew We have designed a complete and sim ple solution for the integration of media and control in clas sr o oms, trainin g r ooms and pre sen tati on rooms.
Overvi ew 3 • MT - P9P 9” a nd MT - P6P 6” center pole sections for the SV - 1 Mo unti ng Bo x which can be attach ed to any 1.5NFS pro jector m ount ing sys tem • SV - 1 Pole Mou nting Box wh ich can be att ach ed to any 1.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O G Y Overvi ew 4 However, since the use of UTP cable might not conform to electromagneti c standards, Kramer does not commi t to meeting the standard with UTP cable.
Overvi ew 5 Descr ipt ion 5 Connect the a ppropriate w iring — STP , BC - DGKat52 4 or BC - DGKat - 6 23 , a nd BCP - 2S - 25 — from t he wal l pl a tes an d the ro om con t rol le r, and fr om the SV - 5 52 to the sp eakers . 6 Install the pro jector and the s creen.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O G Y Defining the SV - 55 2 Proc e s s or /S w i tc he r 6 P AR T I I The SV - 55 2 SummitView™ P rocessor / Switcher PART II define s the SV- 55 2 SummitView ™ Pr.
Defining the SV - 55 2 Process or /S witche r 7 Figur e 1 and T able 2 defin e t he front and rear panels of the SV - 552 SummitView ™ Pro ce sso r/ S wi tch er .
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O GY Defining the SV - 55 2 Process or /S witche r 8 Table 2 : SV- 55 2 SummitView ™ Processor / Switch er Un dersid e Featur es # Feat ure Funct ion 1 POWER LED Ligh.
Defining the SV - 55 2 Process or /S witche r 9 # Feat ure Func tion 24 RS - 485 T erminal Block Conn ect to the RS - 485 detac hable term inal blo ck on a RS - 48 5 controll ed devic e 25 IR OU T Ter.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O GY Connec ting the SV - 55 2 Summ itView ™ Processor / Sw itcher 10 this infor mation excha nge i s e sse ntial for p roper VGA OUT oper ation.
Connec ting the SV - 55 2 Summ itView ™ Processor / Sw itcher 11 Figure 3 : Co nnecting t he SV - 552 For instructio n s on wiring the K-N et co nnector, see Section 8 .
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O GY Connec ting the SV - 55 2 Summ itView ™ Processor / Sw itcher 12 5.3 Install ing the SV- 552 in a 19” Rack (O ptional) Thi s section descr ib es how to mount t h e SV - 552 in a 1 9” rack u sing t he (optio nal) RK - 551 Rac k A d apter .
The R C - 63DL Room Controlle r 13 6 T he RC -6 3DL Room Controller The RC - 63DL is a room co ntrol panel that can be used in dependently or as a user interface when connected to a Master Room Controller 1 for con trol of A/V eq ui p me nt i n a ny r oo m.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O GY The R C - 63DL Room Controlle r 14 Figure 4 : RC - 63D L R o om Co ntr o ller Front Pa ne l Table 4 : RC - 63DL R oom C ontr oller Front Pane l Fe at ures # Feat u.
The R C - 63DL Room Controlle r 15 Table 5 : RC - 63DL R oom C ontr oller Rea r Panel F eatures # Feat ure Funct ion 1 FIRMWARE U PGRADE Swi tch Fo r techni cal s uppo rt use onl y 2 Grou nding Sc rew.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O GY Defining an d Con n ectin g the Wall Plat es 16 Figure 6: C onnect in g the RC - 63 DL to t he SV - 55 2 Summit View™ Processor/Swi tcher 7 Defining and Connecting the Wall Pl at e s The SV - 301 xl and SV - 302 Wall Plates are r ecommended as a part of a SV - 552 SummitView ™ basic instal lation.
Defining an d Con n ectin g the Wall Plat es 17 Advanced Use r Ti p T he SV - 302 a nd SV - 306 IR O UT port e nab les re mote IR control (thi s requires the appro priate progra mming of t he SV - 552 ) over the source connected to i t ( for example, a DVD p layer , a VHS player , and so o n).
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O GY Defining an d Con n ectin g the Wall Plat es 18 EDID informatio n can be sto r e d in the wall plate b y using the FC - 200 XGA EDID Copier Kram er Tool (see the FC- 200 XGA EDID C o pier User Manua l) . Table 7 define s the SV - 301 xl , as an example, in its plastic frame.
Defining an d Con n ectin g the Wall Plat es 19 7.1.2 De fining the SV- 302 (U.S.) The SV - 302 is a single - gang wall plate i nsert. T able 8 defines the front an d rear views of the SV - 302.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O GY Defining an d Con n ectin g the Wall Plat es 20 7.1.3 Defining the SV-306 (U.S.) The SV - 306 is a single - gang wall plate i nsert. T able 9 defines the front an d rear views of the SV - 306 . Table 9 : De finin g the SV - 306 ( U.
Defining an d Con n ectin g the Wall Plat es 21 7.1.4 Defining the SV-307 (U.S.) The SV307 is a triple - gang wall p la te . T ab le 10 defines the front an d rear v iews of the SV - 307 .
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O GY Defining an d Con n ectin g the Wall Plat es 22 7.2 Defining the W all P lat es ( England and Europe 1 ) Thi s s e cti o n de fine s the Engl and and Euro pe an ver sio n of t h e foll o win g wal l plat es: • SV - 301 xl ( S ectio n 7.
Defining an d Con n ectin g the Wall Plat es 23 EDID informatio n can be sto r e d in the wall plate b y using the FC - 200 XGA EDID Copier Kramer Tool (see the FC- 200 XGA EDID C opier User Manua l) . 7.2.2 Defining the SV- 302 (Englan d and Europe) The SV - 302 is a single - gan g wall plate a nd ha s a ter minal bl o ck at the rear.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O GY Defining an d Con n ectin g the Wall Plat es 24 7.2.3 Defining the SV- 306 (Englan d and Europe) The SV - 306 is a single - gang wall plate a nd has a terminal block at the rear. Table 13 defin es the front and rear views of the SV - 306 .
Defining and Connecti ng the Wall P l ates 25 7.3 Connecting th e W all Plates to the SV - 552 The wall plates are c onne cted to the co r re s p ond ing i nput s on the SV - 552 usin g the supp lied 1 ST P or optio nal BC - DGKat 524 or BC - DGK at - 623 cables ( SV - 306 / 307 , see S ection 8.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O GY Defining an d Con n ectin g the Wall Plat es 26 Kramer C - GMA/GMA cable (VGA HD15M +Audio co nnec to r to VGA HD15M +Au dio connector ) 1 . 2. On the rear of the SV - 301 xl , c onnect t he RJ - 45 CAT 5 conne ctor usin g either the RJ - 45 co nnecto r (U .
Defining an d Con n ectin g the Wall Plat es 27 2. On the rear of the SV - 302 , conn ect th e RJ - 45 CAT 5 conn ector to either input VIDEO 1 or VIDEO 2 inp ut o n t he SV - 552 .
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O GY Wiring the T P Li ne In /Line Out Connect ors 28 8 Wi ri ng the TP L i ne In /L ine O ut Connectors STP cab ling 1 wi t h a len gt h of 15.2m (50ft) in lengt h i s availa b le for use wi th the Kramer A/V SummitVie w ™ systems for conne c t ing to the SV - 301 xl / 302 W all P lates .
Wir ing the TP Line In /Line O ut Conne ctors 29 Table 14 : U TP P in out (U .S.) EIA /T I A 5 68B PIN Wire Color 1 Orange / W hite 2 Orange 3 Green / W hite 4 Blue 5 Blue / W hite 6 Green 7 Brown / W hite 8 Brown Pair 1 4 a nd 5 Pair 2 1 a nd 2 Pair 3 3 a nd 6 Pair 4 7 a nd 8 8.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O GY Gr ounding the Wall Plate 30 • Ea ch wi re pr otru des 9mm in leng th f rom the pl asti c ins ulat ion so tha t it can be ea sily co nnected. T o pre vent th e wires crossi ng, be sur e that each wir e is c omplet ely inse rte d • With STP cable , the G ND pin is us ed f or shielding.
Gr ounding the Wall Plate 31 Figure 10 : W iring the K -N et C onnect or.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O GY Custom izing the Controlle rs' But tons and L abels 32 P AR T I V Further information PART IV includes f urther infor mation 10 Customizing the Controller s' Buttons and Lab els This section describes the back lit buttons a nd the butto n lab els sheet .
SummitView ™ S ystem Ca b les 33 11 SummitView™ Sy stem Cables Table 17 defines t he recommended cables fo r a Su mmitVie w ™ installation . Table 17 : Recommen ded Cab les for us e with Summ it.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O GY SummitView ™ Cable Termination 34 12 SummitView™ Cable Terminat io n Table 18 defines t he SummitV iew ™ c ab le t ermination (connector - to - cable) .
SummitView ™ Cable Termination 35 Figure 12 : Stickers A ffixed to Cables.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O GY Technical S pecificati ons 36 13 Technical Specifications T echnical s p ecifications of the SV - 55 2 Su mmitView ™ Processor/S witcher are s ho wn i n Ta ble 19 .
ADA Requ irements 37 14 A D A Requirements When no t mo unt i n g t he SV - 552 in a rack, atten tion must be p aid to overhead clearances . Refer to th e ADA Standards for Accessible Design (courtesy of the U.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOL O GY ADA Requ irements 38 Figure 14 : H igh /Low Forwar d, Side and Over Obstr uction Re ach Lim it Require ments.
SV - 552 Summ itV iew™ Essentials Basic System Check List 39 15 SV - 552 SummitView ™ Essentials Basic Syst em Check List Re mo ve this li st from the user manual a nd use it to c heck th at all co mponents are present.
Kramer Electronics, Ltd. Web site: www.kramerelect E- mail: info@ kra m P/N: 29 00 - 000 603 R EV 3 For the latest infor mation on our produ cts and a list of Kramer distribu t ors, vi sit our Web sit e www where updates to this user manual may be found.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Kramer Electronics SV-552 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Kramer Electronics SV-552 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Kramer Electronics SV-552 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Kramer Electronics SV-552 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Kramer Electronics SV-552 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Kramer Electronics SV-552 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Kramer Electronics SV-552 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Kramer Electronics SV-552 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.