Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 2A1 van de fabrikant Lexmark
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X65x Series User's Guide November 2012 Machine type(s): 7462 Model(s): 0A1, 0A5, 2A1, 2A2, 2A5 , 2A6, 4A2, 4A 6, 0 31, 035, 231, 23 2, 235, 236 , 432, 436.
Conten ts Safe ty infor matio n.... ...... ........ ..... ...... ........ ..... ........ ...... ..... ........ ..... ......... ....7 Learn ing a bout t he pr inte r......... ....... ........ ............ ....... ........ ............ ....... .....9 Findi ng in formati on abo ut the p rint er.
Prin ting ..... ........ ..... ..... ........ ..... ..... ........ ..... ..... ........ ..... ..... ..... ........ ..... ..... ..85 Prin ting a docume nt... ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... ........
Holdi ng and fo rwar ding fax es...... ...... ........ .......... ........ ....... ........... ....... ........ .......... ........ ....... ... ............1 20 Scann ing to an F TP ad dress. .................... ............ .................... ....
Unde rsta ndin g printe r me ssages.... ....... .......... ....... ........... ...... ........... ......2 23 List of statu s and e rror messag es..... ..... ......... ..... ..... ....... ..... ........ ..... ........ ..... ..... ........ ..... .......
Not ices. .... ...... .... ..... ...... .... .... ...... .... .... ..... ...... .... .... ...... .... .... ...... .... .... ......2 84 Prod uct in formati on.. ........ ..... .... ........ ..... ..... ........ ..... ..... ....... ...... .... ........ .
Safety information Connect t he power cord t o a proper ly gro unded e lectric al out let th at is ne ar the product and ea sily acce ssible. Do not p lace or use this product near water o r wet l ocati ons. CAUTION—PO TENTIAL IN JURY: Th is pro duct us es a las er.
Refer serv ice or repair s, othe r than thos e des cribed in the u ser do cument ation, to a pr ofes siona l ser vice p erson. CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: To avoid the risk of electric shock when cl eaning the exterior of the printer, unplug the power cord from the wall outlet and disconnect all cables from the printer before procee ding.
Learni ng about the prin ter Finding informa tion about th e printer What are you looking for? Find it here Initia l setup in struct ions: • Connecting the printer • Installin g the print er software Setup documentation—The setu p documentation came with the pr inter and is also a vailable on the Lexmark W eb site at http://support.
What are you looking for? Find it here The latest supplemental information, upda tes, and customer support: • Docu mentati on • Driver d ownload s • Live chat support • E ‑ mail support • Voice support Lexmark Support We b site— http://support.
1 Automatic Doc ument Feeder (ADF) 2 Printer control panel 3 Standard exit bin 4 Multipurpose feeder 5 550-sh eet tra y (Tray 1) 6 550-sh eet tra y (Tray 2) 7 Optional outpu t bin Selecting a location.
Basic functions of the scanner The scanne r provi des copy, fax , and sc an-to-n etwork c apabili ty for larg e workg roups. You can: • Make q uick copie s, o r change t he se ttings on the pr inte r contro l panel to perfor m specific copy jo bs. • Send a fax usi ng th e print er co ntrol p anel.
Using the scanner glass The scan ner glas s can b e used to scan or copy s ingle p ages o r book pa ges. W hen usi ng th e scanner gla ss: • Place a docume nt fa cedown on the s canne r glas s in th e upper left corner. • Scan or co py docu ments up to 215.
Item Description 4 Back In the C opy menu, press to d elete the right-most di git of the value in the Copy Count. The default value of 1 appears if the enti re number is deleted by pressing n um ero us t im es. In the Fax Des tination List, press to delete the right-most digit of a number entered manually.
Display i tem Description 1 Copy Opens the C opy menus Note : From the home screen, you can also access the Copy menus by pressing a number on the k eyp ad. 2 E-mail Opens the E-mail menus 3 Menus Opens the menus. These menus are a vailable only when the printer is i n the Read y state.
Display i tem Func tion Cancel Jobs Opens the Cance l Jobs screen. T he Cancel Jobs sc reen shows three headings: Print, F ax, and Network. The following items are available under the Print, Fax, and .
Button Function Lef t sc rol l de crea se Scrolls to another value in decr easing order Right scroll increase Scrolls to anoth er value in inc reasing order Left arro w Scrolls left Right a rrow Sc ro.
Button Function Selected radio butto n This is a selected radio button. The radio button is blue to show it is selected. Cancel Jo bs Opens the Cancel Jobs screen.
Features Feature Description Menu trail lin e: Menus > Settings > Copy Settin gs > Num ber o f C opi es A Menu trail line is located at the top of each menu screen. This feature a cts as a trail, showing the path taken to arrive at the c urrent men u.
Additional printer setup Installing internal options CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acce ssing t he system b oard or in stall ing opt ional har dware or mem ory devic es some time af ter settin g up t he prin ter, t hen tu rn th e print er off , and unplug the po wer cord from the wall outle t befo re conti nuing .
Accessing the s ystem board to instal l internal option s Note: This operatio n requir es a flathead sc rewdriver. CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acce ssing t he system b oard or in stall ing op.
3 Remove the system board cover. 4 Use the ill ustrati on belo w to l ocate t he appr opri ate conne ctor . Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: System b oard electronic co mponents are easily damaged by static electricity. Touch so methin g met al on the printe r befor e touc hing a ny syste m board electro nic c omponent s or co nnecto rs.
Installing a memory card Note: This task re quires a flat head screwd river. CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acce ssing t he system b oard or in stall ing opt ional har dware or mem ory devic es some time af ter settin g up t he prin ter, t hen tu rn th e print er off , and unplug the po wer cord from the wall outle t befo re conti nuing .
1 Notches 2 Ridge s 5 Push th e memory ca rd straig ht into the co nnecto r until it snaps in to place. 6 Replace the system board cover and close the system board door. 2 3 1 Installing a flash memory or firmware card Note: This task re quires a flat head screwd river.
3 Holding the card by its sid es, al ign the pl astic pins on t he card with the ho les o n the sys tem board. 1 Plastic pi ns 2 Metal pins 4 Push the ca rd firmly i nto place. Notes: • The entir e length of the c onnect or on t he card must touch a nd be f lush a gainst t he syst em boa rd.
5 Replace the system board cover and close the system board door. 2 3 1 Installing an Inte rnal Solutions Port The system boa rd suppo rts one o ptional Lexm ark Inte rnal Solut ions Por t (ISP). I nstal l an ISP for add itional c onnectivit y opti ons .
3 Locate the ap propri ate connec tor on th e sys tem boar d. Note: If an optional pr inter hard disk is cu rrently insta lled, then the printe r hard di sk must firs t be removed . To remove the ha rd disk: a Unplug the printer hard disk interface cable from the system board, leaving the cable attached to the p rinter hard disk.
c Remov e the pr inter hard disk b y pulling it up ward to unseat the st andoffs. d Remov e the thumbs crew s that att ach t he pr inter hard dis k mou nting brac ket t o the printe r ha rd d isk, an d then remove t he brac ket. Set the prin ter ha rd disk a side.
4 Remove the metal cover from the ISP o pening. 1 2 5 Align the posts of the plas tic tee to the holes in the system board, and then press downward until the t ee snaps into place. Be sure each post of the tee has latched completely, and that the tee is se ated firmly onto the system boar d.
6 Install the ISP onto the p lastic tee. Angle the ISP over the plastic te e, and t hen appr oach the plas tic t ee so tha t any overhanging connectors will pass through the ISP opening in the system board cage. 7 Lower the ISP toward the p lastic tee until the ISP is seate d between the gu ides of the plastic tee.
9 Atta ch th e two prov ided screws to s ecure t he ISP mount ing brac ket to the sy stem board c age. 10 Tigh ten the lo ng thumbscr ew. Note: Do not o vertig hten the thu mbscr ew. 11 Insert the plug of t he ISP interface cable into the receptacle of the system board.
13 Replace the system board cover and close the system board door. 2 3 1 Installing a printer hard dis k The optio nal print er hard disk ca n be ins talled with or wi thout a Lexma rk Internal Solut ions Po rt (ISP) . Note: This operatio n requir es a flathead sc rewdriver.
3 Locate the ap propri ate connec tor on th e sys tem boar d. Note: If an op tiona l ISP is curr entl y inst alled, then t h e print er hard disk m ust be insta lled onto th e ISP.
c Insert the plug of the printer hard disk interface cable into the receptacle of the ISP. Note: The plug s and rece ptacles are co lor co ded. To inst all a prin ter hard di sk dire ctly onto the sys.
b Atta ch the two provi ded scre ws to secur e the pr inte r hard disk mount ing bra cke t. c Insert the plug of the printer hard disk interface cable into the receptacle of the system b oard. Note: The plug s and rece ptacles are co lor co ded. 4 Replace the system board cover and close the system board door.
Installing a fax card Note: This task re quires a flat head screwd river. CAUTION —SHOCK HA ZARD: If you are acce ssing t he system b oard or in stall ing opt ional har dware or mem ory devic es some time af ter settin g up t he prin ter, t hen tu rn th e print er off , and unplug the po wer cord from the wall outle t befo re conti nuing .
4 Insert the fa x card an d attach the two provi ded sc rews t o secure the fax card mo unting bracket. Additi onal pr inter se tup 37.
5 Insert the plug of t he fax card interface cable into the receptacle of the system board. 6 Replace the system board cover and close the system board door. 2 3 1 Attaching cables Connect the p rinter to the computer u sing a USB cable or Ethe rnet cable.
1 2 1 USB port 2 Ethernet port Verifying printer setup Once al l hard ware and soft ware op tions are i nstal led a nd the p rinte r is t urned on, veri fy tha t the p rint er is s et up correc tly by printin g the fo llowin g: . • Menu se ttin gs pag e —Use thi s page to veri fy that all p rinter op tions are insta lled corr ectly.
3 Touch Reports . 4 Touch Menu Settings Page . The menu s etting s pag e print s and the pr inte r retu rns t o the home scr een. Printing a network se tup pag e If the pr inter is at tached to a n etwork , then print a netw ork se tup pag e to v erif y the n etwork c onne ction .
In Windows 7 or earlier a Click or click Start , and then c lick Run . b In the Sta rt Searc h or Run di alog, typ e D:setup.exe . c Pres s Enter , or click OK . In Macintosh Click t he CD i con on the des ktop. Note: D is the letter of yo ur CD or DVD dr ive.
For Macintosh users 1 From the A pple m enu, n aviga te to eithe r of t he follo wing: • Syst em Pre feren ces > Print & Scan > select your prin ter > Opti ons & Sup plies > Driv.
securit y infor mation for your network, t hen see the do cument ation t hat came with the acces s poi nt or c ontact your syst em support perso n. – To find the WP A/WPA2 pre shared k ey or passphr.
If you are usi ng the Soft war e and D ocum enta tio n CD and the in stall ation dia log d oes not a ppear, the n do the following: In Windows 8 From th e Search charm, type run , and then navi gate to: Apps list > Run > type D:setup.exe > OK In Windows 7 or earlier a Click or click Start , and then c lick Run .
2 1 2 Locate the prin ter MAC addre ss. a From the pr int er cont rol pan el, naviga te to: > Report s > > Network Setu p Page > or > Reports > Networ k Setup Page b In the S tandar d Network Card sec tion, lo ok for UAA (MAC) . Note: You will ne ed t his info rma tio n lat er.
5 Under COLLECTIONS, select Bonjou r or Rende zvous , and the n double ‑ click the pr inte r name. Note: The appl ication re ferred t o as Rende zvous in Mac OS X version 10.2 is now call ed Bonjour by Apple Inc. 6 From the Emb edded Web Server, navigat e to th e locatio n of the w ireless setting s inform ation .
In Mac OS X versi on 10 .5 o r later 1 From the Apple menu, n avigate to either of the following: • Syst em Pref eren ces > Print & Scan • Syst em Pref eren ces > Print & Fax 2 Click + . 3 If necessary, click Add Pr inter o r Scan ner or Add Ot her Pri nte r or Sc anne r .
For Windows users 1 Obtain a co py of th e software installer pa ckage. • From t he So ftwar e and D ocume ntati on CD that came with your printer. • From ou r Web sit e: Go to htt p:// suppo rt.
c Sele ct a dest ina tio n, an d the n cl ick Co ntinue . d From the Easy In stall screen , cl ick Install . e Type the use r passw ord, and th en click OK . All the ne cessary a pplicatio ns are in stalled on the comp uter. f Click Close when the installation is complete.
f From the se cond pop ‑ up menu, s elect Local App leTalk Zo ne . g Select the d evice fr om the list , and th en click Add . Note: If the scanner does not show up in the list, then you may need to add it using the IP address. For more inf ormat ion , co ntac t y our sys tem sup por t pe rso n.
3 To sel ect the pr inter that has cha nged, do ei ther o f the followi ng: • Press a nd hol d the pr inter , and t hen se lect Printer prop erti es . • Right ‑ click the print er, an d then sel ect Pri nter pro perti es (W indo ws 7 or late r) or P rop erties (ea rl ier vers io ns).
After in stalling the se rial or co mmunic ation (COM) por t, config ure the printer and the co mpute r. Make sure you hav e connected the serial cable to th e COM port on your print er. 1 Set the pa rameters in the pr inte r. a From the pr int er cont rol pan el, naviga te to t he me nu fo r the po rt sett ing s.
In Windows 7 or earlier 1 Click or click Start , and then click Run . 2 In th e Start Sea rch or Run di alog, type devmgmt.msc . 3 Press Enter or click OK .
Equipment Benefits • The printer • A telep hone • An a nsw ering ma chin e • Three telephone cords Receive both incomi ng voice messages and faxes. • The printer • A telep hone • A computer modem • Three telephone cords Send faxes using the co mputer or the printer.
If your telecom muni cations e quipm ent uses a US ‑ style (RJ11) teleph one line, follow thes e steps to conn ect the equipment: 1 Remove t he plug from the EXT port on the bac k of the prin ter.
Country/region • Saudi A rabia • United Arab Emirate s • Egypt • Bulgar ia • Czech Republic • Belgium • Austr ali a • South A frica • Greece • Israel • Hungary • Poland • Rom.
Country/region • Germany • Aust ria • Switzerlan d There is a plug installed in the EXT port of th e printer. This plug is necessary fo r the proper funct ioning of the pr inter. Note: Do not remove the pl ug. If you r emove it, othe r tele commun ications devic es in you r home (such as teleph ones or answering machines) may not wo rk.
3 Connec t the othe r end of the teleph one cord int o the N slot of an activ e telepho ne wall jack. 4 If you would like to use t he same line for b oth fax and te lephone comm unicat ion, co nnect a sec ond tele phon e line (not pro vided) be tween the tele phone and th e F slot of an acti ve teleph one wall jack.
Connec ting to a tel ephone Connect a telephone to th e printer to use the fax line as a normal telephone line. Then set up the printer wherever your te lephon e i s locat ed to make cop ies or to s end a nd recei ve fa xes withou t usi ng a com pute r.
Connec ting to an an swering machine Connect a n answering m achine to the print er to r eceive both in coming voice messag es and faxes. Note: Setup st eps m ay vary de pending on your coun try or regio n.
5 Connect a third teleph one co rd from t he answering m achine to the EXT port of the printer . Connec ting to a com puter with a mod em Connect t he prin ter to a compute r with a mode m to send faxes from the s oftware program . Note: Setup st eps m ay vary de pending on your coun try or regio n.
3 Remove the prot ective pl ug from the EXT port of the pr inte r. 4 Connect a second telephon e cord from the telephone to th e computer modem. 5 Connec t a third t eleph one co rd from the co mputer modem to th e EXT port of the printer.
Settin g the outgoi ng fax na me and numb er To have t he desig nated fax name an d fax number pr inted on outg oing faxes: 1 Type th e printe r IP add ress into the addre ss fi eld of your Web b rowser . Note: If you do not kn ow the IP a ddress of the pri nter, th en print a networ k setu p page and locat e the IP address in the TCP/IP section.
Loading paper and specialty media This section explains how to load the 250-, 500-, an d 2000-sheet trays, and the multipurpose feeder. It also includes informa tion abo ut pa per or ientatio n, set ting the Pape r Size an d Paper Type, and linking and unli nking t rays.
8 Touch Submit to save your selection. Submitting Selection app ear s, fol lowe d by t he Pa per menu. 9 Touch to return to the ho me screen . Loading the standard or optional 250 ‑ sheet or 550 ‑ sheet tray Although the 250-sheet t ray and th e 550-sheet tray are different in a ppearance, th ey require th e same proces s for loading paper.
3 Unlock the length guide, sq ueeze the length guide tab inwa rd as shown , and slide th e guide to the cor rect position for the pape r size being loaded. 3 2 1 Notes: • Use the size in dic ators on the botto m of t he t ray to help po siti on th e gui des .
Without an optional Stapl eSmart I I Finishe r With an optional Staple Smar t II Finis her ABC Single ‑ sid ed printi ng ABC Single ‑ sided printing ABC Dupl ex (two ‑ sided) printing ABC Duplex (two ‑ sided) printing Note: Not ice the maximum fill line on t he side of th e tray which indic ates the maxim um height for loading paper.
7 Ins ert the tra y. 8 If a different type of pape r was loaded than the type previo usly loaded in the tray, then change the Pap er Type sett ing fo r the tray f rom t he print er c ontrol panel. Loading the 2000 ‑ sheet t ray 1 Pul l the tr ay out .
3 Unl ock th e le ngth gu ide. 4 Push the length guide release latch to raise the length gu id e, slide the guide to th e correct position for t he paper size being loaded, and then lock the guide.
5 Flex the sheets ba ck and forth to loosen the m, and then fan them. Do not fold or crease t he paper. Straighten the edges on a level su rface. 6 Load th e paper st ack: • Print side facedown for .
Without an optional Stapl eSmart I I Finishe r With an optional StapleSmar t II Fini sher ABC Dupl ex (two ‑ sided) printing ABC Duplex (two ‑ sided) p rinting Note: Not ice the maximum fill line on t he side of th e tray which indic ates the maxim um height for loading paper.
Loading the multipurpose feeder 1 Pull do wn the multi purpose f eede r door . 2 Using the han dle, pull the multi purpose feede r ext ender. 3 Slide the width guide to th e far right. 4 Prepare the paper or specialty media for load ing. • Flex the sheets ba ck and forth to loosen them, and th en fan them.
• Hold transparencies by the edges , and then fan them. Straighten the edges on a level surface. Note: Avoid t ouching the printabl e side of th e transpa renci es. Be caref ul not t o scrat ch th em. • Flex the stack of envelopes back and forth to loo sen them, and then fan them.
Notes: • Do not ex ceed th e max imum sta ck heig ht by fo rcing paper under the st ack heig ht lim iter. • Do not load o r close a tr ay while a job is print ing. • Load on ly one s ize and type of pape r or s pecialt y me dia at a time. • Load en velopes with the flap side do wn.
4 Prepare the envelop es for loading. Flex the envelopes back and forth to loosen them, an d then fan th em. Do not fold o r cre ase the paper. Stra ighten the edges on a level surface.
Unlinking trays Unlinked t rays hav e sett ings tha t are not the same as the sett ings of a ny other tray. To un link a t ray, ch ange th e followi ng tray set tings so th at they do not m atch the s.
6 Click Submi t . 7 Click Cust om Ty pes . Custom Types appears , followe d by your c ustom nam e. 8 Select a Paper Type setting from t he list next to your cus tom name.
Paper and specialty media guidelines Paper guidelines Select ing the c orrect paper or sp ecialty m edia redu ces printin g problem s. F or the be st print quali ty, try a sam ple of t he paper or speci alty med ia befo re bu ying la rge qua ntiti es.
Fiber content Most h igh ‑ qua lity xerogra phic pap er is made from 100% chemic ally tre ated pulped wood. This conten t provides the paper with a high de gree o f stabili ty, resul ting in f ewer pa per fee ding prob lems an d better print qua lity.
Use papers pr inted with he at ‑ resistant inks d esigned for use in xerog raphic copiers. The ink mus t be able to with stand tempera tures up to 230°C (446°F) wit hout melti ng or relea sing hazar dous emissio ns. Use i nks that are n ot affected by the re sin in to ner.
Supported pape r sizes , types, and weights The foll owing table s prov ide i nform ation o n stan dard an d opt ional paper sources and t he type s of paper they suppor t.
Paper si ze Dimensions 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ shee t trays (standard or optional) Optional 2000 ‑ sheet tray Multipurpose feeder Duplex unit Universa l 3,4 138 x 2 10 mm (5.5 x 8. 3 in.) up to 216 x 3 56 mm (8.5 x 14 in .) X X 70 x 12 7 mm (2.8 x 5 i n.
Paper type 250 ‑ or 550 ‑ sh eet trays (standard or optional) Opti onal 2000 ‑ sheet tray Multipurpose feeder Duplex unit Paper • Plain • Bond • Colo red • Cust om • Letterhead • Lig.
Paper type Finisher standard bin (2 50 or 550 sheets ) Output Expander (550 sheets ) or Hi gh Capacity Output Sta cker (185 0 sh eets ) 5 ‑ Bin Mailbox (500 she ets) 1 Stapl eSmart F ini sher (500 s.
Printing This chapte r cove rs printi ng, pri nter rep orts, and job cancela tion. Selecti on and handl ing of pape r and speci alty medi a can affect how r eliably docu ments print . For more i nformation, s ee “Avoiding jams” on page 131 an d “Stori ng paper” on page 80.
• Page orien tation is imp ortant when printin g on lett erhead. For infor mation on how to load le tterhead, s ee: – “Loadin g the sta ndard or opt ional 25 0 ‑ sheet or 550 ‑ shee t tray�.
– Have bent corners – Have rough, cockle, o r laid fin ishes • Adjust the width guide to fit the width of the envelopes. Note: A combina tion of high humi dity (ov er 60 %) and the high printin g tem peratur e may wri nkle or seal e nvelope s.
• Be awar e that pr eprint ing, pe rforat ion, a nd crea sing ma y signifi cantly affect the pr int quali ty and c ause jams or other pa per handl ing p robl ems. • Check with the manufa cturer or vendor to en sure the card sto ck can withstand temperatures up to 230°C (446°F) without relea sing hazar dous emiss ions.
Printing confiden tial and o ther held job s from Windo ws Note: Confidentia l and Verify print jo bs are aut omatically d ele ted from memo ry a fter they print. R epe at and Rese rve jobs con tinue to be hel d in the p rinte r until you cho ose to de lete t hem.
Print ing fr om a mo bile device For th e list of support ed m obile de vice s and to downlo ad a comp atible mobil e print ing a pplica tion, vi sit http:/ /lexm ark. com/m obile . Note: Mobile printin g applica tions m ay also be availa ble from your mo bile dev ice man ufacturer .
• If you insert t he flash driv e while the pr inter is printing o ther jobs, t hen Printer Busy appears. After the other jobs are p rocessed, you m ay need to vi ew th e held jobs list to prin t docum ents f rom the f lash dr ive. 3 Touch t he docume nt you wa nt to pr int.
Canceling a print job Cancel ing a print jo b from th e print er contro l pan el 1 From the pr inter co ntro l pan el, touc h Cancel Job or press on the key pad. 2 Touch t he print job you want t o cancel , and the n touch Delete Selected J obs . Note: If you pres s on the k eypad, th en touc h Resume to re turn to t he home scr een.
Copying ADF Scanner glass A Use the ADF for m ulti ple ‑ page documents. Use the sc anner glass for single pages, small items (such as postcards or photos), transp arencies, photo paper, or t hin media (such as magazin e clippings) .
4 Change the copy settings as needed. 5 Touch Copy It . Copyin g usin g the scanne r glass 1 Place an orig inal do cument f acedo wn on the scanne r glas s in the upper le ft corne r. 2 On the home screen, touch Copy , or use the keypad to enter the number of copies.
6 Touch the desired size of the transp arencies, and then touch Cont inue . 7 Touch th e arro ws unt il Tran sparen cy appears. 8 Touch Transparen cy , and then t ouch Continue . 9 Touch Copy It . Copying to letterhead 1 Load an o rigina l docum ent fa ceup, sho rt edge fi rst int o the AD F or face down on the scanner glass.
Making copi es using paper fro m a selected tray During the copy p rocess, you can select the tray that contai ns the p aper type of choice. For example, if specialty media is locat ed in th e multi p.
Example 2: Copying to a single paper size The printe r has one pap er tray, l oaded wit h lett er-size p aper. A docume nt th at conta ins let ter ‑ and leg al ‑ size pages needs to be copied. 1 Load an o rigina l docum ent fa ceup, sho rt edge fi rst int o the AD F or face down on the scanner glass.
4 From the Scale area, touch the arrows to en large or reduce your copies. Touch ing “Copy t o” or “Cop y fr om” afte r se tting Sca le manual ly ch ange s the scale value back t o Auto . 5 Touch Copy It . Adjusting copy quality 1 Load an o rigina l docum ent fa ceup, sho rt edge fi rst int o the AD F or face down on the scanner glass.
5 Touch Off if you do no t want you r copies collate d. 6 Touch Copy It . Placing separator sh eets bet ween co pies 1 Load an o rigina l docum ent fa ceup, sho rt edge fi rst int o the AD F or face down on the scanner glass.
8 Touch Pr int Page Borders if you want a box dr awn aro und each p age of th e copie s. 9 Touch Done . 10 Touch Copy It . Creat ing a custo m job (job build) The c ust om jo b o r job bui ld i s use d to co mbin e on e or m ore set s of orig ina l do cum ent s int o a sing le copy job.
Job interrupt Job inter rupt p auses t he curre nt pr int job an d lets yo u print copies . Note: The Job I nterrupt set ting must be On for t his fe ature to functi on. 1 Load an o rigina l docum ent fa ceup, sho rt edge fi rst int o the AD F or face down on the scanner glass.
5 Touch Overlay . 6 Touc h the b utto n con taini ng th e over lay y ou wa nt to use. 7 Touch Done . 8 Touch Copy It . Cancelin g a copy job Canceli ng a copy jo b while the docume nt is in the ADF When the AD F begin s proces sing a do cument , the s canning s creen appears.
Copy to This opt ion opens a screen where yo u can en ter the size and type of paper on whi ch your co pies wi ll be print ed. • Touch a p aper siz e butt on to s elect it as the “Co py to” se tting. The copy s creen a ppears wit h your new setting displ aye d.
Collate This option keeps the pages of a print job stacked in sequence when printing multiple copies of the document. The factory de fault se tting fo r Coll ate is on; the o utput pag es of your copie s will be ordered (1,2 ,3) (1,2,3) (1,2,3).
Overlay This o ption creates a water mark (o r mess age) th at overl ays the content of your copy. You can choo se betwe en Urgent , Confiden tial, Copy, a nd Dr aft, or you can ent er a cu stom m essage i n the ”Ent er cus tom text ” fiel d. The word yo u pick will appear , faintl y, in large pri nt across each page.
E-mailing ADF Scanner glass A Use the ADF for m ulti ple ‑ page documents. Use the sc anner glass for single pages, small items (such as postcards or photos), transp arencies, photo paper, or t hin media (such as magazin e clippings) . You can use the printer to e ‑ mail scanned documents to on e or more recipients.
Configu ring the e ‑ mail settin gs 1 Type th e printe r IP add ress into the addre ss fi eld of your Web b rowser . Note: If you do not kn ow the IP a ddress of the pri nter, th en print a networ k setu p page and locat e the IP address in the TCP/IP section.
E-mailing a document Sending an e-mail using th e touch sc reen 1 Load an o rigina l docum ent fa ceup, sho rt edge fi rst int o the AD F or face down on the scanner glass. Note: Do not l oad po stcards , pho tos, sm all it ems, tr anspa rencies , phot o pap er, or th in me dia (su ch as magazi ne clippings) into the ADF.
Customizing e-mail settings Adding e-ma il subjec t and messag e info rmation 1 Load an o rigina l docum ent fa ceup, sho rt edge fi rst int o the AD F or face down on the scanner glass. Note: Do not l oad po stcards , pho tos, sm all it ems, tr anspa rencies , phot o pap er, or th in me dia (su ch as magazi ne clippings) into the ADF.
• JPEG —Creates and attaches a separate file for each page of yo ur origi nal docum ent, vie wable by m ost Web browser s and graphic s programs • XPS —Creates a si ngle XML Pap er Specific ation (XP S) file with mu ltip le pa ges, viewa ble u sin g an In ter net Explorer-hosted viewer and the .
E-mail Fi le N ame This op tion l ets you custo mize the at tachm ent file name. E-mail M ess age This opt ion lets yo u enter a messag e that wi ll be se nt with your scan ned attachm ent.
• Scan Previe w —Displays the fir st page of the image before it is in cluded in the e-mail. Whe n the first page is scann ed, the sca nning is pause d and a pr eview i mage app ears. • Edge Erase —El imina tes sm udges or informa tion around the ed ges of a docume nt.
Faxing Note: Fax capab ilitie s may no t be av ailabl e on all printer models . ADF Scanner glass A Use the ADF for m ulti ple ‑ page documents. Use the sc anner glass for single pages, small items (such as postcards or photos), transp arencies, photo paper, or t hin media (such as magazin e clippings) .
Sending a fax using th e compu ter Faxing fro m a computer let s you send electr onic docum ents wit hout lea ving your desk. This gives you the fle xibili ty of faxing docume nts dir ectly f rom so ftware progr ams.
Creating a fax destinati on shortc ut usi ng the touch sc reen 1 Load an o rigina l docum ent fa ceup, sho rt edge fi rst int o the AD F or face down on the scanner glass. Note: Do not l oad po stcards , pho tos, sm all it ems, tr anspa rencies , phot o pap er, or th in me dia (su ch as magazi ne clippings) into the ADF.
4 Touch Search Addres s Book . 5 Using t he virt ual k eyboa rd, ty pe the name or part of the n ame of the pe rso n whos e fax nu mber you wan t to fi nd. (Do not a ttempt to sear ch for mult iple n ames at t he sa me time.) 6 Touch Search . 7 Touch t he name to add i t to the “Fax to” list.
Sending a fax at a sched uled time 1 Load an o rigina l docum ent fa ceup, sho rt edge fi rst int o the AD F or face down on the scanner glass. Note: Do not l oad po stcards , pho tos, sm all it ems, tr anspa rencies , phot o pap er, or th in me dia (su ch as magazi ne clippings) into the ADF.
5 Click the Bloc k No N ame Fa x optio n. This op tion blocks all incoming faxes t hat have a privat e caller ID or no fax statio n name . 6 In the Banned Fax List field, enter the phone numbers or fax station names of specific fax callers you want to block.
• Photograph —Tells t he scan ner to pay ex tra att entio n to graphi cs and pict ures. This setti ng incr eases the ti me it takes t o scan, but emphas izes a r eproduct ion of the ful l dynami c range o f tones in the o rigina l docume nt. This increases the amount of in formation saved.
Improving fax quality Questi on Tip When should I use Te xt mode? • Use Text mode when tex t preservation is the main go al of the fax, and preserving i mages copied from the origina l document is not a concern . • Text mode is recommended for faxing re ceipts, carbon copy forms, and document s that contain only text or fine line art.
Forwarding a fax This op tion l ets you pr int and forwa rd recei ved faxes to a fax number , e ‑ mai l add ress, FTP s ite, or L DSS. 1 Type th e printe r IP add ress into the addre ss fi eld of your Web b rowser .
Scanning to an FTP address ADF Scanner glass A Use the ADF for m ulti ple ‑ page documents. Use the sc anner glass for single pages, small items (such as postcards or photos), transp arencies, photo paper, or t hin media (such as magazin e clippings) .
Scan ning to an F TP addr ess us ing a shor tcut nu mber 1 Load an o rigina l docum ent fa ceup, sho rt edge fi rst int o the AD F or face down on the scanner glass. Note: Do not l oad po stcards , pho tos, sm all it ems, tr anspa rencies , phot o pap er, or th in me dia (su ch as magazi ne clippings) into the ADF.
6 Enter a sho rtcut numbe r. If you enter a number th at is alre ady in use , then you are prom pted t o select an other number. 7 Click Add . Creati ng an FTP sh ortcut using the touch screen 1 On the home screen, touch FTP . 2 Type the address of the FTP site.
Resolution This o ption adjust s th e outp ut qua lity of your file . Incre asing the image resoluti on increa ses th e file s ize and the time needed t o scan your orig inal docum ent. I mage re solutio n can be decreas ed to reduce t he file size. Send As This op tion se ts the ou tput (PD F, TIFF , JPEG or XPS) for th e scanne d image.
– Scan edge to edg e —Select this box to scan edge to edge. – Sharpn ess —Click the arrow buttons to incr ease or de crease the shar pness. • Cust om Job (J ob Bui ld) —Combi nes multiple .
Scanning to a computer or flash drive ADF Scanner glass A Use the ADF for m ulti ple ‑ page documents. Use the sc anner glass for single pages, small items (such as postcards or photos), transp arencies, photo paper, or t hin media (such as magazin e clippings) .
A shortcu t numbe r was a utom atical ly assigne d when you cl icked Submi t. You can us e this sho rtcut number whe n you are ready to scan your documents. a Load an orig inal do cume nt faceu p, shor t edge firs t into t he ADF or fa cedown on the sc anner glass.
Format Ty pe This op tion se ts the ou tput (PD F, JPEG , TIFF, SEC URE PD F, or XPS) for th e scanne d image. • PDF —Creates a sing le file with m ultiple pag es, viewable with Adobe Reader. Adobe Reader is p rovided free by Adobe at www.adobe. com.
Darkness This opt ion adjust s ho w light o r dark yo ur scanne d docu me nts wil l tur n out in re lation to the orig inal docum ent. Resolution This o ption adjust s th e outp ut qua lity of your file . Incre asing the image resoluti on increa ses th e file s ize and the time needed t o scan your orig inal docum ent.
Clearin g jams Jam error messages appear o n the control panel display an d include the area of the printer where the jam occurred. When there is m ore than one jam, th e number of jamme d pages is displayed. Avoiding jam s The follo wing hint s can help you avoid jam s.
Understanding jam numbers and locatio ns When a jam occurs , a message indicating th e jam location a ppears. Open doo rs an d covers and remo ve trays t o access jam locat ions. To resol ve any p aper jam mess age, you must clear a ll jamm ed paper from the pap er pat h.
3 Push the release latch, and then open the fr ont cover. 3 4 Lift a nd pull the pr int cart ridg e out of the pr inter . Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: Do not to uch the photoc onduct or dr um o n the un derside of the cart ridge. Use the cartridge handle whenever you are h olding the cartridge.
5 Place the print cartridge a side. Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: Do not leave the car tridge exposed to light for ext ended periods. Warning—Pote ntial Da mage: The jammed paper may b e cover ed wit h unfused toner which can stai n garm ents and skin.
230–239 paper jams 1 Touch S tatu s/Sup plies to identify th e locatio n of the ja m. 2 Pull the st andard tray o ut. 3 Pull do wn the bottom rear door. 4 Push th e tab do wn. 5 Remove t he jamm ed paper . 6 Clos e th e bott om re ar door . 7 Inser t t he stand ard tray.
240–249 paper jams 1 Touch S tatu s/Sup plies to identify th e locatio n of the ja m. 2 Pull the st andard tray o ut. 3 Remove any jammed paper, and then close the tray. 4 Touch Continue . 5 If the jam message persi sts, then pu ll out any opti onal tr ays.
250 paper jam 1 Touch S tatu s/Sup plies to identify th e locatio n of the ja m. 2 Remove the paper fro m the multipurpose feed er. 3 Flex the sh eets of pa per back and fort h to loo sen them, and then fan them. Do n ot fold or crease the p aper. Str aighten the edges on a level surface.
260 paper jam Touch Status/Suppl ies to identify the location of t he jam. The envelope feeder feeds envelopes fro m the bottom of the stack; the bott om envelope will be th e one that is jammed.
283 staple ja ms 1 Touch S tatu s/Sup plies to identify th e locatio n of the ja m. 2 Press the latch to open the st apler door. 3 Pull the latch of the st aple cartridge holder down, and then pu ll the holder out of the print er.
4 Use the meta l tab to lift th e stapl e guard, and then remove a ny loose sta ples. 5 Clos e the stapl e guar d. 6 Press do wn on the s taple guar d until it sna ps into place .
7 Push the cartridg e holder firmly back into the st apler unit until the cartridge holder clic ks into place. 8 Clos e th e stapl er door . 290–294 paper jams 1 Remov e all orig inal docu ment s from the A DF. 2 Open the ADF cover, and then remov e any jammed paper .
5 Open the bot tom ADF do or, an d then remove a ny jamm ed pages. 1 2 6 Clos e the bott om AD F door a nd sca nner cove r. 7 Touch Restart Job . Clearing jams 142.
Understandin g pr inter menus Menus list A number of menus are available to make it easy for you to change printer settings . To access the menus, touch on the home screen .
Paper menu Default Sourc e menu Menu item Description Default Source Tray <x> MP Feeder Envelope Feeder Manual Paper Manual Env Sets a default paper source for all print jobs Note s: • Tray 1 (standard tray) is the factory default setting. • Only an instal led paper source will app ear as a menu setting.
Menu item Description Tray <x> Type Plain Pape r Card St ock Transparency Recy cled Labels Vinyl Lab els Bond Letterhead Prep rinted Colored Paper Light Pape r Heavy Paper Rough/Cotton P aper Cust om Ty pe <x > Specifie s the type of paper loaded in each tray Notes: • Plain Paper is the factory def ault sett ing for Tray 1.
Menu item Description MP Feeder Type Plain Pape r Card St ock Transparency Recy cled Labels Vinyl Lab els Bond Envelope Rough Envelope Letterhead Prep rinted Colored Paper Light Pape r Heavy Paper Rou.
Menu item Description Manual Paper Type Plain Pape r Card St ock Transparency Recy cled Labels Vinyl Lab els Bond Letterhead Prep rinted Colored Paper Light Pape r Heavy Paper Rough/Cotton P aper Cust om Ty pe <x > Specifies the type of paper being man ually loaded Note: Plain Paper i s the factory default setting.
Envel ope E nhan ce The envelope con ditioner s ignificant ly reduces the wrinkl ing of so me envelopes. Menu item Description Envelope Enhance Off 1 (Le ast) 2 3 4 5 6 (Most) Enables or disables the envelope c onditioner Note s: • The factory default setting is 5.
Menu item Description Recycled Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specifies the relative tex ture of the recycled paper loaded in a specific tray Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting. Labels Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specifies the relative textu re of the la bels loaded in a specific tr ay Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting.
Menu item Description Heavy Texture Smoo th Normal Rough Specifies the relative text ure of the paper loaded in a specific tray Note: Normal is the factory defa ult setting. Ro ugh Te xt ure Smoo th Normal Rough Specifies the relative text ure of the paper loaded in a specific tray Note: Rough i s the factory default settin g.
Menu item Description Bond Weight Light Normal Heavy Specifies the relative weight of the paper loaded in a specific tra y Note: Normal is the factory default setting. Envelope Weig ht Light Normal Heavy Specifies the relative weight of the e nvelopes loaded i n a specific tray Note: Normal is the factory default setting.
Paper Loadin g menu Menu item Description Card S tock Loa ding Duplex Off Determin es whether 2 ‑ sided printing occurs for al l jobs that specif y Card Stock as the paper type Note: Off is the factory defa ult se ttin g.
Menu item Description Custo m <x> Loadi ng Duplex Off Determin es whether 2 ‑ sided printing occurs for al l jobs that specif y Custom <x> as the paper type Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng. • Custom <x> Load ing is availa ble only if the custom type is supported.
Custom Sc an Siz es menu Menu item Description Custo m Scan S ize <x> Scan Size Name Widt h 3–14.1 7 inch es (7 6–360 mm) Height 3–14.1 7 inch es (7 6–360 mm) Orient ation Landscape Portrai t 2 scans per side Off On ADF Pi ck Rol ler Fo rce User Def ault 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Specifies a custo m scan size name and options.
Menu item De scription Portrait Width 3–14 i nche s 76–36 0 mm Sets the portrai t width Note s: • If the width exceeds the maximum, the printer uses the maximum width allowed. • 8.5 inches is the US factory defaul t setting. Inches can be increased in 0.
Menu Item Description Configure Bins Mailbox Link Mail Over flow Link Optional Type Assignment Specifies configuratio n options for output bins Notes: • Mailbox is the factor y default sett ing. • The Mailbox setting treats each bin as a separ ate mailbox.
Menu item Description Device Statistics Prints a repor t containi ng prin ter statisti cs suc h as supply informa tion and detai ls about printed pages Network Se tup Page Prints a report contain ing .
Menu item Description Print Dir ectory Prints a list of all the resource s stored on an option al flash memory car d or pri nter har d di sk Note s: • Job Buffer Size must be set to 100%. • The optional flash memo ry or printer ha r d disk must be installed correctly and working pr operly.
Menu item Description NPA Mode Off Auto Sets the printer to perform the special processing required for bidi rectional communica tion following the convention s defined by the NPA protoco l Note s: • Auto is t he fac tory de fault setting .
Menu item Description Std Network Setup Reports or Networ k Reports Network Card TCP/IP IPv6 Apple Talk NetWare LexLink Net <x> Setup Reports or Networ k Reports Network Card TCP/IP IPv6 Wirele .
Menu item Description Device ‑ Initiated E ‑ mail None Use Dev ice SMTP Cr edentials User ‑ Initiated E ‑ ma il None Use Dev ice SMTP Cr edentials Use Session User ID and Password Use Session .
Menu item Description Job Timeout 0 ‑ 225 se cond s Sets the amount of tim e in seconds that a network print job can take bef ore it is canc eled Note s: • 90 seconds is the factory default setti ng. • A setting value of 0 disab les the timeout.
Menu item Descriptio n AutoIP Yes No Specifies the Zero Configur ation Networking setting Note: Yes is the fa ctory d efault setting . Enable FTP/TFTP Yes No Enables the built -in FTP server, whi ch allows you to send files to the printer using the File Transfer Pr otocol.
Menu item Description Network Mode Infrastructure Ad h oc Specifies the network mode Notes: • Infrastructure mo de lets th e pr inte r access a network usi ng an access point. • Ad hoc is the factory d efault setting. Ad hoc mode configures the printer for wireless networki ng dire ctl y between it and a computer.
Menu item Description Activate Yes No Activates NetWar e support Note : No is the factory default setting. View Log in Na me Lets you view the assigned NetWa re login name Note : This can be changed only from the Embedded Web Server.
Standard US B menu Menu item Descripti on PCL SmartS wit ch On Off Sets the printe r to automatica lly switch to PC L emulatio n when a print job re ceived through a USB port requires it, regardless of the defaul t printer language Note s: • On is the factory default setting.
Menu item Descripti on Job Buffering Off On Auto Temporarily stores jobs on the printer hard d isk before printing Note s: • Off is th e facto ry default set ting. • The On setting buffers jobs on the printer hard d isk. • The Auto setting buffers print jobs only if the printer is busy processing da ta from another in put port.
Menu item Description NPA Mode On Off Auto Sets the printer to perform th e special processing required fo r bidirectiona l communicatio n following the conventions defi ned by the NPA protocol Notes: • Auto is the factory default setting.
Menu item Description Honor Init On Off Determines whether or not the printe r honors print er hardware in itialization requests from the computer Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng. • The computer requests initiali zation by activating the In it signal from the parallel port.
Menu item Description PS Smar tSwi tch On Off Sets the printer to automatic ally switch to PS emulatio n when a print job received through a serial por t requires it, regardle ss of the default printer langu age Notes: • On is the factory default setting.
Menu item Description Serial Protocol DTR DTR/ DSR XON/XOF F XON/XOF F/DT R XON/XO FF/ DTRD SR Selects the hardware and software handshaking settings for the seri al port Notes: • DTR is the factory defaul t settin g. • DTR/DSR is a hardwar e handshaking setti ng.
Security menu Miscellane ous m enu Menu item Description Panel Logins Login failures Failur e ti me frame Lockout time Login timeout Limits the number and time frames of fail ed login attempts f rom t.
Menu item Description Job Expiration Off 1 hou r 4 hou rs 24 hours 1 week Limits the amount of ti me a confidential jo b stays i n the printer before it is dele ted Notes: • Off is the default setting.
Menu item Description Automatic Method Singl e p ass Multiple pass Disk Wiping erases only print job dat a that is not currently in use by the file system from the printer hard disk. A ll permanent da ta on the printer har d disk is preserved, such as downloaded fonts, macros, and h eld jobs.
Menu item Description Delete Log Delete now Do not delete Specifie s whether audit lo gs are dele ted Note: Delete Now is the facto ry default setting.
Settings menu General Settin gs menu Menu item Description Display L anguage English Francai s Deuts ch Italiano Espanol Dansk Norsk Nederlands Svens ka Portugu ese Suom i Russ ia n Polski Magyar Turk.
Menu item Description Quiet Mode Off On Reduces the amount of noise produced by the pri nter Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t set ting. • On configures the printer to produce as little noise as possible. Run Initia l setup Yes No Instructs the printer to run the setup wizard Notes: • Yes is the fac tory defau lt setti ng.
Menu item Description Scan to PC Port Range <port range> Specifies a valid port range for prin ters behind a port bloc king firewall. The valid ports are specified by two sets of nu mbers separated by a semicolon. Note: 9751 :120 00 is the factory defaul t set ting.
Menu item Description Home scr een custom izati on Change Langua ge Cop y Copy Shortcuts Fax Fax Sh ortcuts E ‑ mail E ‑ mail Shortcuts FTP FTP Sh ort cuts Search He ld Job s Held Jobs USB Driv e Profi les Bookma rks Jobs by user Additional buttons can be added to the Home screen, and default buttons can be removed.
Menu item Description Output Lighting Standard B in LED Normal/Standby Mode Bright Dim Off Power Saver Bright Dim Off Output Option Bin LEDs Normal/Standby Mode Bright Dim Off Power Saver Bright Dim Off Sets the amount of light fr om the standard bi n or an optio nal output bin Notes: • In Normal/Stand by Mode, the factory default i s Bright.
Menu item Description Loca tion Specifies the locat ion of the pri nter Note: The location wi ll be stored on the Embedded Web Server. Alarms Alarm C ontrol Cartridge A larm Staple Alarm Sets an alarm.
Menu item Description Timeou ts Print Timeout Dis able d 1–255 Sets the amoun t of time in seconds the printer waits to receive an end ‑ of ‑ job message before canceli ng the remainder of the print job Notes: • 90 seconds is the factory default setting.
Menu item Description Factor y Defaults Do Not Rest ore Restor e Now Returns the printer settings to the factory default settings Notes: • Do Not Restore is the factory default setting.
Menu item Description Paper Save r Off 2 on 1 P ortrait 2 on 1 Lan dscape 4 on 1 P ortrait 4 on 1 Lan dscape Sets two or four sheets of an original document together on the same page Note: Off is the factor y default setting .
Menu item Description Separator Sh eets None Between Copies Between Jobs Between Pages Places a sheet of paper between page s, co pies, or jobs based on the value selected Note: None is the factory default setting.
Menu item Description Header/Footer Top right Top right Off Date/T ime Page number Bates nu mbe r Custo m te xt Print on All page s First p age onl y All but first page Enter custom text Specifies header/ footer informati on for the top right o f the page Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng for Top rig ht.
Menu item Description Header/Footer Bottom right Bottom ri ght Off Date/T ime Page number Bates nu mbe r Custo m te xt Print on All page s First p age onl y All but first page Enter custom text Specifie s header/f ooter infor mation for t he bottom righ t of th e page Notes: • Off is the factory defaul t setting for Bottom rig ht.
Menu item Description Color Dropout Color Dropout None Red Green Blue Default R ed Thresho ld 0–255 Defau lt Gree n Thre shold 0–255 Default B lue Thresho ld 0–255 Specifies which color to drop during co pies, and how much to i ncrease or decrease the dropout Notes: • None is the factory default setting for Color Dropout.
General Fax Settings Menu item Descripti on Fax Co ver Pag e Fax Cover Page Off by default On by default Never Use Always Use Include To field On Off Include From field On Off From Include Message fie.
Menu item Descripti on Cancel Faxes Allow Don't Allo w Specifies whether the printer may c ancel fax jobs Note : If C ancel Faxes is not enabled, it will not app ear as an option. Cal ler ID FSK DTMF Spec ifie s ty pe o f ca ller ID be ing use d Note : FSK is the fa ctory d efaul t settin g.
Menu item Descripti on Sides (Duplex) Off Long edge Short edg e Specifies how the text and grap hics are oriented on th e page Note s: • Off is th e facto ry default set ting. • Long edge assumes binding along the long edge of the page (left edge for portrait ori entation and top edg e for landscape orientati on).
Menu item Descripti on Dial Mode Tone Pulse Specifies the dialin g sound, either as a tone or a pulse. Max Spee d 2400 4800 9600 14400 33600 Specifies the maximum speed in baud at whi ch faxes are sen.
Menu item Descripti on Shadow Deta il 0–4 Adjusts the amount of shadow detail visible on a fax Note : 0 is the fact ory de fault setti ng. Scan edge to edge On Off Specifies if the origina l document is scanned edge-to ‑ edge prior to faxing Note : Off is the fa ctory d efault settin g.
Menu item Descripti on Max Spee d 2400 4800 9600 14400 33600 Specifies the maximum speed in baud at whi ch faxes are received Fax Fo rwar ding Forward Print Print and Forwar d Enables forwa rding of r.
Menu item Descripti on Auto Print Logs On Off Enables au tomatic printi ng of fax logs Note : L ogs p rint af ter e very 200 jo bs. Log Paper Source Tray <x> Manual Feeder Selects the source of .
Menu item Descripti on Double Ring On Off Answers calls with a double ‑ ring pattern Note : On is the f actory default setting . Triple Ring On Off Answers calls with a triple ‑ ring pattern Note : On is the f actory default setting . Fax Mode (Fax Server Setup) menu Fax Ser ver mode sen ds the fax j ob to a fa x server for transmiss ion.
Menu item Descripti on Orientation Portrai t Landscape Specifies the orie ntation of the scanned image Orig inal Si ze Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat em ent Universal 4 x 6 in .
Menu item Description E ‑ mail Serve r Setup Send me a copy Never appears On by default Off by default Alwa ys O n Sends a copy of the e-mail ba ck to the creator of the e-mai l E ‑ mail Serve r Setup Max e ‑ mail size 0–65 535 KB Specifies the maximu m e-mail size in kil obytes Note: E-mail above th e specified size is no t sent.
Menu item Description Colo r Gray Colo r Specifies wh ether a j ob pri nts in gr ayscale or col or Note: Gray is the factory default setting. Resoluti on 75 150 200 300 400 600 Specifies how many dots per inch ar e scanned Note: 150 dp i is the factory d efaul t setting.
Menu item Description JPEG Quality Best f or con tent 5–90 Sets the quality of a JPEG photo imag e in re lation to file size and the qu ality of the image Notes: • “Best for content” is the factory default settin g. • 5 reduces the file si ze, but the qu ality of the image is lessened.
Menu item Description Allo w Sa ve as Shor tcu t On Off Lets you save e-mail addresses as shortcuts Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng. • When set to Off, the Save as Shortcut button does not ap pear on the E-mail Dest inat ion s cree n.
FTP Settings menu Menu item Des cription Forma t PDF (.pdf) Secure PDF TIFF (.tif) JPEG (.j pg) XPS ( .xps ) Specif ies t he form at of the FTP file Note: PDF (.pdf) i s the factory default setting. PDF Vers ion 1.2–1. 6 Sets the version level of the PDF file for FTP Note: 1.
Menu item Des cription Orig inal Si ze Letter Legal Executive Folio Stat em ent Universal 4 x 6 in . 3 x 5 in . Busi nes s Card Custom Scan Size <x> A4 A5 Oficio ( Mexico) A6 JIS B 5 Book Orig i.
Menu item Des cription Transm issi on Log Print log Do not print log Print only for error Specifies whether the tr ansmission log pr ints Note: “Print log ” is the factory default setting. Log Paper Source Tray <x> Manual Feeder Manual Env MP Feeder Specifies a paper source for FTP logs Note: Tray 1 is the factory default setting.
Menu item Des cription Contra st 0–5 Best f or con tent Specifies the contr ast of t he output Note: “Best for content” i s the factory default setting. Mirror I mage On Off Creates a mirror i mage of the original document Note: Off i s th e factory def ault setti ng.
Menu item Description Resoluti on 75 150 200 300 400 600 Specifies how many dots per inch ar e scanned Note: 150 dp i is the factory d efaul t setting.
Menu item Description Photo JPEG Quality 5–90 Sets the quality of a JPEG photo imag e in re lation to file size and the qu ality of the image Notes: • 50 is the factory default setting. • 5 reduces the file si ze, but the qu ality of the image is lessened.
Menu item Description Color Dropout Color Dropout None Red Green Blue Default R ed Thresho ld 0–255 Defau lt Gree n Thre shold 0–255 Default B lue Thresho ld 0–255 Specifies which c olor to d rop duri ng scanning, a nd how mu ch to increase or decrease the dropout Notes: • None is the factory default setting for Color Dropout.
Menu item Description Sides (Duplex) On Off Enables duplex p rinting ( two-sided prin ting) Staple On Off Enables stapling Note: Off is the factor y default setting .
Menu item Description Separator Source Tray <x> Manual Feeder Envelope Feeder Specif ies a p aper source Blank Pages Do Not Print Print Specifie s whether blank pa ges are inse rted in a print job Note: Do Not Prin t is the factor y defau lt s etting .
Menu item Description Print Area Normal Whole Pa ge Sets the logic al and physical pri ntable area Notes: • This menu does not appear if Ed ge to Edg e is enable d in the printer Setup menu.
Menu item Description Resource S ave On Off Specifies how the printer handl es temporary downloads, such as fonts and macros stored in RAM, when the printer receives a job that requires more memory than is avail able Notes: • Off is the factory default setting.
Menu item Description Coll ate Off (1,1,1,2,2,2) On (1,2,1,2,1,2) Stacks the pages of a print job in sequence when printing multipl e copies Notes: • Off is the factory default setting. No pages will be collated. • The On setting stacks the print job sequenti ally.
Menu item Description N ‑ up Border None Solid Prints a border around each page imag e when using N ‑ up ( pages ‑ sid es ) Note: None is the factory default setting. Staple Jo b Off On Specifie s whet her print jobs a re stapled Notes: • This menu item is avai lable only when the StapleSmar t Finisher is instal led.
Menu item Description Enhance Fine Lines On Off Enables a print mo de prefe rable for f iles such as architectural drawings, maps, e lectrical circuit diag rams, and flow charts Notes: • Off is the fac tory d efaul t setti ng. • To set Enhance Fine Lines using the Embedded Web Server, type the network printer IP address in a browser win dow.
Menu item Description Delete Downlo ads on Disk Delete Now Do Not Del ete Removes downloads from the printer hard disk, includi ng all held Jobs, buffered jobs, and parked jobs. Job accou nting informat ion is not affected. Note: Delete Now is the default setting.
Menu item Description Annotations Do Not Print Print Prints annotations in a P DF Note : Do Not Print is the factory default setti ng. PostScript menu Menu item Description Print PS Error On Off Prints a page co ntaining the PostScrip t error Note : Of f is th e factory def ault se tting.
Menu item Description Symbol Se t 10U PC ‑ 8 12U PC ‑ 850 Specifies the symbol set for each font name Note s: • 10U PC ‑ 8 is the US fa ctor y default s ettin g. • 12U PC ‑ 850 is t he int ern atio nal fac tor y def aul t set tin g. • A symbol set is a set of alphabeti c and numeric char acters, punctuation, and special sy mbols.
Menu item Description Tray Renumber Assign MP F eeder Off None 0–199 Assign Tray <x> Off None 0–199 Assign Manual Paper Off None 0–199 Assign Man Env Off None 0–199 Configures the printe.
HTML menu Menu item Des cription Font Name Albertus MT Antiq ue Ol ive Appl e Cha ncery Arial MT Avant Garde Bodoni Bookma n Chi cago Clarendon Coop er B lac k Copperplate Coro net Cou rier Eurostile .
Menu item Description Backgrounds Do Not Print Print Specifies whether to print bac kgrounds on H TML documents Note : Print is the factory default setting. Image m enu Menu item Description Auto Fit On Off Selects the optimal paper size, scaling , and orientation Notes: • On is the factory default setting.
Help menu The Help menu consists o f Help pages that are stored in the printe r as PDFs. They contain reference information about using the pr inter a nd performin g tasks. You may sel ect to print each one individ ually, or s elect Print all guides to prin t all o f th em a t one t ime.
Understandin g prin ter messages List of st atus and e rror m essag es Answering The printer is answering a fax call. Wait for the message to clear. Busy Wait for the mess age to clear. Call co mplete A fax call is completed. Wait for th e message t o clear.
If th e error o ccurs again: 1 Turn the prin ter off. 2 Unplug the power co rd from the wall outlet . 3 Remov e th e tray. 4 Contact Customer Support. • Touch Continue to c lear the mes sage and print with out usi ng the tr ay. Close door or insert cartridge The cart ridge is mi ssing or not ins talled co rrect ly.
Fax memory full There is not enou gh memory to sen d the fax job. Touch Continue to clear th e me ssag e. Fax part ition in opera tive. C o ntact system administrator. The fa x partit ion ap pears to be co rrupted . Try o ne or mor e of the follo wing: • Touch Continue to clear th e message.
Insert Tray <x> Insert the spe cifie d tray into t he print er. Install b in <x> Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Install the specifi ed bi n: 1 Turn the prin ter off. 2 Unplug the power co rd from the wall outlet . 3 Install the specif ied bin.
Job st ored f or dela yed t rans missi on The scan ning com plete d for a d elayed s end f ax job. Wa it for the message to cl ear. Line busy A fax number is dialed, but the fax line is bu sy. Wait fo r the m essag e to cl ear . Load <sr c> wit h <x> <src> is a tray or feeder, and <x> is a paper type or size.
Network indica tes that th e pr inte r is u sing the st anda rd n etwork port buil t in to the prin ter s ystem boar d. Network <x> indicates that an internal print s erver is in stalled in side th e printer or tha t the pri nter is connecte d to an exte rnal print s erve r.
Reattach bin <x> – <y> Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Turn th e prin ter o ff and th en ba ck on. If the er ror o ccurs a s econd t ime: 1 Turn the prin ter off. 2 Unplug the power co rd from the wall outlet . 3 Remove the specified bins.
Receiving p age <n> The printer receives page <n> of th e fax job, where <n> is the number of th e page received. Wait for the messag e to clear. Remove packagi ng material, c heck <x> Remove any remain ing packag ing mat erial from t he specified l ocation.
Replace wiper Replace the fuser wiper, or try o ne or more of th e following: • Touch Continue to clear the message and conti nue print ing. • Touch Ignore to clear the me ssage, but at the next power-on, the mes sage appears again.
Some h eld jo bs were not rest ored Touch Continue to delete the specifi ed job. Note: Some h eld j obs ar e no t rest ored . The y sta y on th e hard dis k and a re in acc essib le. System busy , preparing reso urces for job. Not all resources needed for th e job are available.
34 Sho rt paper Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Load the app ropriat e paper or othe r spe cialt y med ia in th e prop er tr ay. • Touch Continue to clear th e message and print the job using a different paper tray. • Check tr ay length an d widt h guides an d make s ure the pap er is proper ly loade d in the t ray.
38 Memory full Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Touch Continue to clear th e message. • Cancel the cur rent print jo b. • Install addit ional printer memo ry. 39 Compl ex page, some d ata may not ha ve printed Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Touch Continue to clear the message and conti nue print ing.
52 Not enou gh free sp ace in fl ash memo ry for reso urces Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Touch Continue to clear the message and conti nue print ing. Downloaded fonts and macros not previously stored in flash memory are deleted. • Dele te fo nts, m acros, and other data stor ed in f lash memor y.
55 Unsup ported opti on in s lot <x> <x> is a slot on the printer system board. Try on e or more of the follo wing: 1 Turn the pr inter power off. 2 Unplug the po wer co rd fr om th e wall ou tlet . 3 Remov e the un suppo rted opt ion ca rd fro m the printe r syste m boar d.
56 USB p ort <x> dis abled <x> is the num ber of the USB po rt. Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Touch Continue to clear th e message. The pri nter d iscar ds an y dat a re ceived throu gh the USB po rt. • Make sure the USB Buf fer menu item is not set to Disabled.
4 Connec t th e pow er cord to a p roper ly gr ounded outle t. 5 Turn the pr inter back o n. 58 Too many trays attached 1 Turn the prin ter o ff. 2 Unplug the po wer co rd fr om th e wall ou tlet . 3 Remove the additio nal trays. 4 Connec t th e pow er cord to a p roper ly gr ounded outle t.
63 Unformat ted disk Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Touch Continue to clear the message and conti nue print ing. • Form at th e printe r hard disk. If the error message remains, th e hard disk may be defective and require replacing. 80 Ro utine m ainte nance need ed The pri nter needs t o have routi ne main tenance do ne.
Try on e or more of the follo wing: • Touch Continue if no scan job i s active when the at tendance m essage app ears. Thi s clears the m essage. • Touch Cancel Job if a scan jo b is pr ocessi ng wh en the atte ndanc e mess age ap pears. This cancel s the job a nd cle ars the message.
1565 Emulation error, load emu lation option The p rinter auto mati cally cle ars the messag e in 30 sec onds and then disables the down load emulator on the firmware card. To fix th is, downlo ad the correct downl oad em ulator versio n from th e Lexm ark Web si te a t www.
Maintaining the printer Peri odical ly, certain tasks are re quired to maint ain o ptimum p rint qu ality. Cleaning the exterior of the printer 1 Make sure that the prin ter is turned off and unplu gged from the wall outlet.
4 Wipe the whit e unders ide o f the s canner cover until it i s clean a nd dr y. 5 Open t he bo ttom ADF door. 1 2 6 Wipe the ADF scanner glas s under t he ADF d oor. 7 Clos e th e bott om AD F door . 8 Wipe the sca nner g lass (flatb ed) and backin g mat erial b y movin g the c loth o r paper t owel f rom si de to s ide.
To al ign th e sca nner glass (flatb ed) : a Place the Quick Test page facedown on the scanner glass. b Touch Co py Qui ck Test . The sca nner prin ts a cop y of the Q uick Test page. c Touch Fl atb ed . d Use the copy of t he Quick Test page to adju st the Left Marg in and Top Margin s etting s.
Do not e xpose suppl ies to : • Dire ct sunlight • Temperatures above 35°C (95°F) • High hum idity above 80 % • Salty a ir • Corros ive gases • Heavy dust Conserving supplies There are some settings you ca n change from th e prin ter cont rol panel t hat will he lp you conserv e toner a nd pape r.
Ordering su pplies To order part s and su pplies i n the U.S. , contact Lexmark at 1-8 00-539-6275 for informa tion abou t Lexmar k authorized supplie s deal ers in yo ur a rea. In o ther count ries or regio ns, v isit the Lex mark Web sit e at www.lexm ark.
Part name Lexmark Return Program Cartridge Regular cartridg e High Yiel d Prin t Cartr idge X651H 21P X651H11P Extra High Yield P rint Cartridge X654X21P X654 X11P High Yiel d Return Program Pr int Ca.
Part name Part number T1 fus er 40X18 70 ( 100 V ) 40X441 8 (110 V) 40X187 1 (220 V) T2 fus er 40X58 53 ( 100 V ) 40X585 4 (110 V) 40X585 5 (220 V) Ordering an ADF maintenan ce kit The ADF m ainten ance kit contai ns all t he items necessa ry to re plac e the ADF pick m echanism and the ADF se parator roller.
Part name Part number ADF pi ck ass emb ly 301734 5 ADF s epara tor ro ll 301734 8 Ordering staple cartridges When Staples Low or Staples Empty appears, order the specified staple cartridge. For more informatio n, see th e illustr ations inside the s tapler d oor.
Moving the printer to ano ther location The pri nter a nd opt ions can be s afely m oved to anoth er locatio n by f ollowi ng thes e precau tions : • Any cart used to move th e print er must have a surfac e able to support th e full foo tprint of t he printer .
Administrative support Finding adva nced networking and ad ministrator in formation This chapt er co vers ba sic adm inis trative suppor t ta sks using the Em bedded W eb Serv er.
To set up e ‑ mail alerts: 1 Type th e printe r IP add ress into the addre ss fi eld of your Web b rowser . Note: If you do not kn ow the IP a ddress of the pri nter, th en print a networ k setu p page and locat e the IP address in the TCP/IP section.
Adju sting Power Saver Availabl e setti ngs rang e from 1–24 0 minutes . The fa ctory def ault is 30 minu tes. To increase or decreas e the numbe r of minute s befor e the printe r enters P ower Saver mode, do one o f the followin g: Using the Embedded Web Server 1 Type th e printe r IP add ress into the addre ss fi eld of your Web b rowser .
4 Touch Ge nera l Sett ings . 5 Touch t he down arrow u ntil Factory Defaults ap pears. 6 Touch th e left or right ar row un til Restore Now appears . 7 Touch Submit .
Troubleshooting Solving basic printer problems If there are basi c print er prob lems, o r the pr inter is unresp onsive, make sure: • The po wer co rd is plug ged in to th e print er and a p roperly gro unded ele ctric al out let. • The electrical outlet is not turned off by any switch or breaker.
Jobs do no t prin t These are possible solution s. Try one or more of t he following: M AKE SURE THE PRINTER IS READY TO PRINT Make sure Ready or Power Saver appe ars on the dis play bef ore sending a job to p rint. C HECK TO SEE IF THE STANDARD EXIT BIN IS FULL Remove t he stac k of paper f rom t he standar d exit bin.
M AKE SURE THE PRINTER HAS SUFFICIENT ME MORY Free up a dditio nal prin ter m emory by s crolling throu gh the list of he ld jobs a nd dele ting s ome of t hem.
Tray linki ng does not w ork These are possible solution s. Try one or more of t he following: L OAD THE SAME SIZE AND TYPE OF PAPER • Load the s ame size and type of paper i n eac h tray to be linked . • Move the paper gu ides to the correct position s for the paper size load ed in each tray.
8 Touch Submit . 9 Touch . Solving copy problems Copier do es not respon d These are possible solution s. Try one or more of t he following: C HECK THE DISPLAY FOR ERR OR MESSA GES Clear any error messages . C HECK THE POWER Make sur e the pr inter is plugged i n, the po wer is on, and Ready app ears.
Poor copy quality These are some examples of po or copy quality: • Blank pages • Checkerboard pattern • Distor ted grap hics or pictu res • Missi ng charac ters • Fade d print • Dark p rint • Skewed lines • Smudg es • Streaks • Unexpected characters • White lines in print These are possible solution s.
P ATTERNS ( MOIR É ) APPEAR IN THE OU TPU T • On the Copy screen , select the Text/Photo or Printed Image icon. • Rotate the origin al docu ment on th e scanner g lass. • On th e Copy screen , adjust th e scale set ting. T EXT IS LIGHT OR DISAPPEARING • On the Copy screen, touch the Text icon.
• The print er is not plug ged in to any s urge pr otecto rs, un interr upted power s upplie s, or ext ensio n cords . • Other electrical equipment plugged into t he outlet is working. Once you have checked each of these possibilities, turn the printer off an d then back on.
C HECK THE DOCUME NT PLACEMENT Make s ure the docume nt or phot o is loaded facedown on the scanne r gla ss in t he upper left co rner. Partial document or ph oto scans These are possible solution s.
Cann ot se nd or receive a fa x These are possible solution s. Try one or more of t he following: C HECK THE DISPLAY FOR ERR OR MESSA GES Clear any error messages . C HECK THE POWER Make sur e the pr inter is plugged i n, the po wer is on, and Ready app ears.
T EMP ORA RIL Y DISCONNECT OT HER EQUIPMENT To ensure the printer is wo rking correctly , connect i t di rectly to the telephone li ne. Disc onnect any answeri ng machines , computers with mo dems, or telep hone line sp litters. C HECK FOR JAMS Clear any ja ms, and th en make sure th at Ready appe ars.
T HE TONER MAY BE LO W 88 Cartridge low appears when th e toner is low. Can rece ive b ut no t send faxes These are possible solution s. Try one or more of t he following: T HE PRINTER IS NOT IN F AX MODE On the ho me scree n, touch Fax to put t he printe r in Fa x mode.
4 Click Analog Fax Setup . 5 In the Max Speed box, click on one of t he following: 2400 4800 9600 14400 33600 6 Click Submit . Solving option problems Option does not op erate correctly or quits af ter it is instal led These are possible solution s.
3 Make sure paper gu ides are aligned against the edges o f the paper. 4 Make sure the pap er tray closes pro perly. R ESE T THE PR I NTER Turn th e print er off, wa it abo ut 10 se conds, a nd then turn the pr inter o n.
M AKE SURE THE ENVELOPE FEED ER IS INSTALLED CORRECTLY If the envelope feeder is list ed on the menu sett ings page, but an envelope jams when it en ters or exits the feed er, then it may not be properly ins talled.
Solving pap er feed problem s Paper fr equently jams These are possible solution s. Try one or more of t he following: C HECK THE PAPER Use reco mmend ed pape r and s pecia lty media. For more inf ormat ion, s ee the chapter about paper and spe cialty media guidelines.
8 Touch Submit . 9 Touch . Solving print quality problems The informat ion in the foll owing to pics may h elp you s olve print qua lity pro blems. If th ese sugges tions s till do n ot correc t the probl em, c ontac t Cu stome r Supp ort . You m ay ha ve a prin ter p art that requir es adj ust ment or re placem ent.
Characters hav e jagged or uneven ed ges These are possible solution s. Try one or more of t he following: C HECK THE PRINT QUALI TY SETT IN GS • Change th e Print Resol ution set ting in the Qua lity menu t o 600 dpi, 1200 Image Q, 1200 dpi, or 240 0 Image Q.
Ghost images ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE C HECK THE PAPER TYP E SETTING Make sur e the paper type sett ing ma tches t he pape r loaded in the t ray: 1 From the p rint er cont rol p anel, chec k the Paper Type s ettin g fr om th e Paper menu.
Incorrect margins ABCD ABCD ABCD These are possible solution s. Try one or more of t he following: C HECK THE PAPER GUIDES Move the guides in t he tray to the correct posit ions for th e paper size loaded.
Print irregularities These are possible solution s. Try one or more of t he following: T HE PAPER MAY HAVE AB SORBE D MOIST URE DUE TO HIGH HUMIDIT Y • Load pape r from a fresh packag e. • Store pa per in its ori ginal w rapper u ntil yo u use it.
Repeating de fects R EPE AT ING MARKS OCCUR EVENL Y DOWN THE PAGE Replace the charge rolls if the defects occur every 28.3 m m (1.11 in.). Replace the transfer roller if the defects occur every 51.7 m m (2.04 in.). Replace the print cartridge if the defects occur every: • 47.
Solid bl ack or wh ite streaks These are possible solution s. Try one or more of t he following: M AKE SURE THE FILL PATTERN IS COR RECT If the fill pattern is incorrect, then choose a differen t fill pat ter n from y our soft ware progr am or a ppli cat ion.
T HE PAPER HAS ABSOR BED MOISTUR E DUE TO HIGH HUMIDI TY • Load pape r from a fresh packag e. • Store pa per in its ori ginal w rapper u ntil yo u use it.
T HE PAPER HAS ABSOR BED MOISTUR E DUE TO HIGH HUMIDI TY • Load pape r from a fresh packag e. • Store pa per in its ori ginal w rapper u ntil yo u use it.
Streaked vertical lines ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE These are possible solution s. Try one or more of t he following: T HE TONER IS SMEARED Select another tray or feeder t o feed paper for the job : • From the printer contr ol pane l, select the De fault Source f rom the Paper M enu.
T HERE IS TONER IN THE PAPER PATH Contact Cust omer Su pport . Toner rubs off These are possible solution s. Try one or more of t he following: C HECK THE PAPER TYP E SETTING Make sur e the paper type sett ing ma tches t he pape r loaded in the t ray: 1 From the p rint er cont rol p anel, chec k the Paper Type s ettin g fr om th e Paper menu.
T HERE IS TONER IN THE PAPER PATH Contact Cust omer Su pport . Transparency print qu ality is poor Try on e or more of the follo wing: C HECK THE TRANSPARENCIES Use on ly transparen cies recommended by th e printer m anufacturer.
Live c hat You c an chat direct ly with a service representative. Th ey can wor k with you to solve your prin ter problem or provide assistance through Assisted Service where the service representativ.
Notices Prod uct i nfor matio n Produc t name: Lexmark X651d e, X652de, X654 de, X656de, X656dte , X658d, X658d e, X658dm e, X658dfe, X65 8dte, X6 58dtme, X65 8dtfe Machin e type: 7462 Mode l(s): 0A1,.
Trademarks Lexmark, Lexm ark wi th diamo nd desi gn, Ma rkNet , and M ark Visi on ar e trad ema rks of Le xmar k Int ern ati onal , Inc ., registered in the Un ited States and/or other countries. MarkTrack, Pr intCryption, and Sta pleSmart ar e trademar ks of Lex mark Interna tional, Inc.
All other trademarks are th e property of their res pective owners. AirPrint and the Air Print logo are tr ademarks of Appl e, Inc. Licensing noti ces All li cens ing noti ces ass ociated w ith th is produ ct can be viewed from the root directo ry of the in stalla tion so ftware CD.
Static sensitivity notice This s ymbol i dent ifies stat ic-se nsit ive pa rts. Do no t touch in the area s ne ar thes e sy mbols withou t fir st tou ching the metal frame of the print er.
Laser advisory label A laser no tice la bel may be a ffixed t o thi s printer a s show n: DANGER - Invisible l aser radiat ion when cartr idges are remo ved and interlock defeated. Avoid e xposure to laser beam. PERIGO - Radi ação a laser invisí vel será l iberada se os cartuch os forem r emovidos e o lacre rompido.
The power consumption levels listed in the previous table represen t time-averaged measurements . Instantaneous power draws may be s ubstanti ally hi gher tha n the aver age. Values are subject t o change. See www .lexmark .com for curren t values. Power Sa ver This produc t is designed with an ene rgy-savin g mo de call ed Power Sa ver.
The manu factur er is no t respo nsible fo r any r adio or televisi on inte rference caused b y us ing othe r than recommend ed cables or by unau thoriz ed ch anges o r modi ficatio ns to t his equi pment. Unau thoriz ed cha nges o r modifi catio ns could void the user's auth ority to operate th is equipment.
Notice to users of the US telephone network: FC C requirement s This equ ipment co mpli es with Part 68 o f the FCC r ules a nd the r equireme nts ado pted by the Adm inist rati ve Counci l for Term inal Attac hments (ACTA).
machine or suc h busi ness, o ther entity, or indiv idual . (The t elephone num ber pro vided may not be a 90 0 number or any othe r number for whic h char ges exc eed lo cal or lo ng-dista nce transm ission charge s.) See your us er doc umentati on i n order t o program t his i nformat ion into your f ax machine.
This equ ipment s hould not b e used un der any c ircumst ances that may con stitute a nuis ance to other Te lecom custom ers. Some paramet ers r equire d for compl iance w ith Tele com's te lepe rmit r equirem ent s are depen dent on the e quipm ent associated with this device.
Complian ce is indica ted by the CE m arking. The manufa cturer of t his prod uct is: Lex mark Inter national, I nc., 740 We st New Cir cle Road, Lex ington, KY , 40550 USA. The authorized representat ive is: Lexmark International Te chnolo gy Hu ngá ria Kf t.
(1) cet appare il ne do it pas p rovoq uer d' inter férence s et (2 ) il doit accept er toute inte rférenc e reçue , y compr is cel les risquan t d'a lté rer s on fonc ti onneme nt. Cet appa reil a ét é con çu pour fonc tio nner u niqu emen t avec l' ante nne f our nie.
Tower III, 1095 Budapest HUNGARY, A declar ation of conformity to the requirements of the Directives is available upon request from the Authorized Representative.
Norsk Lexmark International, Inc. er klærer herved at de tte produktet er i samsvar med de grunnleggende krav og øvrige rele vante krav i direkti v 1999/5/E F.
To obtai n war ranty s ervi ce you may be requi red t o pre sent proof o f ori ginal purc hase. You m ay be req uired to d eliver your prod uct to the Remar keter or Lexmark, or sh ip it pr ep aid an d sui tab ly p acka ged to a Lex mar k des ign ated locat ion .
Limitation of liabili ty Your s ole remed y unde r th is limi ted w arr anty i s set f ort h in thi s do cume nt. Fo r any c laim conc erni ng per form ance or nonperf ormanc e of Lexm ark or a Remarke ter fo r this pr oduct under t his li mited wa rran ty, you ma y recov er act ual damages up to the limit set fo rth in the fo llowing p aragraph.
The use of th is product or ser vice is subject to th e reason able, no n-discrim inato ry te rms in the Intel lectual Prope rty Rights (I PR) Discl osure of Cert icom Corp. at the IETF for Algo rithms for Inte rnet Key Exch ange versio n 1 (IKEv1) imple mented i n the product or ser vice.
Index Numerics 1565 Emulat ion error, loa d emulatio n option 241 2000 ‑ sh eet tray loading 68 200–282.yy pape r jam 239 250 ‑ sheet tray (sta ndard or opti onal) loading 65 283 Stapl e jam 239 290 ‑ 294.yy s canner jam 239 293 Replac e all origin als if rest arting job 239 293.
prin ting f rom Wind ows 89 Confiden tial Pr int menu 1 72 configur ation i nform ation wireless network 42 configur ations printer 1 0 Configur e MP menu 1 47 configur ing port set tings 5 0 config u.
Fax Mod e (Fax Server Setup) menu 19 6 Fax partit ion inop erative. Co ntact syst em administ rator. 225 fax quality, improvin g 120 fax screen advance d op tions 119 opti ons 11 8, 11 9 Fax serv er 'To F ormat' not s et up. Cont act syst em admi nistra tor.
linking t rays 7 5 Load <src> with <x> 227 Load manual feeder with <x> 227 Load st aple s 227 loading 2000 ‑ she et tray 68 250 ‑ sheet tray (stan dard or opti onal) 65 550 ‑ s.
setti ng ty pe 6 4 storin g 80 unaccep table 79 Universa l Paper Size 154 Unive rsal si ze setti ng 64 paper charact eri stics 7 8 paper feed tro ublesho oting mess age remai ns after j am is cleared .
58 Too many trays a ttached 238 59 I ncompat ible envelope feeder 238 59 Incomp atibl e output bin <x> 238 59 Incompat ible tray <x> 238 61 Remov e defecti ve disk 238 62 Disk fu ll 238 63 Unfo rmatt ed disk 239 80 Rout ine maintenan ce needed 239 840.
Remo ve pa per from <lin ked b in set name> 230 Remove paper from all bins 230 Remove pape r from bin <x> 230 Remov e paper f rom standa rd output bin 23 0 Repeat pr int jobs 88 printin g from Macint osh comput er 89 prin ting f rom Wind ows 89 Replace all or iginals if rest arting job.
poor c opy qualit y 260 poor scan ned image qual ity 262 scann er uni t does not c lose 259 trouble shootin g, displ ay display is bl ank 255 disp lay sho ws only diamond s 255 troubl eshootin g, fax .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Lexmark 2A1 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Lexmark 2A1 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Lexmark 2A1 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Lexmark 2A1 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Lexmark 2A1 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Lexmark 2A1 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Lexmark 2A1 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Lexmark 2A1 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.