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MegaRAID Enterprise 1600 Hardw are Guide MAN- 471 6/12/01.
MegaRA I D Ente rprise 1600 Hardw are Guide ii © Copy right 2001 L S I Lo gic Cor poratio n All rights reserved. LSI Logic Corporat ion 6145-D N orthbe lt P arkw ay Nor cros s, G A 30071 This publ ication contains proprie tary infor mation w hich is pro tecte d by co pyr ight.
Pref ace iii Table of Contents 1 Overv iew ................................................... 1 Single En ded and Diff erential SCSI Buse s ....................... 2 Maxim um Cable Len gth for SC SI Standards .................... 2 Docum entation Set.
MegaRA I D Ente rprise 1600 Hardw are Guide iv Table of Contents, Continued 5 Configuring MegaRA ID .......................... 33 Config uring SC SI Physical Driv es .................................. 33 Curren t Config uration .......................
Pref ace v Table of Contents, Continued 7 Cluster Installation and Configuration . 75 Softw are Requ irements ................................................... 75 Hardw are Requirem ents.................................................. 76 Installation and Conf iguration .
MegaRA I D Ente rprise 1600 Hardw are Guide vi Preface The Me gaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 64-Bit 160M (L ow Volta ge Dif fe rential SCSI) I2O PCI Disk A rra y Controller suppor ts four U ltra and W ide SCSI cha nnels w ith data transf er ra tes up to 160 MB/s.
Pref ace vii Preface, Continued Package Contents You shou ld have receiv ed: • a MegaRA ID Ent erprise 1600 64- Bit 160M Cont roller • a CD w ith drivers, utilities, and documentation • a MegaRA.
MegaRA I D Ente rprise 1600 Hardw are Guide viii MegaRA ID Problem Report Form Custom er Inform ation Meg aRAID Inform ation Name Today’s Date Company Date of Pu rchase Addre ss Invoic e Num ber Cit.
Pref ace ix Logical Drive Configuration Logical Drive RAID Level Stripe Size Logical Drive Size Cache Policy Read Policy Wri te Policy # of Physical Drives LD0 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LD6 LD7 LD8 LD9 LD10.
MegaRA I D Ente rprise 1600 Hardw are Guide x Phy sical Device Lay out Channel A Channel B Channel C Channel D Target ID Device Type Logical Dr ive Nu mber/ Drive Number Manuf acture r/Model Number Fi.
Pref ace xi Channel A Channel B Channel C Channel D Logical Dr ive Nu mber/ Drive Number Manuf acture r/Model Number Firmw are level Target ID Device Type Logical Dr ive Nu mber/ Drive Number Manuf ac.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide xii Disclaimer Disclaim er This manual describe s the oper ation of the L SI L ogic Meg aRAI D Control ler .
Pref ace xi ii FCC Regulatory Statement This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the followin g two conditions: (1) this device m ay n ot cause harm ful interference, an d (2) this device m ust accept any interference receiv ed, including interferen ce that may cause undesired operation .
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide xiv.
Chapter 1 Ov erview 1 1O v e r v i e w The MegaRA ID® Enterprise 1600 L VD (Low Voltage D iffe rential S CSI) PCI R AID con troller adapter card provides fou r SCSI chann els. Using LVD, y ou can use cables up to 25 meters long. Thro ughput on each SCSI channel can b e as high as 160 MB/s.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 2 Single Ended and Differential SCSI Buses The SCSI standard def ines tw o electrical buses: • a sing le ended bus • a differential bus Maximum Cable Len.
Chapter 1 Ov erview 3 Documentation Set The MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 64-Bit L VD technical docum entation s et inclu des: • the MegaRAID Ent erpris e 1600 Hardware Guide • the MegaRAID C onfigur.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 4.
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RAI D 5 2 Introduction to RAID RAID (Redundant A rray of Independent Disks) is an array o f m ultiple independent hard disk drives t hat provide h igh perf ormance and f ault tol erance. A R AID dis k subs ys tem i mprov es I/O performance.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 6 RA ID Levels RAID (R edundant A rray of Independent Disk s) is a collection of specifications th at describe a system for ensuring the reliability and stability of data stored on large disk subsy stems. A RAID sy stem can be implem ented in a num ber of differen t version s (or RAID L evels).
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RAI D 7 Disk Striping Disk striping w r ites data across multiple disk drives instead of just one disk drive. Disk striping involves partitioning each drive storage space into stripes that can vary in size from 2 KB to 128 KB.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 8 Disk Mirroring With mirroring (used in RAID 1), data written to one disk drive is sim ultaneously w ritten to another disk drive. If on e disk drive f ails, the conten ts of the oth er disk drive can be used to run the sy stem an d reconstruct the failed driv e.
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RAI D 9 Disk Spanning Disk spanning allows m ultiple d isk drives to function like one big drive. Spanni ng overcomes lack of disk s pace and sim p lifies st orage m anagem ent by com bining ex isting res ources or adding relativel y in expensi ve resources .
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 10 Parity Parity generate s a set of redundancy data from t wo or m ore parent data sets . The redundancy data can be used to reconstruct one of th e parent data sets. Parity data does not fully duplicate th e parent data sets.
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RAI D 11 Hot Spares A hot spa re is a n extra, unused d isk dri ve that is p art of the d isk subsystem. It is usua lly in standb y mode, ready for service if a drive f ails. Hot spares permit y ou to replace failed drives with out system shutdown or user interve ntion.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 12 Disk Rebuild You rebuild a disk drive by recreating the data th at had been st ored on the drive bef ore the drive failed. Rebuil ding can be done only in arrays wi th data redun d ancy such as RA ID level 1, 3, 5, 10, 30, and 50.
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RAI D 13 Logical Drive A logical drive is a partition in a phy sical array of disks that is m ade up of contiguous data segm ents on the phy sical disks.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 14 Disk A rray Ty pes The RAID disk array ty pes are: Type D escri ptio n Softw are- Based The a rray is manag ed by softw are running in a host com puter using the host CPU bandwidth.
Chapter 3 RA ID L evel s 15 3 RAID Levels The re ar e six o fficial RAID leve ls (RAID 0 thro ugh RAID 5) . Me gaRAID su pports RAID levels 0, 1, 3, and 5. LSI Logic has designed three additional RAID lev els (10, 30 , and 50) that provide additional be nefits.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 16 Selecting a RA ID Level The factors y ou need to cons ider wh en selecting a RAID level are lis ted below. Level Description and Use Pros Cons Maxi m um Physical Drives Fault Tolerant 0 Data div ided in blocks and distributed sequentia lly (pur e striping ).
Chapter 3 RA ID L evel s 17 RA ID 0 RAID 0 provides dis k stri ping acros s all driv es in th e RAID subs ys tem . RAID 0 does not provi de any data redundan cy, but does of fer the bes t perform ance of any RAID level . RAID 0 break s up data into sm aller blocks and then w rites a block to each drive in th e array.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 18 RA ID 1 In RA ID 1, MegaRAID du plicates all dat a from one drive t o a second drive. R AID 1 provi des complete data redu ndancy , but at the cost of doubling the required data st orage capacity.
Chapter 3 RA ID L evel s 19 RA ID 3 RAID 3 p rovi des d isk strip ing and comple te da ta re dunda ncy though a d edic ated par ity drive . T he stripe size must be 64 KB if RAID 3 is used. RA ID 3 handles data at the block level, not the byte level, so it is ideal for netw orks that often han dle very large f iles, such as graphic images.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 20 RA ID 3, Co ntinued RAID 5 vs RAID 3 You may find that RA ID 5 is preferable to RA ID 3 even for applications ch aracterized by sequential reads and w r ites, because MegaRAID h as very robus t caching alg o rithm s and hardw are based exclus ive-or ass ist.
Chapter 3 RA ID L evel s 21 RA ID 5 RAID 5 includes disk striping at the byte level an d parity. In RAID 5, the parity information is written to several drives. RAID 5 is best suited for networks th at perform a lot of small I/O transactions sim ultaneously.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 22 RA ID 10 RAID 10 is a com bination of RA ID 0 and RAID 1. R AID 10 ha s mi rrored drives. R AID 10 break s up data into sm aller blocks, and then s tripes the blocks of data to each RA ID 1 raid set. Each RAID 1 raid s et then duplicates its data to its other drive.
Chapter 3 RA ID L evel s 23 RA ID 30 RAID 30 is a com bination of RA ID 0 and RA ID 3. RAID 30 provides high data trans fer speeds and high data reliability . RAID 30 is best implem ented on two RA ID 3 disk arrays w ith data striped across both dis k array s.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 24 RA ID 50 RAID 50 provides th e features of both RAID 0 an d RAID 5. RAID 50 in cludes both parity and disk striping across mu ltiple drives. RAID 50 is best implemented on tw o RAID 5 disk array s with data striped acros s both di sk array s.
Chapter 4 F eatures 25 4 Features MegaRA ID Enterprise 1600 64- Bit LV D has f our SCS I chann els th at support 160M and Wide SCSI, w ith data tran sfer rates of up to 160 MB/s per SCSI ch annel. Each SCSI ch annel s upports up to 1 5 W ide d evice s and up to se ven non-W ide devi ces.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 26 Configuration on Disk Configur atio n on Disk ( dri ve ro aming) save s configur atio n infor mation b oth in N VRAM on MegaRA ID and on the dis k drives con nected to MegaRA ID.
Chapter 4 F eatures 27 Hardware Archit ecture Features Specification Feature Processor Intel i960RN SCSI Controller One Q-L ogic 12160 Dua l SCSI controllers me mory type One 64-bit 168- pin SDRA M DIMM sock et provide s write-thro ugh o r write-back cachi ng on a logical drive basi s.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 28 RA ID Management Features The MegaRAI D RAID management fe atur es includ e: Specification Feature Support for SN MP Yes Perform ance Monitor prov ided Ye.
Chapter 4 F eatures 29 Operating Sy stem Software Drivers Operating System Drivers MegaRAID in cludes a DOS softw are configuration utility and dr ivers for all m a jor oper ating systems. See the MegaRAID Operating Sys tem Drivers Guide for additional information.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 30 Components CPU The MegaRAID con troller uses th e 64-bit Intel i960RN In telligent I/O process or with an embedded 32- bit 80960 Jx RISC proces sor that ru ns at 100 MHz.
Chapter 4 F eatures 31 Components, Continue d SCSI Term ination MegaRAID uses active term ination on the SCSI bus conforming to Alternative 2 of the SCSI- 2 spec ificat ions.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 32 Components, Continue d Fault-Tolerance T he MegaRA ID fault-toleran ce features are: • built-in 9-pin berg con nector that provides an RS -232C serial c.
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring Me gaR AI D 33 5 Configuring MegaRAID Configuring SCSI Phy s ical Drives SCSI Channels Phys ical SCSI drives m ust be organized into log ical drives. The array s and logical driv es that y o u constru ct mu st be able to support th e RAID l evel that you s elect.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 34 Current Configuration SCSI ID Device De scription Termin ation? SCSI Channel A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SCSI Channel B 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 .
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring Me gaR AI D 35 SCSI ID Device De scription Termin ation? 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 36 Logical Drive Configuration Logical Drive RAID Level Stripe Size Logical Drive S ize Cache Policy Read Policy Wri te Policy # of Physical Drives LD0 LD1 L.
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring Me gaR AI D 37 Phy s ical Dev ice Lay out Channel A Channel B Channel C Channel D Target ID Device Type Logical Dr ive Nu mber/ Drive Number Manuf acture r/Model Number Firmw ar.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 38 Channel A Channel B Channel C Channel D Logical Dr ive Nu mber/ Drive Number Manuf acture r/Model Number Fir mwa re leve l Target ID Device Type Logical D.
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring Me gaR AI D 39 Configuring A rrays Connect the phy sical dr ives to MegaRAID, conf igure the drives, then initialize them . The number of phy sical disk dri ves that an array can support depends on th e firmw are version.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 40 Configuration Strategies The most im portant factors in RAID array con figuration are: drive capacity, drive av ailability (fault toleran ce), and drive perform ance.
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring Me gaR AI D 41 Configuration Strategies, Continue d Maximize Drive Availability You can maxim ize the availability of data on the phy sical disk drive in the logical array by maximizin g the level of f ault tolerance.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 42 A ssigning RAID Lev els Only one RA ID level can be assi gned to each log ical drive. The drives requ ired per RAID level are: RAID Level M i n i mu m N u.
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring Me gaR AI D 43 Optimizing Data Storage Data Access Requirem ents Each type of data stored in the di sk su bsy stem has a dif ferent freque ncy of read and w rite activity.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 44 Planning the A rray Configuration Answ er the following questions about this array: Question Answer Num ber of MegaRA ID SCSI chann els 4 Num ber of phy sical disk driv es in the array Purpose of this array.
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring Me gaR AI D 45 A rray Configuration Planner Num ber of Drives Possible RAID Levels Relative Performan ce Fault Tolerance Effective Capacity 1 None Excellent N o 100% 1 RAID 0 Ex.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dware Guide 46.
Chapter 6 Ha rdwar e I nstallation 47 6 Hardw are Installation Requirem ents You must h ave the follow ing items before installin g the MegaRA ID controller in a server: • a MegaRA ID Enterprise 160.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 48 Checklist Perform the steps in the installation ch ecklist: Check Step Action 1 Turn all power off to the serv er and all hard disk drives, enclosures , and sy stem, com ponents. 2 Prepare the host sy stem.
Chapter 6 Ha rdwar e I nstallation 49 Installation Steps MegaRA ID provides exten sive cus tomization options. If y ou need only basic MegaRA ID features and y our comput er does not use oth er adapter cards w ith resource settin gs that m ay conflict w ith MegaRA ID settings, ev en custom in stallation can be qu ick and easy .
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 50 Step 1 Unpack Unpack and in stall the hardw are in a static-f ree environm ent. The MegaRAID con troller card is packed insi de an anti-s tatic bag betw een tw o sponge sheets. Rem ove the controller card and inspect it for damage.
Chapter 6 Ha rdwar e I nstallation 51 Step 4 Install Cache Memory Important A minimum of 16 M B of cache memory is required. T he cache memory must be ins talled befor e MegaRAID is operational . Memory Specifications Ins ert one in the cach e mem ory socket.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 52 Step 4 Install Cache Memory , Continued Installing or Cha nging M emory Important The batter y pack harness or cable must be dis connected from J23 on t he MegaRAID Enter prise 1600 160M card before you add or remove memory.
Chapter 6 Ha rdwar e I nstallation 53 Step 5 Set Jumpers Make sure th e j um per settings on the MegaRA ID card are correct. T he jumpers and connectors are: Connector Description Ty pe J1 Cha nnel B .
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 54 Step 5 Set Jumpers, Continued J2, J3, J5, and J7 Term ination E nable J2, J3, J5, and J7 are 3-pin bergs that set th e SCSI term ination for each SCSI cha.
Chapter 6 Ha rdwar e I nstallation 55 Step 5 Set Jumpers, Continued J14 Serial Port J14 attaches to a serial cable. The pinout is : Pin S ignal De scription Pin Signal Descr iption 1 Carrier Detect 2 .
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 56 Step 6 Set Termination Each MegaRA ID SCSI channel can be in dividually configured for term ination enable mode by setting th e J2, J3, J5 , and J7 jumpers (s ee the previous page). You mu st terminate th e SCSI bus properly.
Chapter 6 Ha rdwar e I nstallation 57 SCSI Termination The SCSI bus on a SC SI channel is an electrical transm ission line. It m ust be term inated properly to minim ize reflections and losses. You complete the SCSI bus by setting term ination at both ends.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 58 SCSI Termination, Continue d Term inating Extern al Disk Arrays In m ost array enclosu res, the end of th e SCSI cable has an independent SC SI termin ator module that is not part of a SCSI drive. In this w ay, SCSI termination is not disturbed wh en a drive is rem oved.
Chapter 6 Ha rdwar e I nstallation 59 SCSI Termination, Continue d Term inating Internal an d Extern al Disk Arrays You can use both internal and ex ternal drives w ith MegaRAID. You still mu st make su re that the proper SCSI termination and term ination power is preserved.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 60 SCSI Termination, Continue d Connecting Non- Disk SCSI Devices S CSI Tape drives, s canners, C D-RO M drives, an d other non -disk drive devices m ust each have a u nique SCSI ID reg ardless of th e SCSI channel th ey are attach ed to.
Chapter 6 Ha rdwar e I nstallation 61 Step 7 Set SCSI Terminato r Pow er J9, J10, J11, J12 T hese jum pers control TermPWR for the Meg aRAID SCSI ch annels. See the docu mentation for each SCSI device for inf ormation about enabling Term PWR. T he factory settin gs supply Term PWR fr om t he PC I bus .
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 62 Step 8 Connect Bat tery Pack (Optional) There are tw o w ays t o instal l a battery pack onto t he Series 471 Meg aRAID Enterpri se 1600 160M RAID controller. The first w ay is to use a DIMM w ith a battery backup attached to it.
Chapter 6 Ha rdwar e I nstallation 63 Step 8 Connect Bat tery Pack, Co ntinued Board w ith battery The second way is to install a battery pack on the card itself. You can screw the battery to the boa rd t hrough the bac kside o f the b oard , using t he four ho les in t he bo ard .
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 64 Step 8 Connect Bat tery Pack, Co ntinued Configure Battery Backup After installin g the MegaRA ID controller and booting, press <Ctrl> <M>.
Chapter 6 Ha rdwar e I nstallation 65 Step 8 Connect Bat tery Pack, Co ntinued Changing the Battery Pack The MegaRA ID config uration soft ware w arns w hen the battery pack mus t be replaced. A ne w bat tery pack should be ins talled every 1 to 5 years.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 66 Step 9 Install MegaRA ID Card The MegaRA ID card can plug in to a 32-bit or 64-bit PCI sl ot that receives 5 V, an d, optionally, 3.3 V thro ugh the mother bo ard . Choo se a P CI slo t and a lign the M egaRAID contr olle r car d b us connector to the slot.
Chapter 6 Ha rdwar e I nstallation 67 Step 10 Connect SCSI C ables SCSI Connectors Connect the SCSI cables to th e SCSI devices. Meg aRAID prov ides two ty pes of SCSI conn ectors: • external • internal External Connectors J13 provides two u ltra high -density external connectors f o r SCSI chan nels A an d B .
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 68 Step 10 Connect SCSI C ables, Continue d J13 A and B E xternal Conn ector J13 is a dual 68-pin u ltra-h igh den sity external SCS I connectors .
Chapter 6 Ha rdwar e I nstallation 69 Step 11 Set Target ID s Set target identifiers (TIDs) on the SCSI devices. Each device in a specif ic SCSI chann el mus t have a uni que T ID in that cha nnel. N on-di sk devic es (CD -ROM or tap es) sho uld have unique SCSI IDs regardless of the channel where they are connect ed .
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 70 Device Identification on MegaRA ID Controllers, Continued Example of Mega RAID ID Ma pping ID C hannel A Channel B 0 A1- 1 A1-2 1 A2- 1 Scanne r 2C D A 2 .
Chapter 6 Ha rdwar e I nstallation 71 Step 12 Power Up Replace the com puter cover and reconn ect the AC power cords . Turn pow er on to the hos t comput er. Set up the pow er supplies so that the SCSI dev ices are pow ered up at the sam e time as or before the hos t comput er.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 72 Step 14 Install the Operat ing Sy stem Driv er Important When booti ng the system f rom a drive connect ed to a MegaRAID control ler and using EMM 386.EXE, MEGASPI.SYS must be l oaded in CONFIG.SY S before EMM386.
Chapter 6 Ha rdwar e I nstallation 73 Step 14 Install Operating Sy stem Driv er, Continued CD-ROM Driver A dev ice driver is provided w ith Meg aRAID f o r CD- ROM drives operating u nder DOS, Window s 3. x , and Win dow s 95. The driver f ilenam e is AMIC DROM.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 74.
Chapter 7 Cluste r Ins tallatio n and Config uration 75 7 Cluster Installation and Configuration Overview This chapt er co ntains the pro ced ures fo r insta lling Cluste r Ser vice fo r serve rs running t he Window s 2000 server operati ng s ys tem.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 76 Hardw are Requirements The hardw are requirem ents for the C luster Service n ode can be foun d at the follow ing web s ite: ht t p :/ / www. mic r o s of t . co m/ wi nd o ws 2000/upgrade/ compat/def ault.
Chapter 7 Cluste r Ins tallatio n and Config uration 77 Installation and Configuration Use the follow ing procedures to in stall and conf igure y o ur sy stem as part of a clu ster. Step Action 1 Unpack the controller follow ing the instructions on page 50.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 78 Driver Installation Instructions under Microsoft Windows 2000 A dvanced Server After th e hardware is set u p for the MS cluster conf iguration, perform the followi ng procedure to config ure the driver.
Chapter 7 Cluste r Ins tallatio n and Config uration 79 Step Action 5 The f ollowing scre en display s. Insert the f loppy dis kette w ith the appropriate driver disk f or Window s 2000. Selec t Floppy dis k drive s in the scr een below and click on Next.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 80 Step Action 9 On the sc reen below , choose to display a list of the k nown driv ers, so tha t you can choos e a spec ific driver. C lick on Ne xt. 10 The f ollowing scree n display s. Select O ther dev ices f rom the list of hardware type s.
Chapter 7 Cluste r Ins tallatio n and Config uration 81 Step Action 11 The follow ing screen display s. Select the drive r that y ou want to install f or the devic e. If y ou have a dis k with the driver y ou want to insta ll, click on H ave Disk. 12 The f ollowing window displays.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 82 Step Action 13 Th e following screen displ ays. Select the p rocesso r device and click on Next. 14 On the final sc reen, click on Finish to complete the installation. Repe at the process o n the p eer system.
Chapter 7 Cluste r Ins tallatio n and Config uration 83 Netw ork Requirements The netw ork requirem ents for clustering are: • A unique Net BIO S cluster name • Five unique, static IP a ddre sses:.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 84 Cluster Installation Installation Overv iew During instal lation, s ome n odes are shu t dow n, and oth er nodes are rebooted. This is necessary to ensure un corrupted data on disk s attached to the s hared storag e bus.
Chapter 7 Cluste r Ins tallatio n and Config uration 85 Installing the Windows 2000 Operating System Install Micros oft Window s 2000 to each node. See y our Windows 2000 man ual on h ow to in stall the Operating Sy stem. Log on as adm inistrator before you install th e Cluster Services.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 86 Setting Up Netw ork s, Co ntinued Verify that all netw ork connections are correct, w ith private netw ork adapters connected to other private netw ork adapters only , and public netw ork adapters conn ected to the public netw ork.
Chapter 7 Cluste r Ins tallatio n and Config uration 87 Configuring the Cluster Node Netw ork A dapter Note: Which netw ork adapter is priv ate and w hich is pu blic depends upon you r wi ring.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 88 17 Click OK to return to the pre vious me nu. Perform this step for the private network adapter only . Configuring the Public Netw ork A dapter Note : It is strongly recomm ended that you u se static IP addresses f or all netw ork adapters in th e cluster.
Chapter 7 Cluste r Ins tallatio n and Config uration 89 and Ping from Node 1. They you w ould type Ping and from Node 2. To confirm name resolut ion, ping each node from a client using the node’s m achine nam e instea d of its IP num ber.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 90 Setting Up a Cluster User A ccount The Cluster Serv ice requires a dom ain user accou nt that the C luster Service can run under. You mu st create the user account bef ore installing the Clus ter Service. The reason for this is that setup requires a us er nam e and passw ord.
Chapter 7 Cluste r Ins tallatio n and Config uration 91 Setting Up Shared Disks Warn ing : Make su re that Window s 2000 Advanced S erver or Window s 2000 Datacenter Server an d the Cluster Se rvice are i nstalled and r unning on o ne nod e befo re you sta rt an o per ating system on anothe r node.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 92 Configuring Shared Disks Perform th e following procedure to config ure the sh ared disks. Step Description 1 Rig ht-click on My Computer . 2 Clic k on Manag e, then click on Stora ge. 3 D ouble-click on Disk Manag eme nt.
Chapter 7 Cluste r Ins tallatio n and Config uration 93 Verify ing Disk Access and Functionality Perform the steps below to verify d isk access and fun ctionality. Step Description 1 Clic k on Start. 2 Clic k on Program s. Click on A cces sories, the n click on N otepad.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 94 Cluster Serv ice Software Installation Before you begin th e Cluster Service Softw are installation on the first node, m ake sure that all other n odes are either pow ered down or stopped and th at all sh ared storage dev ices are pow ered on.
Chapter 7 Cluste r Ins tallatio n and Config uration 95 8 Click on Next. 9 T he Hardwa re Conf iguration Ce rtification w indow a ppears. Click on I Understan d to accep t the c ondition that Cluster Se rvice is supported only on hardwa re listed on the Hardw are Compatibility List.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 96 11 Enter a nam e for the cl uster (up to 15 cha racte rs), and c lick on Ne xt. (In our e xam ple, the cluster is nam ed Cluste rOne.) 12 Ty pe the use r nam e of the Cluster Se rvice account tha t y ou create d during the pre- installation.
Chapter 7 Cluste r Ins tallatio n and Config uration 97 Configuring Cluster Disks Window s 2000 Managed Di sks di splay s all SC SI disks, as s how n on the sc reen below . It display s SCSI disks that do not reside on th e sam e bus as the s yst em disk .
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 98 Configuring Cluster Disks, Continued Use the follow ing procedure to conf igure the clu stered disks. Step Description 1 T he Add or Rem ove Manag ed Disk s dialog box spe cif ies disk s on the sha red SCSI bus that will be used by Cluster Service.
Chapter 7 Cluste r Ins tallatio n and Config uration 99 public netw ork. 4 Che ck the box Enable this netw ork for cluste r use. 5 Se lect the option A ll comm unications ( mixe d netw ork), as shown be low, a nd click on Next. 6 T he next dialog box conf igures the priva te netw ork.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 100 7 In this exam ple, both networ ks are config ured so that both can be us ed for inte rnal cluste r comm unication. The ne xt dialog window of fers an option to m odify the order in which the n etworks are used.
Chapter 7 Cluste r Ins tallatio n and Config uration 101 9 Click Finish to complete the cluste r conf iguration on the f irst node. The Cl uster Ser vice Se tup Wiza rd comple tes the s etup proces s for the firs t node by copy ing the file s needed to com p lete the insta llation of Cluster Se rvice.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 102 10 A fter the files are copi ed, th e Cluster Service regi stry entries are created, the log files o n the quorum resource ar e crea ted, and the C luster Se rvice is starte d on the fir st node. A dialog box appears telling you that Cluster Service has started successfully.
Chapter 7 Cluste r Ins tallatio n and Config uration 103 Validating the Cluster Installat ion Use the Cluster A dministrator snap-in to validate the Cluster Service installation on th e first node. Step Description 1 Clic k on Start. 2 Clic k on P rogra ms .
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 104 Verify Installation There are several way s to verify that Clus ter Service w as successfully installed. Here is a simple one: 1. Click Start, click Program s, click Adm inistrative Tools, then click Clus ter Admin istrator.
Chapter 7 Cluste r Ins tallatio n and Config uration 105 SCSI Drive Inst allations This information is provided as a generic instruction set for SCSI drive installations. If the SCSI hard disk vendor’s instructions conflict w ith the instructions in this section, alw ays u se the instructions supplied by the v endor.
MegaRA ID Enterpris e 1600 Har dware Guide 106.
Chapter 8 T roublesho oting 107 8 T roubleshooting Prob lem Suggested Solution Some operating systems do not l oad in a computer with a MegaRAID adapter. Check the sy stem BIO S config uration f or PCI interrupt assignments. Make su re some Interrupts are assign ed for PCI.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dwar e G uide 108 Prob lem Suggested Solution What is the m aximum numbe r of Me gaRA ID adapters p er computer? Currently , all the utilities a nd drivers s upport up to 12 MegaRAID adapters per system .
Chapter 8 T roublesho oting 109 BIOS Boot Error Messages Message Prob lem Suggeste d Solu tion Adapter BIOS Disabled . No Logical Dri ves Handled by BIOS The MegaRA ID BIOS is disabled. Som etime s the BIOS is disa bled to preve nt booting fr om the BIOS.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dwar e G uide 110 Message Prob lem Suggeste d Solu tion Config uration of NVRAM a nd drives mismatch for Host Ada pt er . Run View /Add Config uration option of Configura tion Utility. P re ss a ny k ey t o ru n t h e Configura tion Utility.
Chapter 8 T roublesho oting 111 Message Prob lem Suggeste d Solu tion The f ollowing SCSI ID s are not r esponding: Channel x :a.b.c The physical dr ives with SCSI IDs a, b , and c are not responding on SCSI chann el x. Make sure th e physical drives are pr operly conn ected and are powe red on.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dwar e G uide 112 DOS A SPI Driver Error M essages Messag e Corrective Acti on LSI Lo gic AS P I M anage r ha s NOT been lo aded. The ASPI manager is no t load ed. One o f the failure codes lis ted below is display ed next.
Chapter 8 T roublesho oting 113 Other Potential Problems Topic Inf ormation DOS A SPI MEG ASPI.SYS, the MegaRA ID DOS ASPI ma nager, use s 6 KB of system m emory once it is load ed. CD-ROM drives under DO S At this time, cop ied CDs are n ot accessib le from DOS even after loading MEGASPI.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dwar e G uide 114 Topic Inf ormation Window s NT Installation When W indows N T is inst alled via a bootable CD, the device s on the Meg aRAID w ill not be recognized until afte r the initial reboot. T he Microsof t documented work around is in SET UP.
Appe ndix A SCS I Cables and Connecto rs 115 A SCSI Cables and Connectors SCSI Connectors MegaRA ID provides sev eral differen t types of SCSI connectors for each ch annel.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dwar e G uide 116 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continue d Cable Assem bly for Internal Wide SCSI Devices The cable assem bly for con necting in ternal w ide SCSI devi.
Appe ndix A SCS I Cables and Connecto rs 117 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continue d Connecting Internal and External Wide Devices T he cable assem bly f or connecting in ternal w ide and external .
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dwar e G uide 118 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continue d Converting Internal Wide to Internal Non-Wide (T ype 2) The cable assembly f or converting intern al wide SC.
Appe ndix A SCS I Cables and Connecto rs 119 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continue d Converting Internal Wide to Internal Non-Wide (T ype 30) The cable assem bly for con necting in ternal w ide SCS.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dwar e G uide 120 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continue d Converting from Internal Wid e to Internal Non -Wide (Type 3) The cable ass embly for connecting intern al w.
Appe ndix A SCS I Cables and Connecto rs 121 68-Pin Connector Pinout for Single-Ended SCSI Sig nal Connector Pin Cable Pin Cable Pin Connector Pin Signal Gr ound 1 1 2 35 -DB(12) Gr ound 2 3 4 36 -DB(.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dwar e G uide 122 68-Pin SCSI Connector Pinout, Continued High-Density Connector The follow ing applies to the high- density SCSI conn ector table on the previous page: • A hy phen before a sign al name in dicates that sig nal is active low • The connector pin ref ers to the conductor position w hen usin g 0.
Appe ndix A SCS I Cables and Connecto rs 123 68-Pin Connector Pinout for Low -Voltage Differential SCSI Sig nal Connector Pin Cable Pin Cable Pin Connector Pin Signal +DB( 12) 1 1 2 35 -DB(12) +DB( 13.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dwar e G uide 124.
Appendix B Audibl e Warnings 125 B Audible W arnings MegaRA ID has an on board tone gen erator that indicates ev ents and errors . Tone Pa ttern M eanin g Ex am ples Thre e sec onds on and one s econd off A log ical drive is off line. One or more dri ves in a RAID 0 config uration failed.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dwar e G uide 126.
Appe ndix C Cluste r Con figu ration with a Cross over Cable 127 C Cluster Configuration w ith a Crossover Cable When y ou are installin g the Clu ster Service on the f irst node in a server clus ter, Setup may not detect the netw ork adapter that is connected w ith a crossover cable.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dwar e G uide 128 Solution Note : Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that m ay require you to reinstall y o ur ope rati ng system. Use Registr y Edito r at your own risk. Yo u should back up the r egistry be fore you edit it.
Gl ossary 129 Glossary Array A grou ping or array of disk drives com bines the storage space on the disk driv es into a sin gle segm ent of contiguou s storage s pace. MegaRAID can group disk drives on one or m ore SCSI channels in to an array. A hot spare drive does not p articipate in an array .
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dwar e G uide 130 Glossary , Co ntinued Disk Array A collecti on of dis ks from one or more dis k su bsy stem s com bined w ith array m anagem ent softw are. It controls the disk s and presents them to the array operatin g environm ent as one or more virtua l disks.
Gl ossary 131 Glossary , Co ntinued Form at The process of w riting zeros to all data f ields in a phy sical driv e (hard drive) to m ap out unreadable or bad sectors. B ecause m ost hard drives are factory form atted , formattin g is usually only done if a hard dis k gen erates m any m edia errors.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dwar e G uide 132 Glossary , Co ntinued Ma pping The conversion between m ultiple data ad dressing schem es, especially conversions betw een mem ber disk block addresses an d block address es of th e virtu al disk s present ed to the operatin g enviro nment by Arra y Management So ftware.
Gl ossary 133 Glossary , Co ntinued RAID Redundan t Array of Independen t Disks (orig inally Redundant A rray of Inexpen sive Disks) is an array of m ultiple small, independent hard disk drives that y ields performance exceeding th at of a Sing le Larg e Expensi ve Disk (SLED).
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dwar e G uide 134 Glossary , Co ntinued SAF-TE SCSI Acces sed Faul t-Tolerant En closure. A n indu stry protocol for man aging RAID en closures and rep ort ing encl osure envir onmental informat ion.
Gl ossary 135 Glossary , Co ntinued Stripe Width The num ber of disk driv es across w hich th e data are striped. Striping Segmen tation of logically sequen tial data, such as a single file, so that seg ments can be written to mu ltiple physical devices in a roun d-robin fashion.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dwar e G uide 136.
I ndex 137 Index 0 0 DIMM so cket, 51 1 160M and WI DE SCSI, 25 6 68-Pin High De nsity Connec tors, 115 A AMICDROM.SYS, 73 AMPLI MITE .050 Ser ies conne ctors, 122 Array , 129 Arr ay Config uration Pl.
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dwar e G uide 138 SCSI Channe ls, 33 Connecting Internal a nd External W ide Device s, 117 Consiste ncy C heck, 6, 129 Conver ting fr om Inter nal Wide to Internal Non- .
I ndex 139 J7 A a nd B Exter nal Connect or, 68 J7 Channel D T ermina tion Enable, 53 J9 Channel B TERMP WR Enable, 53 J9, J10, J11, a nd J12 Ter mPWR Ena ble, 54 J9, J10, J11, J 12, 61 Jum pers, 53, .
MegaRA ID Enterpr ise 1600 Har dwar e G uide 140 Rebuild, 13, 31 Rebuild Rate , 12, 133 Rebuilding a disk, 12 Reconn ect, 31 Recons truct, 133 Recons truction, 133 RedA lert, 32 Redundanc y, 133 Repla.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat LSI 1600 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen LSI 1600 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens LSI 1600 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding LSI 1600 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over LSI 1600 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van LSI 1600 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de LSI 1600 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met LSI 1600 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.