Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product MapCreate 6 van de fabrikant Lowrance electronic
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Pub. 988-0147-382 MapCreate 6 Custom Mapping Software for GPS Installation and Operation Instructions .
Copyright © 2003 LEI Extras, Inc., a division of Lowrance Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved. MapCreate is a trademark of Lowrance Electronics, Inc. Points of Interes t Data in this unit a re by infoUSA , copyright 2001-2003, All Rights Reserved.
i Table of Contents Sec. 1: Introduction ................................................................... 1 How Mapcreat e Works ................................................................. 3 File Formats & Functions ......................
ii Center Mast er Map ................................................................. 35 Zoom ........................................................................................ 35 Creating Rectangl e Map Bord ers ..............................
1 Section 1: Introduction How this manual can get you into the field, fast! Thanks for buying MapCreate 6 . 2 ! W e k n o w y o u ' r e a n x i o u s t o i n s t a l l the program and make some maps, bu t we have one more favor to ask.
2 That covers a lot of ground, but, we designed this book so that you don't have to read the whole thing from front to back for the information you want. You can skip around, and we've made it easy to look up any tips you may need from time to time.
3 How MapCreate Works You'll be making maps faster if you understand the hoops MapCreate must jump through to cram a high detail map into your GPS unit. First of all, those CDs you just purchased contain a whole bunch of raw computerized cartography data.
4 File Formats & Functions Well, now you know what makes Ma pCreate tick. You may be ready to skip forward to where we explain how our text formatting makes the manual easy to skim. If that's the case, move on to "How to Use This Manual" on page 10.
5 create a fresh Custom Map File. You can delete the old one, or just save the new custom map over the old one. GPS Data File This file format contains all the GP S navigation information (waypoints, event marker icons, routes and tr ails) used by your GPS unit and MapCreate.
6 Atlas File This is the "raw" file format for la yer after layer of cartographic and hydrographic data on our CDs. You never have to work with these files directly. MapCreate pulls data from these files to display the Master Map you see in the main window on your computer.
7 This solid-state, flash memory device is about the size of a postage sta mp. (SDC [Secure Digital] card s are also compatible with any Lowrance or Eagle product that uses MMCs.
8 The amount of development in an area is something you can't control. For example, one square mile of city streets will make a larger file than one square mile of wild erness with a few hiking trails. The amount of territory you include in a map is a major factor.
9 Mapping Detail: There's more here than meets the eye. The Custom Map Files you make with MapCreate contain more mapping detail than what is visible on your computer screen. Your MapCreate 6- compatible GPS unit takes full adva ntage of this extra information.
10 At left, an iFINDER GPS screen showing a POI pop-up name box. At right, you can call up a page of in formation on the POI, and the GPS unit can lead you to the POI's location. Find an Address You won't see addresses on your co mputer map, either.
11 In the printed Quick Reference and the online Command Reference, the actual command clicks and keystrokes appear as sans serif, boldface type. So, if you're in a real hurry (or just need a reminder), you can usually skim the instructions and pick out where to click by finding the boldface commands.
12 For example, if the manual says "choose C REATE W AYPOINT ," it means to run the Create Waypoint command. You can choose commands by clicking the mouse pointer on th e menus or toolbar buttons, or by pressing the appropriate hot key or shortcut key on the keyboard.
13 Section 2: Installing MapCreate 6.2 System Requirements MapCreate 6 requires the following minimum system resources: • IBM compatible PC. • Pentium 133 MHz or faster processor. • 32 MB RAM • 50 MB hard disc space. • 256 color display.
14 program will not operate correctly if you choose to modify an existing installation. To uninstall MapCre ate, use the standard Windows A DD /R EMOVE P ROGRAMS function. (For more information on Windows uninstall, open your Windows Help file and search for the phrase "Removing Programs.
15 3. Type D:setup.exe (where D: is the drive letter for your CD-ROM) Type the setup command directory path and file name. 4. Click OK to begin installation. NOTE: If you are using Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional, you may receive an error message if you are not logged on with administrator privileges.
16 C. Read the License Agreement. D. Choose a destination folder for the program. You can accept the default or you can choose another location. E. Select the type of setup.
17 F. If you picked Custom install, select the components to install. G. Select a program folder. You may accept the default or choose another folder. H. With all your preferences determined, InstallShield will begin copying files. A progress window is shown.
18 I. If you choose custom setup to in stall all files to your hard drive, you will be prompted to insert the second CD. On some computers the message may ask for "Disk 3." Just ignore the statement, insert the USA-East CD (disc 2) and click OK to continue the setup.
19 commercial CD cleaner or ethyl alcoho l to remove fingerprints and dirt. Do not leave your discs in direct s unlight or in a hot, humid location. Starting MapCreate (Easy Mode and Advanced Mode) MapCreate 6.2 includes both an easy mode called MapSelect and an advanced mode called MapCreate.
20 To add a direct shortcut to your desktop: Right-click and drag the desired icon to your desktop, then release the mouse button. When you do so, a select ion list will pop up asking you what you wish to do. Choose C REATE S HORTCUT ( S ) H ERE . A copy of the icon will now appear on your desktop, and double-clicking it will launch the program.
21 Section 3: Working With MapCreate Easy Mode Quick Start Reference If you're really in a hurry, this summary will tell you how to work MapCreate's easy mode, MapSelect. (If you haven't installed the program yet, see those instructions on page 13.
22 Advanced Mode Quick Start Reference If you have some computer experien ce and want to do more with your mapping software, this 10-step summary will get you started with MapCreate's advanced mode. For de tailed explanations, read through the lessons in this section.
23 Starting MapCreate If you installed the Typical or Comp act version of MapCreate, make sure the CD-ROM for the area you intend to use is in the CD-ROM drive.
24 Or, you can start the program by double-clicking the AppSelect icon in the MapCreate program group window. You'll see a screen that looks like this below, asking you to choose which mode you want to use. Choos e MapSelect to quickly and easily save custom maps of pre-defined areas to your MMC.
25 MapSelect opening screen. MapSelect is designed for simplicity, and requires little in the way of directions. The maps are pre-drawn, and you just point, click and save.
26 MapCreate 6 opening screen. MapCreate has several other windows that are used to control mapping data. If they were all opened or tu rned on, the program interface would look like this (labels have been added for illustration): MapCreate 6 GPS text list windows.
27 under the Window menu. When you close the program, MapCreate remembers the windows and map you were using. The next time you start MapCreate, the program open s the previous map and windows, just as you left them. Closing MapCreate To close or exit MapCreate click F ILE | E XIT or click the X C LOSE button at the top right corner of the screen.
28 Master Map window shows a rectangle map border around Lake Eufaula, along with a route, wayp oints and event marker icons. The Zoom Range is 50, which indicates that it's 50 miles across the map. Tips: • You can use the Print Master Map command to print what's displayed in the window.
29 Pop-up Tool Tip box. When the cross-hair pointer hovers over the visible wreck symbol, a red border surrounds the symbol and the tip box appears. This wrecked vessel is the "Three Brothers." Main Menu MapCreate's main menu is similar to that of other Windows programs.
30 MapCreate 6.2 main menu and toolbar. The numbering below corresponds to the numbers in the figure above, and describes the toolbar buttons: 1. Center Master Map: centers the map on the point you click 2. New GPS Data File: opens a new map with no GPS data 3.
31 Custom Map File is created. Tu rning off unneeded information categories can help reduce file si ze if you are trying to fit a very large map onto an MMC with small amounts of memory.
32 Waypoint List Window Icon List Window This window shows the event marker icons on the Master Map in a text list format. The symbol, symbol label, latitude and longitude are listed. Except for the symbol label, these el ements can be edited either on the Master Map or in the list window.
33 Route List Window Route Waypoint List Window (This is not shown when the program starts for the first time; a route must be created first. With the Rout e List window open, double-click on the route name to open the Route Wa ypoint List window.) This window shows the waypoints that make up a route on the Master Map, in a text list format.
34 Trail List Window This window uses a text list format to show trails (imported from your GPS) that are displayed on the Master Map. The name, number of points in the trail, origin (startin g point's latitude and longitude) and trail number are listed.
35 Center Master Map You can instantly move any location on the map to the window's center with the Center Master Map command. To center the map, click the C ENTER M ASTER M AP cross-hair button at the left end of the toolbar. The mouse pointer turns into a cross-hair.
36 The other most common method uses the Zoom-In and Zoom-Out buttons, which are located at the bottom right corner of the Master Map. Zooming in lets you see less territory, but more detail. Zooming out lets you see more territory, but less detail. Zoom Out, Zoom In buttons, with Zoom Range Window.
37 Click and drag to draw a Map Border around Corpus Christi Bay area. 4. When the green border surround s the desired area, release the mouse button. 5.
38 2. If needed, click the Zoom In or Zoom Out buttons so you can see the entire area that you want to draw a map border around. 3. Click the C REATE M AP B ORDERS button, and your mouse pointer becomes a pencil. 4. Move the mouse pointer to wh ere you want your corridor map to begin.
39 7. Now move the mouse pointer off at an angle, in the new direction needed to follow the irregular terrain. You'll see that the active corridor border box now rotates around the last anchor point you set. This lets you move off in any direction, with the new segment of the corridor attached to the previous segments.
40 Save Map Border File dialog box. 2. Type a name in the File Name text box and click S AVE . That's all there is to it. The file was placed in the "data" sub-folder located within the MapCreate folder on your hard drive.
41 Lowrance or Eagle GPS unit. Here's how: (Refer as needed to the Toolbar figure on page 30.) 1. Open a Map Border File by clicking the O PEN M AP B ORDER F ILE button. 2. Click the C REATE C USTOM M AP button. A progress dialog box will appear while MapCreate extracts the necessary information and builds the Custom Map File.
42 NOTE: After a map has been "built," the Custom Map File size also appears in the status bar at the lo wer left corner of the MapCreate screen. The status bar also tells you whether or not a custom map file has been built and saved. Map not built message, left, and map file size message, right.
43 to hit the road, but if you'd lik e to add a little GPS navigation information to your unit, read the following lessons. Creating a Waypoint Waypoints are the building blocks of GPS navigation. A waypoint is simply an electronic "address," based on the latitude and longitude of a position on the earth.
44 Create a waypoint: First, find the location on the Master Map. The longer arrow shows the location of a public hunting area parking lot. Move the pointer arrow tip over the location (left) and click to create the waypoint. The waypoint appears (right) with the default waypoint symbol and name, both of which can be changed.
45 Waypoint and Edit Waypoint in the online Command Reference section. If this is all the GPS information yo u need for now, skip ahead to the lesson "Saving a GPS Data File" on page 50. But, if you want to add icons or a route, check out the next two lessons.
46 Create an icon: First, find the location on the Master Map. The bottom arrow shows the location of a public boat ramp on this river. Move the pointer arrow tip over the location (left) and click to create the icon. The icon appears (right) with the default waypoint symbol but no name.
47 If you don't want to plan a route this trip, skip ahead to the lesson "Saving a GPS Data File" on page 50. But don't forget, planning a route is one of MapCreate's coolest capabilit ies. If you're ready for some real navigating with routes, read on.
48 Tip: As you move along your intended course, you may need to pan the Master Map and periodically zoom in and out to see where to place route waypoints, and where you are going next. The pan and zoom buttons will always work, even wh en the Create Route command is active.
49 along your intended route and click to create additional route waypoints as needed. Basically, you will set a new waypoint every time you need to change direction. 6. To close the Create Route command, right-click or press Esc . Finished route with six waypoints.
50 • In a hurry? You can erase a route by deleting each waypoint, one after the other. Click the C ENTER M ASTER M AP button, then move the cross-hair pointer over a route wayp oint and right-click. In the pop- up menu, click the D ELETE W AYPOINT command.
51 MapCreate and return another day. To open this GPS Data File later on, just click the O PEN GPS D ATA F ILE button and select the file name (and it's location) from the list. Open GPS Data File dialog box. Now you're ready to load that GPS Da ta File into your GPS unit.
52 2. Open the Route List Window: click V IEW | R OUTE L IST . 3. Right-click on the route name . In the pop-up menu, click the C REATE B ORDERS A ROUND R OUTE command. The Create Borders Around Route pop-up menu appears when you right-click a route name in the Route List Window.
53 You can save this as a Map Border File and then create a Custom Map File. (Click the S AVE M AP B ORDERS button…then click the C REATE C USTOM M AP button.) Tip: You can control the width of any corridor map. Click V IEW | M AP D ISPLAY O PTIONS , and the Map Display Options dialog box appears.
54 Creating a Route From a Trail A trail is a line drawn on the map by your GPS unit as you travel. It's a record of the path you've taken, showing where you've been. This feature is also called a plot trail. In the field, the trail will extend from your present position back to where you began recording the trail.
55 This example shows a portion of Trail 2, recorded during a business trip from Afton, Oklahoma to Kansas City, Missouri. The trail appears as a green line on the Master Map. It follows Interstate 44 to Carthage, Missouri, then Highway 71 north toward Kansas City.
56 MapCreate converts the green trail line into a magenta route line with red waypoints. It does this by tran sforming thousands of position points in the trail to 25 route waypoints. See the illustration below, showing the trail and route before and after the command is performed.
57 Appendix 1: MapCreate Command List Complete documentation on all Ma pCreate commands is available in the program's online Help File. To access Help and its Command R e f e r e n c e s e c t i o n , p r e s s F 1 . An example entry from the Command Reference (for the Help Command) appe ars at the end of this command list.
58 Help Topics Command Menu: H ELP Submenu: n/a Menu Command: H ELP T OPICS Menu Command Sequence: H ELP |H ELP T OPICS Hot Key Sequence: Alt+H|H Shortcut Key(s): F1 Toolbar button: n/a The Help Topics command opens the on-line Help system in your default web browser.
59 3. In the F IND WHAT : box, type the term , phrase or command you are looking for, adjust any option s such as up or down, then click F IND N EXT . Search a Help document for the term "map border." Netscape 6 browser: 1. Click somewhere on the help page you intend to search.
60 Notes.
61 Appendix 2: Map Category List This list contains the different categories of mapping information available in MapCreate 6. These cate gories and their subcategories can be turned off or on. Only those cate gories turned on (displayed in the Master Map) will be included in Custom Map Files for your GPS unit.
62 RV Parks Resorts POI-Marine Boat Dealers Equipment Marinas Other Services Rental/Charter Repair POI-Restaurants Asian Banquet Rooms Barbecue Coffee Shops Delis Fast Food Chains Ice Cream Italian Me.
63 Appendix 3: MapCreate 6 Symbol Key MapCreate 6 contains hundreds of ma pping symbols used to represent items ranging from geographic features to commercial Points of Interest (POI). The following list displays these symbols and the name of the item the symbol represents.
64 Shopping Center Summit Tower Trail Name City, Community, or Subdivision Name Land Feature Name Water Feature Name Miscellaneous Landmark Name Square Green Daybeacon (Navaid) Square White or Unident.
65 Amusement Place, Billiards or Casino (POI) College or University (POI) Hall or Auditorium (POI) Hospital (POI) Medical Service (POI) Miscellaneous Attraction (POI) Museum or Historical Place (POI) .
66 Hardware Store (POI) Sporting Goods or Sportswear (POI) Golf Course (POI) Stadium, Arena or Athletic Field (POI) Airport (POI).
67 Appendix 4: Considerations When Planning Highway Routes Tips on Making Better Routes for Highway Navigation How you make a highway route depends on your type of travel and whether you prefer to use the GPS unit's compass rose screen, the map screen or both for navigation.
68 The amazing capabilities of GPS navigation can tempt first-time users to build highly detailed highway rout es. These "high res" routes are fun to use, but they have some drawba cks. They require placing a route waypoint at practically every curve in the road.
69 For example, you could be traveling toward a destination to the south, but following a highway curve arou nd a mountain. As you take the curve to your right, your car will actu ally be pointing west as you follow the pavement. However, the compass ro se is accurately pointing to that next southern waypoint, now 90 degr ees off to your left.
70 Notes.
72 DATABASES LIMITED WARRANTY "We", "our", or "us" refers to LEI Extr as, a division of Lowrance Electronics, Inc., the manufacturer of this product. "Y ou" or "your" refers to the first person who purchases the product as a consumer item for personal, family, or household use.
74 How to Obtain Service… …in the USA: We back your investment in quality products with quick, expert service. If you're in the United States and you have technical, return or repair questions, please contact the Factory Customer Service Department.
Accessory Ordering Information for all countries LEI Extras , Inc. is the accessory sou rce for sonar and GPS products manufactured by Lowrance Electronic s and Eagle Electronics.
Visit our web site: For Lowrance and Eagle Products Lowrance Pub. 988-0147-382 © Copyright 2003 All Rights Reserved Printed in USA 011703 LEI Extras, Inc.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Lowrance electronic MapCreate 6 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Lowrance electronic MapCreate 6 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Lowrance electronic MapCreate 6 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Lowrance electronic MapCreate 6 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Lowrance electronic MapCreate 6 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Lowrance electronic MapCreate 6 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Lowrance electronic MapCreate 6 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Lowrance electronic MapCreate 6 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.