Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Xcursion KX160A van de fabrikant Kyocera
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82-N8671-1E Page i Tu esday, October 4, 2005 3:49 PM.
ii User Gu ide for the Kyoce ra Xcursio n Phone This manu al i s based on the produ ction version of the Kyocera X cursion KX 160A an d KX160B phon es. Software chan ges may have occu rred after this pri nting. Kyocera reserves the right to make chan ges in techn ical and product specifi cations without prior n otice.
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone iii The exposu re standard for wirel ess mobi le phon es employs a unit of measure ment kn own as th e S peci fic Absorption Rate, or SAR.
iv Hearing aids— Som e d i gi t al w i re le ss pho nes m ay interfere with h earing aids. In the event of su ch interfere nce, you may wan t to c onsu lt you r service provider or c all th e cu stomer se rvice li ne to discu ss alternatives.
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone v In Augu st 1996, the U.S. Federal Commun icati ons Commissi on (FCC) adopted RF exposu re guideli nes with safety l evels for han d-he ld wi reless phon es. These gu idel ines are con sistent with the safety standards previously set by both U.
vi Content s C ONTENT S 1 Gettin g Start ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Inst a lli ng the battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Getting to know yo ur phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Makin g and Answe ring Ca lls .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 1 1G ETTING S T ARTED Installing the ba ttery Y our p hone c omes w ith a removabl e lith ium ion (LiI on) ba ttery . T o instal l the ba ttery: 1. Hol d the phone with the back fa cing yo u. 2. T oward the bott o m o f the phone th ere is a rec ess to a id you in open in g th e ba tte ry door .
2 Gettin g Started Car ing for the batte ry General safety guidelines • Do not tak e apart, puncture , or sh ort-circ uit the battery . • I f you h a ve n ot use d the b a ttery for m ore than a mo nth, rech arge i t befor e usi ng yo ur pho ne.
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 3 Getting to know y our phone Home s creen. Left so ftkey accesse s menus and functio ns. Send/T alk k ey starts or ans wers calls. Speak erphone key activat es the spe akerph one. Ke ypad for e n tering numbe rs, letter s, or sym bols.
4 Gettin g Started Antenna (does n ot exte nd). V o lume k ey to raise or lower speaker v olume. Camera key . Camera lens . Camera flash / flash light flashes whe n taking a picture. Also fu nctions as the flash light. Externa l scree n displays time, caller I D, signal and battery stre ngth .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 5 Using Me nus • P ress to select Menu . • P ress to se lect Contac ts . • P ress left, righ t, up, o r down to view menu s and options* . • P ress to sele ct a menu it em. • P ress to b a ck up a menu level.
6 Gettin g Started Perfor ming bas ic functions T o ... From the home scree n... T u rn the ph one on Pre ss a nd wai t until t he phone ch imes. T u rn the ph one off Pre ss and hold unt il the phone b eeps. Make a ca ll Ent er the numb er , and p ress .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 7 Under standing sc ree n icons The se ic ons ma y app ear on your pho ne’ s h ome scr een and the ex ternal L CD. The ph one is operating in IS200 0 (1X) digi tal mode. The ph one is operating in IS95 d igital mode.
8 M aking and Answer ing Calls 2M AKING AND A NSWERING C ALLS Making a call Make sure yo u are in a n are a wher e a s ignal ca n be recei ved. Look for on the home scree n. Note: The m o re b ars y ou se e in this s ymbol, the st rong er t he sig nal.
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 9 • I f the flip is o pen, se lect Options and then Ignore Ca ll to immedia tely s end the caller to voic email. Misse d Cal l appear s on you r scree n unt il the ca ller leave s a messa ge. Note: In the absenc e of voi cemail, th is fea ture dro ps the call.
10 M aking and Answer ing Calls Setting missed call a lerts Y ou ca n set an aler t t o beep every five minutes aft er yo u have miss ed a call. 1. Sel ect Menu → Se ttings → Soun ds → Alerts → Missed C all Alert .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 11 Speed dia ling Spe ed di aling allows you to quic kly d ial a sto red phon e nu mber b y enter ing a one- o r two -digit spee d d ialin g loc ati on num ber and pr ess ing .
12 M aking and Answer ing Calls If you see “New Messages” with the flip open 1. Pre ss to selec t Call , whic h initia tes a call to your voicemail n u mber . 2. Fol low t he prom pts to retrieve the m e ssag e. T o clear the sc reen witho ut chec king m essa ges: • P ress to s elect Ign ore .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 13 T iming your calls Y ou can set yo ur p hone t o b eep 1 0 se conds bef o re each minute passe s when you are on a c all.
14 M aking and Answer ing Calls Controlling networ k roam ing Specifying digit al or analog mode Depe ndin g on ser vice s ava ilabl e fr om y our s erv ice provid er , you ma y set the pho ne to e ither digital or ana log mode.
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 15 3S TORING C ONT ACTS Use your phone ’ s Cont acts dir ector y to sto re inf ormat ion ab out a p erso n or com pany . Y ou r phon e ca n h old, on ave rag e, ab out 20 0 phon e num bers. Cre ating a new c ontact 1.
16 Storing Contac ts Editing or era sing a conta ct T o m a ke change s to a con tact, ta ke th ese ste ps. 1. Sel ect Menu → Contacts . 2. Sel ect View All o r Fi nd Name to find the conta ct you w ant to edit. 3. Hig hligh t the contac t to e dit an d pr ess .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 17 T o enable the F reque nt Lis t setti ng •S e l e c t Menu → Setting s → C o nveni ence → Frequen t List → Enable d . Searching the Contacts d irectory 1. Sel ect Con tacts for a list of a ll co ntacts.
18 Using the Camera 4U SING THE C AMERA T ips befor e oper ating your cam era • Y ou ca nnot activ ate the camera whil e o n an acti ve call o r while bro wsing f iles i n the media ga llery . • O nce the camer a is act ive, the home scr een acts as the vie wfin der .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 19 – Color T one allows t he se lection of Low t one, Medi um or H igh. – Quality se ts the p ictur e compre ssion . The hi gher the compre ssion , the be tter the deta il o f the pictur e (h ighe r pix el ra te) .
20 Using the Camera T a king a pictur e Flip open 1. Sel ect Menu → Camera . 2. Foc u s on t he imag e using the phon e’ s disp lay as a v iewfind er . Tip : Pre ss up or dow n to zoom in or zoom o ut. 3. T a ke the pi ctur e by pres sing . The image is immedi ately sa ved t o Media Gallery .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 21 5E NTERING T EX T , N UMB ERS , AN D S YMBOLS Y ou ca n enter lette rs, numbers , and s ymbols in c ontacts , text messages , and y our bann er .
22 Entering Text, Numbers, a nd Sy mbols Entering symbols While enterin g tex t, you c an ente r symbols by pre ssing un til yo u see the sym bol yo u wa nt. Usi ng th is m e thod, y ou h ave a ccess to the foll owing symbols : T o acc ess t he full set o f symbo ls: 1.
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 23 Quick re fere nce to te xt entr y Thi s tab le gives ge neral in stru ction s for en terin g let ters, numbe rs, and symbo ls. T o ... Do this ... Enter a letter Use mode an d press a ke y until you see the l etter you want .
24 Sending and Receiving Text M essage s 6S ENDING AND R ECEIVING T EXT M ESS AGES Thi s cha pter describ es h ow to se nd, receive, and era se text me ssag es fr om y our p ho ne.
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 25 2. Scr oll dow n to sel ect: – Add Addres s — Ret urn t o the “T o” scre en to add a nothe r r ecipi ent with out losi ng the mes sage te xt. – Save Mess age —Sav e the m essag e withou t se nding.
26 Sending and Receiving Text M essage s –S e l e c t Enabl ed to save all s ent messa ges to t he Outbox. –S e l e c t Prompt to al ert y ou to c hoose whet her or not to sa ve your messa ge. T o view th e OutB ox 1. Sel ect Menu → Mess age s → OutBox .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 27 If you see the symbol If th e symbo l is f lashi ng, the messag e is urge nt. 1. Sel ect Menu → Mess age s → In Bo x . A li st of all your r eceiv ed mes sages ap pear s. New , unre ad mes sages appear in bold .
28 Sending and Receiving Text M essage s Erasing single messages 1. Sel ect Menu → Mess age s . 2. Pre ss down to the type of text messa ge you w ant to e rase: InBo x , Ou tB ox , or Saved . 3. Pre ss . 4. Hig hligh t the m essag e to era se and pres s .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 29 4. T o enter the f irst ph one number or email addr ess , sel ect a n o ptio n: – Recent List to se lect numbers from your Rece nt Li st. – New Addres s to en ter th e phon e numbe r or em ail add ress ma nual ly .
30 Using Vo ice Recog nition 7U SING V OICE R E COG N IT IO N V oice r ecogni tion allow s you to mak e an d an swer call s b y spe ak ing comm an ds in to the phon e’ s mi cro phon e. Note: Y ou cann ot us e voi ce re cognitio n to end a ca ll; yo u must pres s whe n the flip is op en.
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 31 Erasing all voice tags T o erase all v oice name dial recor dings in your phone: 1. Sel ect Menu → Sett ings → Vo i c e F e a t u r e s → Eras e V oice Dial . 2. Sel ect Ye s . Calling using digit dialing When using d igit dia ling, you sp eak dig its to dial a ph one n umber .
32 Using Vo ice Recog nition If th e phon e does not rec ognize your “W ake up” comm and, see “T rainin g vo ice reco gniti on” on page 32 . Answering the phon e Y ou can set the hands-free car kit to ei ther (1) an swer automat ically or (2) answer using a voice command.
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 33 8C USTOMIZING Y OU R P HONE The cont ents of t he S ettings menu are as follows. Silent M ode V ib rate O nly V ibe then Rin g Light s Only Nor mal So.
34 Customizin g Yo ur Phone Silencing all s ounds Y our phon e is set to m ake soun ds when you rec eive call s, press key s, navigate th roug h menus, and re ceiv e aler ts (s uch a s new m e ssage s). Y ou ca n sile nce all sound s and se t the p hone to vib rate or l ight up when y ou rec eive cal ls and a lert s.
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 35 Setting sounds for your phone Y ou can set yo ur pho ne t o s ound to nes when yo u open and clo se the f lip, and w hen yo u turn the phone o n and off. Sounds w ill n ot occur du ring an incoming call, if y ou are in a call, or if a hea dset or ca r kit is at tache d to your ph one.
36 Customizin g Yo ur Phone Setting key lengt h Y ou can change duratio n of the ton es th e phon e ma kes wh en you pres s the keys . 1. Sel ect Menu → Settings → Sou nds → Key Length .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 37 Creating a shortcut to frequent contacts By default, your p hone li sts yo ur enti re cont acts li st when you sele ct Contacts . Y ou can also set the phone to show a l ist of yo ur most f reque nt cont acts.
38 Customizin g Yo ur Phone – 7 sec. & in call , 15 sec. & in cal l , or 30 sec. & in ca ll —T urn back lighti ng o n for the durati on of a ca ll, an d for 7 , 15, or 3 0 seco nds aft er y our last k eypr ess. Note: These settings drai n the batter y more quic kly a nd re duce t alk an d sta ndb y time s.
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 39 Selecting wallpaper W allpap er appear s on th e ho me sc reen . 1. Sel ect Menu → Settings → Display → W all pap er . 2. Hig hligh t a wall paper d esign a nd pres s . 3. Pres s t o a ssi gn the wal lpap er .
40 Customizin g Yo ur Phone Designating em ergency numbers The em erge ncy n umb ers fe ature a llows you to spe cify thre e pers onal pho ne numbers that can be cal led wh en the ph one is l ocked. 1. Sel ect Menu → Se ttings → Sec urity . 2. Ente r you r fou r -digi t lo ck cod e.
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 41 1. Sel ect Menu → Se ttings → Network → Set Phon e Line . 2. Sele ct on e of the t wo li nes a nd pre ss . Data Settings Setting Com po rt speed The C om Speed se ts th e data rate at whi ch your phone c onnects to a laptop or P C.
42 Customizin g Yo ur Phone Note: TT Y/T DD ser vice m ay no t be a vailabl e. Chec k wi th y our se rvi ce pr ovid er fo r more i nfo rmation. Setting position loca tion Thi s sett ing a llows y ou to sh are your locatio n info rmatio n with n etwork serv ices othe r than emergen cy se rvice s (911 , 111 , 999 , 00 0, etc .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 43 9U SING M EDI A G ALLE RY The media gallery stores and dis plays a ll the i m a ge and sound files in the phone . Acce ssin g fi les 1. Sel ect Menu → Media Gallery . 2. Sele ct an opt ion: – Camera Pictures dis plays thumbna ils of t he photos you have taken in chro no logic al or der .
44 Using Me dia Gallery Brows ing images The images menu all ows yo u to ass ign your files to va ri ous a pp lic ati on s. 1. Sel ect Menu → Media Ga llery → Image s . 2. Use to high light the menu item y ou w ant: – Saved Image s displ ays ima ges y ou have sa ved.
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 45 Cre ating free spac e If your phone do es not have en ough m emo ry to stor e a f ile, a dialog d i splay s and asks y ou if you want to cr eate sp ace. •S e l e c t Y es t o displ ay the fi le br owser (cat ego ri es) with th e me mor y nee de d and avail able m emo ry .
46 Tools & Games 10 T OOL S & G AMES V oice Me mo The Voice Me mo too l allow s you t o recor d and play back audi o mem os. Recording a voice memo 1. Sel ect Menu → T ool s & Game s → V oic e Mem o → Record Ne w . -o r - Pre ss an d hold right .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 47 5. Ent er the t ime, lengt h, and alarm for ev ent. – P ress up or down to s elec t date, hour , minutes, and timing o f alarm. – P ress left or righ t to move bet ween field s. 6. Sel ect Ne xt , ent er a note if require d.
48 Tools & Games Naviga tion : 4. Pre ss to c alcul ate the result. Examp le : Enter 5, pr ess left to s elect X , ent er 2, then pr ess to ob tain the r esult of 1 0. 5. Pre ss to retu rn to th e home s creen . 6. Pre ss to cl ear t he sc reen . Tim e r This ti mer cou nts do wn for a speci fied am ount of time .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 49 4. Pre ss to sele ct a c ity , like Ath ens. The Wor ld Cloc k me nu is di spl ayed a gain, with Athens’ time an d date. Fro m the W orl d Clock men u, yo u can als o sele ct Search t o sear ch by city or cou ntry .
50 Tools & Games Bri ck Att ack The g oal of th is game i s to e liminate b ricks arr anged in leve ls. Y ou send a moving ball upward using a pa ddle at the botto m of the s cree n. 1. Sel ect Menu → T ool s & Game s → Brick Attack . 2. Pres s to se lect Ye s at t he prom pt, “T urn off back light to co nser ve batte ry?” 3.
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 51 – Scorebo ard — Provi des you w ith the top fiv e s core s. – Music — Choo se when you h ear music with this game. Selec t from M usic Alway s , Sound Eff ects , I nstructio ns , Credits , During Title , or No Music .
52 Tools & Games Saving a doodle It’ s a good idea to save the d oodle while y ou ar e worki ng on i t. If you receiv e a call while c reating an unsaved doodl e, it g ets l ost. •S e l e c t Options → Sa ve and press . The image is sa ved i n Menu → Media Gallery → Ima ges → Do odles .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 53 11 U SING B LUET OOTH ® W IR EL E SS T ECH NOLOGY Note: Th e B lueto oth ® feature may not be ava ilabl e o n you r Ky ocer a X curs ion pho ne.
54 Using Bluetoo th® W ir eless Techn ology 7. Pre ss to sele ct Add . 8. Sele ct the d evic e with whi ch you wish to pair with y our Xc ursion phone from the menu a nd pre ss to se lect Add .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 55 Disconnecting from the Bluetoot h wireless technology d evice 1. Sel ect Menu → B lue to oth → My Dev ices .
56 Using Bluetoo th® W ir eless Techn ology – 3 min utes - Blu etooth wir eless technolo gy will remain O n Vi sible fo r 3 minut es befo re ret urning to On I nvisib le . – Always - The On /O ff set ting remains on or o ff unti l you chan ge it your self.
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 57 12 C ONNECT ING TO THE I NTERN ET Using the Web Br owser Y ou c an us e yo ur pho ne to br owse t he In terne t if you have ob taine d phone Int ern et servi ces fro m your se rvi ce p rovi der an d if ov er -th e-ai r I nte rnet acc ess is a vailab le in yo ur a rea.
58 Connect ing to th e I nterne t • Setup g ive s you opt ions for c hang ing ho w informa tion is d isplaye d. – Show URL displ ays the entir e URL. – About Open wave displays informati on abo ut your Web B rowser vers ion. – Encrypti on sh oul d not b e us ed unl ess you are instr ucted t o do so b y your s ervice prov ider .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 59 13 G ETTING H EL P Custom er s upport Y our s ervic e provi der’ s cust omer su pport depar tment may be acces sible di rectly f rom your phon e wh en y ou di al a nu mb er su ch a s *61 1 (ch eck w ith y our servi ce pr ovid er).
60 Gettin g Help Qualified service If th e pr oblem wit h your phone pe rsists , ret urn t he ph one with all acce ssor ies an d pa ckagin g t o the deal er for q ualif ied s ervic e. Phone accessories T o shop for Kyo cera Xc ursi on pho ne ac ces sor ies, vis it www .
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 61 14 C ONSUME R L IM IT ED W A RRANTY Kyo cera Wire less Corp. (“K YOCERA”) offers you a limi ted w arranty th at the e nclo sed p roduct or produ c.
User Gu ide for the Ky oce ra X cursio n Phone 63 I NDEX Numeric s 1-touch dialing , 11 A alarm clock , 7 , 4 7 alert s for m e s sages , 36 for m i s sed calls , 1 0 analog mode , 7 auto text , 25 au.
64 li ghts -onl y mo de , 7, 34 limit ing calls out , 40 list o f compatable Bluetooth accesso r i es , 56 lock cod e , 39 locki ng phon e , 39 M memory, saving , 2 7 menu view , 37 N num ber mod e , .
82-N8671-1E Page 65 Tuesday , October 4, 200 5 3:49 PM.
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Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Kyocera Xcursion KX160A (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Kyocera Xcursion KX160A heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Kyocera Xcursion KX160A vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Kyocera Xcursion KX160A leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Kyocera Xcursion KX160A krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Kyocera Xcursion KX160A bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Kyocera Xcursion KX160A kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Kyocera Xcursion KX160A . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.