Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product M2280DF van de fabrikant LG Electronics
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www .lg. com O WNER’S MANU AL LED L CD MONIT OR T V LED L CD MONIT OR T V MODEL S M2080D M2280D M2380D M27 80D M2080DF M2280DF M2380DF M27 80DF M2080DB M2280DB M2380DB M2080DN M2280DN M2380DN M27 80DN Please r ead this manual car efully bef ore operating your s et and r etain it f or f uture r ef erenc e.
CONTENTS CONTENTS 2 PREP ARA TION FRONT P ANEL CONTROLS ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....4 BACK P ANEL INFORMA TION ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...6 ST AND INST ALLA TION ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...8 DET ACHIN G ST AND ...... ...
CONTENTS 3 Surro und X ... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..89 AUDIO RESET ......... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... .....90 DIGIT AL AUDIO OUT ........ ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .91 TV SPEAKERS ON / OFF SETUP .
4 PREP ARA TION PREP ARA TION FRONT P ANEL CONTROLS ■ This is a simplified representation of the front panel. The image shown may be somewhat different from your set.
5 PREP ARA TION FRONT P ANEL CONTROLS ■ This is a simplified representation of the front panel. The image shown may be somewhat different from your set.
6 PREP ARA TION PREP ARA TION BACK P ANEL INFORMA TION ■ This is a simplified representation of the back panel. The image shown may be somewhat different from your set.
7 PREP ARA TION BACK P ANEL INFORMA TION D C AD A P T ER PO RT C o nn ec t t o t h e po we r c o r d so ck et . H D MI / D VI I N PU T C o nn ec t a H D M I si gn al t o H DM I I N. O r DV I ( VI D E O ) si gn al t o H DM I I N w i t h DV I t o H D M I ca bl e.
8 PREP ARA TION PREP ARA TION ST AND INST ALLA TION ■ The image shown may be somewhat different from your set. Carefully place the product screen side down on a cushioned surface that will protect product and screen from damage. Insert the Stand Base into the product.
9 PREP ARA TION ST AND INST ALLA TION ■ The image shown may be somewhat different from your set. Carefully place the product screen side down on a cushioned surface that will protect product and screen from damage. Insert the Stand Base into the product.
1 0 PREP ARA TION PREP ARA TION ST AND INST ALLA TION ■ The image shown may be somewhat different from your set. Carefully place the product screen side down on a cushioned surface that will protect product and screen from damage. Insert the Stand Base into the product.
1 1 PREP ARA TION DET ACHING ST AND ■ The image shown may be somewhat different from your set. 1 2 3 Place the set screen side down on a cushion or soft cloth. Detach the monitor to the Stand Base by turn- ing the screw to the left. T urn the screw by using a Coin .
1 2 PREP ARA TION PREP ARA TION DET ACHING ST AND ■ The image shown may be somewhat different from your set. 1 2 3 Place the set screen side down on a cushion or soft cloth. Pull the stand base. M2080DF/M2280DF/M2380DF/M2780DF Detach the monitor to the Stand Base by turn- ing the screw to the left.
1 3 PREP ARA TION DET ACHING ST AND ■ The image shown may be somewhat different from your set. 1 2 3 Place the set screen side down on a cushion or soft cloth. Pull the stand base. M2080DB/M2280DB/M2380DB Detach the monitor to the Stand Base by turn- ing the screw to the left.
1 4 PREP ARA TION PREP ARA TION DET ACHING ST AND BODY ■ The image shown may be somewhat different from your set. ■ Remove the Stand Body in the same way as the following when using it as a Wall Hook. 1. Remove the screw 2 point. 2. Pull the stand body .
1 5 PREP ARA TION W ALL MOUNT : HORIZONT AL INST ALLA TION For proper ventilation, allow a clearance of 10 cm on each side and from the wall. Detailed installation instructions are available from your dealer , see the optional Tilt W all Mounting Bracket Installation and Setup Guide.
1 6 PREP ARA TION PREP ARA TION DESKT OP PEDEST AL INST ALLA TION For proper ventilation, allow a clearance of 10 cm on each side and from the wall. ■ The image shown may be somewhat different from your set.
1 7 PREP ARA TION POSITIONING YOUR DISPLA Y SWIVEL ST AND(Only M2780D / M2780DF) LOCA TION ■ The image shown may be somewhat different from your set. Adjust the position of the panel in various ways for maximum comfort. ■ The image shown may be somewhat different from your set.
1 8 PREP ARA TION PREP ARA TION KENSINGT ON SECURITY SYSTEM - The product is equipped with a Kensington Security System connector on the back panel. Connect the Kensington Security System cable as shown below .
1 9 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP ANTENNA CONNECTION ■ T o pr eve nt d am age do n ot co nn ect to t he mai ns out le t u nt il a ll co nne ct io ns a re m ad e be tw ee n th e d ev ice s. ■ For optimum picture quality , adjust antenna direction. ■ An antenna cable and converter are not supplied.
2 0 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP HD RECEIVER SETUP Connecting with a component cable ■ T o a v o i d d a m a g i n g a n y e q u i p m e n t , n e v e r p l u g i n a n y p o w e r c o r d s u n t i l y o u h a v e f i n i s h e d c o n n e c t i n g a l l e q u i p m e n t .
2 1 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP Connecting a set-top box with a HDMI cable Co nne ct th e di g it al se t-t op bo x to HD MI/ DVI IN 1 or HD MI/ DV I I N 2 j ac k on th e SE T T ur n on th e di g it al s et- top bo x. ( Re f e r t o t h e o wn e r’ s m a nu a l f o r t h e d ig i t a l s e t- t op b o x.
2 2 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP Co nne ct th e di g it al se t -t op b ox t o H DMI /DV I IN 1 o r HD M I/ DVI IN 2 ja ck o n th e SE T . Co nne ct th e au d io ou tp ut of the di git al se t -t op b ox t o t he A U DI O IN (R GB/ DVI ) ja ck o n th e S ET .
2 3 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP DVD SETUP Connecting with a component cable Connect the video outputs (Y , PB, PR) of the DVD to the COMPONENT IN VIDEO jacks on the SET . Connect the audio outputs of the DVD to the COMPONENT IN AUDIO jacks on the SET . T urn on the DVD player , insert a DVD.
2 5 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP Connecting the HDMI cable Co nne ct th e HDM I ou t pu t of th e DV D to t he H DM I/ DVI IN 1 o r HD M I/ DVI IN 2 ja c k o n th e SE T Se lec t HD MI 1 or HD MI 2 in pu t s o ur ce us ing the IN PUT but ton on the re mot e co ntr ol.
2 6 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP VCR SETUP Connecting with a RF cable ■ T o a v o i d p i c t u r e n o i s e ( i n t e r f e r e n c e ) , a l l o w a d e q u a t e d i s t a n c e b e t w e e n t h e V C R a n d SET . Co nne ct th e AN T OU T so cke t of th e VC R to th e AN TEN NA / C AB LE I N so c ke t on th e SE T .
2 7 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP Connecting with a Euro Scart cable Co nne ct th e Eu r o s c ar t so cke t of th e VC R to th e A V1 Eu ro s car t so c ke t on th e SE T . In ser t a vi d eo ta pe in to th e V C R an d pr es s P LA Y on th e VC R. ( R ef er t o th e VC R o wne r ’ s m anu al.
2 9 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP INSERTION OF CI MODULE In ser t the C I Mo du le t o P CM CIA ( Per son al C om put er M em ory C ard I n te rn at ion al As soc iat ion ) CA RD S LOT of SE T a s sh ow n.
3 0 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP DIGIT AL AUDIO OUT SETUP Co nne ct on e en d of an op ti ca l ca ble to th e T V Di git al Aud io ( O pt ica l) Ou t pu t po rt. Co nne ct th e o th er en d of the op ti cal ca bl e t o th e di gi ta l au di o ( Op tic al ) in pu t o n th e au d io equ ip me nt.
3 1 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP USB SETUP Co nne ct th e US B de v ic e to th e US B IN ja cks on th e si de o f SE T . Af ter con nec tin g th e US B IN ja cks , yo u us e t he U S B f u nc tio n.
3 2 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP HEADPHONE SETUP Pl ug t he h e ad pho ne in t o t h e h e ad pho ne so c ke t. T o ad jus t th e h e ad pho ne vo lu me , p r es s th e + or - b ut ton . If yo u pr es s th e MU T E b ut to n, th e so und fro m th e he a dp ho ne is sw it ch ed o ff .
3 3 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP OPTICAL DIGITA L AUDIO OUT ANTENNA / CABLE IN USB IN VIDEO YP B P R LR AUDIO AUDIO IN (RGB/DVI) H / P COMPONENT IN VIDEO (MONO) L - AUDIO - R AV IN2 L R VIDEO C on n e c t t h e A U D I O / V I D E O ja c k s b e t w e e n S E T a n d e x te r n a l e q u i p m e nt .
3 4 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP PC SETUP Wh en u sin g th e re m ot e co ntr ol, aim it at th e re mot e co ntr ol s ens or o n th e SE T .
3 5 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP Connecting with an HDMI to DVI cable C on n e c t th e D V I ou t p u t of th e P C t o t he HD M I / D V I I N 1 o r HD M I/ D V I I N2 j a ck o n t he S E T . C on n e c t th e P C a u d i o ou t p u t t o th e AU D I O I N ( RG B / D VI ) j ac k o n t h e S E T .
3 6 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP Connecting with an HDMI to HDMI cable C on n e c t t h e H DM I o u t p ut of th e P C t o t h e H D M I / D V I I N1 o r HD M I/ D V I I N2 j a ck o n t he S E T . T u r n o n t h e P C a n d t h e S E T .
3 7 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP BACK COVER FOR WIRE ARRANGEMENT T ie ca bl es to ge th er w i th a ca bl e ma nag eme nt as sh own in t he ill ust rat io n.
3 8 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP SUPPORTED DISP AL Y RESOLUTION HDMI/DVI - PC mode RGB[PC] mode Resolution H o r i z o n t a l F r e q u e n c y ( k H z ) V e r t i c a l F r e q u e n c y ( H z ) 640 x 480 31.469 59.94 640 x 480 37.
3 9 EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP HDMI/DVI - DTV mode Component mode Resolution H o r i z o n t a l F r e q u e n c y ( k H z ) V e r t i c a l F r e q u e n c y ( H z ) 720 x 480 31.469 31.5 59.94 60 720 x 576 31.25 50 1280 x 720 37.500 50 1280 x 720 44.96 45 59.
4 0 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL REMOTE CONTROL KEY FUNCTIONS Wh en u sin g th e re m ot e co ntr ol, aim it at th e re mot e co ntr ol s ens or o n th e se t . ꔰ (POWER) ENERGY SA VING TV/PC INPUT TV/RAD Switches the set on from standby or off to standby .
4 1 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL VOLUME UP/DOWN F A V MARK RA TIO MUTE Programme UP/DOWN P AGE UP/DOWN T E L E T E X T B U T T O N S S U B T I T L E USB Menu control buttons A ut o C on f i g . Adjusts the volume. Displays the selected favourite programme.
4 2 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL TURNING ON THE TV - Wh en y o ur TV is tu rne d on , yo u wi ll b e a ble to us e it s fe a tu res . PROGRAMME SELECTION VOLUME ADJUSTMENT Firstly , connect the power cord correctly .
4 3 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL QUICK MENU Y ou r T V 's OS D (O n Sc r ee n Di spl ay) ma y di ff er s l ig ht ly fr om t hat sh own in t h is ma nua l. Q. Men u (Q uic k Me nu) is a me nu of f e at ure s wh ich us er s m i gh t us e fr eq ue nt ly .
4 4 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL ON SCREEN MENUS SELECTION AND ADJUSTMENT Y our set's OSD (On Screen Display) may differ slightly from what is shown in this manual.
4 5 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL AUT O PROGRAMME TUNING Use this to automatically find and store all available programmes. When you start auto programming, all previously stored service information will be deleted. The maximum number of programmes that can be stored is 1000.
4 6 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL I f yo u w an t t o se le ct th e A n t e nn a, AUT O PROGRAMME TUNING DVB-C Auto T uning is a menu for users in countries that support DVB cable. Use this to automatically find and store all available programmes.
4 7 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL S E TU P S E TU P S E TU P SE TU P Mo ve Mo ve Mo ve M ove OK OK OK O K Auto T uning Manual T uning Programme Edit Software Update : ON Diagnostics CI Information.
4 8 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL T h e f ol lo w i n g v a lu es ar e n e e d ed in or d e r to se ar c h a l l a va il a b l e p r og ra mm es qu ic kl y a nd co rr e c t l y . T h e c om mo n l y u s e d v al ue s a r e pr ov id e d a s "d ef au l t " .
4 9 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL T o wa tc h DV B - C in th e co u n t r i e s ex c l u d i n g Fi n l a n d , S w e d e n , D e n m a r k a n d No r w a y se l e c t '- -' as th e C o un tr y i n O P T I O N. Y ou ca n s e l e c t U se r m o d e or Fu ll m o d e in Au to T un i n g .
5 0 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL CABLE DTV SETTING (IN CABLE MODE ONL Y) T h e ra n g e t h a t a u s e r c a n s e l e c t f r o m t h e S e r v i c e O p e r a.
5 1 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL MANUAL PROGRAMME TUNING (IN DIGIT AL MODE) Manual T uning lets you manually add a programme to your programme list.
5 2 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL (W he n sel ecti ng Cab le (DVB cabl e mod e) if Fin la nd , Swe den, Denm ark, No rw ay or “-- ” cou nt ry is cho se n) S E.
5 3 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL • Use NUMBER buttons to input a 4-digit password in Lock System ‘On’ . • L : SECAM L/L (France) BG : P AL B/G , SE C AM B/ G (E uro pe / Ea st Eu r op e / A si a / N ew Ze al an d / M .E as t / Af ric a / A us tra li a) I : P A L I/ I I ( U .
5 4 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL S E TU P SE TU P Mo ve M ove OK O K Auto T uning Manual T uning Programme Edit Software Update : ON Diagnostics CI Information A.
5 5 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL • Press the MENU or EXIT button to close the menu window . • Pr es s th e BA C K b ut ton to m ov e to th e pr evi ous me nu sc r ee n. PROGRAMME EDIT When a programme number is skipped, it means that you will be unable to select it using P ꕌꕍ button during TV viewing.
5 6 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL IN DTV/RADIO MODE IN TV MODE ■ Skipping a programme number ■ Deleting a programme ■ Moving a programme 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 T ur n th e pr o gr amm e nu mbe r to bl ue. T ur n th e pr o gr amm e nu mbe r to re d.
5 7 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL ■ Skipping a programme number ■ Auto Sort 1 1 2 3 T ur n th e pr o gr amm e nu mbe r to bl ue. Re lea se . Se lec t a p r og ram me nu m be r to be sk ipp ed.
5 8 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL SOFTW ARE UPDA TE Software Update means software can be downloaded through the digital terrestrial broadcasting system.
5 9 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL * When setting “Software Update” Oc cas io na lly , a tr ans mis sio n of up dat ed di git al so ftw are inf or- ma tio n wi l l re su lt i n th e fol lo wi ng me nu o n th e T V s cre en.
6 0 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL DIAGNOSTICS This function enables you to view information on the Manufacturer , Model/T ype, Serial Number and Software V ersion. This displays the information and signal strength of the tuned *MUX.
6 1 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL • Pr es s th e BA C K b ut ton to m ov e to th e pr evi ous me nu sc r ee n. CI [COMMON INTERF ACE] INFORMA TION T h is f un c t i o n e na bl e s y o u t o wa t c h s om e e n c ry pt ed se rv ic es ( pa y s e r v i c es ).
6 2 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL SELECTING THE PROGRAMME LIST Y ou can check which programmes are stored in the memory by displaying the programme list.
6 3 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL F A VOURITE PROGRAMME SETUP Favourite programme is a convenient feature that lets you quikly scan up to programmes of your choice without having to wait for the TV to scan through all the in-between programmes. ■ Selecting favourite programme ◄ Favourite ► Favourite 1 2 4 3 3 Se lec t Fa vou rit e.
6 4 W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL W A TCHING TV / PROGRAMME CONTROL INPUT LIST HDMI1/2, A V1/2, COMPONENT and RGB can be recognized by a detect pin and thus enabled only when an external device approves voltage. By using TV/RAD button, you can move from External Input to RF Input and to the last watched pro- gramme in DTV/RADIO/TV mode.
6 5 EPG (ELECTRONIC PROGRAMME GUIDE)(IN DIGIT AL MODE) Select a programme Switch on/off EPG This system has an Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) to help your navigation through all the possi- ble viewing options. The EPG supplies information such as programme listings, start and end times for all available servic- es.
6 6 EPG (ELECTRONIC PROGRAMME GUIDE) (IN DIGIT AL MODE) EPG (ELE CT RON IC PROG RAM ME GUID E)( IN DIGI T AL MOD E) Button Function in NOW/NEXT Guide Mode Button Function in 8 Day Guide Mode Y ou can view a program being broadcasted and one scheduled to follow .
6 7 EPG (ELECTRONIC PROGRAMME GUIDE)(IN DIGIT AL MODE) Button Function in Date Change Mode Button Function in Extended Description Box G R E E N Y E L L O W GUIDE GUIDE Sw itc h of f D a te se tt in g mo d e. En ter T im er R ec ord /R em ind s et ti ng mo de .
6 8 EPG (ELECTRONIC PROGRAMME GUIDE) (IN DIGIT AL MODE) EPG (ELE CT RON IC PROG RAM ME GUID E)( IN DIGI T AL MOD E) Button Function in Record/Remind Setting Mode Button Function in Schedule List Mode .
6 9 PICTURE CONTROL Y ou can watch the screen in various picture formats: 16:9, Just Scan, Original, Full W ide, 4:3, 14:9, Zoom and Cinema Zoom . If a fixed image is displayed on the screen for a long time, that fixed image may become imprinted on the screen and remain visible.
7 0 PICTURE CONTROL PICTURE CONTROL • 4:3 The following selection will allow you to view a picture with an original 4:3 aspect ratio, gray bars will appear on both the left and right of the screen. • 14 : 9 Y ou can view a picture format of 14:9 or a gen eral TV programme in the 14:9 mode.
7 1 PICTURE CONTROL This feature lets you adjust the picture quality of the original image. Use this to calibrate the screen quality by adjusting the Black and White Level etc. General users can calibrate the screen quality by easily following each stage.
7 2 PICTURE CONTROL PICTURE CONTROL It reduces the TV’s power consumption. The default factory setting is adjusted to the comfortable level to be viewed at home. Y ou can increase the brightness of your screen by adjusting the Energy Saving level or by setting the Picture Mode.
7 3 PICTURE CONTROL Vivid Strengthen the contrast, brightness, colour and sharpness for vivid picture. Standard The most general screen display status. Cinema Optimizes video for watching movies. Sport Optimizes video for watching sports events. Game Optimizes video for playing games.
7 4 PICTURE CONTROL PICTURE CONTROL Backlight T o control the brightness of the screen, adjust the brightness of LCD panel. Adjusting the backlight when setting the brightness of the set is recommended. Contrast Adjusts the signal level between black and white in the picture.
7 5 PICTURE CONTROL Y ou can calibrate the screen for each Picture Mode or set the video value according to the special video screen. Y ou can set the video value differently for each input. T o reset to the factory default screen after making adjustments to each video mode, execute the “Picture Reset” function for each Picture Mode.
7 6 PICTURE CONTROL PICTURE CONTROL By segmenting categories, Expert 1 and Expert 2 provide more categories which users can set as they see fit, offering the optimal picture quality for users. This may also be used to help a professional optimize the TV performance using specific videos.
7 7 PICTURE CONTROL Dynamic Contrast (Off/Low/High) ■ A dj u s t s th e c o n t ra s t to k e ep it a t t h e b e s t l e v el ac c o r d i ng t o t h e b r i gh t n e s s o f t h e s c r ee n . T h e p i c tu r e i s i mp r o v e d b y m a k i n g b r i g h t p a r t s b r ig h t e r a n d d ar k p ar t s d a rk e r .
7 8 PICTURE CONTROL PICTURE CONTROL Expert Pattern (Off/Expert 1/Expert 2) ■ Thi s is th e pa t te rn n ece ssa ry f or e x pe rt a dju stm ent . ■ T hi s f un c t i o n i s e n a b l ed i n " Pi c tu r e M o de - E x p e r t " w he n y ou w a tc h D TV .
7 9 PICTURE CONTROL Settings of the selected picture modes BACK to the default factory settings. PICTURE RESET Mo ve M ove OK O K P I CT UR E PI CT UR E ▲ • Brightness 50 • Sharpness 70 • Colo.
8 0 PICTURE CONTROL PICTURE CONTROL Selecting Resolution T o view a normal picture, match the resolution of RGB mode and selection of PC mode. This function works in the following mode: RGB[PC] mode.
8 1 PICTURE CONTROL Auto Configure (RGB [PC] mode only) Automatically adjusts picture position and minimizes image instability . After adjustment, if the image is still not correct, your set is functioning properly but needs further adjustment.
8 2 PICTURE CONTROL PICTURE CONTROL 2. Using Auto Config. (Remocon) This function is available for RGB signals only . <1600 x 900 Resolution> <Others Resolution> <Others Resolution> <1920 x 1080 Resolution> Press Auto Config.
8 3 PICTURE CONTROL Adjustment for screen Position, Size, Phase If the picture is not clear after auto adjustment and especially if characters are still trembling, adjust the picture phase manually . This function works in the following mode: RGB[PC].
8 4 PICTURE CONTROL PICTURE CONTROL Screen Reset Returns Position, Size and Phase to the factory default settings. This function works in the following mode: RGB[PC].
8 5 SOUND CONTROL SOUND CONTROL 1 2 3 4 MENU Se lec t Aut o V ol ume . Se lec t On or Of f. Se lec t AU DIO . • Press the MENU or EXIT button to close the menu window . • Pr es s th e BA C K b ut ton to m ov e to th e pr evi ous me nu sc r ee n. A VL automatically remains on the same level of volume if you change programmes.
8 6 SOUND CONTROL SOUND CONTROL 1 2 4 3 5 MENU Se lec t Cl ear V oic e II . Se lec t Le vel . Se lec t On or Of f. Ma ke d esi red ad ju st men t. A dj us tm e nt fo r Cl ea r V oi c e Le ve l W i th se l e ct in g On Se lec t AU DIO . • Press the MENU or EXIT button to close the menu window .
8 7 SOUND CONTROL 1 2 3 MENU Se lec t Ba lan ce. Ma ke d esi red ad ju st men t. Se lec t AU DIO . • Press the MENU or EXIT button to close the menu window . • Pr es s th e BA C K b ut ton to m ov e to th e pr evi ous me nu sc r ee n. Y ou can adjust the sound balance of the speakers to preferred levels.
8 8 SOUND CONTROL SOUND CONTROL 1 2 3 4 MENU • Press the MENU or EXIT button to close the menu window . • Pr es s th e BA C K b ut ton to m ov e to th e pr evi ous me nu sc r ee n. Y ou can select your preferred sound setting; Standard, Music, Cinema, Sport or Game and you can also adjust the T reble, Bass .
8 9 SOUND CONTROL Mo ve M ove Mo ve OK O K OK A U DI O AU DI O A U DI O Auto V olume : Off Clear V oice II : Off ꕅ3 Balance 0 Sound Mode : Standard • Surround X : Off • T reble 50 • Bass 50 �.
9 0 SOUND CONTROL SOUND CONTROL 1 2 3 MENU Se lec t Re set . In iti al iz e th e ad j us ted va lu e. Se lec t AU DIO . • Press the MENU or EXIT button to close the menu window . • Pr es s th e BA C K b ut ton to m ov e to th e pr evi ous me nu sc r ee n.
9 1 SOUND CONTROL 1 2 3 4 MENU Se lec t Di git al Au dio Ou t. Se lec t Au to o r PC M. Se lec t AU DIO . • Press the MENU or EXIT button to close the menu window .
9 2 SOUND CONTROL SOUND CONTROL 1 2 3 4 MENU Se lec t TV Sp eak er . Se lec t On or Of f. Se lec t AU DIO . • Press the MENU or EXIT button to close the menu window .
9 3 SOUND CONTROL 1 2 3 4 MENU Se lec t DT V A ud io S ett ing . Se lec t Au to, HE -A AC , Do lby Di git al or MP EG. Se lec t AU DIO . • Press the MENU or EXIT button to close the menu window . • Pr es s th e BA C K b ut ton to m ov e to th e pr evi ous me nu sc r ee n.
9 4 SOUND CONTROL SOUND CONTROL I/II Stereo/Dual Reception (In Analogue Mode Only) When a programme is selected, the sound information for the station appears with the programme num- ber and station name. ■ Mono sound selection If the stereo signal is weak in stereo reception, you can switch to mono.
9 5 SOUND CONTROL NICAM Reception (In Analogue Mode Only) Speaker Sound Output Selection If the TV is equipped with a receiver for NICAM reception, high quality NICAM (Near Instantaneous Companding Audio Multiplex) digital sound can be received. Sound output can be selected according to the type of broadcast received.
9 6 TIME SETTING TIME SETTING The clock is set automatically when receiving a digital signal. (Y ou can set the clock manually only if the TV has no DTV signal.
9 7 TIME SETTING The Off time function automatically switches the TV to standby at a preset time. T wo hours after the TV is switched on by the on time function it will automatically switch back to standby mode unless a button has been pressed. The Off time function overrides the On time function if both are set to the same time.
9 8 TIME SETTING TIME SETTING Y ou do not have to remember to switch the TV off before you go to sleep. The sleep timer automatically switches the TV to standby after the preset time has elapsed. SLEEP TIMER SETTING • W h e n y ou s w it c h t h e T V o f f , t he p r es e t sl e e p t i m e r i s c a n c e l le d .
9 9 OPTION SETTIN • Wh en Fr an ce is se le cte d fo r Co unt r y , p a ss wo rd is no t ' 0' , ' 0' , ' 0 ' , '0 ' b u t ' 1' , '2 ' , ' 3 ' , '4 ' . OPTION SETTING The installation guide menu appears on the TV screen when it is switched on for the first time.
1 0 0 OPTION SETTING OPTION SETTIN The Audio function allows selection of a preferred language. If audio data in a selected language is not broadcast, the default language audio will be played. Use the Subtitle function when two or more subtitle languages are broadcast.
1 0 1 OPTION SETTIN This function is for the blind, and provides explanatory audio describing the current situation in a TV programme in addition to the basic audio. When Audio Description On is selected, basic audio and Audio Description are provided only for those programmes that have Audio Description included.
1 0 2 OPTION SETTING OPTION SETTIN (This menu is enabled only in Ireland. ) This function allow users to choose between MHEG (Digital T eletext) and T eletext if both exist at the same time. If only one of them exists, either MHEG or T eletext is enabled regardless of which option you selected.
1 0 3 OPTION SETTIN Selects a label for each input source. If you want to use HDMI-PC mode, you must set the input label to PC mode. (Refer to the below figure) INPUT LABEL 1 2 3 4 MENU Se lec t In put La be l. Se lec t th e so u rc e. Se lec t th e la b el .
1 0 4 OPTION SETTING OPTION SETTIN Select the power indicator on of off. Power indicator On - Normal Mode: Blue LED On. - Off Mode: LED Off Power indicator Off - Normal Mode: Blue LED Off. - Off Mode: LED Off POWER INDICA TOR 1 2 3 4 MENU Se lec t Po wer In di ca tor .
1 0 5 OPTION SETTIN Display the slide show to explain the various logo of this TV . It is not possible to use Demo Mode in Home Use mode. In Store Demo, Demo Mode is automatically set to On . Once Demo Mode is set to Off in Store Demo, Demo Mode does not run and only the screen is reset.
1 0 6 OPTION SETTING OPTION SETTIN We recommend setting the TV to “Home Use” mode for the best picture in your home environment. “Store Demo” mode is an optimal setting for displaying at stores.. MODE SETTING 1 2 3 4 MENU Se lec t Mo de S e tt ing .
1 0 7 OPTION SETTIN This function initializes all settings. But the settings of ꕋ Day and ꕋ Night of the Picture Mode cannot be initialized. It is useful to initialize the product or when you move to other city or country . When the Factory Reset is completed, you must restart the Initializing setup.
1 0 8 P ARENT AL CONTROL / RA TINGS P ARENT AL CONTROL / RA TINGS Enter the password, press ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’ on the remote control handset. When France is selected for Country , password is not ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’ but ‘1’,’2’,’3’,’4’.
1 0 9 P ARENT AL CONTROL / RA TINGS RADIO Blocks any programmes that you do not want to watch or that you do not want your children to watch. This function is available in Lock System “On” .
1 10 P ARENT AL CONTROL / RA TINGS P ARENT AL CONTROL / RA TINGS This function operates according to information from the broadcasting station. Therefore if the signal has incorrect information, this function does not operate. A password is required to gain access to this menu.
1 1 1 P ARENT AL CONTROL / RA TINGS Sa ve Enables you to block an input. It is available to use this function in Lock System ”On” . INPUT BLOCK L O CK L OC K Mo ve M ove OK OK Set Password Lock Sy.
1 12 P ARENT AL CONTROL / RA TINGS P ARENT AL CONTROL / RA TINGS L O CK L OC K Mo ve M ove OK OK Set Password Lock System : Off • Block Programme • Parental Guidance • Input Block Key Lock : Off.
1 13 TO USE A USB DEVICE T O USE A USB DEVICE WHEN CONNECTING A USB DEVICE When you connect a USB device, this pop up menu is displayed, automatically . “POP UP MENU” will not be displayed while the OSD including Menu, EPG or Schedule list is activated or while the Bluetooth Headset is connected.
1 14 T O USE A USB DEVICE TO USE A USB DEVICE Precautions when using the USB device ► O nl y a U SB sto rag e de vic e is re cog ni za ble . ► I f t h e U S B s tor age de vi ce is co nn ec ted thr oug h a U SB hub , th e de v ic e is no t re c og niz ab le .
1 15 TO USE A USB DEVICE Y ou can view photo files on USB storage device. Th e On Scr een Dis pl ay may be dif fe re nt fro m yo ur T V . I ma ge s are an ex am pl e to as si st wi th the TV ope rat io n. When you are watching the photo by the Photo List function, you can not change the picture mode.
1 16 T O USE A USB DEVICE TO USE A USB DEVICE Photo List Page 2/3 Drive1 SGKIM001 1366x768, 125KB Up Folder Up Folder SG101 02/12/2010 SG102 02/12/2010 SGKIM001 02/12/2010 SGKIM002 02/12/2010 SGKIM003.
1 17 TO USE A USB DEVICE How to view photo ➩ 1 2 3 5 4 Se lec t th e de s ir ed ph o to s. Sh ow t he P o p- Up m enu . Se lec t V iew . Th e se lec ted ph ot o i s di s pl aye d in fu ll s ize . Se lec t th e ta r ge t fo lde r or dr ive . • Pr es s th e BA C K b ut ton to m ov e to th e pr evi ous me nu sc r ee n.
1 18 T O USE A USB DEVICE TO USE A USB DEVICE 6 Se lec t th e Sl i de sh ow , B G M, ꘤ ( Rot at e) , De let e , O pt ion or Hi de. • Us e < > bu t to n to se lec t th e pre vio us or ne xt p hot o. • Us e < > bu t to n to se lec t an d con tro l the me nu o n th e fu l l- siz ed sc r ee n.
1 19 TO USE A USB DEVICE Using the Photo List function ◄ 1/ 17 ► Slideshow ꘡ BGM ꘡ Delete Q.MENU Option Hide ꘤ Choose Options. Set Photo View Set Video. Set Audio. ꕉ Previous Set Photo View . Slide Speed Music Folder Repeat Random Fast ◄ ► On ◄ ► Off ◄ ► .
1 2 0 T O USE A USB DEVICE TO USE A USB DEVICE Set Audio . Sound Mode • Auto V olume • Clear V oice II • Balance 0 Standrd ◄ ► Off ◄ ► Off ◄ ► ꕉ Previous 1 1 2 Ma ke a ppr opr iat e ad jus tm en ts. (R ef er to p. 8 5 t o 89 ) Sh ow t he S o un d Mo d e, A uto V ol um e, Cl ea r V oi ce II , Ba lan ce.
1 2 1 TO USE A USB DEVICE Music List Page 2/3 Music SGKIM003 00:00/01:34 Up Folder Title Durat ion Up Folder SGKIM001 SGKIM002 SGKIM003 SGKIM004 SGKIM005 03:33 04:45 01:30 02:37 01:58 No Marked Y ou can play music files on USB storage device. Purchased music files(*.
1 2 2 T O USE A USB DEVICE TO USE A USB DEVICE Music List Page 2/3 Music SGKIM003 00:00/01:34 Up Folder Title Duration Up Folder SGKIM001 SGKIM002 SGKIM003 SGKIM004 SGKIM005 03:33 04:45 01:30 02:37 01.
1 2 3 TO USE A USB DEVICE ■ I f y o u d o n ' t p r e ss a n y b ut t on f or a w h i l e d u r i n g t he p la y in g , t h e p l a y i nf o r m a t io n b ox ( a s s h o w n i n th e b el o w) w i l l f l o a t a s a s c re e n s a ve r .
1 2 4 T O USE A USB DEVICE TO USE A USB DEVICE Set Audio Play . Repeat Random ◄ O n ► Off ꕉ Previous ►W h e n y o u s e l e c t t h e S e t A u d i o P l a y , 1 2 Ma ke a ppr opr iat e ad jus tm en ts.
1 2 5 TO USE A USB DEVICE Y ou can play movie files on a USB storage device. The movie list is activated once USB is detected. It is used when playing movie files on TV . Displays the movies in the USB folder and supports Play . Allows playback of all movies in the folder and user desired files.
1 2 6 T O USE A USB DEVICE TO USE A USB DEVICE Page 2/3 Movie SGKIM002 640x480, 720KB Up Folder Title Durat ion Up Folder Favorite Music SGKIM001 SGKM002 SGKIM001 SGKIM001 01:34:15 01:35:30 01:30:20 N.
1 2 7 TO USE A USB DEVICE Page 2/3 Movie SGKIM002 640x480, 720KB Up Folder Title Duration Up Folder Favorite Music SGKIM001 SGKM002 SGKIM001 SGKIM001 01:34:15 01:35:30 01:30:20 No Marked Movie List Po.
1 2 8 T O USE A USB DEVICE TO USE A USB DEVICE Using the Movie List function, play Q.MENU Option Choose Options. Set Video Play . Set Video. Set Audio. ꕉ Previous 1 2 Se lec t Se t V i de o Pl ay , S e t V id eo o r Se t A ud io. Sh ow t he P o pU p me n u.
1 2 9 TO USE A USB DEVICE ► P ic t u r e S i z e : S el e ct s yo u r d es i re d pi c t u r e f o rm a t d ur i n g m ov i e p l ay . ► A ud i o L a n gu a g e & S ub t i t l e La n g u a g e : Ch a n g e s th e L an g u a g e G ro u p of t h e a u d i o /s u b t i t le d u ri n g m o vi e p la y .
1 3 0 T O USE A USB DEVICE TO USE A USB DEVICE Set Audio . Sound Mode • Auto V olume • Clear V oice II • Balance 0 Standard ◄ ► Off ◄ ► Off ◄ ► ꕉ Previous 1 1 2 Ma ke a ppr opr iat e ad jus tm en ts. (R ef er to p. 8 5 t o 89 ) Sh ow t he S o un d Mo d e, A uto V ol um e, Cl ea r V oi ce II , Ba lan ce.
1 3 1 TO USE A USB DEVICE Using the remote control ◄◄ / ►► When playing, repeatedly , press the REW( ◄◄ ) button to speed up ◄◄ (x2) → ◄◄◄ (x4) → ◄◄◄◄ (x8) → ◄◄◄◄◄ (x16) → ◄◄◄◄◄◄ (x32) .
1 3 2 T O USE A USB DEVICE TO USE A USB DEVICE Confirm the DivX registration code number of the TV . Using the registration number , movies can be rented or purchased at www . With a DivX registration code from other TV , playback of rented or purchased DivX file is not allowed.
1 3 3 TO USE A USB DEVICE The purpose of deactivation is to allow deactivation of devices for users who have activated all the avail- able devices through the web server and are blocked from activating more devices.
1 3 4 TELETEXT TELETEXT T el e t e x t i s a f re e s er vi c e b ro ad c a s t b y m o s t T V st at io ns w hi ch g iv es u p- to - t h e- mi nu te i nf or m a t i o n on n e w s , w ea th e r , te le v i s i o n p ro gr a m m e s , s ha re p r ic es an d m a n y ot he r t o p i c s .
1 3 5 TELETEXT Press the T .OPT button and then use ꕌꕍ button to select ꔻ menu. Display the index page. Y ou can select the pages which are colour coded along the bottom line with corresponding coloured buttons.
1 3 6 DIGIT AL TELETEXT DIGIT AL TELETEXT The TV gives you access to digital teletext which is greatly improved in various aspects such as text, graphics etc. This digital teletext can access special digital teletext services and specific services which broadcast digital teletext.
1 3 7 APPENDIX APPENDIX TROUBLESHOOTING The operation does not work normally . The remote control doesn’t work ■ Check to see if there is any object between the product and the remote control causing obstruction. Ensure you are pointing the remote control directly at the set.
1 3 8 APPENDIX APPENDIX The audio function does not work. Picture OK & No sound ■ Press the + or - button. ■ Sound muted? Press MUTE button. ■ T ry another channel. The problem may be with the broadcast. ■ Are the audio cables installed properly? No output from one of the speakers ■ Adjust Balance in menu option.
1 3 9 APPENDIX No image is displayed. Power is on, power indictor is blue but the screen appears extremely dark. ■ Adjust brightness and contrast again. Does the ‘Invalid format’ message appear? ■ The signal from the PC (Video card) is out of the vertical or horizontal frequency range of the product.
1 4 0 APPENDIX APPENDIX Screen color is abnormal. Screen has poor color res- oluion (16_colors). ■ Set screen color resolution to more than 24 bits (true color) Select control Pane → Display → Settings → Color T able menu in Windows. Screen color is unstable or mono color .
1 4 1 APPENDIX MAINTENANCE E a rl y m al f u n c t i o n s ca n b e p r e ve nt ed . C ar ef ul a n d re gu la r c l e a n i ng ca n p r o l o n g t he li f e of yo ur n e w se t. C a ut io n: B e su re to s w i tc h t he p o w e r of f a n d un pl ug t h e po we r c o r d be fo re y o u b eg in an y c l e a n in g.
1 4 2 APPENDIX APPENDIX ■ The specifications shown above may be changed without prior notice for quality improvement. PRODUCT SPECIFICA TIONS M2080D / M2080DF / M2080DB / M2080DN LCD Panel Screen T ype 508.5 mm Wide (20.0 inch) TFT (Thin Film Transistor) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Panel Visible diagonal size: 508.
1 4 3 APPENDIX M2280D / M2280DF / M2280DB / M2280DN LCD Panel Screen T ype 546.86 mm Wide (21.53 inch) TFT (Thin Film Transistor) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Panel Visible diagonal size: 546.86 mm Pixel Pitch 0.248 mm (H) x 0.248 mm (V) Video Signal Max.
1 4 4 APPENDIX APPENDIX M2380D / M2380DF/ M2380DB / M2380DN LCD Panel Screen T ype 584.2 mm Wide (23 inch) TFT (Thin Film Transistor) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Panel Visible diagonal size: 584.2 mm Pixel Pitch 0.265 mm (H) x 0.265 mm (V) Video Signal Max.
1 4 5 APPENDIX M2780D / M2780DF / M2780DN LCD Panel Screen T ype 685.8 mm Wide (27 inch) TFT (Thin Film Transistor) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Panel Visible diagonal size: 685.
1 4 6 APPENDIX APPENDIX IR CODES • This feature is not available for all models. Code (Hexa) Function Note 95 Energy Saving R/C BUTTON 08 POWER R/C BUTTON (POWER ON/OFF) 50 TV / PC R/C BUTTON 0B INPUT R/C BUTTON 79 RA TIO R/C BUTTON F0 TV/RAD R/C BUTTON 45 Q.
1 4 7 APPENDIX EXTERNAL CONTROL DEVICE SETUP RS-232C Setup Connect the RS-232C (serial port) input jack to an external control device (such as a computer or an A/V control system) to control the product’s func- tions externally . Connect the serial port of the control device to the RS-232C jack on the product back panel.
1 4 8 APPENDIX APPENDIX Set ID Use this function to specify a set ID number . Refer to ‘Real Data Mapping’. ► p.153 O P TI ON O PT IO N Menu Language : English Audio Language : English Subtitle .
1 4 9 APPENDIX Communication Parameters ■ Baud rate: 9600 bps ( UART ) ■ Data length: 8 bits ■ Parity : None ■ Stop bit: 1 bit ■ Communication code: ASCII code ■ Use a crossed (reverse) cable. T ransmission * [ Co m m an d 1 ] : Fi r st c om m an d t o c o n tr o l t he T V .
1 5 0 APPENDIX APPENDIX 04. V olume Mute (Command: k e) ► T o control volume mute on/off. Y ou can also adjust mute using the MUTE button on remote control. T ransmission Data 00 : V olume mute on (V olume off) 01 : V olume mute off (V olume on) [k][e][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] Ack [e][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x] 02 .
1 5 1 APPENDIX 12. Re mot e co nt rol lo ck m od e (Command: k m) ► T o lock the front panel controls on the monitor and remote control. T ransmission [k][m][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] Ack Data 00 : Lock off 01 : Lock on * If you are not using the remote control, use this mode.
1 5 2 APPENDIX APPENDIX 15. Balance (Command: k t) ► T o adjust balance. Y ou can also adjust balance in the AUDIO menu. T ransmission Data Min : 00 t o Max : 64 * Refer to ‘Real data mapping 1’. See page 153. [k][t][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] Ack [t][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x] 16.
1 5 3 APPENDIX 23 . Input select ( Command: x b) (Main Picture Input) ► T o select input source for main picture. T ransmission Data Structure [x][b][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr] 22.
UK Only.
Make sur e to read the Saf et y Precautions bef ore using the product . K eep the Owner ’s Manual ( CD) in an acces sible place f or futur e ref erence. The model and serial number of the SET is l oc a t ed o n th e ba c k an d on e s i de of t h e SE T .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat LG Electronics M2280DF (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen LG Electronics M2280DF heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens LG Electronics M2280DF vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding LG Electronics M2280DF leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over LG Electronics M2280DF krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van LG Electronics M2280DF bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de LG Electronics M2280DF kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met LG Electronics M2280DF . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.