Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 11 van de fabrikant Lexmark
Ga naar pagina of 133 MarkV ision™ Professional 11 . 0 User’s Guide June 2005 Lexmark and Lexmark with diamond design are trademarks of Lexmark International, Inc., registered in the Unit ed States and/or ot her countries. © 2005 Lexmark International, Inc.
2 Edition: June 2005 The following paragraph does not apply to any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: LE XMARK INTE RNA TIONAL, INC.
3 Licensing Notice This p roduct cont ains sof tware d eveloped and copy righted by Lexma rk. In additio n, the p roduct soft ware m ay contai n: • Soft ware lic ensed under th e prov isions of the GNU General Public Licens e v ersion 2 and/o r the GNU Lesser Genera l Public License v ersio n 2.
Contents 4 Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to MarkVis ion Professional .................. 7 Introduct ion....... .. ........... ......... .. ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... .... 7 Terms use d in this doc umen t .
Contents 5 Creat ing c usto m v iews ..... ..... .... ....... .... .... ....... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ....... .... ....... ... 65 Creat ing c usto m ta bles ... .... ....... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ....... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ....
Contents 6 Chapter 8: Frequently Asked Qu estions.... ........................ ...... 124 How d o I get to t he s erve r af ter i nsta lling ? .... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ....... .... ..... .... . 124 How do I di s co v e r p ri nt e rs ? ..... .
Intr oduc tio n to Mar kVis ion Pro fess ion al 7 1 Introduction to MarkV isio n Professional Intr oduct ion MarkVision TM Professional (MVP) i s a Web-ena bled d evice management utilit y desi gned for IT staf f. MarkVi sion works as a client-serv er applica tion.
Terms used in this document 8 • Display devi ces tha t meet predefined crit eria (such as T oner Low) so you can fix problems before they af fect user producti vity . • Schedule time-intensive act ivities, such as company-wide de vice discovery or updating print server fi rmware when networ k use is at a minimum.
MarkV ision componen ts 9 • Confidenti al print job setting s New settings have been added to th e General Settings (Pr inter) task for MVP 1 1.0 that help protect conf idential print jo bs.
MarkV ision componen ts 10 plug-in for UNIX and ot her platforms, go to: http://ja / index.html . The MarkV i sion Client application and the W eb Client are essenti a ll y the same program. All informat ion that is being managed by the MarkV ision Server is availab le to users of either the applicat ion or We b Client.
System req uirements 11 Server acc epts HTTP requests on a non-standar d port (9180) t hat does not i nterfere with any other existi ng web servers. System requiremen ts The foll owing are minimum re quirements for installing an d running MarkV ision Professi onal.
System req uirements 12 MarkVisi on Pr ofessional for UNIX systems MarkVi sion Professional f or UNIX systems is availa ble for all supported UNIX pl atforms that provide Java Runti me Environment 1.4. 2. Supported UNI X systems Java Virtual Machine recommendations Operat ing syst em V ers ion numbers Hardware IBM-AIX 5.
System req uirements 13 Supported devices Print s ervers Dell Wirel ess Prin ter A dapter 330 0 MarkNe t N2004f l-SC Lexmark C7 50 Ethe rnet MarkNe t N2004fl- ST Lexmark C9 10 Ethern et MarkNet N25 01.
System req uirements 14 Printe r table 2 HP 4345 MFP IBM InfoP rint 20 HP 8550 MFP IBM InfoP rint 21 HP 8550GN IBM Infop rint 1 145 MFP HP Busines s InkJe t 2250TN IBM I nfoprint 1 145 L MFP HP Colo r.
System req uirements 15 Printe r table 3 Lexmark E 234n Lexmar k T63X Lexmark E 320 Lexm ark T640 Lexmark E 321 Lexm ark T642 Lexmark E 322 Lexm ark T644 Lexmark E 323 Lexm ark W8 12 Lexmark E 330 Lex.
System req uirements 16 Printe r table 4 Samsung ML-2152W Xerox DocuPrint N2825 T ektr onix Phas er 350 Xerox DocuP rint N32 T ektr onix Phas er 550 Xerox DocuP rint N3225 T ektr onix Phas er 560 Xero.
Using MarkVis ion Pro fess ion al 17 2 Using MarkV ision Professional Installing MarkVision Profe ssional Before you install Before you inst all the MarkVi sion Server: 1 Make sure y ou have 70MB of hard disk spac e available for a complete i nstallation.
Installi ng MarkVision Professional 18 • Windows W eb package • Mac OS X Web package • UNIX W eb package (Java runtime environment is required) When you are i nstal ling the MarkV is ion component s, a dial og will appear t hat shows th e hiera rchy in which the diff erent components c an be installed.
Installi ng MarkVision Professional 19 3 Click Software . 4 Click MarkV ision Professional . 5 Download the MarkVisi on Professional 1 1.0 package. 6 Open the Mark Vision Professional Inst allation pac kage, and follow the instruct ions on the screen.
Installi ng MarkVision Professional 20 HP-UX 1 Download the MVP package file from the Lexmark W eb site into the /tmp directory , and extract t he package fil e: # /usr/cont rib/bin/gunzip /t mp/markvision-pro- hpux1 1.pkg.gz 2 Start the System Admin ist ration Manager by typing /usr/sbin/sam & .
Installi ng MarkVision Professional 21 12 Click Ye s to s tart the installat ion. Note: If the HOME variable was not set for r oot when you star ted SAM, an error messag e appears. Ignor e the message and cl ick OK . 13 During I nstallation, select Logfil e to view t he installati on log.
Installi ng MarkVision Professional 22 RedHat Lin ux; SuSE Linux 1 Download the MVP pac kage fi le fr om th e Lexmark W eb si te and place the package fi le i n t he /tmp direct ory . 2 Unzip and untar the fil e: $ tar zxvf /tmp/markvi si on-pro-linux-gl ibc2- x86.
Installi ng MarkVision Professional 23 c When a message appears telli ng you the in stallation was successful , type q to qu it. Note: Y ou must instal l all the packages in the same locati on. 5 T y pe the fol lowing on the command line and answer any questions that appear: /opt/lexmar k/setup .
Installi ng MarkVision Professional 24 FindJava This scr ipt is us ed by multip le scr ipts to l ocate the a ppropri ate version of Java Vi rtual Machine on the syste m . This scr ipt attempts to find the path to the “ java” binary i n standard sys tem locations.
Installi ng MarkVision Professional 25 2 Unmount the MarkV ision Professional di rect ory . Refer to your operating system documentat ion for unmounting instructions.
Installi ng MarkVision Professional 26 Removing the Mar kVision Pro fessional CDE: When removing the MarkV ision Professional Clie nt package, you must manually remove the CDE snap-in.
Installi ng MarkVision Professional 27 T o uninstal l the GNOME snap-in, as root, ty pe the following in the command line: # /usr/mv_p ro/bin/ mark2gno me Finding space to install MarkV ision Professional Some operating syst ems require you to i nstall Ma rkV ision Profe ssional in a part icular di rectory .
Installi ng MarkVision Professional 28 T o stop th e MarkVision Server T o save the MarkV ision Server settings dur ing a Novell Server shutdown or reset, add the fol lowi ng commands t o the SYS: SYSTEMSHUT DOWN.
Getting sta rted 29 For versions earlier than MarkV ision Professio nal 6.0, such as MarkV i sion for Intranets, or cl assic MarkVi sion, we recommend that you uninstall the old version before attempti ng a new install ation.
Getting sta rted 30 Opening th e MarkVision App lication on a UNIX system If you are using MarkV ision Professi onal from a UNIX system, you can access MVP from either a command line or the MarkV ision Professional W eb Client. Using the MVP UNIX Client from the command line: If it is support ed by your workstation, you can use the X Window system.
Getting sta rted 31 the supported server that hol ds the least number of connect ions, al lowing yo u fast er access t o MVP . Clicki ng Hide Details will remove the ser ver details from the displa y . Once you have connected to a MarkVi sion Server , the setup wizard appears.
Basics 32 • Gathering info rmation about pri nters . Use the Custom T ables task to view inf o rmat ion about your device s. • Managing plug-ins . Us e the Soft ware Update task to install and remove plu g-ins for addition al device support.
Basics 33 IP address es should be i n the dot not ation form of X.X.X.X, for e xample, 192.168.12. 34. T o perfor m a network discove ry (search a subnet), use a zero( 0) or asterisk (*) as a wildcar d. For example, 192.168.0. 0 would search the entire Class B network, fi nding all devic es whose address be gins with 192.
Basics 34 • The All T asks list on the MarkVision Prof essional Home screen • The menus (for example: MarkV ision Æ Personal Sett ings ) • The MarkV ision Prof essional toolbar (also avail able.
Basics 35 Cust om Medi a - Pape r Weight View or modify custo m paper we ight s ettings. Custom T ables - Create/ Manage Conf igure an d export tables of device informati on. Cust om Vi ews - Cr eate / Manage Create custom views wi th multipl e pieces of infor mation.
Basics 36 Finish ing View or modi fy a pri nter's fin ishi ng sett ings, su ch as copies , coll ate, and resolu tion. Firmware ( On the Web) Open a Web page t o obtain pri nt server upgrades fo r suppo rted print server s. Firmware Download (Pr int Se rve r) Upgrade y our print server firmware.
Basics 37 MFP - Default Copy Settin gs View or modify Copy S ettings for an MFP d evice. MFP - Default Scan to E-mail Settin gs View or modi fy Scan to E-mai l Setting s for an MFP dev ice. MFP - Default Scan to Network Setti ngs View or modify Scan to Network Settings for a n MFP device.
Basics 38 Printer Lockdo wn Force one or m ore supp orted devic es to communi cate exclus ively over a s ecure c ommun ication channe l. Profile Destinati ons Create an d manag e profil e desti natio ns for se lected devices. Proper ty T ag V ie w or modi fy a prop erty tag (user identific ation) f or a printer .
Basics 39 Web Page (Pri nt Server ) Open a Web pa ge displ aying setti ngs for a selecte d device. WLAN Setup and confi gure wir eless dev ices (Lex mark N8 050).
Config ur i ng Ma r kVi sion Pr ofe ssional 40 3 Configuring MarkV ision Professional Adding and removing device s MarkVi sion Prof essional l ets you s earch your network f or devices , such as print ers and print ser vers. Y ou can then schedule and configur e discoveries to suit your needs.
Adding an d removing devices 41 • After y ou enter the address information , you can enter SNMP community names t o change the read or writ e access priv ileges. T o change privil eges from the defaul t value (p ubli c), enter the new community names in the appropriat e field.
Adding an d removing devices 42 a full discovery can r ender the MarkV ision Serv er virtually unusable while the discovery is executin g. Including and excluding devices The Incl ude and Exclude t ab.
Adding an d removing devices 43 Import / Export buttons Y ou can use the Import and Export buttons to import or expor t profi les for di scovery . They are saved in XML format.
Crea t ing fo lders 44 T o use the Add Devices ta sk: 1 Select Add Devices from the Al l T asks menu, or select MarkV ision Æ Device Discovery Æ Add Devices on t he MVP Home screen. 2 Select a speci fic device or dev ices from the li st of existin g devices on the screen, or cl ick Add to enter a new device addres s, and then click OK .
Crea t ing fo lders 45 MarkVi sion Professional is shipped wit h a pre-existing root fol der , All Devices, whi ch cannot be deleted. Al l additional folders you creat e are listed below th is root folder . However , you do not have to create addit ional folders to use Mark V ision.
Using filters 46 Y ou can also use the Load and Save buttons t o import or export a filter set. The Save butt on saves the filt er criteria you have selected as a file whic h can later be retrieved usi ng the Load button. For more informat ion on creating filter s, see Using filter s .
Using filters 47 When multiple conditions are selected • Clicki ng the All conditions must be met radio button means that every de vice must meet every crit erion displayed by the fil ter . • Clicki ng the At least one condition must be met radio button means that d evices must meet only one condition di splayed by the filter .
Creat ing user a ccounts and use r groups 48 3 She clicks New t o create another filter criterion, a nd then select s the following from the Parameter and Operation lis t bo xes.
Creat ing user a ccounts and use r groups 49 3 Confirm the pass word that you entered. The i ndicat or l ight to the ri ght of the field t urns green and enables the OK button when the passwor d confi rmation is entered correctl y .
Creat ing user a ccounts and use r groups 50 For example: Note: If you assign task pr ivileges for your users and then add the u ser accounts to a group, your user s wil l have acces s to tasks grant ed by both the account and the group.
Assigning user priv ileges 51 • T o remove a user account or group 1 Select the account or group that you want to remove, and then click Remove . 2 If the Confirm Account and Group Del etion setting is enabled under Personal Sett ings task, en ter your user account and password in to the confirmation prompt, and then cli ck OK .
Mar k Vision Profes sion al Secu rity 52 4 MarkV ision Professional Security Adapter password c onforma nce MarkVi sion Professional emphasi zes the password prot ection of individual net work devices.
Adapter password confo rmance 53 Using the Device Passwor d task 1 Go to Settings Æ Secur ity Æ Device Password or select Device Password fr om the All T asks list .
Confid ential p rint job set tings 54 3 Enter the new password. 4 Click OK . T o edit a device password 1 Go to MarkVision Æ M anage Global Password List or select Manage Global Password List f rom the All T asks list. 2 Select t he password you want to edit.
Confid ential p rint job set tings 55 Using Confidenti al Print Job Lo ckout The Confident ial Print Job Lock out feat ure is availabl e under both the General Sett ings (Print er) task and the Dev ice Policy t asks.
Secure commun ication 56 4 Click Apply . T o set Confidential Print Job Expirat ion with the Device Policy tasks: 1 From the Mar kVision Prof essional Home sc reen, go to Act ions Æ Device Policies Æ Create/M anage or select Device Policies – Create/Manage from the All T ask s list.
Secure commun ication 57 The degree of securi ty wi th which the devices and the server communicat e over the network is then determined by the secu rity level that has been set on the MarkV ision Server in conjun ction with the communicatio n security t hat has been appl ied to the devi ce.
Secure commun ication 58 Setting the ser ver communication secu rity level 1 Go to MarkVision Æ A dministrative Settings or select Administrati ve Settings from the All T ask list . 2 Select t he Communication Securit y tab at the top of the dialog. 3 Move the slid e bar to indic ate t he desired communicat ion secur ity l evel for t he serv er .
Secure commun ication 59 4 Click Apply . 5 Click OK . Setting communica tion securi ty for devices The two tasks that cont rol communication security for devic es are the Communic ation Password task and the Printer Lockdown task.
Sec ure view ing of en cryp ted ha rd disk dr ives 60 T o remove the device communication password: 1 Click Remove Password . 2 Make sure the device has not been lo cked down. For more informati on on printer lockdown, see Using the Pr inter Lockdown task.
User authentica tion 61 LDAP Server authentication MVP Administrator s can use their company ’s LDAP server to authenticate us er I Ds and Passwords, eliminat in g the need for MarkVisi on Cli ent users to maintain separate l ogin IDs and passwords for use with MarkVisi on Professional.
User authentica tion 62 3 Click Next . 4 Enter your LDAP Server inf ormation. a If Anonymous or Simple is selec ted as the authentication mec hani sm: Enter th e LDAP Server Address , Port Number , Search Base , and User Att ributes in the LDA P Se tti ngs area.
User authentica tion 63 T o use active sessi on expiration 1 Go to MarkVision Æ A dministrative Settings or select Administrati ve Settings from the All T asks li st. 2 Under the Inter val s section of t he dialog, specify the acti ve se ssi on expiration interval in minutes (1 0 to 60 minutes).
Managin g devices 64 5 Managing devices Finding th e devices you want There are numerous ways to find devices using MarkV ision. Y ou can search f or one device using specifi c cri teria, or multipl e devic es using a variety of methods.
Creating custom views 65 4 Click OK , and then click Fi nd . A list of any color dup lex printer s on your Mar kVision Server appe ars. Y ou can also cr eate a folder that automaticall y populates i tself with col or printer s that have duplex units. For help cre ating such a folder , see Organiz ing devices .
Creati ng custo m tables 66 Creating a custom table 1 Select Custom T ables - Create/Manage from the All T asks menu. 2 Click New . (T o edit an existing custom table , click the table's name.) 3 Give your table a descr i ptive name. 4 From the Av ailable Columns box, sel ect the items to be included in t he table.
Using device policie s 67 Using device po licies A device policy co ntai ns saved printer or print ser ver set tings. When a policy is created, it can then be applied t o one or more devi ces. The devi ce's set tings are then rec onfigur ed to mat ch the set tings listed in the pol icy .
Sche duling tas ks 68 Select t he device policy you created ( "Company Printer Settings") from t he Device Policie s list and click Apply Policy . Check device policy conformance The Device Policies - Check Confor manc e task displays a selec ted device’s current sett ings in comparison to it s applied device poli cy .
Manag ing plug -ins 69 To sch ed u le a t a sk When you access the Scheduling task, the scheduling screen app ears with a l ist and calendar showing all pr esently scheduled events . 1 Select Sche duling from the All T asks menu or click Actions Æ Scheduling .
Generic file do wnload 70 • Remove The Remove option lets you uni nst all a selected plug-in. First select the plug-in (s) that you want to uninstal l from the list. Click Remove . This remove s the sel ected plug-in(s) fro m the server and the cli ent.
Reso urce Ma nage me nt 71 Using t he Ge neric Fi le D ownlo ad ta sk 1 Select the fil e(s) that you want to download from the list of avail able files on the MarkV ision Server . If there is a file from anothe r locati on that you want to in clude in the list, click Load to browse for local fil es that you ca n load onto t he server .
Reso urce Ma nage me nt 72 3 Click Upload to br owse for the font file( s) that you want to load on the server . 4 In the Upload Resources di alog, enter the file name i n the fil e field or click Browse to lo cate the f ile(s ).
Bookmark Ma nagemen t 73 7 Use the ( > ) button to tr ansfer the printer s to the Sele cted Printers window . Then click or Ctrl + click t he de vic es you want to download to. 8 Click Exist ing Fil es to display the files curr ently stored in the devi ce’s memory .
Bookmark Ma nagemen t 74 Using the Bookm ark Management task Creating fo lders The Bookmark Management task provi des a defaul t root folder called BOOKMARKS, to which additio nal folders or bookmarks can be ad ded. T o create a new folder: 1 Go to Actions Æ Bookmark Management or sel ect Bookmark Management from the Al l T asks list .
Bookmark Ma nagemen t 75 Loading an existing bookmark Bookmarks may be loaded from eit her an exi sting file or printe r memory . Once the Load Bookmark dialog has been opened, t he option to either Browse for a specific file or select a spec ific prin ter is provided.
Bookmark Ma nagemen t 76 Deleting a bookmark or fol der 1 Go to Actions Æ Bookmark Management or sel ect Bookmark Management from the Al l T asks list . 2 Load the folder or bookmark set that contains the bookmark(s) that you want to delete. 3 Select the folder or bookmark that you want to del ete.
Wireless print server supp ort 77 Wireless print server supp ort In addit ion to addin g device sup port for seve ral new wireless devices (for a complete l ist of the printer s and print ser vers that MVP su pports, see Suppor ted devices ), MarkV is ion Professional 1 1.
Destination ma nagemen t 78 4 Enter t he appropriate authenticati on or encrypti on informati on for the wire less securi ty mode that you selected. Some wireless sec urity modes require certificate s to work properly . T o install the appropr iate certif icates, go to t he print server embedded Web page o r use the Instal l CA Cer tificate t ask.
Destination ma nagemen t 79 Using destination management tasks 1 Select on e of the four destinatio n management tasks from the All T ask s menu, or select Settings Æ MFP Æ Destinations from the MVP home screen.
Changing printer se ttings 80 Removing dest inations 1 Select on e of the four destinatio n management tasks from the All T ask s menu, or select Settings Æ Desti nations from the MVP Home screen.
Organizi ng devices 81 • MFP Status • Picture of Pri nt er • Page Counts • Operator Pa nel LCD • Map • Custom T ables • Custom V iews Organizing devi ces MarkVi sion lets you organiz e your devi ces usi ng folders. When you create or edit fol ders, you can specify cer tain criteria to li mit which devices are in a fol der .
View ing a pri n t serve r embe dded Web pag e 82 Using filt ers to auto m atically populat e folders 1 Select Folder Configuration from th e All T asks menu . 2 Click New to create a new folder , or select a specific folder to edit an existing one. 3 Enter the name of the new folder .
Creat i ng ma ps 83 more informat ion on crea ting folders and using fil ters, see Organizing devices and Finding the devices you want . Create a map view Y ou can use the Map task to cr eate a graphi.
Monitorin g printer supp lies 84 Monito ring printe r supplies There are several methods you can use to monitor printer supplies. If you are responsibl e for monitori ng multiple pri nters: • Select Folder Configuration from th e All T asks menu and create a folder with a filter based on the st atus criteri a you are int erested in.
Moving th e MarkVisio n S er ver 85 5 Replace th e data file s saved in st ep 2 into t he same location s on the new machi ne. 6 Restart the Mark Vision Server . Note: The listed fi l es do not contain settings for wind ow and frame sizes or positional informati on.
Moving th e MarkVisio n S er ver 86 T o stop the MarkV ision W eb service, type: /usr/mv_pro /bin/Mv WebServi ce stop Starting and stopping the MarkV ision Professional Server on a UNIX syst em T o st.
Flas hing pr int s erver s 87 Flashing prin t servers Periodic ally , you may need to rewrite the flash memory insi de o ne or more of your print servers. For example, let 's say Cust omer Support recommends you upgrade to a newer or dif ferent version of firmware to sol ve a networ k printer problem.
Print Permissions Tech nology 88 MVP’s Print Permissi ons T echnology is separated into two re lated tasks that control user access to color pri nting, the Users T able task and the Hosts T able ta sk. The Users T able disp lays and controls basic user access to color pri nting.
Queue m anagement 89 Using the Print Permis sions Technology tasks 1 Go to Settings Æ Pri nter Æ Print Permissions T echnology and select either Users T able or Hosts T able . 2 Select t he supported color devices that you want to u se with the task from the Find Results window .
Queue m anagement 90 3 Double-click Services . 4 In Serv ic es, rig h t -cli ck MarkVision Ser ver . 5 Select Propert ies . 6 Select t he Log On tab. 7 Select t he This account radio b utton. 8 Enter the user ID and passwor d for an administrative account.
Queue m anagement 91 9 Click Next . 10 V er ify that the pri nt queue infor mation is correct for eac h host computer in t he queue creation table. I f the default sett ings are incorrect , select the table ent ry , and modify each of th e fields in the dialog below the table.
Queue m anagement 92 process does not inc lude a password, or if use of an administrative account without a password is preferr ed, the following proceedure must be completed on the target computer . 1 Open the Windows Control Panel . For example, go to Start Æ Set tings Æ Control Panel .
MarkV ision Messenger 93 6 MarkV ision Messenger MarkVi sion Messenger i s a utility t hat lets you c reate Actions. An Action defin es a command to execute whenever an event occurs across a set of devices. Device Status Event s are condi ti ons signaled by messages l ik e Paper T ray Missing or T oner Low .
How do es MarkVis ion Messenger work? 94 • The type of event your Acti on wil l monitor • The devices your Action wil l monitor • The type of command your Action wil l execute With MarkV ision Messen ger , you c an create Acti ons to automate many printer adm inistration t asks.
How do es MarkVis ion Messenger work? 95 Devices in a Specified Fol der If your Action will monit or only a s pecific folder , choose t his option. For example, if you were in charge of devices on the.
How do es MarkVis ion Messenger work? 96 specify tha t your Action only respond when T ray 3 is removed from monitored print e rs. See Custom filters for more i nfor mation. Send device s tatus alerts to a Ti voli event serv er MarkVi sion Messenger contains a custom event adapt er that integrates with T ivol i's event management console.
How do es MarkVis ion Messenger work? 97 • Distribute Conditions: • And (Condition_1... Condition_n) • Or (Conditi on_1...Condition_n) • EventDataIs (key , value) • SourceDataI s (key , valu.
How do es MarkVis ion Messenger work? 98 IfThen(Even tDataIs ("state" , "ACTIVE") ) Distribute } In thi s example, And was use d to build a compound condition. The While loop is only entered or repeated i f the event is active fo r T ray 3 .
How do I use MarkV ision Me ssenger? 99 How do I use MarkVision Messen ger? Use MarkV ision Messenger to create Ac tions that automatically per form printer administration tasks in response to pri nter events.
How do I use MarkV ision Me ssenger? 100 From the Des cription In formation screen: 1 Enter a unique name for you Acti on in the Name: field. 2 Enter a more detailed de scription abo ut your action an d what it does i n t he Descripti on: field. 3 Enter i nstructions a ssociated with you r Action in the Notes: f ield.
How do I use MarkV ision Me ssenger? 101 Step 5: Select specifi c events or folder Depending on the Event T y pe you have chosen, you must now tell Mar kVi sion Messenge r ei ther the Device Status Al ert s your Action will monitor , or the folder whose events your Action wil l monitor .
How do I use MarkV ision Me ssenger? 102 • Select Al l Devices on the MarkV ision Server to monitor all devices, even ones added t o the server l ater . • Select Devices in a Specif ied Folder to monitor all devic es in a speci fi ed folder , even ones added to t he folder la ter .
How do I use MarkV ision Me ssenger? 103 Step 8: Compo se the command Keywords rep resent infor mation about your Action, a device, or an even t. Y ou ca n pass this informat ion to your command on the MarkVi sion Server or a remote host , or choose to embed it in an e-mail message.
How do I use MarkV ision Me ssenger? 104 T o setup a T ivoli event server T o execute this command, se e Setting u p the Ti voli event adapt er . Step 9: Select a fi lter A filter l ets you cont rol commands t hat ex ecute when event s occur . Y our filter options depend on the Event T ype.
How do I use MarkV ision Me ssenger? 105 Notes: • Click Tip s for more informati on and sample sc ripts. • When you upload a script fi le, all in formation in the text field is erased. Make sure you upload the script fi le first, and then make changes or ent er addi tional informat i on.
How do I use MarkV ision Me ssenger? 106 Enabling an Action 1 From the Mar kVision Messenge r Home screen, select the Action you want t o enable by clicking the box to the left of the Action name. 2 Click Enable Selec ted . The stat us of the select ed Action changes to Enabled.
How do I use MarkV ision Me ssenger? 107 Setting or changing user data User data identi f ies and provides more informat io n about a specific device or set of devic es. It is associated with the act ion.sourcedata key word string that can be inser ted into the Command Line Parameters : list.
How do I use MarkV ision Me ssenger? 108 Keeping a log of paper jams Y ou can create an Action to keep a log of speci fic device event s. For example, you may want t o keep a log of paper jams t o determine t he average time it takes f or them to b e cleared.
How do I use MarkV ision Me ssenger? 109 Let's sa y you created a n Action to send an e-mail noti fication w hen a Load Paper or Envelope conditi on occurs. But af ter a week, the e-mail recipie nt is receiving too many noti f ications, and often when he goes to a device, someone else has already l oaded more paper .
How do I use MarkV ision Me ssenger? 110 5 In the text fiel d, enter a script that only execut es the command when the parameter is the paper tray you wa nt to moni tor . For example: IfThen (EventD ataIs("l ocation ", "Tray2")) Distribute 6 Click , and then complete the remaining steps.
How do I use MarkV ision Me ssenger? 111 automated or dering system t o order toner for the pri nter , and allows time for the new toner t o arrive and be in stalled befor e more Supply Low and Supply Empty mess ages are logged. T o creat e an Action t o order supplies: 1 From the MarkV isi on Messenge r Home screen, click Create New .
How do I use MarkV ision Me ssenger? 112 Setting up the Tivoli event adapter The T ivoli eve nt adap ter let s admin istr ator s monitor print er ev ents accr oss a r ange of devi ces in real time. In order to send devi ce stat us alerts to T ivoli, you must cre ate an action in MarkVisi on Messenger .
Trouble shooting 113 7 T roubleshooting Problems with user acco unts and acc ount gr oups Error reading account When you log in, MarkV ision validates your account by requirin g a user name and password.
Probl ems with user ac coun ts an d accou nt gr oups 114 3 Ask the u ser to attempt to log i n again. If LDAP authenticati on is enabled, verify that all LDAP setti ngs are cor rect both in MVP and on the LDAP server . Us er account names should be cons istent with t he account listi ngs in your LDAP server’s dire ctory servic e.
Problems with network de vices 115 If you have f orgotten your password User actio ns Ask your administrator t o reset your password. Administrat or acti ons Reset the user's password. 1 Click User Acc ounts and Groups from the All T asks menu. 2 Select t he appropriate account.
Problems with network de vices 116 • Make sure al l the physical connections a mong the print server , the printer , and the network ar e working. 7 T urn th e printer and the print server of f, and then on again. T urn the printer on first so when you turn on the print serv er , it can determine whether the print er is enabled for NP A.
Probl ems with Ma r k Visi on Me ssen ger 117 Printer i nformat ion appears incorrect Occasio nally , the printer may lose cont act with MarkV ision because something happen s to the printer . For example, if the pr int er is turned of f , the information in Mar kV ision is not updat ed unt il the printer is tur ned back on.
Probl ems with Ma r k Visi on Me ssen ger 118 • The MarkV ision W eb Server servi ce is not running correc tly . • The MarkV i sion Web Server is not your default Web server , and you have forgotten to add port 9180 in your addr ess. User actio ns: • V er if y that you entered the URL correctly .
Proble ms with ac tions 119 Problems with actions Cannot create a new action Possible caus e: The MarkV ision W eb Server servi ce is not running correc tly . User actio n: Contact yo ur administrator . Administrat or acti on: • V er ify that the MarkVi sion Web Ser ver service is running co rrectly .
Proble ms with ac tions 120 User actio n: T ry again later , or contact the user who has selected the action. Cannot delete an action Possible caus es: • The action is enabled by another u ser . • Another use r has selecte d the action. User actio n: T ry again later , or contact the user who has selected the action.
Proble ms with ac tions 121 User actio ns: • Click the act ion name to rev iew a detail ed summary and veri fy its accuracy . • Contact yo ur administrator . Administrat or acti on: • Review the system log. • Restart the Mark Vision W eb Server service to veri fy that it is running correctly .
Miscellaneous problems 122 Miscellaneous pro blems The client and server cannot communicate If there is a firewall installed on the network, and the Mark V ision Client and the Server exi st on opposite si des of the firewall , the client will not be able to communicate with the se rver; MVP will st op responding af ter the initial request.
Miscellaneous problems 123 User actio ns T o change the Java plug-i n sett ings: 1 In Windows, access the Jav a plug-in set tings from the Control Panel . 2 In the Java Runtime Parameters box, type: -ms16m -mx64m Note: The entr y "-ms16m" reserves 16MB memory whe n the application sta rts.
Frequen tly Asked Ques tions 124 8 Frequently Asked Questio ns How do I get to th e server after installing? Accessing the MarkV ision Professional Server with the MarkVision Applicat ion In appli cation form, t he client i s installed locally so it can be launched just l ike any other program instal led on the machi ne.
How do I discove r printers? 125 plug-in i s provi ded and you are automatically prompted to install it the fir st time you run the MarkVi sion Web Client . How do I discover pr inters? Device discov e ry i n MarkVision Professi onal 1 1.0 is now managed through the use of discovery profil es.
Is IP X supp or te d? 126 Adding devices In some situations you may want to di scover some devic es without cr eating a profil e. In these situati ons you can use th e Add Devices task to discover ind ividual or small groups of devi ces.
What ar e the diffe rences betw een the Ap plication a nd the Web Client? 127 From the Sc heduling task, the MarkV ision Server can be set to per form network di scoveries once , daily , weekly , or monthly .
How do I create a f ilter and a pply it to a f older? 128 for th e duration of the current Client session. The Enter Devi ce Password task is located under MarkV ision Æ Enter Device Password or in the All T asks list. An administr ator also has the option t o add a device’s password t o the Manage Global Password li st.
What is MarkVision Messenger? 129 As in the Basic fil t er configuratio n, if All is select ed, a devi ce must meet all conditions. If Any is selected, a device must meet at least one condit ion to be inclu ded in the folder . If onl y one c ondition is speci fied, the Any and All radio but tons will be grayed out.
How do you cr eate actions? 130 How do you create actio ns? The followi ng steps are an example of how to cre ate an Ac ti on in MarkVisi on Messenger . This sample Acti on sends an e-mail message to a fict ional address, ( whenever a printer monitored by the MarkV ision Server enters a Paper Jam state.
Where is the RE ADME file? 131 Messenger , and a description of each is in the Keyword Detail box, direct ly under the Keywords list. 11 Select t he type of f ilter fo r your acti on: • T r igger on Active sends an e-mail whenever a pri nter enters a Paper Jam state.
How do I c h ange the Mar kVisi on Web Se rver p ort? 132 How do I change th e MarkVision Web Server port? The port upon which the MarkV ision Web Ser ver responds to web requests is als o configur able.
Are sensiti ve files displ ayed when view ing encrypted hard disk dr ives? 133 Are sensitive files d isplayed when viewing e ncrypted hard disk drives? If you use the Storage Devices t ask to securely.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Lexmark 11 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Lexmark 11 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Lexmark 11 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Lexmark 11 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Lexmark 11 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Lexmark 11 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Lexmark 11 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Lexmark 11 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.